I FALL Rl.TJ\11\IAGFJ ROUNDUP Kiwanians Plan Big Sale THE INGHAM·COUNTYNEWS For the thirrl ycnr the Muaon ------·------l'nprl1s'11oft. D!,,-11,~1' - · "' ..~-:------~- (Jf,UJI JlllVH A'l'J,A8 J(iwaniH duh IH holrling a commu· Nincly·Third Year, No. 36 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, September 4, 1952 TlireoSoctions~' 16 Pages uily rnmmugo Hale to miHc fundH IUIIHOII JClwauhms 1~11111 ~fiO to he uscrl frll' chl!r!r£>n, fmm jll'fllill; of lust. ycu.r'H 'rhla yout· the sale will he heir! rummiii{Il Hlllo lo lmy 1111 n[l· at the for•mcr Dart & Curly hulirl· ln·dulo Wflrld aliiiS fm• uu~ lng, next to the Consumers Power Hull 1\l!•mnrllll llhr·ru·y, Willi Grading Crews Co. oiTJroc on WeKt Ash street. young lllllll lt~IIVIng 1\IIIHOil fOI' ltllfl'll 11nd for• HlnllunH In ,JII• TEACHERS OUT CLASSES SHORT on Mason EnrollmentI 'J'hc dates arc F'rldny and Satur· day, September 1!l nnrl 20. rum, Nm·th Afrku, 11111 Middle Rush Widening lhe opening day of school Tuesday to bundle guHI mul l~uropc, Um dmmmtl ''1\nythlng and everyl~tlng of up the lit tie foll\s. A steady cll'izzie mude sec­ of JIUJ't•nls uutl fr·lmuiH for th~· vnluc-hou~ehoirl goorlH, tools, ond gmdm·s like .Judy Cusper and Dennis Mc­ farm Implements, llvcstoci<, cloth· l"llcd IIIIIJlH , huH rcuchml 11 Of New US-127 Dowell, both 7, ask lV!t·s. Robert Fuwccil fm· lng, (liPt urcs, hat·dwnre, pn!nt, hlg·h Jllllnl, Huid 1\lrH. 1\lury Climbs Up to 1103 help. Mrs. l''nwcctt teaches one of Lhe second 'J'I'I'HH!dcr, lht~ l'flllllly l!hi'IIl'i• lim-dnmagcri Htod{H-WPII, Just Grading c·t·ews nrc wnrl ZlrnmPr, IP· eruwdPrl arounri the llmmc to !I'· to pave a 22·fool siah at tile !'Hie I t'e11tly returner! from Burma, pay homagl! to I he 27 q UPcns teners. This year the count l.ttPrl Sfllnl' of hili eXJlf'l'iCn!'es h£!• of .t rniJP a wePI\," gnthet'PCi fl'lltn ail Hr.r·tions of stood at 84 on opening clay, 8 Rural Schools fon• the · Mnsrm I(twani~ <'lull Mil'hig.tn. 'i'hl' queens wetr• Some of I he Jll'csenl mad Will Jlf'W a jump of 26 over last year. 'l'uPsciny night. lie was llllroclueed 1-(UPHts of llw fau· hoard at he used In tlw supPr·higii· to I III' !'ltth hy his Irtllwr, Waiter luncheon and for the afternoon w<~y, Plans mil for I IJC new pav· "We arc fmdlng room some· Follow Leslie in E. Z:imrncr. rodPo, lng to follow the oid out of lloit, how for the record number of JlPv. and Mrs. Zimmer anc! IIclcn Wtlcy of Mason rcp1e· past Maple Point anrl Hout h ncar pupils," said the supctlntcndcnt. thPir son 'l'lm, then a baby, left sentcd Ingham county, the S curve, 'l'hcre, a eomplct'ety "We only wish our new West Delayed Opening for Burma in February, Hl18, be new highway will eut to tile casl Side school was ready for usc in· lng sent out by BaptiHts. Ilardiy of the curve and join \1]1 with tile stead of still being In the plan· Bcenusc of the polio s!tuallon had llw Zimmers arrived at their oiri again on the south side. From nlng stage." in the Leslie area 8 rural scltocols followed the lear! of the village station north of Hangoon among there, as much of I hi' oiri war! as 1\lmosl evenly divided arc the the Karcns when fighting hrokc Supervisors Will possible Will hr. incorpomtcd with Rchool. They will not open until elementary grades and junior and Leslie classes start. mtl. l•'or months tile Zimmers tile new, Koziowslti sairL senior high. The elementary llll· were hellind the lines With the Consider Hiring The pavement over the hill pils number 551, the Junior and Tnclurlerl in tile list of rur.ti 1\ arcns. They tool< refuge in the ~outh of the Angoll gravel pit senior high school, 552, schools with 1ieiayed openings hills where their second child, will· be lowered 14 feel hcforc Both sections of the sixth grade arc tim Weeks, Morse, Clarl<, 1\nn Elizabeth, was horn. Even· Of Health Chief malting the sweep to the south on arc again housed in the Legion Scov!11e anr! Housel in Leslie tually I hey were evacuated by the the Mason by-pass. Memorial building. town3h!p, Felt Plains and Laber· American embassy. Before the Ingham board of SU· Work has been heir! up thi;; There arc 3 rooms for the sec­ tcaux In Bunlwr Hiil, anri the On· For many years Burmese and pervlsors Monday Will come the News Index ondaga Riverside school. Karcns and Indians lived peace· hlri ng of a health director. week and last while 3,000 Iect of om! grade, just as there were 3 fully in Burma, the missionary Three committees, meeting county rlram ncar Maple Pomt Election Officials Make Plans Want ads, Pages 11, 5 and : them to Burmese farmer.,, rector, He resigned because of tinucd throughout the winter. prccinl'ls using paper ballols. The c·ontcsting for the 2 positions. Tile L" 71 c 1951 1952 had been informed by local board There is also a strong cnmmun· lack of adequate financial sup· Grading crews arc in the process total is rJ7,7flO o[ each of 4 ldnds 3 are the 2 incumbents, Allhur I ISiS ases Kindergarten... 61 81 mcmhers. i~t movement Ill Burma, Hcv, port for Ingham's health pro· of dragging 35,000 yalrlb of c,trth of ballots, L. Kramer and C. LaVerne Rob· l•'irst grade ...... 92 70 Ali other rural schools in the Z1mmer said. The Burmese gov­ gram, ~1e informed the board. out of the Angell n!li and into Lansing's rl I prcr:incts use vot· crts, and Edgar Lee Church. Second grade ...... 64 81 county opened Tuesday, Stronrl ernment is bcmhng every effort F N Record .. Raises to the amount asked by the muci< area ncar Columbia ing mnehinc•;, I~or Lansing the Ali voters will have 4 ballots or ew Third grade ...... 79 63 reported. He had no exact enroll· t•1 eliminate incidents which Dr: Lanting Were denied members road.-· election hoard is providing 200 r;a: and some will have 5 or more Fourth grade ...... 78 78'' inent fl'gurcs Thursday. mtgnt serve an excuse for a Listed on the criminal calendar Fifth grade ...... 71 as" of his staff, the doctor declared. per ballots for each precinct. where there are special proposi­ 83 "In most cases the enrollments Chinese communist lnvasmn, he for the September term of circu!t Sixth grade ...... 68 He complained that staff agencies That's to cover the demand for tions or clty elections. 89 !hill year will he higher than explaltlcd. were permitted to remain unfilled. absent voter ballots, Already the The 4 ha!lots are the prcsidcn· court arc 71 cases. The term IS Seventh grade . !i6 75 One of the incidents now caus· last," the county superintendent Another decision the supervi· Count on Polio npp!icntion" for hnllots for sol­ tial candidates, state and county schccluie~ ~or Lansing. Not . all Eighth grade ...... 80 74 said. "Some serious problems ing concern in Burma, Rev. Zim­ t l1c 71 criminal cases ,will he tr1ed, Ninth grade ...... 9~ sors will be called upon to make diers and s.1iiors stationer! oVPr­ eanciiriatcs, non-p:wtisan juc!Ietal 124 have developed. Out in the Nich· mer declared, IS the hnnging 111 h,owcvcr. The list i ncl udc~ 2 old Tenth grade ...... 113 is to approve the form of the hal­ sca~ are IJCJin·~ ICf'eivl'rl. The pri­ candidates ami the :3 state propo­ 90 ols district of Delhi 12 hcginners of Chinese Nationalist troops Goes Up to 104, cases which arc listed each lime Eleventh grade .. . 83 112 lot for the proposed incorporation mary cicet ion was heir! in August sitions, The 3 pro1Josilions arc on were enrolled Tuesday. '!'hat·~ a armed with American weapons just to latrol. He The $3,000 coverage was on pub· to get'the man's name. peaches and early apples were Dockter Orchards, Dansville, tlonals w!ll be leaving by Sep· had more than $600 on them , the beer bottle, pieces of cloth and was promoted from turnltey to lie liab!l!ty, theft and other r!slts tember 15 ' when they were tai{eJI Into cus· '·To make the seller as satisfied lost. The loss by wind was more Eibertas now being picked and flll the vacancy left by ttie de· excluding fire, pa,.t of the pencil. They are still than offset, growers said, by the avttilable through next week. · tody,. the Marquette sheriff 1'\J• trying to figure out why some· as the buyer, Dolbee wants the parture of Deputy, Robert Lor· Sparlnlnt. Phone Mn•on 5271 or Soc our bcuutlfut nclcctlon of worn• Commander Lynn Bullen {lttack, Is fllCOVerlng at his borne. rcPRir In the llttton 4 Rlchorda build lui(. •I• I• In nt 4 22 E. Onk otrcot In Mneon, en'• winter cooh, 'IO.D6 to UD.D6, ' • 36Wl ski) Leslie, I Snnr~ay dlmwr gUPHt~ of Dllll'llll viKitPd Mt'H, W, H. The Business Legal Notices 'l'ompldnH und frunlly of Albion ol hct• ln·otlwr··ln-lnw nnrl siHlt!l', Mr:;, ClturiC!~ 'l'r•ri'Y nnrl Mr:;, Hlwdell owr tile WP£>k <'ltd, Sttndny uml Momln>'• Mr, nnffPt' nf 2!llfi 'l'tll'lll'l' Hlr'l'l'l, lng nl WnrP's rl11rg siOI'P ShP Is Hlnt1 nf Mit hhwn 'Jihtt i'Julmlu ( rJUII CLAB.K-Octnhm 28, ttl52 ::ll11tu elf Mh It IHI Ill 'l'hu l'J uhnlo t:UIIll ftll' tho f'oli!IIY of lnuhnm, Murlolll TioiiJtWrl ChriHioplter, 'I'hey lfrt11 "'lid tr\Jll'l' 111 11!1!111/llll tJ 1u I! I l lVI•, lnw, 111!d fut tl11 u:tu!unnwnt. unil diHtal­ JH..!IHun t havt• thto tUHlody d . oF tu urulul lllX thud na dtL:dti lti!Hitd thult'· Mt s, Hulh AmuJtrlson nf ('nil· Gtts Kenn Is putting a new frn11l 11 1111 11111 Mr. nnd Mrs, Raymnnrl Unrlcr­ t X/LJillliiJ 1111tl lldjltHI llll c 11LlJIIt1 1111rl flO• hul lull uf Ill! lllllhlufl nr auld 'HtlllP, t.lw utllll'nllnn rnl1l JnlnntH, lu• liP· fu1, nut! thut. yuu lilt• untJ!J,,d In 11 '"'" spent Sunday and Monrlay wlllt fmJtln nnrl Mrs. A riP til' llJtllat rl, on his store nnrl Mason's only or llllllltiK lliO litH! 111tid d1 1'1 !LHI tJ hy 111111 !ttl• It IH OJ•Iulllfl, 'l'hut tlw ltl~h dny of polntutl iOIIItcllnu uf llttll priHI!Tl!i fur 1nnvuyuruu tlunuof, nt uny llmu wllhlu Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde Unrl<'rwood's wood spent lhro weel< end nl lite (nl I' fUlft) I !Ill) t Mrs. Nor·rna Jnn of LltJtslnr~i and r; gt unrl· :3-yeal' ash henp nn Maple sll'f'!'l. 11'1 Ind. in tht fnlulluiHI, Ill till' l'l'lllillll' 1 Undenvnod a I I Ianlsnn. dHtllHtti Ill! lfiJIIIIftl tu Jllflll!ll tlfdt• Ollit• 111 .!.It, WtHl Huulnnw ~tltfl 1 Lnn­ T;u~nnt Cul 1•ulno ldiU\\11 nH Uuyrnond L11- 111 tu tlltJ UtJ.Chttul In f'hurHIIY ut lht• Mr. nnrl Mrs, Cooper and dulmH tn t"lllcl lflllll HI• lht I'Htlllrll' (Jf. l'ililrlrPn. Mrs. Sltrolft•t w." hom gtllt• 1\uwult r.yk, \\hntH udt1 ttH IK • Cuunty In \\hfch thu lllllfiH lit 1 uf nil P. II, Ray FlshPr IS rlolng lnls of fiK· ~1111{1 !\II• hhotn, ht und iH helt hy np­ 11 1111 Mr. anrl Mrs, Cllll'rml Petty f\1 u In I lit• t'!l.v nt ~l11r1nn. M 1 ltiJwn, un ln Olwmo:; SPpiPmhPr !!I, lH!l~, inl( up on his garage rrn Cedar lll•lnt••cl fill I'XIIIIIiuJUJ{ ILI!d n)Juwlug IHIId l\lltlWI1, IH not u cnmfttltnl 11111! Hultnhln aum:t rruld llf!l!/1 tuu•h Jllllt•hntw, to;ftl,htr' rlrlllghtPr, June, viHiterl friends In ur Jt,.fllrt lht• .!Hih duy uf Or loiH 1, J\, (), )l!!IHII/1 to hHVII llll' tiiHfndy lllld /lilt• of With 'ill ptJI' C'l llllllll ndtJ!linnul th(lltlu, spent last week In Ashlanrl, Ohln, thP dllll[{lil<•r of l~rn11k anrl 7.Plla at 1 nllnt unci hfiiiiiiJ.( Hnltl 111tltlnn: Gmnrl Haven over the Labor Dny 1!1(,~, 111 I• 11 u'1 lt11 I. In 1111' fo11 1/llllll, slrr•el. It h l'111llut OrdtJlt d, 'l'hat J•llltll• IHI• the cducnlton nf HUiclrnlrHHH und it~ nut und thw ftliH uf thtr Slw1ill fot lhP Ht•IV· VI tilt lng rei at lves. Hlllfl lillll' Hlld Jlilltl ht 1 11h,Y llllllfllllltiJ l'rodor I l'l UHI d Jl lH O!di•JtJtl, 'l'hut llw 1:1th fillY nr !Hilt, 111111 th!J (llltht•l' Kllm nf IIV!• clnllnlll lhP Gorsllm•-lturH ltn.tll runPI'.tl the ln~•hu111 l'utiJLiy NuwH, II JliJWtt)lllJJI!I iiPd Mr. ami MrH. Chnrlcs '!'work ham Couuty News. Sr.rJt.LJmht>l', A. JJ. 1!11.!, nt 111::111 o'l'loc·l\ fill t•nrh dr• tri),l!nn wltiHnJL nlhPI utldl­ end with Mr. and Mrs, Luman It IH Ftnllu•t fhtlt•!f'd, 'J'hnt pnhllt• llll .. 111 lutml nntl 1 It culntutl In Knill ('nunty, 11 tic" lh1•r1or !11 !riVI'/1 hy !lllldltatlun nf n h•)mc with ili'V, Jlllr;t'nl' Whr•l•!Pr ln lht~ fuJtllcJon, nl twit) l'1ohnt, Oll!i•t•, llnunl cuHt 111 1)1/IJ'J(uH: tl tiiiYincnt /ttl In De,trborn Sunday, .!UIIN MuC!,EL!,AN, Velgler and C.tmily of Petoslwy. C OJlY uf thl11 ill tl11 fnl thrt '' Jlllf t 1 Hli[Vll In MIIH0/1, Mh•hiJrnn, Ill' unci I~ hl'lt•hy olll· /Lfiiii'HIII!i IH nor millie I I hi• 11111llll~h.(11f'fl of, the Gospel AssPmhly church o[ A'llllt (uJ\y: Jttduuufl'IUhnlt Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Spenny were tHJlnt(ld Coa lun1l11~' unl•l rulllton; will tltuto l'lnc••ucllnHH fnt IHIII~t·,.;Hiun Mr. anrl Mrs, Watt en l'opjl nf \\l't•ldl flit vHtll!t tu Hllid tlll.Y of l11111llw In llulutl 1~. Utuko 11111 nl Lalw George for lhe L,tbor lhu lrwhnrn ( nunty Nt Wl1, !1 111 \\lljrl1)1c I' Dc•troll officiating, ll IH I•'Jnlhul' 01d•1•d, lhnt ruddlt• 1111- of tlw lunr!: l.nt Nn, ll, Huru1viHfJJ 1H ll••uiH!t 1 uf l'roimlu :lliw.l Berl'lcn Springs have n rl.tughiPt' plirll••d Hlld dllulnt"l In ua1d t !lllflt,Y, llco theiNtf IH• ~''"' n l,;v pul,ll•uiiClll •1f Pint 11 f Chr JJ'Y Hill 'l'uwnHhlp nt Luu­ D.ty week end, born Friday, August ~9. Mrs. ,JOliN Mo l't.l:l.t.~N. Lions Entertain ll copy nf thiH nJtl•r urrcc• 1 11•h W1ul\ fu1' Hillg, Amount ntt'I'HHili.Y to 1td••m, J'J,AN~'> Mts. Genrge Strlcltllng accom­ A 'I I'll•• Cuny• ,JIHiJcn uf l'JIIirlltl CJr.un snoo·r OHDER 01'" I'UBLICATION Line~· Hlllf'(!HHI\'tJ WI•I•I\H Pll•\1111111 In Hlllfl $1!117. piiiH ru.~ of HIJoliJl ,Juhn illultln, Wm·rpn IS the lnrmcr Belly An11 Hnh• II L. lit 11! c1 Mcmli('I'S of IIH• Mason Gun I'ROBATE OF WILL dny ur htnllrat, In till 111/'hlllll lflllllty 1\chiiUHH: (JoiN filfl\lt' S!Htf. J~UIII LIHIKirw, panied Mr. anrl Mrs, Olin Slrlclc­ Nussdnrfet' of Mnson. Ht>JdHit•l or l'llrhutr• ELLIS-SoJllomher 17, 1052 NtJWH, ll nt•Wtlllllfu'l I• IIIli• d nnd c 11 r II• Ml< hiuun. lmg ,lJtrl Hill it to Milwaul1ee, Wis­ '"" :t e]Jth will slngP 11 shoot ,,I lite For· District Leader Htnlu ul Mlclnl-!'llll, 'l'hu PHJI!IIlu Cu1111 lut11l !n ~mlcl cnunly, Ht ,Jnwl W Whd,., Atlntnl"y fnt 1!r .. ('ounty nt Iuuhnm. consin fol' the wroclt end lo visit [111111 1<1. ,JOJIN Ml('f.f<.LLI\N HOI Arnu11t1111 Hlnlo BnnJ, Hlch• l'llHf J[jjj Sr•pll'tnhct At a r~u~IIICHI uf Hllld t o111l, lll'ld nlttho Mason Lions r•nletlatn<'rl Dis­ A 'l'11H Cuny: ,rUtiJtf' or l'lohutu LHIIHIIlt{, Mlchh~un lfiwl Mr. anrl Mrs, T. W. 13nrto. Clay pigeons WIIIIH' avallaillr. l:tt· tri<·l CiovetJtor· AI Cox ol C'ltrtr· Plohntc OlllltJ In lhu (fly nr MuHflll, Ill Mallllll 'lhuyt'l' Ingham County News September 4, 1952 Page 2 ft'anls will hP 11skl'd In furnish HUill <.:uuni.Y 1 Oil IJH• .!Hlh dll.Y nf AIIMIIHt, llttltiiiY llt•Jellilc•l or P1ohutf' Jottr• at lit£' Mason golf l'lllll'or. ,\, J) I 'If,.?.. guns and slwlls, a<'<'£11 ding lo Lou­ W1•dnesday evPntng, 1'1o;, nl, I!IIN, ,JOliN M Ingham N1•WtJ, 11 nawHIIliiJOI Co1111ly t~houlcl he udJudlcntt cl unci d1 Lt•lllll\11'11, Garden- Fresh Flavor Ne,trly C'Omplete jlgnrcs on the !llllllt•cl unci t:IICillnlcd 111 .tmld County, ,TOliN M< CLbr,LAN, lt IH Ol'~f'll•cl, i'hnlnll tlw 11rdltuaH nf turtle derby indtC'ated that tile IUIId dtUilHid 1111 1'''111111/] tn 1'11'!-H'III Trill! A Copy: .JudJ.Ct• or l'toball thtll' oluimH in wrttinJ.C nnd llllfltl' 111th net profits will amrn111t lo about I r~ Jru\,o Tasty Foods All Winter Long ltultt l I ILK prnvid1•cl b~ Hlalult, In "IIIII (ourtul lht~ m<~nner: !{tt;r,lrl of l'Jnhntc $1.'105, dlvtrlcd tn I'll lei f't nbntr· 011111, ut .!o·. Wt Hl !':lJwi- Ingham County fnfanltle Pnt· --- --~ nnw Sttut•l, Lnn~lfiJ{, M~rlu~nn, un 01 l~t•· ORDER OF PUBLICATION rut(• the .hd clny of Nn\.Nnlu I I A II, alysts funrl, $200; LPslte dub's 1 FINAL ADMINJSTRATfON ACCOUNT J ltr,,!, nt t• n u'cln1 k 111 th1• foH nnnn slldre, $~05; .md Mason club's AND DEll:RMINATION OF HEIRS Htul tun1 1u 11t ph 11 ., hrlll){ hr•••hY"' 1p. shme, $1,000. PIXLEY-September 15, 1952 rmint1 d fo1 t)H• ••:-:nmrnnlinn nntl ndJIIHl- ~tntt of M lillgan 'l'hl I'luhnlt C01nt Jm•nt uf nll f'laimn .!lid d(rnnmiH !lVII/II 1t ' The l'llsl o( operating litis yem (ol tlw County of lu~-thnm. Hnlcl dt•r.cnwcl, and tm lht• utlJUdttHtloP, showed .thou! d trl'i tncrPase AI u .l!~Siu/1 of Hllld ( um·t. lu lei nt thr. nnd dr l1 1mlnutwn or t:w hPIJ H nl In PI nluth• OtfiC tJ Ill lht City nf MaKon, In of !Wid dtt ( l\Hl tl nt t lw llllll' ur IIIH cit II over iflsl ycrn·. ln <~ildltton the Hnul C'mutlY, on llu :!7th duy of AuHu~;t, ont1tl(d to lnh1"11t thr t~IH1f' uf whJ, club asked fnt no rlon.tltDJts 'J'Itc A,IJ, l!li.!, the dcrPilHld dltd 1tlr.•d total expense tPporlerl <~mounted PH ~~'!t :, HON', JOliN Mccr.JI~LLAN, I IL IH l'111 th!!l Ot tJ, rf'tl, 'I hnt puhl1t no- JudM"•• oL l1 ohnlr•, ltcf• thtJJ, of lw J.dv••n hy ptd>llf ntiun nf to $1 ,7:J3.b7. Of this amoLinf In till.! Matti' I of the EHtntc or KA'rE n f flllY or tltl~ Old II' flllrf' t Itt h Wt•t•l.. fm $fl:l.77 is all lhnt went out ol the J'(XJ.LY, lhCl!IIHid, t!JI'ft] HIICII.!HiilVt• \\1rks )lltVIIlliH In Hlld Buy Now!! Hulh l•nnlr hnv111g fiiNI in Hllld cotut duy of hunlllll!, in tiH Iu;dlllm County irll'al communtly, the mmmiltef' hf'l hnnl adniii11Hlrallo!l uccount, nmllu1 NE!\\H n neWHJlllf•Ur p1intrd unci eJr!u- repu! ted, Jll CltiHII fiiHYill).{ feu thu nllownncc tlum•- lnh•d In filltd c•uaanty, Harvest Savings on ol lui n eft tu1mlnntllln of lu lit!, nntl fnl' ,JOliN Me( LJ;T.L/\N thu ll!;SI.{IIJJlUilt nntl dJHtllhiiLIOn or tho A '1'1111~ Com, ,JudJ,.!;{ of l'lnhatr INTERNATIONAL JrHJtluc• of Hald N!lntE!, RohPit L. ])Jnl,n HARVESTER Your Food Dollar 1t I~ Otdt r1 d, 'l'hnt tho Lith dny o£ Rt•JdHtl'r of 1'1ohulf'! Sc J•l••mhcr, A JJ. J 1J;i2, IlL ultvcn o't lock ------Early Graduate In till' rolt noon, nt tllc P1ohntll U!flc(l nl ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR .!ur, Wt•lit !'laJ.dnm\ StJeot,•LnnHinJ.f, Mlch- HEARlNG CLAIMS AND FOR iJ.!:nn, In nnd 1~ heauby liPJlnJnled fot• ex- DETERMINATION OF IIEJRS .tnurun~ nnd nllowml{ Hllld llC{oUnL nnd LOCKWOOD-November 7, 1052 Dies in Colorado lwn1 in!{ Kaid Jmlilion j Stnto of \trchh:mn. 'I h1· Ptohntl' Coua•t It JH l't11thf'l Oidtnc•d, 'fhnt rmhllc JlO• f01 tlu County of Jrwhnm. Mrs. Ida VanSI:,I1c Root, RO, tIt'( the I I'U[ IH J.fiVen by nubllcntJOn or a At n !itHHiun ol ~nul Cntul, h!!\d ttl tlw See It At died 111 Durnngo, Colorado, Au· copy ul lhlli ol del Cot th1 eo succNIHIVe P1nhnte Olf•~• 1n lilt• c Ill ol' TAIJIHiH).(', in \\tt•kH IJrf!V!O\IH Ln Hllic.J tiny U( htJilllllJ( in tlw HUHI C'nunty, nn thf• .!!tth clay of 1\u­ gust 18. Site was n member of the tht• lndwm County Nt•WH, a n~WHPHIICI' )..{UHl, A. ]), I !Jii2. ·' Mason l11gh Ficlwol g1 adualtng I•IJILli'fl ,111d cuculutccl In l:lnHI County. JOHN McCLELLAN, PIUH< nt, J[IJN. JOliN MeCLELI,AN, class of 1892. Mrs. Root was J11dHo of P10lmtt• Juds.r~ of P1 oimte. bm Jed at Durango. She IHtd Jived In the Mallei or llw E•lnle nf MADE­ there many years, Ill late years 31w3 LINE LOCI(WOOIJ !Jo eo n•ed. with her son, Rev. Homer Root, ORDER OF PUBLICATION It tlllJlf uing to 1111 Co111t thnl the! ttmo fo1· Jill t;t•nlntrnn of l'lnlrnH nJ.minHL Silsby Implement Co. a Methodist minister. SECOND ANNUAL ACCOUNT ~mlcl PHtnle Hhnulcl llf limlltcl, .tncl lhnt n STEBBINS-September 19, 1952 , tfhll• 11111! lllllt(' Jw ILiifiOIIIIf•d to letl'iVI', Mrs. Root's father was C W. Slnte of M1chis.crw. 'l~he P1obate Cou1t 214 \V, State Street exnmmu nncl .lt!JtJ!;t nil l'i.tlms ,Jntl clr­ Phone 5Hl VanSlyke, an early Mason photog­ foJ' thP Count} o£ Irwhnm, mnntiH Uf.CILIIIHl Hltici fll'(l'IIHI tl by :tllcJ ht • l\lason rapher. Ills studio \\ ns on the At .l f!E!f!Sion or Htllfi Cotnt, held nt lhC! fut1• Hn\d Cn111l, ancl thnL lhE! lj J'tll Ju•IIM Prnl>.llC Offll'l.! Ill the City or Mnson, In nf :m!cl drl..'f'H!"led C'UtJthcl t(l lllhEtit the lilll'd floor of the Mickelson lnnld· i:illld County, on the .!7th dny o( Au~-tuHt, eHlnte etr \\hJc•h Hnlfl cl1.2t'(l:tHt'd ditd sttztcl ing. \, ll I %2. t~houlcl he ntlnulrcut1 d nnd clc l(ll muwd. P11 >out· liON. JOHN McCLELI,AN, It. TH OtdCrl!c1, Thntnlllh" l'lfillloiH of Jud).{(! o( rlCJhnto. HUll) dcci",\HI'CI illl! lf'CIIIilcd tn IHVIiUili Mr. and Mrs. Burt Green re­ l11 thu 1lntl<'t of the En iJy nnhllcntion of tl It rs li'utlilt!l o, tic•• c tl, Th.1t puhlic no­ HeJ"JHtJ'(l Jtlulllw, l':u·ts Mgt•. ('OilY oi LhiK ol cfj•t for th1 eo f!UcceKslvc lice the1 uof he J.:IW n hy pubilcntwn of weel< end wtth Paul W1chtosl'i \\ r t•k; )II f VIOIIH to Hnld duy Of bcmJng Ill H cOJ•Y of tlu~ mdc•1 nntt• r.ach \\E!Ck fo1 , Phone 2-aonr, ,· J:Uusun o[ Fountam, the Ingham County NcwH, 1~ tleWUIIUPCl' lJll'co SUCCCsHi\'e \\J tok!i Jill'\ illllfJ 10 HHiti 1111nlt•d 1111d circulntcll in HIIHI Coun~.y. dny of hen1 ing, Ill th( InJ.dtnm County JOHN MeCr,ELLAN, NuwH, n newHtlllflCI' p11nlt d nntl Cllt'U• A 'f1 uc C,opy, Jutl).{e of !'1obutu luted 111 ~nlcl '011nty. Hohcnny, HUlVJ\dllR" Jud).fo of P10hnte. Sma II Animals by Ap[Jointmeut lluHlco, lun IIIJ.C Jliod in HllHI cOUl t 1tH In the Multer of the EMntc of DEn .. Hcvenlh nccounL, nnd lt11 JJCtltlon lll'IIY­ 'rHA Mix, Dl!ceaH•·tl. In~ fOl' the nlloWIIIlCC thc1cof, and ror Richrud M. Jnmus hming file1l In snlcl the Hlleclfic nprnovnl of the lnvcHtmantK cou1t hiM fu11ll ndmlnlnllntlon nccnunt, HhO\\ n thct ein, nncl hiH JlCtltion Jli'IIYIIlJ.: f01 the allo\\• It I• 01•detctl, ~'hut the 1Dth duy or nnce thmf!of, rot n dcll)lfTIInulum qf SC!ptt•mh<•t•, o\, n, 1U'i2 1 nt eleven o'clocl\ heit'H, .tntl Col' lha :Ultlil{nmcnt nntl lliH• ln the fott.!noon nt th(l Paobntc Oil leo nt t.11butiou of the acnll!ue of Hll!d I.!Hlnlt•, ~Oi Wetal Su~mnw St1cet, LnnKlllK, Mlch­ It ls Ol·dca•ed, 'l'hnt the :!Gth clay of lgun, Uo nnd 11\ ht!l'uhy nJ)JJOintccl f01· t!X· SCJllemlwt I A. D 1 !1~12, oll lun-thh t.y llnllllll\~ urul niiO\\lng t~lllll uccount nntl o'clock in tho fotonuon. nt the Pzohntc hL!oUIIlg' Knid fiClilJOn; OITJCc nt .HHi W£JHt Sn..:innw Stt'f't't, Lnn .. IMPROVE YOUR SOIL Hing, MJchiJ.mtt, ho nnd IH ht.!lehy np­ ... IL b 1'111 thc1· Or!lctcd, Thnt tmbllc no­ Jiomted fo1 o:xnmtnlnJ.: nnd allowing snld tice thl'rCO( he giVCil by JHlbhcUtiOh Of U nccount nnd huH I ing :mit! tlctit!On; I'OI)Y or thlli ordel' "for thtco HUI.!CUHS!Vc \O,:(!p],s JtlcviouH to Hnitl clny uf hemin!-(' in It lH F'ulthl.!l' Oadet'cd, 'l'hnL Jlllhhc no· tlco thet•cof he f..!:! VI 11 hy Jltlb)llalion of n Llw lnghum County NcwH, n newHiliiPcl COJlY Of lhlK Ol d!JI f01 thlf•C HIICCCHHiVC Low-Cost Permanent lll'llltetl untl CJI'culnlml 111 snid County, \ JOHN McCLELLAN, WOtJkli llleVIOIIH to HUid day of itenJ•ing, Ill the lnghnm Counly No\\K, n tWWHIHIJIOl' Ju~go A 'l'I"IIC Copy: or PIObntc lll'lhled und '11 culnted in Hnul county. FINELY GROUND Ruhcl't L. Dt•uke JOHN McCLELLAN, HP.g-IHtct• o£ P1 obnlo 3Gw3 A r1• 1 uc Cony 1 ~.:_-O_R.:..D_E_R_O_F_:_P_U_B_L_l_C_A_T_IO-N-.,.-- llobcJ t L. D101kc Judge of Ptobato FINAL ADMINISTRATIOt/ ACCOUNT lle~t•tcr or l'tnh11te 3tiw3 , AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRS ORDER OF PUBLICATION Rock Phosphate AT LAW FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT WAGNER-Soptcmbar 18, 1952 AN DDETERM~ATION OF HEIRS >IIIGII TES'l' - DIRECT FROl\1 l\IINE St tlc of Mit:hhmn. 'l'hc Probute Court STEVENS-SoJllombcr 25, 1952 for the County a( Inghnm. Stnta of M!chhmn. 'l'hr. P1obntu Comt Natm•al PhostJhate - Non-Acid Al n KUlUHOI\ or f!l\ld Coul·t, held nt tllO fo1' the County of In~hnm, P1·ohnte' OJTicc In the City of MnHon, In At n t~utH!IOll of Mnld Court, held nt I he' Natlnml Non·Acill plant food that. t••nnl'lfm•nul "IIOOJ' HJ\IIl County, on the 20th dny of AusrttHt, tho PI'Obate OrTico In the C1t.y of MnHon, A. D. Hlli2. In snld County, on the 21Ht day o£ Au­ ' ground" into I'it•h Jlltshue lmatl; nml gives you a higher yield P1·e•ent: HON, JOHN McCLELLAN, guHl, A. D, I Oli2. 1111d better qnalHy of ull fm·m CI'OJJS, Jmhtc o( Ptohnte. i'to•ont, liON. JOHN McCLELLAN, In tho Malter of the E•lntc of LOU· JudJ.Cc ·or PJ•obntc, ••• the same kind of plios11horns m•lglnnlly contained In vir· ISE WAGNEII, Doccuacd. In the MnttOI" or tho E•tnte or FREb Don11ld H. Wn~tncl, ndmlnlstmtor with A, S'PEVENS, DeccnHod. gin soils, 1\llned from matural tleiJDslt~, washetl uml mechun· will nnne:-.cd, hnvlng filod in M1ttd cout t Jack R. SLovcnR hnvins: nlccl in Rnicl i_clllly gJ•omuJ to particles so fine they arc readily tllssoh•ed hiK flallll nccount, nnd his tlctitton lllll:Y• cmn t his finn! ndmlnnitt•nlion ncr.ounl, htJ.C fat· tho nllownnce thc1eof, for n de· nnd hiH )JCtitJon Jllllying ro1• the nllow­ by soli mul root ndtls. ... · tcrmlnntion of hells 1\t luw, nncl for the nnco thereof. fol n clele1 minntion o[ nHHignmcnt und distribution of the resl• hch·H, nnd fm· t.hr. IIHRIKnmcnt nnd diR• cluo of Rttld cKtntc, Gauc~o Shirt ••• one low-cost uppllcntlon (1,000 lbs 11er acre) will kceJJ yonr· trlbution of tho lCR!r\ue of snlcl estnlc 1 soil Jlhost•horns·•·lch for years ahead. IL h Olllccccl, Thnt the 18th ~ny of It Ill ,o,•dcnml, '1'hnt tho 2rith tlny or Sotlternbcr, A. D. 1062, nt eleven o'clock Sctllemher, A. D. 1952, nt uleven o'clock $3.95 In the forenoon, nt the Pt•obntc Office nt In tho fOI'tmoon, nt the P1·obnte Office nt •• 205 West Snglnnw Stt'cot, LnnHing, Mich. 205 \VeRt Snglnnw Street, Lnnslng, Mlch· New Low Price - $31.50 ton ignn, he nnd IK lnncby nrwolntcd fo1• f!X· lgnn, be nnd 111 hcl'chy HllllOintcd fol ex.. 11ntlnlng unci nllowln~t onld . Naw; of Tlw flrsl: fall nwetlng of the Chall!er, Vonda Karn, Burton ~111111!/i liS llw rlivr!rsion of the llollywood, l•'lrn·itlil; r·;l!lc•d on Mr. Pylhlan Sl:;ters will hn he!d at Polglase, and ,Jimmy Phillips, son evening. Mrs. L11rldn:; l'l't·t•iwrl and J\'frs. D. Lt•e Wnre lw;t weelt 1 hm· gilts fmm 11n urnlm!lla rlr•c:· c~nd. t lwlr hall Werllwsilny, Sr•p!Pmiler of Mrs. A mer len Pl!llllps, Ingham County News September 4, 1952 Page 3 10, at K:IIO p. m., '!'lie Gmnd Tern· Ml·s.' llnttlr. Colilat'h of lfolt, ornterl with pink ;cnrl blue •'I'I'IH! Mr. lind ~Irs, Husst!ll Birlwtt pie of l'yllhl:in Slstcor·s of Mlehl· paper, I II · '' gan mr•r•ts at tlw Hotel Hayes In wl1o hns ilc!en In tile Mason Ccon· Guests \V('l'l' Mr.~. 1,ynn Nox n, .';JH!nl I ,/IIHJI' D11y vi:< II ng w 1 1 11 .TIIdlson Sl'ptern!Jc!J' u.-t:!, Mr·s. (!ral IHllijlllni SIIH!(! F'eili'Uili',Y, PI!· Mrs. ,Joe ,Johnson, 1\111·; 1; ,Jru ,il'\l'· Mr. 11nrl Mr·s. ltolll'rt Blrllt!ll awl 111 Hamiel Haase Is the Mason dele· terecl !hr. Ingham County hospl· Skirt and Sweater Time ell, Mr~. Gonion c 'Ill ill, J\1 i:;,o.; A ud· /amity nf Williamston. gntc, tal In Okemos Wedne:;day. rr.y Bmwnlield anrl Mrs, Vann Mr. and Mrs. GPne Collar went 'l'lw \V. S, C, S. of tlw Mr!tlrocl- lif ljl * Ammerman, In Ill!! lnlt!l'natlonal air show at 1 ist c·hur('h will mr:t!l for a Two Mr:;, K. A. ?.lmnwrm11n was in '' ' ' ''' W:t,\'ne iill'prn·t SinHlay. plus Two lucu•l)['on 111 tlw l'i111reh Dc!ll'oit tlll Werlnesrlay Jol' ,iJusl· Fall Skirts Nylnu nt· \Vnnl Mr. anrl Mrs. C:rmlnn IO:dnwnrls Mr. and Mrs. C;u·l V1!rel1 :rrid Weilrwsday, Keplc•rniH'I' Ill, 111 ness. llrt• nncl Donnie SJII'Ill 1\'Pr•k Pnd ~fr. ;nul 1\lr:;, Tc•d Cooper and I :1111 p, 111. Any lnPmlu•rs who Mr. anrl Mrs, .Tnrnes Dnvis nf with their son :111d f;rmily, lllr. family of Dm,\'lon Plains visiled l111vr• 11111 IIPPn eontnc•tcorl rt•r:ard· Chlc•ago wer·n In Mason over lhP Blouse Sweaters nnrl Mrs, Ou·t l•:rtmontls , Willi a Wythe StiiHiay, l'ol' yom• ~;wpa I•• J'S, :·Hx Clark ancl 'illmily, J\itc•rllllry, lnrli;lnll, SJH•nl tile 1 hol1r~minu rlitiiH!I' at ti::Jo at tlw St~·(t!S• to I'!!OOSI' fi'OIIl, Mr. and Mrs. n. L. Jlray lijH!Ill, luoliday wt•Pk c•rHI will! l1is p11r· , 1 lown hnll. TilosC' allcoluiing ar·e lo Mrs . .Jennie Dnldn miiPil 1111 the Liihor Day week end at Dlir.·[C!IIIs, Mr. and Mrs. Murris ~wan, take lheir own table ~ervice ;uul Mr~. Myrtle .Sanford o[ Lan:;ing mond lake. and fatnily. \ · 11 dish In pass. Sunday, $1.00 ·' . The Pre:;IJyterian womens as- Mrs. \V, H. Johnson of Coltnn· social inn il!llll'rl will nwel .1\'lnn- hi a, Missouri anrl Mr:;, Freda ShiJI '11' SIHII'l• riny, Septernhr:r H, at tllr! home of Chadwick of T[)lecln, Ohio wen• • ~ f Mr.~. Eel lfinlde :rt G::lo fnr a 'home last week to care for tlwir r:nwred rilsiJ clin11Pr. All !Jnarrl mother, Mr:;, Grace Damaska. Blouses I mcmiJcrs a1·c• asked lo attend. Mrs, Damaslluxc' lawn Mr. 1111rl Mrs. Clarence Mill· Wamer of Ma~on, maid of honor, 1{1~1\ml\mtm-Your satisfaction aft· in full Sllll Ol"nHlcl<'l':ttl! shad<>. and Margarc!l. lll'l'ivcd Sunday G,ym Shoes lwuse of Slor:kbridge nre the par· wnre a corsage of yellow roses et• {lllrchase, as !'rom OrIa mlo, FlnJ'ida, 1o visi I r!nls 111' a dilughter, born August with hPJ' green suit. Charles Mar· mwh as well before, is 1 pound: ( ~·m~ ~GO StJ. Jt.) Mr. and Mrs, William F. Dart 2!J al Foote hospital, .Jackson. tin of IIoll served as best man. om· siuccrc emleavor, $1.;)1) ill HI ol hl'l' n:litl ivc;; Jor several $2.49 up day:;, They loured the Western C. ~rnloM~andM~Mili;tm\Nest of DeWitt, a daughter, uateT~oowMmCoollwMag~·L~~~--~-~~~~~~~~----~-~======~ of Mason high sclwol in lhe statr•s for a mont11 IJC[ore coming ~nioo G~~ on ~·i~~ Au~u~ cia~ ~ 1~~ Slw is cm~o~d ~~~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- to Mason. 2!1, at the Mason General hospi· al Michigan Stale culleg(', l\Jr. anrl Mrs. S. A. Morrison tal. The bridegt·oom, son of Mr. anrl !'cllll'llt:!d llolllt! Friday Jmm a 2· Mr. 11nd Mrs. CiiiTord W. Kirk· Mrs. Henry A. Cook, graduated PER,K.INS HARDWARE wc•pk lri),l· to Wnst Che;;tcr, Penn· pat riel' of Ol,emos .. -became the from Mason high sr:lwol in lD:iO. At Ware's Everything Pltotog·rap/zic l\lasou ~ylvanid'; ·where Mr. Morrison ',. (i ' Phorw '.181'1 pnrenls of n son, Pai1l Clifford, He was discharged .from lhe wns on a husinr!ss I rip for Wyeth f nr•n rpo l'illc•r I. born nl the Mason General hos- Marines May 8 as a se1·geant. He pilal, Thursday, Augusl 28. is cmnloyeli hr Wyeth, Incor)JUI'· Mr. and Mrs. I-larolrl Herrick of alert. BUSINESSMEN! Onondaga announce the birth of Third Annual a son, MidliiCl Martin, born at the Mr. 'anrl Mr:;. Clay Hulett and Bigger and Better Mason General hospital, Satt1r· Mr. ancl Mrs. William Dahb The world's most exciting camera day, August :lO. guests of Mrs. Bertha Lyons nf Mr. and Mrs; V{ayne Clark of Mahogany Farms at tho Ann AI'· is ready to go to work for YOU Mason are the pnrerils of a dough· bor Country club for a SLmday ter, ,Jacqueline Sue, horn at the morning brealdast. Mnson General hospital Tuesday, ,---~~-~~~--~~...., No KIWANIS SALE September 2. I•'••id:ty awl Satm·da~·. September 1!) and 20 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haynes an· nnunce the birlh of a son, Van ' Anllwny, born Thursday, August 21. The Haynes have G other sons, NO TANK$ NO LIQUIDS Haymond, :12; Stanley, 10; Leo, 8; Br·ucc, 7; Larry, 5; ancl Dart, 3-%. ---===- Rummage, white elephant, Mr. and Mrs, Adolphus Kil· ...._ hourn nf St. Johns have a daugh· what-not-call it what you ter, born at t·hc 1\Iason General ~SONTHC hospital Tuesday, September 2. ~~Pe! * 1{1 ~~ AUTUMN wish- but whatever 'you Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Newman of · Battle Creek ·were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright Friday eve· cleaning is call it, be sure to get into it. ning. Hussell Wright was honored POLAROID~am:/ CAMERA Saturday evening at a birthday no chore ... The only camera that develops and prints rlinner by his parents, Mr. and Let our experts clean your its own pici·ures in 60 seconds Mrs. Hoy Wright, '1111'. and Mrs. .John Campbell and Vera were the rt1gs, slip covers ami drap· ,I Aler~ exocutlves In m~ny ·fields cf business You can do just that by checking your attics, base· guests, eric:;, gently and safely for INSURANCE COMPANIES -Turn out f1stt~ have found that picturcs·ln·a-mlnuto cut costs and more accurate reports, No chance of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gt'aves of fall, mix-ups, Holt called on Mr. and Mrs. Roy lnd save valuable time, Hero are just a few m~nts and garag~s for "things" • you no longer need Wright Monday evening. · ways they use this mlraclo c~mora to Increase ADVERTISING ·MEN - Get better layouts to I Mr. aml Mrs. Bill Bushard and proflts. clients faster, Promotion atunts. Poini•Of• purchase material. or want. The Kiwanis club solicits your "things." Miclmel were guests of Mr. and 'REAL ESTATE FIRMS- Speed listings, Avoid Mrs. Roy Wright Tuesday eve­ costly delays, Anyone c~n bring back·a good· SELLING - Pictures of customers bulle! good ''' ning. picture, wilt, Perfect for catalog pictures ; , • speci1l Mr. anrl Mrs. Clay Hulett enter· mailing, BANKS - Speed mortgage loan applications. . . I tainccl Friday evening at an nul· NEWSPAPERS. - More pictures .· , , whlla Just .Calll-3151 or-9.641 cloor supper, Guests were Mr. and No timo lost for re-takes, Permanent file they're slill news ... for higher reader lnt•rnt, FOR A "HANDSOl\lE'' IHWANIAN TO PICK IT UP Mrs, Rlchahl Wnnen and Mr. ancf Low-cost, sure·fire picture coverage, ' Mrs. I

Elberta· Peaches .. ,.1 Will slnrl plr!ldng nhottl. ' •' '' Classified Advertising SJ!;p•J'l~i\!lll•;rt 10 ' ~ l ) ...... \ I, ·] Docktel''S 01·chanl I I ;., a DT~I!:HI~ ~ . ' ,• ll·YE:AR·OLD COW, fresh, fnr PAIR OF WORK Harness with .TOliN hny nnrl onsllngn I\~ tnilt•S Hllltlh of Dnnsyllln II '\ sniP, $27fi. Farmall 1''. lrndor, eo liars, In gnorl ttHnhle conrll· blowf'r' l'or· .Yaln. 40 fl, of plpr•s, l'IHIIH! DiliiHVillr! ~01•1 i ~ ' Livestock with lfi·lncll plow, a-sr·f~llon rlrag tlnn, $10. Also cabinet Hilll{, $:ln. marly In go. Wltrrerl T•• ,[r!W!!II, :t!iw!lp ancl eultlvntnr, $:11!0, I!HO llltkl< Woml br.rlstencl nnrl B[ll'lngs, $0. phorw Milson !!•1[)2, :Hiwl p Hl~G IS'f'l•!ltl!!ll ,YI!IIrll ng Ox l'onl Conwrt ihle, pnrfCJCI mot or, $100. Irnn hedslearl nnrl springs, $:i. 'I' HI!; I•! HII'I•!N IW mms for saln. Also l111ylnadnr. l'lwno Holl :1:1~1. :l!iwl Dog, eream-eolnrcrl, pnrt German Usecl Farm Hale Haven Ellsworth lll'flwn, fl22 I•:rlr•n ronrl, Slwplwrrl, loves chllclrcn, gonrl pliriiiP. Mn;;on 2·,1!172. :tnwt r Machinel'y . P8ACims l'fGS--l~lvc! 0. J, c. nnrl JTamp· wateh dog. Very Jntel!igcnt. l'h. miles wr•c;l nl' Dansvlllr. on shire piJ:s fnr ;;nln, 7 Wt!t~ks nld. l'l1onr! Mason :HI:JI. •110 N. Olw· lJEII~F.rtS--,rm·sr!y lwlfm• nnrl Jlnl· Cnse fnrag-o harvr!slnr. Gnorl r~nn· M-:Hi Also llolrm trnetnr wltl1 nttnr~h· m11s HlrPt, Mm;nn. . :lfiwl stein heifer for saiP. llntl1 rlur~ rill inn lllf'JIIS fllld :JO-Ilfi rll'f'l' rlflt•, C~IISI11111 Powers Orchards to Jruslwn In I Wf'Pi<. 1t11her'L ITar· 1 Silo J•'lller hullt. Olin Wc•sl, HH~ Sotllh Wll· l.1f'C(JIU\UCK·D 1•: I•; ItT N C1 enrn Dnnsvlllr. tlg-. Call Lansing- 7·2'112 hr!fot•r. :J Phone :Jri22 llarn;;ltlll !'llacl, Dansvillt!, plllliH' hindC'r for sale~. Goorl eonrlltirm. Hay Lnarlr!rH :lriw2p p, m. ri:H:> W. Willoughby ronrl. 2H~H Dnnsvllln. :1~w2p l'IH1nr! 72'1H!l Lansing. William l'inWH ----·-·----- :lliwlp Mnllnl', 2'10H Lnlw Lansing rnnrl, MP.LON WI~gf{ at. Pnlmm''li Or·· !•'lVI!: CIII·~S'I'Io:R WIII'I'I•: fm!dr!l' Lnnslng. ,3Gw2 USE:D 'I'RACTORS chard. Cholee muslm1elons, $2 UOLS'I'EJN or Shorthorn bu]l pigs fnr sale. Clare SIHIWI'I'rnan, ,John Dl!ere "A", lO·Ifl, with p hushel. l'almer Orchnrrl, Leslie. service at your farm, Purellred 1170 Kane J'ntul, phonr• l•'owler· USh:D Sl'ltA YF.Ft for Rnle, aoo Powr-'l'rol and ltrl.lustnllln front :Jliw1 Holstein hull from rccor1l rlnm. vlllu 22~:1-1.•'-21. :Hiw I p · gal lnnlt, ri h. p. motor. In good end Also rcglstcrr.cl Shorl!lorn hull. ennrlllinn. Sultnhle for field, mnrl· HIPE TOMATOES, $1 per hushct: Charg-es are $:l.!i0 within first a ITAMPSIIIHE: sows, sr•r!ntl!I side nne! orchnrrl spraying-. Wnyne Oliver "{]0" Trrwtor W. L. Cameron, phone Mnson eight. miles, $2 repr.at: triJ>. Small litter, :13 pigs, 2 Wf'r!l<.~ old. !'nul CasE! Model CC 'l'raclor 2·R7!J2, norl h Olon't d1•lay! old. W. H. Gnnnaway, :1!101 E. . .. A RICO FERTILIZER for sflle, on Tuttle roar!. Phone 42fj(i Les· CDvnnnugh road, plullle 48•12G or spray nnr I garc 1en msec 1tcrl 1 cs. brooder stove, ":J!i" south henr.l :n2:12, 2·1U·8 anrl 0-12-12 on 87:JGG Lansing. lDwlf Tomlinson Business Center, walldng- plow; Pr.rfcetlon '1-hurncr hand. Kenneth Kurt;~,, first plncc lie. Sr!e .Tacl\ Hohill.'~_on._~_31i\V_l phone 42881 Holt. 2Gwtf oil stovr., IIur~son clr.ctric hrood· west of Collr!ge ronrl on Cavan· MELON WF.P.K at Palmer'~ Or· OIC SOW anrl pig-s for snle. Sow 1!l:il OLIVER CLETRAC Tractor e~f ~\~· ~apa~" 1 ~·. ~hnrle~ Marlt· aug-h rond, south side. Phone c~harrl. Choice muslar • $9 000 Terms Shafer Decorating Supply, 425 S. payment privileges, long term. Phone Lansing 8-7819 ranges ami water heaters pur- Jarre, 1nmmcrs. 11 11 2 boxes silo large poultry house, good ' · ' · ' 29wtf chased from us, of shells. Also 20 gnugc Rcming- · ' Jefferson. Phone 23461. 45wtf Inghnm county'H leading farm Picl7G Lamb road, Rciute this extra value. State Mutual LARGE GARAGE DOORS, used, 75 ACRES first class land, at· you may insure yourself, your 1!, Mason. Phone 2·6682 Mason. Cyclone Insurance Co., Lapeer, chion barn, silo, large two­ small size, with stainless steel for sale with tracl<. Be~t price, story tool shed, second floor trnclive modern home, bcuuli- WILL CLERK auction sales any- family or hired man for medical 3Gw1p Michigan. 36w4p l{ood enough for barn. H . .Tewett, where. Also income tax assis· payments in case you or they are disc. Vern Miles, Oltcmos, phone ------adaptable for battery chlclten ful grounds, good barn. Buy from tance. Earl Dunsmore, ~04.2 N. in,jurecl while worl 1' ltl H tl 0 N ALl '!'Y nnrl pdylng for this ad, :.mw'J W<'<'i< c•ncl wltlt MtH llnglt Silohy Classified Ads f'UI\'J'll A l'l':'l Leslie Schools Coul'h Loll Lml ltns his wol'lt 'l'IH'Y nliPnrh•d thP Sllslty-Conlthptllllll'rl .tC!d In Mts Vll[{lnl.t Collat, llfi Bnsh l'hPte Is 11 Jot of wrnl1 lo l1e ii•HH' I' ll,tnt C:ll:;•,,,n, \\ol', lo~ldng him 11 1 AI ltolll<' "' l!idll, !J n 111, for" itdll rl.ty HPHslon, ftll 11! St ,Johns '•[ll'lll MIIIHiot,\' 1'\ rnyon . wool Will fi"Y J:il per Slllt'rl \VrJt'k rlotll' 111 litl' hotnr; <>J sit c I' I, or ph line 2·51H I. :lhw 1 IJP.ltll l' lfmt ~,J ,Jolii!S Opi'IICI, IIC· nlng wttlt 1\!Tt', .uul 1\lt•,, Oll\'l't 01 OJ,Il l'IIO'l'llldt\l'll'l nil J(l.trh•s ftont l,illllO I 1 r I' 'otcllnf.( to Lrnl. Sl'ill'lll11 unci In mil y Nuw~, 1 Mtul~ntun C()j>JI•d Hlld I e., lot ell tJitlliiJ'h 'lilt fll!SI'ii WJJJ r'Pllll'n JJte llldll I'OIIIjllfiJIII'Ii Ill p.rJns Ill litH 2:JWlf ISIIIJJ.tlt•s (,tlJ ,! W. l\ndJIJI 11!111 LOS')' on lltr• f,tiJgtounrl, l.tHI d.ty M.t•,on lt.ts hPC'II hlr.•,sptJ with 11 1eJr•ht.t,llon wlttlt• Mt Sitllm.tu w.ts 1!111 11 1\!nt'!h 0. V. Elliott !ned [prJ aL tilt' l Poll' of Ifotn's hcPn reported I his week, Btll W.tH)H'r, Lyle NPWman, .Tim SCI'\ In f.( ,Jimdrcl the til'S II 11 yr•t !ISS 7, 1'171, In i\lo~lr rlott loWJl',Jtip, I!P.nlltm.tn .tnd Boll Snider In lhe Wten WitH llll'il.tt'ci 0 lltsPI, com lltP son nt 11"111'1 and llc•nt·Jetth Phone Lanslnr.: 8·80!17 Shoe Slot P., M.tsoll, ph IIIII! 21H21 I'Li\:-il'fo'IUf\C: i\lll,lltclsol pl.t•, MASOI\f-T Will !11• .tl lite JJ,'H nlllll• .Jttly L to Allf.(Ust 'l'lw rn,tlor prnhlrrn or Lori anrl Mr. ,md Mt s 0. (' BtsPI of 1:!!17 lrllllllll s.ltool 1111. :,tlllnhlll I} J(oiHJI ~' lollllts, ,J:,JJ Autcl· .'I, \\1'1'1\rlays H a, Ill. lo tJ;:lfl p, WANTED~ Lof.(s ,Jnrl st.ttHllnr: ltls .tssistnnts !Jolt W,tJJis dtHI Don Arl,un sit eel, D.tnwtiiP As p.nlof t.nnwd 1111• 11"'111' l.tllll .rs Jon~ !liJ'I'Cl mJUNU of .td lttlr• :J Ill ; '-'.tllllll.tys B a 111. to 12:00 llmlll't', N,tiJVP lttmhPr <'lll lr1 TuPsclay and Wedtwsdny; ltPd, Scouts Attend (',lJI',Y, wtll hi' lo plttg till' CjllolllPr· Dcsll<>I'CI DJviston :122 till' ~Jup I, hi' W.ts o!ltic• •IIIII t'fl!l'cl fot' ntclcr, lloWP s tW null, Box hi, J'IHIIII' J.,IJJSIII>::.! ,JII:'l lwlf llr>tlll, Pi\I'CPI fell' ,luly •1, Ill!' ll11• Ills fhii~IIIS 1111111 1111•11 dP.rlhs, Thut:;day; pnultiy any o .. y. We I< oll<•t 11011 of M.t ,on l'ily [,t},I!S l!,u I< spol ltlghl now II looks olH spc•nl [our d.tys in Jl,tltl.tx, wltldt Hives ,Junction :Jlwl[ pte I< llfl ,JIId !IPitveJ. L1 sill• l•'uocl Baseball Game tl llol> Sto!IPlrllt.t!i thP mslriP Is the r-.tpll.tl ctil' of Nmt :-ico lie• Is sttl\ll'<'cl It\' ,, htoliti'J', Dot is Au~l!n, city trc.t~urer, Loclwrs, phone Leslie [i.IU L or -- -• -- -· · · - -- 1 2lwtf lrark, tl.t and tlw ptnHip~l Allo~nltr Llojrl ol (JI,r "''"• .r stslPI, Mts, WANTI·:D Am In t111· rnatl, M.tson, highest nt.trlotit hntl\ lt.ti1.1PJIPd lJOill Solll AlllllltlO lo I loy f>ovt'} OJ r•nws, allfl Huy 'l'tgr•Js lr>sr• lo IIH• <'IPwlnnd In 1 Moecl· wtnelt, b.td;o;,ts. liP is hPing 11 .tinPcl I IIUHIIIS. - j hotel\ hoc hulllloZI'l' JlHHI'IIlf'llts \Vt "' p, 111 all lll.the~ of \'Ir.JI •,pJ 1'1< c•s will lw held WAN'I'I•~!J-Ctt'llrn, e~;gs ann pout- dtt[{ dllth dt[{fllllg DIIH'l by l111• Opportunities llP~. !:d•vltt l'ttr j,c•t f.tll1C'S !!1'111· But gP.ss ami Don Lyons who ,UJ' fo11 P 10 we !•lY II! 1lOLII • ,,cp 'I I.till stt< 1'1, \Vtllt1111 Dtll fpc•, \Villlnm •,it,tlrrl lite ptvol rlultPs J,tsl YPll', Pvt D,tiP C'.IIIWdll 1\.ts tc'lt D\\IJ.:Itl ll.1rlmess, ltns who ,tJso wnti\H o11 C'Pill<'t Mass.tl'illiSSI'IIs ftom l'c11 I Bliss 1)1!' ()j,( lllllo ('lllllllllllllly l'JtUJtiJ to Wy1•tiJ [,u llnttn[{ lo .llm'r, He h.ts itpr•n .tl AilPtcl~r·n nlc e fllljlf1H's, !i ot (j WPl'J,s olrl hy FfLI, DlRT , "' r I I 1111 It ~lt I,IJJII •, ( 'ot!ll'l .I!Hll'.llll 'Ill< kr•r Wl'I C' I IJp dJivet'S tiH' l\1,tson f.(oJITIC as lhe lougllcsl Pt'OVIIlf.( Ground M~nyl.nHI on ol "'"' \lilt• djljJI'dll'd iJpfote .J.ttiiiiCC lite ltllPt, H'otSI!IIHille, Call L.tll LIMESTONE CHIPS l';m, \\c I l'l111 •ltl'l • 11 '' .tfl.1II Lll '1%1\l: J wtsh lo lltank lit<• Tlti'Y \\'PI l' gupsls of the Dl'lt ott onP onllw Sl Jnlnts schr.duiP, ;11 special Jnt!;•,ion ttom ills ltonw ol lltr• l'r 1"' \Vtllt.tlll G!li[{CI ~tng ~72.31. .JIJwl 1111'111 1'11111 11 ' ~l.tsoll ;,,ml ,lf,wl c·nunly c Jet!- s olltcc, cou11ty ho~schall club. cou!tng to WnJd ftnm the nnJih h.rsc .tl IIJP Dcl1otl T.ntk Atst'll tl Wctlnc•sil, 1'• lot P,.rmtn,tiJUn. liP WANTED C:llOII ll'it.JIIk 111.111 01 Williams Brothel'S I IJI'.tS!IIcl's olfire, ptohall' ollwc, St .Toht1S lias nol he"tl i>c•,·ttctt stnee June I•HIInrl ovet' lo Cll· L ' ( lJJt (()Jill [/II II loti hoy, JK wtlhlllll h.td h.ti>tls lo Gencr,tl 'ltllw.lp At Cost Non Asspss,tblc . L ~ hots, memlwr s of ctt' Jes of M. E tl,11' st hoof wtll r·onvcnc ,11 10:00 ri.Jy night. Lori wtll sec• how ltts ~lotll'tll ami Old 'l'tllll' IJ,uu·m;;- rAHM I'UPI'AU lllrl:J:t.ll ~,1•.1\L l hospit.t! Ann Athor. I ,tlso po~slor Rev. S T3 Wenger spc.tk· [or full Ill' fJ.Jll lnm• clerk 111 wmk ol any type clonr• to your ltntslt. • 1 1 t Wtslt to th.Jnk the Eden U B inf.( tl 11 ,J, m Suml.ty on "Punch· 1 1 liPIV I'. X !illlH' 111 1\!.tson Ple.tsl' r,o~soltnc·, otl " 111 Jaii<'I'V actr .'>1rlnllcit, members ,mel all oll;crs J.llf.( 1"trn""it>"i"·," ·,t ].',11>111 Stttltl.ty salts f actton, ;m yeats P~veucnce 1111 1 11 1111 1t ~- '" - !'ail .11 ~~I \Vpst 1\lo~plP lor llllct · 1 1 AI f for !hell' wonderful pravers for mcss.tge, Church scho"ltnnn[s al VICW Pltnlll' M.tollll ;jill. :lb\\ I 111 t 11s wor' so water proo mg Ide,tl lot i"'t', ltc•s, tlllllJHis looms m,o, rceovcry. I wt'sil tJo ' atlk " ~~ Of has"nl"tll" l'rt""S ""I y 1 ",t~ot1· 1 1 111 10 a m ~ - ·' -- '~ ~ ·• .till 1.1'1' 1111 11 1'· nctghl J s or cccs o (JJ1C ness, ' one h.wc" few f,uH'Y old !ltshcs age, S. J. Marshall, first house usf' 11 ~~pfct.tlfly Mr anrl Mrs. Charles north of store at Eden, phone " . , , , , , "tr JY or help gtven so freely uc for my new chtn.t c.1h11wt Call New Superintendent Mason5681. 10wtf '\Vl Dtsltll'l Suprrinlenllenl K. H 1 We wtll tep.tn ami glue .til SL,mlcy M,usll.tll. 36w1p ltlae•· 1 mill's soutlwasl ol !\Jason on Ikxft'l' 'l'rail1o ll:mlr·~ r·oad, south uu Zimmennan's Botle.tu 1\tll spc.tk o~l mcetinf.(s at household fuuuluw or nl.ll,e Jlawlt•y r·oall a~~ milt•s to Vau~hn road and P:L"ii Y. mill'; or· 5 milt•s north­ WAII'RESS WANTED .1l 1!,1Jcy's l'Ito·tr• :! I Jill ------~-- -- - I the P.tck.u d 1\lcmoll,tl l•'t ec MPth .mytlung 111 wood you ltlGwl Hewitt .tlrtJUnl "I low O\PthP.tcl l'tnl<'s r!cdr hush,tncl ,11JcJ 1.11 her, Clar !wing supe1mlendcnt fo!' 21 years 1:00 P.M. Applt.tn• c S.tlcs I 81'1 l'itllltp~ ctHI' \V Bytne. EspeC't.tlly do we m the c.1st Mtclltg.m cnnfei·ence WAN'TI:D--Uscd stlu ltllet 111 to.ul Phone till lA 1JUD6. ll~ctnk Morley S Oates Post 701 of I"JC F'tl"e Melhocltst chmeh [{ood tondilton Ftanl\ LttHnp:c•t Welding Shop I 28wl( V. Ji', W .md Lunclbctf.( ScJCw flpv Wtlli,tm E:ttckson, the new phone D.tnsvtlle 20'il 3Gwl MAURICE - PtorltiC'Is Co, Mrs. Marguerite L pastor in Leslw Free Mcthorltst BOB - - - - . Weldmg anrl rcp,tir of fmm MENS AND WOMEN'S B.)rne and sons, 3Gwl c'nu~h annnunres their JCg· \V ANT CD- DepPnd.tbiP 111.111 fot machinery Custom !\Trull' Clolltes Phone Ord Price &. Sons Phone full tunc ht•et t.tltle Lum IMnrl Comer of Bunl.tid lor potU- IN(; CO - Fur 1111C cs .tt tment nnd all on nmlh Iltgh street and Mt•s lmplemeots. and Phmic Lansmg 873q6 evemngs. 217 N. M,un :c;l!cel, Lesltc, phone• l'L\Ji\ILJNG c. !11~1\'I'JNC olhcrs who g.tve tts .tsstslance Conw.ty Will tc.tc'h school .tt On­ tJ5wtf 3GS2. 2Dw If i\!.tsllll''• I111Jsl um1pJc te plttmiling dtlllllf.( the fuc Mr. and Mts Ar· nnclagn She hns had leachtnf.( ex- 19<19 John Deere Model U Tmetor, Powr·-Trol Blaclet·•·in~ Gmin llintler n 100 lb. tttle wetghl, also wanted Phone 1·1261 or 2972 1 1 · Holt · by ,myonc ex~ept G E 1 club on Tueiiclay. Clmton Gaud- husl,ing bed Case Ilammer Mill, 8-in. scrap iron and molal. II!ghcst L 11 l-2wtf Han eWlS 1(,Jcnyl Wyrn,m, M~~~~~ ' 3G;vl · 'rc.tu, commerce teacher, was 1951 John Deere Side Ualw, '1-bar 50-[oot IMt prices pate! at the farm, Also old l'LUJI!BlNC: & l!I:A'I'JNG _ PI named vJce·prestdcnt and Mtss \VIwl'l narrow, rubht•r ti•·e wire and tin. Call James Whit- CALL LESLIE 2641 and as!' for 1951 John Deere Power Mowt·r·, 7-lt., No. 5 Alley hc•lund Mason llonw Applt-1 NOTICE-I Will not b~-;:~·~ Zorn Gromer, secretary-treasurer. lUcCulloch Powt•r S:tw, 2•1-in., (j months old nl>er, 2104 Dansvtlle or phone Warner's Fire Control Set vice .111c~ Phone M.1:;on 24822. stblc for debts conlractl'lo~~ The club represents t'hc concerted John Decrtl B•l 2-H: Plow, on rubber Dansvllle 2!152. 5wtf for everythinr,: in fire contro1 Hu:.t.z lUg, 32-in. blade OtJen \Vcckrl,t\'s ,md Sal urd.tys ''lll" ·'nne o 11 1cr Ll 1an myself. Ben t hottghl and ar:tton of all the Les- l\lcCormicJ,.Deering Gmin Drill, 11-hole with , , ---'equipment. We specialize in the 1' metor 'l'i I'll Pum [I ::; a m -- 6 p. m. Jal• mn l,'· B at 1ey, M.tson 36wl Ito tr.achers in their activities and WANTED-Stancl.ng timber. We famous Hcd Cornet flte control re!.1ttons with lhe school and fertilizer and seed attachments Stocl• Racl• 1'o1• Piclmp T1•ucl{ will pay top pnces for lmg~ systems which gtvc 24·hour per ------­ communtlJ'· They hold regular virgin or second gr~wth hmbcr. d.ty protection for u lifetime ser\'· Mason Markets meetmgs and soctal activitws. One of our forester., will marl> icc Fire surveys arc free and we L t d f d Cattle Dairy Equipment your timber accmdlng to good Install Without extra cost. OS an oun Wheat . ' '$2 ()I l'h• SUJIJWI' Is l'lllllll!'d Guernsey-Jersey Ileifcr, 1!J months oltl, open J?m·m 1\la... <;tel' Milldug Machi1w, 2 single units, forestry methods if you so desire. lDwtf __ _ ----~ --~ ______O.tts . . .79 The Gold Star Mothers will I111111Jl, nwtu1• and piJu•linc Contact us before sellmg. Thure· DOGS--RcpOJ t own o1· stray dogs Cot n ...... 1 73 give:! .t pte supJJCr ,tt the home of llOn Lumber Company, IIowell, ASHES HAULED--Rubbish, cln· to Clny Hulett, county dog war- Rye , 1 87 l\lts Kenneth Evans at 926 East Fm·m !\luster Water Ileatcr, 10-gal. phone 931. 6wtf ders, junk. Wilhams Brothers, den, MaHon phone 2-G839, ot to Navy beans, cwt. . 7.50 Covert road at p. m. Friday, Hay-Corn-Oats Stabli:.t.er l~aclc 1· s 704 West Center strent M n sheriff offtce 9661 3 wtf September 5. A free W111 olfcrlng 300 Bales 1\lixctl Jla.y ~ ' aso · CUART,01'TI~ l\IARI\E1'S wtll be received. 250 Uushels Oats "neSS Servl"ces phone 24261. 2owu LOST--Ladies Navy blue !mit Hogs-Tap. $20 00 to s t.oo·, • Hogs suit. Lost on Columbia 1 oacl 1 " 2 8 Acres Standing Corn Busl INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR mtxc< • $19,00 La $20.00; roughs, 11alllllshil'e Sow, Ollell near M.1son r•tt,V lnnt1 s Return to $18 00 down; feeder lltgs, $10.00 w painting. FrcP estimate, your 116 nush street or cal1 2-3,JS4 and "'1!J "O eather · t' 1o '" . ,J each. WOULD LII\E to care for 1 or 2 c I10 l co o f pam t , sa t ts sac 1on guar· I w1n pick it up Virginia Collar. c '" $a" pre-school children 111 my home an teed A Lee Sunb 1 · , 1vcs-- .. op, • ,J,50 ln $3!l50· - !~ntn Sunday nnd Monday HJllovctl the Miscellaneous Mason' 2·4l41. , orn, 1~ wne Rew::ml offered. 35w1 seconds, $30 00 to $35.50· nuts' d 1 outh \\ ha:h \\lUI hccumln~-C Hcl JOUR 111 Household Goods while parents wort<. Call Mason In~-rhnrn cnunlv 'l'hcc 1nlnfnll heiiJCcl IIIIH• l\1-W Washing 1\luchine J?orl,s, Shovels, Grimier, 2 Oil Uarrcls, Roll 25845 week ends or evenings. ~9wtf LOS;l'=Pet P.n~ak~ct,--grc~,~~d ~~~ 00 down; deacons, $15.oo t~ lttlcS IIIUtlc ]l)o"IIIJ.t" f!UH(L!l Hlld gcnr:taJJv ttfloHilt'd liiHchutl hcldH A tollll o[ 2.10 1\1-W Enamel Kitchen Range 32wtf ·-'-----~------yellow, SunlillY u f l c r noon. · ~·' 00 cwt mclw~ full dtulng the wct•k end, l'cnce und other small articles Phone 5801 Mason. 36w1 Lambs--Top, $~0.00 down; L1tho1' Dny In lwl\\Cl n Hhowe1 R, wnH Glenn Casey ______-----~----~ other l.tmbs, $23.7:J down; ewes, hot unntlKh to mnln ll,Y llallin !Jnrl<· Boys nnrl girls from Ingham .Jmnos T.lgiltfool, B; Gary Call· llvr~l'• ners from Ingham county I here DnughJH Wilson, C; !:iliHan Wilson, ins," lhP jlliblishr•rs hiiVP lnfrll'lll• were scores of wlnnm·s or lesser C; l•'mnk l•'ellows, C; unci .Jim r•d liJP I•:alon l~aplrls lllilll, nehlcvemenl awards. Lynn, C. lr1 a io•!lr•r from IIH• Pagr.Hnl. Major awards lnclnriPd lire !Tnndleraff, County Exhibit, A; l'l'l'SH, llir> Wl'iiPI' 1\'aH lolrl, "Jl is llnrolcl Wllkr.1:, A; Tlnwr. Hucc· siJcep-shcnrlng tltlo won by Mel· Oil!' opinion 111111 'HIH!lllliallr: vln Slwwerman of Willie Onlt ltcrl, A; ,Jpny Huel'kPrl, B; Lnrry Hr•w•i'll's' is H illllrnngltly l'l!illl· with Rollin 131ossey of WheaWeld Whcr.lcr, B; Hobert Callrlcler, B; n)1le r•ollr•Pllnn of pru!lry, Till' wiriP anrl Cordon Willws, B . .lust n f!'llellon behind In sccnnrl 1'11llJ~C of lllllllri, from Ihe HlliT\Ilg plar•e, Bolh boys will he sent In Eler·trlml, Dalla~ Hyclo, C; l'hil 'Otir Dnty' In Iii<• wi~l' Hnrllinrne· ITnvlroc, fl; ;md Dan Gabel, C. Chlmgo fm· lhe Jnlemational. I iy piJi!flsopiJy of 'f~IIV.\'' Ol' a Torn Beatty of the Villllown cluh Corn, Dorwin Slwatlwin1, mPrit; ) 'MP.S~H~:r• df flr~pr•,' lo !liP ,rmlc~r­ wo11 a gold wnld1 and the title In Gnr~· Cnl,rldm·, merit: Hldlill'cl / laining '1\Pil)''l; Hun' ~JJ(]nicl at· publle HjJealdng. !'nlridn Monroe \Vher•lm·, B; l1lls1:cll HowP, A; I J'ilcl il ial'gl 1 Htldil!lll'P, 'i'he V0.1':-it~H rif Vantown nnrl Dennis Avery of Louis l•'eldpauHdll, A, ant; ami am rlislliwl ivl' fr1r llil'il' fl'l!sil and Okemos won lrlps In the Nnllonnl Chnrlcs 'l'aslr·, A; Dornthy Showerman, ing Michigan al 1he Nnlional .Junior Vegelablo Gt·owet·s 011 a frtrnt nr•;rr l•:alon ltiijlids. nwel ing in Clewlanrl are from Ingham county. They were go I rip in crop jurlglng. C; Tlnb Swlnrllehul'sl, B; nussPII chosen ·al llw r-;1 ale ti-l I show at. En st. Lansinp; las! week. The A firsf place winner In canning Brrxlon, B; nnd ,}pan Anrll'rsnn, fl. Flower· gnnlon, llonalrl Sclmarlt, lownsiJip Sr•piP!TlhPr :m, 1HHI, and Ingham memhl't's arc l'all'icia Motli'~Jc, 1:J, Wehhr:rvill~ ~mel .Judging was Ilah Balwr n( liH! llv<•rl inllw township lip unlii!IJe Cross fl,onds farmers. Darwin C; !111111 Ann Couper, merll; Ell· Wil\ners at the Ingham county fail·, this Rister· and hml h­ Dennis Avery, Hi, Okemos. The thml member Js \VJJIJUm llf•n DmsC'IIil, B; Larry Vn\'l'!!, I inw ltP PlllPJ'r•d llw l'lHJVnlescent Btll't'ell, H!, !Iowell. Shcatlwlrn of While Oal\ won a er team from Dansville were among hundt'Nis of exhilli1ot·s hmne al Mason. rnajot• award In lraelor plowlnq merit; Lynr.ll Sl'haarlt, A; Nancy at the ::17th annuitl state '1-H club show at Michigan Stale col­ Lighlfnot, A; Louise Sr:ull, C; Rites Held for l•'tllll'l'al ~r·r·vir·r"; will hP lu~lrl and Gonion Monroe, Vantown, In lege. Mary Ann Minnifi, 17, senio1· at Dnnsville high school, Mr. anrl Mrs. l•:riH'!-'1 Lanwr tmclor operating. .Tanke Miller, merit; Uetty Lon a I llw Log a 11 J u lll'l'id lmme, llolt, Alaiedon Center spr•nt ;, days liisl \\'PPI< touring Hlsch, merit; and Lee Anderson, gt·ooms Gt·ar Acres Linda Bold E, :1 Y~-ycat·-old Holstein hcif­ l•'riday at 2:fll) p. m., will! ltev. The 4-Wincls sofllmll team won Wa her B. Ahrens 1\Jr·s. J•;lnwr· c. Jlruwn llli'Ollgli the Ea:;tern stales ami et· 1hat. took junicll' yem·Jing fir:;;t. place at 1he fair al Mason. \Vilsnn 'l'eriiiHIII of the !loll: lis way Into lhe finals of the c. Cnnacla. Canning, first year, A, Lucille Carl Minnis, 1:1, eighth grader at Dansvillr~, is wilh Graf Wnllr!r B. Aill·rn~, 70, of lfnlt, Brollhcrlrnnd MPI hndisl l'iliii'C'lL Tllirly-niJW pupils I'JIJ'OIIerl stale lournnrnent. Bolslorrl, Linda Soule, .Joyce Wil· diPd TIIL'Sriay at (llie Hobart Con· oiTkialing. llnri;tl will hr• in Ma· 'J'uPsdny fot' :wllool. TIH• 111'\V hr•· Mr. iiiHI Mrs. Ilarvey Swaim .Joyr.r. Malr·ho of White Oak Acres Elsie Bole! E, who took second 11lace us ll seniot' calf and f;tmily anrl Cllaril's Foree son tliHI Sue Bennett. Canning, ViiiPsr•enl lu'mw in Mason. Mr, pie RiriJ,:e cmnetery, Iloll. ~innr•rs wr!l'f! llnrll;u·a F'ogli•, Vur· went lo tile sfatc'fnir us a result at Mar-;on. They live G miles nol'theasl of Dansville. (MSC 1\'f'l'f! Mondny rlin1wr gUPsts of seeonrl year, A, Hulh i\nn Cooper, Alin•ns is sur\'iV<'rl by il son, LP\V· IPnl' Troub, TP!Tl' SouiiH•rland. of plaein~ hig;h in the style show. Photo) Mr. 1111d Mr.'i. llud Barnr:s of Murlcnc \VarllL!, Janel Cooper and is of Dl'lmil; a hmlliPr, Willlru·e Hon;dd Gillr•n, .J.ud_v J Jaslin)~S. Tile Vantnwn club placed sec· ( 'onlrary lfl populnr hPiir>f, I he llaslell. Gwen Oaln Dairy: Guernseys, county her:d. cralic, Moeckel declared. dustry, the National Hay associ- 3rd; Edgar LoVette, 1st; Dennis (Burl I A 1ln Clickner Injured Mt'H, D, I Iowunl GmHiinu, huH [llli'L or tlw SlfliCJ, 1\h'H, J.tlll Cltwhau•tMeln lwlrl at tlin ltigh sf'irool Mondny been stwnding a IO·rlny vncntlon Mt•, nnrl MrH, Guy Unlr.rnun nnrl ovenlng, SPpiC!inllt•t' B. 'l'ltc! nffl· Annual In Auto Wreck with hi~ pal'OIIIH. Duvlcl, who ut. ClmHl PnriHh WUI'I! 111 Plousnnl Mrs, Erillh Hinffnrrl rot qrned Clll'~ hopB tltul nil JHif'enll' of tepc!H Lonoir·Hhyne c•ollegc al IQI~t!, Barry county, fishing put·t homo nn 'l'tw~clny nftnr sptmdlng Wil~iamston '1'111' l't'illP family lwlrl Its lAth Hcritonl r:ltllril'!'ll will l!tlw 1111 in· Tnrl Clll'iptrll', whlio rot urnlng n wcclt nl tho Chill'lrm Stnffor£1 rcJJnlnn lnHI Sundny nt McCor· Tflcllory, Nnrtll Carolhta, ro· or thC! wuoi1 111 Mrs. Etlwl Wll· llfrs. Nina l(llteluun ton!sllntltiH orgnnlznliotJ and Ell· homr. !rom MI. Pleasunt about :J Iurnmi lust Sntlll'c!uy orl he WOllimrmi,IHir! I l'il•ri C'ilkr•,, ill ill eof· lllf• JH'Xl l'l'IIJiinn In liw HfltrJO hrrclly Wl'eelwrl, unci lw was In· Garden Clubs Meet kr•, ltfll'l' wltir•IJ llir• prr•slrlr>ril of plnr·o Ill!! lnst Siill!tay in .lluw, seltool, and ltns !wen attending 'l'his Is her sc!concl your In this cilnnor last Monriuy of Mt·, .11nrl Methodists Hold jured and I!UI ubo~tt lite fum, hut Lennlr-Hhytw coilol(e ~incc, rii~lrlct, Mrs. Charles Stnfl'ord. lim Jnlei'·C'JI,\' C'rJIIIII'il pi'!'Sirlt•d 1 A one limn lll!!n! wern over forlltllill!!ly un hones were ilmlwn Mr. nnd Mr~. E. Ji', Cnrl!!t' nne! At Waldenwoods r>V!!l' i1 llttsiiiC!HH llli'l'ling. :mtJ n·latlws. In Mkltignn und Mr. ami Mrs, Leo Clil£•k, Mt•. illlll IW \VIIS flhie to gl!l fli'OllllCI son, Mr:;, J~unnlo Ilou:; of Eaton Plans wet·r• l'ormuinll•d fnr tiw 1md Mrs. Dr!llwrt Glntnet• and Mt·. Hoprnsr•n!ai\V<>s of HPd CPdar NPW Yot'il."l'IJC Hil'!! oE tiw family, Annual Meeting affpr tlw ct•nsh. T"uwtnn Gauss nf Huplrls, Mr·. unci Mrs. A. C. Stern r·rHIIH'il's worll at the l.'llllling unci Mrs. Art .Johnson wore 1'1111· F't'l'dr•ril'i! Prine, Wits born In 1807 Dansville, n hrother-in·lnw, wus of Lnn~lng und Mrs, Iva Olsen· r:rmil'll dull attr•rHir·rl a lll!'r!l ing rr!glonai nwnting, willr•lt will ill' Tlw Metlwdist dHirdJ sdtoo\ Bert VanOstran e1·~ nt the Gmf'e Stmltel'110me at v\'nirli'IIIWJrHis 'l'liP.'iMil\' mol'n· and riled in IHH:i nl the hom£! of f'aiicd to the scene nnd look the mlh were Suncluy cullers of Mr. lwld Sept!!lnher IR 111 tlw Union hr:lc! Its nnnuai lllCI'I in1; W!•rlrH'H· lnsl Sunclny. ill(( of lhr• I niP!'·( 'ily l•';•riPrulr•d his oou, ll£!nl';' Prine, fallwt· nf ln.Jurl'ri vietlm to Dr, lteynuld's nne! Mrs. M. Griffin. IJ11llding nt 1\lidtit(rrn Stat£• C'ol· dn>' C!V~nlng In till' 1'\Htl'elt riining Mr. anti Mrs. Mnrtln Strnlll'l (illl'I]C!II ('JIIi>S <.'1111111'\J. TWi!lliY· Arnold of Villllmnolnn, Arthur qff\ce. Dies at Farm Home 'l'he Clark family hrt.~ mowd IPgl! In ICasl Lansing. !Caclt £•lull l'riiH' ·and lll:uwll!! Willlinson of mom. The Sllfll''inlf'llclent pro. enlleci on Gruee Strohei last 1\vc• \VI'I'I' ill HIIPIHl:tll<'i' frnm filC! 'I' he nccicic!llt occtnTed near 1he from Aurelius to Lansing, llffiiJilff'diVifli fill! I'Oli!H'iJ IViJJiH' siLic>d nnri spoi\P on IIH~ IIC'!'dH of nert L. VanOstran, flO, died nt Wr.clnesrlay, seVl!l'fll garrlr•n l'iirhs of tills !'C'· Lansing. Th11 matenwl grnnri· Wi1yne Runciman tenant housP Miss Margaret l!l'lnans of De­ J'I'SpOilHJIJJr• frll' fUriiJ!;Jilng 2 01' mothPJ' wns Mary Rnss l'rinP, lhP Siillrlny sr·hooi. '1'\w meeting his farm home, August. 2:1. II!.! M1·. nnd Mrs. Lee r:f>t•hnrrlstPin ginn, A lurwlt w:rr; ,;ervPd by 1111! wus llll'lled Ill'!'!' to the pa:Hot·, llbotl1 :l\~ rnlic!s south of Wli· troit flllci Miss ,Tnnol llumans of 111111 e rlried IHHIIJLII'Is for In hiP W/1!; was hol'll In 13ath, April l!l, 1872. visited nt the lwnw of Mr. and lrostm;s, nssisiPr\ by iJPr r•ommlt· Willi horn In r~t'IIIW!! In IHJO llumston, It was !'l!portecl 111at .TndIl. An nev.• lame,;;, who had charge of lfe Jwd lived on tlw same fnrm Mrs. i~rne~t Nims Sltnciay ew· . and dir•d In IH!i!J. Both are htJJ'h!d 1111• eiet•tion of offif'l!!'S, Tr!rl lhougilt IIH! aeciclcnt was hot• Day guests of llwlr parents, Interesting morning nrHI aftm·· in MI. J fnpr• e£!11Wtc!ry, Lansing, in Wllllnmston townsl1ip since hiH Mr. unci Mrs. John Humans, and nlng. 'l'lwy am: Supc>r\niPtic!Pnt, I-Im·· r·anseri by the bursting of a tire·. Mr. and Mrs. Vktnr Clwn!',Y noon It as been 11rrunged by I li<' 1\ largt• family !'unslstlng of 7 mnniuge to Josephine Colby Oc· their grunclmothet·, Mrs. Mitfnle t'ison 13mphy; assi:;lant sLoJH!l'ln· The car left the ronci, hit a 1elc· tuber 1:1, :IH9G. cnilcd on Mr. and Mrs. llusscdl ofllr•£!1'1i for tlw plr.nslll'!! of tiw StillS anrl !l clnnghters wen! horn phone pule, snapping It off, nnd I-l!.!lllllnS, members nttmr'riing. to this union, and IIllis lhn !urge lendent, WnylH! norsiine; SOC'l'C!· Surviving Is lhe widow, .Tose· Strobel, Sunday evening, tary, .Josepl1im• Sr•lioi'f; assistant theu pilml up against a tree. The 40th L. L. Warner reunion Jo'oilowlng tin• ltush1Pss sPsslnn, fa1nily I it•s IVt'l'e fonn£•rl. phlne; 2 children, Merritt Van· wns h!!lrl at the cotlnty pm'l\ at Mrs. A\hert 'l'rt!tHiol\ was n. 111rs. Grimns ns guest speniH•t·, seemtary, Virgitria Hoss; lreas· we!'lc end guesl of Mr. and Mrs, J\1 tit!' !'!'union Stmdny, t•eprC!· Ostrnn of Williamston ami Mrs. Muson, Saturday, August :Ill, wlrh gave• n tali< on tiw cultrn·c• and his· trrer, ,Joanne J\llf'n; liilrarlan, Eldroci Houso. .'il'lllaii\'<'S fi'Oill fi of the original Blanche Wallwr of Lan~lng; !i 2!i pmsr.rtt. Officers eiocted fot· trrrlr•al llnl'icgl'lltlrHI rll' giarlillii, l:lr!lly BoW£'11; ;rssisrant liilt•at'ian, granrlchilclren; 8 great-granrlehll· the coming yeat' were: Pmslclcmt, Mrs. Arch\C! !louse Is staying nt fmnil,\' Wl'l'P on lwnd unci tlwy Llonrw .It! an ()p:-;J erie; rnus ldnn, lllustmting IHrt' tai\1 with lllomm; Co-op Holds 33rd dl'en; a brother•, Charles Van· Charles Coy; viee·presicient, Carl the Gerald Dally home ear·ing for ar<• now loolling forward to next Cella Lounsbury; l'iH>I'i:;ter, 1~1· from iJPl' iat'gf' garr!Pn:,, TIH• rwxt y£•ar's l'!!ttnir.nl. Ostran nf Lansing; a sister, Mr~. Warner; unci sec:r!!lary and trcas· her new grnncitlauglttor, horn All· lnii'I'·City lllP!•Iing will IH• li<'iri in mor Light foot; assicHanl choris· Annual Meeting Mabie Love of Datil; and severn! ut·ct•, Mary Bunlwr, Guests were gust 2!l. l'rrrry with llrat dull ;rdrng :n; let·, ,faniee I 'llliof'i;; and nun:c1•y nieces unci nephews. present from Moru'rH•, Pont i:IC', Mrs. f~rnesl Knoell openPci Tier· supcrinll'IHient, Virginia Smltli. hostc•ss. The Pmducers Co-npcrntivc He was a Goirien Sheaf mcm· Leslie, Willlumslon, Mason, Dall!'l· rick sehonl on 'i'Lte:iclay morning. Why Insure? Telephone Cashier to 'J'Iic• lll'W off\('(!J's will meet E\Pvator company of Williams· her of the Williamston Grange ville, Aurelius and .Jncll'H· icl'ly witholll lin:Jtwhil loss line Brotiwrs funeral homa In lansing Arranger !rll'nl I PiPphniH' · eom]>any, has Ill!· the wrll'i! rioJH! during till' •}last !!t'S of the northern pat'l of lng­ :to yottt'SPJI', \\']H•Il IIW IIIWX­ t'Pfilr·d a 11irnilnr po.'iilion with the 1:1 years hy tiH• rPtiring sltprrln· ham county, and is mw of I hr. Williamston. Hev. Harold l~eese Wall Tile Mr•mlH'r.'i of llw Hl'r\ C'erl:rt' nf the Williamston 13aptlst il I' 11 Union Tl'iepiHJIW Co. at Clinton, tcndent; Mr~. Ie· valor~ in lhr• c•ountry. Aluminum anti l'hLNU!\ ;why. Frllvlervillr! Gardc•n l'iul> 'l'uPsria,\· the Foote cemelery. Palibr~arers f!Vf'ning. Tllis was :r spPC'i:ri meet· :rhuul SPJlll'lllhPr Iii. Mt•s. Cooley, rf'lary, lil>mrian anr\ superintcn· The reporl of sales for tl1e 1\lnny c•nloi'S to L'htmst• l'mm wl1o iiws on !:Jell Oak marl, has dent. were Kenneth nnd Laure1we Van· Renwmhr>r, it 'H IX'11cJ' 1o ing of lilf' C'luh ltPid In I he Fnw· year was the large~il in the his· IH'C!II with thr. ioC'a\ phone com· Ostl'fln, Bruce Waliwr, KennCJth Flnnr Covr!rlng- ;always haw in:mt·:rm·p nncl lr!t'Villf' Methoriisl f'illlrch wilh tory of the c!o·opcration, the total Smith, Shelby Dennis ami Max Fa·t•l! I•:stinmltls t•an~· for IH'ariy ill yPnrs, anrl amount bel ng $1, 123,297.52. 'l'he ;nr!V£'1' JWI'ri if tltnn to need Mrs. A.. Teag!'r of Lansing as fill' Sechina to. sp!!illwr, who 1alll£•d on flnii'C't' print' In that was with the BPI! Future Farmers pI an CID·Dpcrative was found In iw In Phones Ewnin~s H juHf. once! and not lla vc arranging for whieh Hill' is l;nnwn 'I'Pir•piH>Il!! Cr>. in New York stale Lan~Iu · ·1·7Hr.ts Charles Dent lllasun ;!.Jr~Hn fnr D ypar;;, 'vt'tt'es for Ye·~r excellent condition. During tho Mrs. Kate King and daughter,'------'11 if. statewide as an except ionaily fiJW Actl u past 2 years improvements have Mrs. Ethel Jlannn of Water· ~ ,, ' ' l r' Jrerw Martin, l'hief opPralor for ., ' I. ' .:~ ~ •t,- I IIITIIIli(f'l'. Mrs. ,Jpngr•r exhiilit!'d '1 Fifteen members of the \VJJ.· been m1ule in llw physical pmp· vlicl, spent n week's Inuring in Gr>JH't';Ji 'l'l'ieplwne C~o. of Michl· l· Const 111 lit tH ITa 1'11'ord I of lwr own armngenwnts and erty to the amount of approxi· tile norllwrn part of the stall', ga11 llf 1 l'f\ \Viii no\v nl~o act as liarn.'ilon F. Jl. A. and tiJPir aci· then with materials lll'llUglil in . I I I' . I f mateiy $!ill,OOO. visiting the Straits nnd the .. ·· : AgPney l'nr yotn· i nsut·n nee r·asltil't', as Ihe nffic·c~ is now VtHOrS I'CilUrnCI itS I 'l'IC IIY rom ... IJy rii f(l'I'Cllf Jll'l'.'iOil.>;, Hl'l'flllgf!rl, Shipmcm l nf l11c 1952 wheat American Soo. · pmt !'el.ion. llW\'r~ri to 1liP I [am monel building a !i-day lrarl£•rship and training· crop so far has exceeded the last explaining as slw die\ so ahoul Mr. ancl Mrs. Ted Thompson •'- wiH•n• 1ht• ,;witehlloani anc\ otiwr camping tyip at Ludington slrill! year's total. It is a conservative I . ~ lines, colot·, rhythm and halant'"· and child ret\ spent 1he wer.i{ nncl l'f!Uipnwnl are installed. The Gill park, wlwre they completr•d their estimate lhnt ~0'/c of the crop The spc~nker nf the el'!'ning was and At·J Shop, whiC'h occupied tlw progmm of work plans, set up a is in storage in lite llancis of the Labor Day nt their cottage at KEEPING \ ·.·~ introduced by the f'hninnan, Clar· Long laico ncar Ionia. ., r' ·i'· I Past sirle o [ I ill' Ilammnncl huilci· budget [or lite l'iwpl£!1', ami marlC' farmers. \ ~ .' ,; •"'·' ence Vaught, local florist and up a caienriar of elates of import· The sales of all branches of the Mr. and Mrs, Allen Dcislm· and PACE WITH ...] DART ianclseapc gardetH'l'. Jle :1lsn in· inr~ is nnw lrlf'alcd in the Thomp­ daughter, Wava, acenmpaniecl ,..- ' son huilrling on South Putman, nnt act i~·it ies for tlte corn in~ carporntion showed favorable '1 ".:i trorltlr.:ecl llw prPsid!'nl of tliC! their son, Lewis, and daughters MICHIGAN v:lf'alc•r\ l>y the telephone uf(ice. year. profi1s considering the increased ·:.Insurance Agency Fnwlervillr! elub and at llw elo~:e of Durand, to Bryan, Ohio, where nf tlw dernonstrntion, dosed lite The F. F. A. plnnnin~ worlt was taxes and operating expenses. 1hey attended the Dcisll!r t'e· Michigan's phenomenal growth and indu~trial •· l'hniii'S: Mason 2·:Hilil r;rol'et· Lantis ancl Hill Van­ expansion during the 36 years since ~his organ­ meeting. done in gmnp meetings each fore- Tim 3 present members of the union. Lunsing· rmA.2:ififil RipPr are hoth huilcling additions noon, with lhc ha!ancP of lhP time hoard of directors whose terms ization was founded, have ostomshcd the ',JlnJ•t. 1\'alional llnnl' lluilrling A lunch was.scrvecl to lOll mem· lu lliPir lwnws in Bell Oak. entire world. i>ers and guests by tlw c·ommit· spent on swimming, hilcing and of office hac! expired, were re· Detroit's population has grown from of o :.Jason Jllr. ;:md 1\lrs. M!'!rvin Terrill % Ice. ., fl:;hing. elcetCJd for another term of :J million to 3~~ million in the metropoli~nn. area announce lhc birth of a daughter, .Just beforP lenving on the years, as follows:· Henry Sheath· South Aurelius and -an increase of 433 per cent. Other MtchJgan .fn:1n Hnth, on August lG. eamping trip, the membf'rs were elm, Clnre.nc(! j:liossey and Harold cities have expnnded to n comparable extent. 1\h·. nnd Mrs. Floyd Wagner ac\viserl tltat the Williamston Mead. The bulnncc of the hoard North Onondaga Providing this rapidly increasing city and family attended the Hill fam· 1\la·s. B. 11. Field population with an adequate supply of the Wrecker -Service ehapler had again been ranked r:onsists of Charles Wood, Rex most perishable of all foods-pure, fresh !1,\' reur;,on helcl recently at with tile 15 best chapters in 1he Hili, William Risch, Raymond Aato and Trnalit 'l'o1r­ Owosso. milk-has posed difficult problems. To lng stntc. Four officers were in De· Pciwcll, Max Eifert, nnd Jesse Mrs. Ada Smith was lals of ·I <'iliZI'IIS' llll'f'I[IJgs llw rlert Wolv'ert '"' farm. ltl'lll'il'll lh~ lllg·hnm c;mnly NI'WK ('lll'h w~:m Wr!!ltlf'Srlay rlltnu:r· gru•sts nl lmf'll I!Vf'I'.Y Wl!i!l< In the llnlted authorization for raising llu• tnil· during till' JliiSI :lnHllllilS iiiHi 1111· Mrs. Max Mllhlllil'll anrl dauglt· Wl'dl hy simply mlling llw Nt!Ws ,offl~:rl In l\la· llw !·:. C. Otis lromr•. Stall'S, lnge Is gmnlt•d, thn distrir'l will IIH'I'oiiS hrlilrrl nwr•lings rlrtring lrors and Mrs. Frartlc Milbourn ·LollllY llallard of Mason lr:ts lmmcrllatclv urlllr:rtnl\1' a l>uildlng son. l'u.v lnlr·r·, and sons of Jnci Ct•an· school, remwlr•ling of th1• high "\VI' tlrinl' \'IJII olll-(hl to l;now dnll of Wehlmrville and Mr. anrl Ingham County News September 4, 1952 Page 3 liehool, huyinr: :J prrrl;rlrlr~ llliilrl· llr:rt if I iris pr;'i'"sal f:rils to l'illTY Mm. Merton Hlce !;JlP.Ill Friday --~------·,. lngs and buying ;11ldil io11:rl land Holl fllrl HilS l'oliu in Anslria evening with Mr. nnd Mrs. llur:it rrn ~'.i•ptr•JillH'I' 1:1. any lnrilrling Grovenburg !or sdwol silt•s, pmgrarn wlli<'i1 rnlr;lrl l'iiiT)' at Polio has strlelwn F:llzahet h Oesterle In help t•eleht'ale 1heir Clements Flower Shop Holt l-lomecoming l'tlrs. llnwlml North wrddlng anniversary. In n slt.;nrorl rru'.'ilillJ~I' lo 11"1 t :r lal<'r dalr• will prolr:drly l11• dr•· Wnllworlh, 11·year·olrl daur.:htet· =•wMriSit'llf?!IW'l Flowm·s For All Occasions me l:ryl•d lr.l' :r 1\"lrllir' sdrrr11i yl'al'. '!'Iris of Mr. onrl Mrs. Thomas Wall· Mr. and Mrs·. Dan 'J'oolwt· of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Monroe rnr:rtJS th:ll r'l'rlain grad1•s Wllltlrl Starts Friday worth of Lintz, Austria. Tile Wall· Edtnon• visited Mr. nrul Mrs. A. spent l~rirlay witl1 their rlaur.:hteJ' wortli family arc .former Ht1ll Phone Holt 417!)1 rlr•'tiniiPiy hal'l' '" hP prtl 11n lralf· 'I'IH• ilir: \V1•ek 1'1111 is llet'l~ for L. 'l'oolwr, Mrs. JO:rnma TIHHnpson and family at Lansing, Free Engra'ling residents. Mr. Wnllworth Is in the and Mrs. Lottie rroei of Dimon· Mrs. Merion rtir·e rlav s1•ssions IH'Xi \'1'111' and \W !Jolt n•siill'nls, past ;rnrl pn•sl'nl. 111 entr~rlailwrl army In Austt•la. Mrs. Wallworth dale 'l'uesrlay [ last week. the primary class of the Vantmvn on wr;uld '"'''''I'll fnrtlrf'r irl'lrind in !lrrnwr·ominr~ ofrii·ially starts 11 ulll'' Pfi'lli'IS to IH!I'fl IIJI willt 1111' Friday and I'Oiillnues tht·ough and her 3 .daur:hters left' this l'vlr~. Willard Fernlrerg, Mrs. Sunrlny sclwnl l~rlrlay aftenHIIlll. rmmlry last May Iii join her hus· IWNSON J.IGII'l'l•;m; ~:rowing Sl'ilorrl prrpulation in Salul'lla)' night. Attractions in· George Conarlon, Mrs. Kennetll JO,\'I'C Wald assisted and rr~fresh· Protect Your Car Finish 111111. durle the vViliJUl' WoiVI!I'ine !Janel, accnrdinr~ In Mrs. Charles llnlhrook, Mrs. Clart>nce Lconanl, mr.nls of .lello, Cli[H:alws, cooldes Connor, the child's gmmlmolhct'. We Sdl "\\'" siiH'r'l'l'iy hopr. )'lrll will ,shows, Hn old·linwt•s softball Mrs. ftol>ert Hied, Mr·s. Howard and Kool Aid wen• server!. Against irl'lp us 1;r•t 11lll a largr• "Yr•s" vote g;rnw Friday :tl !i:DD p. m., a B1ry North and Mrs. Leon Nortli, Mr. and Mrs. Dalr• Sobr.r of ltiiiJ:" :-iPIIill~·s- Jo'irH• Wnll'iii'S so till: prrqrosal \\'ill r·art·y witltoul ~:eolil cltid\r•n il:lrhecue IH!tween members o[ Delhi Home Demon· Conway were sunday dimH•r i'itr•J•Iing i'iil\'t~l' - Nt•l•ldur·ps douht. 1·'111' ani' rurllrPr int'onna· ~:lllland 7::10 Saturday niglrland stration group, went to nayncr r.:uests of her parents, Mr. and Bitter Winter lion on 1111' pr:op11.'ial, please feel n paradr~ 11f hands :md floats Sal· Doctor Returns pari,, 1-.lasun, fur a l'icnk dinner Mrs. Howard \Vaid, anrl family. fr~:1• 111 r·Hll a11y of us." urday alternoon. J'hursday of last week. Miss Patricia Monroe, wlw won Holt Jewelry JH•·rnhr•rs ,r till! illlal'll o[ r:dll· 'f'l11: Jioll Cmnmunitv council Mr~. A. L. Tool,cr spent 1\Jon· lirst place on ;judr:iiiJ.: \'r•getnhlcs DuPont "Spray-Glazing" r·:r t ion ar1• l•'ra nl\ rvl. L:r nd1•rs. ,Jay SJHIIISIII'S IIH• :3·dHy cPII'imrt ion. After War Duty day al Ill!! home of lwr son, Au· at the state HI show held at IIH' ~<:. :..;. m:m::. '('his fifJIIill linblr III'I'Sf'I'\'I'S (lllilll. IIIII( 1·:. l'arklr11rsl, L1•o lll'atlr. ,J. Hidt· L11cal dubs and businesses will Dr. E. F'. Marriner rc,i(,inerl Dr. brey, near Grand Ledge. college In Ens! Lansing last wcr•l,, $l~.95 N!!~:l. lo l'oslnt'fir·" 1 will r:n to Ne1\• York dly in De· dll'llllte. II lasls all winlr•f'. 1. :rrrl Arlr:od> and 1\lrs. Margaret opl'rate exhibits and corwessions. F. L. Trnosl at Holt Morulay after Mrs. Flossie Geisenlmver ~pent cemhcr to represent J\llchignn. 2 years of service with the navy. llolt 's New Station 4 '1'111' merl'itants lt>nl will hoUSI' last week Tuesday with Mrs. Several from the Vantown 4·ll ,-,~~~~~~e~~~,~,~-~~~~S~a~ln~l.~------~-- l'ommercial exltihits. The space is He served in ,Japan, Korea nnd HLtgil Angell and her nwthct·, rapidly iJi'ing sold, aecording to !-Tong Kong. Dr. Marriner became Mrs. Ella Gilman ol Leslie. Mrs. group won prizes al the •I·II Ar·e!ri1• Lewis, president o.r the an associate of Dr. Troost in July, Gilman is !Jeller ami Mrs. Ang!!ll stale show held in East Lansing IEUas Sunoco Service muncil. 1fl'ifl. He had served in the navy is aL humt•. ller sister, Mt:s. ltulh last week. Coi'III'I' t\ut·Piius arul Holt Hrnuh l'hurw lloll. fJIIil 'l'lw Vocal ional sclwol hand and in World War II and was rccallcrl Bryan of Union City, is with her Douglas Parish of Holt re· ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ rile I loll svlwol hand will mardi mother this wel:k. turner! home last week after Servi.ce to active duly. His wife and chil· spending ~otne time \Vitl1 his eou· '5WIN1•tm••ttMftPM*N• in iiH: pamrle. 'J'Iw Dexter '!'rail dren remained in Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hie!! and sin, Kennellt Hiee, II,rst• dnb will also join the During Dr. Marriner's ahsenee, dlildt·1~n spent last week with her Mr·. and Mrs. Maurice Oeslet·Jc l'a\'alc;tdl! :dong witli tile Lansin~ Gin Radios nr. Clarence Cmnrlall was with gnrmlmotlH•r in Sl. Paul, Minne· am1 .f amrly· have hcen vaeationing Dairy Co. li·ltiteli team ami a •10 Dr, Troost. He lias now estab· sola. A year ago tltey !Jianned llw in norlhct·n Michigan the (lUst 1'1. :-; loco mol ive. WYLER Television lislwrl IJis own office at his home, same lri!J ilul were obliged lo re· 1 Memhet·s of Ilie Girl Smuts and 19G•1 S. Cedar. turn home because of their car wee(, Boy Scmtls will lake part in llw being struck ami badly damaged Mr. anrl Mrs. Harry Depew, Jr., p111':rde. t.'Joats arc also sclicduled by another while in Wiscrlllsin. are entertaining her parents from . Atlanta, Gcurgia, and they all to appt:ar, Mrs. Bernard Brshop has a spent a few days in northern WA.TCHES Tlw Saturday parade will as· Traffic Violators fractured ankle. She and Mr. Michigan the past week. sembl1• al I :Oil at. Vern llall's on Brshop l1arl Just ~·eturned frur.nl Mr. anrl Mrs. Edgar Marsliall Kl'ller J'IJarl. Tile marcli will winri vacatrun. ln alrr:htrng from thea· and children of Gregory and Mr. down Ced:ll' slt'l'l'l to the traffic Are Arres.ted car ~he sll'ppcd on a loosl! stone, Ianrl Mrs. Mer·tnn Rir·e caller! on light and the11 cast to Central ' causrng lwr fall ~1 · Holl Deputy. Alvin Hartig ;lp· ·.. .. ·, , : , . . , .·. ".rs, Maggie .Burrlcn at Sunset sciHJill. prchended a trro of hol·rod drlv· l\~1s ..h..tte N~nth·' ..~l~ss ~.ttt.ll~ I I-I,rv.en .. Dansvrlle, Sunday. . Kid's day is sclwrlulcd fur :io'ri· ers Monday night who were ~ullh •llld Mts. Lrzzrc Nrn til ul Drcl"e Monroe spent Jo'rtdiiy ( day afternoon. speeding through Masop strcl'(S hnvlervrlle called on Mrs. llow· with his cousin, Allen SclimidL in All l\lnl!t'S at 61) milr.s per hour. Palrolmiu1 a.rd North and Mrs. A. L. Tooker Lansing. All J\lod,•ls \i'. 8. C. 8. l'il!IIS !Heeling Kenneth E. Mcrinclorf of Mason Satmday. , The nominating cmmniltec of Gtllll'atllh•t•d l'arls and The first fall general meeting city police radioed ahead to Har· Miss Lizzie Muon ~pent Satut·· the Vantown Sunday school mel Scrvicn of the Metlwdist W. S. C. S. will tig who surprised the hot·roclders. day afternoon and evening at the nt the horne of Mrs. Kathleen lw held Wednesday, September 10 Each of the 3 were driving Eng· lmme of Mr: rlml Mrs. John Mau· WPhstct· Friday evening. Double in the soda! hall of the church at lish·made hot·rods. They were prn til Lunstng. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sober of SPARYON and ADNaUrtA~ 7::Jo 11. m. Ruby Selleel' ami Mrs. takr.n bacl1 to Mason where Jus· Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strohcl anti Conway called on friends in this lice Roy Adams was waiting for Iva May spent Saturday with Mr. vieinity Sunday. Guarante.e Sales aJI(f'St~r\'icc Leroy Carpenter arc general chairmen arid a dessert luncheon them. and Mrs. Geurgt• 1\icppe, their Mr. ami Mrs. Merton Rice spent If IIH' lmlnrw1~ Whl'l'i, lmhllli'll sluff or• will be served. Rev. Wilson Ten­ Stephen V. Spuiller, Bethseda, daughter and her lntslnllld, Mr. Tuesday aftcmonn with his broth· halalll'll ,imv!!ls h~l'lllllfl tlalllllg'l~d m· hr·ol111n on ~·uur· \\'\' J,J•;Jt nant will speak anrl a playlet will Maryland and Stephen E. Quigley and Mrs. Warren Strong frum cr, Ivan nice, and his wife ncar WA'I'CII, tlu• f'flllltlan~· guarauli"'s to l'll(lllir m· reph1ce lhcm be presented hy the Ruth circle. of Chevy Chase, Maryland, Gcor·gia, · ami Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bath. wilhuuL churg·e with NO 'l'li\IE UMI'l'! H.chill uf Lansing at the Kleppe's It E. \\'Ji;LCII, S( 1 1'\'il'(' .En~·irwt~r· pleaded guilty to reckless driving Evt•I'Y 2 ;yPar·s yo111' W\'LJ•;H W!\'l'CJI •:all h1: l'lllllt'lllld tu us for nay l'hmw: Holt. •l··l;ir\1. I\ig-ht l'horlt': !loll. H8!JL J'ast Nohle Gr·aJHI Club 1\leets and speeding charges and were cottage at Pleasant lalw. Old The Past Noble Grand club of fined $40.:30 each ami David Ha· Mr. and Mrs. Bert Berg from s Road Community seil•utifi~ J'l'·h·sting· of tl11• 1\'Uit·r·pt·IHII' ens1: uurl any lllll:f'SSRI'Y '------t the Rebellisters warn of exan· Mr. and Mrs. Ed Emery and .. Holt the Lewis Van Nocl1crs. A Sunday thema, n new disease, when found Mrs. Leora Norris of Detroit were visitor to the VanNocli. ,(11(111 l'nlll't', \!J'. Mr. :<111! 1\lt'H. !lllglt f'o~lll't' nC of Lunches Is .li:as.r Pnlt•t·lain••d nl :t dlnnPr 'l'lttlt'sda,l' Golfers Vie of !he Mason llapllsl dHtrdJ. All talH• r•n!'l' of rJpr·orallniJH, and 1\lr.'i, < l••ralrl I 'nlll'l' ill !II 1\11". CiagPI0\\'11, PVPttlng ilotHn'lng tlw HCJIIt hlt·ilt­ friends 111'1' invilr•ri In alll'tHI any Dr, Halplt 'J', Anrlr!m, pn•sii!Pnl Hl!d !\It'S. Alva ( 'aJJljJilt•ll ol :\Ia· With Accessories Available rlny illllliVPJ'!-llli'.Y of C:Pnrge Gra­ For Honors at so11. '1'111' "''''asi1111 was 1\lrs. l'ol­ h:tm, GIU!sls prPsPnl were Mr, limP hPIWCf'JJ lhc IJourli of 7::l0 of IIH! Mil'ltigan llapllsl mr.vrm­ nnd n::Hl, linn, will Ill! pn•sl!lll fot' lh1• gallt- lr•r's hiJ'IiHIH)' allllii'I'I'SIIt')' :JJJd Tlw many rH·r·P~snt'iPs nnw lnr~ nul, arr> sanilary nnrl nrc of­ and Mrs, LPsll•t' l·'owfr>r of Clwr­ 1\-11', and ~Irs, l'ollPJ"'s WPrlding 'l'lte ?.lmtnPJ's, wllit llteil• 2 rill!- ering, J. C. PONTON, M. D. nvallnblf' rnaliP lin• ,11111 of lunch '''II disJHlSahlc, loiiP, Mr. 'Peley of \\/(l)P SPJ'\'c:d 1o llu• ~~llt'Sls. !lll"l H. ltOJ.:I'I'S Lansing, 1\lr. and Mrs. lcl yem· cnroilPci In a sJll'r·lal :lgrlr·ul- Office llours r!n Iiley :illnw 11 grPaiP.t' var!PIY en lhc laslt for lhc homemalmr Mr. nnrl Mrs. Alvin Linn spr!ltl l I 1 11 1 1 A Lahnr Dn~· pnllitd; rlinnl'r I )IJJ"IIiill' 1\':r!IPJ", ;I tid illl•it• 1111111>., In nw Prl Driggs :tnrl family anrl pt•fzes. H Mt', anrl Mrs. M:Hlrlox plan fo Mr. and Mrs. Don McDowell and Sh lite ~alnd r.:t·een., separalely, u~e A lwllighl g-nlf meel for Ma- ower onors vlsll frl,r!nels in l\lasr~n and Lan- Janlil,v SJH'nl Salurdny nnd Sun­ day-old brcnel--so lltal II will nol. S{Jit wrmn~n golfers will he held al sing tlus \\"PPk bPlllJ't! J'(•l11rn1ng day will! lltl' Lamplwrcs. h tear wlten spread, Spn•;ul soft llw golf course Th,t,trsday Hfll:l'· Duane T ur bys ID llllnoi.~ .. Mt·, 'liHI Mrs, ,!ohn TI. LambPrl nr~on at ,I :00 p, m, llw meel wtll 1 * ''' ''' huller or margal'ine on ea<'h of D<'l roil and Mrs. Ada .Jorgen­ slice to prevcnl flllings from soak­ Jw followed by a dintwr at the 1\lrs, 13Psr; Slt'opc> is on v;H·al ir~n SI'n and l\lrs. lfazel Sylws n[ go![ course, when Ihe lourna- Mrs, A, G. Campllcll assislerl this Wl'Pk fmm hl't' rl111 i<•s at lfw in[:( inlo lhe hrend. Spread all \\'indsor, Onlario, Canada, e•allml menl [Jt'izes will be awarclecl. hy lwr sisiPrs, Mrs. Edwin Noxon l'ounl,- Plr•ril's oft"ir·l'. :-;!w nntl !Jr•r slices o [ bread In ntH• opera I inn on 1\lr, and Mrs, W. K, Lamh ,,, "' '" ancl Mn-;. Max \Varrie, enlert:Jincrl hltsb;;nrl, leal pi!, ilav•• IH'I'JJ "lli'JHI· using a spalula, !\feat, Pggs, St!IH!ay :dlt•rnoon. Oft CLINTON I!ONORED at a slorlt slwwer al. the Camp- ing I he v:!l'al ion :11 l'ortilgl' lakP, f'iwcse nnd peanul huller :lt'e lite i\lt·. and r.Jrs, ll. G. Henson re­ bell home Salunlay evening IJnn- .Mr. <11111 1\lrs. !low:mf rle•-, Lahor 1 Double w~lls to -~., I Mr. and Mrs. C. L . .Jncohs and family and Mrs. Harry Peek spent rd at a 1:00 p, m. luncheon 41h, and Janel Eberly Slh in their Myers of Chicago arc visiting WARE'S DRUG STORE II• I Special! ily o[ Port Huron. last Wednesday in honDr of Mrs. respective JeJ'scy chslio, Mr. nnrl Mrs. Elmer Salurrlay evening I he Clinlons cn­ ing Augusl ~ al Ihe home of Mrs. The biggest t!ollar in your Alverson "or Rives .Jum·lion, Mrs. terlained Mr. ami Mrs. Rnymond Edwarrl Kranz. The members purse is a S f'ccd Quam 12Poser~in Clairf' Snnw ami family of Enlon T-I. McLean for dinner al Archie's gave the 4-I-I plc1!ge and ~ang Wedding Album$25 dollar. Come in and let us Up f{apids, Mrs. Mary Saelens and Lounge. in Lansing in honor of "The Bnllle Hymn of lhe Repuh­ prove it. Mr. anrl Mrs. Raymonrl Silvcnsky the Clintons' wedding anniver­ lic." The minulcs of lhe last No 1-'ruvel Chau·ge and family of Lansing, Mr. and sary. mccling .wL're renrl ami approved. Mrs. Arthur Drier ami family of Mr. and Mrs, Joy 0. Davis, Mrs. The learlcr gave out t11e vege­ J loll, Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Van Rhea Mygrants ancl William tnhlc baskets nnd reporls. The Mason LeCiear Studio Sleelaml and family, Mr. and Couch were in Toronlo last week Irea surer rcporlecl a balnncc on Home .App;iance I'hotogJ'UIJhm·s Mrs. Jared Austin and family and to al tend the Ontario exposition. hand of $14.97. After the business 1 Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Saelens and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carrigan liPrnartl ( Jnd,v . fHPnn ~J~wnhs . 508-lil disr:iplcs, "Ye are the light. of the !!Very plwse o( Cnnfralernlt~' wll h Mr. anti Mrs. Lynn Haynes )!. l'rOHjlt't'ill.~ l'nl'lliHht•tl lljltlll J't'liiii'St, f'iplini'S of !Jisl'ip!l'shfp." rl!•aVIII', 7:•1:i 111.; r•vr•nillg SI'I'V· worlct." l Iis commaml ·m us is "Let your light. so siune.'· worlc anrl f;nnlly. i<'lllotlisf I ncv. Willinntston St, 1\a! ht•r·int•s Ji'rnnk F. Benish, pasfnr. Morning Seplembcr 12 and 13. Plans nrc enrl with Mr. anrl Mrs. Blninc Lo· • Now Is the Time to Epist·o,lni, Dr. Norm;rn EPnzir!, worship, 10::30 a. m., sermon stlh· wcllunrlerwny. Velte nnd family of Leslie. Heel or. Wiil'cl <..'lailns!J, lny re;tder·; jeel, "Awal

lugham Couulv News Se11lember 4, 1952 Page 6 1 or vnr.ntlnnlng neilr J(nlltnslm nnrl J.l~GAJ, NO'I'IO~S Beemans 0bserve \V1•sl llt :1111'11, Corporal Gregg Serves in ·Korea 25111 Annivorsary Spacial/ ------·------·------~ I I'll :~/O.tll HJII'IIi :'lltllt\lly lllld MolltloiY .tl Lillie l.VIlHI /niH•, StocliOII <11111 Ml' HIIIH•il !illllill, 0(!111 IHiliSI 'lhP~ \\1 1 lP llldlll<'ll 'ipl'lllgpotl .tiHI Mr· nnrl Mrs Snm 'Munith Resident of Los i\ti)(P/1' ., >IIIII :; 1(11 II t\ilf:llsl ~ I'II..! ,t I Ill!' I tllll !)tll•·ll dlld l.tmlly wr.nl lo Lnlll' I( I dill/• 111/ilil'll \V,tlli/1111 II) lti'V \\' lith •, d !-iiiiHiotY llfll'lllfHIIl /IIIII II ~.;~~~ tlll II I I Jo'illlf'l oil ~1'1 I Ill'~ 11'1 I I' /il'/d 1 tll1•d 011 Mr.' .Lilli Mrs. lvnn Is Buried Su~day •;lllld.ty Ill 1111' ~lllltllli M1•III1HIIol 1111\ IIIII I tllllillill l'oiiiiiii'Y ,nul F.tmlly, 1!11111 II .tl 2 Ill p Ill 111111,1/ J/11 /illiJII',II' 11/ ~II .tllfi 1\11~. l•'rl'tl Clo~rlw WC'll' Ml~. )~VII 1!/.tkl'lllolll ol ~1111\llil 111 lill' Munll/1 "1111'1'''.1 ';ulllil ~11111 ttil,l'l ';llllII 1 ld lltll\\ ll 111'1 !\Irs. I>:J'Il\11 ,Juhnsun 11'1 i\11s. ll.till'll AI< \dlld< 1 11! l\l1ss AllriPd.l l'rnsl 0\\IISSII, till/ /il'\ f/ tllgillll i\/io g1 .t nd <'il.tmplnll sl 1wk hot ~I' ,J \\'111111 ol /)p,ll Iiili II lid\ I' IH I II dll'ditl o~ncl ,t St hnl.nshtp ,tf I ill' .:JI \l~lllllg 2 Wl'l'ks 111111 l<'l.tll.l, tl II I sit II' show Ill L.msl11g l.tsl [illllolik l'.tlh N. Y, dill/ 111111'1 ,\till \1 11<11l d ntl ~II s .·~~r~;~tt 11 1'1 k 'l 1 d Noh II' won g1 dill/ [; tsl< Ill •I ill'S l 11 't 1 \\1!11 111\\ o! I 111111 Ht~JHd~ 1 lt.t 1llpio11 on ills Cottleci.t/P 1 din l\11 .nul Mts, Loitl\ l.iilll<•nlf'l \I' ( l)lltHI ! 1 ,JII Pt fliiOil ! ,J)]I'I S 11! 'IJ3l dill/ SlfiiS SJll'lil \11'1 ks d[ I' I< ·IIIII l\11 ~ l l.llolcl Jnhllollll :J J. "''' ~it 1.11<11" lf.tl.ltttl ,tl ~I !SIIIt Between fit·mg nm;sions, :2 soldie1 s n~si)~nccl to 1Ill' l1ll h ,,, till tll'ii'S, [d cmpl.tc l'mcnl on the :!::it h lJivrs1o11 It on I 111 'l'ION A< I liH.\'11•,1,\ , doll.u Sl<" l,lntdgl' "'"I 1\lt .111 I 1\11 s illlllllltiSIII'II'IiHil' sons 11 I' I P m.tllll'cl August £i nnd Kot c•a. ThP ,u!IIIctymcn a1 c Cpl Elc!can E. Gl'q.:g ( ll'll), lOI' dolltll' jOIII ill'sf iiJSIIIIIIHI \\ tllt.tlll ll.itd<•:tslil' 11! A1111 Ill .ll ))Ill 11 IHII loo/1 d ho,tl IIIJl on 1111 Sl l I.uuld hds ovl'! se.ts 01 tiers Tltc~ son ol M1·. amll\11's ..J. K. Gt·egg, Willmmston, ,uuii'IC' DP<~n huy Is nl: !\II s L11111 <~1111'11 dtlll LH\VI ('I)( (I diHI ~tl(jPlllld\ I 1\ (I"' /<'fl. /111 .\iiZIIII.t 1111 d /so vtslled Mtss Nev.t ,Johnson 111 Ml'. and Ml's. Lcstcl' Coopct· ol Chcs 1'112 SI'IJIOI' I (,l~S lClllliOII at Duu.'l berm he,ucr. " 111<1111' II ilh lil'l l'h• ts.1nl 1.1kc Sunacity value litd.ll 111 hi \\lilt l\!1 lltd ~llo M1 s, Agnr.s Bots[ot d spcnl last prtced Dun-Thcrm today with ORDER I OR I'UI!LrCATlON 'lut>srl.rv aflctnnon wllh her SI~­ < ('It\ IIIII \\11111/ .tl I-:.1 ,1 'I oil\ IS SALE OR MORl GAGL or lll.Al. E~TATE cxclus 1 c Du.tl Cham her ll urner, l\ltss ,I I'd II ll '''''I spcnl a week lour- §1ome A.ppliance IF ycm nanl to h,n·c· jnh spc•tuity lsll l'ri \It ttl I ',II s \\ tllt.ttn 1\11 . \ Ill 11m I 1111~ lwm1• l.tsl 'J Inn sclny cvcnmg <'IIIholle 2-8861 llw I ,thot· D.t\ 11 t•ck enes. ~c·t· us lor ~our l\1r tnrl i\lrs. Slwldon She[J.lld (llnl V SUll]HWI\ VH Cl.1111lr> rtdtul~t 1\!1 .111d Mts ]crank Chmch I'H•!-OifHH.., on tlu tl\Sf Sl~-tll!t & hndttMon, ur next bmkc Job. '<

:Arizona whose life was quiet un· h1g to liri'ng rnil.liuns of gallons of strangcr-lhan!flction ·s

time, Now I rearl that he!' ahtcf Editorial Page hobhy Is P!nylng with her grnntl· Ingham County News Sc,,tcmbcr 4, 1952 Page 2 Letters from Teachers of 1922 dllldl'P.ll, ' . ------~------·~------~~------~~--~------~ ,.And ) here IH thnl leiter !rom Forced Retirement l·s Folly good oicl phllcmnphlc Wllllnrn L, Brought on Case of Nostalgia Jleml who r·etlrml to hi~ lllqr. Some people am old at t!O, OtheJ'fl m•r. y'rlllng al f\0, farm nertr Mlclrllevllln In 1!l2)i, II,V \'1'1'11011 ,J, llmwn yeurH of 3 chwarie,.; llllllllw lnnf'h· Why I hal Is :J7 years ago rmcl ])a Thnt's why forced retirement. at nny nge ifi folly. ers of llllll c•ra rnLtHI ilnvn hc!en ~till wrltr!s of his llnwcrs nnd On Scptr.mbcJ' 1. D1·. Benjamin Minge Duggar ohsrJ'VPcl ll••rP II Is llw C!Vn of Lnlml' Dny, olthnr yottllgl'l' 11111n now, or mor" gnrrlen! lle, of mur:;r~, wns no il slmrl wc·c•l> rm· tile !l~thiiHiwrs, sodnl minded, ol' •sornc!llting of hh1 80th birthday nnnivm·sn1·y. longer young when he cnmo to ngagrrl 'J'w·son, Arlwnn, whem Vnn had now as T Imol' llnek· rlown tile, swim anrl wt• lwd stwlt n Jolly lalwn her In lhe hope siw might in reHenJ•eh in exrn'J'inwntal medicine, D1·. D11ggm• I c~;t erl rcmver ·her health. He hnrl re­ thousands upon I housancls or cultures. Then came a clay slgtwcl n fine posll.lon in a Minne· when a new golclcn-colorcd mold appearerl. Dt·. Duggm· sola sehool to take his wife to Down by the Arizona ancl when Hussell and called it A-:·177. Experiments we1·e begun. · ScientistH \verr. I vlslled thr.m there in i92G Van amazed with the new ge1·m killet·. It proved erfective againHt hnd gone back to coach In go In TEACHERS bnctcl'ia, ee1·tain large viru:;es and germs. D1·. Duggar· ealled high ~chool. I saw my flrsl rmp· SYCAMORE slelde at a 'fhanltsglvlng Day it aureomycin. Many doctors call it the wondet· c!J·ug. football g-ame lhr.re at Tucson. II Welcome Back! My wii'P :111cl younger clnughler D1·. Duggar's rm·el'cl 1'<'1 ircment: from t:eaehi ng ga vo the sr.pnrnte gnils, to llw depot t1 was so hoi the boys played with nnrl l Wl'llnj.( IIIC lilsl hit of plens· blrwi>H aw:~y. lillie clolhlng except Jladrlccl 'l\nl1 arB we BVer glal1 to Sl~n you, not only to lttl'll. world aureomycin. At RO he is engaged in other labomtm·y 111'1' 11111 of vnc•alioning on Labor pants. I IH'VC!l' cnuntec! the hunks om· yottnJ,?;slcli'S nvm· l.o ymu· sllilll'ul mu·e hut to Day, Lightning nashccJ, IIHIIH!f'l' research. cmshed. Nothing croulcl rlnunl. us. or frozen sweet: water ll look to nl'l'c~r any hnnldng sr~1·viet~ tlmt. !Viii lwlp to malw keep me cool that 'J'hnnl>sglvlng Yes, Dr. Duggar's retirement: p1•oved beneficial. But a \Vr honrrl£'rl the C&O stream· I anlvcrl at Ute depot n rr'W steps morning. yom· WOI'l' :t little easil'l'. lmhlnd the bovs. I walter! there Jot of othm· men ami wmnen fm•ced into retirement are not linN :11 Lnnslng al R:iili Monday Several years later, I stopper! nwrning UI'· or hoys of high school age, They for mankind that he didn't conHicler himself ali through. hlol'i Phone 9011 ·en for every office from president down to the foot of the as, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Mon· hair, the government is refusing entitled "I Caver Japan." It is lana and. from Florjda to rope nffers of tresses. Last week the county ticket on the basis of character and association's. written by Ml;, Kimpel Sheba, and tic calves. Surely there must Ingham County News and other managing editor of the Nippon This nation is too big to have one-man government. be a better way. Two calves newspapers were nsked to spvead Times. My friend, now Lieuten· ;iumpecr the fence and were head· the word thn t to win the war the [.I'hat was what was wrong with the rule of monarchs. So ant Commander McClellan, U. S. eel toward Woodward avenue un· government neeclcd hloncle hair in Navy, had not only presented me Jet's not endow Ike or Adlai with importance they do not' til n 4·H boy slipped halters the making .. of precision instru· with the booi<, he ,had, also had .deserve. Let's cut G. Mennen Williams and Fred Algee down around their necks and led them ments. The response was so great the author autograph my copy, I hac!; to the CDI'l'al. to size. ·They are just 2 men out of hundt·eds who will be that 147 carloads could have been have several other specially auto· had. graphed copies of bool~s but I ·elected to operate om government. A neat Irick was when n cow· 20 Years Ago-1932 hoy stood on his head and las. never expected to receive one Let's have done with one-man government in nation, Three hac! fires resulted from from a distinguished Japanese ~ooed a mctn ancl 2 women and the "I never the severe electric storm of Man· :state and out· own local communities. 3 horses as they sped past him. editor. day. A barn at the William Etco The boal~ attempts to tell the ~ Il wouldn't be of wuch practical farin ncar Eden, the home of outside .. world "not what Japan use, though. The likelihood of .2 Bert Hoffman of Leslie and barns, and the Japanese people appear beautiful women and a co\vhoy sheds, tools, hay and strnw to· from the outside looidng in, but cease Th'ey're Our Peache-s riding past a man standing on his gether with some stored house· what we lool~ lil{e to an insider.'' • henri must be remote even in The author points out in his .One of the most popuiar features in the Ingham County Texns. hold goods helnnging to Fred Henry of Onondaga were de· preface that many volumes have News for the past month has been the weekly listings of Wild horse J•itllng wns fun fm· stroyecl. . been written by authors who have to marvel. .. "-· been in Japan but a short time. ,) peaches and other feuits. · fhe horses and U1e amllence. The More thnn 5 inches of rain fell ./ riders didn't rille l'nr. All exce)lt during the month of August. This He gives these writers full credit Those listings have beei1 made primarily for the benefit wr.ltos Mrs. Mabol Syko~ nne wns iln•nwn to the ground. is the largl\st August rainfall dur· for writing in a fresher vein by of consumers, not the growers. The listings have been made ing a 15·year period. reason of an undulled sense of of LanBino ~·egardless of whether or not the geowers have .advertised During a lull in the rodeo I The J,ngham cnunty .fair, for observation, but he insists they cannot understand the Japanese their feuit in the Ingham County News. This is said not to glnncecl off to the north and saw the first time in tl years, tool< in storm clourls gathering. We left sufficient cash to pay all its bills. mind nor the difficulty the blow om· own horn but to show how important we believe this tl1e grandstand and found our Scientists employed by the S. Japanese citizen finds in adapt· rr.uit industry be for all of us. way through the grounds aml out M, A, Laborntories at Mason have ing himself to a democracy to h and e d them, already.gift The fruit industry is"important to consumet·s because in the gntc to catch a Woodward announced discovery of Vitamin avenue street car. It was an un· "A" in primary form found in the wrapped and insisted upon by t.he rio other way would tree-ripened peaches, plums, pen~s and eventful trip downtown. There common garden or field variety United States as one of the penal· Dear friends: apples be so easily available, or offer such value. were n few sprinl~les but we re. of carrots. Officinls of the com· ties of losing a war. I have not finished the bool> Fruit hauled in feom other producing areas must have marked thnt we could just have pimy believe this to he one of well, hnve stayed for another the most important discoveries of but it is of intense interest and When I started to wt·ite a check for my bill this month, I couldn't help but the hauling and handling charges added. In most cases it even't when we stepped to the recent years. ccrtnlnly•goes far toward throw· think how much scr·vice it represented. ' . has to be picked and packed before it is ripe. Those last few pavement at the clty hall. ing light upon.a subject darkened (Continued on l'age 3) with prejudice and ignorance. Friends in Grand Rapids were moving to New Jersey, 'A call to them made days of ripening on the tree is what adds the extra flavor to There on the corner waiting ,---~~~---~----~~-~....;.;..~.;_~~~~-~ it possible to make arrangements for them to stop here on their way. fruit. for a bus were Mrs. Garnet Hall, The fruit industry is important to local growe1;s and sup­ her Charles and her Betty Jo and I received word that a sister was very ill out in Iowa. Just by lifting my Edwin Cremer. They had traveled receiver and giving a number in Cedar Rapids, I was in touch with home and pliers. To produce the ldnd of fruit that has given Ingham lng.ham County.· ·News to the city· on the same stream· assurance that all was coming along fine. the reputation of offering top quality takes a lot of equipment, liner but had gone to Belle Isle \ PUBLISHEI) THURSDAY AFTERNOONS IN TH£ CITY much work nnd heavy doses of fertilizer and spray materials. for the day, OF MASON, MICHIGAN I never cease to marvel how easily we call across t~e country now without That means added business for many people. "What's the use of waiting here VERNON J. BROWN & SON, Puh1ishers even a wait for the call ~o go through. · . NELSON D. BROWN, Editor IUs tip to all of us to promote the local fruit industry, for a bus?'.' I Inquired; "Surely 1 am not unmindful of the multitude of people who make this s~rvice possible, you aren't afraid. of a :few sprln· RICHARD W. BROWN, A. dvertlslng Manager And there·a:re many ways in which it can be done. .• WM. J. MeiLQUHAM, Plant Superintendent and I wish it· were possible to say "thank you" to each one of them. ltles." .~ • ~ I One· gi:icid way would be for local stores to discard their JAMES N. BROWN, Farm Editor · · Sincerely yours, signs offering local fruits by the pound. Replace them with They weren't, so we all started flntorca ao accond Gllooa matter at IJootcilllce, Maaon, llllchlsan, under Act toward the depot. Then came the • o! Mnrch 8, 1879 . Mabel Syltes • · signs Qfferlng peaches, plums, pears arid apples by the peck deluge. We found shelter in a . and ·by the bushel. Have customers ·Carry home generoi.ts building entrance for awhile. But SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dlenlar odvortlolng rtit01 on Bll~ - (Poynblo ln Advance) p!leotlon. Buolneao. loeola and ro,d· It's Peop(e Who Make Telephone. Servl~e"(ioodl. J.iUpplies of delicious fruit, not a tiny sacldul. we had ticltets for the 5:10 and One rcnr In lnghnm nnd Ins notlcco on ftnt and local PaKco, there was no way to send word ncljolnlnar counties ...... U.GO 2Bc 11 llno. No rending or buolncoo . These peaches, apples, plums and pears produced here in Ono Yenr outslclc lnl!hnm nnd Thnnka, to a word. Announcomanta to the conductor to hold it up un. ndlolnlnR counties ""'"""'"" a.oo o! cntcrtalnmantl where admlaolon to .M 1, c H I G _A N BELL T E L E P. H ,0 N:E··: c 0 M p A N y · . ~~gha~ '.~nefit all. of:·us as producers,· consumers; worl~ers, til we arrived. There were no Six months In Ingham and char~~:cd or of on~ plan to ralae funda buses or cabs available. So we ndlolnlnar .counties '"""'"'""' l,GOadvortlalnir loll than BOe; Cord of ~tallerslor suppliers. We .all have an interest in the local Four month• """""""'~""'"'""" 1.00 muat bo paid at· ro11ular ratco. ·i· ·"' 'finally shoved oft' and ran, trotted ' .,; ·· tmldi1Mitlfy;,;,w.~!ihou1d- aJLh~Jp ·Promote" it. :.". ··.~·::-::::c:~~,~: Bingle coplca """""'""'~"'""'"" ,01. , . and waddled; .according to' ou~: ·------· . : ·---- ·-·- :J: :~i;~--~-~·---...,- ~· Ingham County News Sej)lcrabm 4, 11 ... 'L J;ilnll'ill Killin lu ('f'll'luull• I 4 I j I ul ) IIi ~~~ 1 lliiiiHVilll' < illlplt I' No, !J!l, 0, I: Aneit111l History f1, will t elelnnlt' lis fiOih IIIHIIVel'· 'Kangaroof j.t.J~ays at i·ox !:,hower l11ven ~·or K)ll'lllilllg II ii'W tlolYS Vi ,JI)ng !111• Hilly on l•'1irluy, f:;c•plt>rnhl'l' !i, nlllloil v Ht'otl C'ill• ag11 (('cutlhllll'lll'mml'ago ~)' wllh 11 holwml.1n ellnnpr· ul n.ao Mr, n1ul 1\lts, C'hnr)Ps Ktl'l'l{l'l An nlnwHt ltJiiil '''Lips!' of the Dansville 111 II!P DHnsviiiP lown hull. 'l'hnsr. Mrs. Wayne Taylor SJ!l'lil !Ia• LiiiHll D,!y 1\'l'l'l, t•llri Ill '•II II tiH?W mnsl JH'oplt• in t hh; pttrl lltii'!HIIng lilf' In IHiw JhPil own Jo'Jfp 111111' 111'111' l'oHIIJilll' Wilh l\1t of Mit'lilgoin nul nl' tltHH'H lnHt Ml H. Wllllnm l\1us111ff oilltl Mt s Mrs. llult•n Young - l'hnnu I>ansvlllu 2271 I Hille sc•t v)cl' drHI n dbli In )ldss. o~ntl Mrs. Wllllnrn l1 hPn \VIII WI' I C' t'll hoslt•s oi'S o111rl Mlli I.nu !(lngsh•y nnd son til •\hi i'iol'lt•ly fluids nit•t•linll" 1'111' otlol} l'VI'IIInJ' Ill lltl' hlllllC' Ill !Ia• a flt•tnoon Ill IHIP !111 l'dH;f vis· Mr ntH I Mr H J•'rnnl< !Jubl't'l of Not Ill\ I liP sluyr•rl nl ti!P Kll'l'l~"' ihtllly. i\sltmltHlll'l'H dnlm l11e 'llu• 111 xl Illi'Pilng ol llu• I loins litl' IO!llll't o!l ol '•hll\VCI' iltllloling Munith rtnd M1 o1ntl 1\lr s Nm tis homt• rlurlng llu• nilsl'llt't' ol lite• nc•xl '•lit II Pcllpsl' of tla• sun will Four Are Honored Vlilt• i\iel ~IH'II'iY Will )H' lil'll) MIS, \VotyiH' 'l'otylm 1\t C'(lgPl S, HPilhrnlllt't o[ llrnss LaiH• IVPII' Ill I Ill" eltll)llg J!)'i,] ')'lii'St)IIY t'VI'Iillll~: ~~ fJIPI11hl'l !J, ill As IIH• lfi I~Lil'sls PnlnH•d IIH• 1\11· nnd MIS. All11•d 'I'm 1!11 ,uul 1111• 1owr1 )I,,IJ I his rnt•t•llng 11 Ill SuiHidy vlsllol, of Mr. 111111 lilts lifJ \'t'lll'!i A;;n-lfJfJ.! l.lnwr l'tlllnrnn. homn l>lils wllh !1oth~ nnnw~ \\'I'll' <'ioilg Sjll'lll till' Jtti)Jdoi; \\'1'1'), 1'1111 At Birthday Party Ills" ht• lor llil' lollllillt•s o! llie put on 111!'11!, Gotii!L'~ and • DniPslt Wilh till• fotlll!'l 0 S giC•oLl gJ,!IIt)f.l '1J J'llillkoll d IH Jill' ni'X) olill'IIC• llll'lllill IS 'J'IJI'IL' WJI) ill' d poiJllth !\lis•, Ml'l'lll'llol Cutlls, Miss I IIIII 1!1111)\l•d lill ltii) Ill' I' opet'll M1·. nnel M1 s CPI oild l\l11nt• ' n· IVL'Il' pia:,c•t) Willi li.'IOiels )\1')11 thcr, .fohn Slullt. ol ll!tlgt•vlllt• sllp)H'r dl 7 :lll SC'I vt•tl h:, 'ornrnll Moll g.nPI Cull is n111i Mrs J\1,ulon oil)() hdh)' htHliiS lllllell' hy J\11 S lndlun,J. house• lotnnll ow l'l'anlng, tm tulnctl st'VI'I oil flit'!His oil llil'li D.tvls IPilllnCr\ Mllntl.ty lo Mllslw 11'1' No. :l will! !\lis Jes:;la MuiiPn 1\lusolff J\11 s, Glen Shoitl.uicl, Ivh s, Wllll.m• St hno~heh·o~ur II undc•t Wo~slnngllln Sl11•r man, OJH'l' 1'11[1 home 'l'uesdo~y c•vt•nlnJ' lo t t'il' gon ami J1Pltllil to I<'Sllllle llwtr us <'iwlrmllll DtJnotl I'.n ks nnel l\h s, Dill'! I 1\l'lll SUI l{l'fl' loiS I 'J'I!U! H)ol\ t.lln of oi sloop plying the Ilwlsnn In Hie hh lhdoiY ollllll\t'l Sd/lt" ll'IH hln~ sdJPrlules. Miss Mnr Dil'hl Wl'l I' oiWoll t)pr( j)IIZI'S 11101 nlng Ill tlu• Mt" <'> ilosplliil r·lvt r· hrotwr•t•n i\lliolnv nne\ Nc•w Guesls 1\t'It' r;11y l•'ullc•r of g,IJ PI CUll ts lloiii ht'l'n II olllSfl'll Ptl .!.Lt IISIIII '1'111• SC'I IIIII I lljl!'l .tlllln Whllmow I.!IW, M1 dllel 1\lrs. Jo llw 11ew C'otly high school In ll11s. 'I'.!YIIli IIJH'IIt'ti hPJ gills Yru k c lly, lonr~ n 1 Pslth•nt of Mn· IVolS [>Cl folllll'tl ')lll'Stioly lllUIIIillg, Hnn, o1 ll'tiiPI' of r·onsld••t.tlllc Puul rtlch,udson ol llt I loll, lVJi,, noll hWI'S( Pt•llllil ~~ ltkll \Vol', ftlllll ol lib)t• dt't'lllollt d Willi J•:v[' Gwct> 1\inm•, M1 .111d l\!1, I .!II Officers Elected opener\ 1.1sl I< In lloily. i) II ltiiVIIS!'III)'s Jilt• SIZe ti11JI Willi nnll' olll lnilnloilt• flil'ml of \VIII HIHch olllcilll'lly Loll oliHII\l! !lid ilhlilltl sl rt'ollll!'l:; I'XIl'IHilng It orn (' t!IPlon, lilt' JH>PI, whom lw !wow Mrs ,Jrunt•s l!LIIllh.!l,t•J dill! I Ll\1· For Sulnday School Mt•. :.rHI l\!r s, Don Anrlc1 son of II lo lilt• llthll' Douglas whllr• llvlrw oLI lllidson, Mkhlgnn, lly. Thosr• wl1ost• hh lhdd\ Hllnl i\nn Athm, M1s Hosa i\nde1S11n, tli<>tl lu•tro lnsl W••tlnl'orlay. Mr. oillrl Mlii !'. C, i\ndPtson, St, 1\Ioldr•el It r• ctl'ollll slot ks, vers.H'IPs we'll' illllllllt d 111" MIS At o1 mr•Pllng of I hi' Sot 11'11' of l>d\1' l :I \VIII is .tl Syr.tcusP, NC'W .tnel f.unlll. MI. .ttHI 1\11 s ltllh • oo)dl's, Wolfer s o!IHI c oflt•e Wl'IC fils• II lllltl IJI'IIY !.1111, ~II' r Llllll I hi' Jo'rrlp 1\II'IJj(]liJsl t hurt It served Ytll k \\II II Ills slilng nf l'oll'lllg PII Antlt•rsnn ntHI fo~rnlly, 1\lr and 1\11 s Dln.t Fox who h,,,, 111'<'11 baker and MIS (,"'"'" 1\llilll \VI'cllii'Stloiy I'Vt nlng lhc foii{)Willl: I! or sros Dill Ill!! t hi' p.ts! wel.'k he !\Its. Averou i\l'ic!Py o~ml family, visiting Mts 1\l.!IH•I fl1 Ill'S f111 IPill liC'I s oillrl 11lllt t'l s Ill' I c• t•ll't ll'ri 1Jo1s l•ll,l'tl 2 Jilsls, 2 SPl'Oilds, II During till' I'll 11111g !\Its l'tlllll Mt• nnrl !\Irs. FotPst i\nelt'lson, lllr oilltl !\It' Flli'JPsl \\'ali-PJ .t wl!lll', ll'lliiiiPtl lo IH'l h111111' f111 till' Sultllty sr ho11l fot I lie IJ.tiWI ollllillPII) Lou !lis< h pl.t)l d .ft , .u11l Joinllly Mr. o1nrl Mt s. Inti f,IJliiJI \VI II' ~llliIIIPLI.tllll'tiiVtlil ll'.tt lit'!, l\11 •, AlftPd Slwrm.tll1 ton ol Wlnlt O.Ik Mr anel MJS, l~ugcnc Gauss !J,Id plt•yp,J ol I !.Lsllngs vrsltt•d Ins 'l'lw o~nnttoil s• luJrd "'nsus Ims pilllhll/ (Coll'hll" Miss Oi!l'lll' hh .wls o( Vl'nlriloqulsm L lll't ol pi<'llle 'J'hursrJ,Iy eVI'nfng Ill IIollywood stat· Petct· Lawfm d Jondlcs <~ baby kang,u·oo l\lr anti Mrs ltVIll lloillli'S ol lnntlll't .111d l.ln!!l), M1 diHI M1 s lu•ron "'lllJlil'll'tl II slloi\S lllh dill· fen ~lC!dfll tdJ\[ 1 dJHJ !Ulftt \\UP ltt'l'l; jtlniill girls, Mrs Willioil~l du•i) hr•lwc•Pn I ht• ii'I'S ot olllci 20 hlliiOI o( Mr. ami Mr.s, i\rl.lt•y, rlul'ing n Jullm the nlming in Au~tr.tlta ol 'l\vPnt~elh CPntw·y­ Mo1son wr•u• Suntlotv diniu•r Lloyd H.tppll') I' 1, 1111111 I tlllo!y r; SCI ved ily Ml s. I\ II lilt l'il'lt•llnUIIr; IUnlor ho)s, !\Its !•. who left J'rlrlay fot Ot ),J!Hio, gtll'sls of llli dtHilllr s Ito\' \Vt sl. until 'luPsdo~v. Ill' tt•.ult•irl lni)Jro M.1son rllslrlcl. I> Yllllll!'; Ill it llliCtlto!lcs, MiSs Fox's "K,tngatoo," the Techmcolol' outdoor rll'ama plttying at l•'lotlrla. Ml S S,lll\ \VJIJJollllS II o!S ol gill'S I Mts /:11111 ('llllt•hm.ln of Nilt"• Mr .t•ul 1\li s \V A Mclinn of 1\),!tl,lll'llt' !Iovlngh, the F'ox 'l'hcntl'e Sund,ty and Mond,ty. L.twf"onl co-slat's wtth \Vull'rstttull \\'Ins In ~how 1\Jrs (;l'li!Utit• Jloltnel, \VeSSC')S Sotltnd,l:, of Mr. SIIIIPI'Dtl (i 1110IItiJH 11 o!ll'r wr te WPdnesrlo~y guests o[ .Issrslanl, Burton Klnc,ud, qn!il ll!.ln p)PdSollltly SUltllliiCrl ilPl ]{uhy Cohi> Df \VtiltnrnsiDn Wl'll' II rs stm ltng Ill I he old hurlrlu1g MI. o1ncl Mts. E.ul Br,tlllolll. don township I;'ll oil \liP i.!t'lcuy tte.tsllll't, \VIlli 1111 Fretcunuth. hush,Jntl WJih, ,J hn·tiHI.ty Jldtl) ~llllddl' \IStloJ"S of Mts f~slhel' Mr. and lllrs Hoy l l1ulsilorn 1\lr, .rust1n Brad;• hcg.111 het wet c Ch.u\c:;, Oshmnc, MJS. Add AVI'fl 1\lt and lilt•,, 1\I.u 11111 (' l\1,Lrllll und Mr. ami lllr s HtJJJ[ rl Bush n[ Cl.twson Wt'lc • counly f,ur J'hursdoi\. f.llllliy SJlC'Ill SumJ,Iy Will! Ihe !oil Lnnn.111 i\hhotl, Mr .111d Mrs, C.tl I Lours!' ffulllt•t of L.illstng IlLli' Tur•srl.ly. .Ind I.Ltt•t oillcnclctl !Itt llo11 It'll lt•r s J.ttl!ct, l'cl<'l Ktrnler of hell Glover ollie\ G.il'ln ,Lilt! !\It l'r "1 11 ) 1 ISIIOls o! Miss Jt'llllle Hod Roshct ui LtiiSIIIg WolS o1 l\lr .tnd l\lts. Chnl'les Clmton tnrl Mrs. F'lCd Cotwlll. Lovely 1\Ie.ms. sdwol H'llnloll. J,Jci(HO!l. 'flllll sday eVclltng VISIIIII oil I ill' of 1\lo!SOII wc•w Sund.1y d1nnct g1fls wete teecivcrl and tc!tesh· Mr. ,rntl 1\Irs .f,unes n.uclal o[ Mr .tnd Mts .Tess Unrlt'IWnlltl horne o! Mr. and Ill1s Glen sh,ll· guests of ments were sat wd. Delloil \I'CIC L.!im1 Doty \Vet•!( of nnond,IJ(ol ,llid Mr .u1d Mrs ML and Mts. A. B :Yh. .111d 1\11 s Osmond !!,1;, lwt• Janel. 13J,!lllolll Plltl guesls of ~~~ olllll Ml s. \Vii Irirc- !til 1>.11 d \Vtlt·llx of 1\!tiiVJIJe and .111rl l•'t Pddte .tnt! Ali1l'tl J ldylwc Auto- Casualty Mr . .tml!VIls Gh•n Sh ul.tilll .uHI lll1 ,mt) lilts Letm.ttrl 13toolund L.mr otsll't Sund.l\ \ISIIOJS n[ Mt ollltl !\Irs I !.11 ho<' ol' OIIPmos .ttHI J\lt ott HI mg Snntlo1y ·oil the I\IJIIIC o[ M1 ltu IJ,ucl anel Miss C1elyn 13wolls Abholl o! P!e.ls.tnt l.tlw. II'Unton .tt JJclcltng <1l Mo!ci\llhui l"lumc•t s llanlr llulhllng <'<'tdl Undc1wootl. M1 s Lloyd JI,t) hot•, Sr .md JOY 0. DAVIS o1nd M1s. Don,Ll l',ll),s o[ \\'tl spr•nl l!Jt• L.i!Jot D.Jy wt ek Pnd Iii; ,mtl Vogt St. i\lt. oLncl Mrs Hohl'1l rcllon ,md 1 dlHI 1\lrs. Lloyd Brooi1s Hunclell of 1\ lh1on M1 .uul Mt' V1c1or l'oilt!it't Dl M1s Halph \V.t1J,<'1 cnletl'd the l:umly o[ \VpiJIJr l villi' olllli l\!J WE REMOVE M1 mHI Mts. Rrrhmd Wilson Mr otnd Mts John H.oc kwcll of M.tson wc1e Ldun Do1y guPsls Jngll.l!ll counly s.tnJI,\I'Illlll ,It .111d lllr s .Tetlson Felton spPnt lllc I>t•atl or Disablt•tl of Mr. ollltl Mts George Vogt, Jr, olllcl f.nntly of MdSOII wew Sun StocJ,Jmdge were Sunday VI~Jiols L.tnSing Sunei.IY lor Slll gery Mr L.thOl D.1y WC'Ck c•nd \Vtllt Je)ol· und Douglo~ss cJ,ty rltnnct gt,csts o[ the latter's of Ml's Mtnnrc Gt mws Horses and Cattle NOTICE anti 1\11 s W.1yne \V,tlkl't .tnt! ~ons t1vc•s 1! B,n I Jell Anti Other I•'arm ol NPII J Judson .md 1\Ir. dill\ !\It~. Mt. ,mcl !\Its MPt!l' Fr el'!' .11111 [,IJllll) were Sunday cltnllt'l famtly o[ lllullmfil'ltl IIIIIs iJ,Iw \V,11ie St uddr•t o[ SCIC Sunci,IY VIS· l\1! lllri lilts \\ lllidm 1\11 b;, f'J{d ties Os!Jmnc has been Ann At hm spent sever,!! d. I\ s 'I'BLIWIIONJ•; COI.U~C'l' '1'0 !lOIS u! MI. cll1d !\liS Hon.tlcl and Lee .llll'tllil'rl I ill' fun• t'o!l ol Full Coverage S()IIOllsiy SICk .tl )llS horne Slnte lotst week wtlh the fmrnn1 's moth ])UHAN!J 22 \Vc•st. tl!Cll unr lc, JI,nold D• Jl,nl uf ioJs( So!lllldol\' cr, Mt·s Hosn Anderson Guy ColltPl of Ononclag.t ami VI( kPr)'\'J]Jc•, on l'tLd,l\. lilt. <~ncl Mt s Etlw.n d Eldt ctl Mr .md Ivh s Frccleuck J3erget Auto insurance Gomge Collter of Indmna were Mt ancl 1\lt s Lou•s Yuh.1s~ o111d and f.ll!llly of l'onlt.tc were L,limr .mel f.tmlly of Sptmgpor t ware Valley Chemical Co. rdt•asPi'i J'hursclay V1sil01~ of Sam W1l· fdrntly of Ilolt wew Satu1d.Ly vis 1\t•t•c•ut llt'\Hipapr·r· haw announced that D.1y wccl1 end guests of tho lat· guests Sunday of the Im mar'~ Jr,Jrns ttors of the 1.11 ter's p.uents, Mr auto hmmtnc•c mtt•s Ita\ l' ht•t>n int•J'Pasl'd. We under­ It'! s po~rl'nls, Mr and Mrs A. Jldients, MI. and Mrs. A C Ber· ,lllrf lilts A J Mtllcr stand that owr 200 auto insur·an<"t' <'UIIIJI:lllit•s haw in­ .J\11 ami ~Its. Ch,ulcs Woods 0. Greenough ger telllltll'd 'IIIPsrloil' aller accom i\oh s, I i"r bell Wiii,IJlson <'rl':tlwd tlwir mtc",, MY COl\JPANl' JIAS NOT IN- Mr .111d MIS Llo:, cl Ilc~ylwe, Mr. anri 1\11 ~. rtussall Dowlmg panymg t!H 11 d.tughiPI, Mts. South II.tvcn oltHI Mt s. Ald.t 13Iil CHJ~ASIGB l'l'S I~A'I'I~S. . Jt , spPnl I ill' Labor D.1y wee!\ and son o[ Mason and A. C Dow! Wtlltoim T. Lc•slre .11111 son to loll u[ J~lg111, Illuwrs, spent end 111 nmlhPtn ll!wh1gan 1ng spenl Sunday wllh Mr and This do!'su'l tlll'llll that ou1· m1t•s \\ill nut hi' in­ lhcn· home 111 Milan, lY!ISSOllll, \vPdnesrl.t\ .•111! Tilursdc~y with 1\lr s Jessw B,!ldwm of Mason, Mt s. \Vtllr.rm Milt hell of LaJ,e crrm;l'd in tht• llliltl'l'i hut, loi'' till' prt•st•nl OIIJ' auio iu­ ),1st \Vedncsddy ~11 .1ntl Illt s .f. C. Nelson 1\lt olllrl Mls.. John H.ockwell Df Odcss.1. Mrs Dowimg returned sm·ancl' J'aiPs art• til!' Sltrlll' ai'i Owy h:t\ r' hl'l'll lor some M1 ,LJicl lilts .J J3 D,tlton le· Sunda) evening guests of Mts. StDd,!JrH!gc and Ivh .•mel Mts, horne wtlh them. 1urnecl L.thol D.1y flom llush time. lJ ~·uu haw ar;.'r qut•s1ions, or· want any lurthel' in­ .JPss Kent o[ W1lltamston wet·n Dessw Olson IIPrr• 1\11' .md Mrs '~~~~~tNhl0~ ),JJIC whew lhey spPnt u wee!\ Mt. .md Mrs Ailhm Huu1son ,Jilhn Nc•wl.uH\ of \Va,ync Mr. and l'i fol'llmtiun, ,just call ollt' olliee-::lla:.nn ;j3JI. Immediate •.rsrlors Stll!ddy of ML ,Jilcl Mrs spent Sunday With Mr. ami Mrs wilh lilt dill! Mts. Dotn Lantis of Hoy Jloh,u t. M1 s. ltvm Clt•ments ol Iloll, Mr. 'krn Do~;, wr•<'k enrl 1\Jy oid lim• I ir·t· insllranc•t• c·nmpanr has bet•n in PI, llh s On.t AI monel Gt,mt DeFo11esl o[ I'owlt•rviiie JV!r. and Mrs Lmcnzo C1.mtl.tl1 '11111 Illl .tncl !\lis. Em! Colvmc\ businl•ss sinc1• Ola7. 1'1u•y haVI' Sll\ to many Mr .mel Mrs Lee Il<~nHlel and Mr. and 1\11 s. Wallet Grbson of hr·ou~ht in~s td Ot .md H.o~tlltls 1~e1c Sundo~y oi Dr•ltnll !.tmlly of M.tson and Mt .mel with iill'ir low lir·e and t•xtc·ml!'d covt•ra;~l' mtC's. 1 V!Sllrns ot 1\Ir .•mel I\1Is. Leland !Iolt \vem Sunday vistlors uf l'vlt 1\11 s. !{ober t Loh,m o~y of ll!en p.Hents, M1 unci fam1Iy wete Sunelay dmnn1 IP!IlllllCri .11 clmner Suncl.ty 1\11'. Lolli' I :!ntC hD'ojltl II Ill Lo!llSIIIg same old liru• poii<"y lor $•12.30. Call Jor u tJUotatiou,~' Mrs. A C Bctget guests of Mr. and Mts IImold .1nd Mrs. Hex Townsend and r.un lie I moll Jet, 1\h s Ilc! h Drown of \\ l!l'n ~·om· prt•sc·nt policy !'X pi J't•s. ALL lUAiillS L:, lc Campilcll Wds htoughl R,ldcmo~I,CJ of Lansrng 1\:,, Mr ami !\Its Owen B.tchm<~n Engatlllli', ts sto~y1ng Wtlh them We write insumnce :Ln~·nhPrt• in l\lichigan. of L,!nslng, MI. and lilts .less home S.tlurclay ftom tho St. L,t\V· Ar thlll Ilclll tson ~pent ,t few fol 10 cl.l) s renee hosptt.ll 111 Lo1ns1ng whell• TERMS B.!chm.tn hnnoung the 13th llll'lh· days last week In Logonspml, l1!1. .tnt! M1s. Don,tlcl Srlns und cJ,t) .tnlll\CISdtY of !hell' llleCC, he w.ts tlncict tw.rtment for 3 lntltdn.t, VIStlmg hr~ mothel ami fnmrly of PPITY, Mts. James 11 ceks. other rp),\tJVes. State and !Unplo ~!ISs EIPiyn Townsend. Mt. and Nutlon ·1111 clultlit'n o[ Lansmg JEWETT INSURANCE AGENCY 1\hii. Jess D.1d1man loft Monday M1. .mtl 1\11 s Lawwnce Hum !lo:, Glove!, Robel t B.rrtletl, ,mel Mrs ITPtiJ Dtown .1ncl Mts. 551 \V, 1\lat>le J.U::son Phone 5511 J.UASON motlllng lo VISit ICIIIn Brady wow M1 Mr. Clements. Mt•,, Eva Rolnhachet oi Wtl· ' * .mel Mrs Guy Bruciley of Web­ Mrs Kenneth Richner lcfl ltumslon were Labor Day vtsilms be sm·c o[ the beat bet VIlle, 1\!tss Collc•en Lmtis o! Stl•wnson attaclH•tl the Wednesduy for New York c1ty to of Mts. Bessw TmnbLtll. Anwrican Lt hunrlllng f'[JIIipmr.nt will mnlh, rr•gl•,[tin, HO ihH huttorfat, lu•ns go hnr k on full pmdnctlon By ,m\1 unoWN nnd lohlny, f'llllilnnR Donnie! L. Lead Ingham 6 1770 litH mill<. By Pampering Their Pullets .tg.tln, nnrl rlf'HI'rvr• some pnm[lat'· Mllt't'ny, rlniry extr.nslou speroinllsl Jng, urronlln,:: to Moore, !Jnrim• ') ypnr: ITnywnrrl nntl nl Mlr•hlgnn Slntn c•oll~gP, Dnlry­ 'l'orlrl, Jinisl!'ln, OR liJH lml terf.tl, sltinP, With grCPil gJ',lSS, lttlgS, llntil rl'ct'ntly, lht• ltum nxpl'l'ls haw Jll'l'llil•l!•ll MldJignn lwns fliP ntnltlnJr tlwlt mPn Hhould JlVoirl mill>slnne-­ During August 2200 Ills mlllq I•: C Ottom.tn, IIol· ltu·i!;l'l' fm·nu1 lm· Hu1 lntm·"· 'l'llf'y'w said tlmt fnif IIHHiilillg shift, from ,thllllrl !Jpp[Jf'S olllfi PVPI ythJng to 1111liW grAy, chnll1y film-from hulldlng 'I'wcmty twn lir.t•rlo in llw Tng· slr>lns, O'i lim illlllerfnl, IHOO Jhs ant lnw prlr Pd Pggs to ~c'.tl

; flllrf'ri Pgf(s llllfi IIH• IJC !HI f'Oil· Growing Timber Pt'nls In wntPJ' nnrlln milk nnrlun­ •,Jtut LIP in tiu• ],tying twur;p ,mrl JnrlliN inPJ'J'ieic•ut and IU:]Il'Olitablf•, A HIII'VI'Y 1111Uifl mcnt assnf'iatlon nvmagr.ri ovr•r tiJHtPs until .fnntr.ti'Y '!'lint m.tltPs HIIilnhiP WIIShing powdet s, he UndCJ' •I yr>n 1 s Lr>wls Shnw, IIol· l.tt'lllf'l"• should rio ,til posslhlP In owr in Wisconsin l'l'cwn. ly [toints to anolhi'J' [tnssl· 30 lhs nf hutt.-rf,tl fot' tile month stein, R7 lhs hull PI'Lll, 22'!0 lhs lhr. t'.ttly ltulf'ltr•ri pllllf'ls Vf'IY im· tiJge:;, of August, '!'ester Hf'lrl Losey re­ prnlrllll linrls rut .tnY ar•· ovPJrnnw thP slmc; with nil rf'fll'•" rlcaJJr>rl nul, dust ~s Recommended spf'rl,tlisl, lllnt farm families living on CO-acre J'm•ms wet•e ,lust ns happy Lewis SJJ,tW, 7 gmrlP TTolstclns, Under :l vents: T'rrrl Gtnf, reg­ WolSIH'ri dml'll, ]lf'J'r ]H'S nnrl Jl{",ls National Titles Pulir•ls sl.tli ],tying C'f.ir:lS in !i •Hi r; lhs hut lei fat, 1200 0 lbs mlllt; lstorerl TlolsiPin, 1,'1 lbs huttPJ fnl, IJeollf'rJ Willi ol );OtrrJ 111111' kJJir>l' Iudustry JH looiong nl foroslry as those who lived on 660 act'l'S. A lot of them wct•c hap­ to (j nwntlts hut II is not until 'l'homns CooJlCt', 17 grade IIol­ J(ilifl lhs milk; FtPrl C:taf, rogf.;. .111rl rlislnfpf'lr>rl. !I shnlllrl hP with rww eyPs-Pyes whldt sec pic1' because they didn't have to work as harcl. tlwy ftl'f' .thlllll K Jnonllts old that slclns .tJHI Guernseys 40 7 lhs let rrl I lolstrin,' Iii 19s hutlr>J fat, 1f'.triy wlu•n ]HJilets slat\ l.lYIIIg. tintiH'I .ts .t r•rop In be IHll vested, Are at Stake in lla•y Lty J,u gr• Pggs, rnui ilwn hutterf.tl, 102,1.7 lhs milk, Rny­ i!i70 lllH 1111111. pl,lllll•rl anrl harvested agnln, The families on the small [m·ms ate JUSt as good, lived only If tliroy IJ,tVC' Jllopr•r IHer>rl OPPJl lltlr'J •,houlrl hf' llsPd In moncl Ansley, 2 I g1 .trio Holslelns 'l'op lwt rls in ro, H'h group were: much tlw sanw as wit it any other in just as good houses and then· chilclt•en aitenclccl just as In g. laying hntJ•,cs now, .t111l it sltonltl Pulling Contests nnrl grade Guernseys, :37 7 lhs hut· Over 20 r mvs. Haymond i\ liS· With Pgg profits in tho last hr> li In~ lnthPs rlr>Pp. Cut bll tlt,tl pnru tn.tll· satlsfls <11'0 ltnU'Pri, tlrr>rl on natlon,tl forest•; slnr·e J,md, 1fl gr.ule IIolstclns, 3fi.;i Ills 'I'Pn I o 20 r·ows: 'l'ltnmas Coop· feed shlns, Ill 7 lhs huiiPI'fnt, 1021.7 '!'he nntlon,tl iwavywPight con· tlmtf' II lwrr to lillf'f' \Vf'c•ks wlnlr• pl.tlt, with tltP realization th.tt a It's ,'t lot like the argument given for a clicLltorship over Tioistcins nnd grade .Ter•·eys, :1~.1 lhs mtll'i W D FJf'lf'tmnlh, 10 Dr. C. M. Clothier test J~ ,tl the Allegan ~ounty fnh•, ptillr•ts hf'r•nmf' f tmill.tt' wlllt llf'\V foJest IS a 1r.newnhle resnm•ce lbs huttmfai, 7772llm mill,, 1 egisiPl'f'ri lloistPJIIs, :n.n lhs tntl· suJJounrlmgs. If n shill to laying talhPt'tb.m a "mine," as prPvlous- a democracy. Those who would dictate point out that a Allegan, on Werinesrl.ty nnrl Veterinarian finywarrl nnrl Todd, ilfl grade IPt'f.tl, 101•1.'1 ihs milk; mash Is pi,llllll'ri, f.tl'llH'I s r•.1n 'l'hnrsrla$1, Septemhct' 10 and 11. ly lwlir•vr>rl. dictatol'ial government is more ellicient and the political Irolsielns, 35.1 ills hultcrJ,tl, Up to 10 f'llWs: Lt•wls Sltnw, 7 Assnmiur:- fl)(' JH'IH llr c• of st til tltf' 1.1~ lng maslt llw l.1sl 'l'he 'finals will be on Thursday Tn an article in the current machinery operates at top spcccl. Anclt he argument is pl'Db· 101l7.8 Jbs mlllt; T~:u I Zhnme1 man JTolsiPins, •l!i li !Its hultr>J'fat, 1200 Jl r. 'J'. A. :\loft two \Vf'f'J(s pullc•ts oliO out mrnnlng. 1\lir lllg.tn Alllmnus QuariPrly ne- 1 • 1 u . l s t ami Son, 21 gl'llde !Ioistelns, :J l.ll Ills mtlk; Hollmrl l'.tiPrtgt•, 8 lfol· l'HJlgf\ \lf'W l'tnf n. 1n, f'lnlms that this ably true, A democmcy, OJ' a J'epu J!Jc as t 1c mice ta cs 1 This Is 1he first lime in llw his­ lhs huller fat, 1020 0 lim milk; steins, :J?.:i ills lnrltr>J f.tl 122ri.O l'honc• o2ii I ilnttsr>rl ]Hillrts •hrruid not hr• lory of horscpullmg that tMilon­ f'iltngl' in attitur!P ts an etwom·· is, operates a lttlle slowct•. More minds m·c 111 on the dcci­ Bet yJ Smilli, 20 grarlf' JTnlsiPins !Its milk. ll!l N. 1\Jnin Sl. st.trtiPri .ts lilf'Y HI f' \\ ilrl .tllri shy .rglllg Pirmr!nl Jllesenilng gonrl sions which sometimes come lal<'. I guess it's a fact 1Iu;t nl contests have been conducted and gr,tcle GtJPI'nsc,vs, 3,1 'i lbs hut­ r,,•slirl ,11 surlr!Pn motion stlf'h .ts sonw nl county fairs. nne C'llif'llllg the• 11f'ns. (jpt PI ospPr'ls fot• lmprnvr•menl in a tile I'e])tibltcan sy::;tem is not eft icicnl in the e[[ICicnt sense of terfa1, 8fJ0.5 lhs m1lk; Ft',lJlk Ei­ sJill.tiJon of low-level, run-rlown, Due lo lhe numher of entries fert ,mel Son, 1r. grncle Jiolsleins, arqu.rlntPri wlllt tit<> hlrrls .ttHi poorly Slrlf'iWd forcsl~. the \VOl'd. . com1ng from m.my st,Jics 11 was tltf'\ will sr>lllt• down lr1 work :H 3 ills hulterf.tl, m~::J.8 lhs milk; Sheathelms Plan ITr! c~pl.tins lh.tl In timl1Pr crop, But for sht!et· r1·ceclom and enjoyment and the exercising impossJhlc for a single fnlr to Ft eel Gi nf, •13 1 r.glstererl JTol­ l'iPnty of fleslt ,tir ll1 ltou•,mg r·onducl both weight rhv1sions. plnp- npprn~imalcty equal are:ts of one's talents, a dcmocl·acy has it all over an cl [Jcicnt clic· stelns, :JcJ.Q lhs butterfat, 047.G lhs Will prPvc•nt blrrls r mg m.Hlr> for the Wlll'l'J•; IWC'KS snltri hlor ks Enr·h year lite trees In Uw final analysis, pJ'fieiPnc·y is not JH'CI'S· Inclinna, Wtsconsin, nnrl M1chignn mlllt; Ric hm rl Powers, 1.1 regis­ firs! Mit lti,:: tn rot n licit! duy ll!'f'tl IP,If'illlW to go r111 IH'I f'ilf's :n c entered in these contests. In­ HatcbinR All Summ,er [ nl mw ngr! me lmrvcsiPrl. In lh1~ • 1 tercel anrl grade !Iolslelns, :12 fl whlr·h will hr> held m1 Tucsrlay, Wrllr., PhnrH~, Drive In nr fly In tnrl selllllg them ort pPtrlws \\ill 111 ,1nnf't, he pomts nut, a "sus- sarily th1• answt'J' Jo suc•ec>ssfullivin~. II s lOW you cluded 111 these cnlnes are the lhs huttcrfnt, !!22.3 ILs milk; Dr. Sc>ptemhf'r 1'1, nt IIH• llcnry and help Birds will h,tve mnrr> fresh Jwnvyweight nallonal champions ,tit• nnrl sull'r>r less ft om r·rowcl1ng t.uned yJC!rl" 1s ctcnlerl. liVll that counts. 1". L. Troost, 1R registered ntH! OJ!a Sltc,llhelm Frrrm 5 miles owned hy R. r. Onkleaf, Tiffin, grade Guernseys, 32 lbs huller­ 1\ )11'1 Prof. Dana states that henvy That's why don't get excited when the paint begins 2 east nf D,lllsvtltc on 1\1 :JG. !ten they !em n to en. I all Ohio, anrlll1e naiJOnallighlwf'ight LOWDEN FARMS Pullet Cf!C'·laymg •s rlircc.tly r·upit.tl investments In manufac-, rttl d I 1 fat, G52.3 lbs mlll'i .T.mws 1'. I lnr>l,zr>ma, Tnghnm IUI'Ing Ltr·tlrltcs have creatcrl a to peel on my' house. The floors can sag a I c an Je· chnmp10ns, also llolders of the Richard GJCslw, 15 g1 .1de Hol­ cnunty agrir ultut.tl .tf(ent, sug-1 hPnefJierl hy Iangel' days anrl poul­ lightweight world record, owned HATCHERY lt ymPn shot tid slnrl in September dcm,111rl for th1s continuous forest licvc that no lmrm can come from it. steins and grade Guernseys, :11 fi gl'sleri lh.tl [nJ mPrs Jntereslcrl In Phonll Jnr:luwn 2480'' hy Ch,trles Roehl & Sons, Smith lbs hutterfat, 811 Ill•, m1lk; L;>nn 4C.20 E Ben y Hd nt Henrietta to us!' ltghls to grarlually lr>nr~th­ produr t1nn, anri 11 can be main· 1\Jodm·n magazim•s show how to liw cftieif•nt- a rn oriur ing mot f' , m n per aero Jl. 1, Rl•1cs Junction Creek rn tile p\illets' "rl.1y~" to 13 homs. tauwrl only if I imhf'r is grown for Haynes, 13 gr,ule Holsteins nnrl shoulrl plnn In spPtHi some time ------till' purpose. Therefore, "timber Iy. 'l'o put tlw acel'llt on c•flil'il•ney in till' lwmc> is Coopctntmg With the above grarlc Durham, 31 2 lhs butterfat, sPeing lhr• Jlllf'rPsltng rxperl· mining w1ll no longer suffice" to admit that living is ,just anoilwr ,job. A housll fairs, who for many years have 7G5 Slhs milk; Bert Schcrlzlll):(, 11 mcnt s hcmg mnclur·t erl on the been Jeaclers in the l11gh calibre gr,ule IIolsleins, 31.1 Jbs hullf'l' As a result, inrlustry 1s "pro· 1'Paturl'd l'I'CI'Iltly has 80% glass lor "ails, only 1 f.ll'ln horse pulling contc~ts they have fat, 8;'ifl1 lbs milk, L F. Nwr­ SpcciniJsls ft om Mk!Jignn Stale mottng rmcstty on its own nnrl door (it's Jo tlw bathroom) and caqwt in tlw hath. nllrr>r L111rls because it pays, In a conducted, i~ the Mlr'hJ~an Dyna­ garth, 13 JCgistercrl Gttcrnseys, f'nllcge hme rrJOflPI'iliPrl with r nprt.tlisltl cr•nnnmy thrs is n All tlw furnitm·c is built in tlw walls. It's an f•fl'i('if•nt mometer assoclatwn. :Jo 5 lbs bullerf,Jt, G'"i l.fi lhs milk; !Inrkzcm,1 and the Shc,Jihclms m This U TTl E Pig Went to Market sound founrl.tlton on whteh to honsf•. nut el'fi<'i<1ll'Y ancl pasy living can't b1• ihc Walter Kranz, 17 grade IInl­ cnnriucl ing m.t nv worlltwhlle slelns anrl grade Jerseys, .30/1 Jhs l111rltl" tl tl · l' I IPsls .111rl dornonslratJons. only aim in lite any mol'!' 11111 w ann o a IUJIJlY bullet fat, 637 G Jhs 1111lk; Leo "CompleiP pl.ms frn litis event This ll TTL E Pig Stayed Home In arlrlitJon, teclmological acl- (, _,... CJ'C fm•nwr shoulfl he to lll'come a tax Wf':u·y Baumer, 17 grarlc Guernseys, :JO 2 vr~nr·c•s l1nvc helped mainlnin Uw 10 •• Ingham Farmers Wtll lJr wm kcrl out mmc com­ lbs butlorfnt, G72.fl lhs milk; r!Pmnnrl for forest produrts ancl 6fi0-aeJ'C farmer. pletely within the next wecl<," It' ~om· pigs 111 r•n't mnhn ing- for marlu•l fasj Brown and Pfiester, 1!J grade Hol­ snid!IoC'lm•mn, "but we hope that I'JHlllgh m· • , • whc•n thPy 1111' marlwtc•rl dnn'j h.tve p~rmJitccl closer utilizalion Now take my house. There arc JO doors in it. I know Receive Increase steins, nnd grnclc Guernseys, 30 1 of tlw r:11v mJieri,tl, lie says. "Far mnny f.11 nw1 s will reserve this lumg a goru1 pl'fll'it AS!{ YOUit \V,\GO;>o; Jbs buller fat, R0fl5Jhs milk. from hf'eoming obsolete, wood has because I painted 'em. The ceilings arc high and the ldtchcn date for I he corn firlrl clay, the \\'II EJ:L HJ<:AI,J<;Jt l'Oit 4011 HOG CONCEN· IItgh cows in each nge class fit st of 11 s kmrl to he held in aetuallv c~tenrlcrl its mnrkct, nncl is 10 times larger than a modern Pullman kitchenette. I'd On Detroit Milk 'l'ltNI'I<;! were: Michigan." nnw, more JUslly than any other be a lot more et'ricient if I'd move into 1 room and wait ou.l: Bacl< to the post-war high of 3 :\iosl mujnr J'~f'd I'Olll)lllllir.s l'l'commrnd <100 suhstnnC'e, can he called the 'uni- ld b · t ycms ago 1s the Detroit milk mar· versa! rmv mntcrml'." the cold winter ahead. And my household wou c JUS as ket. lhs ot Uu•ir r·mu•t•ntmtf' mixl'li with l,liOO lhs of Ingham County News September 4, 1952 · Page 4 Inclust ry It as changed its alii· efficient if I'd cast away some of 1lic knick-knacks picked up Bcgmnmg September produ- l'nr·m grains. Wath WAGON WIIEJ<:J, IIOG (ON· 1 turlc towards forestry for other at the Booster club auction i~ Dansville a couple of weeks CCI'S are rcccivmg an extra 10e CJ;i'\'l'ltA'I'E-200. lbs mixcal with 1,800 lhs of reasons, too, Prof. Dana asserts. ago. , 1 per 100 Jbs. The new price wtll gr·.!in will Sll\'C you mom·y urul !iring- mo1 P prnl· Tllo value of standing timber, or L show up in the October mill< "stumpage," has mcreased great· But it's home anll I 'litm it. I llou't want to be cheeks. · itahlt• pigs. You'll snv1• dnnhh• hr•r•nus1• you'll usr• ly rluc to the law of supply and too efficient. Aull that's }Jrohably the way the GO· For Ingham producers the in- Auction Jpss lt•r•tl with \\'llAflll \VIwr•J C'OIII'I'IIII':IIe, rlcmand lw points out, and now JJaving sold my farm, I will sell nl puhlic unction ut the place "there 1s real inducement for for- ___::a:c:re:...:f:.:a::.J'.::.:II:.:.lC:..:'l':.:.S....:.f_el_'I_a_h_o_u_t_-:·lt_. ______crease Will ywld an extra $15,000 locatf'd I milr•s Pnsl to Gildnrt rmul, Yr mile• nrll'l h m· I mil1•s wt•st est owners and users to go into per month, it is estimated. of J:nlon Uattids on SpicPJ'Villr. highway to Wilc·nx road, 1 \1 miles the hus1ncss of timber-growmg." Ab of SanclwJch West; VIce-President The 8'/!l increase was order by 1 south to lUnhnn highway, Y1 milr• 1\'l'St to Gihlarl mnd, first phtcl' w orts W. T Grant of the Windsor the Federal Marlwt Adminislra­ south, on When Co Chamher of Commerce anrl Pres1- tor. The pr1ce is set by formula rlcnt l\Iurrny McLean oi the Es- under federal supervision. The State Farm Tour Call the Doctor sex County ,Junior Farmers also formula Is based on butter and a ddt essccl the wmning chapters. condensary prices. Plans Are Made Several diseases can cause a The W11Jiamston chapter oper- Detroit milk dealers have now Tuesday, Sept& 9 cow to abort, farmers arc adv1sed atecl a wheat cooperatrve and asked OPS for another cent per Commencing ut 1 :00 o't·loclc the following dr•sr•t illf'd Jll'OJICI'ty: "Keys to Farm Profits" will be by Dr. Glen W. Reed, extension worked on dairy herr! improve- q unrt to cover the Jugller price Sheldon Fcccl Co. Hashtt Feed & Grain mcnt and agricultural c1lucation paid producers and for otl1er offerer] farmers visiting Osceola specialist in ammal pathology at I Uolt Co. rnunty, September 23, for tlle an­ pro,Jects Ior younger boys. higher costs. Michigan State college. In each 18 Head Holstein Cattle nun! stale farm management Haslett ----- Ilolstein Cow, 3 yem s ohl, rhu• hy Holstein Ifeifr•t·, 18 months old, Iour. Abe Snyder, Osceola coun­ case, farmers can head off troll· P1·oducers Elevator Co. day of sale 0111'11 ty agricultural agent, has aslifPr, 18 munlh~ old, Eaton Rapids .J P Hoekzema, county agricul­ calling a veterinarian lmmedrate­ l'llrs. L. P. Williams Rams Are Offered IIIHI OJleJI hr!•d iHay 7 tmal agent to extend open invi­ Jy for an accurate diagnosis. Uolsleln Cow, 4 years old, fJ•esh 5 Holstein Jf«il'PJ'S, 7 to 8 months tations. The Vantown Sunday ~chool is Abortion and breeding troubles At College Barn nml open old The tour will start at 10 a. m. hqlclmg a shower at lite hall Sat­ Ilolstein Cow, a YI'ILI'S nil!, ft•csh from brvcellosis can be headed 2 Holstein lh•il'Prs, 8 to ·I months Ttwsday, September 23, at Forest urdny evening, September G, hon- One of the largest selection of In ,July, bJ·r•d Aug-ust HI old • R.HH!all & Son f,mn, 3 mtlcs west off by calr' v;tccmatJon and test- armg Mr and Mrs. 'Dale Sober. purebred rams ilf all breeds will Ifolsldn Cow, 3 YI'III'S old, due• ~ I J I • ~ 1 ' Holslt•in Bull Calf, 2 months old, of Reerl City on old highway US- mg for reactors, farmers are rc- Refreshments Will be ]ello, cake agnin be assembled at the Mtch­ soon \Vf'll hred and saml\v1ches. Those attenclmg igan Slnle college sheep barn on Uolslein Cow, fi ymu·s ohl, hred 10. Cc1lifled seed potatoes arc the mmdccl. Ho!Niein Stem·, •1 months old should t,tke their own table serv· Monday, September 2fl This is lUuy 27 mam crop and mnchincry and ir­ There are dangers also in Mwh· Ahnw• r•al tlr• '1'-U nnd Unng-'!1 rigation work w11J he pomts at ln­ icc. All arc welcome. the elate of the seventh annual Unlsleiu Cow, 5 ycnJ•s old, bred h•st{'(l, nrlifidully hl'l'll, numhl'l' IC"rcst At 11:15 a. m. at 1he Ferris igan, according to the palhologJsl, Mrs. Martha Glynn visited rnm clay sponsored by the Michi· l'lfuy 13 ol Wl•ll·hJf'tl r·ultiP in this herd. Lcnr h farm 4 miles west of Reed from tr ichomomasis and vibrtosJS, friends in Grand Rapids last gan Sheep Breeders' assocmtion, ' City on US-10, farmers can soc In any case, a veterinarian's aid week. · the animal husbandry extension how 1a light sandt soil can be re­ is needed. An aborting cow should Bruce Granger has been spend- depm tment of Michigan State l'IGS FURNITUUI<~ built, slnp croppmg and lerrac­ he Jsolatecl' and the aborted calf ing a few days with ·frtencls in college and tho county extension 2 IlamJISIJiJ•e Gills, tine to l'llll'OW Ch illl's Piny l'cn mg, the value of farm records ami afterbirth burned, huriell northem Michigan. offices. At least 200 rams will be deeply or covered wtth quicklime. SOlin lflgh Chair "Changes Ahead in Fmmmg" Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Williams rc· brought in by lcadmg purebred 5 HamllShlre Feeder l'ig-s, \\'l'ighl llnby 111•11 Will he oullincd by Dr. Clifford M. turned Wcdnesclny from a v1sit breeders of the state for th1s ll)l)ll'OXilllJiteJy 7ii lhs Hardin, cl1rector oC the agricul· with friends at South Walpole, event. CHICimNS FAHiU llfACHINEUY lura] experiment station at Mich· Massachusetts. The rams are placed in pens ac· 200 White Itoclt l'ullefs, luying 19iil W-Il Allis Chalmer·s 1'mctor, Jgan Stale college, He Will speak Williamston FFA I Mrs. Aclah Glenn was cnllcrl to cording to price and the flock AOO!I nt a luncheon to be served by COIIl)Jielely I'(JIIippml, l'XCI•Ih•nt I Allis-Chalmers Attal'lted Hy· hand, which won 1951 first divt­ farm and another that planted Dorwin Williams and Mrs. Theda zema, county agJ·icultural agent, sion honors in the state contest, dmulk 3-hnllom Plow, 2 14-ln. 1500 pine trees wore named today Graf nltcnded the funeral of their smd that flock owners wanting Chore noy lllillmr l'unw wilh 1951 Allis-Chnlnma•s 5-1'1, Combine will play. l'iiH' Um• uml Shill Coclcs I'm• us top 1952 chnpters among 215 grandfather nt I

OONRimVA'I110NIS'11 WAUNA OF IGIWSION TJ/1! Ingham County News September 4, 1952 Page 5 FARMING BU~IN~SS Stroud Urges Better Waterways ev With whent plnwlnr,: In pt•og• maintainer! properly, !hr. wat6r· MORE FARMERSi CARt COLLIN rr.Hs, fnrmcrs shoulrl t!rJJtslrler' WIIYH t'llll nelunlly HIIVP. money, PREFER 1 "Mar. 1 fnrmrrH hnnriln I lw wn· nussltt Iitts lltll'·sixtlt of IIH' Anilhlnllr·s, nsPrl so stwr.r.ssfnlly ~c':~;; 1\~~ ~~,u~ Cr~ 11 ~~~\~;~:·1 t~!I/~Hf ~~:~ lnrway · arni1 aH hny t1c!lrlfi," world's lnnrl surl'rll'f', flit! tltr•l'f! In ll'f'nlmf'nl nl' animal 11n1l hn· soil conservnllon Hct•vlcc, The full Stroud stated, m·r• rlf'flnilt! pltysieal limit at Ions m:m rilsPa:if'S, may hn usnri soon r•nlns thut will soon come will WniCI'WII,YH shoulrl Jw ·12 to 20 In IH'I' iillility to Jll'ndttr!r! fond. A 111 r•ontml rllsPasf!s In plnnts. fkl· ' 1111 grass waterways In near ea­ (r)ci wlrie. 'l'IH'y shnulrl hnvc tlw soils spnough should hr! a r;:oorl legume hay and of aeddent· insm·arwr, eaut Inned , silo or mow • , , blows hoy horizon tnlly os much stalils dog the I'Uitcr rollers dill'· os 100 feet, Accessory power tnlouble I>isc, 2 years old ~lcCormicl;:-Deerin~?; Com Planter, will boost: the interest on corn l'ertiliztw attachment lonns, .. Production of trnctors in '1·sr~ct ion Olivrw Dt'UA', new goml comlition Double Cultipaclwt• Oliver 1-horse Walldng- Plow HO Grain Bags 1953 may he cut back 2:i JlCl' r:cnt Jolm Deere Semi-lUounted 101 I~ubber-'l'i•·ed Wagon, lhtt racl;: and 2-SMre Side Ralm ,John I>eerH 3·SI~I!tion 'ft•ttctor Chiclmn Feeders 1 Gruss Ser~dcr, l)iJrsc who showcrl up well in 2·hmsr Cult iva to•· Nnw Ideit' Soliit Dec);: llay J.. muler Harrow fi Gas Hal'l'cls fielding and bntt.ing practice scs· Olive!' Superior 1\ltUHII'C sions. Spi'I'IHICI' In his first game, t11c horse had llc!llll l'nller the misfortune of r!oming to bat 17 Dairy Cattle 17 Dairy· Equipment in the last half of the ninth with 1\IISCEJ,J,ANimUS ~1is team trnlling anrl wit 11 t hr. ty. Goorl nuzz Fiuw 111111' Curt. Ilolstcin Cow, 5 years old, due Holstein Cow, 6 yem·s old, fl·esit Smge 1\lilldng 1\lachine, 2 single 1ng run on second base. The pitch­ 2·\\'heel 'rl'ailm• ShC(!II Tan!> January 7 und O)JCII units with lli)Jeline Chore Boy er's ·first toss was smack over the K~:t

lo 3~w3 Dunng Ehz 1bcthan times, tho tender young leaves of mock orange which have a cucumber fla\ ot \\ et e use4 us salad greens

Approximate cost of the Penta· gon building In Washington was '64,000,000. Ur.ll'nlhnl JR R~vrnled High S(hool Has Mr~. Nel~on HLUtlliut announces Four Cars Crash, Leslie News ll1o engngomcnt of Mlli'Y Davis, Residents Ask for cinughtcll' of Harley M, Dtlvls of Deti'Oit to Cr.cil P, Dcn·ahom, aon One Man Hurt l'IIK(ol' Ancllllr Ahuut. J•]JJtrltuul 328 Enrolled New Blacktopping Will of Mr, ancl Mr~. Rnlph Dcr~hcm nf When lhc lmul em· WIIH Hlnwocl Leslie Unit nov. Ethel McLain, pn~tor of T..eHllc hlflll school Is now cllgl. Letillll, Mls8 D11VI~ gnuluntecl In ne~hhmts of Conl!n· slmet huvo ut ·1 :50 Sut.m•duy mot•nlng nt the l'he JcJower Memm•lttl C!IJUrch of hlo ns 11 clu~s 13 school for the the Leslln high school chlSti of pc~llt lonml tlw ~lt.v eourwil rot' j..cijJio, will tell of her recent trip fh•st I I ht1vlng pnssecl the re· 1fl~2, ns vnlmllc!t orlun, Mt•, Dor· Intm'Heetlon of Dnrl rnnrl fll)rJ US· me, hlacl>topplng to folluw Jhe com• Will Be Host to to Englanrl nt 7:30 p, m, on qulrml :l2fi enrollment require· Hltcm Is nlsn 11 grnduuto nf Leslie pluted curb uml gutlel' Jli'Oject 127 ll nnrJ tho a car~:~ nenlnd nil Woclneorluy, SoplcmbcJ' 2•1, at tho mcnt. 'l'hrce lntnclrcd twcnty·elgilll high nnriiH n pnrtnm· in I he Bind>· on tlwll' 'l'ho potltiQtl wns tnngled wllll euc!ll nl!H!t'. Drlvct·s Sixth District ~hurch, She vlsltecl hm• brothers arc r.nrnlled In thll IJ.12 grade:;, more nJ;·I ::!-:~'Hhcm garugo on :;u·r.c!l, WC'I'O Loynl W. Reynolds, .Jncl<· Loglonmdrl~s rtnd amdllnry nnrl ~lstcrs In l~nglnncl lor n .Junlol' high uttendancc Is H:.i, ancl Hnuth US·l~7. J'U('I!IVml by tho council Munciuy. Hnn; Clyde E. Elclriclgc, Rnlllc mcmhr.rs of tlw sixth district will month with mnny lntarestlng ox· tho elemenllll'Y school has :lllO, u ~--~--- night ·nd will be eon~ldered lrr Creel>; Eat·l A. Cole, Lunslng; and l1o gttests of the Lyle Ec.lwnrds pcrlerwos, 'l'hn public IH lnvllccl to lola] of 091. 'rho 'Ogltl'e will ho I ill' r ., hllclgct fol' lllfi3. Albert Gonion, Aler, east 2fi0 feot, Such wus not tho The Leslie high school foothnll which will start on Oc\oher G. A always liver! In the Leslie area be· Mrs. Leon Albro will tnl~e the <'ase, city plnnH to 1llll conlt'llry, games for the scnsrm nrc sched· charge of 25c Is mndc. In~ variously employee!. l~Jnir for her first meeting as Newr. of the missing llnlt In the Profit of $1500 uled with home games pltlylng' 'rhe Leslie school board IH semi· prcsldenl nl 8 p. ni. on October 2, He Is survived by n son, Clar· Center stre1!l ~ewer flllUITCd Holt 011 Seplemhcr Dansvlllo lng Supt. Clnrence Vanclct·Llndcn In the club rooms. Mrs. Albro wns l!l, enco of Detroit; 11 daughter, Mrs, cottnellmcn to lnllluto nctlon on SCIItember 2!i, Fowlerville on to the stnte superintendents con· presented her gavel .nnd the other L, '!'. Brown of .Jacl•son; a hrol'h· for a ~pedal nssrssmont JII'Ojcct Realized on Fair October 10, and .,Jacl>son, vcnllon In Escnnnhn Scptcmher new officers were recently In· St. er, A. C. Wood of Rives .Junction: to lny the sewer hefom cold .Johns on Nowmher 7. All lheso 21·23, nclwecm $1,500 nnd $1,800 Is the stalled by Mrs. Donald Craltes, u ami 1 sister, Mrs, Lillie Wright nf weutlwr sets In n1ld hetore tho games will be night gnmes under JcJint. estimated profit on the In52 coun· pnst president. A pin wns given streets nrc graveled. The pro• the lights. ly fair, ·Secretary Joy 0. Davis to the outgoing president, Mrs. AI· Funeral services were held )Immel lll'o,ject will also Include Informed lile supervburs Monday. fred Leach. A decorated birthday Tho games away will he: Stocl<· Monday fr•om the ,Jupp fu ncral water nncl sewer services to Va• The mmpletc 'flnnncial report cnl '"!'he Spirit Sgt. William Conklin arrived HORIZONTAL KEYSTONER--llovcring ·over second bose, Roy "C:vcn lhou~h we hnd hnd tt·ensurcr, Mrs. Russell Smith; 'free" ul the Baptist Woman's Un· home Thursday morning wllh his IIAASJ~ IS lll~U~GA1'1C McM!llan of the Cincinnati Reds fires the· baU·to ·nrst. bose in n release from active duty In the weather the Jalr finished In the came at Chicago. Cub Tommy Brown is called out by the umpire, IJislorlan, Mrs . .James Bobzien; ion meeting held in Tucler Reynolds and Mrs. Wllllam Slep· Op1m Nights ancl Sunday 1\lornings nnd salaries committees, had pre· Moody on the St. Lawrence River officiating. Burial was In Wood· uwlck of SL. Louis, Illinois. Tho vlously decided on t•he appoint· project. lawn cemetery. wedding dale has not been set. menl of Dr. Fryer but had to wait for hoard approval of the salary. · Supervisor John B. Fay of Del· hi, chairman of the health com· mittee, explained .that $11,000 is the going wage for public health 11ircclors. He and other members of the committees in on the hir­ ing reported that Dr. Fryer would riot have accepted the offer had he not wanted his children to en· ter Michigan State. Dr. Fryer once lived In East Lansing, Chair· man Eddy said. Dr. Fryer was recommended by the Michigan department of healll) and the Ingham County Medical Society, Fay reported. Supervisor Lloyd Aseltine of Alaledon indicated that the hiring of a health director was a matter Kiwanis Members Will Pick It Up which largely concerned Lansing ami not the townships, The town· ships have slight need for the ·county IJcnlth service, Aseltine QR'I N BEOI NS-Gcn. Dwiaht Eisenhower, left1· is caught by the said, · camera as he breaks Into his famous grin whdc ~.allting to Se';J• (Pick Up Days September 15-19) Ralph Flanders of Vermont. The Republican pres1dentil;l. candi­ date and the New England sel'\ator were discussmg campmgn plans Dolbee' s Plea ot Ike's headquarters In Denver. Gladys, Robert, Madge and Don- large circle of friends. Reaches Buyer ald. She also leaves 11 grandchll· She enjoyed doing for others clren: Gladys cUed- in 192

ROAD OFFICIAlS CONVENE Road commissioners · L. D. Duncl wnH honorer! Social £vents and Personab Mls~ Plorcneo We:~l hr.enrnc lim thr. cllvorslon wns pi11Yin1~ l'lll'iyn anrl Mason, AriP.!:tlcia CJ,n·i<, nnci hPI' aunt, . Coupe e d In ngo lana PhllliJIH ronr], WcrhlP.Hdny, Sep· the Dansville Mt•lhoril:;t l'illll'l'il Presbyterians I W a, n M!'H, David mone nl • lhn Slono hXI't~ullvll JHr·r~t. JJeltl temhcr• 17, for a 1:00 p, 111, rles· by tlw pastm•, !lev. flHmuPI Sr.!· Hln.vtm· l't!Sicii'IICI!, 'l'hc e);t~cutlve C'Ommlttcw met nl Wnllacc ,Jr>hnson of Williams· 'l scrt, Mrs, Etlwl Minnis Is co-host· znr·t, at ;00 'l'hn ('()IIJiic 'J'he ~lxth rr.unlon nf thn Sluy­ •I p. m. ,\ iaJ'gf' birthday l'llim rrnrl leo Plan Meetings tl]c hnmu of Mrs. Maxine 'I'opllff ton 11111101111 ccH the mnrrlagc nl ·I ess. Progrnm lenclcr will he Mr.~. citose a slngle·rlng eemmnny. tm• family WIIH !wid Sunday, S<'Jl· Mnnclay, SPplemlmr 2, for nn nil· his clauf,lhter, NatH'Y Llnrtte, to : Howard Nnrlnn and devotions will c•renm were HCI'V!'cl lor rcfrenh· •rtw hrlrle, formerly nf Dans· lt!mhP.r 7, at IIlli' home of !•'rani' tiny meeting. Mrs. Muirctla Dol· Eclwln Crnml!tll, ~on of Mr. 'J he given by Rev. Haymond Nor- lllf'll t s, w. ville, Is msldlng nt Jll'nsenl In Sluylm•, Fnrty-flVI' allcnr!Pd liJC For September bet! was co·hostr•ss, All mcmhcrs ancl Mrs. Elmm· Crnndall of Ma· ton. lWr.n Rue re<'<'iV<'rl mnny nil'c I Holt. Slw Is the daughter of Ml'. rcunlorJ fr11111 Hol'imsler·, Alillnn, nne! gills frnrn Mr. and Mrs. D:!l'l WPI'C! Jll'esrmt they ('()mplelcd son. '!'lie West Alnlc!clon Lmlles Aiel anrl Mm. Olin West of Dansville. Leslie, llazP! Pnrl,, 'l'l'nVei'HI' City l'n•shyh•J·!un l'irl'les arc busy (1lans for mll.v il~v which will will meet Thursday, Septcmher lli'V, Lanj.(, M1·. and Mt'H. Lc~e l'lari>, C I 11 11 s 'J'hey spnlw their vows h<'fnrc The hrlrlegmnm Is tlw HOII ,() r nnd Hrl~hton, ,John SluyleJ' m:lidng pl£1nH or a mf!c ng he lJr.lrl 'l'humdny, ~ir:plt~mher· lR, Rev. L. W. Sapp In l'he T•'irsl 18, for a 12:30 p. m. dinner al the or Albion was PIPt'll'rl 'li'Psit!Pnl Mrs. Jli'lllll'iH SI<'Vells, Ml', nnrl Mt·s, Don Hay nf Ilolt. 1\II'H. illnlne 1\rusr, Mr, nnrl MI'H. following llw ~llmmct•r. recess. Clr· m lhe Delhi IDWnshlp !mil, Holt, llolnr! of Mrs. Clarence Slicathelm, 'l'lln (Jr'itlr' r•J r ."n 11 JJ,'I\'Y JJillt' [nr the lli'XI yrar and I\1J:s. DLIIIIIC 1 1 t t MPihocllst Phurch In Angola, lmll· " _ 11"" ,Jay Lang nnd .Johnny, Mr. 111111 dr~H I, 2, :J anc .> p 1nn o mcc at 11:30 a.m. ana, on AllglJSI 2:i. 2613 Phillips rond. suit wllh white iH'I'Pssorit•s for Duncan ~ceretm·v-treaHtrr·cr. 41 ··~ ljl Mrs. ltohcrt l'rc•Hton and lamlly, 'l'JI!'sdo~y, SerJtcmbcr li, '' * • Roh<'rln Prln>:IP. nf Wchbrrvllle Mrs. Vrra Dayton will cntcl'laln her \Vl!drllnu," She wnre a c·orsagl' Ill tl Mr. unci Mrs. ll:rrvPy llt'lllll'l t Mr. unci Mrs. llavld Stone a11ci Clrdc 1 members w gn JCr and Elmo!' Crnndall, hrnllwr nf rnem!Jers of the Patrlr,tic club of recll'osm;, Miss Mnrgan'l DPd<· V J 13 111111 fumilv·of Lansing SIH'Jit lhP family, Miss Lnla Clal'il, Mls~ fll lite lwmc of Mrs. t . ' . Irown Ra y ay et I he brirlc"rnom, atlenclcd lllC l!OU· Frlcln.v, Scptemhcr 12, at II pol- I'!' of Lansln~. maid of honor, . [) r 1 I II D S Wl'l'i( Pnd with -1\11•. und 1\lrs . !loots Clarl> and Miss Wanda at 1:.1 or n I esscr unc ICon. h Jucl1 dinner· at 1:00 p. m. Mcm· wore n !'orsage ol red ro~c·s wllh Mrs, Brown 'of Slockbl'idgc Th d plr. ' bcrH allenrllng arc lo tnl>c a lOc her li"hl blue suit. Dav1rl ll<~lnmtl. Baile. llu~h 1 h b r II1 The bride donner! a eanary, ye · Mrs. Lena Shrrman of LPsiit' andhoslesr.cH, MrH. r.;Mrs. Cl' Ralphto nson Erlwilu•e nPxt 'l'hurs· 1 t o flO 1 · 'I' ln1r•IJam Cotlnty News September Page I 0118 suit with whitl• ar•rcssnrlcs nne a II n: p, m. For tlw Wl'tirlng musrc• "Js•; ~ II, 1952 4 t • clay, September lH, al I he Delhi c•or•sage of while ~ladloli. The Nir:l10ls School l'!uh will Carol Starlwy ol Dansville snnJ.( •------~ Mr·s. Rttl'hl Kr·use wlll open her township hall In Iloll. 'l'hls an· After n trip through northern hnlrl its nr·st m,!'l'ling Monday, "TlPeattsr.," aceompnnlerl by 1\lrs. lronw to drele 2 men1l ·r·s at 1:15. nual event is lrurll!lonally thr) Mlehlgan Mr. and Mrs. Crandall September 1!i, at the Nichol~ Dom Diehl. At the <'lose of the IJPr t'o·hostessPs lll't' J\lr.<. Hnrold sl'n.-'.roff Cor Inglrnm's home clcm· arc living at 1280 Dansville roar!. MRS, J~DWJN W. CRANDALL r;chool at H:OO p. m. r·erernnny she sang '"l'he Lord':; Nr.nl and MrH . .T. g, I!lnltle. Mr~. nnslnllion groups in their fall Mason Junior Child Study dub Pra.I'CI'," For Those Beautiful Willinm Porter wl11 present Lit~ JHogmm of wm-1<. lZ • [ (li'Of~r·nm, "North America, " ~nc I 1\lrs. James I!oC"kzemn, nation· wscs M b os:pzta s rncmhcr·s will enter their 111111 Mrs. West wore II hlat•kI' rh'PSS·I FALL PICTURES I I I tl em ers ycnr with a dinner· at the New for her daughter's wed! lng Wll I a Mrs, .L. Il. Barr· s P unn ng H! ally·ltnown writer and spealwr·, I','llit•Jlt" 1'11 tilt' 'l,'t".'rlll (!t'Jll'!','li · 1 [ r 1111' l'o•·ne '11'" I''J" It's the devntrons. \VIII be til<' fc•nrutHI attraction of ld h 1 1 t ·'1 • 1 " ·' M • 1 1 llut 111 Lans ng Wcrlncsday, Sep· corsar:e1 o 1 , ·'""·I' I" I ,, " •• . ll 'JO I H 0 Lu nc eon liiSJlla I liS WPI' { an• rs .. ()Ill Iember 17. Members will be COil· plnncr a corslli(C (I Jlll ( l'llSI'S Clrl'lc :lis plannmt~ a ,;, P• m. the rlay. HPJ' topic will he "Irnml', /\lim1 nf Jlnlt, Mrs. l~·.tlwr Merrill tnclecl for rescrvatlonH. In I be shoulder of her navy blue mrPI In g. This will hl! the sen; 1-an- a I!avcm or n Hash House," of \Villiam·Hon and William It .rwal hlr!hrlny rllnnPI', mal Will he R"por·ts of Slimmer activities Q w d d . 1. B 11 13 t Mrs. ITarolrl Barnillll and Mrs. su · held Ill the home of Mrs. A. Lee •'llltl~(l['Cljc•n(," ,'(11<1 ,'1 prnv(n\V of n e nes ay Clwllwr, \VII !Hill :c Py, Ill' on Mabel Cnllar will l'ntcrtaln thl' ltt•i'I'Jlllon Is Jlt•ld .. , .. " Mrs. Jlnrn.· Willett, A 11 · !Jc•lrl fc 11<1\VIIJ" Argoflex 75 •' I M O· •ar Van Steol · Polglnsc~. Busy Btmch. Sept em· rel'<'[l Oil was 1 " ,,an lorn. L rs.l .;)' ' j M · next vcnr's program of worl>·wlll .Jimmy Phillips, son of Mrs. i>Pt' . Wedne~day, llw t'l'rl'mony at tim !lome ol nnrl, Mrs. cw ~ erner am rs. he Jlrcsenll!rl. Mush· and recrca· One lnrnrlrer! twenty-flvP. mPm- AmPril'il Phillips, Mrs. VirJ.(Inia 17. . . the hrldcr:room's molilCI'. l•:nrl Urquhart will assl~t Mrs. lion will be an important part of bi'J's anrl gucsiH of lhc Melhodisl Diller and Vnnrla Karn, all of Mrs.. Tames Hughes will cntc;· Mrs. Counsellor gnHluatPrl The First Choice :;anbnrn, Mrs. T~rlc Spcnny will tlw day. Women's Society !or Christian Mason. l.nln t.he .Mason C.l.tthol!c Wor;;en s from Ingham Township Agrkul- lwve dmrgc of the program, top- Tlw women arc planning to cat Service altemlcd the 'l'wn plus Mrs. Harry Willett PntPretl tlw clui> ,rt ,, hohemr.m chnncr 1 ues- t .. . D~nsvii!P in the 1 1 1 i<'s nrc "The Word Undl!rstood ,.1 potltlr'l' rllnnr.r· at 11:30 and to Two lunci1C!on at the chmch '1·,1••• r111 r.',n 111 •. 1,. 1t ilfl."P.It·,1J 'J't!Cftlay cin" SP.ptember Hi at G·ao Jl m ur,t scJntnS, L'J' · • I ' " " " '' ,, 'l't'' .tt II : t • ; ·,1'iass of l!l' .•.,le 1s cmpnyPc1 11 1y and Misunderstood," find "TIC· start their program immediately I Wednesday, foJ' oll'wrvation. wsc_n en~ t.J~ .~~~: o 1.am.1 1 11e 1r Mrs. Wilhur Stetler. The hridP- AMAZING NEW ARGUS C~u·isl of the Inner Fellowship." aftt>rw;mls. Coffee and lea will After the lunclwon mcmbPrs Miss Roberta Dral,e, daughter own l<~blc service <~nd ,J dish to groom is employed hy the city of Mr·s. Laurence Parie cssps, Miss Mary Scott will have Held Tu·esday Citv was a Moncifly dinner guest lawn buffet supper. Mrs. Don a lOc and" 25c gift. Annual elcelion anrl installation dJH!'gc of the program, "The of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Durhin, Densmore was tlw hostess. Tlie The first meeting of the Dans· of nffkers was hr.lrl at til<' L<'­ Christ of the Inner Fcl\.owsb!p." Mrs. Ephraim Sladn and son supper was scr vcd at fi:OO. ville P. T. A. for the sehonl year l\1rs. Robert Knight will give tile Mr~., Albert Cole was guest ~f ·and Mrs. Leona Buzzo of Mar- GL1ests were the majorettes of will be Thursday evening, Sep· ginn huilrling Tuesday Pvcninj.( hy Brownc-Cavender Amcrie;m Le­ tlevnlinns. honor Tuesday evcn~ng nt fl stnl k quette visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Hen· the Mason high sl'imol hand, JPr· !ember 18, at 8:00 p, m. n( the On Wednesday, September 24, shower.. Mr> L~e \\ e.bb. ~~rt Mrs. ry Cummings over the week encl. ry Rtel\ly, Julie Davis, Sue Mills, school. Teachers will be intrn- gion Auxiliary No. liJH of Mason. Officers for the year 1!l:l2-!i3 IIJP Women's association will Cnrl wcr!V1ostess ,tnd co- John Diener, Jr., who entered Susann 1Ja;1se, Barbara Norton duced nnd a mixer game will foJ. Bngg~ arc: Mrs. Ermn Smith, president; meet at the church at 7•15 for rc. pccll c y. SparTow bOSJ>ilal last Wcdnesda,v ami Ma.ry. E.me.ns. ,·, . . low. There will he a speflker from · host~ss,Tlurty-flvc gucsu; attended. A fl t 1 1 went to Mrs. Isabelle Miller, first viec­ t~!·~~~rl; Mrs. Ila;old Haase .Is They played games after which for trmlment returned to his er supper IC gu s the Michigan State police _\\ho presiclenl; Mrs. Pearl ,Tcwct t, s!'e· rh.tnm<~n. Mrs. I filii Arnold Will 11 •ucst of honor opener! her home Saturday. IIIII' theatre t~;ge,:,IJC,~. will give fl talk on safety. The oncl vice-president; Mrs. Grace g1vc the devotions and Mls~ lC g 'ft Mr~. Caroline Winters of Los· evening will elosc with a light Anlmcy, secretary; Mrs. Susan 1• 'tl111 M 111 5 Ill I 1 1 many gr s. ltrnc111 \\'1'111 Mrs II 1 T · \.CI w Jl ay ' Jl ana SO· The hostesses served icc cream lie visited Mrs. Grace Damasllin o( Munici- 10, and Doris, 4 1/". l • D L w o pass. munity service, rchabililation of Itussl•ll Potter, and family. ners were nlrs. · ec arc, pal airport, Memphis, Tennessee, Mr. find Mrs. Warren G. Popp Preshyterlnn rummflgc sale veterans, Americanism, r:ivil de· features at low cost! SEE IT TODAY! Geor·ge Fish and Doug Barr left Mrs .. Tom Jflckson, Mrs. N. C. was discharged from the army nf Berrien Springs are the par· will be held Saturday, October 11, fcnse, national ~ccttrl!y and child • Doubtc-n,,~osurc t•rcvcntion-No film wastage. \\'cdtwsday morning for Bakers· Fernby, Mrs. R~bert Densmo;.c. Tuesday after 4 ycar·s a~ service. cnts of daughter horn Friday, in the church basement. welfnre. 11 • Red Jnd1c.1tor tdls when c.uncr.l 1s rc.nly to usc, Jielrl, Cahfnrnifl. Doug Barr Is a Mrs. Harolc~ Bai.nhll\, ~rs. \\,rl- Two years were spent 111 Japan August 2fl. Mrs. Popp is the Ior­ 'I'hc unit nlso worked throug!J only $15.45 ~ oplwmore at Taft college at lard Burnes, M1s. Hmnld Sea- and Korea. mer Betty Ann Ncusdorfcr of Ma· . ' the !neal schools in choosing girls t llnllmnt Ulg Vtcwfintlcr wilh protective slucltl. Bnkcr~Jiclcl. field and Mr:.. Joe Sanders. Mr. anrl Mrs. Glen Coon nt- son rJ·tughlcr o[ Mr and Mrs • SynchruniLI.!d I J,tsh bu/11 i11. for Girls State and citizenship Including Fodoral Ta~ 1\lrs. Gus Kcan arrived home . Mrs. Lov.e~·n Ko~~:r·, Mrs. ~il- tendecl .a birthday rlinner l~onor- Pat;l Neusdorfcr who 'now live at Service Club Has nwnrd. They carried out an oul­ • "Squeeze" Type Shutter llcll!iiSC, 'l'lntt";riay after spending a month ham Porter ,rml Mrs. Roy Chus- ing then· dflllghlcr, Mrs. Cltffonl F. Caso II Fla•h Exira 1 slamllng progmm in Pan-Amcr·i­ e Durable Mclni·Uial.:cd Construction. 1n San Bernardino, Calif. She vis- tensen won golf prizes of the .clay. Sible, at. the Sible home in IIub· rcmon · . ,· . Autumn Meeting r·an study and won recognition in ited lwr son, Warner Kenn at The final Central Mlclugan bnrdslon Sunday. In the evening Mr. Mrs. George Meundmf am~ Members of the Ingham cnun ty lhe department of Michigan for 'l'rnvi:; air force base, and other Women's Golf District mccl for IIley were supper guests of Mr. o[ Dansvtl~c ar·c th? parents ~[ il HI Service club held a fall re­ newspaper publicity and growllr 1olatives and friend<>. She ancl the year was held at the Battle ancl Mrs. Raymond Coon of Ionia. son, Carl 1~., horn September 3 nl treat at Camp Vining last wecl> in m<'mbcrship. Wnl'rH•r callcrl on Mr. and Mrs. Creelt Country club Tucsd_ay, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coss and Fonte bosprtal, Jaf'kson. Use Color Filin This FaiU end. They arrived in time for n Mrs. Smith and Mr~. Miller, tire ! :. A. M,r,·docl> in Arcmlia while September !J. Mrs. N. C. Fcrnl~y family were guests of Mr .. ami Mr. am! Mrs. Clarence Mill· All Siz1~s 1\od;u:olor aud J\mlaelll'!mw pot lucl\ ~liPJler, then spent the ncwly·installed prcs!dcnl and viec­ J~vet·yt.hiu).!; PhotoJ.;raphic - 1'imc Payment 1hPr't'. ·, loi:! 1\lttrdocl\s are former won the tournament pr1w 111 Mrs. Willa rei Snyder of Albion house bnve a c!nuglltcr, .Julie Ann, evening plPii\'!'1' Mason Mrs. Paris Witt r ol i family anrl llcr· arm in AuguR~, Is tmprovtn~. Mr. nncl Mrs. Robert Slid or Johnson or Ponlmc fire the par· heard Ru~scll Mabry of Kcn1 county speak on "Security for prcc•edcd by a bohemian dinner!._------! Mrs. George Burgess and Dale at Shl' has been stnymg at Kalama· Wllliamston spent Saturday eve· ents o[ a ciflughter, Teressa Lynn, at 6:30. dinner Sunday. 'I'he oc<:asiun celc- .. ao. nlng with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene born August 28 at the Pontiac You and l'ti'c" and "IIow We Can brated the first birthday annh't•r- normlc Edmonds spent. from Ribby. General t nspital. Mrs ..Johnson is Better Our Relationships With 1 sary nf Ronald Burgess. Monrlny until Wednesday in Mid· · Mrs. Ida Wills of Leslie nnrl Ihe former Shirley Dell, claughter European Countries." The after· Mr. find Mrs. Duane Shull Is and land v;.lth her brothers and sis· Mr. ancl Mrs. Francis Neal ol of Mr. and Mr·s. 'l'!Jomas Belt. noon was spent in group recrcn­ tion. Jimmy and Mr. and Mr·~. Warren ters·in-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. Loren L,·trl".·t· 11g wcr·e l"riday evening Sawdon and Laurene of Roseville Edmonds nmt faml·1 Y atlu·' M r. am1 gue~ts·' o( Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ml'. and Mr~. Louis Lee have a 'fhc cltlb members joined In an spent last wccl\ at the Densmore Mn;. Stuart Edmonds and Inm· Cavender. daughter, Cynthia, horn Wcdncs- old-fashioned party Saturday eve­ 1 1 ·1 clay evening, September· 10, in cottage at Shing c Ia tc, r y. Sunday callers 11t the home or McLnughlin hnspilfll, Lansing. ning, learning new games and foil> dances. A business meeting Warren flnrl Allee Chapin were They have another dnughtcr, Mr. and Mrs. Howarrl Chapin ol Sunday moming wns followed by 1 1 a chtJrch service conducted by Ypsilanti and Mrs. Edith Chnpin ' ~f~~~~~; ~j Mrs. l"orcst Neu of For Fall Occasions of Flmt. 1 members of the group. Mr~. S. S, Childs spcnl lasi Leslie have a daughter, Diann 'I'wcnty new members Irom the D'ORSAY wcel< at Pleasant lake with Mr. Lynn, hot•n Monday, September county were selected for mem­ nnd 'Mrs. Claude Perrin at their 8, in the Mason General hospitnl. ber·ship. The membership Is hon· ~~~~t~/ Dresses ~~~itt;~g~a~~~e also called on Mrs. of~;;n'~~;glcM~·~~ 'i!:~~~~~r~~:~il~et~ ~~~~~~ ~~~! N~~rre ~~~t~~~u~~~~ ~~ New fnllrles - F'rcsh designs Dr. and Mrs. George Clinton, daughter, Cnndice Michelle, horn •l-H work. New members chosen Sizes 10 to 20 nml lZ ~z to 2-l \·z Linda and David spent. the wee!\ Monday, September 8, in the Ma: arc: · end at their cabin at Brush lake fion General hofipital. Tom Bea!ly, Pat Monroe, Doro· .i•">'•••"" mol. ""1 .. En" J, ToU"" 13 ,J IS l'm'J•m 15.50 to 135 $5.95 up uear Atlnnln. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell thy Showerman, Dennis Avery, Jiin Roggow and Don Rumbles Fuller of Okemos have a son, Mary Emens, Helen Bloom, Gwen left last Friday for Houghton Donald Russell, born Ji'rlclay, Scp- Oakley, Clayton Hayhoe, Wesley .' )'OU ftallel LSolidette.'•• solid form !Jal' de toilette $1.75 College of Mines at Houghton, Iember 5, at the Edward W. Spar· Exclby, ·Joan Hartig, Alan Ne· ~Atne~er ·~ ~ Unlined Suits Michigan, where they will enter row hospital in Lansing. They mer, by l\1 ajcsllc as freshmen. They fire both grad· have anotQJer son, Gerald Lewis, Diana c 1 an aha n, Darwin Sizes 10 to 20 , ualcs of Mason high school in the 2%. Mrs. Fuller is the former Shcathe!m, Ellarlnc Copp, Franlt· f t~~Ae, r111Alns rounl town IJit ... par fum Pumtte 13 cJa~s of 1952. Margie Knight. lln Lyon, Johnny Coy, Clnrl< l, ~ $16.95 to $19.95 Mr. ami Mrs. H. G. Walt spent A son, Ronald Rny, wns horn Phelps, Jon Dflvis, · Phyllls Sunday in Birmingham as guests to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Alderman Cheney and Ruth Dodge. Sacl,et Collcclltrate $2.25 of Mr. and· Mrs. Bard Zimmer· Saturday, August 30, at the Ed· •'• • • man. ward W. Sparrow hospital in OPTIMISTS PLAN PARTY Unlined Suits Mr·. and Mrs. Everett ·Pearsall Lansing, Mrs. Alderman Is the Mrs, Optimists of Lansing arc ily Myncttc and Mrs. Nina Parlwt· of Wixom former M11llc Hollansworth of staging a party for county wards NIZCM 12 \f: to 24 '/z and Mr. and Mrs. Durwould Col· Lansing. at the juvenile dententlon home In lnr and Danny ol Webbervllle '1' • ~ Mason Thursday night between $16.95 to $22.95 visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearsall Mr. and Mrs. Leon Anway and 6 and 8. The hostesses arc the Sunday afternoon. Dorothy returned home Thursday wives of members of tlhe Lansing • Mr. and Mrs. George Messner ilfter a tt·lp to Buzzards Bay, Optimist club. About 20 young­ l•'nll rlCcessorles w blend called on their son and daughter· Massachusetts. '!'hey went by stcrs wllJ be guests at the party, Hats GloveH ln·lnw, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mess· way of Niagara Falls a·nd'Canada. said Mrs. Doris Mudgett, deten· URgs lloll4l ncr of Lansing, Sunday. They took A/3c Ray Anway to tlon home matron. The store that brings you famous names in cosmetics Mr. and Mrs. Clny Hulett, Otis air force base, where he is • •· • Kathy and Jimmy spent tq1e weelt now stationed, following a 14-day RUMMAGE SALE PLANNED end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. furlough. Mason Presbyterians are malt· L. J. Adams & Son Don Densmore, Viclty and Peggy Mrs. Annie Glaztcr of Deti'Oit lng ·plans for a rummage 11ale. It Ware's o·rug Store at the Densmore cottage at Shin- Is a guest of Dr. and Mrs. F. J. will be held Saturday, October gle lake. Kellogg this weclt, 11, in the church basement, Phone 54:11 We Deliver Mason