I FALL Rl.TJ\11\IAGFJ ROUNDUP Kiwanians Plan Big Sale THE INGHAM·COUNTYNEWS For the thirrl ycnr the Muaon --------·--------------------------------------l'nprl1s'11oft. D!,,-11,~1' - · "' ..~-:---------~- (Jf,UJI JlllVH A'l'J,A8 J(iwaniH duh IH holrling a commu· Nincly·Third Year, No. 36 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, September 4, 1952 TlireoSoctions~' 16 Pages uily rnmmugo Hale to miHc fundH IUIIHOII JClwauhms 1~11111 ~fiO to he uscrl frll' chl!r!r£>n, fmm jll'fllill; of lust. ycu.r'H 'rhla yout· the sale will he heir! rummiii{Il Hlllo lo lmy 1111 n[l· at the for•mcr Dart & Curly hulirl· ln·dulo Wflrld aliiiS fm• uu~ lng, next to the Consumers Power Hull 1\l!•mnrllll llhr·ru·y, Willi Grading Crews Co. oiTJroc on WeKt Ash street. young lllllll lt~IIVIng 1\IIIHOil fOI' ltllfl'll 11nd for• HlnllunH In ,JII• TEACHERS OUT CLASSES SHORT on Mason EnrollmentI 'J'hc dates arc F'rldny and Satur· day, September 1!l nnrl 20. rum, Nm·th Afrku, 11111 Middle Rush Widening lhe opening day of school Tuesday to bundle guHI mul l~uropc, Um dmmmtl ''1\nythlng and everyl~tlng of up the lit tie foll\s. A steady cll'izzie mude sec­ of JIUJ't•nls uutl fr·lmuiH for th~· vnluc-hou~ehoirl goorlH, tools, ond gmdm·s like .Judy Cusper and Dennis Mc­ farm Implements, llvcstoci<, cloth· l"llcd IIIIIJlH , huH rcuchml 11 Of New US-127 Dowell, both 7, ask lV!t·s. Robert Fuwccil fm· lng, (liPt urcs, hat·dwnre, pn!nt, hlg·h Jllllnl, Huid 1\lrH. 1\lury Climbs Up to 1103 help. Mrs. l''nwcctt teaches one of Lhe second 'J'I'I'HH!dcr, lht~ l'flllllly l!hi'IIl'i• lim-dnmagcri Htod{H-WPII, Just Grading c·t·ews nrc wnrl<ing at gmdes cit the Muson school. ahout cvcryt hinj:( has solri on tho rm, Sh1• h11H unll'rt•tl llu. Alias ILIId llX(II'!JlH II,; UI'I'IVIIl Hllllll. lop lipccd on the Ilolt-Masmt Judy is the daughter of M1·. and Mt·s. 2 previous snlcs," reported .J, B. wlricn!ng, l'aving r·rews will be· Dean. lie Is f'lmirmun of the gcn· Charles Caspet·, Dennis is the son of Mrs. gin the job of laying tile drntbll'· Dol'Othy McDowell. er·al t:nmmittee fur the sale, Serv· for the ari!C'!cs 11 notice Is Ie· width highway llnltlnr; !loll and To Set New Record lng With him nrc Glen Coon, Jim cclved, Dean s1llrl. Ma~on within 3 weelts. '!'hal calls Youngsters stampeded into the Mason schools Tuesday to Steele, l~ranl{ G ucrrlcr·o and Dr. There wll! be no auction sale. lor some fast grueling worl\, Hf'· D. n. Lethbridge. '!'he goods will be marl<cd before cording to Stanley 1\oz!owsl<i, establish a new record of 1,103. That was 103 more I hun en­ Members of the cluh will call the sale hegins, superintendent on the ,/11;;, tered on t.he opening day last year, and 80 more than wet·e Koziowslti directs a 111-mnn I counted the second week of school Just year. army of earth-mover:;. SI'Willl'l'll Seats were found fot• all, although some l'Ooms are Ingham Queen • r.:lant machine~ arP moving Zimmer Relates lllCJltnta!ns of l'at'lil to cmate tht• jammed to the window sills, Superintendent James II. Van­ · Reigns at Fair level link to the north. dm· Ven reported Thursday moming. · QucPn Ilcicn of the Ingham Experiences at "The paving Pquipment will sr•t 1 Entering freshmen set a new mud{ at 1::!'1. Last year's (,tit· helped rP!gn over the st<ite up aboLtt September 15," Koz·l ft·eshman class was !18. fail· in 0111 roil Wednesday, luwskl ;;fated, "It will talw a Burma Mission Governor G. Memwn Wll· wee!{ to build the fmms Hrul sPI Mason does not diffm· fmm othet· distriets in the in- limns was one of those who macilincs. Crews should lw Hllic I creased numbet• of ldndet•gar• Rev, Wullcr mud> ZlrnmPr, IP· eruwdPrl arounri the llmmc to !I'· to pave a 22·fool siah at tile !'Hie I t'e11tly returner! from Burma, pay homagl! to I he 27 q UPcns teners. This year the count l.ttPrl Sfllnl' of hili eXJlf'l'iCn!'es h£!• of .t rniJP a wePI\," gnthet'PCi fl'lltn ail Hr.r·tions of stood at 84 on opening clay, 8 Rural Schools fon• the · Mnsrm I(twani~ <'lull Mil'hig.tn. 'i'hl' queens wetr• Some of I he Jll'csenl mad Will Jlf'W a jump of 26 over last year. 'l'uPsciny night. lie was llllroclueed 1-(UPHts of llw fau· hoard at he used In tlw supPr·higii· to I III' !'ltth hy his Irtllwr, Waiter luncheon and for the afternoon w<~y, Plans mil for I IJC new pav· "We arc fmdlng room some· Follow Leslie in E. Z:imrncr. rodPo, lng to follow the oid out of lloit, how for the record number of JlPv. and Mrs. Zimmer anc! IIclcn Wtlcy of Mason rcp1e· past Maple Point anrl Hout h ncar pupils," said the supctlntcndcnt. thPir son 'l'lm, then a baby, left sentcd Ingham county, the S curve, 'l'hcre, a eomplct'ety "We only wish our new West Delayed Opening for Burma in February, Hl18, be new highway will eut to tile casl Side school was ready for usc in· lng sent out by BaptiHts. Ilardiy of the curve and join \1]1 with tile stead of still being In the plan· Bcenusc of the polio s!tuallon had llw Zimmers arrived at their oiri again on the south side. From nlng stage." in the Leslie area 8 rural scltocols followed the lear! of the village station north of Hangoon among there, as much of I hi' oiri war! as 1\lmosl evenly divided arc the the Karcns when fighting hrokc Supervisors Will possible Will hr. incorpomtcd with Rchool. They will not open until elementary grades and junior and Leslie classes start. mtl. l•'or months tile Zimmers tile new, Koziowslti sairL senior high. The elementary llll· were hellind the lines With the Consider Hiring The pavement over the hill pils number 551, the Junior and Tnclurlerl in tile list of rur.ti 1\ arcns. They tool< refuge in the ~outh of the Angoll gravel pit senior high school, 552, schools with 1ieiayed openings hills where their second child, will· be lowered 14 feel hcforc Both sections of the sixth grade arc tim Weeks, Morse, Clarl<, 1\nn Elizabeth, was horn. Even· Of Health Chief malting the sweep to the south on arc again housed in the Legion Scov!11e anr! Housel in Leslie tually I hey were evacuated by the the Mason by-pass. Memorial building. town3h!p, Felt Plains and Laber· American embassy. Before the Ingham board of SU· Work has been heir! up thi;; There arc 3 rooms for the sec­ tcaux In Bunlwr Hiil, anri the On· For many years Burmese and pervlsors Monday Will come the News Index ondaga Riverside school. Karcns and Indians lived peace· hlri ng of a health director. week and last while 3,000 Iect of om! grade, just as there were 3 fully in Burma, the missionary Three committees, meeting county rlram ncar Maple Pomt Election Officials Make Plans Want ads, Pages 11, 5 and <i. rooms for the class of Orst grad· Opening of schools is ent !rely was relocated said. The Japanese Invasion and jointly, have approved hiring Dr. 80 feet to the east. Social news, Page 3, Part 1; ers last year. It wlli he necessary up to local s.~:hnol boards, Coun· tlwn the division between the pro· Douglas Fryer of Waterbury, More muck In the Maple Point Page rJ, PagP 2. next year to have 3 first grades ty School.Stil)cl'intendcnt 1\llon Bnt is II and anti-British groups Conn., for the Ingham vacancy at area has also slowed road con· For ~Ieavy Voting Novem.ber 4 Church news, Page 5, Parl next year to t alw care of th~; 84 J. Stroud explained. The lnw rc· eventually resulted in c1vii war $11,000 per year. The county struction. 2. kindergartencrs who wlll become quires !hat dtstricls (have a mini· Ingham eil'<'l ion officials nrc Oesterle of Leroy lo fli! the va· with the Karen~. among whom health committee, t1Je salaries The present highway will rr.· Lc•:al nntiet•s, Page 2, Part first graders hy then. mum of !J months of school a year arl' many Christians, fir.:hting for committee ami the ways ami main open for at lew;t a weci<, ac· tal\lng no dt.tn! Ps on having the f'ancy. Oesterle lost out to Mrs. J; P.tgc G, P.trl 2; Page G, Increases in kindergarten and in order to qualify for aid, If aulonr1my. 1\ pcal'eful seltlcmcnt means commiltcc have approved cording to the superintendent. supply of ballots run short No­ Katz in the primnry. Par l 3, 1he ninth grade accounted for opening Is delayed the session Is now hclllg sought, the Mason the hiring and the fixing of the After that, it prohah!y will be vember 'i. Guy H. IIlll, .Jr., one of the 4 Editorials, Par;e 2, Part 3. most of the lnt'ltascd enrollment. will ha vc to he ext ended next missionary said. salary. closed until the paving is com· Instcarl of provi1ling 25'/r more cancliclatcs nominated for the 2 Farm news, Pages 4 and 5, The ){indcrgartcn showed an in· summer or school vacations will The present government of Dr.
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