
Srm/rr Clu111 /1 ComiiiU fq Mu1o11 /)pcombor 1 ' Ninoty.Savonth Yo11r, No, 47 3 Soctlons - 24 Poa!JOI 2 Die When Speeding Car Hits· Tree Canvass Sho~s Traffic Rolls l:lpuurllng III'Ulllld Llw m;.J27 Ft' rst F'tgures um·ve u mile no1·th of Leslie J~rl· . Over 4 Lanes dny night 2 Stuclthrldge young h men probably never ltnew Wl\111 ose Enoug hapr•cncrl. '!'hell· cur hit n tree c1 Of New Route with Huch force t lint the eut• wus completely demoll~hcd, Inghum's S)'~tem of gnthering '1'1'11 We flowa over ncY' US·127 ' Hohcrt Hlsncl', 2fJ, unci Frunlt nnd tabulating unol'flclnl precinct between Mason nnd Leslie 0 Wallen, 2fl, with nisncl·'~ eoon· return~ on clcclion nll,l'ht wus rc· months uhcnd or schedule. 'l'l1e hound Elwood, we1·c Jwnrlng for mnrlmbly uccUI'alc, 'l'hc official barricades were removed SaLUl'· u coon hunt. Risner and the dog cnnvaHH comtJletcd Jnst Friday duy at 11 o'cloclt WCI'IJ r:ru~hcrl nmld the wrcclwge. proved it, The 2 miles lin tween Mnson unll Wallen wus hu1·lr.d 3.1 teet uhcucl Somc of the election night rc· rJf the cur nnd l1ls shrws went Tomlinson roud Is of 4·lanc dl· tur·ns were right on the noHe. vldcd construr'lion. 'flw remain· nnolhcr· 30 feet, the cnr struclt Unul1'11'ial tallies were exact for .~ with sut'11 Iorce. The cur battery lng G miles is 1·1fli1C divided but 'Albert E. Cobo, Philip A. Illll't, ' of llmllcd uccess. Old 127 remains flew I00 Ic1•t alimul of the wreck. Tllomos C. Walsh, both Sheriff Ollwr wrcclmgc frum the waH as 11 service I'O'Ld en the cast Ride em· Willard P, Bnrnes und Ills uppo· Hll'cwn fur 50 feet nhenrl of the of the l1lghway and a new service cal', ncnt, Andr·ew B. Harton, C. Ross • rOf:rl Is being lln ishr.d on the west Hillard, Marga1·ct L, Wade, and side. ltl:mer anrl Wallen were lwmlcd Raymond H. Totte. '!'here nrc 3 interchanges with 11orth, Hlsnc1' u t llw wheel. They Exactly rlgh t were the election W!Jre moving at a speed csllmutcll the limited acc!!ss road-ut 'l'om· night totals for Michael D. Iinson, Barnes unci Covert roads. us IJctwr!rJn s;, unci !JO mile~ per O'Ha1·a, unsuccessful candidate huliJ'. 'l'lwh· I!J!i•l Dodge shot From the prcsm 1 terminus sou tit for a supreme court justice, nnd lo Juckson 1he l1!ghwny will be llti'DSS the curve ncar Hull road Robert L. Drnl<e, successful ami str·ucJ1 a 32·1nch maple tree. 2 STOCI<BRIDGE YOUNG MEN s~crificed their lives to speed !Hmltr.rl access. That stretch will candidate for judge of probate. be built next yea1· In 3. sections. Whnt was left of l11c car could l~st Friday night at II :35. Robert Risner and Frank Wallen appar· scarcely be ldcntlfletl as u wr·cr~ll· The official c'ount inct·eased the Although the new highway be· ently forgot the CtJrve on US.I27 near Hull road intersection. The efi aulomohllc except fur the Hr.publlcnn presldcntlul total by tween Muson :tnd Leslie is open wheels. Thcl'l! wns no Indication men were driving north. Their car sped across the ro~d to the left ri6 and toult 11 away from Adlai. for trntflc, 1here is still worlt tQ lhut the driver oi the car upplled c1nd struck a tree. The force of the impact strewed wreckage over Clurence A Reid lost 101 be done. Old 127 Is being straight· bl'ailes. a wide area and some of it was embedded. into the free. ( lngh4m in the canvnss, James A. Hare Icned nt the .Junction on Soutlt. I<cnncth J, Cannon u[ Jucltsun County News photo.) · lost 98, John B, Martin gained J cficrson. 'I' here's u grudc ahnnge . ' was driving north. Ile told offi· 101, 'l'homas M. K a v a n a g h there, too. 'l'horc are also gr11de t'Crs that the speelllnr: car shot Hurry F Lr~atllr!y, Ingham Chelsea and Edward of Stocl<· gained 11 and his opponent for changes hclng made at Tomlin· past him as though l:c had curonc1•, rcpurled lhat hulh men bridge. attorney general, Richard C. Van· son and Barnes mmls. The Inter· biJcn lied. Cannon suld he was were instantly l<illcrl. Besides his wife, the former Duscn, gained 183. Sanford A. changes and 1connectlons can not driving at 55 when the cur passed Delilah Dextct· of Leslie, Wallen Brown gained 101 in the canvass now be surfpced until ncr.t"yenr. Bolh ~·oung rnrn were mat'l'ieil. is survivell by his purents, Mr. lc his opponent for state Trui[Jc Vo)hlc:IJ has been pound· him. About 500 Icet Iurthct• ami Neither bad l'hildrcn. flisner's and Mrs. John Wallen of Stocll· the car struck the tree. treasLu·er, Franlt C. Padzlesld, lng over Cf.clnr, Ash and Lansing widow Is the former Dorothy bridge. gained 4. , streets ill/Mason for the past 2 C. II. Braun of Jacltson was Brook~ o[ Stockbridge. I Ir. is also Funeral services Ior the 2 vic· months ,tlurin~ runstruclion of ubou t 200 feet north of thQ curve, F'ot· congress the carwas:l' added survived by lhc parents, ~!r. and tims were on Monday for Risner 9 votes to Don Hayworth's the new' rout~ suddenly ceased headed south, when he saw tlw Mrs. Homer· Risner, 3 hrnlllrr:; unci Tuesday for Wallen. The when the. b;uricadcs WE're re· speeding car shoot into lhe cuJ·vc and toolt 51 from the winner, and a Rister·:;, Th•!Y arc Mrs. De· services were at the Milner fu· Charles E. Chamberlain. · moved Saturday t11orning. The and across to the left to strll'c !ores Lawrence, ami M1·s. Juanita ncral home. Rev, Roy Goughnour new highway was opened before the tree. Schutte of Slockbrirlgr., Miss of S l o cIt brIdge Community On the county tlcl<et Jack all the signs were in place. There was u twisted rille amid Marcella Risner, at home, and church officiated. Buriuls were in Warren's total was off only 1. the wrcclwge. ,Jbhn of Dansville, Olio Paul of i Oaklawn. Most of the others were off not more than 10, except for drain commissioner, coroner unci sur· More Youngsters Keep Coming vcyo1·. There was a decided dlf· Surplus foods terence between U1c otilclal and Holt Changes unotriclal tally on them. Gerald Grahum for drain commissioner Enrollment Increases 5o/o Are Available piclted up 300 on the otTiclal Sewer Outlet count and Donald A. Fell for Enrollments in Ingham's puollc increases of 20•,;. !loll has 12'/r coronet• piclted up 133 but he wus schools continue theh· upward and Okemos r.ml 1Iaslcl1 have still far short because both his To the River climb. Enrullmcnts this year arc lO~L To N~w Group Republican opponents adlled to 5'lo higher than a year ngo ami Mason's cnr·ollmcnl, and lhosc their leads, .250 each for Darwin Instead of earrylng Holt seW· lust year they were 5';o higher of rnosl olhcr oul-cuunly high Fumilics with low. 1i1comes, E. Hoffmeyer and E. Lead: age lu the Sycamore, plans have limn the ycm· bcfot·e. I school district::, increased about even though t~1ey are .not getting ley. On surveyor ·the Der:no•~rullc 1 been changed I() use Grand river. 'l'llls year the count shows 40,. the county average rate of 5'4. relief, may now quuiJiy. fur sur· candidate lost 200 on the official A trunk sew~r will be built 365 in the county's public school During the past year 7 primary . count and the Republican. gained from Holt west to the Grund system. Last year ul the same I dislrkls have rnr.rgr.d with Web· plus cornrrioclitlcs. that rnuclr. rlvm· ncar Grovcnburg road. time I he total was :j8,635. In num· bcrvillc, 2 have been annexed to For December grocerie~ 200 'l'hlrll l'arly 'l'raill'! Originally the plnns called for a bcrs the increase this yc11r ls 1,· Mason and one to Leslie, Stroud luw Income families have been '!'he Prohibition party complete plant on the Sycatnore 730. Last year it was 1,788. I reported. .. certified, announced Daryl Min· well November 6. 'Farty. incJl!tiJ'i!i,l..:;,~ · · cast of Holt. ~ / Parochial··. ··scho-ol, .. enrollment;;· Th_c county board Q( cducatiQn. nls. coun,ty .reli(',l ~lirecto,r. Jeit Jhcti' ticltct; fol' ~ . ._,, ..• J.'h!!.~lalc.~lrellm c:ontroLcom· are 'ul~o up. There are 4,356 In ~et ~ur:s:Jay n:ghr t.o cll~c~.uss. the . ,,Sur'p.fuu food~ Issued in .Ingham dent and governor, mission objeCted to· u,sc of the parochial schools. lslluatwn 111 th•. N.-tson clls~lct In, to' thrise'\on .relief and with-In· publican for-president and Sycumore for location Of the sew• If the increase ot 5'~ were 1Leroy. Although Web!l~rvrlle is_ adequate l'~ld age pensions a· cratlc fol' governor. ''i'he pres!· age treatment plant There Is not nvr.nly spread th1·ough~ut the closer·, ~any p;u·cnts .. have asltcd low lncomC's Include beans d~p~lal candidate of tde Prohlbl· enough stream flow Jn the Syca· " · . that I herr [JIIJills ·he'·transpnrtcd ' ti~m .
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