planning report D&P/1046g/01 9 July 2018 82 West India Dock Road in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets planning application no. PA/18/01203

Strategic planning application stage 1 referral Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended); Greater London Authority Acts 1999 and 2007; Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008.

The proposal Full planning application for the erection of a part 8 storeys, part 30 storeys building, comprising a 400 bedroom hotel; 66 residential units; and 71 sq.m of retail/community floorspace; together with highway and public realm works.

The applicant The applicant is West India Property Investments, and the architect is Simpson Haugh.

Strategic issues summary Principle of development: The principle to include hotel and residential uses as part of a high density mixed-use development, with associated landscape improvements, is supported in line with the London Plan, the and Poplar OAPF, and the draft London Plan. Details of the landscape contributions and maintenance arrangements must be provided and secured. Affordable housing: 35% made up of affordable rent (ten units) and intermediate (eight units). Subject to investigation by the applicant of the availability of grant funding, and confirmation of the affordability of tenures, the proposal would meet the requirements for the ‘fast track’ route and would not be required to submit a viability assessment or be subject to a late stage viability review, in line with the draft London Plan and the Mayor’s Affordable Housing and Viability SPG. Urban design, strategic views, and historic environment: The height, layout, massing and architecture of the building is supported and raises no concerns about strategic views. ‘Less than substantial’ harm will be caused to heritage assets, which would be outweighed by public benefits, subject to confirmation of public realm improvements. Transport: The proposed improvements to the public realm are supported; however, they do not fully reflect the aspirations set out in the emerging Isle of Dogs and South Poplar OAPF, or reflect the Mayor’s Healthy Streets agenda, and further measures to improve crossing facilities and reduce severance on West India Dock Road should be investigated. The applicant proposal to replace the Westferry DLR Station staircase is supported in principle, subject to DLR agreement. Climate change: Further information is required on energy efficiency; the district energy network; worksheets; the site heat network; and photovoltaics.

Recommendation That Tower Hamlets Council be advised that the application does not yet comply with the London Plan; however the possible remedies set out in paragraph 67 of this report could address these deficiencies.

page 1 Context

1 On 4 June 2018, the Mayor of London received documents from Tower Hamlets Council notifying him of a planning application of potential strategic importance to develop the above site for the above uses. Under the provisions of The Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008, the Mayor has to provide the Council with a statement setting out whether he considers that the application complies with the London Plan, and his reasons for taking that view. The Mayor may also provide other comments. This report sets out information for the Mayor’s use in deciding what decision to make.

2 The application is referable under Categories 1B(c) and 1C(c) of the Schedule to the 2008 Order: • 1B “Development (other than development which only comprises the provision of houses, flats, or houses and flats) which comprises or includes the erection of a building or buildings (c) outside Central London and with a total floorspace of more than 15,000 square metres.” • 1C “Development which comprises or includes the erection of a building that is (c) more than 30 metres high and is outside the City of London”.

3 Once Tower Hamlets Council has resolved to determine the application, it is