www.haveringeastlondonramblers.btck.co.uk email:
[email protected] Mobile: 07583 532309 Newsletter and Programme December 2018 - March 2019 Chair's Report Another programme and a New Year on our horizon, how time flies by. We have just had our 30th AGM where we reflected on the year making note of our achievements and challenges, which includes our 30th anniversary, the rekindling of our social events and not to forget the ‘walking and talking’ aspect. The challenges faced and which will continue are Network Rail issues, GDPR and Data Transition. All of these issues will continue to progress in 2019 and we will gather and reflect your comments to and from Area. I have reviewed all the programmes 2017/18 just to get an idea of the walking distance and believe it or not the Group has walked over 788 miles, more or less from Lands End to John O’Groats. This does not include any pre- walks or detours!! This is some achievement with only 31 walk leaders, who collectively put on 125 walks. I would like to extend my thanks to every walk leader, back marker and the Committee members who have ensure everything has run smoothly in putting the programmes together, communicating information and delivery of walks. Great team work makes happy walkers. Page 1 Can I be the first to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year. My last word for now: May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon the fields May the muddy bogs and styles be few and May there be plentiful bushes for your convenience.