Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC

December 1994 Daily Egyptian 1994

12-2-1994 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 02, 1994 Daily Egyptian Staff

Follow this and additional works at: Volume 80, Issue 67

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1994 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1994 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Solutions soughfflJrJtJi:tll~ween '95 By Marc Chase · · .· · · , · ,, ·· · · · · ment to the task force include Senior Reporter Patrick Smith, Graduate and SIUC President John Guyon has Two students face rnob· actipn charges organil.ed a group of students titled By Dem Wavu charges stemming fro in events seaing the date onus preliminary =~~=Student Government Yice presi- the Joint Presidential and Mayoral Senior Repor1er that took place over Halloween bearing on the same day Anthony dent; Jenny Ruhln,, USG senator Task Force on Halloween, in an weekend. J. Rudis, an undecided ftesbman and president pro tempore of the anempt to elimir.ate chances of a Two SJUC s.'udents will be in Marlon PhiJJips; a· senior in from Lockport. is appearing for USG Senate am~- destructive Carbondale festival in Jackson County Court Dec. 13, marketing frorii Metropolis,· was Smith said he fciels the task force 1995, according to student leaders. where they will face mob action given a·continuance.Tinusday· . -~_.... 5. will provide the needeclinput that The 1994 Halloween festivitie.~ was absent in planning for the 1994 in Carbondale resulted in mob Halloween feslmties. action, damaging of local business­ Edwin Sawyer, SIUC Carbondale Mayor Neil DilJanl in ed four members of-iwo SIUC stu- . '1t is OID' goal to'Slart in the Dell es and Carbondale police reverting Undergraduate Student orgapizing the wk force to plan for ~ ~bodies to particl- ·few weets 1a decide on ·solutions to the use of mace to disperse a Govemment president, said Guyon next year's Halloween festivilieL the lmk fon:e. rioting crowd. has worked together with Sawyer said Guyon has appoint- Appoin~ fromSIUdentgovem- -PLANS, pagtS U.S. agrees to expand world trade agreement Newsday Tariffs and Trade. With U.S. approval of the pact. other panici­ WASHINGTON - World lead­ pants are expected to quickly fol­ ers stopped holding their breath low suit. Thursday night The trade deal is scheduled to Most of the 124 signatorie.~ had take effect July I. But nations have waited to vote on GA IT until the agreed informally to begin imple­ United States. the world's biggest menting GAIT by Jan. I, which is trading power. had agreed to expand the Gener.ii Agreement on see GATT, page 5 USG readies book swap By Chad Anderson soda through the week. Papa Staff~~~rter John's is going to put our fliers on their pizza boxes· and a place in· • -,!, SIUC's Undergraduate Student their full page ad," he said. ' Government is putting the finish­ Sawyer also said neither sponsor · ing touches on its upcoming text­ had given any money for advertis­ book exchange in the Student ing, but Papa John's offered free 's Illinois Room. pizza for the workers of the The exchange will happen Dec. exchange. 12 to the 16 between the hours of USG is also looking for volun­ IO am. and 6 p.m. teers to work a three hour shift dur- Socially conscious USG president Edwin Sawyer ing the week of finals for the oper- said the exchange is sponsored by ation of the book exchange. Michelle Malkln, a senlofln lioclology from Buffalo Grove, hMlds out AIDS remembrance Pepsi Cola and Papa John's Pizza. ''Workers receivl' a free T-shin ribbons during the noon rush hour at the Studlnt Center. a part or World AIDS Day. "Pepsi is going to give all the Helping out were Olher member9 of Gays, Bllexuals, LNblana and FrllndL banners and provide us with free IN BOOKS, page 5 Pure energy: Parade illuminates Carbondale By Kel