Issue number 3

Friday 5th October 2018

Together We Make A Positive Difference

Adventurous Geography in Snowdonia

2018 marked Rushey Mead’s fifth trip to the Plas Gwynant Outdoor Education Centre. Nestled amongst the mountains of Snowdonia, the centre provides amazing opportunities to take part in a range of challenging outdoor activities surrounded by stunning scenery formed by millions of years of geographical processes. This year forty-one Year 9 students, and four Rushey Mead staff, took part in the four night residential. The weather was perfect, allowing students to take part in a range of activities, including hiking up a mountain (Yr Aran - 747metres), canoeing, night swimming, abseiling, bouldering at the beach and scrambling up a gorge. The students impressed everyone with their resilience, determination and kindness to one another. Students overcame their fears and tiredness and demonstrated a really positive growth mindset. Positive comments were made about how polite the students were by everyone they met, from activity staff and catering staff at the centre, through to the shopkeeper in newsagents at the town where the coach stopped for lunch. The trip was a thoroughly enjoyable experience for everyone and the students should be extremely proud of their achievements. Year 8 students will soon be invited to apply to attend the same trip next year.

Ratcliffe Public Speaking Championship

With our continuing partnership with Ratcliffe College, we were invited to participate in ‘The Championship’ – which is a public speaking competition showcasing some of the county’s finest secondary school speakers. The competition involved one speaker from each school and we were competing against four other schools. The task entailed the delivery of a disciplined four-minute presentation from a selection of published propositions. Four students initially attended a ‘Public Speaking Masterclass’ at Ratcliffe College before being hand-picked to represent Rushey Mead Academy. Saroop 11HAR represented our school on the 30th September 2018 and her speech was written for the proposition “Women’s rights are unimportant”. Saroop came third in the championship and won £50 cash prize and we are very proud of her achievement. This fantastic opportunity has allowed us to again recognise how talented our students are and see the confidence that they have when it comes to speaking in front of a large audience. Congratulations to Saroop on this outstanding achievement.

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Rushey Mead Academy library

The library team has added 1285 new books to the library since the start of term. Titles include new children’s and young adult fiction, up-to-date information books and many volumes of classic literature with beautiful new covers. All students are encouraged to borrow books from the library – they can have three books at a time for up to three weeks. For help choosing books, students can speak to Mrs Hamlet in the library before school, break time, lunch time and after school.

News from Creative Arts Congratulations to Tali 10MEM, Aliyah 10MEM, Shania 10RUM and Yuvraj who have been accepted into the Curve Young Company where they will be involved in acting. We look forward to their first performances.

Design and technology association conference

On Monday 1st of October, the Design and Technology Association held a major event at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Following a visit to the school, the CEO of the Design and Technology Association requested Rushey Mead to attend the event as part of a group of hand selected schools from around the country to showcase what outstanding Design Technology work looks like. The Design team selected Year 8 and 9 students to