Running in a Marathon?

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Running in a Marathon? " • ; . ) '~ "" \ Full Scottish IF YOU CAN'T BEAT HIM,JOIN HIM. ~SIEVE CRl\1" COLLECTION Contents ...... 13 The Playing Mantis Bob Holmes admires the soaring pt ogress ofGeoff Parsons 17 Have chair, will travel Graeme Smtih meets commentabng buff Edwin Reid ao WiD woman catch the men? Joyce Ken examines the narroWl!lg gender gap ( 11 'l'haCJbJ Qm II Doug Gillon reflects on 1970 and looks at our '86 medal prospectS 29 Rumdng- the ln1Jer st-at? Special 111vestigation by Stewart Mcintosh 30 Skye Half-marathon Alan Campbell repons on a cosmopolitan race with a popular winner On other pages •.. 24 Hash House Harriers 5 Inside Lane 32 Club profile 7 Up-front 33 Yesterdays 9 Reader's letters 36 Linda Young 11 Lynda Bain 41 Running off depression 12 Training schedules 42 Scottish champion.~ 16 The Bridgeman family 43 Results 18 Running sores 45 Events 22 The well-fed runner 48 Jock Strapp 23 Daily Braggart 49 Outside Lane CACIWWW- Lflldit &ea r._ !=If• .., - r - --- -- - -- --- --- - -- - - - - - - - - , () • ~ WQ.> Oy,.-U•..,••·•/ ~ ~r~=:e:: :: :~~ ~~~r :~~~~:r ~yeas ~mg vnm ~ oo~ I 1. however le.1 us not pass over cavalry come to 1t w admmedly parochial commer- supposed to ty irtder for £1450. made payable to Sco1Run Pubhcanons. ~d administranve problems which charge. not S1anc ..., evilled this Commonwealth trumpenng for reinfc rrom 1he outset• still somewhere ove------------------- lllll'. 18 months of rumour evasion In return for his < '""f' pennanent smokescreen or the Games Maxwe--------------- ----- sm from Games organisers the offered nothing mot merged The Games were on the do three things. to c or cancellation, the limUed for further lnje<:lic._ _ _______ _________ ~ ny Commonwealth Games '86 money to exp\011 as In danger of trading illegally, sponsorship oppor' United Kinqdom. tland would have become an Games fund-raisers ns lid nU:l:PosT, Olas<JOW 03 7BR ~~~ nonal laughing stock demand that the ( - -- -- ------- --- -- __ _.1 IT TAKES PURE GENIUS TO WIN GOLD. of the blame must he m Caruung some cash into the ScotJancfd's Runner 3 . ABERDEEN n July 9, 1he darkes1 cloud Major sponsors such as Guinness who hanging over lhe success of have put money. rather than hot air, Into !he Commonwealth Games the Games. must wonder whelher they finally burst over mountainous have go! the run return on their O investtnem when one of the most political pressure Nigeria and Ghana announced their withdrawal from formidable personal publicity machines Edinburgh because of Mrs Thatcher's In the UK won the lop seat so cheaply attitude towards South African sanctions As one Sco1tish newspaper pointed Just 24 hours earlier, new Games out i1 was as if the annual newspaper troubleshooter Mr Bryan Cowgill had felt "silly season'' had started early Ibis year, juslilied in announcing a record Games indeed ifit was not for the lac! 1hat lhese entry, including. apparently, a full African indignities are being inflicted on our panictpation led by Nigena. Yet, no coumry and our sport it would all be sooner were we digesting !he good House, the Games HO. where a rather comical news in our morning newspapers, than bewildering series of some 40 In all of !he wrangling and politicking the kippers and toast were upse1 by the commiuees was spawned under the ii is easy 10 lose sight of what the Games boycoll announcement muddled leadership ofGames cbainnan are all abou1 -lhe young people of the The news came jusl, bul only just, in Ken Bonhwick. a former Conservative Commonwealth coming 1ogelher for !en 1ime for Scolland's Runner's final. final Lord Provost or Edinburgh and a clays of sport and friendship. Perhaps ii deadline for !his issue. We canno~ newsagent and tobacconist shop was time that lhe constantly growing therefore. give an in-Oepth analysis of proprietor. Political wrangles with a new cost of mounting major games was the ramifications and repurcussions. By left-wing Edinburgh Districl Council trimmed, but if you wanl excellence, the lime you read this editorial. any adminis1ra1ion did no1 give confidence cet1ain essentials nave to be provided amount of polilical machinations - 1hat the orgamsation of the Games was These go on to provide lhe basis or rangmg from a full Afro-Asian­ progressing smoo1hly. facilities for the next generalion or Steve Cram is just one of a galaxy of what's happening 1n the sport"'& wa<ld Carribbean boycon to a compromise The Government could and should aJhletes, just as 1970 provided the sporungstars who have Signed up with 'SWOOSH' magazine wdl be salvaged from Sir Geoffrey Howe's have clone much more. bul their pla1ronn for I his year. Future genera1ions Oub Nike to help you gel more fun out of en1erta1mng. educavonal and above seemingly ill-starred trip to Southern dogmatic comm111nem to lhe market will have no legacy of new racili11es sporL The club membershopalready includes au. fun. Don't mtss out on the Africa - will have decided the fate of economy blinded ministers 10 the following this years evem in Edinburgh. many olhers hke Frank Bruno, greatest sport•ng club of all brne. Some aspec!S of human endeavour John McEnnoe, Ian Botham. F1ll 1n !he coupoo below and turn the Games contribution that a successFul Games could bring to the Mure standing of are not for sale As cenain alhletics Carl LewlS and Ian Rush - and your friends green Wlth envy when But, assuming lhal nothing less 1han a now they want you as a clubmate1 you tell them you're a dubmale of Bmish turnaround on sanctions would Scotland and the UK promoters know to 1heir cos!, you can1 Oub Nike is for anyone with an Steve Cram! save lhe Games from complete To be frur, ii had been made clear at buy a world record F'actors Slli:h as lhe ITTterest in sport- whether you're (N B Please remember that demand devaluation, we can only hope that Mrs lhe outse1 that these would have lo be physical and memar attitude of the a budd1ng superstar or just a keen will be enormous and allow 28 Thalchers attilude has, in lhe interim. the Commonweallh's first ·commercial athlete, plus lhe condiuons on the day spectator. It cos!S 1ust £ 4.99 to io1n and days for delivery of your membership been altered by a severe six strokes of Games," but when lhe fund-raising are all much more imponanl lhan the mat gives you membershi~ for three •..A>ole package.) lhe belt from the Queen. given thal the consonium gel tantalisingly near 1he rather hollow incenlive of a cash bonus. years. plus a host of fantasuc beneff!S. Prime Minister's confidante, Mr Ronald £l4m target. it was pelly of Malcolm You can't priva1ise excellence.nor can ii Just take a look at what you get fa< your Reagan, is unlikely lo be concerned by Rifkind. the Secretary of State for be bought olf a shelf in a shop. money. such a piffiing concern as lhe Scotland, to refuse 10 fighl in Cabinet for ou1 try telling tlus lo a Government • A pnnted Oub Nike Tee·sh•rt that would cost lhe funds would have bridged the gap you arcund £8.00 ifyou could buy it1n the shops Commonwealth Games. obsessed with the philosophy of the free - which you can't! The sanctimonious claptrap mouthed and given his home city and Scotland an market, and for whom the bicycle was unbeatable opponunity to perform on • A styl~h Nike key nng by Mrs Thatcher on !he morality of designed 10 jump on and find a job • Three issu"s every year of the club magwne sanctions against South Africa had the world stage ll would have been a rather than be used in sporting 'SWOOSH; packed wrth sporting bps from the already turned enough white stomachs. very small amount to pay for the competition against fellow cyclists. wa<ld's greatest athletes. profiles of pop including ours, before Nigeria and poten1ial return m tenns of fulure tourism Returning lo lhe boycoll threal, having personalities and fun cornpebt>ons galore. Ghana look their precipitous decisions and commercial in1eresl apponioned blame in all directions for • Specral offers on posters and waUcharts. In the lighl of the worsening political Then !he cavalry came riding over 1he the commercial shambles, we would like • A membership card which enudes you to climate in Soulh Africa. the consequences hill Robert Maxwell. publisher of Mirror 10 •I leasl applaud the Scottish specLll discO<Jn!S on Nike products at of which dwarf !he problems or the Group Newspapers had (with nothing Commonwealth Games Council for selected sports shops. Games. a far more delicate hand lhan more binding than a handshake) having tried its damndest to keep lhe • Plus the opportunity to compete in !v!.rs Thatcher is capable of playing was apparently won control or the Games, Games intacl (and indeed Edinburgh a vanety of sporung even!S organised unsealed Ken Borthwick as chairman, solely (or Oub Nike members. called for if 1he original boycolt threal Dislric1 Council, although their methods was to be finessed and in !he process won himself Club Nike will keep you up-to-date at las1 year's Dairy Crest Games were and well-Informed abouL Before retummg to the sub1ect of the enormous publicity Bui when the less than diplomalic) boyco1t however, lei us not pass over cavalry come 10 the rescue 1hey are The Games council cannot be held 1he. now admiuedly parochial commer­ supposed 10 Oy in with a life-saving responsible (or the selfish attitude or cial and administrative problems which charge.
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