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Eclectic approach to anthropological bibliography

Richard Thomas Dunn The University of Montana

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Recommended Citation Dunn, Richard Thomas, "Eclectic approach to anthropological bibliography" (1987). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers. 5512. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/etd/5512

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Ma n s f ie l d L ib r a r y Un iv e r s it y of Montana AN ECLECTIC APPROACH TO ANTHROPOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY


Richard Thomas Dunn

B. A. Boston U niversity, 1963

M. A. L. S. Rosary College, 1972

Presented in partial fulfillm ent of the requirements

of the degree of

Master o f Arts



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Chairman, Board o f Examiners

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An E clectic Approach to Anthropological Bibliography

D ire cto r: Frank B. Bessac

Anthropology is an eclectic discipline. It covers everything related to humankind. This means th a t i t ranges through the arts, the , and the social sciences. A corresponding scope should be found in the literature of these great bodies of knowledge.

This thesis inquires into the validity of the selective pattern of anthropolgical information in an organized system of knowledge. Using the reference collection of the Mansfield Library at the University of Montana, each reference work is analyzed w ith the aim o f determining i f i t possesses viable and usable anthropological data. These data are finally put into the format of an annotated bibliography. It is perceived that anthropological or anthropologically-related material covered the entire subject range of the reference books. The contention is that relevant anthropological material is often composed of "shadow literature", relevant works residing in books covering other subjects.

It is concluded that the subject spread of the bibliography indicates that anthropology is eclectic; that is, it borrows from its sister disciplines and that its knowledge is prevalent and infusive in an organized body of knowledge. The hope is voiced that the researcher or the student of anthropology might be made more aware of its all-encompassing nature by referring to the data in these pages. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

I appreciate the help given to be by my thesis committee. Their comments, c r it ic a l, constructive, and encouraging, have made my work easier. Thanks also to the spirit of that is found in the Mansfield Library. It has been established by past and present lib ra ria n s and has provided me with an atmosphere of quiet in q u iry. Thank you to my fellow anthropology students for your advice, humor, and more than occasional insights on the anthropological process. My gratitude to my for all they have done for me, especially when my determination flagged. Finally, thank you to the spirit that resides inside and outside of us all and allows us to be creative . TABLE OF CONTENTS







CONCLUSION...... 199


iv 1


Anthropology is regarded as an eclectic academic discipline. It

is composed of elements from different fields of knowledge. Other

academic disciplines center on particular aspects of humanity but

anthropology strives for the orderly elucidation of all facets of

behavior. This is accomplished through the anthropological

sub-divisions of , , linguistical

anthropology, and physical anthropology. Anthropology is not only

allied with other authoritative research endeavors, its scope of

interests appears more inclusive as it extends to the physical

sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and .

Given the premise th a t anthropology is perceived as a universal

discipline, it should logically follow that its literature should be

equally pervasive. That is to say pertinent anthropological or

anthropologically related data should be relatively integrated across

the spectrum of organized knowledge since there are no chronological,

geographical, or subject constraints to its inclusion in such know­


The purpose of this thesis is to determine if the cross-

disciplinary characteristics of anthropology are reflected in an

organized collection of printed material. The medium for this study is

the reference collection of the Mansfield Library of the University of

Montana and all of the reference sources within its confines. Every reference work has been examined for anthropological content. The ac­ cumulated data from these analyses were produced in the form o f an 2 annotated bibliography. Each title within the bibliography was determined to have contained anthropological data within its pages.

These data served several uses. In the firs t place, they docu­ mented the extensiveness of anthropology in a defined collection of library materials. Secondly, they provided a different type of anthropological bibliography, one that departed from the standard bibliographies in that it was not restricted to the familiar sources that the user is accustomed to in such customary bibliographies. This was due to the eclecticism of the subject. Thirdly, the thesis has attempted to give many of the works entered an anthropological perspective, one in which it is supposed the original authors, editors, or compilers, in many instances, had not intended to impart to their works. Whether it was an increment from a book chapter, an anthropological interpretation of a title index, or the drawing of ethnological insights from ostensibly non-social works, the purpose of this endeavor was to assiduously glean anthropological data or sources from these reference tools and present them in a manner in which it was hoped would send the user to the original source.

Finally, and most hearteningly, the bibliography might prove to be of possible value to , anthropology students, and persons having a general interest in the field. It is to be hoped that there lies something within its pages for all three types of users as well as others who might find reason for reference to its contents.

As this thesis unfolded, some anomalies in library classification were encountered. Librarians have sought to point out that in the organization of knowledge by subject, an interconnectedness of 3

inform ation is essential fo r easy access to diverse lite ra tu re . Some

classification schemes, such as the Bliss classification, appear to

fu lfill this objective. But, because of historical, economic, and

administrative reasons they are not utilized by most libraries (En­

cyclopedia of Library , 1969: 368, 379-80).

Anthropologists and librarians have called attention to the fact that

schemes lik e the Dewey Decimal system and the Library of Congress

system are hard put to accommodate a wide-ranging d is c ip lin e lik e

anthropology w ith in th e ir parameters (Amsden, 1978: 117; Rowe, 1963:

69-70). To take an example from a field related to anthropology, the

Dewey numbers 131.3 (psychiatry, ) and 616.89

(psychiatric disorders) are widely separated in the classification

listings and also on the book shelves although they have much in common

from an anthropological, medical, psychiatric and psychological

viewpoint. In concert with problems inherent in producing research

tools to keep up with the burgeoning output of publications (Currier,

1976: 15), the imprecision of subject headings is particularly

noticeable in an eclectic field like anthropology.

These, and other lib ra ry c la s s ific a tio n problems, have not been

addressed in this thesis due to their complexities. It is felt that

another paper could be devoted to this important subject, but treatment

of such pedagogical issues demands greater space than can be provided w ith in these pages. I t is important to note th a t these subject

irregularities are not do much due to professional library treatment of

the collection as to the difficulty in accommodating the tidal wave of

publications within the structure of any classification plan. 4

This thesis is composed of individual increments of information - the annotated works. Each citation contributed toward illustrating the vibrancy o f anthropology and its encompassing approach to humankind, that most fascinating of subjects. It is hoped that the user w ill note the myriad sources in which anthropological material can be located and its pervasiveness in the literature of the sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

Many non-traditional, non-conventional, and seemingly non- anthropologically related works were cited. This was due to an effort to cast off accepted notions of what constitutes an anthropological work. There were some hazards in th is method because o f the everpresent danger of adding irrelevant information or data not consistent with the objective of the thesis. It is hoped that such m aterial, i f at a ll included, has been kept in a minimum. Any book having useful anthropolgical information was chosen for the biblio­ graphic section of this thesis. In some cases, it might have been a paragraph or a chapter; in others, it consisted of the entire source.

It made for strange bedfellows and imparted a decided variation to the contents. I t also illu s tra te d the comprehensiveness o f anthropology and the way in which the d is c ip lin e has permeated the spectrum of knowledge.

There were indications that th is e c le c tic approach to anthro­ pological bibliography is somewhat unique. A comprehensive review of existing and out-of-print anthropology bibliographies tended to confirm this view because a sim ilarly structured work was not encountered. In addition, discussions and correspondences with colleagues at the 5

Smithsonian Institution, the Library of Congress, the Peabody Museum of

Archaeology and , and the Chicago based Library Anthropology

Research Group (LARG) brought forth the tentative realization that this e c le c tic bibliographic approach to anthropology had not been undertaken before.

The bibliography gave sufficient and concrete evidence of the inclusiveness of the discipline of anthropology and its integration within other disciplines. Interestingly enough, and halfway antici­ pated, the emphases on anthropological material across the spectrum were uneven. For example, there was a wealth o f anthropological data throughout the subject of , a closely related discipline.

Conversely, there was a dearth of material in the disciplines of mathematics and chemistry. This relative scarcity of sources could be interpreted as revealing that as one gravitates toward the sciences there is an accompanying drop in the incidences o f anthropological or anthropologically-related data. This in turn has posed several questions as to why such occurrences have come about in this work.

Would a similar ratio appear in the collection of a larger library, say

Widener Library at Harvard University? Or, would the greater number and variety of sources in such a collection tend to narrow this gap?

Also, i f the inference is that the highly complex mathematical symbols that are a part of mathematics and chemistry in the guise of equations and formulae are not to be found in anthropology, then it must be called to attention that sim ilarly intricate symbolic machinations define anthropological , quantitative archaeology, and physical anthropology. But, since the present work has been confined 6 to a comparably small reference collection, these queries and conjectures w ill remain in trig u in g questions, perhaps worthy o f fu rth e r research.

In this spirit, it would be hoped that this thesis w ill eventually be refined and expanded. A fu rth e r hope is th a t i t w ill, in some small way, allow a larger glimpse into the intricacies of anthropology. 7


Every book in the reference collection was c ritica lly analyzed to determine i f i t possessed useful anthropological inform ation. I t was decided that, for reasons of time and thoroughness, the reference collection was most suitable for content analysis. Its size and types of materials were the deciding factors. An examination of the entire library collection would have lite ra lly taken years whereas a smaller area, reflective of the collection as a whole, was looked at in a manageable time period. A reference collection is an entryway to the larger library collection as well as to material beyond the physical confines of the library. Although more general in nature, reference tools provide essential information, fundamental definitions, and b ib lio g rap h ic pathways to wider ranges of research and in s tru c tio n a l material through such resources as catalogs, general surveys, guides, bibliographies, indexes, almanacs, abstracts, d ic tio n a rie s , encyclopedias (general and specialized), compilations, yearbooks, proceedings and transactions, manuals, glossaries, gazetteers, festschriften, and other types of information sources.

A library reference collection, like the more general collection

in the bookstacks, should be dynamic. A static collection becomes stale and, if not constantly assessed for its quality, w ill eventually become an impediment to scholarship and learning. It was known that some material in the bibliography would be discarded or sent from the reference area to the main collection. This would be due to newer editions of a reference work being received or a book no longer being 8 of use to the educational mission of the university. In any event, the sources in the bibliographic portion of this thesis, although predominately in the reference collection, were subject to the forces that determine the makeup of an active collection.

Although the data in this thesis concentrate on the reference c o lle c tio n , i t should be d e fin ite ly acknowledged th a t a remarkable variety of anthropological books appear in the general collection of the library. Several examples might illustrate this point. Essential information can be gained from a source like the anthropological papers on the American Museum o f Natural H istory. There are also numerous symposia, congresses, and conferences on anthropology and its sub­ disciplines as well as monographic series devoted to particular aspects of anthropology, with each monograph providing information of a specialized nature. For instance, the of publishes a series of monographs on issues and problems concerning the non-theoretical aspects of the discipline. This material is located in the general collection. Other works, because of their format or due to their linkage to special collections within the library, are housed away from the reference area although they possess reference qualities.

Some of these specialized collections are the Human Relations Area

File, a cross-cultural of microcards housed in the microform room o f the lib ra ry , United States government documents (such as the ethnohistorical and ethnological books published by the Bureau of

American Ethnology), and the regional and area anthropological works housed in the Montana archives of the Mansfield Library. 9

Bear in mind that a library reference collection, although physically isolated from the larger general collection, is s till connected to it by the interrelationships of knowledge. The bibliographical information in this work must be used with the thought that it gives access to other materials inside and outside the library.

The mechanical and analytical methodology used to create the bibliography was as follows. Each reference work was physically handled. This was accomplished in several steps. In itia lly, it was necessary to determine if anthropological information was in the source. Each t i t l e (from Dewey Decimal numbers 001 to 996) was taken off the shelf and preliminarily assessed for its anthropological content. If appropriate information was found (not data of passing in te re s t), then the t i t l e and Dewey Decimal number were recorded.

The next stage was devoted to further content analysis designed to cull repetitive and non-essential data from the bibliography. Each book was scrutinized for anthropological terminology, appropriate subject headings, keywords, relevant authors, pertinent passages and chapters, and other textual considerations. If the work passed muster then a fu ll bibliographic citation was entered. This included the name o f the author or e d ito r, t i t l e , Dewey Decimal number, and place and year of publication.

The third stage was concerned with annotating the selected items.

An in-depth contents analysis of each book was made. The findings were annotated. The reference was critiqued.

F in a lly , the annotated works were reviewed w ith an eye toward reassessing their anthropological value. If the sources were 10 determined to be of importance to the users of the bibliography, whether they were researchers, students, or others interested in the subject o f anthropology, then the t it le s were grouped under Dewey subject classes to allow the user a topical approach to the material through the nomenclature of the Dewey classification system. A table of contents was compiled. This allowed a logical and consistent listing of the subjects. Thus, the user could easily refer to a specific facet of anthropology by turning to the page number of the content section. CHAPTER 1: SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION LIST

- HUMANITIES ...... 20



- BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 21




















11 12



025 - LIBRARY OPERATIONS ...... 38


027 - GENERAL LIBRARIES ...... 40



















091 MANUSCRIPTS ...... 54 13





128 -HUMANKIND...... 58


150 - ...... 59

170 - ...... 60

200 - ...... 60

300 - SOCIAL SCIENCES...... 65

301 - AND ANTHROPOLOGY...... 69



305 - () ...... 77


306.8 - AND THE FA M ILY ...... 79



320 - ( AND GOVERNMENT) ...... 81

325 - IMMIGRATION (BLACKS) ...... 82

327 - ...... 82

330 - ...... 83

331 - LABOR ECONOMICS...... 84

338 - PRODUCTION...... 84

340 - L A W...... 85

341 - INTERNATIONAL L A W...... 85 14


363.6 - ...... 86

364 - ...... 86

370 - ...... 86




371.9 - SPECIAL EDUCATION...... 92


374 - ADULT EDUCATION...... 92

378 - HIGHER EDUCATION...... 93



378.3 - STUDENT FINANCES...... 97



398 - ...... 99

400 - LANGUAGE...... 102





410 - LINGUISTICS...... 104


414 - PHONOLOGY...... 105 15




- OTHER LANGUAGES ...... 107

- SCIENCES ...... 108




- MATHEMATICS () ...... 112

- MATHEMATICAL ...... 112

- PHYSICS ...... 112


- MINERALOGY ...... 113

- EARTH SCIENCES ...... 113



- PALEOBOTANY ...... 115

- LIFE SCIENCES ...... 115

- HUMAN RACES ...... 115

- PREHISTORIC MAN ...... 116

- ...... 117

- ECOLOGY ...... 118



- BOTANY ...... 119 16


591 - ZOOLOGY...... 120

598 - AVES (BIRDS)...... 120

600 - (APPLIED SCIENCES) ...... 121

610 - MEDICAL SCIENCES, ...... 121

612 - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY...... 121


613.7 - PHYSICAL FITNESS ...... 122




616.861 - ALCOHOLISM ...... 123

616.89 - PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS ...... 124

618.9 - PEDIATRICS (CHILDREN) ...... 124

623.4 - ORDNANCE (WEAPONS) ...... 125

630 - AGRICULTURE...... 125

633.2 - FORAGE CROPS ...... 126

641 - FOOD AND DRINK ...... 126

649 - CHILD REARING...... 126

677 - TEXTILES...... 126

700 - THE ARTS...... 127




709 - ART HISTORY...... 130

711 - ART PLANNING...... 130 17

- ...... 131


- PHOTOGRAPHY ...... 131

-MUSIC ...... 132



- PERFORMING ARTS ...... 137

- MOTION PICTURES ...... 137

- DANCE ...... 137

- LITERATURE ...... 138




- ORAL HISTORY ...... 141







- ANCIENT WORLD ...... 150

- BIOGRAPHY ...... 151


- ...... 154

- PALESTINE ...... 154

- GREECE TO 323 ...... 155 18

940 - HISTORY OF EUROPE...... 155


942 - ENGLAND AND WALES ’ . . 158


944 - HISTORY OF FRANCE...... 159



951 - CHINA AND KOREA ...... 163

952 - JA P A N ...... 164

953 - ARABIC HISTORY ...... 165



958 - CENTRAL A S IA...... 167

959 - SOUTHEAST A S IA ...... 168

960 - GENERAL HISTORY OF A F R IC A ...... 169




970.1 - INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA ...... 174

970.3 - SPECIFIC NATIVE ...... 179




971 - CANADA...... 186

972 - MIDDLE AMERICA, MEXICO ...... 188

972.9 - WEST INDIES (PUERTO R IC O )...... 188 19

973 - UNITED STATES...... 188



980 - SOUTH AMERICA...... 195

990 - OCEANIA...... 197

993 - NEW ZEALAND...... 198



001.3 X H918 Humanities Index. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., vol. 1- , 1974-

An author, subject serial index to periodical articles in the humanities. Formerly called and Humanities Index. Has general and specific anthropology terms.


001.44 C692g Coleman, William Emmet. Grants in the Humanities: A Scholar's Guide to Funding Sources. New York: Neal Schuman Publishers, 1980.

A subject listing of grants in the humanities. Contains descrip­ tive information about the granting foundations. Many of the agencies have no subject lim itations. Lists sources for anthro­ pology and archaeology funds. Most of the archaeology grants are fo r Old World or .


001.56 X F948f Frye, Jerry K. FIND: Frye's Index to Nonverbal Data. Duluth: Univer­ sity of Minnesota Center, 1980.

A "single work which begins to synthesize published nonverbal re­ search". The subject index leads to more than 4,000 citations. Use the term to locate anthropological references.

001.56 X K44n Key, Mary R itchie. Nonverbal Communication: A Research Guide and B iblioqraphv. Metuchen, N .J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977.

A well-researched bibliography containing much cross-cultural material. The firs t seven chapters are devoted to descriptive text, and the consecutively numbered bibliography fills the remainder of the work. Has such topics as the sociological implications of posture, notation systems (highlighting body parts), and silence as a powerful means of expression.

20 21


010 X C731p Colli son, Robert Lewis. Published Library Catalogues: An Introduction to their Contents and Use. : Mansell Information Pub­ lishing, 1973.

A civilized "little guide to the published library catalogues of the English-speaking world". Part two holds a descriptive key to the catalogs. Contains a subject index to which the user should refer for anthropological, geographical, and ethnic terms.


O il B786b 1980 Books in Series. 3rd ed., New York: R. R. Bowker, 1980.

A three-volume bibliography holding "original, reprinted, in­ print, and out-of-print books published or distributed in the U.S. in popular, scholarly and professional series". Use the subject index in volume one to access anthropological m aterial. Has extensive subject cross-referencing which allows entry to myriad anthropology topics.

O il C357 Catalog of Reprints in Series. 21st ed., New York: Scarecrow Press, 1972.

A source for reprints of earlier texts. Entries are "restricted to biographies and anthologies". Citations consist of information on author, title , price, publisher, and series. An author/title lis t in part one locates reprinted publications of anthropologists and books about anthropology.

O il T619 1979 Baer, Elenora A. Titles in Series: A Handbook for Librarians and Students. 3rd ed., Metuchen, N .J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978.

A four-volume bibliographical guide to book series title s . Has a u th o r/title volumes and a s e r ie s /title volume. I t lacks a subject index, an essential search mechanism. This complicates the search for anthropological material because the user might easily overlook such citations if an anthropological term is not the firs t word of the title . For instance, the user would be fa irly easily assured of locating "Anthropology of the North: Translations from the Russian Sources", but might be hard pressed 22

to find "Arizona. University of Arizona Anthropological Papers". Such circumstances tend to force a piecemeal approach fo r the right citation.

O il W322 Wasserman, Paul, ed. Museum Media: A Biennial D irectory and Index of Publications and Audiovisuals available from United States and Canadian In s titu tio n s . 1st ed., D e tro it: Gale Research Co., 1973.

A d ire cto ry o f American and Canadian publications and audiovisual m aterial. Best approach fo r inform ation is through its subject index in which standard relevant terms such as anthropology, archaeology and ethnology are located. Supplies pertinent data about each museum including, museum publications such as books, circulars, pamphlets, papers, slides and films. A good source for uncovering title s not usually found in more standard directories and bibliographies.

O il U58m United States. Library o f Congress Monographic Series. Washington: Library of Congress, 1974-

An annual bibliography of all monographs (books) "catalogued by the Library of Congress as parts of series". Has an alpha­ betically arranged lis t of monographic series (printed replicas of the catalog cards). Since there is no subject entry, a browsing examination of its contents is suggested.

011.02 B561 Wyner, Bohdan S., ed. Best Reference Books: T itle s o f Lasting Value Selected from American Reference Books Annual. 1970-1976. L it t le ­ ton, Co.: Libraries Unlimited, 1976.

A compilation of reference book reviews submitted by reviewers to the p u b lica tio n , American Reference Books Annual. Has appropriate anthropology headings in the subject index and the anthropology section. Contains annotated and critical reviews which vary in length and offer perceptive comments.

011.221 161 International Books in Print: English Language Titles Published Outside the U. S. A. and the . New York: Saur, 1979-

A two-volume author/title bibliography of books in print as of 1979. Has international coverage but is somewhat outdated because some of the books may be out of print. It lacks a subject index. This fact makes it necessary for the user to analyze the title s for anthropology terms, of which many are listed. 23


015 L773 Gregory, Winifred, ed. List of the Serial Publications of Foreign Governments. 1815-1931. New York: American Library Association, 1932.

A bibliography of serial publications of foreign governments covering the years 1815-1931. It is cumbersome to use but w ill provide anthropological inform ation. For example, reference to the word "Canada" w ill lead to the anthropological division of the Canadian Geological and a code lis t of libraries holding its publications. The key to the code is at the front of the bibliography. Demands meticulous searching but is a good source of obscure or hard-to-find anthropological works. Since this document was published in 1932, the geo-political configuration of the world has changed and the work should be used bearing this in mind.


015.42 B724 The Bookseller. London: J. Whitaker & Sons, Latest year only.

A weekly British book trade magazine that has half-year sup­ plements in the spring and autumn issues which contain subject indexes. Essentially limited to books on British, Classical, and Old World archaeology. Even these subjects are hard to locate.

015.42 B862 The British National Bibliography. London: Council of the British Bibliography, 1950-

A continuing bibliography of well documented and annotated book citations in Dewey Decimal subject arrangement. Has myriad anthropology citations. 24

015.42 B8523 The British National Bibliography Cumulated Subject Catalogue. London: Council o f the National Bibliography, 1951-1967.

A ten-volume cumulated bibliography of works published in England and on deposit at the B ritis h Museum. Has Dewey Decimal arrange­ ment. Look under numbers 572 and 573 fo r anthropology works. Archaeological material is under 571 () and 913 (anti­ quities). Also look under 575 (evolution), 390 (social customs), 398 (fo lk lo re ), 290 (non-Christian re lig io n s ) and 430-490 (la n ­ guages other than English).

015.42 E58 The English Catalogue o f Books. London: S. Low, Marston, 1835-1968.

A longstanding bibliographical guide. An annual summation (al­ though some volumes cumulate a number of years) of books published in Great Britain. Look for anthropological information in the title and subject sections. Of historical as well as anthropol­ ogical value.

015.42 098g Oxford U niversity Press. General Catalogue. 8th ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1937.

Hardbound bibliographic catalog containing valuable and obscure knowledge on anthropology and related subjects. Access is through the table of contents. Anthropology books are listed on pp. 52-52a. Archaeology is subsumed under history under the heading "the ancient world" on pp. 174-180a. Especially note the section on classical pottery on p. 174a.

015.42 R332 B ritis h Books in P rin t. London: Whitaker, New York, Bowker, 1874-

An annual bibliography o f B ritis h books in p rin t. Most relevant material is found in the author, title and subject indexes. All four subdivisions of anthropology are well-represented.

015.42 W578 Whitaker's Cumulative Book L ist. London: J. Whitaker, 1924-

A bibliography of books published in the United Kingdom. Use the keyword approach to locate anthropological m aterial. Be prepared to browse for works not available through familiar terms. For example, " of F ertility and Birth" is easily located 25

under the keyword "ethnography" but a t it le like "Life among the Apaches" can only be found by scanning the entire work.


015.43 B282 Barsortiments-Laqerkataloq. Stuttgart: Koehler & Vollkmar, 1950-1975.

A catalog containing anthropological data. Refer to an author's name located in the subject and keyword indexes. Then, return to the main citation. In German.

015.43 D486 Deutscher Literaturkataloq. Leipzig: F. Volckmar, 1926, 1938/39.

Contains obscure, but important, anthropological references. In German.

015.43 D4864 Deutsches Bucherverzeichnis. Leipzig: Vebverlag fur Buch-und Biblio- thekswesen, 1957-

A catalog of German book citations. Refer to the subject index for information leading to anthropology citations in the main catalog. This work is not composed in a continuous alphabetical arrangement. Every few years brings a renewal of the alphabet. A good source of foreign language anthropological material. In German.

015.43 F829d Frankfurt am Main. Deutsche Bibliographie. Frankfurt: Buchhandler- Vereinigung, 1950-

A German bibliography containing some annotated citations on anthropological subjects. Through 1982, the anthropology material is found under "erd und volkerkunde, reisen" (geography and ethnology, travel). Since that date, the user should look under the narrower and more appropriate focus of "volkskund, volkerkund" (ethnology, folklore). Also, look under "archaologie, vorges- chichte" (archaeology, prehistoric times). In German. 26

015.43 G346k Georg, Karl. Karl Georgs Schlaowortkatalog. . . , Hanover: L. Lemmermann, 1889-1913.

A seven-volume subject catalog. The autorenregister (author index) compliments the subject approach. This work displays a national bias by holding many works applicable only to German anthropology. There also appears to be some unevenness in cover­ age. For instance, it contains only one reference to Adolph Bastian but many citations to the d iffu sio n ist, Father Wilhelm Schmidt. These men were contemporaries. An important bib­ liography published when anthropology was establishing its e lf as a academic discipline. In German.

015.43 K23v Kayser, Christian Gottlob. Vollstandioes bucher-Lexicon. . . 1750- 1910. Leipzig: 1834-1912.

A thirty-six-volume bibliography spanning three centuries and encompassing a wide variety of subject matter including many anthropology citations. Much of the information is d iffic u lt to extract due to changes in the discipline's terminology. In gothic German script.

015.43 V574 Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bucher. Frankfurt: Verlag der Buch- andler-Vereinigung, 1971/72-

Annual catalog of German books in print. Arranged by author, t it le , and keyword. Most entries are in German but an awareness of German-English cognates w ill yield anthropological material to non-German reading users having access to translation sources.


015.44 B582 "B iblio11, 1934-1979. Catalogue de Ouvrages Parus en Langue Francaise dans les Mondes Entier. Paris: 1935-1979.

A bibliographic catalog. Citations are located by subject and author. Use of cognates w ill allow the non-French reader to locate anthropological subject terms and citations that might eventually be located in translation indexes. 27

015.44 C357 Catalogue des Livres Disponibles: Litterature & Sciences Humaines. Paris: Cercle de la Librairie, 1969.

A bibliographic catalog. Locate citations by subject and author Look for ethnological data in section B32, pp. 395-401. Arch­ aeology and physical anthropology citations are in section B52, pp. 442-44. Section A10, pp. 312-23 is a potpourri of lin ­ guistic material. Examine this section closely to extract books on the subject. In French.

015.44 L777 Les Livres Disponibles: French Books in P rin t. Paris: Cercle de la Librairie, 1977-

A bibliography of French books in print. Use the subject index for accessing the contents. Subjects are arranged by the Uni­ versal Decimal System. Anthropology is under number 572, pre­ historic archaeology under 571, and linguistics under 400. The keyword index {index des mots-cles) gives greater entry to the subjects. In French.


015.45 A849C Associazione Italiana E d ito ri. Catalogo dei Libri Ita lia n i in Commercio. Milan: Italiana Editori, 1970-

Bibliographic catalog of Italian books in print. Published annually in three volumes of author, subject, and title indexes. Each citation gives author, book title , publisher, the number of pages and book price. To non-Italian readers, an English-Italian dictionary might be useful in locating anthropological sources that could be further referenced in translation indexes. In Ita lia n .


015.46 L6972 Libros Espanoles. Catalogo ISBN. Madrid: Agencia Espanols del International Standard Book Number, 1973.

A bibliographic catalog of Spanish books with a small number published in Central and South America. Anthropology books are located in the materias (subject) table under sections 10, et- nologia, and 11, linguistica, filo lo g ia . Consult the t it le and 28

author indexes as well. Each citation has an identifying inter­ national standard book number. In Spanish.


015.494 S413 Das Schweizer Buch: Bibliographisches Bulletin der Schweizerischen Landesbibliothek. Zurich: Verlag des Schweizerischen Buchhand- lerund Verleger-Vereins, 1955-1967.

A bibliographic bulletin from the National Library of Switzerland. The subject summary in the front of each bulletin indicates that anthropological material is usually found in sections 14 and 15. In French, Ita lia n , and German.


015.52 A615 Annotated Catalog of Books Published in Japan. Tokyo: Publisher's Association for Cultural Exchange, 1967-1977.

A catalog containing 274 fully annotated citations of selected books in the Japanese language. Unfortunately, very few of them concern anthropology. This work also holds a larger lis t of 2,000 non-Japanese monographs. Relevant material can be found by referring to the social science section of the lis t . In English.


015.54 139 The Indian National Bibliography. Calcutta: Central Reference Library, 1959.

A bibliography of books from India. Arrangement is by Dewey Decimal classification. General anthropology, social anthro­ pology, and anthropogeography are under numbers 571-573 under the main heading "biological sciences". The 491-494 number range holds books on Indian languages. The citations have been trans­ literated into the Roman alphabet. A transliteration table is in the front. Somewhat dated but moderately useful. 29

015.54 S5511 1972 Sher, Singh and S. N. Sadhu, comps. Indian Books in Print. 1972: A Bibliography of Indian Books Published u p to December. 1971 in the English Language. 2nd ed. : Indian Bureau of Bib­ liographies, 1972.

This is a bibliography of Indian books in p rin t. Contains author and t it le indexes but lacks a subject index. Its t it le index can be used as a keyword locator of anthropology books and f ir s t issue journals.

015.5491 P152 Pakistan National Bibliography. Karachi: 1967-

A bibliography whose subject arrangement is by Dewey Decimal number. Look under 390 (social customs and folklore) and 400 (languages).


015.71 C2118 Canadian Books in Print. Catalogue des Livres Canadiens en Libraire. Toronto: Canadian Books in Print Committee, 1967-

A bibliography of Canadian books in print. Lacks a subject index. Use the author and t it le indexes to locate anthropological citations. Not as complete as the more comprehensive Canadiana. Primarily in English with some French title s .

015.71 C212 Canadiana. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1951-

A national bibliography from Canada listing "publications of Canadian origin and interest". All sub-disciplines of anthropology are represented. Follows a Dewey decimal classification format. Annually cumulated up through 1972. In French and English.

015.71 T164b Tanghe, Raymond. Bibliography of Canadian Bibliographies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1960.

A bibliography of bibliographies. A good tool for expanding anthropological research. See sociology-folklore section on pp. 114-19, linguistics on pp. 134-35, and anthropology on p. 142. 30


015.72 A635 Anuario Biblioqrafico Mexicano. Mexico: 1972-1974. A well laid out and informative bibliography of Mexican books. Anthropology, archaeology, and prehistory are in the natural science section. Refer to the analytical index to pick up anthropology works in other sections. A lis tin g of the contents of edited anthropological books is an added bonus for the user. In Spanish.

015.72 B553m Berroa, Jose Fina. Mexico Biblioqrafico 1957-1960; Catalogo General de Libros Impresos en Mexico. Mexico: 1961.

A bibliographic catalog. It has two easily used indexes for locating anthropology works. The subject index gives brief information on the works. The author index provides more data (including English translations). Such familiar names as Klukhohn, Linton, and V. G. Chi 1de are liste d , but the importance of this bibliography lies in its providing names of perhaps lesser known (to the American student) Latin American anthropologists. In Spanish.


015.73 A512 American Book Publishing Record. 1876-1981. (microfiche)

A three-volume bibliography (author/title/subject) in microfiche format. Allows quick access to large quantities of books pub­ lished in America. The subject index gives the greatest latitude for searching anthropological lite ra tu re .

015.73 A512 American Book Publishing Record. BPR Annual. New York: Bowker, 1950-

This bibliography is the updated paper copy of the American Book Publishing Record. 31

015.73 A5122 The American Catalogue. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1880-1911.

This bibliography fills in a good portion of the book publishing record in the United States. Authors, title s and subjects are arranged together alphabetically. The word "anthropology" does not appear but lite ra tu re can be located under "archaeology", "ethnology", "man", "secret ", "folklore", "Indians", and other headings.

015.73 C971 Cumulative Book Index. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1898-

One of the great American bibliographies. Helps fill in the bibliographic record from the late nineteenth century to the present. A good source of earlier anthropological texts as well as present citations. Arrangement is by author and subject in one alphabet. Look under anthropology for works on that subject and note the useful cross-references to other anthropology subjects.

015.73 P976 Books in Print: Authors. Titles. Subjects. New York: Bowker, 1978-

A bibliography that is a standard sight in most American libraries and bookstores. An indispensible source of books produced and distributed by American publishers. The author, subject and title volumes contain a plethora of anthropological citations which give full descriptions of the books, including prices. Has full subject cross-referencing. For example, in a recent volume there were twenty-two references to other anthropological terms under the subject anthropology.

015.73 S635 Small Press Record of Books in P rin t. 10th ed., Paradise, Cal.: Dustbooks, 1981/82.

A useful catalog of books containing "more than 1,800 small publishers world wide". Picks up some anthropological literature not included in other bibliographies. The subject index refers to the appropriate author and t it le . 32

015.73 T865t Trubner, Nikolaus. Trubner's Bibliographical Guide to American Literature. A Class List of Books Published in the United States of America during the Last Forty Years. . . Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1956.

Trubner's bibliographical guide is important in that i t lis ts early and mid-nineteenth century American books. Provides a record of works during the formative years of Anthropology. Look under the subjects "natural history of man-ethnology", "American antiquities", "Indians", and "languages". A reprint of the 1859 volume which was published in London.

015.73 X A849 Associations Publications in P rin t. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1981-

A bibliography of associations publications in print. Gives citations of publications of scholarly associations and societies. Look for anthropologically oriented associations and their accompanying lis t of publications. This helpful reference tool is a good source for specialized publications.


015.8 F445 Fichero Biblioqrafico Hispanoamericano. Buenos Aires: Bowker Editores, 1961-

An Argentinian bibliography arranged by Dewey Decimal number. Refer to the appropriate anthropological citations under Dewey numbers 390 and 570. Has a subject index. In Spanish.

015.8 L697 Turner, Mary C. Libros en Venta en Hispanoamerica v Esoana. 1st ed., New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1964.

A bibliography containing book citations from South American, Central American, Spanish, and American publishers. Arrangement is by author, subject and t it le . Anthropology works are under numbers 390, 397, 398, 571, 572, and 573. In Spanish.

015.82 B688 Boletin Biblioqrafico Arqentino. Buenos Aires: 1937-

A bibliography which allows access to reports, books and serials published in Argentina. Appropriate subject headings are "antro- 33

pologia", "geologia", "arqueologia y paleontologia", and "folk­ lore". In Spanish.


015.94 A938 Australian Books in P rin t. Melbourne: S. W. Thorpe, 1973.

A bibliography of Australian books. Refer to applicable terms like anthropology and archaeology but also look under more specific headings such as aborigines. Many of the books are out- o f-p rin t.


016 P214 Paperbound Books in Print: an Index to Reprints and Originals with Selective Subjects. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1956-

A catalog and guide to paperbound books (non-hard cover). It is best used by reference to the subject index. Also has author and t it le indexes. See the subjects "sociology", "anthropology" and "archaeology" for pertinent information.

016 R1871 Rand Corporation. Index of Selected Publications: 1946-62. Santa Monica, Cal.

A useful guide to the papers and reports of a respected think tank. It contains abstracts of the citations. Look under the heading "anthropology" and, to a lesser extent, "social sciences". Much of the material is of an applied or sociopolitical nature.

016 R187s Rand Corporation. Selected Rand Abstracts. Santa Monica, Cal., 1963-

A l is t of abstracted bibliographic citations of Rand Corporation reports. Use the subject index to center in on anthropological information but be prepared to examine it closely for related subjects. For example, referring to the subject "social sciences" might lead to appropriate material, but more often than not, information is located indirectly. For instance, under the heading "breast feeding", in one of the more recent volumes, the abstract cited ethnicity as a strong factor in the feeding choices of mothers of Malaysian infants. 34

016 V567 Vertical File Index. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1950-

A "subject and author index to selected pamphlet material". Provides short, descriptive annotations. Good source for un­ covering the more ephemeral anthropology publications.

016.01 B561w Besterman, Theodore. A World Bibliography of Bibliographies and of Bibliographical Catalogues. Calendars. Abstracts, Digests. Indexes, and the Like. 4th ed., Lausanne, Switz.: Societas Bibliographica, 1965.

A monumental, learned work of the highest authority. This massive five-volume bibliography of bibliographies is a treasure trove of lite ra tu re on myriad subjects. Anthropology and its sub-disciplines are well represented.

016.01 B5361W 1977 Toomey, Alice, comp. A World Bibliography of Bibliographies. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and L ittlefield, 1977.

A two-volume supplement to Besterman's work. Limited to bib­ liographies.

016 X B582 Bibliographic Index: A Cumulative Bibliography of Bibliographies. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1937-

A subject listing of "substantial bibliographies" containing fifty or more citations. Anthropology subject terms are extensively cross-referenced as witnessed by numerous "see also" (other anthropologically related subjects) references under the heading "anthropology".

016.01 C7136 1962 Colli son, Robert Lewis. Bibliographies. Subject and National; A Guide to th e ir Contents. Arrangement and Use. 2nd ed, New York: Hafner Publishing Co., 1962.

A bibliography of bibliographies. This slim volume contains worthwhile anthropology bibliographies. 35

015.01 D751a Downs, Robert Bingham. American Library Resources; A Bibliographical Guide. Chicago: American Library Association, 1951.

A bibliographic guide to unique holdings in American libraries. Use all possible subject headings to gain worthy anthropological information. Many entries have one or two line annotations.

016.01 D751br Downs, Robert Bingham. British Library Resources: A Bibliographical Guide. Chicago: American Library Association, 1973.

Similar to American Library Resources; A Bibliographical Guide but holding relatively fewer citations.

016.05 N532 New Serials Titles; A Union List of Serials Commencing Publication after December 31. 1949. Washington: Library of Congress, 1973-

A comprehensive bibliography of serial publications received at the Library of Congress and other American lib ra rie s. This continuing work has serials arranged alphabetically. There is no subject arrangement. The use of keyword anthropology terms is recommended. Entries are coded according to the lib ra ry holding the periodical in question. For instance, the periodical Anthro­ pologist has the code "CtY". This means that Yale University has the t it le .

016.05 U58 Union List of Serials in the Libraries of the United States and Canada. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1941-1965.

The predecessor to the New Serials T itle s . Can be used in similar fashion.

016.01 M242s Macles, Louise Noelle. Les Sources de Travail Bibliographiaue. Geneva: E. Droz, 1950-1958.

A three-volume bibliography. See volume two, chapters II, I I I , and XV for anthropological citations. Many of the books are undoubtedly out of p rin t. In French. 36

016.05 B862 British Union Catalogue of Periodicals: A Record of Periodicals of the World from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day, in British Libraries. London: Butterworth's Scientific Publications, 1955-58.

A British bibliography of periodicals. The preface refers to such publications as "elusive". This is an apt description because of the changing nature of this type of lite ra tu re . Symbols designate which libraries hold the title s . There is no subject index so periodicals have to be searched by keyword. This presents no problem with a title like Anthropological Literature but journals lacking an in itia l anthropological keyword, the Journal of Indian Folkloristics for example, demand more thorough searching.

016.05 X G781s Gray, Richard A., comp. Serial Bibliographies in the Humanities and the Social Sciences. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Press, 1969.

A bibliography of serials in the humanities and social sciences. Has "concealed bibliographies", those hidden in larger works. Contains many anthropology citations.

016.0541 F875 French Periodical Index. Westwood, Mass.: F. W. Faxon Co., 1975-

A bibliography of French periodicals. Does not have an abundance of anthropology citations but has enough to warrant examination. In French.


017.1 P957j Kuhn, Warren B., comp. Princeton University Library. Julien Street Library; A Preliminary List of Titles. New York: Bowker, 1966.

A catalog of books housed in the undergraduate dormitory quad­ rangle lib ra ry at Princeton University. Use the table of contents to find anthropology texts. Archaeological material is under the heading "history". Linguistical works are generally not cul­ tu ra lly oriented but such authors as Hoijer and Sapir appear. Limited, but occasionally useful. 37


018.1 B862g B ritish Museum. Department of Printed Books General Catalogue of Printed Books. London: W. Clowes and Sons Ltd., 1931-

A massive bibliographic catalog of 263 main volumes and numerous supplemental volumes. I t is a paper reproduction of the catalog in the main reading room of the Library, one of the great bibliographic centers of the world. Although entry is by author and t it le , separate subject catalogs allow a fu ll approach to anthropology books, papers, journals and newsletters.

018.1 P232c Paris. Bibliotheque Nationale. Department des Imprimes. Catalogue General des Livres Imprimes de la Bibliotheaue National. . . Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1910.

A reproduction of the main catalog of the Bibliotheque Nationale, a major national library. Access is difficult because it lacks subject entry. However, this is such an authoritative work it is valuable for those with a fa c ility for the French language and a knowledge of anthropological works. In French.


019.1 B862s B ritish Museum. Department of Printed Books. Subject Index of the Modern Works Added to the British Museum. London: B ritish Museum, 1902-1966.

A twenty-one-volume subject catalog to the B ritish Museum catalog. Covers subjects (anthropology included) for the years 1881-1960.


020 X L6971 Library Literature; An Annotated Index to Current Books. Pamphlets, and Periodical Literature. . . New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1933- .

A bibliographical index of library literature. A source of article citations and bibliographies from 1ibrarianship and other subjects, including anthropology. For instance, 's Chicago based Library Anthropology Resource Group (LARG) is liste d . 38


021.00971 N277r National Library of Canada. Research Collections in Canadian Lib­ raries. Ottawa: Information Canada, 1972.

A guide to the research collections in Canadian lib ra rie s. The Mansfield Library lacks most of the volumes. I t just has volume two, number four, an issue devoted to Slavic and East European re­ sources. Contains c ritic a l of the collections of sixty-seven lib ra rie s. Use the index for analyses of the strengths and weaknesses of anthropology collections.

021.47471 W727g Williams, Sam P. Guide to the Research Collections of the New York Public Library. Chicago: American Library Association, 1975.

A bibliographic guide giving narrative descriptions of the research collections of this outstanding public lib ra ry and its branch research libraries. Materials related to anthropology, ethnology, and folklore are on pp. 197-99.


025.171025 U58d United States. National Historical Publications and Records Commis­ sion. Directory of Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the United States. Washington: 1978.

A directory of archives and manuscript repositories in the United States. Best access is through the subject index. Covers historical societies as well as libraries. Some of the col­ lections are of anthropological significance.

025.179 X N277 Library o f Congress. LC National Register of Microform Masters. Washington: Library of Congress, 1965-

A register of master copies of microforms (microfilms, microfiche, microcards). The masters "can be used to produce other copies of the work". Access must be by key anthropological terms due to the fact that the microform citations are liste d in alphabetical order, not subject order. 39

025.33 A874c Cross Reference Index: A Subject Heading Guide. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1974.

An index of cross-references to subject headings. Relates to a number of common subject indexes. For example, i t shows how the term "acculturation" can also be looked up under "assimilation". The advanced anthropology student may not need to refer to i t as much as the beginner - and common sense in picking subject headings w ill serve both - but this useful book might find a place in th e ir research.

025.5 W759g 1951 Winchell, Constance Mabel. Guide to Reference Books. 7th ed., Chicago: American Library Association, 1951.

A bibliography of reference sources. Use both the table of contents and the t it le index to find suitable anthropological reference books. Although superseded by newer editions, this is s till a fundamental bibliography in which to find pertinent m aterial.


026.00025 Y74d 1981 Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers. 6th ed., Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1981.

This is a directory of special.1ibraries and information centers. The lib ra ry has volume one of a three-volume set. This circum­ stance is not unfortunate because of the salient data is in this volume. I t lis ts institutions such as libraries and museums, many of which are of interest to the . Be prepared to look through the entire subject index as some institutions are not properly cross-referenced by subject. For example, the Museum of Primitive Art is located under the subject "art, primitive", but not under "anthropology".

026.98 H292e Haro, Robert P. Latin American Research in the United States and Canada: A Guide and Directory. Chicago: American Library Association, 1971.

A guide and directory to Latin American research in the United States. Entries are listed numerically and are easily located through the subject index. Useful for determining anthropological data locations. 40


027.04 L669s Lewanski, Richard Casimir. Subject Collections in European Libraries: A Directory and Bibliographical Guide. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1965.

A bibliography and guide to subject collections in European lib ra rie s. It covers Eastern Europe as well as Western Europe. Arranged by Dewey Decimal classification. Peruse the summary at the beginning to arrive at the proper anthropology c la s s ifi­ cations. Lewanski fills a bibliographic gap through the publica­ tion of this comprehensive work.

027.042 L697 The Libraries. Museums and Art Galleries Yearbook. London: J. Clarke, 1968.

A yearbook offering descriptions of facilities and collections in Irish and British institutions. Anthropological and archaeo­ logical material is found throughout the book. The special libraries and museums section appears to provide the most relevant data.

027.071 F997d Fyfe, Janet. Directory of Special Collections in Canadian Libraries. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1968-

A two-volume directory of special collections in Canadian Lib­ raries. Lists several anthropology special collections. There are other, more comprehensive directories.

027.079 V262r Van Male, John. Resources of Pacific Northwest Libraries. Seattle: Pacific Northwest Library Association, 1943.

A lis t of library subject collections in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Consult the index to locate anthropologically related information. Although this work is dated and the col­ lections have increased and changed, i t gives a good historical overview of its subject. 41


028 B724 Book Review Digest. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1905-

A source which indexes and abstracts book reviews. Arranged by author surname and book t it le . A subject index in the back of each volume leads the user to anthropology book reviews. A good work in which to see the historical aspect of the c ritic a l reception of earlier anthropology books as well as critiques on more recent material.

028 B7243 1975 Books for College Libraries: A Core Collection of 40.000 T itle s . 2nd ed., Chicago: American Library Association, 1975.

A six-volume bibliography functional mainly as a selection guide for practicing librarians. Can also be used by the student and researcher. Volumes I, II, and IV hold most of the anthropology citations.

028 M613 Myers BucherLexicon: 60.000 Bucher nach Lexikonstichworten Geordnet. Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut, 1963.

A subject and author bibliography. Use the appropriate anthro­ pology headings to locate book citations. In German.

028.05 N532 New York Times Book Review Index. 1896-1970. New York: New York Times and Arno Press, 1973.

A book review index from a leading world newspaper. ' Has five volumes. Use the subject index in volume four. Some of the reviewers were anthropologists (Mead, Linton, Kluckhohn). An important historical and often anthropologically-related document. 42

028.1 X G781g Gray, Richard A. A Guide to Book Review Citations. A Bibliography of Sources. Columbus, Oh.: The Ohio State University Press, 1968.

A guide to book review citations. Consult the subject index on p. 199 for quick access to anthropological book reviews. Look for hidden citations which might not appear under a more convenient subject term. For instance, under "modern languages, philology, and literature", there is an Estonian bibliography (citation no. 398) which contains folkloric, ethnological, and archaeological matter.

028.7 A5125 American Reference Books Annual. Littleton, Co.: Libraries Unlimited, 1970-

This is a concise bibliography of reference books and a compendium of c ritic a l annotated reviews of this type of material. . Consult the table of contents and the subject index to find anthropological or anthropologically-related reviews which provide important analyses of recent publications.

028.7 M978h Murphy, Robert W. How and Where to Look I tU p: A Guide to Standard Sources of Information. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958.

A guide to standard sources of information. Holds a surprisingly large amount of data on anthropological literature. The subject arrangement can be a b it confusing. For instance, under the word "ethnology", eight references to other subjects are listed but the word "languages" is excluded. However, under "languages", the term "ethnology" is included. Thus, the cross-referencing of subjects is not always correct.

028.7 R992c Ryder, Dorothy E., ed. Canadian Reference Sources: A Selective Guide. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1973.

A well-documented bibliography of Canadian reference books. The section on Eskimo languages is of particular interest for Arctic specialists. 43

028.7 W174g 1980 Walford, Albert John, ed. Walford's Guide to Reference Material. 4th ed., London: Library Association, 1980.

A bibliography of reference sources in many subjects. Anthro­ pology citations are on pp. 191-200. A scholarly book.


031 C699 1982 C ollie r's Encyclopedia. New York: MacMillan Educational Co., 1982.

A firs t-ra te general American encyclopedia. Use the index volume to locate anthropological terms.

031 E56 1978 The Encyclopedia Americana. International Edition. Danbury, Ct.: Americana Corporation, 1978.

A general American encyclopedia. Coverage appears to be less extensive than that of C ollier's Encyclopedia or Encyclopedia Britannica. Use the index volume to find anthropology subject material.

031 L741 Lincoln Library of Essential Information: An Up-to-Date Manual for Daily Reference. Self-Instruction, and for General Culture. Buffalo, N.Y.: Frontier Press Co., 1965.

A desk top reference. Useful for obtaining short, factual statements and descriptions. Note the section called "Races and Peoples" which can be found on pp. 513-22 in volume one of this two-volume set.


032 C445 1966 Chamber's Encyclopedia. New Revised edition. Oxford, Eng.: Pergamon Press, 1967.

A B ritish encyclopedia produced for the "educated layman". Many articles are brief but are usually followed by good biblio­ graphies. See the subject volume to locate the pages holding anthropological literature. 44

032 E56 1983 The New Encyclopedia Britannica. 15th ed. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1983.

An authoritative encyclopedia. It-consists of two sets, a micropedia (ready reference and index) and a macropedia (knowledge in depth). Anthropological articles and summations are inter­ spersed throughout this work. Bibliographies accompany many articles. A scholarly work.


033 B864g 1966 Brockhaus Enzvklopadie. Wiesbaden, Ger.: F. A. Brockhaus, 1966.

A comprehensive German encyclopedia. Has b rief, to-the-point articles. Much of the ethnological information can be found under the descriptions of countries and geographical areas. The 1966 edition lacks an index but there is an index in the 1952 edition which is also in the reference area.


034 E56 Encvclopedie ou Dictionnaire Raisonne des Sciences, des Artes en des Metiers. Stuttgart-Bad-Cannstatt: Froman, 1966.

A reprint of an eighteenth century French general encyclopedia. Among other things, it gives a historical perspective of anthro­ pology. In French.

034 G751 Grand Larousse Encvclopedioue en Dix Volumes. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1960-1964.

A French general encyclopedia. It compliments its predecessors and appears more comprehensive in its coverage of anthropology. Has good illu stra tio ns and maps. Contains an index. In French. 45

034 L332g Larousse, Pierre. Grand Dictionnaire Universel du XIX Siecle Francais; Historioue. Geograohioue. Mvtholoqique, Bibliographiaue. L it- teraire. Artistique. Scientifique, etc. Paris: Administration du Grand Dictionnaire Universel, 1805-1833.

A scholarly French encyclopedia. This seventeen-volume work was published in the nineteenth century. Gives insight into anthro­ pological thought during that era. In French.

034 L332L Larousse, Pierre. Larousse du XX Siecle Publie sous la Direction de Paul Auge. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1928-1933.

A six-volume encyclopedia set which was published in the 1920's. Follows the nineteenth century work. Look for anthropological terminology. In French.

034 L332n Larousse, Pierre. Nouveau Larousse IIlu s tre Dictionnaire Universel Encvclopedioue. Publie sous la Direction de Claude Auge. Paris: Librairie Larousse, 1898-1904.

A general French encyclopedia covering the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. Gives short definitions of anthropology concepts pertinent to that time. Has a good historical perspective. In French.


035 E56 1949 Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze. Lettere ed A rti. Rome: Instituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Fondata de Giovanni Treccani, 1949-1952.

A monumental encyclopedia in which anthropology is d e fin itive ly treated. Has thirty-six volumes. In Italian.


036 E56 Enciclopedia Vniversal Ilvstrada. . . Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1920-1958.

This is a massive seventy-volume encyclopedia from Spain which gives extensive treatment to various subjects. Anthropology is 46

well-defined and the ethnology of geographical areas is described. In Spanish.


037 B693.E Great Soviet Encyclopedia. New York: MacMillan, 1973-

The third edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (Bol'shaia Sovetskaia Entsiklopediial. Its index contains copious references to subjects on anthropology in the main volumes. It is "a fa ith fu l translation of the Soviet National Encyclopedia. . . and as true as possible to the meaning and content. . . of the original edition in Russian". In English.


050 N7141 Nineteenth Century Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. 1890-1899 with Supplementary Indexing 1900-1922. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1944.

A subject and author listing of periodical article citations. Anthropology is included. A standard item in most American 1ibraries.

050 P82 Pooled Index to Periodical Literature. Rev. ed. Boston and New York: Houghton, M ifflin and Co., 1893.

A forerunner to the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. It is a six-volume set of indexes which spans the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Has a subject arrangement. Many of the periodicals indexed are now defunct and the subject arrangement for anthropological journal articles lacks the terminology and refinement evident in modern indexes. Yet, i t holds a good historical record of the early days of anthropology in America and is s t ill a valid tool for researching the older lite ra tu re .

050 X A792 Arts and Humanities Citation Index. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information, 1982-

A sophisticated, computer-generated journal a rtic le and book citation index. It has a subject index, source index, and citation index. Detailed instructions on how to use these indexes 47

are on the inside of each volume cover. This source holds many anthropology citations. Published by the same firm which produces the sim ilarly structured Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index.

050 X B862 B ritish Humanities Index. London: Library Association, 1963-1984.

A subject index of primarily British Isles periodicals. Includes title s which are not readily available in standard American periodical indexes. Contains title s like Hertfordshire Arch­ aeology and the County Kildare Archaeology Society Journal.

050 X 161 Internationale Biblioqraphie der Zeitschriften-Literatur aus alien Gebieten des Wissens. Osnabruck, Germany: F. Dietrich, 1966-1979.

A massive (160 volumes) bibliographic index. Each volume consists of numerous bound parts holding author, subject and keyword indexes. Absorb the prefatory note in order to understand how to use this vital and scholarly work. Close inspection shows that it holds many anthropology citations. In German.

050 X 171 Irregular Serials and Annuals: An International Directory. Eleventh ed. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1985.

A listing of serial publications issued less frequently than the more prevalent weeklies, monthlies, and quarterlies. Holds anthropological congresses, proceedings, transactions and annuals. Has works "which constitute the tw ilig h t area" between books and serials.

050 X K19m Katz, William Armstrong. Magazines for Libraries: for the General Reader and Public. School. Junior College, and College Libraries. New York: Bowker, 1982.

An annotated and c ritic a l lis t of magazines for lib ra rie s. Refer to its index for guidance to anthropology title s .

050 X K96s Subject Guide to Periodical and Review Indexes. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1969.

A subject guide to periodical and review indexes. Refer to the term "anthropology" in the subject index. 48

050 X M321i Marconi, Joseph V. Indexed Periodicals: A Guide to 170 Years of Coverage in 33 Indexing Services. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Press, 1976.

A lis tin g of American, Canadian, and B ritish periodicals and the indexes in which they appear. Anthropology is covered.

050 X P232c Paris. Bibliotheoue Nationale. Department des Periodiaues. Catalogue C o lle ctif des Periodiaues du Debut du XVII Siecle a 1939. Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale, 1967.

A bibliography of periodicals. Has anthropologically related works. The la tte r few pages of the fir s t volume provide the key to where these may be found. D iffic u lt to use. In French.

050 X P831 Popular Periodical Index. Camden, N.J.: 1973.

An interesting subject compilation of article citations from popular magazines rather than scholarly journals. Thorough examination w ill bring up citations like "Seeing Back through Time with Video Graphics", a t it le appearing in Popular Computing magazine.

050 X R286 Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1915- .

A subject and author index to article citations from periodicals of general interest. It is well known in most school, public and academic lib ra rie s. Although i t contains many popular magazine title s like Time. Newsweek, and L ife , as well as more subject oriented lite ra tu re like Forbes. New Republic, and Science, i t does index anthropology as a subject and many such citations appear. Although many of the articles are of surface value, some occasionally are of greater depth.

050 X S678 Social Science and Humanities Index. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1907-1974.

A subject-author index of journal article citations devoted to the lite ra tu re of the social sciences and humanities. I t has periodicals which are more specialized than Reader's Guide to 49

Periodical Literature. Indexes such titles as Current Anthro­ pology. , and . It supersedes International Index to Periodicals and International Index. In 1974, i t divided into two separate indexes, Social Science Index and Humanities Index.

050 X U45 Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory; A Classified Guide to a Selected List of Current Periodicals. Foreign and Domestic. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1985.

A directory and guide to journals. Gives detailed information on these publications. Incisive in its approach. A valuable resource in finding out where journals are indexed.


053 X F829db Deutsche Bib!iographie. Deutschen Bibliothek. Frankfurt, Ger.: Buchhandler-Vereinigung, 1977.

A well-documented bibliography that commands attention. Not meant for persons who neither read nor speak German. The section called "Geschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Volkskunde" is the most propitious in which to access anthropological material.


054 X R251r Raux, Henri F. Repertiore de la Presse et de Publications Periodiaues Francaises. Paris: Documentation Francaise, 1958.

A bibliography of French periodicals. Consult the classification lis t for entry to the anthropological material. See sections "E4b, "; and "Tl, linguistics". Outdated. In French.


056 X C323r Carter, Boyd George. Las Revistas Literarias de Hispano-America; Breve Historia v Contenido. 1st ed. Mexico: Ediciones de Andrea, 1959.

An index to South and Central American periodicals. Refer to the 50

bibliografia escogida (select bibliography) and to the anthro­ pological material on pp. 192-93 and 199-200. In Spanish.

056 X 139 Indice General de Publicaciones Periodicas Latinoamericanas; Humanidades v Ciencias Sociales. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1967-1970.

A bibliographic index. Has a " lis t of English terms corresponding to the Spanish subject headings used in the index". There are scattered anthropological subjects. In Spanish.

056 X L439r Leavitt, Sturgis Ellento. Revistas Hispanoamericanas Indice Biblio- qrafico 1843-1935. Santiago, Chile: Fondo Historico y Biblio- grafico Jose Toribio Medina, 1960.

A bibliography of journal citations whose contents extend from the mid-nineteenth century to the 1930's. Has a wide range of obscure, but potentially valuable, anthropological entries. In Spanish.

056 X R425 Zimmerman, Irene. A Guide to Current Latin American Periodicals; Humanities and Social Sciences. Gainsville, Fla.: Kallman Publishing Co., 1961.

A good, historical bibliography to regional journals. Anthro­ pological periodicals are covered in classifications 393, 571 and 572. Outdated for current use. In Spanish.

056 X Z72g Zimmerman, Irene. A Guide to Current Latin American Periodicals: Humanities and Social Sciences. Gainsville, Fla.: Kallman Publishing Co., 1961.

An English language version of the above citation.


016 E56 Encyclopedia of Associations. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1986.

An encyclopedia of associations that includes the history, membership, description, publications, and schedules for many associations in the United States. Refer to section 4 51

(scientific, and technical organizations) to locate anthropological and archaeological associations. Look at section 5 (education associations) for linguistical associations.

061.1 D598 Directory of Associations in Canada. Repertoire des Associations du Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1975.

A subject index on Canadian associations. In English.

061.3 K47a Kiger, Joseph Charles. American Learned Societies. Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1963.

A somewhat dated lis t of scholarly societies. Does not include the more recently founded anthropological societies.


062 D598 Directory of British Associations and Associations in Ireland. Beckenham, Eng.: CBD Research, 1982.

A directory of British and Irish associations. Although i t gives short shrift to anthropological and linguistical associations, it compensates for this oversight by awarding prominent coverage to many archaeological and historical societies in those areas.

062 S416 S cientific and Learned Societies of Great B ritain: A Handbook Compiled from O fficial Sources. London: Allen & Unwin, 1884-

A handbook of scie n tific and learned societies of Great Britain. Refer to sections IX and X for anthropological material.


068.4 D598 Directory of European Associations. Beckenham, Eng.: CBD Research, 1976.

A truly useful reference directory for those interested in locating anthropology associations in Europe. Volume two has the most pertinent data. Lists the associations and their objectives, fields of interest and other descriptive aids. 52


069.025 H885d Hudson, Kenneth and Ann Nicholls, eds. The Directory of World Museums. 2nd ed. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1981.

A directory lis tin g the names, address, and types of world museums. Lacks a subject index so i t is necessary to scan the text for anthropological terms. This directory is alphabetically arranged by country and covers from Afghanistan through Zimbabwe. Includes a helpful introduction and glossary.

069.058 M986m Museums Directory of the United States and Canada. Washington: American Association of Museums, 1961-

A directory of American, Puerto Rican and Canadian museums. Lists archaeological museums and sites. Look under.the term "science" for anthropological, ethnological and American Indian museums.

069.7 X C589m Clapp, Jane. Museum Publications. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1962.

An important bibliographic directory. Consists of two-volumes. Volume one specializes in museum publications and is a treasure trove of that hard-to-find, important lite ra tu re on anthropology, archaeology and art. Volume two is devoted to the sciences and has paleobotanical and paleontological information.


071.3 X S818p 1979 Arndt, Karl J. R. The Annotated and Enlarged Edition of Ernst Steigers Precentennial Bibliography. The Periodical Literature of the United States. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus International Publi­ cations, 1979.

Arndt states that this is "the most complete collection of American periodicals of the la tte r part of the nineteenth century, consisting of single issues of precentennial newspapers and periodicals. . . Most anthropological information lies in the section called "Catalogue of Original American Books". Many of the citations are traveler's descriptions and comments, but others 53

appear to offer more substantial anthropological material. A reprint of the 1878 edition.

071.3025 098 Oxbridge Directory of Newsletters. New York: Oxbridge Communications, 1981.

A directory which gives entry to a more obscure type of lite r­ ature. Look under the terms "anthropology" and "archaeology" for appropriate newsletters. Newsletters are notoriously short-lived and some of the title s listed may have ceased publication.

071.44 C555 Christian Science Monitor Index: Cumulated Index of the Christian Science Monitor. Corvallis, Oreg.: H. M. Cropsey, 1967-

An index of newspaper articles from the Christian Science Monitor. Arrangement is by subject. Refer to the newspaper its e lf after locating the citation in the index. Recent lis ts of this pub­ lica tio n tend to emphasize archeology articles.

071.471 W187 Wall Street Journal Index. New York: Dow Jones & Co., 1958-

An index of articles from the business newspaper Wall Street Journal. Looking by subject w ill uncover articles about anthro­ pology. For instance, a recent issue referred to a critique of 's The Chrysanthemum and the Sword; Patterns of Japanese Culture.

071.53 W319 The O fficial Washington Post Index. Woodbridge, Conn.: Research Publications, 1982-

A yearly index of the newspaper Washington Post. Look under anthropological terms to gain access to article citations.


072 T583i O fficia l Index to the London Times. Reading, Eng: Research Pub­ lications Ltd., 1914-1945, 1949- .

A newspaper index to the London Times which has an extensive subject approach to anthropology and its sub-disciplines. Also 54

look at Palmer's Index to the London Times (microfiche) for the eighteenth and nineteenth century anthropological articles.


091 X B862c.a B ritish Museum. Department of Manuscripts. Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts 1836-1945. London: B ritish Museum, 1945.

A catalog to the manuscript title s in the B ritish Museum. I t is not an easy source to use, but diligent searching of the subject headings will yield anthropological descriptions of the appro­ priate manuscripts.

091 X C666g Cockhi11, Brian Edward and Dale L. Johnson, eds. Guide to Manuscripts in Montana Repositories. Missoula, Mont.: University of Montana Library, 1973.

A guide to the manuscripts located in the archives, libraries and historical societies of Montana. There is no subject index so browsing is in order. The guide is mostly concerned with the documents of homesteaders and early businessmen, but some data on Indian council deliberations, reservation censuses and Native American land claims appear in the text.

091 X N277 The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press, 1959-

A catalog of the manuscript collections in the Library of Con­ gress. The surest method of locating anthropological material is to consult the separate cumulative index. Many anthropology subject cross-references are found. Each manuscript citation has a descriptive paragraph.

091 X W319s Washington State University. Pullman Library. Selected Manuscript Resources in the Washington State University Library. Pullman, Wash.: 1974.

A catalog and lis t of manuscripts at the Washington State Univer­ sity Library. Described as "a tool to all holdings, from single items to large collections". Holds material of anthropological and ethnological value such as trib a l and American Indian agency correspondence. 55


099 X G946 Guide to Microforms in P rin t. Washington, D.C.: Microform Editions, 1986.

An alphabetical lis tin g of microforms in p rin t. Microforms include microfilm, microfiche and microcards. Tells where the microform is located, who publishes i t and how much i t costs. Use key anthropological terms to locate data. Has a decoded lis t of publishers in front.


100 X B853b de Brie, G. A. Bib!ioaraphia Philosophica 1934-45. Brussels: Editiones Spectrum, 1950.

A two-volume retrospective bibliography of philosophy literature published between 1934-1945. Represents materials published in twelve languages. See section IV of volume II, philosophia culturae (pp. 614-42) for anthropology citations. Has a helpful introduction.

100 X D317g de George, Richard T. A Guide to Philosophical Bibliography and Research. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971.

A bibliography of reference works in philosophy and works by and on individual philosophers. Since there are only scattered references to anthropology, this is of minimal value.

100 X G935b Guerry, Herbert. A Bibliography of Philosophical Bibliographies. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1977.

A bibliography of bibliographies on philosophy. See the section on subject bibliographies for anthropological material. Has such terms as "man" and "social anthropology". 56

100 X I61b International Institute of Philosophy. Bib!ioqraphie de la Phil- osophie. Paris: Librairie Philosophique, 1954-

A two-volume philosophical bibliography. Information of possible value might be found in the section called "l'homme; l'anthro- pologie philosophique" (pp. 471-73). Of lim ited use. In French.

100 X I 61b International Institute of Philosophy. Bib!ioqraphie de la Phil- osophie. Paris: Librairie Philosophique, 1954-

An impressive scholarly bibliography on philosophy. Citations are annotated in English or French. Anthropological references are in the section called ", of culture, of eduction".

100 X P568 The Philosopher's Index: An International Index to Philosophical Periodicals. Bowling Green, Oh.: Bowling Green University, 1967-

A continuing index that is one of the major research resources in the fie ld of philosophy. Use the subject index to find the anthropological citations and then refer to the author index for an abstract. Most of the material is on philosophy but careful searching w ill locate anthropology works such as Prescriptivism in Navaho Ethics or The Archaeology of Western Culture.

100 X V296m Varet, Gilbert. Manuel de Biblioqraphie Philosophique. 1st ed. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1956.

A two-volume bibliography of limited use to anthropologists or students. Something possibly might be located in the section called "1'homme--l'anthropologie philosophique" (pp. 471-73). In French.


103 E56 Encyclopedia of Philosophy. New York: MacMillan, 1976.

An eight-volume encyclopedia on the subject of philosophy. Also covers cognate disciplines such as anthropology. Use the volume 57

holding the subject index to find research material. P hil­ osophical anthropology and its German heritage is mentioned.

103 E563 Enciclopedia Filosofica. Venice: Instituto per la Collaborazione Culturale, 1957.

A four-volume Italian encyclopedia having comprehensive coverage of philosophy and lesser attention to related disciplines. Look at p. 1867 of volume four for the subject lis tin g called "scienze antropologiche" (anthropological science). It will lead to the listin g s Under anthropology. See section V of the "Indice Teoretico" (Theoretical Index). This section is called "Filosofia del Linguaggio" (Philosophy of Language) and i t provides some material on linguistical anthropology. Each article is signed and some have accompanying bibliographies. In Italian.

103 R329d Reese, William L. Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion: Eastern and Western Thought. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1980.

A dictionary of philosophy and religion. Many entries consist of short biographical sketches of philosophers and briefer ones for non-philosophers whose works bears on philosophy. Boas, Sapir, and Whorf are mentioned. Has a concise definition of p h il­ osophical anthropology. Can be used as adjunct lite ra tu re in the pursuit of anthropological knowledge. Stresses Western thinkers and ideas.

103 R614h Ritter, Joachim. Historisches Worterbuch der Philosophie. Stuttgart, Ger.: Schwabe, 1971-

A dictionary of the history of philosophy. It is a continuing project (currently goes through the le tte r "0"). Coverage is encyclopedic. Terms to look under are "anthropologie", "anthro- pologie medizinische" (), "linguistik, sprachwissenschaft", and "kulturanthropologie" (cultural anthro­ pology). Articles are signed and have bibliographies. In German.

103 X B181d Baldwin, James Mark. Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology. . . New York: MacMillan Co., 1901.

A three-volume dictionary of philosophy and psychology. Although i t is over eighty years old, i t s t ill provides interesting historical and anthropological information. Volumes one and two 58

consist of the citations and encyclopedic articles (with the contributor's initials). It has subject cross-references. Under "man" you are advised to see "mankind", "anthropoid", "anthro­ pology", and "evolution". Volume three, part two, consists of a "Bibliography of Philosophy, Psychology, and Cognate Subjects". Close examination of i t w ill bring forth anthropological subjects. For instance, on one page under "evolution and religion", ref­ erences are made to Frazer's Golden Bough and MacLennan's Prim­ itive Marriage.


105 X P815b France, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Bulletin Signaletiaue 519: Philosophie. Paris: Centre de Documentation du C. N. R. S., 1961-

An annual cumulated, abstracted index. Look at the "index de concepts" (subject index). Anthropology subject headings are fa irly well represented. In French.


128.5 X F974d Fulton, Robert, comp. Death. Grief, and Bereavement: A Bibliography 1845-1975. New York: Arno Press, 1977.

A bibliography which covers 130 years of works on the subjects of death, g rie f and bereavement. Works are best approached through the subject index. Look under anthropology and its sub-headings for attitudes towards death in other , mourning customs, mourning, and the sociology of death. Has both journal and book citations. This bibliography is part of a series called The Literature of Death and Dvinq. Several other titles in this series appear to be anthropologically oriented. Refer to the lis t on the past page.


131.34 X G868i Grinstein, Alexander. The Index of Psychoanalytic W ritings. New York: International Universities Press, 1956-

A nine-volume index on psychoanalytic writings. The subject index is in the last volume. Anthropologists are wel1-represented. Two pages are devoted to . Marvin Opler, who draws 59

connections between culture and mental disorders, is also listed. Look for the subjects "anthropology", "culture", "folklore" and "sociology". A very impressive resource.

131.3403 E34e Eidelberg, Ludwig. Encyclopedia of Psychoanalysis. New York: Free Press, 1968.

An encyclopedia of psychoanalysis. See the sections on "anthro­ pology and psychoanalysis" and "psychoanalytic anthropology".


150 T413 1985 Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms. Washington: American Psycho­ logical Association, 1985.

A thesaurus to subjects and descriptors found in the reference work Psychological Abstracts. Anthropology terms are included.

150 X B433g Bell, James Edward. A Guide to Library Research in Psychology. Dubuque, Iowa: E. C. Brown, 1971.

A lib ra ry research bibliographic guide for psychology. Anthro­ pology works related to psychology are on pp. 86-87.

150.5 P9741 Psychological Abstracts. Lancaster, Pa.: American Psychological Association, 1927-

An ongoing abstracted index of psychology book and journal citations. Brief subject indexes are at the back of each issue. Refer to them for anthropology abstracts. Also look at the table of contents for "social processes and social issues" and its sub-section "culture-ethnology-religion". Data from this source are also available on computer through the databases PSYCHINFO and PSYCHALERT. 60

155.3 X S819c Stein, Morris Issac and Shirley J. Heinze. Creativity and the Indi­ vidual: Summaries of Selected Literature in Psychology and Psychiatry. Glencoe, 111.: Free Press, 1960.

An interesting annotated bibliography on the creative process. Refer to pp. 302-07 for abstracts on comparative Rorschach testing of anthropologists and other professionals.

170 - ETHICS

170.3 F358e Ferm, Vergilius Ture Anselm, ed. Encyclopedia of Morals. New York: Greenwood Press, 1969.

An encyclopedia on morals, moral systems and ethics. A good percentage of the contributors are anthropologists. Interestingly ,enough, the book begins with an a rticle on the moral system of the Australian aborigines and ends with Zuni Indian morality. Excellently researched (although not exhaustive) and fun to browse through.

174.2 E56 Roach, Warren T., ed. Encyclopedia of Bioethics. New York: Free Press, 1978.

A four-volume encyclopedia on the specialized subject of bioethics. The subject index in volume four relates to the other volumes. The lis t of contributors includes Margaret Mead. This encyclopedia is the f ir s t of its kind and examines bioethical problems and studies developments "in the ethics of the life sciences and health care". Holds material of consequence to anthropology. For example, it has articles on the anthropological perspective of death and the history of medical ethics in primi­ tive societies.


200 X R382 Religious and Theological Abstracts. Myerstown, N.J.: Theological Publications, 1958-

An index of abstracts dealing with religion and theology. Most of the citations are from journal articles. The fourth issue of each individual volume has a subject and author index which refers to the other issues in the volume. The anthropological material 61

within the text generally is on the spirituality of humankind. Archaeological data are mostly on . See in particular the section on world and look for the subjects "ethnic religions", "", and "cults". An examination of this section in a randomly selected volume produced an abstract on anthill worship and in Taiwan.

201.1 E56 Rahner, Karl, ed. Encyclopedia of Theology; The Concise Sacramentum Mundi. New York: Seabury Press, 1975.

An abridged version of the six-volume Sacramentum Mundi. See pp. 880-93 for concepts of philosophical, biblical and theological anthropology.

203 E56 1917 Hastings, James, ed. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1915-1927.

An encyclopedia of religion and ethics. It was published in 1917 and ceased in 1927. It is s t ill of value to anthropology because many of the contributors were anthropologists and large elements of the text have anthropological, mythological and folk knowledge. Articles are signed, cross-referenced and have accompanying lis ts for further reading. Contains a subject index, but this should not preclude browsing for the many excellent subject related pieces. Contains specialized articles on such subjects as ancestor worship and cult of the dead.

203 R382 1957 Die Religion in Geschichte und Geoenwart. Handworterbuch fur Theoloaie und Reliaionswissenschaft. Tubingen, Ger.: Mohr, 1957.

A seven-volume encyclopedia of theology and religion. Has occasional articles on anthropologically oriented subjects. Refer to the subject index for such material. Includes bibliographies. In German.

203 S296n The New Schaff-Herzoa Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1949.

A thirteen-volume encyclopedia that "presents in condensed and modified form that great body of Protestant learning called the 'Realenklopadie Theologie und K irch'". It is specialized work on religion and ethics but contains anthropological items that can be accessed through the subject index. 62

205 X A5121 American Theological Association. Index to Religious Periodical Literature. Chicago: American Theological Library, 1967-1976.

A continuing index of religious material found in journals. It is an excellent index because of its deep subject coverage. Many citations have anthropological content. Also has book reviews. This work became Religion Index in 1977.

205 X G946 Guide to Social Science and Religion in Periodical Literature. Flint, Mich.: National Library of Religious Periodicals, 1964-

A guide specializing in religion and the social sciences. Has a subject index and a code of journal title abbreviations. Contains anthropological material. Archaeology citations are mostly on Old World, Biblical and Classical archaeology.

209 X 161 International Bibliography of the History of Religions. Leiden, Neth.: E. J. B r ill, 1952-

A scholarly bibliography of the history of religions. It has international coverage. The bibliographical citations are informative but they unfortunately do not include the date of the publication. The user must extrapolate the year by referring to the volume number cited. Anthropologists w ill be most interested in the sections on primitive and prehistoric religions and on the sociology of religion. The sections on minor religions also unearth usable material.

282.03 N532 New Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.

A seventeen-volume encyclopedia on the Catholic religion. It is well researched and illustrated. Contains a subject index. The subject of anthropology can be found on pp. 597-613, 747-68 of the fir s t volume. Emphasis is given to noted Catholic anthropologists and paleoanthropologists like Wilhelm Schmidt and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The a rticle on theological anthropology is informative. 63

290 F274h al Faruqui, Isms'il Ragia. Historical Atlas of the Religions of the World. New York: MacMillan, 1974.

An atlas and chronological encyclopedia of world religions. Has maps and useful chronologies in the appendix. Two of the fourteen contributors are anthropologists. They are Lawrence Krader, who writes on , and Weston Le Barre, who discusses Amerindian religions. John Mbiti's article on the traditional religions of Africa is also of interest.

290 L332L.Ea Guirand, Felix, ed. Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. New York: Prometheus Press, 1959.

An illustrated encyclopedia of mythology. The w riter, Robert Graves, introduces this work as one that "does not discuss philosophic theory or religious experience, and treats each cult with the same impersonal courtesy". Most pertinent material will be found in the section on prehistoric mythology and the sections on the mythologies of Oceania, Black Africa and North and South America. The articles are not signed and lack accompanying bibliographies. Of interest to the layperson and the under­ graduate.

291.13 C188h Campbell, Joseph. Historical Atlas of World Mythology: The Wav of Animal Powers. San Francisco: Harper & Row, v .l, 1983.

A splendid treatment of the anthropomorphization of animals across cultures and through time. Describes mythic tales and processes. Has good subject index, first-rate illustrations and many excellent maps and chronologies.

291.13 D554 Dictionnaire des Mythologies etudes Religions des Traditionnalles et du Monde Antique. Paris: Flammarion, 1981.

An authoritative, comprehensive and scholarly two-volume encyclo­ pedia of mythology throughout the modern and ancient worlds. It is so replete with anthropological material that it invites browsing. In French. 64

291.13 E56 Encyclopedia of World Mythology. New York: Galahad Books, 1975.

An encyclopedia on world mythology. See the sections on com­ parative mythology and common mythological themes. The illu s ­ trations are of poor quality.

291.13 M9994 Cavendish, Richard, ed. Mythology: An illu stra ted Encyclopedia. New York: Rizzoli, 1980.

An illu stra ted encyclopedia of mythology. Concentrate on the sections concerning Africa, the Americas and the Pacific. These are mainly written by anthropologists. Has many splendid pic­ tures, a glossary and an impressive bibliography.

291.212 J62o Jobes, Gertrude. Outer Space: Myths. Name Meanings. Calendars from the Emergence to the Present Dav. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1964.

An unusual book which gives bits and pieces of celestial lore. Its bibliography gives a hint of anthropological material but the text, while interesting, is superficial in appropriate subject coverage.

294.503 W179h Walker, Benjamin. The Hindu World. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1968.

A two-volume encyclopedia on and related religions. Folklore, habits, customs and social mores of Hinduism are thoroughly covered by Walker. Bibliographies follow most articles.

296.03 E56 Encyclopedia Judaica. New York: MacMillan, 1971.

This is a sixteen-volume encyclopedia on Judaism. It is illu s ­ trated and has bibliographies at the end of each article. Contains anthropological material and also biographies of Jewish anthropologists. 65

296.03 J59 The Jewish Encyclopedia: A Descriptive Record of the History. Religion, Literature, and Customs of the Jewish People from the Earliest Times. New York: KTAV Publishing House, 1964.

A twelve-volume encyclopedia concerning Judaism and peripheral topics. It is thoroughly researched and "prepared by more than four hundred scholars and specialists". Although not as compre­ hensive as Encyclopedia Judaica. it is, nevertheless, a repository of various articles on, or related to, anthropology. Does not have an index.

297.03 E56 1957 The Encyclopedia of . Leiden, Neth.: E. J. B r ill, 1957-

An excellent religious encyclopedia. It is a work of fine scholarship. The Encyclopedia of Islam is a work in and therefore not complete. The encyclopedia contains a wealth of anthropological information. Some of these data are d ifficu lt to ferret out because i t lacks an index to the subjects. Therefore, the user must assiduously scan the subject arrangement. This might lead to confusion about the alphabetical arrangement of this work. Keep in mind that the capital letters place the subject alphabetically. For example, "Djazirat al-ARAB" (the land of the Arabs) w ill be located under "ARAB". Has cross-references and extensive bibliographies. Some pages are out of sequence but this should not deter the user from referring to this authoritative work.


300 X L693s Li, Tze-Chung. Social Science Reference Sources: A Practical Guide. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1980.

A systematic and c ritic a l bibliographic guide to social science lite ra tu re . Anthropology reference sources are on pp. 127-37.

300 X L847 London Bibliography of the Social Sciences. London: London School of Economics and P olitical Science, 1931-

A twenty-seven-volume bibliography of the social sciences which has been compiled from the subject catalogs of libraries, soci­ eties and institutes. Mansfield Library lacks volumes 6 and 12-21. Has a subject index. The earlier volumes have extensively cross-referenced subjects. For example, the subject "archaeology" 66

has 33 cross-references to other anthropological terms in one of the volumes. There is ample anthropological material extant in this set. Highly recommended for its anthropological and his­ torical contents.

300 X L926u Lu, Joseph K. U. S. Government Publications relating to the Social Sciences: A Selected Annotated Guide. Beverly H ills , Cal.: Sage Publications, 1975.

A guide to U. S. government publications related to the social sciences. See section VII, pp. 135-43, 145-48 for anthropological citations.

300 X M152s McGinnis, Raymond and James W. Scott. Social Science Research Hand­ book. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1975.

A handbook which gives the myriad research works available to the student and scholar in the social sciences. Anthropology is listed in part B under the term "disciplinary studies". Also refer to the anthropology sections of the various geographical . Recommended for the strength and variety of its anthropology sources.

300 X P976b Public Affairs Information Service B u lletin . New York: Public Affairs Information Service, Inc., 1915-

A long-standing author and subject index of book and journal citations. The subject anthropology is fa irly well represented and is geared more to applied anthropology than theoretical anthropology.

300 X S678 Social Science Abstracts: Menasha, Wis.: 1929-1933.

A four-volume set of abstracts from social science periodical literature. Has an abundance of anthropological references.

300 X S6782 Social Sciences Index. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1974-

A subject and author index of journal articles from the social sciences. It is the successor to Social Sciences and Humanities Index and its predecessors. In its pages the user w ill find 67

topics as general as social anthropology and as specific as pastoralists and herdsmen.

300 X S6783 Social Science Citation Index. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information, 1965-

A computer-generated subject index to the social sciences. Refer to the user's guides in the front of each volume. Consists of a subject/keyword index which lis ts the surname of the author, a source index for a bibliographic description of the journal or book, and a citation index (which can be used independently from the subject and source indexes) for the works of fam iliar authors. More geared to the graduate student or professional than to the undergraduate. Has many anthropological citations. Cumulated annually, although earlier volumes consist of multi-year cumu­ lations.

300 X S845r 1968 Stevens, Rolland and Donald G. Davis, Jr. Reference Books in the Social Sciences and the Humanities. 4th ed. Champaign, 111.: Stipes Publishing Co., 1968.

A small sourcebook of reference works in the social sciences and humanities disciplines. Anthropology sources are on pp. 38-46. Has no sources on physical anthropology.

300 X W583s 1986 Webb, William H. and associates. Sources of Information in the Social Sciences: A Guide to the Literature. 3rd ed. Chicago: American Library Association, 1986.

An excellent and scholarly guide to literature in the social sciences. Anthropology as a subject is detailed on pp. 332-402 but anthropological information can be found throughout. Has subjects as contemporary as sociobiology. A combined subject/au­ thor index gives access to the reference citations and the text which gives a survey of each fie ld . Highly recommended.

300 X W985g Wynar, Lubomyr Roman. Guide to Reference Materials in Political Science: A Selective Bibliography. Denver: Colorado Bibliographic Institute, 1966.

A two-volume systematic guide and bibliography to political science. Although inclined in its subject coverage toward p o litic a l science, i t holds a surprising amount of anthropological material. Refer to the term "anthropology" in the table of 68

contents. Also, look at the section called "comparative p o litica l systems" in volume two. This has area studies of Asia, Australia, Latin America, India, Japan, China, Africa and the Middle East. Although the text and references are somewhat outdated, this guide is s t ill a helpful backup to anthropology research.

300.2541 L665a Leving, Herbert M. and Dolores B. Owen. An American Guide to British Social Science Journals. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976.

A guide intended for the American scholar or student embarked on a trip to the B ritish Isles. Chapter one deals with the planning of the journey and chapters two and three describe the research facilities. Use the subject index for anthropological material.

300.321 M681d 1979 M itchell, Geoffrey Duncan, ed. A New Dictionary of the Social Sci­ ences. New York: Aldine Publishing Company, 1979.

A specialized dictionary giving definitions of sociological and anthropological terms and also short biographies of important social .

300.5 S964a Sussman, Marvin B., ed. Author's Guide to Journals in Sociology and Related Fields. New York: Haworth Press, 1978.

A guide for prospective authors in sociology and related fields. Essential data about each journal are described. This includes the address where the manuscript is forwarded, major content areas, topics the editors prefer, inappropriate topics, author acceptance rates and other practical information for the would-be and/or established contributor. Consult the subject, t it le and keyword index for the anthropology journals.

300.5 X c m C. R. I. S.: The Combined Retrospective Index Set to Journals in Sociology. 1895-1974. Washington: Carrollton Press, 1978.

An index which is mainly sociologically oriented but holds occasional anthropological subjects. It indexes older works and the publisher describes i t as the "Great Leap Backward" in retrospective indexing of social science lite ra tu re . 69

300.7 S678 Social Science Curriculum Materials Data Book. Boulder, Colo.: Social Sciences Educational Consortium, 1971.

A three-volume, loose-leaf guide to social science curricula intended for elementary and high school teachers although some material can be used by college instructors. Has anthropology curriculum projects from the University of Georgia and the University of Chicago.

300.72 U58r United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Social Science Documentation Centre. Repertoire Mondial des Institutions de Science Sociales: Recherche. Formation Superieure. Documentation. Oroanismes Professionels/World Directory of Social Science Institutions: Research. Advanced Training. Documentation. Professional Bodies. Paris: Unesco 1977.

An international directory of social science organizations. It lacks a subject index so the user must search for institutions who have anthropological connections. Refer to the codification key on page ix for a better understanding of the components of the listed organizations. Mainly in English, some sections in French.


301 X 161 International Bibliography of Sociology. Bib!ioqraphie Internationale de Sociologie. Paris: Unesco, 1957-

A continuing subject bib!iography. Most citations are sociolog­ ically-oriented but anthropology material is in section 13 under the terms "culture", "" and "social life". Also see the topics "cults", "magic and primitive religion" and "customs and traditions".

301 X 1612 International Bibliography of Social and Cultural Anthropologv/Bib- 1ioqraphie Internationale d'Anthroooloqie Sociale et Culturalle. Paris: Unesco, 1955-

An important continuing bibliography on social and that "constitutes. . . the most complete means to obtain global information about the previous year's publications" in this discipline. Archaeology, physical anthropology and linguistics are also represented. See the subject index and the classification scheme to access the sequentially numbered cita­ 70

tions. Books, as well as journals, are indexed. This a major reference and research tool for anthropology and is worth exam­ ination. In English and French.

301 X K26c Kessing, Felix Maxwell. Culture Change; An Analysis of Anthro­ pological Sources to 1952. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1953.

A bibliography devoted to culture change. The author states that "this analysis and bibliography of. . . culture in its time­ dimensional aspects is essentially a work tool". Its purpose is "to reveal. . . the development of theory and method. . . and also give access to significant case materials in regional cross-cultural contexts". It has two parts, an in-depth, histor­ ical analysis of culture change, and a chronological bibliography from 1864-1952. The abbreviations lis t on pp. 97-103 w ill aid in decoding the chronologies.

301 X Ml14g McCalib, Patricia. Guide to Reference Materials in Anthropology in the Library of the University of B ritish Columbia. Vancouver: U. B. C. Library, 1968.

An insightful survey of reference material at a major Canadian university. McCalib says that social and cultural anthropology are stressed and "materials dealing with linguistics, physical anthropology, archaeology, folklore, and mythology are excluded".

301 X M271r Mandelbaum, David Goodman, Gabriel W. Lasker and Ethel M. Albert, eds. Resources for the Teaching of Anthropology. Berkely, Calif.: University of California Press, 1963.

A guide and survey about the teaching of anthropology. The in itia l eighty pages are on pedagogical factors. The remaining text is a lis t of books and periodicals for college libraries.

301 X Q1 Quarterly Checklist of Ethnology & Sociology. An International Index of Current Books. Monographs. Brochures & Separates. East Northport, N.Y.: American Bibliographic Service, 1959-1975.

A booklist arranged alphabetically by author surname. Neither annotated nor critiqued. Lacks a subject index. International in scope. Ceased in 1975. 71

301 X S678 Sociological Abstracts. San Diego, Calif.: Sociological Abstracts, Inc., 1953-

One of the major social science indexes. Each citation is annotated and the contents described. Anthropological material included covers social anthropology, ethnology and some lin ­ guistics and archaeology. See the table of contents under section 0500 (culture and social structure). Look especially under subsection 14 (social anthropology & ethnology). Refer to the subject index for wider anthropological coverage.

301.018 R968w Taylor, Charles Lewis and Michael C. Hudson. World Handbook of P olitical and Social Indicators. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univer­ sity Press, 1972.

A p o litic a l science handbook attempting a cross-cultural compar­ ison using p o litic a l and social variables. I t is replete with charts, graphs and tabular material. Generally not of interest to anthropologists but there are a few pages on ethnolinguistic homogeneity (pp. 214-17) and some tables on ethnic and lin g u istic fractionalization (pp. 271-74).

301.03 D255d Davies, David Michael. A Dictionary of Anthropology. New York: Crane, Russak, 1972.

An alphabetically arranged dictionary of anthropology terms and definitions. It is useful, but there are some omissions. For instance, the terms "horde" and "" are defined but the term "band" is excluded.

301.03 H838d Houldt, Thomas Ford. Dictionary of Modern Sociology. Totowa, N.J.: L ittle fie ld Adams, 1969.

A social science dictionary having anthropological terms inter­ spersed throughout the text.

301.03 W772d Dictionary of Anthropology. Totowa, N.J.: Littlefield Adams, 1968.

A small but concise dictionary which defines terms in anthropology and its sub-disciplines. Has brief biographical references to the early figures of anthropology, "those who made th e ir major contribution by 1940". 72

301.05 A164 Abstracts in Anthropology. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Periodicals, 1970- .

A continuing and important bibliography covering all aspects of anthropology. The abstracts are to-the-point and explanatory. Has author and subject indexes. Each subject commences with theoretical, methodological and general sections and then covers specific geographical areas.

301.05 X A628 Anthropological Literature. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Redgrave Publishing Co., 1979-

An index to journal articles and essays in anthropology and its sub-disciplines. It is compiled by the Tozzer Library, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. In paper format up to 1984 and thereafter in microfiche format. The microfiche has subject indexes, a service noticeably lacking in the paper copies. The citations are brief and unannotated. Because of its comprehensiveness, Anthropological Literature is a formidable research tool.

301.05 X R888a Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Library. Anthropological Index to Current Periodicals in the Library in the Roval Anthropological In s titu te . London: 1974-

An in-depth and highly valuable index to international anthro­ pology sources. Indexes periodicals held in the Museum of Mankind and the former Royal Anthropological Institute Library. Covers archaeology, , physical anthropology, ethnography, lin g u istics, cultural anthropology and human biology. It is arranged by geographical areas and subject content. One serious drawback is the lack of a means to decipher journal title abbreviations.

301.06 A512 i American Anthropological Association. Cumulative Index. American Anthropologist and Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association. Washington: 1971.

A five-volume subject and author index to the major journal, the American Anthropologist and includes both the old and new series of this title . Also indexes material from the memoirs of the American Anthropological Association. The 73

f ir s t two volumes of this index gives citations from Current Anthropological Literature, a title issued during 1912-1913.

301.072 M167L McMillan, Patricia and James R. Kennedy. Library Research Guide to Sociology: Illustrated Search Strategy and Sources. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Press, 1981.

A lib ra ry guide for undergraduate and graduate students. Has library search strategies and practical exercises to test know­ ledge of library usage. Cultural anthropology references are on p. 52.

301.01 X M878c Morrison, Denton E. and Kenneth E. Hornback. Behavior: A Bibliographv. New York: Garland Publishing, 1976.

A bibliography on collective behavior. It is the author's hope that i t "w ill be useful to those seeking a foothold on the literature dealing with specific collective behavior events". Anthropologists and students will find scattered material in the subject-title index and sequentially numbered bibliography. A subject sampling shows data on peyote cults, ghost dance religion, anthropology and , and glossolalia (tongue speak­ ing).

301.203 E56 Hunter, David E. and P h illip Whitten, eds. Encyclopedia of Anthro­ pology. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.

An illu stra ted encyclopedia of anthropology giving the user informative definitions and biographies. Articles are signed and cross-referenced. The editors, advisors and contributors are anthropologists or academics from related disciplines. It is "a compact, comprehensive accessible reference work devoted to the field of anthropology".

301.3 X W973 Winton, Harry M. Man and the Environment: A Bibliography of Selected Publications of the United Nations System. 1946-1971. New York: UNIPUB, 1972.

A bibliography of man and his environment. There is no common access point to the materials so browsing is recommended. There are citations in the fe rtility section and in the human repro­ duction and population genetics section that are anthropologically-oriented. They deal with culture and fe rtility 74

and the population genetics of human groups. Citations are annotated.

301.32 X D782w Driver, Edward D. World Population Policy; An Annotated Bibliography. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1972.

A well-researched, annotated bibliography on world population policy. It is sectioned into material about "policies and f e r t ilit y and family size" and data on "general population policies". Anthropology material is clearly evident, although the gist of the literature concerns policies. Covers from 1940-1969.

301.321 X P853s Freedman, Ronald. The Sociology of Human F e rtility : An Annotated Bib!iooraphv. New York: Irvington Publishers, 1975.

An annotated, subject bibliography on human f e r t ilit y . Use the classification system on pp. 28-33 to locate ethnological works. See section VII, especially subsection G (general cultural values and other cultural tra its ) and subsection D (ethnic, regional and racial classifications). Has a geographical index.

301.329 M142a McEvedy, Colin and Richard Jones. Atlas of World Population History. New York: Penguin, 1978.

A historical population atlas in book format. Geographically and chronologically arranged. Gives a historical perspective of current world population configurations (as of 1978). Graphs and maps are prevalent, although there is a fa ir amount of text.

301.36098 X S117L Sable, Martin Howard. Latin American Urbanization: A Guide to Literature, Organizations, and Personnel. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1971.

A bibliography on urbanization in Latin America. Composed of numbered citations arranged by subject and geographical area. Look in the sections on urban history (including social life and customs), social change, and rural-urban migration. There are anthropological citations in this work to warrant the user's attention. 75

301.412 X W8713 Rosenberg, Marie Barovic and Lon V. Bergstrom, eds. Women and Society. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1975-1978.

A two-volume, topically arranged bibliography holding more than 6,000 citations. Its "main purpose is to guide interested readers to the best works in which they can pursue in detail any subject pertaining to women". Refer to the subject index and table of contents for best access to the contents. Note in particular the section called "Women in anthropology". Recommended for its variety and completeness.

301.41205 W8722 Women Studies Abstracts. New York: Rush, 1975-

An ongoing index about a ll aspects of women. Has an annual subject index. Use the subject approach to fa c ilita te searching for anthropological citations. Article citations are abstracted.

301.412062 W872 Women's Organizations & Leaders Directory. Washington: Today Pub­ lications and News Service, 1978-

A directory of women's organizations. Use the subject index to locate anthropologists, anthropology organizations and addresses.

301.4157 X P244h Parker, William. Homosexuality: A Selective Bibliography of over 30.000 Items. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1971.

A selective bibliography on homosexuality. Citations are listed numerically and by type of literature. Look in the subject index under the heading "anthropological and sociological aspects and factors" of homosexuality.

301.42014 G647s Goode, William Josiah, Elizabeth Hopkins, and Helen M. McClure. Social Systems and Family Patterns. A Propositional Inventory. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1971.

A valuable compendium of materials on social systems and family patterns. The authors state that by "going through the literature on the family we simply extracted all the propositions in which at least one of the variables was a family variable". Has a profusion of anthropological material on the family. An impres­ sive, specialized bibliography. 76

301.4284 X M155d McKenney, Mary. Divorce: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1975.

A selective bibliography on the subject of divorce. Material is mainly limited to the United States but there are occasional references to outside areas. Has a subject index.

301.435 X T255 Technical Bibliographies on Aging. Los Angeles: Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California, 1975.

A nine-volume bibliography on aging. The citations are primarily exerpted from gerontology and medical journals. Each volume is devoted to a specific topic on aging. Although the bulk of the material is on aging specifics in Western and industrial societies, there are enough citations on the cross-cultural aspects of aging and aging in traditional societies to warrant looking at this reference source.

301.45 X L8791 An Introduction to Materials for Ethnic Studies in the University of California Library. Los Angeles: 1970.

Described as "not a bibliography. . . nor. . . a complete record of a ll pertinent materials. . . merely an introduction, an attempt to identify relevant subject headings. . Anthropologists and anthropology students should refer to section V (American Indians) on pp. 124-25.


302.03 T388m Theodorson, Georgia and Achilles G. Theodorson. A Modern Dictionary of Sociology. New York: Crowell, 1969.

A dictionary devoted to sociology but "selecting concepts from related fields - such as cultural anthropology. . .". Most entries have cross-references to related topics. 77


303 G697d Gould, Julius and William L. Kolb, eds. A Dictionary of the Social Sciences. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1964.

A dictionary of the social sciences published under the auspices of Unesco. It is "designed to describe and define approximately 1,000 basic concepts used in the social sciences". Holds many anthropological terms. Has helpful cross-references. For example, the user is referred from "" to "nativism" to "".

303 161 S ills , David L., ed. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. New York: MacMillan, 1969-1979.

A massive, eighteen-volume encyclopedia of the social sciences. Each a rticle is signed and is accompanied by a bibliography. Highly recommended as a source for anthropological knowledge.

303.603 161 International Encyclopedia of Population. New York: Free Press, 1982.

An encyclopedia of aging. Its two volumes yield articles on applied anthropology. These topics range from paleodemographics to cultural factors affecting migration.


305 X U58L 1976 Liste Mondiale des Periodioue Specialises dans les Sciences Sociales - World List of Social Science Periodicals. 4th ed. Paris: Unesco, 1976.

An international lis t of social science periodicals. Look at the subject index for anthropology periodicals. In French.

305.4 X B193w Ballou, Patricia K. Women: A Bibliography of Bibliographies. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980.

A bibliography of bibliographies on women. See the anthropology sections on pp. 106-08 and the sociology section concerning Native American women, p. 119. Also look at the bibliographies on the 78

Third World, including Latin America, Africa, Asia and parts of Australia and New Zealand. Has both annotated and unannotated citations.

305.4 X S859w Stineman, Esther. Women's Studies: A Recommended Core Bibliography. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1979.

An impressive, critical bibliography on women's studies. Stine- man's work is distinguished by her meaningful annotations. Most of the anthropological material is on pp. 17-40.

305.4094 X F893w Frey, Linda, Marsha Frey and Joanne Schneider. Women in European History: A Select Chronological. Geographical, and Topical Bib!ioqraphv. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982.

A bibliography on women in European history. Has substantial anthropological material. The bulk of pertinent readings fa ll in the antiquity section on pp. 121-213. Much of this is devoted to classical studies, but there is enough material on women in primitive societies to warrant attention.

305.40973 X T327w Terris, Virginia R. Women in America: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1980.

This bibliography is part of the American Studies Information Guide Series. Lists book citations, journal articles, and microforms. See pp. 156-60 for anthropology citations.

305.40973 X W872 Women's History Sources: A Guide to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States. New York: Bowker, 1979.

A two-volume directory of institutions having women's history works in their collections. The subject index in volume two will lead to appropriate anthropology listin g s . Sources are annotated.

305.40973 X W731n Williamson, Jane. New Feminist Scholarship: A Guide to Bibliographies. Old Westbury, N.Y.: Feminist Press, 1979.

A bibliography describing bibliographies of interest to feminists and women in general. Has "391 bibliographies, resource lis ts and lite ra tu re reviews". Anthropology material is on p. 29. 79

305.42 X W291n Warren, Mary Anne. The Nature of Women: An Encyclopedia and Guide to the Literature. Inverness, C a lif.: Edge Press, 1980.

Warren mentions that "this book provides an overview of the considerable lite ra tu re , particulary from philosophy and the social sciences, on the nature of women". Anthropologist por­ traits and anthropological subjects are in the first part of the book. Anthologies and sourcebooks on anthropology are on pp. 513-17. Has a subject index.

305.6971 M897w Weekes, Richard V., ed. Muslim Peoples: A World Ethnographic Survey. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1984.

A very impressive two-volume survey of "some 190 ethnic and/or lin g u is tic groups" who are, for the most part, Muslims. B iblio­ graphies follow the descriptions. A contribution from more than 130 scholars.


306.4 X C988t C u tliffe , Stephen H. Technology and Values in American C ivilization: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1980.

A subject oriented guide to human values in technology. It is annotated. See the sections on selected anthropological and ethnic studies, pp. 220-33, industrial folklore, pp. 471-78, and the future, pp. 581-99. An example of its contents would be such a subject as the introduction of the snowmobile to Alaskan Eskimos.


306.8 X A364i Aldous, Joan and Reuben H ill. International Bibliography of Research in Marriage and the Family. Minneapolis: Family Study Center and the Institute of Life Insurance, 1976.

A computer-generated bibliography on marriage and the family. Key words from title s are liste d . For example, a word like "brideprice" can be related to an accompanying relevant coded term to get to the citations at the back of the book. 80

306.8 X 162 Inventory of Marriage and the Family Literature. St. Paul: University of Minnesota, 1975-

A very useful, unannotated bibliography on marriage and the family. Refer to the subject or keyword in t it le (KWIT) indexes to locate anthropology items. The best headings to look under are on marriage customs and forms, and on terminology.


309.148 X G874s Groennings, Sven. Scandinavia in Social Science Literature: An Enqlish-Lanquaae Bibliography. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1970.

A bibliography on Scandinavia in social science lite ra tu re . The section on sociology contains some solid anthropological data. For instance, there are several citations on the works of Frederik Barth, the Norwegian ethnographer. There is also a bibliography on the Lapplanders that contains numerous anthropological re f­ erences. Also, look at the history and folklore sections.

309.151 X S628m Skinner, George William, ed. Modern Chinese Society: An Analytical Bib!iooraohv. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1973.

A bibliography on modern China. Skinner and his associates state that "bibliographies for anthropologists cover Africa and Latin America as a matter of course, but not China. . . They have re ctified this circumstance through this analytical work. It is written in Western languages and covers the period from the mid-seventh century to the early 1970's. A quick glance at its contents brings up such subjects as lineages and clanships, kin terms and relationships, and regional and subethnic variations. This is a treasury of Chinese ethnological literature. Unfor­ tunately, the Mansfield Library possesses only volume one of a three-volume set.


314.2 W579a 1983 Whitaker's Almanack. London: 1983.

A B ritish almanac of facts and descriptions. Has short statements on recent work in English anthropology and archaeology. See the subject index for such terms as " societies", "archae­ 81

ology", "ethnography", and "chronological notes - human styles". Note pp. 1020-25.


320 X H737i Holler, Frederick L. The Information Source of Political Science. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: ABC-CLIO, 1971.

A directory of dictionaries, handbooks and bibliographies in p o litic a l science. Refer to the table of contents for anthro­ pology sources. Do not be deterred i f the subject is not readily noticeable. For instance, a title like Current Bibliography on African Affairs, one of the titles in this work, has a special section on anthropology. The user would not be aware of this unless he or she examined the citation closely.

320 X 1615 International P olitical Science Abstracts. Paris: Documentation Politique Internationale, 1951-

A continuing subject index of abstracts from political science journals and yearbooks. Contains works on applied anthropology as related to the p o litic a l context.

320 X U58b P olitical Science Abstracts. New York: IFI/Plenum, 1981- An ongoing set of abstracts on p o litica l science. Use the author and subject indexes to locate anthropological information. These are scattered but can be found under such terms as "anthropology" and "tribalism". Much of this type of material concerns applied anthropology.

320 X U582 United States P olitical Science Documents. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh in conjunction with the American Political Science Association, 1975-

A continuing annotated bibliography of documents on American P olitical Science. Holds a respectable share of anthropology citations. The user will find such subjects as acculturation, anthropological lin g u istic theory and archaeology. 82


325.26 X W926b Work, Monroe Nathan. A Bibliography of the Negro in Africa and America. New York: Octogon Books, 1965.

A reprint of the 1928 bibliography on blacks in Africa and America. It is "an effort to furnish. . . references to. . . all phases of the present day lif e of the Negro. . . and also to the anthropological and historical background of the same". Part one, which covers the Negro in Africa, has more anthropological information than part two on the Negro in America (with the exception of pp. 614-14, 637-59). An anthropological and his­ torical work from earlier times.

325.26 X N532d New York. Public Library. Schomburq Collection of Negro Literature and History. Dictionary Catalog. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1962.

A comprehensive nine-volume catalog of Black lite ra tu re and history from a special collection of one of the great libraries of the world. Its arrangement is by alphabet and consists of photographic reproductions of the subject catalog cards. Has a large number of anthropology subject headings.


327 X F714 Foreign Affairs Bibliography; A Selected and Annotated List of Books on International Relations. New York: Russell & Russell, 1919-1970.

A bibliography on international relations. Although there is a general scarcity of anthropological material, the user can locate scattered citations on village studies, field work results, and comparative . These are under the geographical section. Has no subject index.

327 X F7142 Foreign Affairs F ifty Year Bibliography; New Evaluations of Significant Books on International Relations. New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1972.

Can be used as a companion to the above t it le , Foreign Affairs Biblioqraphv. Refer to the geographical area studies section for anthropology book citations. 83

327 X Z39g Zawodny, Janusz Kazimierz. Guide to the Study of International Relations. San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Co., 1966.

A guide to international relations. Some descriptive annotations. Anthropology resources are on p. 22.

327.0904 X M399r Mason, John Brown. Research Resources: Annotated Guide to the Social Sciences. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: ABC-CLIO, 1968-

Two-volume guide to social science resources. Has b rief, descrip­ tive annotations. See volume one for anthropology and area studies.


330 X E19 Key to Economic Science and Managerial Sciences. The Hague, Neth.: Martinus N ijhoff, 1967-

These are abstracts to economics and . There is a preponderance of classical and neo-classical economic material but the user can find some citations concerning ethnographic, comparative and pre-capitalist economic lite ra tu re that w ill be of interest to anthropology students and researchers. Look at the social science section of each issue and use i t in conjunction with the subject index. Formerly called Economic Abstracts.

330 X 161 International Bibliography of Economics/Bib!iooraphie Internationale de Science Economioue. Paris: Unesco, 1954-

A continuing subject index of economic citations. Most of the material concerns industrial and state economics and macro­ economics. Refer to the economic a ctiv ity sections dealing with Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific. Look also at the economic prehistory and antiquities sections.

330.5 A521i American Economic Association. Index of Economic Journals. Homewood, 111.: R. D. Irwin, 1961- .

A subject index that is devoted to modern economic practice and theory. The user can extract material on peasant and pre- -industrial cultures and the economic data related to them. Also look at classification 0113 which describes the role of economics 84

to other disciplines. Refer to the sections on comparative economics and the economic histories of pertinent geographical areas.


331.702 E56 1975 The Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance. 3rd ed. Chicago: J. G. Ferguson Pub. Co., 1975.

A two-volume encyclopedia on employment opportunities. Oppor­ tunities for anthropologists are listed on pp. 21-25 of volume two. Outdated.


338.002573 C589p Clapp, Jane. Professional Ethics and Insignia. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1974.

A lis t of association and societies and their insignias. Has codes of ethics, constitutions and emblems. Anthropology so­ cieties are on pp. 85-87.

338.91 X G312n Geiger, Kent H. National Development. 1776-1966: A Selective and Annotated Guide to the Most Important Articles in English. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1969.

A qualitative, chronological bibliography on national development. Has a subject/author index which w ill lead to citations on anthropological articles on national development.

338.91 X R427d Requa, Eloise G. The Developing Nations: A Guide to Information Sources Concerning th e ir Economic. P o litica l. Technical, and Social Problems. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1965.

A subject bibliography about developing nations. I t is somewhat dated. The section on social development (pp. 139-57) w ill have some anthropological use, especially the subsection on social change. An indication of its outdatedness is the fact that Japan is referred to as a "semi-developed country". 85

340 -

340 X J17L 1969 Jacobstein, J. Myron, ed. Law Books in P rin t. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Glanville Publishers, 1971.

A bibliography of law books in print. Refer to the subject lists in volume two. Study the sections on indigenous (prim itive) law, law and society, and law in pertinent geographical areas. Many, i f not most, of the books are out-of-print.


341.1 X P355 Peace Research Journal. Clarkson, Ont.: Canadian Peace Research Institute, 1964-81.

A bibliography and compilation of books, papers, studies and journal a rticle citations on peace. Each citation has a synopsis of the work. See the section dealing with tension and con flict. Look at the subdivisions on trib a l warfare, biological basis of human conflict, social and cultural forces affecting conflict, and cross-national differences. Has a subject index and a coding manual which helps c la rify the concepts.

341.1058 Y39 Yearbook of International Organizations. 20th ed. Munich: Union of International Associations, 1983/84.

A three-volume directory of international associations. Its subject index will lead to appropriate anthropological inter­ national organizations.


360 X N277a Social Work Research and Abstracts. Albany, N.Y.: National Association of Social Workers, 1965-

Abstracts on research in social work. The user should refer to the related fields of knowledge section, in particular to the part dealing with sociology and anthropology. 86


363.69 X M346h Markowitz, Arnold L. Historic Preservation: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1980.

A bibliographic guide to sources on historic preservation. It is a compendium of many aspects of the subject. Chapter ten dis­ cusses preservation in anthropology, historic archaeology, indus­ tr ia l archaeology, and salvage archaeology.


364.05 A164 Criminology and Penology Abstracts. Amsterdam: Kugler Publications, 1975- .

An "international abstracting service covering the etiology of crime and juvenile delinquency, the control and treatment of offenders, criminal procedure, and the administration of justice". Refer to section 4.2 (cultural anthropology) for relevant journal abstracts. A b rie f examination of one of the issues uncovered a citation on Crow Indian justice on a Montana reservation.

364.973 X W859c Wolfgang, Marvin E., Robert M. Figlio, and Terence P. Thornberry. Criminology Index: Research and Theory in Criminology in the United States 1945-1972. New York: Elsevier, 1975.

A rather cumbersome and complicated two-volume index on crimin­ ology. See volume two, which has a confusingly labeled, subject-pared word index, to find anthropological terms on crime in primitive societies, cross-cultural aspects of crime and deviant behavior, and the sociology of crime.


370 X C976 Current Index to Journals in Education. New York: CCM Information Sciences, 1969-

A useful index of abstracts of education journals. Look at the subject, author, and contents indexes for anthropology terms. It is accompanied by a thesaurus of ERIC descriptors to make search­ ing easier. Has an ancillary computer database search service. 87

370 X E24 The Education Index. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1929-

A cumulative index of journal articles in education. Arranged by subject and author. Pertinent articles are on educational anthropology. There are some citations on archaeology as an aid to cross-cultural science educating.

370.014 T413 Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors. Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1984.

A thesaurus of terms accompanying the Current Index to Journals in Education.

370.3 E56 The Encyclopedia of Education. New York: MacMillan, 1971.

A ten-volume set of a rticle length descriptions of educational concepts. Use the subject volume to locate passages about educational anthropology, anthropology, and anthropology and education.

370.3 M753e 1982 Encyclopedia of Educational Research. New York: Free Press, 1982

A four-volume encyclopedia of lengthy, signed articles on educa­ tional research. Use the index volume to locate anthropological topics. Holds intelligently written and discerning articles on anthropology and education. Particularly look at the a rticle by Charles Harrington on pp. 132-37. This work has bibliographies after some articles.

370.58 X G945 Guide to American Educational Directories. New York: Todd Publi­ cations, 1963-

A guide to domestic educational directories. See p. 21 for anthropology and archaeology directories.

370.78 X C737 Complete Guide and Index to ERIC Reports: Thru December. 1969. Englewood C liffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1970.

A guide lis tin g microfiche numbers for research produced through the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) during 88

1960-69. The microfiche are in the Government Documents Depart­ ment at the Mansfield Library. Refer to the subject index for anthropology fiche numbers.


371.3078 B427c Belch, Jean. Contemporary Games: A Directory and Bibliography Covering Games and Play Situations or Simulations used for Instruction and Training by Schools. Colleges and Universities. Business and Management. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1973.

A guide to educational games. See anthropology/archaeology headings. Has games lik e "Potlach Package" (based on Kwaiciutl customs).

371.333 E25 Educator's Guide to Free Audio and Video Materials. Randolph, Wise.: Educator's Progress Service, 1955-

Annotated bibliography of free A/V materials. Has some anthro­ pology material, but not an overabundance. Latest edition is at the Instructional Materials Service (IMS).

371.3332 X 138 Index to Educational Records. Los Angeles: National Information Center for Educational Media, 1980.

An annotated guide to educational phonograph records. Refer to the subject section for records with an anthropological theme. These often are listed under the subject of sociology. See the section on Indians of North America. Latest edition is at IMS.

371.3333 X 138 . Index to Educational Audio Tapes. Los Angeles, National Center for Educational Media, 1980.

An annotated index to audio tapes. Many anthropology tapes are listed under sociology. See the subjects "Indians of North America", and "Archaeology". Latest edition is at IMS. 89


371.335 X A512fi American Library Association, Audio-visual Committee. Films for Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 1962.

Annotated lis t of films for library collections. See the titles under the subject of anthropology and under appropriate cultural groups and geographical areas.

371.335 X M928j Mountain Plains Educational Media Council. Joint Film Catalog, n.p., 1975.

A catalog of 16mm film annotations from the media centers of the Mountain Plains states (Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming, and Utah). See pp. 2-59 for a lis tin g of anthropology films and then turn to the title listings for descriptions.

371.335 X P252f Parlato, Salvatore J. Films Too Good for Words: A Directory of Nonnarrated 16mm Films. New York: Bowker, 1973.

An annotated bibliography of 16mm films which are without nar­ ration but not without sound. See section two (pp. 21-41), "other places, other customs", for anthropologically-related films.

371.3352 X 138 Index to Educational Overhead Transparencies. Los Angeles: National Information center for Educational Media, 1980.

An index to educational overhead transparencies. See the subject index to find anthropological subject transparencies. Latest edition at IMS.

371.33522 X E24 Educational Film Locator of the Consortium Film Centers. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1978.

A lis t of films in film centers. Use the subject/title/audience level index to locate the plethora of anthropological films within these pages. A bibliography that could be quite useful to an anthropology department using films as an instructive tool. 90

371.33522 X 1378 Index to Educational Slides. Los Angeles: National Center for Educational Media, 1980.

An annotated index to educational slides. Use the subject index for educational slides. Latest edition at IMS.

371.33522 X 138 Index to 35mm Educational Film S trips. Los Angeles: NICEM, 1980.

An annotated guide to 35mm film strips. Refer to the subject volume for access to anthropology and other areas. Latest edition at IMS.

371.33523 X 1378 Index to 8mm Motion Cartridges. Los Angeles: NICEM, 1980.

An annotated index to 8mm film cartridges. See the appropriate anthropology headings. Latest edition is at IMS.

371.33523 X 138 Index to 16mm Educational Films. Los Angeles: NICEM, 1980.

An index of 16mm film s. Has annotations. See the subject index in order to find anthropological films. Has annotations. Latest edition at IMS.

371.33523 X P252s Parlato, Salvatore T. Superfilms: An International Guide to Award-Winning Educational Films. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976.

A lis tin g of quality film s. It is annotated. Use the topical lis tin g to find anthropology films but be prepared to browse because not all films having anthropology as a subject are under that topic. For instance, the film River People of Chad (whose annotation indicated it has anthropological content), is listed under the subject of Africa.

371.3358 138 Index to Educational Videotapes. Los Angeles: NICEM, 1985.

An annotated index of educational videotape citations. See the subject index for anthropological material. A three-volume set. 91

371.355 E241 Educational Film Guide. 1943-1962. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1943-62.

A rather outdated guide to 16mm color and black/white film s. Has short annotations of film content. The subject index would be better utilized if it had cross-references to related topics. For instance, the film Hupa Indian White Deerskin Dance would have been more easily found i f i t had been cross-referenced to the subject "dance" or the subject "Hupa Indians". In this respect, i t is suggested that the user look at all of the listin g s in order not to miss an appropriate film annotation.

371.355 E242 1983 Educator's Guide to Free Films. Randolph, Wise.: Educator's Progress Service, 1983.

Described as "the only complete guide to a ll films available free of cost. . . throughout the United States". Short annotations accompany each film lis tin g . The films are from commercial companies, the U. S. m ilitary forces, and consuls and embassies of foreign countries. For instance, On the Track of the Boo People (found under "archaeology" in the subject index) is offered by the Royal Danish Consulate General. These films are geared toward use by educators and could be used by anthropology instructors.


371.425 X F731o 1971 Forrester, Gertrude. Occupational Literature: An Annotated B iblio­ graphy. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1971.

A bibliography which has, among other subjects, listings of archaeology and anthropology career resources.

371.425 X 015 Occupational Index. Jaffrey, N.H.: Personnel Services, Inc., 1969.

An outdated, annotated bibliography of career information. Contains scattered listin g s for those interested in anthropology as a profession. Might be useful to guidance counselors. 92


371.975 X M385a Martinez, Cecilia J. and James E. Heathman, comps. American Indian Education: A Selected Biblioaraphv. Las Cruces, New M.: New Mexico State University, 1969.

A selective and annotated subject bibliography of government documents from the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). Use the subject index to locate anthropological infor­ mation.


372.133 X B878c Brown, Lucy Gregor. Core Media Collection for Elementary Schools. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1978.

An annotated bibliography of core media for elementary school librarians and teachers. Includes film strips, kits, recordings, and several 16mm film s. Use the subject index to search for anthropology media.

373.133 X B878c 1979 Brown, Lucy Gregor. Core Media Collection for Secondary Schools. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1979.

Similar to the above bibliography except that it cites secondary school media material.


374 D598 Mann, Debra L. and Grace E. Hooper, eds. Directory of Undergraduate Internships: A Nationwide Guide to Internship Opportunities for Undergraduate Students. Washington: National Center for Intern­ ships and Experimental Education, 1980.

A guide and directory of internship information. There is a lis tin g for the Anthropology Research Center, Inc. and its summer internship program. This is listed on pp. 88-89. This work te lls who to contact, number of interns accepted, source of funds, objectives, placement rates, renumeration, and other data on the programs. 93

374.402573 J54c Jensen, Jo. College by Mail. New York: Arco, 1972.

A directory of "sixty-four major colleges and universities in the United States offering opportunities for correspondence study". Refer to the subjects "anthropology" and "archaeology" in the undergraduate and graduate credit sections and then turn to pp. 11-18 to locate the schools offering courses.


378 A513 American Universities and Colleges. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1983.

A work offering vital statistics on American colleges and univer­ sitie s . Look under the sections called "degree programs offered", departments and teaching sta ff", and "distinctive educational programs" to glean data on anthropology studies.

378 X C598c Clapp, Jane. College Textbooks: A Classified Listing of 9.500 Text­ books in 36 Colleges. Coded to show most Frequently Used Texts and Texts Used in General Courses, and in Several Departments of Instruction. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1965.

A lis t of textbooks. Anthropology textbooks are on pp. 339-47. See the section on pp. 210-19 for Oriental and Near Eastern studies. An outdated book, but many of the books are authorita­ tive and several are in anthropology.

378.003 161 The International Encyclopedia of Higher Education. San Francisco: Josey-Bass, 1977.

A ten-volume encyclopedia about higher education. International in scope. See p. 4668 in the subject index of volume ten to locate articles on anthropology and archaeology. These d is c i­ plines are described pedagogically.

378.00621 A512 i International Directory for Educational Liaison. Washington: American Council on Education, Overseas Liaison Committee, 1973.

A directory describing non-profit international education foun­ dations, academic centers, and social research organizations. Use 94

the subject index to locate anthropological and archaeological institutions.

378.058 161 International Handbook of Universities. Paris: International Association of Universities, 1959-

An international handbook covering information on universities from Afghanistan to Zaire. Lacks a subject index so the user has to search for universities offering anthropology courses.


378.1552 G761g 1980 Gourman, Jack. The Gourman Report: A Rating of Undergraduate Programs in American and International Universities. 4th ed. Los Angeles: National Education Standards, 1980.

A c ritic a l and qualitative rating of undergraduate programs in the United States and around the world. I t uses twelve c rite ria to determine the academic quality of a school. Refer to the suitable anthropology disciplines. The objectivity of this work has been questioned.

378.1553 A512g A Guide to Graduate Study; Programs Leading to the Ph.D. Degree. Washington: American Council on Education, 1957-

A handbook covering graduate programs leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Refer to the subject index for anthropology programs. Somewhat outdated.

378.1553 C328a Cartter, Allen Murray. An Assessment of Quality in Graduate Education. Washington: American Council on Education, .1966.

A survey on excellence in graduate education. Programs are rated: distinguished, strong, good and adequate plus. Faculty ratings are: extremely attractive, attractive, acceptable plus. Anthro­ pology on pp. 3233. 95

378.1553 G716g Gourman, Jack. The Gourman Report; A Rating of Graduate and Profes­ sional Programs in American and International U niversities. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: National Education Standards, 1983.

A c ritic a l survey of the quality of United States and world graduate programs. It uses eleven c rite ria to determine the school's ranking on a scale of excellence. See the fittin g anthropological disciplines. Gourman's methodology has been called into question.

378.1553 G7325 Graduate Programs and Admission Manual. Princeton, N.J.: Graduate Record Examinations Board, 1972-

A rather outdated but p a rtia lly useful compendium of tabular data on U. S. graduate programs. See section D (social sciences), pp. 23-27, for anthropology comments.

378.1553 P485 Annual Guide to Graduate Study. Princeton, N.J.: Peterson's Guides, Inc., 1986.

A five-volume guide to graduate studies. Look in book 2 (human­ ities and social sciences), section 32, for anthropology and archaeology programs.

378.1553 T659g Tomlinson, James Christopher, ed. Guide to Graduate Studies in Great B rita in . New York: APS Publications, 1974.

A subject guide to academic programs at British universities. Gives fundamental, but essential, information for the prospective student. Anthropology and archaeology references are on pp. 1-15. Refer also to the appropriate language and regional studies programs.


378.2 X C738 Comprehensive Dissertation Index 1861-1972. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Xerox University Microfilms, 1973.

A thirty-seven-volume index of titles of doctoral dissertations accepted in American and Canadian universities. Volumes 33-37 are author indexes. The other volumes are by subject. See volume 17 96

for listin g s on anthropology, archaeology, folklore and related subjects.

378.2 X C738 suppl. Comprehensive Dissertation Index. Supplement. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Xerox University Microfilms, 1973-

An index that supplements and updates the above t it le .

378.2 X D613 Dissertation Abstracts International. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Xerox University Microfilms, 1951-

An important annotated subject bibliography of doctoral dis­ sertations. These have been "accepted by North American institutions and other institutions throughout the world". Anthropology dissertations (including physical anthropology) are in the volumes marked with the letter A (humanities and social sciences). Some dissertations on anthropological linguistics can also be found in the general linguistics pages.

378.2 X D637 Doctoral Dissertations accepted bv American Universities 1933/34-1954/55. New York: H. W. Wilson, Co., 1955.

A bibliographic index of doctoral dissertations. See the social science sections for anthropology dissertations. Look at the humanities sections for archaeology dissertations. Has twenty-two volumes covering a twenty-two year period.

378.2 X M423 Masters Abstracts: Abstracts of Selected Masters Theses on Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms, 1962-

A subject lis t of masters theses. Cumulated subject and author indexes are at the end of each volume. There is a descriptive abstract on each thesis. Look under anthropology and other related areas but be aware that other subject areas will offer usable material. As an example, a thesis entitled The Cultural Context of Incised Lines in Wooden Eskimo Masks was located under the subject of fine arts. 97

378.2 X M4233 Master's Theses in the Arts and Social Sciences. Cedar Falls, la .: Research Publications, 1976-

A subject arranged lis t of theses in arts and social sciences. Indexes theses from American and Canadian universities. See the table of contents for locating appropriate anthropology works. Be sure not to neglect related areas. For instance, looking under the subject of religion will bring up theses on semiotics or fo lk lo re .


378.3 A615 Annual Register of Grant Support. Los Angeles: Academic Media, 1969-

An annual directory of funding sources. See the anthropology/sociology section. Gives type of grant, purpose, e lig ib ility requirements, application deadlines, and amounts awarded. This t it le supersedes Grant Data Quarterly.

378.3 S338d 1982 Schlachter, Gail Ann. Directory of Financial Aids for Women. 2nd ed. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: Reference Service Press, 1982.

A directory described as "a lis tin g of scholarships, fellowships, loans, grants, awards, and internships designed primarily or exclusively for women. . .". Use the subject index to locate those benefits dealing with anthropology and related areas.

378.3 S933 Study Abroad. Etudes a 1'etranaer. Estudios en al Extran.iero. Paris: Unesco, 1949-

A multilingual guide to study in foreign lands. Refer to the subject index for schools offering anthropology programs. Has useful information on requirements, fees, yearly duration of study and other data. In English, French and Spanish.

378.34 G764 The Grants Register. Chicago: St. James Press, 1969-

A guide to grants. Arranged alphabetically and numerically. Has anthropology grants. See the subject index. 98


378.41 P949b Priestly, Barbara, comp. B ritish Qualifications: A Comprehensive Guide to Educational. Technical. Professional, and Academic Qualifications in Great B rita in . London: House & Maxwell, 1978.

A lis t of professional and academic qualifications for those thinking of matriculating at B ritish universities and schools. Use the general index for locating anthropology qualifications.

378.42 C734 Commonwealth Universities and Yearbook. London: Association of Commonwealth Universities, 1959-

A four-volume yearbook and directory of B ritish Commonwealth universities. The general index w ill show schools offering anthropology courses and conferring degrees in the subject.

378.52058 J35J Japanese Universities and Colleges with Ma.ior Research In stitu te s. Tokyo: Japanese Overseas Advertiser Co., 1963.

An older, and perhaps outdated, directory of Japanese university research centers. Look at the section classifying universities by faculty and department in order to excerpt anthropology research programs.

378.73 C697 The College Blue Book. Yonkers-on Hudson, N.Y.: Burkel, 1923-

A five-volume set of data on American colleges. Lists narrative, tabular, subject, and scholarship information. It is quite helpful in locating universities offering anthropology degrees.


391 X H644b Hiler, H ilaire and Meyer H iler, comps. Bibliography of Costume: A Dictionary Catalog of about Eight Thousand Books and Periodicals. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1939.

A bibliography on costume that encompasses a pot pourri of material. Its sources include "books, periodicals, and portfolios of plates dealing with dress, jewelry, and decoration of the body, 99

in general, and for specific occasions of all countries, times and peoples". The bibliography has extensive material relating to anthropology and ethnology. A minor irrita n t are the misleading cross-references. For instance, the user is referred from the term "Sioux Indians" to the term "Dakota Indians", to the term "Indians of North America - Dakota Indians". This tends to get a bit confusing. Never-the-less, the source provides insight to the cultural aspects of personal a ttire . The opening statement is worth reading.

391 X M752c suppl. Monro, Isabel Stevenson and Kate M. Monro, eds. Costume Index: A Sub.iect Index to Plates and to Illustrated Text. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1957.

A supplement index to the main index. Unfortunately, the Mans­ fie ld Library lacks the main index. The one we have is illu s ­ trated, international in scope, and holds anthropological material on costumes. Entry is by subject. It is essential to use the lis t of books indexed (pp. 191-210) in order to decode the bibliographical citations.


398 X A164 Abstracts of Folklore Studies. Philadelphia: American Folklore Society, 1963-1975.

A thirteen-volume set of folklore abstracts from around the world. Journals are the main type of lite ra tu re being abstracted. This work has scholarly contributions ranging from references to symbolic gestures in lite ra tu re to critiques on Aztec hymns. Subject indexes follow each volume with the exception of volume thirteen.

398 X B721b Bonser, Wilfred. A Bibliography of Folklore, as Contained in the First Eighty Years of the Publications of the Folklore Society. London: W. Glaisher, 1961.

A slim bibliography of folklore holding quite a varied number of title s on the subject. This work has citations predominately from the British Isles but there are some selections from other areas. Separate author and subject indexes provide access to the con­ tents. The classification system beginning each volume is es­ pecially helpful. By using these finding aids, the user can specify folk lite ra tu re concerning aspects of humankind - the 100

couvade for example - and locate citations by means of the consecutive numbers where the material is entered.

398 X D914g Dundes, Alan. Folklore Theses and Dissertations in the United States. Austin, Tex.: University of Texas Press, 1976.

A chronological and author entry bibliography of folklore theses and dissertations coming from American universities. They cover work done from 1869-1968. Refer to the subject index (pp. 341-481) for precise key words and concepts. A very valuable bibliography for the use of folklorists and anthropologists.

398 X E13i Eastman, Mary Huse. Index to Fairy Tales. Myths, and Legends. Boston: The Boston Book Company, 1915.

A compendium of terms and a bibliography of books on fa iry tales and the mythological genre. Refer to the t it le or subject and find the notation of the book in which the tale appears. Then turn to the appropriate page to get a full bibliographic des­ cription of the source. Later supplements of this work are edited by Norma 01 in Ireland and bring i t up to the year 1977.

398 X H427b Haywood, Charles. A Bibliography of North American Folklore and Folksong. New York: Greenberg, 1951.

A comprehensive bibliography of folklore, ethnomusicology, and anthropology. I t has two parts, each having subject and author entries. Part one is on the American people north of Mexico. Part two has information on the American Indians north of Mexico. A bibliography of Murdock's culture areas are included in part two. To use this work effectively, the user must refer to the key to abbreviations in the front of the book and to the subject index in the back.

398.012 T476m Thompson, Stith. Motif-Index of Folk Literature: A Classification of Narrative Elements in Folktales. Ballads. Mvths. Fables. Mediaeval Romances. Exempla, Fabliaux. Jest-Books, and Local Legends. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1955-58.

A scholarly and fascinating six-volume index of folk lite ra tu re . Reference to the motif or theme in the index volume directs the user to the suitable alphabetical volume for directions to the source of the folk tale. For instance, the tale that is title d Hornbill Borrows Tomtit's B ill refers to the symbol A2241.9. The 101

user then turns to the volume having the le tte r "A" and refers to the A2241.9. There i t shows that the story is in a book written by Smith and Dale. Reference should then be made to the b ib lio ­ graphy in the beginning of volume one to get the fu ll citation, "Smith, E. W. and Dale, A. The Ila-Speakina People of Northern Rhodesia, vol.2". In addition, it is possible to bypass the subject and turn directly to the folk or mythological motif. The user can do this by referring to the general synopsis of motifs in the f ir s t volume. As an example, using the story of the hornbill, the motif would be under the heading "animal characteristics: borrowing and not returning". The Motif-Index of Folk Literature is a cumbersome work to use but information and knowledge gained from its pages far outweigh that d iffic u lty .

398.03 B423W 1974 B eitl, Richard. Morterbuch der Deutschen Volkskunde. Stuttgart, Ger.: Kroner, 1974.

A foreign language folklore encyclopedia. I t is concerned mainly with Teutonic folklore. In German.

398.03 F982 Funk & Waonalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore. Mythology, and Legend. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1949.

A two-volume encyclopedic dictionary of folklore. It has a distinguished lis t of contributors including George Foster and Melville Herskovits. It is quite comprehensive (the section dance by its e lf runs to nineteen pages) and is anthropologically- oriented.

398.0973 H236 Dorson, Richard M., ed. Handbook of American Folklore. Bloomington, Ind.: University of Indiana Press", 1983.

A valuable group of essays for the aspiring folklorist. It is well-written and meant to be read, not merely consulted. Dorson sees i t as "an introduction to American folklore as i t has been studied in America". Consists of four parts: interpretation of research, methods of research, topics of research, and presenta­ tion of research. An interesting book and a joy to read. 102

398.0973 X F583a Flanagan, Cathleen C. and John T. Flanagan. American Folklore: A Bibliography. 1950-1974. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977.

A small bibliography of American folklore. Topics range from "work and play on a border ranch" to "structural analysis of North American trickster tales". Has much anthropological data.

398.203 E61 Enzvklopadie des Marchens: Hand Worterbuch zur Histor. u. Verqleichen- den Erzahloforschuna. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1972-

An uncompleted four-volume encyclopedia of myths, legends, and narratives. Has scattered anthropological material. In German.

398.362 H285m Harley, Timothy. Moon Lore. Rutland, Vt.: E. E. Tuttle, 1970.

A book about the earth's moon. Includes elaborations of human interpretations of spots on the moon, moon worship, moon super­ stitions, and stories of moon habitation. Has a cross-cultural emphasis.


400 M513L 1952 M eillet, Antoine. Les Lanques du Monde, par un Groupe des Linauistes sous la Direction de A. M eillet et Marcel Cohen. Paris: Centre National de la Recherches Scientifiques, H. Champion Depositaire, 1952.

This work discusses languages and lin g u is tic around the world. It contains an index of languages and bibliographies. There are lin g u istic atlases in the pocket within the back cover of the book. Has enough data on anthropological linguistics to warrant attention. In French.

400 X LI11 LLBA: Language and Language Behavior Abstracts. New York: Appleton- Century-Crofts, 1967-

A continuing, quarterly issued publication holding abstracts of language and language behavior. 103

400 X P451b Bibliographie Linauistiaue. Utrecht, Neth.: Spectrum, 1939-47-

An annual bibliography of linguistics which draws on a large assortment of scholarly periodicals. Has article citations ranging from general works to pieces on creolized languages. The sections on Asian, African, and American languages have anthro­ pological relevance. Use the key to decipher the abbreviations of the journal title s in the bibliography.


401.2 V872c Voeglin, Charles Frederick and F. M. Voeglin. Classifications and Index of the World's Languages. New York: Elsevier, 1972.

This reference source classifies, indexes, and identifies the languages of the world. Has a wealth of anthropological in fo r­ mation. I t is compiled by lin g u istic anthropologists (the Voeglins') and is dedicated to major figures in anthropological linguistics (Boas, Sapir, and Bloomfield).


403 H229g 1966 Hamp, Eric P. A Glossary of American Technical Linguistic Usage. 1925-1950. Utrecht, Neth.: Het Spectrum, 1966.

A glossary of defined terms in American lin g u is tic usage. Has value for students unfamiliar with lin g u is tic terminology.

403 P377d Pei, Mario Andrew and Frank Gaynor. A Dictionary of Linguistics. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954.

A dictionary of linguistical terms which are cross-referenced with other definitions. Useful for quick reference.

404 P377g Pei, Mario Andrew. Glossary of Linguistic Terminology. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946.

A lis t of terms used in linguistics. The glossary is composed of brief definitions and explanations. There are cross-references to other terms. Useful for quick reference by undergraduates. 104


405 X M689m MLA Directory of Periodicals: A Guide to Journals and Series in Languages and Literatures. New York: Modern Language Association, 1979- .

A guide to journals dealing with languages and literatures. Gives journal titles, addresses, editors, subscription data, and submission requirements. There are anthropology and anthro­ pologically related journals in this guide.

405.8 Y39 The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies. London: Oxford University Press, 1931-

An annual survey of modern language studies. Gives contributions, impressions, reviews, and comments by experts in the fie ld . The user can find terms such as "anthropology", "folklore", and "witchcraft" in the subject indexes of the volumes, but not with great regularity. S till, diligent digging will unearth critical comments relating to the anthropological aspects of language studies.


407 X L287 Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1968-1981.

A fourteen-volume set of abstracts on general and applied l i n ­ guistics and the teaching of languages in European schools. There are occasional abstracts of journal articles on subjects like Creole languages or non-European languages. Look at the sections on studies of particular languages and on .


410.3 S818c Steible, Daniel J. Concise Handbook of Linguistics. A Glossary of Terms. New York: Philosophical Library, 1967.

A glossary of basic linguistical terms. 105


413 X Z39b Zaunmuller, Wolfram. Bibliooraphisches Handbuch der Sprachworterbucher ein Internationales Verzeichnis von 5600 Sprachen und Dialekie. Stuttgart, Ger.: A. Hiersemann, 1958.

An annotated dictionary of language dictionaries. The languages are alphabetically arranged. There is a language/geographic index in the back. This bibliography will help anthropologists and students locate pertinent linguistical works. Annotations are critical in content.


414.09 B615 A Biographical Dictionary of the Phonetic Sciences. New York: Press of Lehman College, 1977-

A biographical dictionary of specialists in languages, phonology, and speech. Has a fa ir source of information but there is some unevenness to it . For instance, rig h tly has several pages devoted to his linguistical accomplishments, but a major figure like C. G. Voeglin is short-shrifted by receiving only cursory attention.


417.2 X R366b Reinecke, John E. and David DeCamp. A Bibliography of Pidgin and Creole Languages. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1975.

A language bibliography hailed as "the most complete and authori­ tative collection of materials on pidgin and creole languages ever published". Books and journals are listed. There is also a section of sign language. Searching is made easier by using the subject, author, and contents pages. An impressive, scholarly e ffo rt. Of value to lin g u istic anthropology. 106


418 X W319d Dictionary Catalog of the Library of the Center for Applied Lin­ g u istics. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974.

A dictionary catalog of applied linguistics. The user can look up information by author or subject within this alphabetically arranged work. This four-volume catalog has many citations on applied anthropological linguistics.


497.3 H586d Hess, Thom. Dictionary of Puget Salish. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976.

A dictionary covering the Native American language as spoken around the Puget Sound and Seattle, Washington, areas. The contents are "only a small part of the total vocabulary" but the work appears well-researched. Contains an English index.

497.303 E58 Enalish-Chevenne Student Dictionary. Lame Deer, Mont.: Language Research Department of the Northern Cheyenne T itle VII ESES Bilingual Program, 1976.

An English-Cheyenne dictionary developed primarily for students. Appears to be a good in itia l source to develop a fundamental Cheyenne vocabulary.

497.5 A376d Alexander, J. P., comp. A Dictionary of the Cherokee Indian Language. Sperry, Okla: 1971.

An English-Cherokee, Cherokee-English dictionary. Alexander dedicates this book to Levi G ritts, a Cherokee Indian who "compiled and translated most of the words in this work". 107

497.5 B928d Beuchel, Eugene. A Dictionary of the Teton Dakota Sioux Language: Lakota-Enqlish. English-Lakota. with Considerations Given to Yankton and Santee. Pine Ridge, S.Dak.: Red Cloud Indian School, Holy Rosary Mission, 1970.

A Lakota-English and a English-Lakota dictionary. It was started in 1910 by the Jesuit priest Eugene Beuchel (named "Black Eagle" by the Sioux). I t is described as being the "largest and most complete collection of its kind in the world". See the Lakota grammar summary on p. 25.

497.5 G762 1971 Grant, Paul Warcloud. Sioux Indian Dictionary: Over 4.000 Words. Pronunciations at a Glance. 2nd ed. Pierre, S. Dak.: State Publishing Co., 1971.

An English-Sioux dictionary. Aside from the text, the user w ill find translations of the Dakota winter count (calendar) and descriptions of the Sioux reservations in North Dakota and South Dakota.


499 X K65b K1ieneberger, H. R. Bibliography of Oceanic Linguistics. London: Oxford University Press, 1957.

An impressive and scholarly bibliography on Oceanic languages. It delineates Polynesian, Micronesian, Melanesian, and Papuan languages. Refer to the language index and the table of contents for direct access to the anthropological material.

499.211321 R175t Ramos, Teresita V. Taqaloq Dictionary. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1971.

A dictionary of the Austronesian language known as Tagalog. Tagalog is one of the languages spoken in the Philippines. This work is a compilation of "4,000 Tagalog roots, affixes, stems, compounds, and idioms". Arranged alphabetically with the Tagalog term on the le ft side of the page and its English equivalent on the right hand side of the page. 108


500 X B646m Bledsoe, Barton. Master's Theses in Science. Washington: Biblio Press, 1954.

Master's theses by author, title and institution. See entry numbers 665-704 for anthropology theses.

500 X D285a 1970 Deason, Hilary J., ed. The AAAS Science Book L is t. 3rd ed. Washing­ ton: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1970.

A "related and annotated lis t of science. . . books for high school students and college undergraduates." See the table of contents for anthropology listin g s .

500 X D285g Deason, Hilary J., ed. A Guide to Science Reading. New York: New American Library, 1964.

Annotated guide lis tin g descriptions of science books. See pp. 131, 137-46 for anthropology books. Note the essay on human sciences on p. 38. It was co-authored by Margaret Mead.

500 X 161 International Catalogue of Scientific Literature 1901-1914. Metuchen, N.J.: M iniprint Corp., 1969.

A reprint of a scie n tific catalog. I t is published in several parts. Part P is devoted to physical anthropology but has a substantial number of citations on ethnological and archaeological subjects. Look closely at the instruction on the use of Part P. A comprehensive work providing lite ra tu re from the period when anthropology was a fa irly young science. Highly recommended for its authority and its historical value.

500 X M515b Meisel, Max. A Bibliography of American Natural History: The Pioneer Century 1769-1865. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Premier Publishing Co., 1924.

A three-volume bibliography of American natural history from 1769-1865. Although its purpose is the "increase of knowledge of American botany, geology, mineralogy, paleontology, and zoology", there is a good amount of citations on anthropology and related areas. A small portion of these citations are found under the 109

heading "anthropology" in the subject index of the f ir s t volume. Many more w ill be located by randomly searching all of the volume. These appear to be citations worth researching for their anthropological contents. For instance, Benjamin Hawkin's A Concise Description of the Creek Country, with Some Remarkable Customs Practised Among the Native Inhabitants, was written in 1805, many years before anthropology was o ffic ia lly recognized as an academic discipline. Anthropological material is not volumi­ nous in these volumes but the citations are there for the diligent user.

500 X S416 AAAS Science Books and Films. Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1965-

Essentially a review journal for the literature and films of science. Has book reviews and audio-visual reviews. See the subjects on culture anthropology and language in the table of contents. The reviews are c ritic a l.

500 X S4162 Science Citation Index. Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information, 1978-

An index that has, among other subjects, citations from journals, books, reports, symposia, and conferences dealing with anthro­ pology. Physical anthropology and archaeology are more predom­ inately featured than other anthropological subdivisions. This index is also on computer database. Access is sim ilar to the other subject citation indexes which are produced by this pub­ lisher.


503 M147 1984 McGraw-Hill Dictionary of S cientific and Technical Terms. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1984.

An alphabetically arranged dictionary of scientific and technical terms. The subjects are enclosed in parentheses following the term. Anthropology and archaeology are included within its scope. 110


506 W927 1978 World Guide to S cientific Associations and Learned Societies. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1978.

A guide to international scientific societies. See the keyword index on p. 370. Anthropology is on p. 346; archaeology, p. 347; ethnology, p. 377; and lin g u istics, p. 415.


509 D554 Dictionary of S cientific Biography. New York: Scribner, 1979-1980.

A dictionary of scientific biography. It "is designed to make available reliable information on the through the medium of articles on the professional lives of scientists". Unfortunately, there are few articles on anthropologists. Notables such as Franz Boas and James George Frazer are accorded biographical status but other prominent figures in anthropology are not included.

509 S251g Sarton, George. A Guide to the History of Science. Waltham, Mass.: Chronica Botanica Co., 1952.

A firs t-ra te guide to the history of Science. The f ir s t few pages contain a splendid treatise by Sarton on the subject. Areas of most interest are section 18 "history of science in special cultural groups" and section 19 "history of special sciences" (particularly see the text on anthropology, ethnology, folklore, and ). A valuable work by an erudite scholar.

509 W927 World's Who's Who in Science: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Scientists from Antiquity to the Present. Chicago: Marquis-Who's Who, Inc., 1968

A standard biographical directory. Anthropologists are included. Ill

509 X B268i Barr, Ernest Scott. An Index to Biographical Fragments in Unspecified Scientific Journals. University, Ala.: University of Alabama Press, 1973.

A biographical index that "provides a means for readily locating biographical information and contemporary comment, both frag­ mentary and extensive". Locate the person in the lis t of biog­ raphies and then turn to the correlation tables to find the source of the biography. For instance, Adolph Bastien, the German physician-anthropologist, is assigned the code "pf P41" (1892). Turning to the P section in the correlation tables shows that his biography is in Monthly and the 41 shows its year to be 1892.

509 X J55L John Crerar Library, Chicago. A List of Books on the History of Science. New York: Kraus Reprint Corp., 1966.

A bibliography on the history of science from the collection of a major private research lib ra ry. See pp. 190-93 for book citations on anthropology and ethnology.

509.003 D554 Bynum, W. F., E. J. Browning, and Roy Porter, eds. Dictionary of the History of Science. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981.

A dictionary of the history of science. I t elucidates "core features of recent Western science". Has such terms as anthro­ pology and ethnomethodology. Access this work through its analytical table of contents, especially its human sciences section. A bibliography with brief annotations is located in the front of this dictionary. Some entries have cross-references to other subjects.

509.73 A512 American Men and Women of Science. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1978.

An alphabetically arranged biographical dictionary of scientists. Entries have personal data, credentials and brief descriptions of professional and academic accomplishments. This work had separate social and behavioral sciences volumes up to the 12th edition. Recent editions lack this approach and are centered on the physical sciences although physical anthropologists are s t ill 1isted. 112


510.78 X C738 Computer Abstracts. St. Helier, Jersey, British Channel Islands: Technical Information Co., Ltd., 1965-

An abstracted index of articles, reports and books on highly technical works about computers and computer technology. There are occasional a rticle citations on anthropologically related lin g u istica l essays but these are few and far between.


526.8 X L813m Lock, Clara Beatrice Muriel. Modern Maps and Atlases; An Outline to Twentieth Century Production. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1969.

A guide to maps and atlases. See pp. 449-50 for cultural atlases.


530 X S416 Physics Abstracts. London: INSPEC, 1898-

An indexed bibliography of abstracted citations of journals, books, dissertations, and conference papers in physics and related disciplines. The user should refer to the subject index in each volume. It holds the key to finding such anthropological subjects as Native American astronomy, archeoastronomy, paleomagnetism, and archaeology. This reference tool is multilingual and international in scope.

530.3 E56 Suppl. Thewlis, J., ed. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Physics. . . . New York: Pergamon Press, 1861-64.

A supplement to an encyclopedic dictionary of physics. Refer to volume one, pp. 7-11, for data on physics in archaeology and see volume five, pp. 13-17, for information on archaeological dating by physical methods. 113


540.3 C593e 1973 Hampel, C lifford A. and Gessner G. Hawley, eds. 3rd ed. The Ency­ clopedia of Chemistry. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1973.

An encyclopedia of chemistry. See the section an archaeological chemistry located on pp. 103-04.


549 X M664 Mineraloqical Abstracts. London: Oxford University Press, 1923-

A bibliography of abstracted articles on mineralogy. Look in the special topics section to find the occasional abstract on anthro­ pology and mineralogy. The user can turn up citations in title s like The Petoaraphv of Jade Stone Axes and Mineralogy of Potsherds.


550 X C79i Corbin, John Boyd, comp. An Index of State Geological Survey Publica­ tions Issued in Series. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1965.

An index to state geological survey publications. Look in the subject index under the terms "archaeology", "anthropology" and "man" to locate pertinent citations.

550 X G345b Bibliography and Index of Geology. Boulder, Colo.: American Geological Institute, 1933 -

A reference bibliography and index on geology "photocomposed from citations in GeoRef, a data base produced at the American Geo­ logical Institute". It is issued annually and consists of a cumulative subject index and cumulative author bibliography. Refer to such terms as "archaeology", "paleoecology", "fossil man", "paleontology" and other anthropologically related terms. The citations are usually annotated. 114

550 X W527g Ward, Dederick C., Marjorie W. Wheeler and Robert A. Bier, Jr. Geologic Reference Sources. Boulder, Colo.: University of Colorado Press, 1981.

A bibliography of geological reference sources. Arranged by number and subject. See the sections on hominid paleontology, pp. 203-04, and paleoclimatology, paleoecology, and paleogeography, pp. 216-20.


551.4 G345 Geomorpholoqical Abstracts. London: London School of Economics, Dept, of Geography, 1960-65.

A set of geomorphological abstracts. This subject covers the s c ie n tific treatment of the general configurations of the surface of the earth. Look in the five year subject index for applicable terms like "archaeology", "man", "culture/cultural", "radio­ carbon", and "human". These terms w ill lead the user to anthro­ pologically related material.

551.5 M589 Meteorological and Geoastrophvsical Abstracts. Lancaster, Penn.: American Meteorological Society, 1962-1982.

A bibliography and index of abstracted articles from sources on meteorology and geoastrophysics. Look for such anthropologically related terms as "dendrochronology", "dendroclimatology", "paleo­ ecology" and the like . This source is d iffic u lt to use because relevant citations are hard to ferret out. However, the user can come across title s like The Use of Trees as Meteorological Yearbooks which describes tree-ring dating of Aztec ruins.


551.69 X G784b Grayson, Donald K. A Bibliography of the Literature on North American Climates of the Past 13.000 Years. New York: Garland Press, 1975.

A climatological bibliography which includes, among other things, archaeological material on prehistoric climates. It has a geographic index but lacks a subject index. This lack of a subject approach does not detract from the bibliography because 115

the user can locate works on archaeology, paleoarchaeology and ancient climates on just about every page.


561 X T769b Tralau, Hans. Bibliography and Index to Paleobotany and Palvnology. Stockholm: Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, 1974.

A two-volume bibliography on paleobotany and palynology. It is composed of a subject index, an author index, and annotated citations. Assiduous searching w ill locate anthropology data like research on prehistoric human diets. Unfortunately, this work lacks a key by which to decipher the journal t it le abbrev­ iations.


570 X S642h Smit, Pieter, Dr. History of the Life Sciences: An Annotated Bib­ liography. New York: Hafner Press, 1974-

A formidable and painstakingly researched bibliography on the history of the lif e sciences. The best access to this work is through the table of contents, particularly the comprehensive ethnographical section on pp. 157-521. Contains a great offering of information on ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, prim itive medicine and folk medicine.


572.012 M974e Murdock, George Peter. Ethnographic Atlas. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1967.

An ethnographic atlas. It was orig in ally published in issues of the journal Ethnology but is now in book form. I t is in te r­ national in scope but the preponderance of the described societies are in Africa and North America. This atlas is for "the fa c il­ itation. . . of cross-cultural studies of a quantitative nature which require a sample of the world's cultures". It succinctly details methodological errors which might negatively skew such studies. Societies are assigned "clusters", the qualification being that "at least 1,000 years of separation and divergent evolution are necessary" before societies can be assigned to different clusters. There are 412 clusters in this atlas. Each 116

society, or culture, within a cluster is assigned a character­ is tic . The codes for these characteristics are explained on pp. 47-61. The tables on pp. 62-125 elucidate the characteristics pertaining to individual societies. Essentially, the user can refer to these quantitative devices to locate qualitative dis­ tinctions and cultural facets of the different peoples of the earth. As an example, reference to cluster 78 (Northern Nilotes) notes that the three societies under that cluster practice the custom of bride-price or bride-wealth. However, one of the societies, the Its e k iri of coastal Nigeria, have only a token, or symbolic, system of bride-price. This scholarly work must be examined closely to be used correctly.

572.947 X G946 Horak, Stephen M., ed. Guide to the Study of the Soviet Nationalities: Non-Russian Peoples of the USSR. L ittle to n , Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1982.

A lite ra tu re guide and bibliography to non-Russians of the Soviet Union. Refer to the anthropology and folklore sections. Also look at the language sections. Browsing is recommended.

572.98 X 045e O'Leary, Timothy J. Ethnographic Bibliography of South America. New Haven, Conn.: Human Relations Area File, 1963.

An ethnographic bibliography of South America arranged by trib al name and author name. It has a trib a l index and map. Journals and books are cited. The key to the source abbreviations is on pp. xi-xxiv. This is a work of consequence and an important guide to lite ra tu re about the indigenous peoples of South America. Central American tribes are not included.


573.3 C799s Corliss, William R., comp. Strange A rtifacts: A Sourcebook on Ancient Man. Glen Arm, Md.: 1974.

A looseleaf sourcebook of scie n tific anomalies (called "waifs" by the author). They are excerpted from sources as divergent as the American Anthropologist. Nature. National Geographic. Argosy, and English Mechanic. Covers the period of the 19th and 20th cen­ turies. Occasionally serious, occasionally frivolous. 117


574 X B llll 1983 Search Guide. BIOSIS Previews Edition. Philadelphia: Biosciences Information Service, 1983.

A looseleaf manual on biological subjects which is designed to supplement the work BIOSIS Previews. I t has a numeric code for broad subject searches on physical anthropology, ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, and other subjects applicable to anthropology.

574 X B515 Biological Abstracts: A Comprehensive Abstracting and Indexing Journal of the World's Literature in Theoretical and Applied Biology Exclusive of Clinical Medicine. Philadelphia: Biosciences Information Service, 1926-

A continuing and comprehensive index of abstracted journal and book citations. It is a long-standing mainstay of research scientists and graduate students. In addition to the abstracts, i t has author, generic, biosystematic, concept, and subject (keyword) indexes. Most of the anthropological data in its pages concerns biological or physical anthropology. Also available on computer database.

574 X B6161 Bioresearch Index. Philadelphia: Biosciences Information Service, 1967- .

An index on bioresearch (research in biology). Access is easiest through the subject and keyword index. Focuses on reports, reviews, conference papers, and symposia proceedings. Physical anthropology is the main anthropological subdiscipline repre­ sented.

574.012 S993 Parker, Sybil P., ed. Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.

An authoritative and scholarly work which classifies animals and plants. It has two volumes. See the section of primates (in ­ cluding ) on pp. 1030-34 of volume two. 118

574.083 A468b Altman, Philip L. and Dorothy S. Dittmar, eds. Biology Data Book. Washington: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 1954.

A three-volume set of biological data. There is a subject index in each volume. The data are quantitative. Most of the anthro­ pological material concerns physical and biological anthropology. Look for terms like "man" or "homo sapiens" to bring up citations like The Effects of Altitude on Arterial Blood Gases.

574.5 - ECOLOGY

574.5096 X R725b Rogers, Dilwyn J. A Bibliography of African Ecology: A Geographically and Topically Classified List of Books and Articles. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979.

A bibliography on African ecology. I t is arranged by geographical area and i t lis ts pertinent subjects within the area. Concentrate on the topical bibliographies in paleoecology, anthropology, history, and geography.


575.003 G895 Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Evolution. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1975.

An illu stra ted encyclopedia of evolution. I t has subject indexes. See chapter 21, "The Evolution of Primates"; chapter 22, "Man and His Ancestors"; and chapter 23, "The Evolution of Domesticated Animals". Bibliographies on paleobotany, paleontology, and the evolution of man are on pp. 543-44.

575.103 K54d King, Robert C. A Dictionary of Genetics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968.

A dictionary of genetic terms. It is illustrated and contains maps and diagrams. Many definitions equate to physical anthro­ pology. 119


580 X U58b National Agricultural Library. Plant Science Catalog. Botany Sub.iect Index. Boston, G. K. Hall & Co., 1958.

A fifteen-volume catalog of reproductions of subject catalog cards from the National Agricultural Library. I t deals with botany. Look for the subject "ethnobotany" in volume five and "medical botany" in volume eight. These headings w ill bring forth book citations with anthropological connections. Refer also to specific geographical areas.

581 - BOTANY

581 X K43c Kew, England. Royal Botanic Gardens Library. Classified Catalogue of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974.

An eight-volume catalog of reproductions of catalog cards on botany. It has author and subject catalogs. See in particular the lite ra tu re on ethnobotany in volume three, pp. 645-52.

581.6103 C755d Coon, Nelson. The Dictionary of Useful Plants. Emmaus, Penn.: Rodale Press, 1974.

An encyclopedic dictionary of useful plants. Read the in tro ­ duction, "American Indians and th e ir use of Native Plants". This is followed by a bibliography on Native American plant use for food and medicine.


590 X Z87 The Zoological Record. . . Being the Records of Zoological Literature. London: The Zoological Society of London, 1864-

An ongoing bibliography of zoology spanning two centuries. Anthropological citations are more easily located in the subject indexes of the more recent volumes. Particularly look at section 19, "mammalia", and the subheading called "animals and man". This w ill provide subjects like archaeological sites, human primitive cultures, domestication (of animals), animals in art, and mythology-folklore-1iterature (where animals are depicted). Once 120

the subject heading is gained, the user can then refer to the indicated bibliographic citation.


591 G895t.E Grzimek* Bernhard, ed. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1972-1975.

A thirteen volume illustrated encyclopedia of animal life . See volume 10, chapters 12-22, on prosimians, primates, monkeys and apes. See volume 11, chapters 1-2, for data on chimpanzees and humans.

591.5 G895 Grzimek, Bernhard, ed. Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Ethology. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1977.

An illustrated encyclopedia of ethology, the study of animal behavior. Refer to chapters 22, learning and play; 23, non-verbal thinking; 31, evolution of social behavior in animals; 35, organization and function of primate groups; 40, the evolution of behavior; and 43, phylogenetic adaptions in human behavior. This work contains a dictionary of ethological terms, a subject index, and a bibliography.

598 - AVES (BIRDS!

598.916 X L736w Lincer, Jeffrey L., Clark Williams, and Maurice N. LeFranc, Jr. Working Bibliography of the Bald Eagle. Washington: Raptor Information Center, National W ildlife Foundation, 1978.

A bibliography on the bald eagle. Refer to the permutated lis t of keywords for terms such as anthropology, folklore, archaeology, and Indian culture. Then turn to the number in the master lis t of citations, some of which have anthropological significance, but many of them coming from popular journal lite ra tu re . 121


600 X A652 Applied Science and Technology Index. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1918- .

This is a "cumulative index to English language periodicals" in the applied sciences. Arranged by subject and author. Look for the subject term "anthropology" and its many cross-references to related terms. Most pertinent lite ra tu re is on archaeology and its subjects. These can bring up journal citations on ancient pottery, archaeological excavations, stone implements, and radioactive dating.


610.7305 X C971 Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Including a ^ List of Subject Headings. Glendale, C a lif.: Seventh Day Adventist Hospital Association, 1970-

A subject and author index to nursing and allied health. It holds some anthropological data but they are hard to locate. The user would have to refer to the subject lis t for browsing.


612 R187 The Rand McNally Atlas of the Body and Mind. New York: Rand McNally, 1976.

A beautifully illu stra ted and informative encyclopedia of the human body and mind. See the section on the evolution of man.

612.6007 X S489s Seruya, Flora C., Susan Losher, and Albert E llis . Sex and Sex Edu­ cation: A Bibliography. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1972.

A bibliography on sex and sex education. It is related to human sexuality. Some of the citations are annotated. Emphasis on North America and Europe. Anthropologically related data can be found in chapter six under the subjects "sex attitudes", "cus­ toms", and "behavior". A mixture of scholarly and popular m aterial. 122


613.6203 I61o Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety. 3rd rev. ed. Geneva: International Labour Office, 1983.

An encyclopedia dealing with health and safety in the workplace. Its data "are concerned with body build, composition and con­ struction" and the relationship of the body to and industrial clothing. It shows work hazards and details preventive safety measures. Has some applied anthropological material dealing with (the study of human measurements) and its relationship to what people do at work.


613.705 X P578 Physical Education/Sports Index. Albany, N.Y.: Marathon Press, 1978-79.

A physical education and sports index. Holds some citations on the sociology of sport and anthropometry. Similar to Physical Education Index.

613.705 X P5782 Physical Education Index. Cape Girardeau, Mo.: BenOak Publishing Co., 1979-79.

An index which covers physical education. I t is arranged by subject and has a smattering of material on anthropology and sport sociology. Similar to Physical Education/Sports Index.


614.7 E615 Golden, Jack, et a l. Environmental Impact Data Book. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Science Publishers, 1979.

A data book on environmental impact. "This book w ill serve as a data reference. . . in the preparation of environmental impact assessments and statements". Anthropologists and students should refer to chapter thirteen (cultural impacts) and especially pp. 745-54 which contain criteria for historic site determination and a lis t of state historic preservation officers. This work may be 123

a b it outdated but i t provides fundamental information for archae­ ologists.


615.321 M694a Moerman, Daniel E. American Medical Ethnobotanv. A Reference Dictionary. New York: Garland, 1977.

An ethnobotany reference dictionary. I t has "been designed as a guide to the Native American medicinal uses of plants. . .". Divided into tables on genra, indications, families, and cultures. A quick source finder for ethnobotanical terms and fo lk medicine descriptions.


616.855 X A512d American Speech and Hearing Association. DSH Abstracts. Washington: Deafness, Speech and Hearing Publications, 1960-

A continuing series of abstracts which give "brief, noncritical summaries of lite ra tu re published in a ll major languages and pertinent to deafness, speech and hearing". Material is listed through the subject indexes. See the sections on cross-cultural comparisons and the references to animal communication. Of value to physical and linguistical anthropologists.

616.861 - ALCOHOLISM

616.861 X B437a Heath, Dwight B. and A. M. Cooper. Alcohol Use and World Cultures: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Anthropological Sources. Toronto: Addiction Research Foundation, 1981.

An international bibliography on the cultural uses of alcohol. Contains citations from The International Bibliography of Studies on Alcohol. The authors, both anthropologists, state that their purpose in compiling this work is to provide "easier and more comprehensive access to the large, diverse, and widely scattered literature that deals with alcoholic beverages in relation to human behavior among various populations throughout the world". Arranged by author and subject. An important bibliography. 124

616.861 X 161 Keller, Mark, ed. International Bibliography of Studies on Alcohol. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies, 1966.

A scholarly and comprehensive international bibliography of studies on alcohol. Composed of bibliographic citations from substantial, well-researched articles on the subject. It compli­ ments a follow-up study, Alcohol Use and World Cultures. Covers the time period between 1901-1950. Refer to the subjects dealing with culture and alcoholism, drinking customs and patterns, and the etiology of alcoholism. The user can gain more specific data by referring to such headings as "K affir beer" or accessing the work through ethnic and religious subject headings.


616.89003 161 Wolman, Benjamin B., ed. International Encyclopedia of Psychiatry. Psychology. Psychoanalysis and Neurology. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, Co., 1977.

An authoritative encyclopedia of psychiatry, psychology, psycho­ analysis and neurology. Look for anthropological material under the subjects "anthropology and psychiatry", "culture and thought", "homosexuality: cultural aspects", " psychi­ atry, socialization: cross-cultural research", and "sociology and psychiatry". More specific entries are under such terms as culture and personality, shaminism, and animal behavior. B iblio­ graphies follow the encyclopedic articles.


618.9289 X B515b 1976 Berlin, Irving Norman, ed. Bibliography of Child Psychiatry and Child Mental Health. 2nd ed. New York: Human Sciences Press, 1976.

An impressive bibliography of child psychiatry which holds a wealth of anthropological material. Refer to the table of contents for the headings "cultural aspects of child psychiatry" and "socio-cultural issues in child psychiatry". Also look at the subject and author indexes and the lis ts of additional readings. There is also a lis t of film s. Some of them deal with animal studies and cultural topics in the subject. 125


623.409 D536w Weapons. An International Encyclopedia from 500 BC to 2000 AD. New York: St. Martins Press, 1980.

An illu stra ted encyclopedia of weapons through the ages. The arms used by prim itive and/or non-Western cultures are shown in chapters one ("arming the hand"), two ("hand-thrown m issiles"), and three ("hand-held missiles - throwers"). See also the general subject index and the regional and historical indexes on pp. 280-301.


630.5 X B615 Biological and Agricultural Index. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1916-

A subject and author index holding agricultural and biological journal a rticle citations. Look under the subjects "man", "man, prehistoric", "migrations of man", "anthropo-geography", "cul­ ture", "acculturation", "archaeology", and other related headings.

630.5 X U58b Bibliography of Agriculture. Phoenix, A riz.: Oryx Press, 1970-1982.

A bibliography on agricultural subjects. Has anthropological, archaeological, and folk material. Also contains a geographic index.

630.973 X S339b Schlebecker, John T. Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets on the History of Agriculture in the United States 1607-1967. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: American Bibliographical Center-CLIO, 1969.

A bibliography of the history of American agriculture. It is mainly on agricultural aspects related to the European colonists but reference to i t subject index under the term "Indians" w ill bring up some anthropologically related material. Journals are not indexed. 126


633.2 X V183r Vallentine, John F. and P h illip L. Sims. Range Science: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1980.

A guide and bibliography to rangelands and foraging or browsing areas. Reference to particular geographic areas w ill yield anthropological data. For instance, looking under the term "Africa" will ring up such citations as The Sociological Aspects of Pastoral Livestock Production and Cultural Conflicts with the Cattle Business in Zambia.


641.105 N9763 Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews. Series A: Human and Experimental. Aberdeen, Scot.: C.A.B. International, v.16- ,1946/47-

An index of journal articles and review abstracts on nutrition. Has subjects dealing with nutritional information on various ethnic groups.


649.1 X C536 Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography. Washington: National Research Council, 1961-

An index of abstracted journal articles on child development. Look in the social psychological, cultural, and personality studies sections. Also refer to the general subject index.


677.003 A512a 1980 Encyclopedia of Textiles. 3rd ed. Englewood C liffs , N.J.: Prentice- Hall, 1980.

An encyclopedia covering many phases of te xtile s and the manu­ facture of textiles. Has a small amount of relevant material in the sections describing textiles in prehistoric times and archaeo­ logical discoveries of textiles. Also refer to the chronological index. 127

700 - THE ARTS

700 X A784 Art Index: A Cumulated Author and Sub.iect Index to a Selected List of the Fine Arts Periodicals and Museum B ulletins. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1929-

An art index arranged by subject and author. The anthropological information i t holds centers mostly on archaeology and ethnic art.

700 X A7846 Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts. New York: Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 1955-

A source containing art and technical abstracts from "articles, reports, news items,and books". Has material that covers the spectrum from methods of microscopy in southwestern (American) archaeology to studies in the degradation of a Roman temple. Consists of two volumes per year. Both the subject index and the table of contents give admirable access to the citations.

700 X R ill RILA. Repertoire Internationale de La Litterature de 1'art/RILA. International Repertory of the Literature of A rt. New York: College Art Association of America, 1975-

A bibliography containing "current publications in the history of art" and covering "worldwide lite ra tu re on Western art in all media from late antiquity (4th century) to the present". Middle Eastern art is included. Search in the subject index for such terms as "archaeology", "pre-Columbian a rt", "ethnology", and "primitive art".

700 X V222i 1966 Vance, Lucile E. and Esther M. Tracey. Illu s tra tio n Index. 2nd ed. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1966.

A subject listing of illustrations and the works in which they can be found. The user can look up a subject, say cave drawings, and find out in which source i t is located. 128

700.967 X W527b Western, Dominique Coulet, comp. Worldwide Art Catalogue B u lletin . Boston: Worldwide Books, 1963-

A quarterly issued bulletin to international printed art catalogs. See the index of non-Western art. This is located within the cumulated subject index at the end of each volume.

700.973 X A792 Karpel, Bernard, ed. Art in America; A Bibliography. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979.

A four-volume bibliography of arts in America. Look in particular at volume one, citations A1-A1392 on "Eskimo and American Indian a rt". Refer also to the subject index in volume four.


703 E564 Encyclopedia of World A rt. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959-83.

A scholarly, fifteen-volume encyclopedia of world art. Each article contributed by an expert in the fields stands as an authoritative presentation. The section of Bantu art alone encompasses 40 pages. The subject index w ill lead to anthro­ pological material, but the simple act of browsing w ill also e lic it such references. For example, an entire section in volume eight is devoted to shamanistic art. There is also a sixteenth volume, a supplement to the regular set. Has many striking illu stra tio n s . Highly recommended.

703 P897 The Praeaer Picture Encyclopedia of Art: A Comprehensive Survey of Painting. Sculpture. Architecture and Crafts. Their Methods. Styles, and Technical Terms. From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. New York: F. A. Praeger, 1958.

An alphabetically and subject-arranged encyclopedia of art. See the sections labeled "art of antiquity" (pp. 101-45), and "art outside Europe" (pp. 516-65). Has many black and white and colored pictures. 129

703 R941e Runes, Dagobert David and Harry G. Schrikel, eds. Encyclopedia of the Arts. New York: Philosophical Library, 1946.

An art encyclopedia. Has occasional anthropological information. For instance, in the discussion of primitive art, the comments of Tylor, Boas, and Levy-Bruhl are mentioned. Subjects are cross- referenced. As an example, the user can be referred from the term "Yurok" to the subject "California Indian a rt". No illu stra tio n s.

703 V834 H ill, Ann, ed. A Visual Directory of A rt. Greenwich, Conn.: Graphic Society, 1974.

An illustrated dictionary of art from the prehistoric era to the present. See the sections on paleolithic, pre-Columbian, and North American Indian art.


704.97 X S741p Frankenber, Celestine G., ed. Picture Sources. New York: Special Libraries Association, 1964.

A directory of commercial and non-commercial sources of pictures. See the subject index to locate the sources for anthropological art.

704.973 X A512a The American Library Compendium and Index of World A rt. New York: American Archives of World Art, 1961.

A compendium and index which lis ts world art pieces and where they are located. Refer to the sections on primitive and prehistoric art. Use the table of contents for general searches and the subject index for more specific access.


705 A512 American Art Directory. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1898-

A directory of art described as a "standard in the fie ld of art and an indispensible reference to art museums, libraries, organ­ izations, schools, and corporate art holdings". Geographically 130

arranged. See the subject index to find institutions holding anthropological art in their collection.


709 X A767g Arntzen, Etta and Robert Rainwater. Guide to the Literature of Art History. Chicago: American Library Association, 1980.

A subject-arranged sourcebook on art history. Refer to the sections on ancient, prehistoric and native art.

709.01 H987a.Eh Huyghe, Rene, ed. Larousse Encyclopedia of Prehistoric and Ancient Art: Art and Mankind. New York: Prometheus Press, 1962.

A scholarly, illu stra ted encyclopedia of prehistoric and ancient art. Covers primitive art and art of the agrarian empires, the metal civiliza tio n s and the development of art in Asia. Contains a subject index.


711 x c m CPL Bibliographies. Chicago: Council of Planning Librarians, 1979- .

A source for contributed bibliographies on community and and the problems inherent in industrial societies. Has such appropriate bibliographies as lists of books on historic preservation in the Northwest United States and the social problems of urbanization in developing countries. Has cumulative indexes. A successor to the Council of Planning Librarians Exchange Bibliography.

711 X C855e Council of Planning Librarians Exchange Bibliography. Berkeley, C a lif.: 1967-1978.

The forerunner to CPL Bibliographies. Consists of individually and jo in tly authored bibliographies by librarians, urban planners, sociologists, demographers, and others in the planning fields. Contains more anthropologically-oriented bibliographies than its successor, CPL Bibliographies. 131


720.9 H223a 1953 Hamlin, Talbot Faulkner. Architecture Through the Ages. Rev. ed. New York: Putnam, 1953.

A handbook on the history of architecture. See chapters one and two which are on primitive architecture and describe five great building cultures. Also look at interlude A, on pre-Columbian architecture. This is illu stra ted and has a subject index.


730 X C589S Clapp, Jane. Sculpture Index. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1970-71.

A two-volume index of sculpture around the world. See the sections on the Americas, the Orient, Africa, and the Pacific.

730.973 T974 Armstrong, Tom, et a l. 200 Years of American Sculpture. Boston: D. R. Goldine, 1976.

An illu stra ted book on 200 years of American sculpture. See the part describing aboriginal art.


770.3 F652 1965 The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography. Fully rev. ed. London: Focal Press, 1963.

A good illu stra ted encyclopedia of photography. See pp. 53-57 on archaeological photography. 132

780 - MUSIC

780 H876a Hubbard, William Lines, ed. The American History and Encyclopedia of Music. Toledo, Oh.: I. Squire, 1908.

A ten-volume illustrated encyclopedia on American music. Refer to the section on North American Indian music. Gives a sim plistic and ethnocentric interpretation of the subject.

780 X D835m 1974 Duckies, Vincent Harris. Music Reference and Research Materials: An Annotated Bibliography. 3rd ed. New York: Free Press, 1974.

An annotated bibliography of reference sources in music. See pp. 160-67 for ethnomusicological works.

780 X J74d 1971 Adkins, Cecil, ed. Doctoral Dissertations in . 5th ed. Philadelphia: American Musicological Society, 1971.

A l is t of doctoral dissertations in music. Many of them concern folk music or ethnomusicology. Refer to the subject index.

780 X M3211 Marco, Guy A. Information on Music: A Handbook of Reference Sources in the European Languages. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1975.

A two-volume handbook of music. See volume two; i t has a prepon­ derance of anthropological citations, even though they are limited to the Western Hemisphere. Most of the material is on Latin American music and has data on fo lk music, narrative music and historical studies on music. Has subject and geographical indexes.

780 X M987 The Music Index. Detroit: Information Service, 1949-

A music index lis tin g citations by author and subject. Use the terms "anthropology, "archaeology", and "ethnomusicology" to locate appropriate citations. A basic source for music research. 133

780 X R ill RILM Abstracts of Music Literature. Flushing, N.Y.: International RILM Center, Queens College of the City University of New York, 1967-79.

A music reference source which is similar to The Music Index except that many citations have short abstracts. Look in the section on ethnomusicology and non-Western art music. Also, make reference to the part on music and related disciplines like sociology.

780 X W768b Winesanker, Michael, comp. Books on Music: A Classified L is t. Texas Association of Music Schools, 1979.

A subject lis t of music books. See section XII, "national music and fo lk music", and section X III, "musicology - ethnomusicology".

780.01 X K96e Kunst, Jaap. Ethnomusicology: A Study of its Nature, its Problems. Methods and Representative Personalities to which is Added a Biblioqraphv. The Hague, Neth.: M. N ijhoff, 1950.

A learned work on musicology in its ethnological sense. Kunst states that "the contents speak for themselves". This is true in that there is a plethora of material on the subject. The intro­ duction should be read for its own value. Highly recommended for its comprehensive coverage.

780.3 A641h 1972 Apel, W illi. Harvard Dictionary of Music. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University, 1972.

A dictionary of music. Has short definitions and relatively long articles. Illustrated. Thorough browsing will locate anthro­ pological works. Look at the sections dealing with music history and see the articles on the cultural influences of music for certain countries and continents.

780.3 G883d 1980 Sadie, Stanley, ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London: MacMillan, 1980.

A scholarly and authoritative twenty-volume encyclopedia of music and musicians. Gives an exhaustive treatment of the subject. Much of the material will not be appropriate for anthropological study but this work does hold occasional articles on ethno- 134

musicology. For example, the a rticle on "Ethiopia" addresses Ethiopian religious music and dance, secular music, music and society, and Ethiopian musical instruments. It is illustrated but has no index. Refer also to the 1954 edition.

780.5 X M987 Music Article Guide. Philadelphia: Information Services, Inc., 1966-82.

A guide to periodical articles on music. Contains occasional citations on ethnomusicology. Describes items as specific as the of Asian bamboo flutes and the folklore associated with the instrument.

780.7 X H313m Harris, Ernest E. Music Education: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1978.

A subject bibliography on music education. See sections 37, "ethnomusicology", and 38, "folk music and folklore". The citations have short, descriptive comments.

780.8 X G364i Gerboth, Walter. An Index to Musical Festschriften and Similar Pub!ications. New York: W. W. Norton, 1969.

A bibliographic index to musical festschriften (collections of learned papers). Note the material on ethnomusicology, pp. 115-25. The key to the works in which the festschriften are located can be found in the lis t of festschriften, pp. 3-32.

780.9 L332 Larousse Encyclopedia of Music. New York: World Publishing Co., 1971.

An illu stra ted encyclopedia about music around the world. Most of the anthropological treatment of music can be found in section one, pp. 15-40, "music of the oral traditions" and in section six, pp. 365-533, "music of the modern world", a critique of music in particular geographical areas.

780.9 S121o 1955 Sachs, Kurt. Our Music Heritage: A Short History of Music. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1955.

A historical study of music. Gives b rie f treatment to ethno­ logical aspects of music. See pp. 1-25 for lite ra tu re on prim­ itiv e music and oriental music. Contains an index. 135

780.96 X 161s International African Institute. A Select Bibliography of Music in A frica . London: 1965.

A dated, but s t ill relevant, bibliography on music in Africa. Arranged by country and region. Lists bibliographies and catalogs on the subject. Has a wealth of ethnomusicological data.

780.97103 E56 Kallman, Helmut, Gilles Potvin and Kenneth Winters, eds. Encyclopedia of Music in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981.

A large, illu stra ted encyclopedia on Canadian music. See the sections on Inuit (Eskimo) music and ethnomusicology.

780.973 X H813L Horn, David. The Literature of American Music in Books and Folk Music Collections: A Fully Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: 1977.

An interesting bibliography of American music. Has well-documented citations and long, meaningful annotations. The material is sequentially numbered and subject arranged. See section E, "music of the American Indians", section F, "folk music", and section G, "Black music".

780.973 X M479d Mead, Rita H. Doctoral Dissertations in American Music: A Classified Bibliooraphv. New York: Brooklyn College, 1974.

American dissertations in music. Refer to section IV, pp. 111-22, "ethnomusicology".


781.7296 X D346b De Lerma, Dominique-Rene. Bibliography of Black Music. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981.

A bibliography of resources on Black music. Browse to locate ethnographic material. Lacks a subject index. 136

781.773 R628b Roach, Hildred. Black American Music: Past and Present. Boston: Crescendo Pub. Co., 1973.

A history of American Black music. See part one which covers the antecedents of domestic Black music and its early years. Has an extensive bibliography and subject index.


781.9103 D536m Diagram Group. Musical Instruments of the World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. New York: Paddington Press, 1976.

An illu stra ted encyclopedia of musical instruments around the globe. Most of the illustrations are excellently crafted draw­ ings. Has a geographical index which lis ts the instruments by country and area, silhouettes their physical shapes, and refers to the text. Thus, the user can easily locate musical instruments from prehistoric times to those used by contemporary traditional societies. Runs through the spectrum of instruments from pre­ historic bone flutes to Moog synthesizers. Has a subject index. A very impressive encyclopedia.

781.9103 M322m Marcuse, Sibyl. Musical Instruments: A Comprehensive Dictionary. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1964.

An illu stra ted dictionary of musical instruments. Also serves as an ethnomusicological guide. Describes ancient and traditional instruments.

781.9103 N532 The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments. London: MacMillan Press Ltd., 1984.

A learned three-volume encyclopedic dictionary which details musical instruments worldwide. Gives th e ir history, construction and method of playing. Bibliographies follow each description. This work is a treasury of anthropological and ethnomusicological material. It covers instruments from the "A" (a stopped flu te ensemble of the Red Dunes bushmen) to the "Zurna" (an Arabian folk oboe). 137


790.2 X P4378 Performing Arts Books 1876-1981: Including an International Index of Current Serial Publications. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1981.

A bibliography holding 12,000 subjects covering over a hundred years of performing arts publishing in America. See the subject area directory. Look in particular for the sections on national music and arts in general. The next step is to turn to the subject citations. They cover items lik e "dance in Oceania", "African folk music", "Bahaman folklore", and other appropriate topics.


791.4305 X M122n MacCann, Richard Dyer and Edward S. Perry. New Film Index. New York: Dutton, 1973.

A subject-arranged film index which also deals with film making and film history. Locate the material on film and anthropology on pp. 428-29. Users might also be interested in looking at the biography of Robert Flaherty, the producer of early ethnograph- ically oriented films like Men of Aran and .

791.438 R345s Rehrauer, George. The Short Film: An Selection of 500 Recommended Films. New York: MacMillan Information , 1975.

A c ritic a lly annotated, illu stra ted bibliography of short film s. Look under the subject of anthropology for relevant films.

793.3 - DANCE

793.3 X G946 Guide to Dance Periodicals. New York: Scarecrow Press, 1931-1962.

A subject guide to dance journal article citations. Look under the term "ethnological dance" for appropriate information. 138


800 X P318L Patterson, Margaret E. Literary Research Guide. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1976.

An "evaluative, annotated bibliography of important reference books and periodicals on American and English lite ra tu re , of the most useful sources for research in other national literatures, and of more than 300 reference books in literature related areas". See the section called "folklore, mythology, legend". This can be found on pp. 266-68.


808.0663 M959g Mullins, Carolyn J. A Guide to Writing and Publishing in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. New York: Wiley, 1977.

A practical guide to writing and getting published in the social and behavioral sciences. Gives data on outlines, drafts, re­ visions, manuscript preparation, contacts, sources, and many other v ita l data for the prospective author.

808.52 X M956b Mulgrave, Dorothy Irene, Clark S. Marlor, and Elmer E. Baker, Jr. Bibliography of Speech and Allied Areas; 1950: 1960. Philadelphia: Chilton Co., 19962.

A subject bibliography of speech. Has book and thesis citations. See the chapters on "lin g u istics", pp. 19-24, and "folklore", pp. 56-57.

808.83 X C771s Cook, Dorothy and Isabel S. Munro, comps. Short Storv Index. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1953-

An index to short stories of fiction.It is arranged by author, t it le and subject. See such terms as "man, prim itive", "archae­ ology", "archaeologists", and "cults". Culture groups like the Inuit and Sal 1sh are listed. Once the short story t it le is found under the subject, the user then can turn to the t it le of the collection which has the story. 139

808.83 X L831h 1968 Irwin, Leonard B. A Guide to Historical Fiction for the Use of Schools. Libraries, and the General Reader. Brooklawn, N.J.: McKinney Publishing Co., 1971.

A bibliography of historical fiction. Each book citation has a brief two or three line annotation. Has some historical and fictio n a l works on anthropology and the effects of acculturation.

808.83 X W749f Fiction Catalog: A Sub.iect. Author, and T itle List of Fiction in the English Language. 11th ed. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1986.

An annotated index to novel length fic tio n . Look under such terms as "anthropology", "archaeologists", and "archaeology". Find societies like the Masai, Matabele, or Dakota Indians, to name a few.

808.84 X E78 Essav and General Literature Index: An Index to Essays and Articles in Collections of Essays and Miscellaneous Works. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1900-

A valuable, well-documented source to essays and essay col­ lections. Use the subject index. Has essay citations on anthro­ pology, anthropological linguistics, field work methodology, and economic, philosophical, physical, structural, and theological anthropology. Refer to the section giving the lis t of books indexed. This has the essay source.


820 X A164 Abstracts of English Studies. Calgary, Alba.: University of Calgary Press, 1958-

A continuing and topically-arranged set of abstracts of English literature studies. These are selected from journal articles. Anthropological information is rather difficult to find but occasional items appear in the world lite ra tu re sections. Browsing through these sections w ill produce abstracts on topics like Melanesian cargo cults and discussions on the notion that primitive politics and primitive religion are inseparable. Folklore is listed as one of the catagories, but the anthro­ pological material is scanty. Some of the linguistical articles hint of peripheral interest for anthropologists. 140

820.6 E58y English Association. Year's Work in English Studies. London: Oxford University Press, 1921-

An annual publication of critical comments of English literature studies. See index II, "authors and subjects treated", to gain access to critiques dealing with anthropological literature. This has broad comments on anthropology and lite ra tu re and also delves into narrower areas like folk elements in Caribbean lite ra tu re .


900 X A512g American Historical Association. Guide to Historical Literature. New York: MacMillan, 1961.

A lengthy, annotated bibliography of history and related dis­ ciplines. Has many citations on anthropology, archaeology, ethnology, and . Contains a subject and author index.

900 X C153c California. University. Bancroft Library. Catalog of Printed Books. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1964.

A twenty-eight-volume catalog of books held by the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, a major fa c ility specializing in historical research. Access the material by subject. This work has catalog card reproductions of anthropology books.

900 X 161 International Bibliography of Historical Sciences. Paris: Inter­ national Committee of Historical Sciences, 1965-

A continuing bibliography devoted to an international coverage of history. Arranged by subject and author. See section C, "pre­ history and prehistorical"; section R, "Asia"; section S, "Africa"; section T, "America"; and section U, "Oceania". Much of the material in these sections concerns archaeology. There is also a lis t of archaeology bibliographies on p. xxi. Look for the sub-section on linguistics on pp. 5-6. This work lacks a key to decipher the title abbreviations of the many books and journals cited. 141

900 X K95d Kuehl, Warren F. Dissertations in History: An Index to Dissertations Completed in History Departments of United States and Canadian Universities. Lexington, Ky.: University of Kentucky, 1965-

An index to the Ph.D. dissertations from American and Canadian universities. Using the subject index w ill locate anthropology and anthropology-related dissertation title s.

900 X L381h 1976 Irwin, Leonard Bertram. A Guide to Historical Reading: Non-Fiction, for the Use of Schools. Libraries, and the General Reader. 10th rev. ed. Washington: Heldref Publications, 1976.

A bibliography of non-fiction historical works. Some of the books have anthropological themes. Lacks a subject index.

900.1 C855h Coulter, Elizabeth and Melanie Gerstenfeld. Historical Bibliographies: A Systematic and Annotated Guide. Berkeley, C a lif.: University of California Press, 1935.

A bibliography of historical bibliographies whose "purpose. . . is to bring together. . . the important retrospective and current bibliographies of history. . .". Some of the briefly annotated works are on ethnology and archaeology.

900.1 G946 A Guide to Historical Literature. New York: MacMillan Company, 1931.

An international guide to sources in history. It is an older book but does have some pertinent material. See the sections "anthro­ pology", pp. 13-16, "archaeology and epigraphy" (ancient inscrip­ tions), pp. 42-43, and the lis t of anthropology periodicals on p. 44. Refer to the contents part of each section within the text as they contain of various geographical areas. In te llig e n tly and c ritic a lly annotated.


901.8 X W313b 1975 Waserman, Manfred J., comp. Bibliography on Oral History. New York: Oral History Association, 1975.

A slim volume listing annotated citations on oral history. It is arranged by date and citation number. Refer to the subjects 142

"anthropology", "Indian" (oral history), "social sciences", and "sociology".

901.8025 X M487o Meckler, Alan M. and Ruth McMullin. Oral HistoryCollections. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1975.

A lis t of oral history collections. Most relevant data can be found through the names of tribes. For example, looking up the subject "Arapaho Indians" gives the information that oral his­ tories for this group are located in the collection of the State Historical Society of Colorado.


901.9 X A512s American Universities Field Staff. A Select Bibliography: Asia. Africa. Eastern Europe. Latin America. New York: 1960.

A history bibliography on Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. Look at the table of contents preceding each geo­ graphical area. It holds subjects leading to relevant anthro­ pological title s . Lacks a subject index. Browsing is suggested.

901.908 D554 Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Studies of Pivotal Ideas. New York: Scribner, 1973.

A scholarly, enlightening, and detailed five-volume collection of essays on human thought concepts and ideas throughout history. Contains guiding principles from some of the greatest minds in history. Volume II seems to be the most appropriate source of information about anthropology. Refer to its section on the history of ideas about human nature in anthropology, psychology, religion and philosophy. Do not neglect the other volumes as anthropological material is spread throughout the text.


902 L276e 1975 Langer, William Leonard. The New Illustrated Encyclopedia of World History. New York: H. N. Abrams, 1975.

An illustrated encyclopedia of world history. I t covers all places and times. See the table of contents for anthropological topics. Chronologically arranged. 143

902.02 G888t Grun, Bernard. The Timetables of History; A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1975.

A chronology of world history. Gives b rie f surveys of the livin g conditions of humans throughout the ages. Covers history and politics, literature and theater, religion, philosophy and learning, visual arts, science, music, technology, growth, and daily a c tiv itie s . Contains interesting fragments and useful information. For instance, under the daily life section for the time period 3,000-2,501 B.C. are the f ir s t reports of the domes­ ticated dog in Egypt, Summarian metal coins beginning to replace barley as legal tender, and the existence of lake dwellings in middle Europe.


903 L325 Larned, Josephus Nelson. The New Larned History of Ready Reference. Reading and Research. Springfield, Mass.: C. A. Nichols Pub­ lishing Company, 1922.

A scholarly, but outdated, twelve-volume illu stra ted encyclopedia of history. Much of its contents may have been reinterpreted by revisionist historians. I t is comprehensive and remains a source for ready reference to applicable subjects. Cross-references in the text pinpoint anthropology articles. Lacks volumes 3 and 11.

903 P281t Pascoe, Lionel Craman, A. J. Lee and E. S. Jenkins. The Teach Yourself Encyclopedia of Dates and Events. London: English Universities Press, 1968.

A chronology of history from prehistoric times to 1950 A.D. Has l i t t l e of anthropological interest but i t might be useful in affixing dates to historical events having some relationship to the subject. 144


905 138 Index to Book Reviews in Historical Periodicals. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1979.

An index to book reviews in historical periodicals. As there is no subject index, the user must browse through the t it le index in hope of finding an anthropological citation. Refer from the t it le index to the author index in order to get the fu ll book review citation. Contains a sizable amount of reviews in anthropology for the years 1972-77.

905 X B671h Boehm, Eric H. and Lai i t Adolophus, eds. Historical Periodicals; An Annotated World List of Historical and Related Serial Publica­ tio n s. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: Clio Press, 1961.

A geographical directory of international history journals. The journal titles are listed under each country. Has brief descrip­ tions of each periodical. Social science and anthropology journals can be found.


909 L332.Ea Larousse Encyclopedia of Ancient and Medieval History. 1st ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1963.

An illu stra ted encyclopedia of ancient and medieval history. The eminent historian, Arnold Toynbee, wrote the forward to this work. See the sections called "Man before History" (pp. 13-17) and "Pre-Columbian America" (pp. 401-03).

909 X H673 Historical Abstracts. 1775-1945. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: American Bibliographical Center-CLIO Press, 1955-71.

The predecessor to Historical Abstracts A and B. Refer to those title s . 145

909 X H6731 Historical Abstracts. Part A. Modern History Abstracts, 1450-1914. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: ABC-CLIO Press, 1971-

A lis t of abstracts from history sources covering the time period from 1450-1914. See description for Historical Abstracts. Part B. Twentieth Century Abstracts. 1914-Present.

909 X H6732 Historical Abstracts. Part B. Twentieth Century Abstracts. 1914- Present. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: ABC-CLIO Press, 1971-

A continuing series of journal, book, and dissertation abstracts on history. United States and Canadian histories are excluded. They are found in America: History and Life and are published by the same publisher. Using the subject indexes and the tables of contents are good ways to access anthropological material and its many related areas. Contains up-to-date and pertinent material. For example, in a recent issue an a rtic le discussing the Mead - Freeman controversy was found in the subject index under the heading "Samoa, anthropology".

909.02 M382g Martin, Michael Rheta. A Graphic Guide to World History. New York: Holt, 1959.

An illustrated, chronological account of world history. Some anthropologically related data are entered, but only in capsule form.


910 G345.E 1965 Larousse Encyclopedia of World Geography. New York: Odyssey Press, 1965.

An illu stra te d , international encyclopedia of geography. Has some peripheral anthropological data. Concentrate on the appropriate geographical areas and refer to those sections of the text bearing some relationship to anthropology. For example, the descriptive passages on West and Equatorial Africa have useful data on spatial analyses and ecology. Has a subject index. 146

910 X A512c Current Geographical Publications. Milwaukee, Wise.: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1978-

A bibliography of geographical publications from selected "books, periodicals, articles, pamphlets, government documents, maps and atlases". Make reference to the table of contents and look for the material under . Under this topic, the user w ill find lite ra tu re on archaeology, historic preservation, burial customs, ethnicity, and other subjects.

910 X G345b Geo Abstracts. B: Biogeoqraphv. Climatology, and Cartography. London: London School of Economics and P olitical Science, Department of Geography, 1966-71.

These are abstracts from geography and geography-related sources. See the section called "biogeography" for the topics palynology and historical (including faunal and human) to find abstracted articles on such topics as Neolithic forest clearings. Refer also to the sub-heading labeled "h isto rica l". This w ill bring forth determinants like aridity and rainfall and other ecological patterns affecting ancient cultural settlements. This work is similar in arrangement to abstracts C and D of this title .

910 X G345c Geo Abstracts. C: Economic Geography. London: London School of Economics and P olitical Science, Department of Geography, 1966-71.

Has abstracts from geographical sources. Look under the term "historical" to find material on and the history of agriculture. Similar in arrangement to the B and D series of this title.

910 X G345d Geo Abstracts. D: Social Geography and Cartography. London: London School of Economics and P olitical Science, Department of Geogra­ phy, 1977-71.

Contains abstracts from geographical sources. See the topics called "social" and "cultural" to find the occasional anthro­ pological or archaeological references extant in this work. Look at the subject "Man and his environment". Similar in arrangement to the B and C series of this title . 147

910 X G345i Geo Abstracts. Annual Index, Parts A-D. London: London School of Economics and P olitical Science, Department of Geography, 1967-71.

A subject index covering Geo Abstracts for 1967-71. Look for anthropology terms and then turn to the appropriate abstract volume for the citation.

910.03296 X S998a Szwed, John F. and Roger D. Abrahams. Afro-American Folk Culture: An Annotated Bibliography of Materials from North. Central, and South America and the West Indies. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1972.

A two-volume annotated bibliography of Black folklore in much of the Western Hemisphere. Also has ethnological and linguistical material. There is a cross-referenced subject index and a locale (regional) index.

910.0396 W927 World Encyclopedia of Black Peoples. St. Clair Shores, Mich.: Scholarly Press, 1975.

A semi-popular but informative international encyclopedia of Black persons. Although there is some ethnological material in the chapters on Black America, most of the usable data are in the text dealing with Black Africa. Also contains an enlightening chapter on the Blacks of Asia. This work is illu stra ted .

910.039992 X I18b The Basque Collection: A Preliminary Checklist. Moscow, Id.: The University of Idaho Library, 1971.

A checklist of materials in the Basque collection of the Univer­ s ity of Idaho Library. Has materials on Basque language, l i t e r ­ ature and folklore.

910.0913 X 161s International Geophysical Union. Special Commission on the Humid Tropics. A Select Annotated Bibliography on the Humid Tropics. Montreal: McGill University, Geography Department, 1960.

An annotated bibliography on the equatorial regions of the world. It stresses a multiple approach to its contents. See the sections liste d as "social" and "economic" under each geographical area depicted. There is enough anthropological material to justify 148

browsing through this interesting book. Annotated in French and English.

910.09154 P344a Paylore, Patricia. Arid-Lands Research Institutions: A World Direc­ to ry . Tucson, A riz.: University of Arizona Press, 1967.

An international directory of scientific institutions involved in arid lands research. See the organizations that include within th e ir scope such terms as "anthropological", "human", "cultural", and "sociological". Gives basic information like organization name, address, and personnel.

910.3 D554 Directory of Human Geography. 1st American ed. New York: Free Press, 1981.

A dictionary of human geography. Has some peripheral subjects related to anthropology.

910.3 W927 1976 Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations. 5th ed. New York: Wiley, 1976.

A five-volume encyclopedia on the nations of the world. Volum­ inous information is given for each geographical area. For material of anthropological importance, look under the sections title d "migration", "ethnic groups", "languages", and "history". Concentrate on the volumes dealing with Asia, Africa, Oceania, and the Americas. Tables and maps are interspersed throughout the text.

910.5 X G342a Geo Abstracts. A: Landforms and the Quaternary. Norwich, Eng.: Geo Abstracts, 1972-

Supersedes the original series referred to earlier. Composed of journal article abstracts. Refer to the sections "quaternary - general and dating" and "quaternary - tropics and subtropics". These will produce abstracts on topics like pollen studies, tree-ring chronology, and hominid fossils. Has regional and author indexes. 149

910.5 X G342b Geo Abstracts. B: Climatology and Hydrology. Norwich, Eng.: Geo Abstracts, 1972-

Supersedes the original series referred to earlier. See the section on clim atic fluctuations. This holds lite ra tu re of possible interest for the archaeologist or paleoanthropologist. Has regional, author indexes.

910.5 X G342d Geo Abstracts. D: Social Geography and Cartography. Norwich, Eng.: Geo Abstracts, 1972-

Supersedes the original series referred to earlier. Note the sections called "cultural" and "historical". They contain anthropological and archaeological data.

910.5 X G342g Geo Abstracts. G: Remote Sensing. Photogrammetrv, and Cartography. Norwich, Eng.: Geo Abstracts, 1974-78.

Supersedes the original series referred to earlier. Archae­ ologists will be interested in the material found in the section called "interpretation and applications - thematic planning". It has data applicable to remote sensing and earth imagery ap­ plications to archaeological and cultural resource studies.

910.5 X G342i Geo Abstracts Annual Index. Norwich, Eng.: Geo Abstracts, 1972-

Supersedes the original series referred to earlier. An annual and continuing subject and author index to all individual subject abstract titles of Geo Abstracts. A-G. Provides a quick way to find anthropological and archaeological terms.

910.5 X S672g 1972 Snipe, Ronald H. A Guide to Geographical Periodicals. Manitou Springs, Colo.: R. H. Snipe Publications, 1972.

A subject listing of articles in three journals: Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Economic Geography, and Geographical Review. Look at the section called "cultural classification". Similar to A Tri-Index to Geography Periodicals. 150

910.5 X S672t Snipe, Ronald H. A Tri-Index to Geography Periodicals: Canadian Geographer. Professional Geographer, and Soviet Geography .... Manitou Springs, Colo.: R. H. Snipe Publications, 1971.

Provides geographical citations from three journals: Canadian Geography. Professional Geographer, and Soviet Geography. See the subjects "cultural classification", "settlement", and "his­ torical". Similar to Snipe's A Guide to Geographical Periodicals.


913.003 T795t Trent, Christopher. Terms Used in Archaeology: A Short Dictionary. New york: Philosophical Library, 1950.

A small dictionary of archaeological terms and their definitions. Covers both Old World and New World archaeology.

913.021 C477a.Ew Charles-Picard, G ilbert, ed. Larousse Encyclopedia of Archaeology. New York: Putnam, 1972.

An illu stra ted encyclopedia of archaeology. The f ir s t part, "Archaeology at Work", gives explanatory and methodological information. The second part, "The Recovery of the Past", is a descriptive account of the history of Old and New World archae­ ology. A comprehensive, but not authoritative, work. Has biographical and subject indexes.

913.031 H392a Hawkes, Jacquetta Hopkins, ed. Atlas of Ancient Archaeology. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.

An illu stra ted atlas of ancient archaeology covering both the Old World and the New World. Arrangement is by geographical area. The contents have site descriptions, site configurations, and layouts from prehistoric, protohistoric and historic excavations. Has an excellent contents and subject index. The chronological chart and the glossary are very helpful. An impressive e ffo rt by the author of several other books on archaeology. 151

913.7 E13r An Anthropological Bibliography of the Eastern Seaboard. New Haven, Conn.: Eastern States Archaeological Federation, 1947-63.

An anthropological bibliography of the Eastern (United States) seaboard. Has citations from journals, reports, and collections. Arranged into ethnological and archaeological sections and by tribal name. Includes a correlation of states with tribal groups and a trib a l index and synonomy ( lis t of synonyms). Also has political and tribal maps.

913.7 X S678a Abstracts of New World Archaeology. Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City, Ut.: 1959-60.

A set of abstracts on New World archaeology. Use the regionally arranged table of contents and the author index to get proper archaeological citations. Journal articles and reports are the sources for the abstracts.


920.01 M147 The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Biography; An International Reference Work. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973.

A twelve-volume, illustrated biographical encyclopedia. Lists 19th and 20th century anthropologists and th e ir accomplishments.

920.01 X B615 Biography Index: A Cumulative Index to Biographical Material in Books and Magazines. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1946/49-

An index to biographies. See the professions and occupations section in the back of each issue in order to locate the anthro­ pology biographees.

920.073 N277 The National Cyclopedia of American Biography. New York: J. T. White & Company, 1893-1919.

A sixty-two-volume set of American biographies. It has an addi­ tional fourteen-volume supplementary set. It has been called the most comprehensive American biography. Many prominent American 152

anthropologists are listed. Use the index volume to obtain the right volume and pages. Has photographs.

920.073 V829s Visher, Stephen Sargent. Scientists Starred. 1903-1943. in American Men of Science. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1947.

"A study of collegiate and doctoral training, birthplace, dis­ trib utio n , backgrounds, and developmental influences" of scien­ tis ts noted in the journal, American Men of Science. Offers data like "anthropologists extent of training by decade of birth" and "anthropologists place of birth by type and decade". This work might be useful for comparative purposes but most of its data seem irrelevant.

920.073 X A512 Briscoe, Mary Louise, ed. American Autobiography. 1945-1980: A Bib!iograohv. Madison, Wise.: University of Wisconsin Press, 1982.

This bibliography of American autobiographies "provides access to over 5,000 American autobiographies published in book form. . . from 1945-1980". Its subject index accesses anthropologically related information. Look for obvious terms like "anthropology" and "archaeology" and also peruse the entire work. Extensive searching w ill unearth citations like the memories of Red Fox, a Sioux Chief (p. 182). Has interesting and c ritic a l annotations.

920.073 X M442am Matthews, William. American Diaries in Manuscript. 1580-1954: A Descriptive Bibliography. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press, 1974.

A descriptive bibliography of American historical diaries. Covers close to 400 years of American history. Contains information on prominent anthropological figures like Henry Rowe Schoolcraft but i t also has the diary citations of lesser-known, more obscure individuals. For instance, the diaries on Justin Rice are cited. Back in 1842, Rice kept a record of "negotiations with Chipewa Indians at La Pointe, Wisconsin, for extinction of th e ir t it le to lands in that v ic in ity ". Another entry offers the diary of Paul M. Ponziglione, S.J., who is a "priest of the Western missions". A fascinating work worthy of examination for its historical and ethnohistorical contents. A lis t of institutions holding the diary manuscripts is at the front of the book. 153

920.073 X M442a 1983 Arksey, Laura, Nancy Pries and Marcia Reed. American Diaries: An Annotated Bibliography of Published American Diaries and Journals. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1983.

A bibliography of American diaries that expands and revises Matthews' American Diaries in Manuscript. 1580-1954. This is a two-volume set covering the years 1492-1980. I t is annotated and, unlike Matthews' work, has a subject index.

920.7 N899 James, Edward T. Notable American Women. 1607-1950: A Biographical Dictionary. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard Univer­ s ity, 1971.

A three-volume biographical dictionary of notable American women. Refer to the subject index for the terms "anthropologists and folklorists" and "Indian women".

920.7 N8992 Sicherman, Barbara and Carol Green Hurd, eds. Notable American Women, the Modern Period: A Biographical Dictionary. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University, 1980.

Similar to the above title . This biographical dictionary of notable American women covers a more modern time period. See the subject index for terms like "anthropology and folklore" and "classics and archaeology" to find biographical citations of female American social scientists.


930 X Q1 Quarterly Checklist of Classical Studies. East Northport, N.Y.: American Bibliographic Service, 1958-1977.

A quarterly checklist of classical studies. Classical archaeology is well represented.

930.03 E56 Cotterell, Arthur, ed. The Encyclopedia of Ancient Civilizations. New York: Mayflower Books, 1980.

A learned, illustrated encyclopedia of ancient c iviliza tio n s. Covers prehistory and emerging and established civilizations. Describes both the Old and New World ancient societies. 154

930.102573 W749p The Passionate Amateur's Guide to Archaeology in the United States. New York: C ollier Books, 1980.

An informative guide to American archaeology for the non-profes­ sional archaeologist. Gives site descriptions and locations, lis ts addresses of museums, and gives the names of state archae­ ologists, archaeology associations, and other data. Arranged geographically.

930.103 C178 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Archaeology. New York: Crown Publishers, 1980.

An illu stra ted encyclopedia of archaeology. Gives a comprehensive account of archaeology through the ages. The drawings and photographs are excellent and conform to the text. Of special importance are the chronological atlases at the end of the encyclopedia. These show, among other things, chronologies of the colonization of the world, and the spread of early stone tool industries. Has an extensive bibliography and a subject index. Highly recommended.

932 - EGYPT

932 B162a Baines, John and Jaromir Makek. Atlas of Ancient Egypt. New York: Facts on File Publications, 1980.

A good, illustrated atlas of ancient Egypt. I t covers the cultural setting, describes a fictitious journey down the Nile River in those ancient times, and gives an account of everyday Egyptian lif e . Large sections of the atlas give a fine survey of Classical archaeology and . Has a glossary, illu s ­ trations lis t , bibliography, gazetteer, and subject index.


933.003 N384a Negev, Avraham, ed. Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land. New York: Putnam, 1972.

An illu stra te d encyclopedia of Biblical archaeology. It "des­ cribes excavations in the area and analyzes the importance of the 155

finds they have yielded". The work is both descriptive and methodological. It has a glossary and chronology.

938 - GREECE TO 323

938 098 1970 The Oxford Classical Dictionary. 2nd ed. Oxford, Eng.: Clarendon Press, 1970.

A scholarly dictionary of terms from classical antiquity. Has material on classical archaeology. Also includes customs of the day.

938.003 P957 The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1976.

An authoritative encyclopedia of classical archaeological sites. Maps and a map index give exact locations of these sites. Limited to Old World archaeology.


940.1 P757r 1971 Gallais, Pierre, Bernedette Pummail and Yves-Jean Riou. Repertoire Internationale des Medieviestes. 3rd ed. Poitiers, Fr.: Universitie de Poitiers, Centre d'etudes Superieures de Civ­ ilization des Medievistes, 1971.

A bibliography on medieval Europe. I t supplements the journal Cahiers de C ivilisaion Medeivale. It has a good subject index (index des specialisations et de Domaines d'interet). Look for the terms "anthropologie", "anthroponymie", "ethnographie", "archaeologie", "fouilles archaeologie" (archaeological ex­ cavations), "folklore", "1inguistique", "mythes", and "socologie". Arranged by author. In French.

940.1 x C527R 1959 Chevalier, Cyr Ulysse Joseph. Repertoire des Sources Historiques du Moven Age. Topo-Bibliographiaue. New York: Kraus Reprint Corp., 1959.

A two-volume subject-arranged bibliography dealing primarily with the history of the Middle Ages in Europe. See the citations on "archaeologie" and "antiquites". In French. 156

940.1 X 161 International Guide to Medieval Studies. Darien, Conn.: American Bibliographic Service, 1964-1973.

A series of bibliographic guides to medieval studies. Use the subject index to find citations on archaeology, anthropology and folklore.

940.1 X P126g 1980 Paetow, Louis John. A Guide to the Study of Medieval History. Rev. and corrected ed. with errata. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus Reprint Corp., 1980.

A subject bibliography of medieval history. Has a small section on (pp. 44-45). A reprint of an earlier edition.

940.1 X PI26g 1908 Suppl. Boyce, Gray Cowan. Literature of Medieval History. 1930-1975. Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus Publications, 1981.

A supplement to the above guide to medieval history. Has some citations on medieval archaeology and folklore. Refer to the table of contents.

940.1 X Q1 Quarterly Checklist of Medievalia. East Northport, N.Y.: American Bibliographic Service, 1959-1977.

A bibliography of medieval history. Arranged by author. It lacks a subject index. Has occasional pertinent anthropological material. For instance, a citation dealing with the medieval social structure of the c ity of Lyon was uncovered. Books and brochures are cited.

940.21 X B582 Bibliographie Internationale de 1'Humanism et de Renaissance. Geneva, Switz.: Librairie Droz, 1966.

A five-volume bibliography of renaissance culture and history. Use the subject index to get anthropological citations. A few citations were located by using standard anthropological terms but deeper analysis of this work is in order i f the user expects to get its fu ll value. For instance, concentrated browsing through the subject index brought forth the topic "Amerique Latine - Missions". This discussed the beginning of the Christian 157

missions in the New World among the indigenous people of Latin America. In French.

940.55 X A512 Shaw, J. T., ed. The American Bibliography of Russian and East European Studies for 1958-60. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Publications, 1959.

The editor states that "this bibliography attempts to include all works. . . published in America or by Americans anywhere. . . in the entire field of Slavic and East European studies". Refer to the table of contents and the subject and author arrangement. The sections marked "anthropology", "geography", "archaeology", "linguistics" and "folklore" promise the best material.


941.073 X B878b Brown, Lucy and Ian R. Christie, eds. Bibliography of British History, 1789-1851. Oxford, Eng.: Clarendon Press, 1977.

A bibliography of British history spanning the 18th and 19th centuries. There are small sections on anthropology and ethnology (p. 400), classical archaeology (p. 413), and Oriental studies (pp. 414-17). Be sure to look for anthropological material listed under geographical areas. For instance, "New Zealand-Aborigines" (p. 600).

941.5 X Ellg 1980 Eager, Alan, R. A Guide to Irish Bibliographical Material: A Bib­ liography of Irish Bibliographies and Sources of Information. 2nd rev. and enlarged ed. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1980.

A bibliography of Irish bibliographies on history. It is arranged by subject and author. Refer to the sections on anthropology (p. 141), archaeology (p. 269), custom and tradition (p. I l l ) , and folklore (p. 112).

941.503 E56 Encyclopedia of Ireland. Dublin: A. Figgis, 1968.

An illu stra ted encyclopedia on Ireland. The subject index is useful but the table of contents allows more direct access to anthropological writings. See the sections on archaeology, history, language, and the Irish people (especially the part on racial strains and traditional costumes). 158


942 X M959g Mullins, Edward Lindsay Carson. A Guide to Historical and Archae­ ological Publications of Societies in England and Wales. 1901- 1933. London: Athlone Press, 1968.

A guide to English and Welsh historical and archaeological publications in the early part of the 20th century. It covers "the history and archaeology of England and Wales, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man". Has many valuable anthropological citations. Refer to the general index for subject headings.

942.01 X B721a Bonser, Wilfred. An Anglo-Saxon and Celtic Bibliography. 405-1087. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1957.

A two-volume subject bibliography on the Celts and Anglo-Saxons. Volume two is the index volume. It has an author index and a subject-topographical index. Look at the table of contents for data on general culture and archaeology (pp. 329-424).

942.06 X G877S Grose, Clyde Led are. A Select Bibliography of British History. 1660-1760. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1939.

A bibliography on B ritish history from 1660-1760. Refer to the section. It contains citations on witchcraft, superstitions, and costume.


943 X D131d 1965 Dahlmann, Friedrich Cristoph. Bibliooraphie der Quellen und der Literatur zur Deutschen Geschichte. Stuttgart, Ger.: A. Hier- semann, 1965-

A scholarly, continuing bibliography on all aspects of German history. See volume one, section 25, "Quellenkunde nach Archaologisch-historisches methode" (dealing with methodology in Old Word archaeology) and section 34, "Volkstum" (has material on ethnology and folklore). In German. 159

943 X F837b Franz, Gunther. Bucherkunde zur Deutschen Geschichte. Munich, Ger.: R. Oldenbourg, 1951.

A bibliography of German history. See pp. 56-57, numbers 525-45 for material on German national characteristics. In German.

943 X H811e Horecky, Paul L ., ed. East Central Europe: A Guide to Basic Pub!ications. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.

An annotated, subject bibliography of sources on East Central Europe. Gives an area survey and has specific chapters on Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, East German, and other national groups and boundaries. Refer to the "People" section of each chapter to locate works on anthropology, archaeology, ethnology, and folklore.

943.003 H788r Hoops, Johannes. Real!exikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1967-

An illu stra ted encyclopedia of German archaeology. I t is a work in progress. Addresses prehistoric and classical archaeology. Has startlingly beautiful color plates and finely detailed draw­ ings. A work of the highest scholarship. In German.

943.9 X B168g Bako, Elemer. Guide to Hungarian Studies. Stanford, C a lif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1973.

A two-volume, annotated guide to Hungarian studies. See volume one, chapter six, pp. 281-307 for material on Hungarian ethnology and folklore. Also refer to chapter seven for archaeological references.


944 X B582 Biblioqraphiaue Annuelle de l'H is to ire de France du Cinouieme Siecle a 1939. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1954-

A well-documented annual bibliography of French history. Cites materials from books and journals. Anthropology and folklore are in the Histoire Sociale sections. Archaeology and anthropometry 160

are in the Manuels Generaux et Sciences Auxiliaries de 1'histoire sections. In French.

944 x C444f Chambers, Frances. France. Oxford, Eng.: CLIO Press, 1980.

An annotated subject bibliography of France. Books are cited, but not journals. See the sections on "archaeology and prehistory", "folklore", "social classes", "social groups", "social change" and "nationalities and minorities". This is a monograph in the World Bibliography Series. In English.


947 X E13 Horecky, Paul L., ed. East Central and Southeast Europe: A Handbook of Library and Archival Resources in North America. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: CLIO Press, 1975.

An informative handbook of lib ra ry resources held in America on the countries in East Central and Southeast Europe. It details the areas of Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Refer to the area and subject guide of this work for material on anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, and folklore.

947 X H811b Horecky, Paul L., ed. Basic Russian Publications. An Annotated Bibliography of Russia and the Soviet Union. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962.

A "bibliography on the political and social sciences and the humanities. . . lim ited to title s published in Tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union, and in other countries in the Russian language". Its citations are in te llig e n tly and c ritic a lly annotated. See the chapter on Russian anthropology, pp. 49-57, and refer to the subject index for further anthropological information. A com­ panion work to Russia and the Soviet Union. In English.

947 X H811r Horecky, Paul L., ed. Russia and the Soviet Union; A Bibliographical Guide to Western Language Publications. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965.

An annotated guide to Western language works on the Soviet Union. See chapter IV, especially pp. 59-72. Companion book to Basic Russian Publications. 161

947 X M217g Maichel, Karol. Guide to Russian Reference Books. Stanford, C a lif.: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University, 1962-67.

A five-volume set of annotations on Russian reference books. Volumes three and four are lacking. Volume two holds a b ib lio ­ graphy of Russian reference works on anthropology, ethnography, physical anthropology, folklore, folk music, and witchcraft. These citations are on pp. 171-88. Archaeology books are on pp. 147-51.

947.003 M465i Maxwell, Robert, ed. Information U. S. S. R.; An Authoritative En­ cyclopedia About the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Oxford, Eng.: Pergamon Press, 1962.

An impressive, illu stra ted encyclopedia about the Soviet Union. Look at sections V, archaeology, and IV, ethnology and lin ­ guistics. Has a subject index, fold-out maps, and statistical data.

947.1 X A112b Aaltonen, Hilkka, comp. Books in English on Finland. Turku, Fin.: Turku University, 1964.

A bibliography of English language book and magazine articles about Finland. Locate pp. 155-58 on anthropology, archaeology, and ethnology; pp. 171-78 for linguistics; and p. 93 for folklore and mythology. Arranged by subject and author.

947.1 X H339f Harvard University. Library. Finnish and Baltic History and Liter­ atures. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1972.

A classified lis t of material on Finland and the Baltic states (Estonia, Livonia, Latvia, and Lithuania). The titles reflect the catalog cards at Harvard University Library. Look under such classifications as "ancient religions and mythology" and "social lif e and customs". 162

947.71 X W487u Weres, Roman. The Ukraine: Selected References in the English Language. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Western Michigan University, 1961.

An annotated bibliography of book title s and journal article citations on the Russian Ukraine. See chapters XII, History of the Ukraine; XVII, Ukranian language and lite ra tu re ; and XX, Ukranian social lif e and customs.


950 X B582 Bibliography of Asian Studies. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Association for Asian Studies, 1969-

An exhaustive bibliography on Asian Studies. Gives unannotated citations from books, journal articles, symposia, conference proceedings, and collections of papers. Anthropological and anthropology related citations proliferate. Look for the headings "anthropology and sociology", "arts", "history", and "language". Arranged by geographical area. An annual publication.

950 X D367 Doctoral Dissertations on Asia. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Xerox University Microfilms, 1975-

An irregularly published compilation of doctoral dissertations on a ll facets of Asia. It lacks a subject index but looking care­ fu lly through the work w ill produce title s in a ll of the sub­ disciplines of anthropology.

959 X K39n Kerner, Robert Joseph. Northeastern Asia. A Selected Bibliography of the Relations of China. Russia, and Japan, with Special References to Korea. Manchuria. Mongolia, and Eastern Siberia, in Oriental and European Languages. Berkeley, C a lif.: University of C ali­ fornia Press, 1939.

An outdated but h isto rically relevant two-volume bibliography on Asia. The information is geographically arranged. Refer to the table of contents for the appropriate anthropology subjects. 163

959 X Q1 Quarterly Checklist of Oriental Studies. East Northport, N.Y.: American Bibliographic Service, 1959-1977

A quarterly issued checklist of Oriental studies. There is no subject index but coded letters beside each citation indicate the subject matter. Anthropology and archaeology citations are in this work.

950 X S582j Silberman, Bernard S. Japan and Korea; a C ritical Bibliography. Tuscon, A riz.: University of Arizona Press, 1962.

A "select, annotated and graded guide to the authoritative and available works on Japan and Korea". Many of the sources may be out-of-print. Refer to the sections on land and people, language, pre-history, religion and philosophy (especially mythology and religious sects), and social organization and structure (par- ticulary family and kinship organization, personality and national characteristics, and minority communities). An insightful source.

950 X S932a Stucki, Curtis W. American Doctoral Dissertations on Asia. 1933-1962. Ithica, N.Y.: Cornell University, 1963.

A bibliography of unannotated doctoral dissertations on Asia. These were done between 1933-1962. Use the table of contents to locate anthropological material. A lis t of master's theses from Cornell University is appended to this work.

950.072 161 International Directory of Centers for Asian Studies. Hong Kong: Asian Research Service, 1975.

A directory to Asian studies centers in Australasia, Europe, and North America. It lis ts a ll pertinent information needed about the centers. Many of these centers lis t anthropology as an area of research interest.


951 X H882c Hucker, Charles 0. China. A C ritical Bibliography. Tuscon, A riz.: University of Arizona Press, 1962.

A valuable Chinese bibliography. Anthropological material is scattered throughout this source. 164

951.003 C718 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982.

An indispensible, compact, illu stra ted encyclopedia on China. See the table of contents for anthropological information. Look especially under the sections "the inhabitants of China", "the continuity of China", and "the mind and senses of China".

951.05 W959c Yuan-1i, Wu, ed. China: A Handbook. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973.

An illu stra ted handbook on China. It has three parts. Part one has informational text, part two has documents of modern China, and part three contains statistical and tabular data. Look for the article entitled "Chinese society: stratification, minorities, and family" (pp. 669-90).

951.9 H236 1979 A Handbook on Korea. 3rd ed. Seoul, Kor.: Korean Overseas Information Service, Ministry of Culture and Information, 1979.

An informative, illu stra ted handbook on Korea. See the sections called "Land and people" (especially ethnic origins and language), "History" (particulary prehistoric Korea) and "Customs and folklore".

952 - JAPAN

952.003 K76 Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. Tokyo: Kodansha Ltd., 1983.

A nine-volume, illustrated encyclopedia of Japan. Volume nine is the subject index. Thoroughly search the sub-headings in the index to achieve specified knowledge. For instance, looking under the heading "animals" w ill lead to the sub-heading "animals in Japanese culture" which is background material of anthropological interest. This very important encyclopedia is "the f ir s t e ffo rt in the world to complete an encyclopedia about Japan in English". 165


953 R768c Ronart, Stephan and Nancy Ronart. Concise Encyclopedia of Arabic C iviliza tio n : The Arab East. New York: Praeger, 1959.

A scholarly and demanding encyclopedia of c iv iliz a tio n in the Arab East and "the Arab land spread from the Atlantic Ocean to the Taurus Mountains, the Iranian highland, and the Persian Gulf". It is replete with anthropological information. Contains maps and a lis t of suggested readings on Arab c iv iliz a tio n .

953 R768co Ronart, Stephan and Nancy Ronart. Concise Encyclopedia of Arabic C ivilization: the Arab West. New York: Praeger, 1965.

An encyclopedia on the Arab West. A valuable resource that is a companion to the work Concise Encyclopedia of the Arab East. It shows "the principal driving forces behind the evolution of. . . Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya". Contains much anthro­ pological material.

953 X S262i Sauvaget, Jean. Introduction to the History of the Muslim East: A Bibliographical Guide. Based on the Second Edition as Recast bv Claude Cahen. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1965.

A scholarly bibliography of Muslim history. Has reference and general works and historical bibliographies. This volume is an elaboration of Sauvaget's work by Claude Cahen who has "attempted to extend the range of subjects. . . and to enter into more detail than did Sauvaget". Refer to part I, sections 8-9, and part II, sections 11-13.


954 X H339s Harvard University. Library. Southern Asia: Afghanistan. Bhutan. Burma. Cambodia. Ceylon. India. Laos. Malaya. Nepal. Pakistan. Sikkim. Singapore. Thailand. Vietnam. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968.

A listing of the shelflist (library classification arrangement) of the Widener Library of Harvard University. Looking at the outline 166

in the front of this work w ill guide the user to the many anthropology citations in its pages.

954 X M214 i Mahar, J. Michael. India: A Critical Bibliography. Tucson, Ariz.: University Press, 1964.

An annotated bibliography covering many aspects of modern and ancient India. The user must browse through the contents to locate the anthropological data in the work.

954 X P318s Patterson, Maureen L. 0. in collaboration with W. J. Alspaugh. South Asian Civilization: A Bibliographical Synthesis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.

An exhaustive bibliography on South Asia that is packed with archaeological and anthropological citations. The outline of headings on pp. 1-83 w ill refer the user to appropriate citations.

954 X S562d Shulman, Frank Joseph. Doctoral Dissertations on South Asia. 1966- 1970. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Center for south and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan, 1971.

An annotated bibliography of doctoral dissertations about South Asia. I t covers the time period 1966-1970. See the table of contents and the subject index to locate anthropology citations.

954 X S726 Pearson, J. D., ed. South Asian Bib!ioaraphv: A Handbook and Guide. Sussex, Eng.: Harvester Press, 1979.

A handbook to manuscripts, archives, theses, and books on South Asia. Has source material on specific nations. See the articles on p. 26, p. 131, p. 143, and pp. 159-201.

954 X S948s Sukhwal, B. L. South Asia: A Systematic Geographic Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J. Scarecrow Press, 1974.

An impressive bibliography on South Asia. It is arranged by country and area and includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, and the Indian Ocean islands. Look in each geographical area for the sections on social and cultural geography, settlement geography, and historical geo­ graphy. These show some anthropological information. 167

954.91 P1528 Pakistan Yearbook. Karachi, Pak.: National Publishing House, Ltd., 1969-

An illu stra ted yearbook on Pakistan. Refer to the sections called "land and people" and "". Has a subject index.


956.005 X M267 The Middle East. Abstracts and Index. Pittsburgh, Penn.: Northumber­ land Press, 1979-

A quarterly index to materials on the Middle East. It abstracts journal articles, books, dissertations, and other materials. Has subject and author indexes. A fundamental source by which to search for cultural and ethnological data on this vital area.

956.9 X P284j Patai, Raphael. Jordan. Lebanon, and Syria: An Annotated Bibliography. New Haven, Conn.: HRAF Press, 1957.

An annotated bibliography on Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. References handbooks, maps, and journal a rticles. Concerned with cross-cultural data.

956.94 X H339j Harvard University. Library. Judaica: Classification Schedule. Classified Listing bv Call Number. Chronological Listing. Author and T itle Listing. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971.

The Harvard University shelflist on Judaica. Look for the sections JUD300-JUD920, particularly JUD310-JUD340 (Jewish ethnology).


958.1 X W664a 1962 Wilbur, Donald Newton. Annotated Bibliography of Afghanistan. 2nd ed. New Haven, Conn.: HRAF Press, 1962.

An annotated bibliography on Afghanistan. See chapters: III, history; IV, social organization; V, social evolution and insti­ 168

tutions; VIII, languages and literature (including folklore); and IX, art and archaeology.


959 X 168$ Irikura, James K. Southeast Asia: Selected Annotated Bibliography of Japanese Publications. New Haven, Conn.: Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, 1956.

An annotated bibliography of Japanese publications whose "primary purpose. . . is to introduce Japanese publications on Southeastern Asia to Western readers". Refer to the section on culture listed under each area.

959.1 X N532a 1973 Trager, Frank N. Burma: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography. New Haven, Conn.: HRAF, 1973.

An annotated bibliography on Burma. It has been written by a noted Asian scholar. Much of the anthropological and archae­ ological material on this secluded land is found through the topical index at the end of each bibliography. See pp. 288-91, "history, pre-1826"; 336-39, "culture"; 341-44, "language"; 344-49, "sociology and ; and 349-52, "anthropology and ethnology". Also refer to Burmese ethnic groups such as the Chins, Kachins, Karens, Kayahs, Mons, and Shans.

959.3 X M399t Mason, John Brown and H. Carroll Parish. Thailand Bibliography. Gainsville, Fla.: Department of Reference and Bibliography, University of Florida Libraries, 1959.

A bibliography of books, journal articles, and documents about Thailand. Many citations are annotated. Covers anthropology, archaeology and language.

959.8 D152i 1980 Dalton, B ill. Indonesia Handbook. 2nd ed. Chico, C a lif.: Moon Publications, 1980.

An informative handbook about Indonesia. Has material on the people, history, language, and customs of Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Celebes, Moluccas, and Iaian Jaya. Illustrated. 169

959.9 X C532s Chicago. University. Philippine Studies Program. Selected Bib­ liography of the Philippines. Preliminary ed. New Haven, Conn.: Human Relations Area File, 1956.

An annotated bibliography of the Philippine Islands. Arranged by topic. See the table of contents and chapters V, VI, VII, V III, X, XI, and XV.


960 C968 Murray, Jocelyn, ed. Cultural Atlas of A frica. New York: Facts on File, 1982.

A monographic atlas of Africa which deals with the physical and cultural backgrounds of each African country. Has a great amount of anthropological material which can be located through the subject index and the text proper. Has a gazetteer. Brilliantly illustrated.

960 L521a Legum, Colin, ed. Africa: A Handbook to the Continent. Rev. and enlarged ed. New York: Praeger, 1966.

An illu stra ted handbook which has information on Africa. Divided into two sections - countries and essays. Use the subject index to locate anthropology items. The essays referring to African art and changing cultural patterns are interesting.

960 X A798i Asamani, J. 0., comp. Index Africanus. Stanford, C a lif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1975.

An extensive bibliography and index on Africa. Arranged by subject and country. Covers all fields of anthropology along with related disciplines. It is "a catalogue of articles in Western languages dealing with Africa as published from 1885 to 1965 in periodicals, festschriften, symposia, and proceedings of congresses and conferences".

960 X C976 A Current Bibliography on African Affairs. New series. New York: Greenwood Press, 1968-

A quarterly bibliography to current African literature about all countries and regions of that continent. Composed of citations 170

from scholarly research journals, book reviews, and current bibliographies. The subject and regional indexes refer to the anthropological works within the main text.

960 X D837h Duignan, Peter. Handbook of American Resources for African Studies. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution of War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, 1966.

An informative guide to museums and galleries having African studies material and located in the United States. See pp. 175-92 for ethnological collections.

960 X E13a Easterbrook, David L. African Book Reviews, 1885-1945: An Index to Book Reviews in Selected English-Language Publications. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1979.

An index to African book reviews in English language publications. As the reviews cover a sixty-year time span, a historical per­ spective is evident. There is no subject index so the user must browse through this work to find anthropology citations and reviews.

960 X H339a Harvard University. Library. African History and Literatures: Classification Schedule. Classification Listing bv Call Number, Chronological Listing. Author and Type Listing. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971.

A listing of African history and literature books on the shelves of Widener Library, Harvard University. Serves as a bibliography for relevant items. Look in the classified listings, particularly those ones on specific races and tribes.

960 X H853c Howard University Library. Moorland Foundation. A Catalogue of the African Collection in the Moorland Collection. Howard University Library. Washington: Howard University Press, 1958.

A catalog of Africana in the Moorland Collection at Howard University. It was compiled by Howard University students in the African Studies program. See the table of contents and the subject index to locate anthropological material. Arranged by subject and geographical area. 171

960 X U58 United States and Canadian Publications on Africa. 1960-1966. Stan­ ford, Calif.: Hoover Institution, 1967.

A bibliographic survey of Africa. Its contents are culled from American and Canadian theses written during 1960-1966. See the table of contents and subject index to find anthropological data.

960.003 A258 African Encyclopedia. London: Oxford University Press, 1974.

An illustrated encyclopedia on Africa. Contains anthropology subjects.

960.03 C178 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of A frica. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

An in-depth, illu stra ted encyclopedia of Africa. Has a ll types of anthropological references, some of article size length.


967 B267 Morrison, Donald George and others. Black Africa; A Comparative Handbook. New York: Free Press, 1972.

A detailed handbook on thirty-two African nations. Has cross- cultural material listed in charts, ratios, graphs and maps. Has literature on cultural pluralism and language patterns. Much of this source is p o litic a lly outdated but i t s t ill has some usable quantitative and qualitative information.

967 X D873g Duignan, Peter and Helen F. Conover. A Guide to Research and Reference Works on Sub-Saharan A frica. Stanford, C a lif.: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1971.

A massive, annotated bibliography of sub-Saharan Africa. Refer to the guide to research organizations and the general subject and area guides. Anthropology citations are on pp. 325-36, lin g u istic citations are on pp. 340-48. 172


968 R815e 1970 Rosenthal, Eric, comp, and ed. Encyclopedia of Southern A frica. London: Frederick Warne & Co., Ltd, 1961.

An illu stra ted encyclopedia of Southern Africa. See the articles on the archaeology of Southern Africa, pp. 21-23; Bantic lan­ guages, pp. 37-39; and the Bantu people, pp. 39-40. Short descriptions are interspersed with more lengthy articles.

968 S7264 South Africa: O fficia l Yearbook of the Republic of South A frica. Pretoria, S. Afr.: South African Bureau of National and Inter­ national Communication, 1973-

An informative annual South African yearbook. See chapters three through five for the history, people, and linguistics of this country.

968 S785 Standard Encyclopedia of South A frica. 1st ed. Capetown: 1960-1976.

A twelve-volume, illustrated encyclopedia of South Africa. Has a large amount of data on all sub-fields of anthropology. Some articles have bibliographies. The user should be aware of the unique ideological and historical perspectives that permeate this encyclopedia and of ethnocentricities that might be encountered.

968 X M537m 1957 Mendelssohn, Sidney. Mendelssohn's South African Bibliography. London: The Holland Press, 1957.

A two-volume, c ritic a lly annotated bibliography of South Africa. The chronological and typographical subject indexes (pp. 925-1023 of volume two) w ill aid in locating appropriate anthropological material. Emphasizes the Afrikaners but there is also a lo t of lite ra tu re on the indigenous South African peoples and trib es., Some ethnocentricities occur. This is an important work because of its well-researched text and its historical contents. A reprint of the earlier 20 th century edition. 173

968 X M987g 1965 Musiker, Reuben. Guide to South African Reference Books. 4th rev. ed. Capetown: A. A. Balkema, 1965.

A guide to South African reference books. See the sections on African language, pp. 28-29; anthropology, pp. 33-34; and archae­ ology, p. 69.

968.91003 R225h Rasmussen, R. Kent. Historical Dictionary of Zimbabwe/Rhodesia. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1979.

A historical dictionary on Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia). Anthro­ pology subjects are on pp. xix-xxxiv and 369-71. The author is a South Africanist who specializes in the history of the Ndebele people. His scholarship is evident throughout this dictionary.


970 W78 Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and c ritic a l History of America. Boston and New York: Houghton M ifflin and Company, 1884-1890.

A monumental, eight-volume c ritic a l history of the Americas. Composed of chapter length articles and essays written by experts who are versed American history. C ritical notes follow each chapter. Areas studied are the Unites States, Canada, South and Central America, Mexico, and the Arctic regions. Ethnological and archaeological material is very much a part of the entire set. See the table of contents and the subject index in each volume to find appropriate literature. This work has many fine illu stra tio n s. Highly recommended for its histo rical, ethno- historical, and anthropological viewpoint.

970 X W956 Writings on American History. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1902-1903, 1906-1907, 1912-1940, 1962-

A continuing bibliography of writings on American history. All facets of American life are covered. See the sections on bib­ liography, historiography, methodology and source guides, history of the American Indians, and oral history. Peripheral anthro­ pological information can be found in the sections on certain geographical areas. Also has a large amount of sociological data. Most of the citations are subject-arranged and are from journal articles. 174

970.01 B972 i Burrows, Don. Indian Names. Bicentennial ed. Robinson, 111.: Keller Printing Service, 1976.

An alphabetical listing of Indian tribal names. Lists the tribes "that roamed the North American continent prior to. . . the white man".


970.1 D411a Dennis, Henry C., ed. The American Indian. 1492-1970: A Chronology and Fact Book. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceania Publications, 1971.

A historical chronology and bibliography covering close to 500 years of the American Indian. It lis ts events and describes famous Indians of the past and present. Pertinent indexes and appendices complete this useful work.

970.1 G847a Gridley, Marion Eleanor. American Indian Tribes. New York: Dodd Mead, 1974.

An illustrated book that describes Indian tribes of the con­ tinental United States, Canada and Alaska. Lists of Indian tribes follow each chapter. Provides a basis for those wanting to fam iliarize themselves with trib a l nomenclature.

970.1 H638f Highwater, Jamake. Fodor's Indian America. New York: McKay, 1975.

A travel guide to Indian America. Dispenses information of value to the tourist. Has scattered and peripheral anthropological data.

970.1 M357g Marquis, Arnold. A Guide to America's Indians; Ceremonials. Reser­ vations. and Museums. 1st ed. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1974.

A guidebook, handbook and directory of the American Indian. It is "a guide into the world of the Indians" where one "may learn something about the major tribes, what kind of people they are, where they live , what they believe, and how to v is it them". This work is of use to the non-Native American interested in knowing more about his or her fellow citizens of Indian heritage. Also 175

contains helpful data like calendars of Indian events and lists of Indian museums, organizations, and tribal publications.

970.1 T325a T e rre ll, John Upton. American Indian Almanac. New York: World Publishing Co., 1971.

A highly informative and conveniently used almanac on the pre­ h is to ric American Indian. Has archaeological s ite maps, chron­ ological maps, and lists of linguistical groups.

970.1 X 8855b Brigham Young U niversity, In stru ctio n a l Development Program. Bib- liographv o f Nonprint In stru ctio n a l M aterials on the American Indian. Provo, Ut.: Brigham Young University Publications, 1972.

A bibliography of audiovisual materials on the American Indian and located at Brigham Young U niversity. Coverage includes North, South, and Central America. Use of the subject index w ill locate anthropological information.

970.1 X C212a Canada. Department o f Indian A ffa irs and Northern Development. About Indians. Ottawa: 1973.

A bibliography that has been compiled "to help the many teachers and librarians who make requests. . . for books on, by, and about Indians for children and young people". It covers Indians of South America and North America.

970.1 X G475r G ill, George A. A Reference Resource o f the American Indian. Tempe, Ariz.: Center for Indian Education, College of Education, Arizona State University, 1974.

A p ra ctica l guide to inform ation on the American Indian. Has names and addresses of groups and institutions. These range from grass roots organizations to museums and libraries. Also has addresses of Indian art cooperatives and art centers. 176

970.1 X H1121 Haas, Marilyn L. Indians o f North America: Methods and Sources of Library Research. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press, 1983.

A valuable guide to library research about the American Indian. Composed of two parts. Part one describes research methodology and strategy. Part two has annotated bibliographic citations on specific Indian tribes. Contains methodology and subjects of interest to anthropologists and ethnohistorians.

970.1 X H688b Hodge, W illiam H. A Bibliography o f Contemporary North American Indians. New York: Interland Publishing, 1976.

A bibliography of contemporary North American Indians. Hodge, an anthropologist, defines the term "contemporary" as "an indefinite period of time beginning about the last quarter of the nineteenth century". He states that "by 1875 almost a ll Native Americans were well launched upon a course of s ta b iliz e d , permanent socio­ cultural pluralism within the larger white society". This annotated work is exceptional because of the breadth of its anthropological comments and the wryness of its annotations. Contains study guides and lis ts of Indian owned and run publi­ cations. An in trig u in g and sensitive document.

970.1 X 138 Index to Literature on the American Indian. San Francisco, C alif.: Indian Historian Press, 1970-73.

A subject index to literature on the American Indian. Covers Indians o f the Western Hemisphere. Arranged by subject and has large sections pertinent to specific tribes. Has a great deal of anthropological and anthropologically related journal article citations. It is unfortunate that this excellent and vital index had such a short life . It was published over a four year period (1970-1973). The hope is that a similar endeavour w ill be initiated in the future.

970.1 X 139 Smith, Dwight L., ed. Indians of the United States and Canada: A Bib!ioaraohv. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: ABC-CLI0, 1974-83.

A two-volume, authoritative, critica lly annotated bibliography of North American Indians. Has sources of interest to anthro­ pologists and ethnohistorians. The annotations are well-written and give insight into the complete work. See the users guide on p. x v ii. 177

970.1 X M486a Mech, Joyce. An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Projects. Theses and D issertations on the American Indian bv Arizona State Univer­ sity Students from 1943-1974. Tempe: Center for Indian Education, College of Education, Arizona State University, 1974.

A bibliography of projects, theses and dissertations from Arizona State University and covering the years, 1943-1974. They are all on the American Indian. Contains anthropological m aterial. Arranged by subject.

970.1 X M665a American Indians. An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Library Resources. Minneapolis: Institute for Minnesota Indians, University of Minnesota, 1970.

An annotated bibliography of print and audiovisual sources on the American Indian. L ists Minnesota arts and c ra fts organizations, speakers bureaux, and service organizations. This bibliography has some books pertaining to anthropology.

970.1 X M974e 1975 Murdock, George Peter and Timothy O'Leary. Ethnographic Bibliography of North America. 4th ed. New Haven, Conn.: Human Relations Area F ile , 1975.

An essential ethnographical bibliography of North American Indians. I t has fiv e volumes and was compiled by two d is tin ­ guished social scientists and authorities on cross-cultural research. Volume one contains culture area bibliographic cita­ tions and the other four volumes have ethnic bibliographic citations. All of the material is "computer generated and based on a v a ria tio n o f the Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) Automated Bibliographic System (HABS)". The information in this scholarly work is obtained from journal articles, books, and collected papers.

970.1 X N532b New York (C ity ). Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Books About Indians. New York: 1974.

An annotated bibliography and catalog of books from the museum shop o f the Museum o f the American Indian. Arranged by author. Some of the books deal with anthropology, archaeology, and fo lk lo re . 178

970.1 X T463g Thomas Gilcrease In s titu te o f American H istory and A rt. Library. The Gilcrease-Harorett Catalogue of Imprints. Norman, Okla.: U niversity o f Oklahoma Press, 1972.

An annotated bibliography and catalog of material housed at an outstanding lib ra ry of Western h isto ry and Americana. Much o f the material is on the American Indian and it is arranged by tribe and chronological date. All of the books, manuscripts, maps, pamphlets, and broadsides are non-circulating and can only be looked at within the Gilcrease Library. Has a wealth of anthropological material.

970.1 X U58b United States. Department of the Interior. Biographical and His­ to ric a l Index of American Indians and Persons Involved in Indian A ffairs. Washington: Bureau of Indian Affairs; Boston: G. K. H a ll, 1966.

An eight-volume index of the card catalog of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. "It should prove useful to anyone interested in Indian biography, history, and social conditions in the latter half of the nineteenth century and the firs t part of the twentieth century". Anthropological and ethnohistorical literature is scattered throughout this excellent bibliography.

970.1 X U582n North American Indians: A Dissertation Index. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1977.

A dissertation index of literature on the Indians of North America. Use the subject index to locate anthropological disser­ tation titles. The titles are not abstracted, but the user just has to re fe r to the accompanying numbers to see where they are located in Dissertation Abstracts International. For instance, a reference to 33/03-b p. 990 means that the annotated work w ill be in volume 33-B, issue no. 3, p. 990, o f D issertation Abstracts.

970.10202 A512 American Indian Reference Book. Portage, Mich.: Earth, 1976.

A reference book of contemporary and h is to ric a l data on American Indians. Shows location of tribes by state and lists Indian museums with outstanding collections, some of them anthropological in nature. 179

970.103 L533c Leitch, Barbara A. A Concise Dictionary of Indian Tribes of North America. Algonac, Mich.: Reference Publications, 1979.

A d ic tio n a ry of North American Indian trib e s . Includes those from Canada, Greenland, and Alaska as well as tribes within the continental United States. Each tribe is given from one to three pages of description. Bibliographies generally follow each description. The dictionary is illustrated, has maps of language groups and culture areas, and shows Indian lands, communities and reservations. Includes an index and glossary.

970.103 R332 1978 K lein, Barry, ed. Reference Encyclopedia o f the American Indian. Rye, N.Y.: Todd Publications, 1978.

A two-volume bibliography, biography and directory of the North American Indian. Includes a biography of Indians and non-Indians active in Indian issues.

970.103 S889d Stoutenburgh, John Leeds. D ictionary of the American Indian. New York: Philosophical Library, 1960.

A d ictio n a ry of short d e fin itio n s o f terms re la tin g to American Indians.

970.105 X P957a Bush, A lfred L. and Robert S. Fraser. American Indian Periodicals in the Princeton University Library; A Preliminary List. Princeton, N .J.: 1970.

A l i s t o f journal t it le s on the American Indian. The journals are located in the Princeton University Library. Some of the title s are anthropological in subject.


970.3 C541Xc Chippewa and Cree: A Bibliography o f Books. Newspaper A rtic le s . Government Documents and other Printed and W ritten Matter in Various Libraries of the United States and Canada. Rocky Boy, Mont.: Rocky Boy School, 1976.

A bibliography that is "primarily designed for use wherever someone has an in te re st in the Chippewa and Cree o f the Rocky 180

Boy's Reservation of Montana. Many appropriate subject areas are covered, including and anthropological linguistics. A useful source.


970.471 H688H Hodge, Frederick Webb. Handbook o f Indians in Canada. New York: Kraus Reprint, 1969.

An alphabetically arranged handbook of terms pertaining to Canadian Indians. Has many ethnological and archaeological data. Includes maps, lis ts , and an extensive bibliography. The text has been excerpted from the Handbook o f American Indians North o f Mexico and is a re p rin t o f the 1913 e d itio n .

970.471 X A152c Abler, Thomas Struthers and S ally M. Weaver. A Canadian Indian Bibliography. 1960-1970. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974.

An informative, annotated bibliography of Canadian Indians. It covers a wide range of subjects of interest to anthropologists and anthropology students. Has a case law digest relating to Canadian Indian legal questions and discusses specifics on Indian tribes of the sub-Arctic, Northwest coast, Plateau, Plains, and Eastern woodlands. Also has material on the Metis (Indians of mixed white and Indian parentage) and has lin g u is tic maps, c u ltu ra l maps, and a subject index.

970.471 X N277r National Indian Brotherhood. Reference Aids-Biblioqraphies. Ottawa: 1973.

A chronological bibliography (1971-1973) of material on the Canadian Indian protests to a hydro-electric project on the James Bay, which borders on the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. This work gives insight into the social, economic and technical problems affecting traditional native populations. Has applied anthropology implications. 181

970.4786 X H817p Horse Capture, George. A P a rtia l H isto rica l and C ultural Bibliography of the Indian Tribes of America. Great Falls, Mont.: Education Department, College of Great Falls, 1977.

A tribal and author bibliography of sources on Montana Indians. The data are gathered from government reports, personal cor­ respondence, books, and journals. The contents are a blend of popular and scholarly material.

970.4786 X 139 Indians in Montana: A Computer Produced Bibliography from America: History and Life, n.p., 1977.

A computerized bibliography of Montana Indians. The contents, apart from holding some anthropological data, show what can be retrieved by searching computer databases for information. The findings are excerpted from the authoritative bibliography, America: History and Life.

970.479 X S851i Stewart, Omar Call. Indians of the Great Basin: A Critical Bib­ liography. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982.

A critical bibliography of the Indians of the Great Basin. This is an area that Stewart considers as "occupied by the Numic speakers in historic times". It describes the prehistory, ethnology, and linguistics of the Shoshonis, Northern Paiutes, Bannocks, Utes, Southern Paiutes, and (although a non-Numic trib e ) the Washoes. The text is comprised of descriptions, bibliographic c ita tio n s , and maps.


970.5 H645o 1974 H ill, Edward E. The Office of Indian Affairs. 1824-1880: Historical Sketches. New York: Clearwater Publishing Co., 1974.

A compilation of sketches which provide "brief histories of the fie ld units of the O ffice of Indian A ffa irs " between 1824-1880. It gives the names of Indian agents and agencies and has short, descriptive histories. Of ethnohistorical interest. 182

970.5 U58in 1973 United States. Treaties, e tc .. the American Indian Treaties Series. Washington: In s titu te fo r the Development o f Indian Law, 1973.

An eight-volume series of treaties between Indian tribes and the U. S. Federal government. The treaties are produced as they were originally written. Of great ethnohistorical and historical value.

970.5 X A375b 1984 Indian Law Library. Bibliography of Economic Development. Boulder, Colo.: 1976.

An annotated bibliography of economic development and how it affects Indians. Helpful to applied anthropologists.

970.5 X N277c National Indian Law Library. Catalogue. Boulder, Colo.: 1976.

An exhaustive catalog on Indian law. It is scrupulously arranged by subject, tables of cases, author-title tables, and supplemental material. A very practical source of material about the legal rights of Native Americans. Although there are many listings of interest to applied anthropologists, the section on culture, customs, and traditions should be of particular importance.

970.5 X P971b Prucha, Francis Paul. A Bibliographical Guide to the History of Indian-White Relations in the United States. Chicago: University o f Chicago Press, 1977.

A lengthy and scholarly two-volume bibliography on Indian-White relations in the United States. Has a combination of general topics like land reform and specific subjects like the use of peyote in re lig io u s ceremonies. There are indexes in both volumes but the table of contents provides surer access to the anthropological literature in this work.

970.5 X SI13a Suppl. American Indian Law; A Bibliography o f Books. Law Review A rtic le s , and Indian Periodicals: Selected Additions, February, 1975. Albu­ querque, N. Mex.: American Indian Law Center, 1975.

A short bibliography of citations from books and law review a rtic le s on American Indian law. Can be used as a "basic guide to materials available in the University of New Mexico Law Library 183

collection". Contains some historical and ethnological data, including a section on primitive law.


970.6301412 X G797n Green, Rayna. Native American Women: A Contextual Bibliography. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983.

An annotated bibliography o f Native American women, past and present. Has an excellent introduction. Many of the citations are anthropological in nature.

970.630776 X T514u Thornton, Russell, Gary D Sandefur and Harold G. Grasmick. The Urbanization of American Indians: A C ritic a l B ibliography. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982.

A critical bibliography on historical, ethnological and soci­ ological glimpses of problems and trends in the urbanization of the American Indian.

970.633 X R386b Remerowski, A nita. Bibliography on Indian Economic Development: Aids fo r the Development o f Essential Legal Tools fo r the Protection and Regulation of Commercial Activities on Indian Reservations. Boulder, Colo.: Native American Rights Fund, 1982.

A sele ctive , annotated bibliography on Indian economic development and the problems associated with it. This work has been compiled "with the goal of helping tribes develop governmental tools essential fo r the protection and regulation of commercial a c tiv ­ ities on reservations". It touches on issues of applied anthro­ pology and cultural integrity. The material comes from journal a rtic le s , books, federal and state government reports, memoranda, and tribal codes, ordinances and regulations.

970.6333 X S967i Sutton, Imre. Indian Land Tenure: Bibliographical Essays and a Guide to the Literature. New York: Clearwater Publishing Co., 1975.

A bibliography on Indian land tenure. It is a scholarly survey on the issue. The history of Indian land ownership is examined from aboriginal occupancy and t e r r it o r a lit y to current economic, political and geographical questions on land. The chapter on land tenure and culture change is of particular interest. Has an extensive bibliography, subject and tribal indexes, and maps. 184

970.6382 X K29b Kelso, Dianne and Carolyn L. Attneave, comps. Bibliography o f North American Indian Mental Health. Westport, conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981.

A bibliography on North American Indian mental health. Contains material primarily in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, ethnopsychiatry, ethnopsychology, and culture and personality studies.

970.6398 X C626n Clements, W illiam M. and Francis M. Malpezzi, comps. Native American Folklore. 1879-1979. an Annotated Bibliography. Athens, Oh.: Swallow Press, 1984.

An annotated bibliography of Indian folklore. Describes tribal folklore in the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Plains, Southwest, Great Basin, California, Northwest coast, Plateau, Sub-Arctic, and Arctic. Folklore is called verbal art and is arranged by tribal group. Has a subject index and an author-translation index.

970.661381 X M219t Mail, Patricia D. and David R. McDonald. Tulaoai to Tokav: A Bib­ liography of Alcohol Use and Abuse Among Native Americans of North America. New Haven, Conn.: HRAF Press, 1980.

An important bibliography o f Native American alcohol use. Holds works o f cross-cultural and applied value. L ists works on alcoholism and the American Indian. It has an excellent subject index which compliments the text. The introduction is incisive.

970.67 X H263b Harding, Ann Dinsdale and Patricia Bolling, comps. Bibliography of A rtic le s and Papers on North American Indian A r t. New York: Krause Reprint, 1969.

An author-arranged bibliography on North American Indian A rt. Describes crafts, architecture, prehistoric pottery, masks, aboriginal pipes and many other forms of art. Many of its citations are from anthropological sources. 185

970.6789912 X L477n Lee, Dorothy Sara. Native American Music and Oral Data: A Catalogue of Sound Recordings. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1969.

A discography of sound recordings held at the Indiana University Archives o f T raditional Music. The c o lle c tio n "documents the h isto ry o f Native American ethnomusicology, beginning w ith James Mooney's 1893 fie ld recordings of Plains Indians". E a rlie r cylin d e r recordings o f Boas, DuBois, and Dorsey are cite d . Subject and culture group indexes are provided. The printing is hard to read.

970.6879 X J17c Jacobson, Angeline, comp. Contemporary Native American L ite ra tu re : A Selected P a rtia lly Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, N .J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977.

A partially annotated bibliography of Native American poems, traditional narratives, autobiographies, biographies, letters, personal narrative, fiction, humor, and satire. An author-title index and firs t line index are at the end of this work. Many of the citations have anthropological and folklorical content.

970.6897 X H669am H irschfelder, Arlene B. American Indian and Eskimo Authors: A Comprehensive Bibliography. New York: Association o f American Indian Affairs, 1973.

A lis t of Indian and Eskimo authors. Includes brief'descriptions of their works. Some of the material is of linguistical and ethnohistorical value.

970.6897 X L779b Littlefield, Daniel F., Jr. and James W. Parins. A Bibliography of Native American W riters. 1772-1924. Metuchen, N .J.: Scarecrow Press, 1981.

A bibliography of Indian writers which covers over 150 years of th e ir lite ra tu re . Most of the works were meant to be published and include " p o litic a l essays and addresses, s a tiric a l pieces. . . myths and legends. . . personal reminiscences, and other genres". Contains anthropological material. 186

970.6897 X M345a Marken, Jack Walter, comp. The American Indian: Language and L ite r ­ ature. Arlington Heights, 111.: AHM, 1978.

A comprehensive bibliography of book and article citations on the language and lite ra tu re o f the American Indian. Arranged mainly by geographical format but it does have "four non-geographical sections: bibliography, autobiography, general literature, and general language". Holds a variety of material on anthropological linguistics, ethnology and folklore. Has a subject index.

970.69293 X K59o Kirkham, E. Kay. Our Native Americans and th e ir Records o f Genea­ logical Value. Logan, Ut.: Everton Publishers, 1980.

A historical and genealogical survey of the origins of Native Americans. Most of the data come from publications and vital statistics of the U. S. government. Ethnohistorical value.

971 - CANADA

971 X H339c Harvard University. Library. Canadian History and Literature. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard U niversity Press, 1968.

A l i s t o f the c la s s ific a tio n schedules at Widener Library, Harvard University. See the sections on Indian races of Canada, pp. 93-95.

971 X M442c Matthews, William. Canadian Diaries and Autobiographies. Berkeley, C alif.: University of California Press, 1950.

An interesting, annotated bibliography of Canadian diaries and autobiographies. See the subject index for data on Eskimo life , the fur trade, and Indian life and affairs.

971 X T425b Thibault, Claude. Biblioqraphica Canadiana. Don M ills, Ont.: Longman Canada, 1973.

A bibliography about Canada. It is thoroughly written and easy to use. See the subject index for anthropological material. Refer also to the citations on Canadian Indians and their customs, pp. 49-63. 187

971.1 X B862d British Columbia. Provincial Archives Department. Dictionary Cata­ logue of the Library of Provincial Archive of British Columbia. Boston: G. K. H a ll, 1971.

An eight-volume catalog of the Library of Provincial Archives, British Columbia. Look at the subject headings for anthro­ pological terms. Refer also to the names of specific Canadian Indian tribes.

971.1 X E26b Edwards, Margaret H. and John C. R. Lort. A Bibliography of British Columbia: Years o f Growth. 1900-1950. V ic to ria : Social Sciences Research Centre, University of Victoria, 1975.

A geographically oriented bibliography on the growth of British Columbia through the f i r s t h a lf o f the 20th century. Most ethnological and linguistic data are found by looking at the subject index or looking up the names of specific Indian tribes. Archaeological literature can be located under the terms "Fraser midden" and "kitchen middens". See the companion bibliography to this work A Bibliography of British Columbia: Laving the Founda­ tio n s . 1849-1899.

971.1 X L922b Lowther, Barbara Joan. A Bibliography of British Columbia: Laving the Foundations. 1849-1899. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria, 1968.

A bibliography o f early B ritis h Columbia h is to ry . Anthropological citations are in the subject index under the term "Indians". For la te r B ritis h Columbia h isto ry see A Bibliography o f B ritis h Columbia: Years o f Growth. 1900-1950.

971.23 X D515b Dew, Ian F., comp. Bibliography of Material Relating to Southern Alberta Published to 1970. Lethbridge, Alb.: University of Lethbridge Learning Resources Centre, 1975.

A bibliography about Southern Alberta. See the material on native people, pp. 1-42. 188


972.003 E56 1976 Encyclopedia de Mexico. 2nd ed. Ciudad, Mex.: In s titu to de la Enciclopedia de Mexico, 1976-1977.

A twelve-volume, illustrated encyclopedia of Mexico. Has articles on anthropology, archaeology, indigenous people, and other related subjects. Lacks a subject index. In Spanish.


972.95 X D724d Dossick, Jesse John. Doctoral Research on Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans. New York: New York University, 1967.

A short bibliography of doctoral dissertations about Puerto Rico and its inhabitants. See the sections on anthropology, archae­ ology, language, and sociology. Not annotated.


973 X A5124 American H istory Periodical Index. Chicago: J. A. Ruebner, 1958-1968.

An eleven-volume index to journal a rtic le c ita tio n s on American h is to ry . Approach the data on a subject basis. Look fo r the standard anthropological, archaeological and linguistical terms. Covers the period 1958-1968.

973 X A5125 America. H istory and L ife . Santa Barbara, C a lif.: ABC CLIO, 1964-1973.

A ten-volume set that indexes and abstracts American h is to ry . Locate the section called "Indians: general-ethnology". Also look at the extensive subject index which delves deeply in to American history and w ill yield anthropological research citations. 189

973 X A51251 America. History and Life. Part A: Article Abstracts and Citations. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: American B ibliographical Center-CLIO Press, 1974.

A bibliography on American history. Use the subject index as an entry to the abstracts in the text. See the section on Indians. Continues America. History and Life.

973 X A51252 America. H istory and L ife . Part B: Index to Book Reviews. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: American B ibliographical Center-CLIO Press, 1974-

An index to book reviews of American h is to ry . Refer to America. History and Life. Part D: Annual Index in order to get a subject approach to these reviews. Look fo r anthropology subjects. A Continuation of America. History and Life.

973 X A51253 America. H istory and L ife . Part C: American H istory Bibliography. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: American B ibliographical Center-CLIO Press, 1974-

A source of history bibliographies on the United States. For a subject index to its contents (including anthropological biblio­ graphies), refer to America. History and Life. Part D: Annual Index. A continuation of America. History and Life.

973 X A51254 America. History and Life. Part D: Annual Index. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: American B ibliographical Center-CLIO Press, 1974-

An annual subject and author index to parts A, B, and C o f American. History and Life. All anthropological disciplines are represented.

973 X B415b 1942-1978 Beers, Henry Putney. Bibliographies in American H isto rie s. 1942-1978: Guide to M aterials fo r Research. Woodbridge, Conn.: Research Publications, 1982.

A two-volume bibliography of bibliographies on American history. Covers bibliographies published between 1942-1978. See the subject index in volume two to locate the anthropological and anthropologically-related bibliography title s. This work con­ tinues Beers' 1938 publication. 190

973 X B858c B rinley, George. Catalogue o f the American Library o f the Late Mr. George Brinlev of Hartford. Conn.. New York: AMS Press, 1968.

A reprint of an annotated 19th century book catalog of the private library of Mr. George Brinley. It is a two-volume sale catalog. Look at the sections on American Indians (for their origin, history, manners and customs) and Indian-White relations in .

973 X C287gu Carman, Harry James and Arthur W. Thompson. A Guide to the Principal Sources fo r American C iv iliz a tio n in the C itv o f New York: Printed Material s. New York: Columbia U niversity Press, 1962.

A two-volume bibliography of sources o f American h is to ry and civilization in the collections of libraries and other insti­ tutions in . References manuscripts, books and journals. Use the subject index and the table of contents. Look fo r works on the American Indian, science (archaeology), and social sciences (ethnology).

973 X C343h Cassara, Ernest. History of the United States of America: A Guide to Information Services. D e tro it: Gale Research Co., 1977.

An annotated, chronological history of the United States from European colonization o f the New World to the post World War II era. Most of the important anthropological citations are on Native Americans. Has a subject index.

973 X H236h Hand!in, Oscar. Harvard Guide to American H isto ry. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1954.

A two-volume, comprehensive bibliography on American h isto ry by a distinguished h is to ria n . See volume one, pp. 459-70 fo r anthro­ pological m aterial on American Indians. Has a subject index.

973 X H525g Guide to American Historical Manuscripts in the Huntington Library. San Marino, C alif.: H. E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, 1979.

A bibliographical guide for historical manuscripts in the col­ lection of the Huntington Library, a major private research 191

library. Most of the appropriate material is located under the subject "Indians of North America".

973 X K56a 1974 Kinton, Jack F. American Ethnic Groups and the Revival of C ultural Pluralism ; Evaluative Sourcebook fo r the 1970's. Aurora, 111.: Social Science and Sociological Resources, 1974.

A subject bibliography of books on American ethnic groups. See the part on the American Indian, pp. 25-42. Includes fic tio n and non-fiction.

973 X R234b Rath, Frederick L. and Merrilyn Rogers O'Connell. A Bibliography on H is to ric a l Organization Practices. N ashville, Tenn.: American Association for State and Local History, 1975.

A six-volume bibliography on historical organization methods and practices. It is a practical work that dispenses information of value to the anthropologist, archaeologist, and folklorist. Refer to: volumes one, historic preservations; two, conservation of collections (especially artifacts, p. 80); four, documentation of collections (particularly folk arts and crafts, pp. 163-70); and six, research (see archaeological research and cultural resources management, pp. 46-65).

973 X U58g U. S. Library o f Congress. General References and Bibliography Division. A Guide to the Study of the United State of America. Washington: Library o f Congress, 1960.

An annotated bibliography of "representative books reflecting the development o f American l i f e and thought". Refer to chapters VII fo r ethnological and archaeological data on American Indians, and XXIV for material on folklore, folk music, and folk art.

973.03 A214d 1976 D ictionary o f American H isto ry. Rev. ed. New York: Scribner, 1976-78.

An eight-volume encyclopedic d ictio n a ry o f American h is to ry . I t carrie s a rtic le length essays which are followed by lis t s o f suggested readings. The subject index to this work indicates that anthropological material is found throughout the encyclopedia. Those interested in ethnohistorical m aterial on the American Indian should refer to volume III, pp. 355-405. This publication is a revised edition of the 1940 title of the same name. 192

973.04 X W985e Wyner, Lobomyr R. and Lois B u ttla r. Ethnic Film and F ilm strip Guide for Libraries and Media Centers: A Selective Filmography. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1980.

An annotated filmography of audiovisual material on ethnic Americans. Locate pp. 44-47 fo r m aterial o f anthropological in te re s t.


978 X D416c Denver. Public Library. Western History Department. Catalog. Boston: G. K. H a ll, 1970.

An eight-volume catalog of western history holding material from "printed books and pamphlets, government documents. . . and some serials". Many anthropological works can be found by browsing through the title s and subjects.

978 X I18c Idaho. U niversity. Library. Checklist o f Western Americana in the Day - NW Collection. Moscow, Id.: University of Idaho Library, 1970.

A regional bibliography and checklist of western American history. Look for the subject, "Indians of North America" in the subject index. It w ill lead to materials of ethnological and ethno- linguistical content.

978 X N534c Newberry Library, Chicago. A Catalogue o f the Everett D. G raff C ollection of Western Americana. Chicago: U niversity o f Chicago Press, 1968.

An annotated catalog of western Americana from a specialized collection at the Newberry Library, an important private research library. Contains many items of ethnological and historical in te re s t, although many o f the commentaries are from non-Indians. Has a subject index. 193

978 X P324f Rodman, Paul W. and Richard W. E tulain, comps. The F rontier and the American West. A rlington Heights, 111.: AHM Publishing Corp., 1977.

A bibliography o f the fro n tie r and the American West. See pp. 16-25 to obtain the occasional anthropological citation on American Indians.

978 X P977c Pueblo Regional Library D is tr ic t. Catalog of the Western Research C ollection o f the Pueblo Regional Library D is t r ic t . Pueblo, Colo.: The D istrict, 1976.

A catalog of western history research. Contains anthropological, archaeological and linguistical material but these can only be found by browsing.

978 X S686d 1960 Soliday, George W. A Descriptive Checklist, together with Short Title Index, describing almost 7.500 Items of Western Americana. New York: Antiquarian Press, 1960.

A commercial book catalog of the volumes housed in the George W. Soliday Library in Seattle, Washington. It covers western American h is to ry . Many o f the t it le s are annotated. This work has a number of personal narratives and reminiscences, several being anthropological or ethnohistorical in content. The subject index w ill aid the user in locating appropriate information.

978 X Y18ca Yale University. Library. Catalog of the Yale Collection of Western Americana. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1961.

A catalog o f western American h isto ry at Yale U niversity. I t is arranged by author, subject and title in a single alphabet. Has myriad anthropological, archaeological, and linguistical cita­ tio n s.

978.003 R286 The Reader's Digest Encyclopedia o f the American West. 1st ed. New York: Crowell, 1977.

An illu s tra te d encyclopedia of the American West. Has descriptive passages on Indian tribes, languages and archaeology. 194


979 X W319d University of Washington. Library. The Dictionary Catalog of the P a cific Northwest C ollection o f the U niversity o f Washington Libraries. Seattle. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1972.

A six-volume dictionary catalog of the Pacific Northwest col­ le c tio n in the U niversity of Washington L ib ra rie s. A thorough search of its contents w ill reveal a broad range of anthro­ pological topics. Arranged by subject, author and title in one alphabet.

979.4 X E26d Edwards, Elza Ivan. Desert Voices: A Descriptive Bibliography. Los Angeles: Westernlore Press, 1958.

A delightful, annotated bibliography of southwestern and Cali­ fornia deserts. The descriptions are critical and intelligently phrased. See the title index in order to get to the anthropology c ita tio n s .

979.6 X N428i Nelson, Milo G. and Charles A. Webbert. Idaho Local H isto ry. Moscow, Id .: U niversity Press of Idaho, 1976.

A bibliography that "consists of books and pamphlets relating to the history and description of Idaho". Has some pertinent ethnological material, much of it dealing with the Lewis and Clark expedition. Refer to the title index to locate anthropology c ita tio n s .

979.7 X H6732 H is to ric a l Records o f Washington State: Records and Papers Held at R epositories. Olympia, Wash.: State H isto rica l Records Advisory Board, 1981.

A two-volume bibliography o f Washington state records. Consists of public and private documents. Use the subject index in volume two to gain anthropological and ethnohistorical data. 195

979.8 F794n Fox, Stephanie K. The National Register of Historic Places: A Guide to the Nomination Process. Boulder, Colo.: Western In te rsta te Commission fo r Higher Education, 1975.

A guide to the nomination process to the National Register of Historic Places. Describes preservation law, nomination processes, cultural inventories, and archaeological site listings. Includes a bibliography.


980 X B5821 Bibliography of Latin America. 1935-1941. New York: J. J. Berliner and S ta ff, 1935-1941.

An old bibliography of Latin America. Arranged by country. Look under the subject "antiquities".

980 X D362L Delorme, Robert. Latin America: Social Science Information Sources. 1967-1979. Santa Barbara, C a lif.: ABC-CLIO, 1981.

A bibliography of social science sources about Latin America for the time period 1967-1979. Includes many anthropological cita­ tio n s . Occasionally omits important lite ra tu re . For example, Oscar Lewis' book, A Study o f Slum C ulture: Backgrounds fo r La Vida (an ethnography of Puerto Rican slum conditions and culture), is not listed in the subject index under "squatters, slums, and marginal populations". This work was published during the years the bibliography covers. Yet this is s till a valuable lis t of sources for Latin Americanists.

980 X G851L G riffin, Charles Carroll, ed. Latin America: A Guide to the Historical Literature. Austin, Tex.: University of Texas Press, 1971.

A significant guide and bibliography to historical literature of Latin America. Note in particular part III in which archae­ ological, ethnological and ethnohistorical citations are listed. 196

980 X G876b Gropp, Eric A rthur. A Bibliography o f Latin American B ibliographies. Metuchen, N .J.: Scarecrow Press, 1968.

A bibliography of bibliographies about Latin America. See the sections on anthropology, archaeology and related fields. Has a more extensive 1976 edition.

980 X G876bi Gropp, Eric Arthur. A Bibliography of Latin American B ibliographies. Metuchen, N .J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976.

A two-volume bibliography whose "aim is to present bibliographical inform ation published in Latin American periodicals and in periodicals published elsewhere with specific references to Latin America through 1965". Has sections on anthropology, archaeology, folklore, Indian languages, art and music, and acculturation. This is a companion piece to Gropp's earlier 1968 bibliography. The user should also refer to the 1979 supplement edited by Daniel Raposo Cordeiro.

980 X H236 Handbook o f Latin American Studies. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1936-

A comprehensive, continuing handbook of Latin American studies. Later volumes are separated into social sciences handbooks and humanities handbooks. The social science volumes have material on anthropology, biological anthropology, archaeology, ethnology, and anthropological linguistics. The humanities volumes contain literature on folklore, history (especially ethnohistory), ethnomusicology, and art (particularly pre-Columbian and folk a r t) . There is a subject index in each handbook. This long­ standing publication deserves scrutiny by Latin Americanists and anthropologists in general.

980 X H927L Humphries, Robert Arthur. Latin American H istory: A Guide to L ite r­ ature in English. London: Oxford University Press, 1958.

A guide to English language lite ra tu re on Latin American h isto ry. See section VI, "ancient peoples and cultures". 197

980 X L357 Latin America in Periodical Literature. Los Angeles: Center of Latin American Studies, U niversity of C a lifo rn ia , 1962-1963.

A short run of a bibliographical journal devoted to Latin America. See sections A-l anthropology, B-4 folklore, B-5 linguistics, B-7 music, and B-9 religion.

980 X S117g Sable, Martin Howard. A Guide to Latin American Studies. Los Angeles: Latin American Center, U niversity of C a lifo rn ia , 1967.

A two-volume, annotated bibliography of Latin American studies. See the parts dealing with anthropology, pp. 122-38; arts and c ra fts , pp. 157-66; fo lk lo re , pp. 279-92; and languages, pp. 358-73. Also refer to the subject index in volume two. This is a resumption of Latin America in Periodical L ite ra tu re . In Spanish and English.


990 X T239p 1965 Taylor, Clyde Romer Hughes. A Pacific Bibliography: Printed Matter Relating to the Native People of . , and Micronesia. 2nd ed. Oxford, Eng.: Clarendon Press, 1965.

An excellent subject bibliography of Oceania. There is a multi­ tude of anthropological citations covering all aspects of the d is c ip lin e . I t gives generous treatment to each su b -d isciplin e. Cites books and monographs, journal a rtic le s , reports and manu­ scripts. Suitable for browsing or finding material through the table of contents or subject index. Highly recommended.

990.03 H673 Craig, Robert D. and Frank P. King, eds. Historical Dictionary of Oceania. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981.

An encyclopedic, historical dictionary of Oceania. Refer to the subject index for anthropological material. Has information on pre-European culture, Austronesian languages and culture, cargo cults, and indigenous folklore. Describes Margaret Mead's fieldwork in the Admiralty Islands. Consists of article length essays. Includes maps. 198


993.1 E56 An Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand: R. E. Owen, Government P rin te r, 1966.

A three-volume illustrated encyclopedia of New Zealand. Refer in particular to the literature concerning the Maori.


994.003 A938 1977 The Australian Encyclopedia. 3rd ed. Sydney, N.S.W.: Grolier Society of Australia, 1977.

A six-volume illustrated encyclopedia of Australia. Refer to the lengthy a rtic le on Australian aborigines in volume one. Lacks an index. 199


A large number of anthropological or anthropologically-related items were located throughout the reference collection and incorporated within the bibliography. This was indicated by the occurrence of data across the wide sweep of Dewey Decimal numbers and subjects. What is the significance of this circumstance? Several reasons may explain the pervasiveness o f anthropology across the spectrum o f knowledge. One element might be due to the nature of anthropology and the way anthropologists practice their art, science, and profession. They naturally incorporate material from other disciplines while working out their own theories. Obviously, the same statement could be applied to practitioners from other disciplines, but there is some doubt whether scholars from these other subject areas work under the same framework as do anthropologists. Anthropology is the systematic study of humankind; anthropologists study a ll facets of human endeavour, behavior, accomplishments, failures, and characteristics in the course of their (Haviland, 1974: 6-7). This gives an overview, or conspectus, of the human condition that is not usually accorded other social scientists, scientists, or humanists. The word "anthropology" comes from the Greek word "anthropos" (man) and "lo g ia " (study)

(Encyclopedia of Anthropology, 1976: 12). It also can be noted that anthropology from the Greek and humanity from the Latin are near synonyms (Bessac, 1986).

The anthropologist in the field or the laboratory draws upon the social, archaeological, linguistic, and physical aspects of his or her 200

discipline. A researcher studying East African pastoralists, for

example, might, in course of his or her inquiries, investigate

historical data, dietary elements, economic strategies in arranging , ecological factors such as rainfall, insect manifestations

related to tribal livlihood, linguistic and psychic factors bearing on

the cosmos of the society or culture, ethnoarchaeological insights that might be applied to contemporary tribal behavior, and urgent applied

considerations such as the dissolution of ethnic boundaries by

urbanization, or the e ffe c t on the trib e o f decreased grazing ranges

due to the encroachment o f a g ric u ltu ra lis ts abetted by uninformed

decisions of government bureaus.

Such research could draw on the disciplines of history, medicine,

social and land economics, sociology, genealogy, religion, language,

law, , meteorology, public administration,

entomology, parasitology, conflict management, agronomy, geology, soil

analysis, paleobotany, ceramics, and other fie ld s o f knowledge which,

combined with the anthropological perspective, could add further

insight into the culture.

The scope of anthropological research allows the investigator to

seek unlimited references to unlimited knowledge in relationship to the anthropological study at hand. This is where the breadth of anthropology resides (Mandelbaum, Lasker, and A lb e rt, 1963: 5) and this, in a sense, indicates the catholic attributes of the subject.

The discipline has built up formidable theoretical and applied underpinnings and there are accepted, contested, and changing elements in its body of knowledge as there are in other areas of study. The 201 uniqueness of anthropology is that, apart from its own recorded knowledge, i t can borrow, indeed i t is expected to borrow, and synthesize components of information from other branches or systems of learning. This process buttresses the formal, intellectual progress of anthropology and provides the v ita lity and dynamism necessary for its evolution.

Another cause for the prevalence of anthropology and anthropological m aterial across the fie ld s o f knowledge is th a t, combined with its natural cross-disciplinary aspects, relevant knowledge of and about the races of the world is now more easily gained and is more available. When anthropology was in its infancy as a formally recognized science, the late nineteenth-century age of exploration was in f u ll bloom. Boas was embarked on fie ld work in the

A rc tic wastes of B affin Island (Boas, 1966: 503-16) and even non­ anthropologists, such as Amundsen, were recording ethnographies during the course of their journeys (Huntford, 1986: 100-04). Many months passed and sometimes years were spent before these ethographical studies were published or were made available for the perusal of their colleagues or the academic world in general.

That state of affairs differed from the present position because global access nowadays is , by comparison, re la tiv e ly routine and usually devoid of hardships and dangers. Also, research results are in print and disseminated at a much faster pace. In considering the increasingly sophisticated and near instantaneous means whereby anthropological subject matter can be obtained, it must be realized that there is more material from more sources giving a greater scope to 202 anthropological literature. This enviable situation is ameliorated by the sheer mass of data and, realistically, their incapability of ever being seen or read, much less inculcated by those wishing to be informed. From a paucity of data we have gone to a plethora of data.

However, there are new data gathering and deciphering skills and methods which allow greater manipulation and maneuverability in the reviewing of massive amounts of literature.

An example is the employment of computers to locate, corre la te , analyze, and retrieve information. Another instance, one of great importance to bibliographical research, is the use of multi-subject data banks whose contents can be examined through elements of Boolian . This mnemonic process is designed to excerpt pertinent information from enormous amounts of literature by linking appropriate terms and nomenclature and generating immediate lis ts and bibliographies on the subject area under question. Innovations like these expand the capacity for receiving information and give an eclectic body of knowledge like anthropology a much greater subject f a c ilit y .

The question s till lingers as to the significance of these reasons to the present study. Is this pervasiveness a curse or a blessing as we deal with anthropological literature? Obviously we are blessed with a surfeit of information. This situation allows greater latitude in dealing with anthropological problems and frames new questions about the human condition. It must also be understood that the complexity of data and the need for their consolidation present logistical and methodological problems (National Academy of Science, National Academy 203

of Engineering, 1966: 227), raise concerns about unassimilated data

(Kaufmann, 1981: 425), and allow for the unfortunate entropy that can

accompany the growth of research (Weinberg, 1967: 40-41).

These are epistemological questions, but they s till bring us back

to the fact that, although we can quickly find relevant material, we

can consistently lose its benefit because it cannot easily be extracted

from the bulk o f surrounding knowledge. Such inform ation is frequently

buried within other literature which might not immediately be seen as

relevant to the research or investigation extant. It is shadow

lite ra tu re . Even taking in to cognizance the uniquely individual mental

template of the researcher and the special ways in which he or she

conducts scholarly investigations (Wilson, 1983: 8-9), there appears to

be a need to find ways to extend such searching capabilities and

develop more far-seeing views of literature existing across subject

lin e s . This is especially true with an open-ended and synthesizing discipline like anthropology.

It is suggested that the eclectic bibliography within this thesis

(eclectic in the range and variety of subjects, but not unsystematic in the method of extracting such data), gives the user a means of locating

and assimilating anthropological material that seems to be unavailable

in the regular anthropological bibliographies. In a small way, this

approach might make more tolerable the historical and contemporary

failure of library subject classification schemes to address the

fu ll,magnificent scope of anthropology. The social sciences lack the taxonomic precision of, say, a Lamarckian classification system. The position of anthropology.as a young science in the late nineteenth- 204 century coincided with the establishment of a library classification scheme, the Dewey Decimal system, which expanded subject coverage but could not accommodate, nor could be expected to accommodate, the scattered nature of anthropological topics.

Perhaps this work represents a modest step in helping to unfold the anthropological lin k to a ll aspects o f human knowledge and human behavior. It is more fervently wished that it provides greater access to the grand array of thought represented by anthropology. 205


Amsden, Diana. "Information Problems of Anthropologists". College & Research L ib ra rie s . 29 (March, 1968): 117.

Bessac, Frank. U niversity o f Montana Anthropology Department, Missoula, Montana. Personal Comment, September, 1986.

Boas, Franz. Race. Language and C ulture. New York: The Free Press, 1940.

Currier, Margaret. "Problems in Anthropological Bibliography". Annual Review of Anthropology. Palo A lto , C a lif.: Annual Reviews, In c., 1976.

Encyclopedia of Anthropology. S.v. "Anthropology", by David E. Hunger. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.

Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. 1969 ed. S.v. "Bibliographic Classification". New York: Marcel Dekker,1969.

Haviland, William A. Anthropology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1974.

Huntford, Roland. The Last Place on Earth. New York: Athenium, 1986.

Kaufmann, Helen J. "Some Issues o f Research Q u a lity". Public Opinion Quarterlv. 45 (Fall, 1981): 425.

Mandelbaum, David G., Gabriel W. Lasker and Ethel M. Albert, eds. The Teaching of Anthropology. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1963, 5.

National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering. Scientific and Technical Communication. Washington, D.C.: 1969.

Rowe, John Howland. "Library Problems in the Teaching of Anthropology". American Anthropological Association. Memoirs. 95 (1963): 69-70.

Weinberg, A lvin M. Reflections on Bio Science. Cambridge, Mass.: The M.I.T. Press, 1967.

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