JCC Toannounce Pledges of $800,000 to Campaign SEVERAL CHILDREN of the Providence Hebrew Day School L\Indergarten Try out the New Facilities Atthe School

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JCC Toannounce Pledges of $800,000 to Campaign SEVERAL CHILDREN of the Providence Hebrew Day School L\Indergarten Try out the New Facilities Atthe School TH E ONLY ENGLIS H- JEWISH W EEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOL. LI, NO, 11 FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1-967 15¢ PER COPY 16 PAGES JCC ToAnnounce Pledges Of $800,000 To Campaign SEVERAL CHILDREN of the Providence Hebrew Day School l\indergarten try out the new facilities atthe school. Kinder­ garten leacher, Mrs. Norma B. Sohegan, who also teaches m To Hear Reports pre-kindergarten In the afternoon, shows them how to make. _ the pin-cushions (from tuna fish cans) for Mother's Day. At Fund Dinner - Approximately $800,000 has al­ ready been pledged for the Jewish Max Alperin To Receive Amudim Award Comll)tmlty Center Building Ftmd Campaign, It will be annoimced at Al Hebrew Day School Dinner the report dinner of the Initial Max Alperin, a community toastmaster, and Mrs. SheldonSol­ Gifts Division. The dinner will be • lt1ader, will be honored by the of­ losy, president of the Ladles' As­ held on Tuesday, May 16, at 6:30 ficers ahd board of the Providence sociation, will represent her or­ p.m. at the Sheraton-Biltmore Hebrew Day School at the Annual ganization. Thomas Pearlman, Hotel. Scholarship Dinner which will be president, wlll greet the guests . Members of .. the Building Fund held on Stmdiiy In the auditorium A separate kindergarten facil­ Campaign representing both the of the school. Cocktails will be ity, which was created during ex­ Jewish commtmlty and the com­ served at 5:30 p.m. anddlnnerwlll tensive Improvements which were munity at large wlll be present at follow at 6:30. the dinner. Among them will be Mr. Alperin will receive an Bertram Bernhardt, Merrill Has­ Amudlm Award for dedicated serv­ senfeld, Edwin Soforenko, Max ice. Amudlm Awards are made to Grant, Clarke Simonds, Joseph men whom the board considers of Ress, Stanley Grossman, Sidney exceptional merit. Meyer, Major General Leonard Malcolm - Bromberg, Manfred CALLING IN PREPARATION for the Initial Gifts Leadership Dinner of Holland and Mrs. Leo Gleklen. Well and Dr. Joseph J. Fishbein the Jewish Communtty Center's New Bnlldlng Campaign are, from Gov. John H. Chafee, Senators are co-chalrtr)en rof the dinner, left, Mrs...Jack Docktor, David Meyers, Bertram Bernhardt (standing), John - O. Pastore and Cl·a:lborne which I" held annually to provide general co-chaiirman; and Mrs. Da·;ld Meyers . The runner will be held Pell and Mayor J oseph Doorle,: partial ·and full .scholarships for oh Tuesday, May 16, at the Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel. honorary co-chairmen of the campaign, have al so been Invited approximately 100_ students at the · fflUIIIIIIIHHllftlllHIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIUIIIHIIIIIIIIUIIIUIIIIIIIIURIIIRIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllill school. to attend. Rabbi Ell A. Bohnen will pre­ The dinner meeting Is prelim­ sent the award to Mr. Alperin. He.brew Day School-Board M@mbers inary to the general solicitations Judge Frank Licht will act as campaign, of which Mr. Bernhardt, Mr. Hassenfeld and Mr. Soforenko Receive Summons To Beth D-in are general co-chairmen. The A letter from the Massachusetts Cotmcll of Rabbis has been sent campaign goal Is $2,000,000. to the president and members of the Personnel Committee of the The proposed center will be Providence Hebrew Day School summoning them to appear before a 15ullt on a parcel of land at the Beth Din In accordance with the traditions of Jewish law. corner of EI mgrove Avenue and According to Rabbi Samuel J. Fox, president of the Cotmcll, a Sessions Street. The 83,419- great many letters, each Individually signed by parents of children square-foot ' site was acquired attending the Day School, were received by the Cotmcll requesting from the City of Providence on MAX ALPERIN this action. Jtme 29, 1966, In exchange for the Parties to disputes which are heard before the Beth Din ordinar­ made to the building, will also be smaller tract of land on which the ily agree to accept the decision of the court before proceeding. present Center stands. Today's open to visitors during the evening. When a mutually satisfactory date has been decided on, the Beth Din Recently finished, the added struc­ Center Is an old police station, will be held with three rabbis of the Massachusetts Cotmcll of Rab­ with Inadequate space · and facil­ .ture completes the formerly U­ bis officiating. shaped building, allowing a maxi­ ities for the 4,000 members It Rabbi Fox explained that a Beth Din allows any and all evidence serves. mum of extra space, with traffic before It, and disputants are urged to bring everything they think of flowlpg smoothly arotmd an Inner The need for a new center was value to the hearing so that t~ rabbis may make their decision In' a established In a fact-finding study courtyard. The new kindergarten proper and Impartial manner. _ (Continued on page 15) submitted to the Center fast Octo­ IRIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHllllllllllllllllllllllllllll)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIAIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUOIOIIIIIII' ber. Among Its findings and rec­ ommendations were a wider scope , of specific activities appropriate -largest -Reform Temple leaves UAHC •for every ag,: group from pre­ school through Golden Agers, with NEW YORK-One of the ·1arg­ serted White House pressure on 4. The board has 21 members. emphasis on helping develop a Mr. Broldo said that he and JAN PEERCE est Reform -congregations In the Jewish critics of Administration deeper appreciation of Jewish world, Temple Emanu-El of New policies, which was published In other opponents of the move would values and positive Identification York City, has withdrawn from "American Judaism," was cited · bring the matter up at the board's with Jewish life; programs which Jan Peerce To ~ing the Union of American ijebrew specifically by Mr. Bac;hrach, who May meeting. If the withdrawal Is would help those In theIY1 learn to Congregations to protest, among has been president of the 122- not reversed, he continued, they live and work cooperatively, and - it Israel Bonds Event other Issues, statements on Viet­ year-old congregation since 1956. wj_U seek a reversal at a meeting enlargement of groups and enroll­ nam made by the UAHC president, He also noted that the rabbi of the congregation, which can be ment to figures more In keeping Jan Peerce of the Metr_opolltan Rabbi Maurice N. Elsendrath. The charged that Jews are becoming called by petition of 25 temple with the size of the Greater Prov­ Opera Company will be guest of Union Is an association of the 652 'part of the white backlash opposed members. idence community. honor at the state-wide dinner and Reform temyles In the United to new ctvl\-rlghts legislation, In "It's a terrible, terrible thing Physical expansion was concert to be held on Stmday, May States. an address to - trustees of UAHC 'lb do, especially without consult­ directly needed for extension of 28, to celebrate Israel• s ¼9th an­ Alfred R. Bachrach, president last December, Ing the membership," he said. niversary, Paul Levlten, general the nursery school, of the spe<;tal of the congregation, said the with­ · Mr. Bachrach pointed out that Temple Emanu-El, at Fifth Interest clubs and groups for the chairman of the 1967 Israel Bond drawal ~as prompted by a suc­ while rabbis and laymen have a Avenue and 65th ·street Is the larg­ 2,200 children between five and 12 campaign, has annoimced. Mr. cession of public statements by right to speak out as Individual s , est Jewish house of worship In the years of age, and for the Jtmfor Peerce, called by Arturo Tosca­ Rabbi Elsendrath, who seemed to " .. • It Is Impossible for Rabbi world, anci ltk congregation of 3,- high school and senior high school nini his "favorite tenor ... was the be speaking for the entire Reform Elsendrath to disassociate him­ 200 families Is thought to be the groups. An expanded program first American to sing In the Bol­ movement. "There Is no such self from his position. Whatever largest In Reform Judaism. which lm::ludes swimming, and a shoi Theatre In Moscow. The thing as a spokesman for Reform he says Is Interpreted as the po­ Its members have Included bigger heal th and physical educa­ dinner will begt11 111 Ii p.m. In the Judaism on social and political ·sltlon of Reform Judaism." , some of the coimtry' s most ln­ tion program , were al so recom­ Grand Balh'oorn of the Sheraton­ Issues,'' he said, and added that The temple president said the fl uentlal Jewish citizens, Includ­ mended In the study. B11 tmore Hotel . Reservations may the leaders of Temple Emanu-El decision to withdraw from the tm­ ing members of the family of the Much more should be done (but be made by calling the Anniversa­ had fotmd some of Rabbi Elsen­ lon was rnade at the monthly late Gov. Herbert H. Lehman. must await facilities and space) to ry Dinner Committee at JA drath' s statements offensive. meeting of the temple's trustees Present board members In­ augment the young adult program 1-8914. ' Rabbi Elsendrath, who was on April 25, and that a letter ex­ clude Lewis L. Strauss, former and the regular adult program, The Rhode Island Israel Bond elected president of UAHC In 1946 plaining the action would soon· be chairman of the Atomic Energy the study fotm cf, Many Center­ drlW thla year has as Its goal the and has life tenure, has, worked sent to members of the c~grega- Commission, and David Sarnoff, sponsored actl'lltles have had to sale of $500,000 In bonds, 29 per with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. tlon. , chairman of the Radio Corpo­ take place ouislde the center. The cent more than I ast vear' s goal. and other leaders to form a new Louis Broldo: a member of the ration ·of America ..
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