Andreas MESZAROS 1st ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 3 rue de Tombouctou, 75018 Paris (film, television and commercials) 0033 / 6-11-18-06-46
[email protected] Nationality: German, born in 1964 Languages: German (native), French (fluent), English (fluent), Spanish (notions) EDUCATION GERMANY/Cologne 1983 High School Diploma, Majors: English/French FRANCE / Paris 84-86 Film School: Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français U.S.A. / New York 1993 School of Visual Arts: Photography FEATURE - LENGTH FILMS = * TELEVISION = ** . film in English . Foreign Production August - Nov. 2020 THE BODINS * by Frédéric FORESTIER (1st AD) Cheyenne Prod/TA Prod : Shooting in Thailand (Bangkok/South) March - July 2020 IL ETAIT UNE FOIS A MONACO ** by Frédéric FORESTIER (1st AD) Beaubourg Stories: Shooting in Monaco/Nice Nov. - Feb. 2020 FLIGHT MH370 ** by Gilles Bannier (1st AD) Alef One, pre-prep schedule & recce Australia March - June 2019 A TABLE IN THE PROVENCE** by Dagmar SEUME (1st AD) ZDF: shooting in South of France: Montpellier Oct. - Dec. 2018 THE DECISION** by Sven FEHRENSEN (1st AD) UFA/Cactus Films : shooting in Marseille July – Oct. 2018 RIVIERA ** by Paul WALKER & Destiny EKARAGHA (1st AD) Sky Drama, Peninsula Film, shooting in Nice, Monaco, Cannes Jan.- June 2018 RED SNAKE * by Caroline FOUREST (1st AD) Place du Marché/Agora Films, shooting in Maroc March 2017 - July 2017 TRANSIT * by Christian PETZOLD (Co-1st AD) Schramm Films/Neon Productions (french-german co-production) shooting in Marseille May 2016 - Oct. 2016 LE SEMEUR * by Marine FRANCEN (1st AD) Les Films du Worso Nov. 2015 - April 2016 LA PROMESSE DE L’AUBE * by Éric BARBIER (actor: Charlotte Gainsbourg/Pierre Niney).