
Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana



Aglaia - one of the three Graces

Aletheia - the of

Amphitrite - of the Sea

Aphrodite - the goddess of love () ​

Artemis - the goddess of Hunt () ​ ​ ​

Athena - the goddess of () ​

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Aura - a Titaness, the personification of the morning breeze. The Roman counterpart had the same name, .

Bia - the personification of force and violence

Britomartis - a Cretan goddess who used to hunt with . Some say she invented the fishing nets.

Brizo - a goddess who protected the sailor

Calliope - muse of the epic

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Callirrhoe - the name of several characters, one of the is an Oceanid, the others are daughters of several river-gods

Callisto - one of the of Artemis, who was transformed into a bear

Calypso - a who held on the island of , because she wanted to make him her immortal husband

Chione - a goddess of the , but also the name of others characters who had a connection with snow

Chloris - the nymph of and flowers

Clio - one of the

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Clymene - the name of several and of one Nereid

Creusa - a

Cybele - the goddess of Nature

Demeter - the goddess of the earth and agriculture (Ceres) ​

Dia - a nymph or just another name for or

Dike - the personification of

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Dione - a Titaness, in one version she is said to be 's mother

Dryope - a Pleiad

Eirene () - the goddess of

Eos - the goddess of () ​

Eris - the goddess of Discord

Eurynome - a Titaness of the pasturelands and water-meadows

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

There are no greek goddesses names starting with an F, because the would use "ph" for rendering the sound (well, in fact, they had a special letter, which is transliterated as "ph"

Gaia - mother Earth ​

Galene - the goddess of the calm seas, one of the daughters of and

Graeae - three sea spirits, represented as old women who shared one eye and one teeth between them

Hamadryads - nymphs who preside over different types of trees.

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Harmonia - goddess of Harmony and concord. She had a beautiful necklace that brought bad luck to all those who possessed it.

Hecate/Hekate (Trivia) - goddess of , craft and crossroads. She helped look for her daughter and then she remained with as her companion.

Hemera - goddess of the daylight and of the sun. ​

Hera - ()- the goddess of marriage and women, ' wife... and a very jealous ​ one!

Hebe () - the goddess of youth, daughter of Zeus and Hera ​

Herse/ - goddess of the morning dew that nourished plants, a daughter of Zeus and .

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Hesperides - nymphs of the evening and of the sunset light, who tended a garden in the west, where the -trees and other treasures of the gods were kept.

Hestia (Vesta) - the goddess of the hearth and architecture ​

Horae/Horai - goddesses of the and of the natural portions of , and, as such, they represent the right moment (in agriculture) and the right order.

Hyades - nymphs who cried so much when there brother died, that they perished. Zeus transformed them into stars - the constellation. They are thought to bring rain.

Hybris (Petulantia) - the personification or a spirit of insolence, pride and outrageous behaviour.

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Hygieia - the goddess of good health and cleanliness, associated mostly with the prevention of sickness - those ancient Greeks really knew a lot!

Ida - A nymph who took care of baby Zeus.

Ino - A queen of Thebes who was turned into a sea divinity after her (I really don't understand why, as she did a lot of evil things during her life).

Io - a nymph loved by Zeus, who turned her into a cow in order to protect her from Hera's jealousy.

Iris - goddess of the rainbow

Keres - female spirits of the violent death, daughters of .

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Lachesis - one of the three Fates, the one who measured the length of the thread which represented a person's life

Lethe - as a goddess, the personification of oblivion

Leto - Titaness of motherhood

Metis - Titaness of wisdom and cunning, the first of Zeus' wives

Mnemosyne - Titaness of the memory and remembrance

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Muses - the goddesses of music, song and dance, who inspired the artistic creation

Naiades - nymphs of the fresh waters

Nemesis - the goddess of vengeance

Nephele - a cloud nymph

Nike () - the winged personification of the Victory ​

Nyx (Nox) - the goddess of the night, a primordial

Oceanids - the 3,000 daugthers of and Thetys, who were nymphs of the fresh waters

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Oreads - nymphs of the mountains and valleys, associated with Artemis

Orthosie - one of the , a goddess of prosperity

Panacea - goddess of Healing

Pandia - goddess of the full , daughter of Selene

Periboea - a Naiad, mother of

Persephone - the goddess of the (Proserpina)

Phoebe - Titaness of the intellect and

There was no letter Q in the Greek alphabet, so there are no Greek goddesses names that start with a Q

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Rhea - Titaness of motherhood and fertility, mother of Zeus

Selene () - the goddess of the moon ​

Styx - the goddess of the underworld river with the same name, on which oaths ​ were sworn

Thalassa - a primordial goddess of the sea and the personification of the Mediterranean Sea

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana

Theia - Titaness of sight and of the shining light of the

Thetis - a Nereid, the mother of the Greek .

Themis - Titaness of the divine law and order

Thetys - a Titaness, mother of the rivers, springs and streams

Sources: http://sandrabusby.hubpages.com/hub/Archetypes-Defined-and-Explained bridgetlyonsyoga.com http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/archetype

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Archetypes Defined and Explained; Mythology and Asana http://www.greek-gods-and-goddesses.com/greek-goddesses.html

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