Why invest in the Valencian Region? 5 01 General data and economic trend in 7 02 Foreign investment in Spain 9 03 General data and economic trend in the Valencian Region 11 04 Foreign investment in the Valencian Region 13 05 Key factors for investing in the Valencian Region 15 5.1 Location 16 5.2 Human capital 18 5.3 Diversified industrial base 20 5.4 Business opportunities 22 5.5 Quality of life 24 5.6 Institutional support 26 06 Investor support: INVEST-CV 29 Contact information 33 4 Why invest in the Valencian Region?

• Because the Valencian Region is a land of opportunity, resources and strengths that favour investment. • Because the Valencian Region is a highly-competitive, enterprising and innovative region that stands out from other regions. • Because the Valencian Region is strategically located, has well-developed infrastructure, and offers expert training, culture and quality of life and business. • Because our past, the legacy of diverse cultures, a tradition of industrial development and export capacity has brought together present consolidation and a future of growth and stability. • Because the Valencian Region offers investors all this and a dynamic, open and modern character.

Because the Valencian Region is the best investment.

5 The growth forecast for 2015 is 2.2%, which is higher than Germany and France

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General data and economic trend in Spain

Spain is the fourth-largest country in Europe and has the 13th-largest economy in the world. It is very much a multicultural region and contributes to the creation of a unique identity, ‘Brand Spain’, characterised by design, creativity and hard work. In 2014, growth emphatically returned to Spain with figures that have not only confirmed various international organisations’ forecasts but exceeded them. It is the Eurozone country whose GDP grew fastest in the second quarter at a year-on-year rate of 1.4%. This is particularly praiseworthy when compared with stagnation in the Eurozone and even recessions in Italy and France. The revised forecasts for 2015 are again positive. Spain is set to lead Eurozone GDP growth at a rate of 2.2%, ahead of Germany, France and Italy. Spanish exports, which now exceed €140 billion, are enjoying a new golden age, driven mainly by the motor industry, food and consumer goods manufacturing. Spain is at the forefront of renewable energies in terms of both production and management, as well as development of environmental, high-speed, motor industry, transport, logistics, IT, communication and healthcare technologies, thanks to the experience built up in its national health system and the encouragement of industries such as biotech.

7 Spain: an attractive place for foreign investment

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Foreign investment in Spain

Spain is back on the growth path and has positioned itself again as an attractive destination for foreign investment. Reforms undertaken in recent years notably include making the labour market more flexible. A large pool of qualified professionals, innovation policies, and a favourable RDI tax system, plus the existence of high-tech infrastructure and companies, are just some of the economic attractions for investment. The Support for Entrepreneurs and International Expansion Act 14/2013 of 27 September is notable in having a section dedicated to residence permits for foreign investors. Spain is the country with the 9th-highest Foreign Direct Investment (according to UNCTAD’s latest report, World Investment Report 2014). The main countries investment flows in from are: Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland.

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General data and economic trend in the Valencian Region

It is the 4th Spanish region in terms of GDP (10% of the total) and population with 5.1 million inhabitants. It is of key importance to the Spanish economy due to the large size of some industries, such as tourism,