• • • artificial An ArtUttn Europe. the land* of the that our ex- Lady Byron, and" Here hli ut- rylng the olive (in It* envelope) the the earthquake; material for formation of eggs, terance on their shoulder*. They U on IM Tat Cmlrikutf." from its terrors Is m certain at became unintelligible, till he Mid. deposited anb carbonate of lime furnlihca Bf eruption • tabic made for the occasion, and fifty £bt 0nion Jonrnal eggshell*, sum- "You will tell her thief" and Fletcher was fottig. ItUsftltanwitf. that the seasons will not vary or the carvers were set to work on it. After is rrvuaaw arm msir mouik it and materials for John R. the has the phosphate yields Johnson, artist, who to MI one H'rUlitff—Commrrrimlly. mer fail to come; that maternal nature obliged reply, have not heard several boon of hard work, the triam« E. CwifiaUl, bones and for the tissues. A can, In returned from a acroM the J. BT7TLEPI, boy reoently trip that that yon hare said." "Good cook the olive before the with has sheltered us from the destroyer syllable phant placed tor and Proprietor. River, tparkil&f rlrer, I have (knit to flad a few minutes, with a hatchet ■T HARRIET HKKCHEK STOW*. wm not looked at it with Kill chop up water, remarkably Impressed by un- Good I" exclaimed the It Egyptian Queen, who Um we hor at leisure and djrlug man; but ; bones come from the may enjoy gi/U *tfll with all the lesser that our corres- the antiquities of the old world. In faet more. amazement, perfect delight. thow a We very much wish that was too late for Fletcher did 0n« on* Klver, Uo«t never jrive word of peace totme' fold her vast resources by Inccssant toll; "go The olive had been in the fol- Tun* or PrsuoATio'» oopjr, /Mr, table, and we them as very valua- he I* Inclined to believe that there U a prepared to each loarlt of •na»hiae, wtnpllnf to regard would read the editorials which In to the whole : If p*14 la adrMM. |3.0u p«r jr«M Dtmpllar pondents and that He who holdi the earthquake Lady Byronbut during lowing way After having been stoned, by ■ ble. If we wero to start a estab- we Wo of to each air that blown, poultry we in to and good deal of humbug about them. walked and down the it was stuffcd with a rich costard, then or |i no for month* t*nl fr«« poiUge write reply their letters; check ha* ordained that we may do Ilia Interview the up Thou do«t make no tweet rrplj ln^ to my flgtilajt lishment on a large scale, we should cer- in- will let him sum Africa, Inside of a boned cananr, which wns •njr Piwrt <»m«« In York county. wish that all who have any up Kurope, Aula, horror room, to stifle her sobs, and obtain put especially work the perpetual trying was for rcpoee. to all own unimpeded by used to stulf an ortolan. The latter tainly make arraugumeuU procure of to would read this Ac., in his words: to ask the which were tention writing us, that broods over other lands.—E*gtnt power questions a boned which I have fault to the fresh bones Jt would not placed Inside of oriole, IHnftrroRD Bt niXKN* CARDS. Flower* ol nount and meadow, possible. "Went to Alexandria—crossed a por- not before they begin. Lairrtnet in Magazine. snrging in her heart. She could speak was u»ed to stuff a thrush, which thruib ln'1 with 700; be difficult to devise a machine that would buck Harper't we have some ideas tion of the desert on a camel'* to her. stuffed u boned lark. A boned was *o In the first place, great and ho was obliged leavo snipe UENTISTHY. V) the brceje* croaa and toM you, your cup* crack them Into the size of •tuffed of fragments a Utter —easier fbr a man to go thro' the eye with the lark, aud placed Inside are tiled with dew, on the subject of what business rjch Hmut U Trtml the Hair. and we should twice a robin, which was used to stuff a DBS. motion to the ocean large beans, get paid leave of a needle, that) for a camel to por- plover, DAVIS"* PATTEN. Matter* not tho