MORNING, AUGUST 28, 186J. Terms $8.00 per annum, in advance.

Press the The Portian*l Dally _TO LET. MISCELLANEOUS. _MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED THE DAILY same point. In large, stately, first class PRESS stone warehouses and business palace1, St. Is every day (Sundays excepted) by DAILY PRESS. published Faui excels *lk A To Let. Coe’s Balsam I Coat, Pant and Vest Hands Want- any city of her population within reasonable tern six Cough BUSINESS the Portland Publishing Co., s, a small Tenement of Carriages, Carriages. ed. DIRECTORY. PORTLAND. cirele of my and new rooms, at 27 Alder knowledge, yet AT st. Enquire ou the premises, .~ au 25-d3t* At blocks are in erection. At 109 Exchange Street, Portland. C. P. Kimball A. D. BEEVES, 36 Free St. constantly process of & Larkin, A wooden Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year in advance. Ooe’s Gough Balsam! augZOdlw We invite the attention of both City am] Saturday Morning, August 28,1869. long bridge for carriages and pe- Tents to Let. under Preble destrians the river Repository House, list of Port spans abreast of the city, mammoth Tents to let Tor the New England Wanted! Country readers to the following The Maine State Press also smaller tents. ME. enough above watcrto allow the TWOAgricultural Fair, 150X60, PORTLAND, J in a business $8000 per $500 State Election. Monday, Sept. 13. high passage Coe’s Balsam paying year; which are to Cough AParter balmee on time. Address w. W. land BUSINESS HOUSES, amonf steamers beneath and a Apply BAKEKSPtJINCK,India Boston. Mown, P., of large it, tine rail- Is published every Thursday Morning at aug »l-lw 22 wharf, undersigned take pleasure in announcing to United States Hotel. au25dlw* a THEthe public that have taken the and Nomination**. is $2.50 year; if paid in advance, at $2.00 a they elegant the most reliable establishments in the City. Republican road bridge, with swing draw, nearly com- spacious store under the Preble House lor a Coe’s Balaam l year. Rooms to Let! Carriage Cough which cars will _ and Wanted! means of be en- Sleigh Sales-room, and will keep constantly on FOR pleted, by at 224 Cumberland St. hand a VOVEBIOR Board, large assortment of fine Carriages from our A SURE REMEDY FOR FEW workmen to make Moccasins. Good Advertising Agency. Lake to Rates or aul8d2w* abled to pass from Superior Chicago Advertising.—One inch of space, WTHOUT Factories on Preble street, consisting In part ot Clar- A pay and constant employment given for the ATWELL & CO., 174 Middle Street. in length of ence from the column, constitutes a square.” Conpes, Coupe Rockaway Carryalls, Cabriolets, Colds, Coughs, Influenza season. Enquire of WM. H. NEAL & CO. JOSHUA L. without interruption, and freight $1.50 per Phaetons, and ill Croup, or & CHAMBERLAIN, square daily first week. 75 cents Small Tenement to Let top Open Buggies great varieties: Saccarappa, LOAD, HASKELL CO., A Seeds St. Cloud and week Sunsliadts, Pony Phaetons, Linds, Godard July 22-dti Portland Me. Agricultural Implements world below may reach beyond per after; three or less, $1.00; ol J.C. Woodman, Jr.. No. 1411-2 Ex- Jenny OF BRUNSWICK. insertions, Buggies, Dog Carts, Jump Seats of all kinds and SAWYER & WOODFORD, No. 119 Exchange St to the Red River of continuing every other after first 50 change st, or N. M. No. 28 Oak st. Whooping Cough, the “Big Woods” far off dayJ week, jNQUIRE WOjDMAN, sty.es; Side Box of now cents. JylOtt Spring Wagons desigLs: A Small Farm Wanted. in Hud- Concord Wagons, &c. AND WILL RELIEVE For Senator*. the North whoso waters find outlet Half Within 10 or 20 miles ot Port- Auctioneers. square, three insertions or less, 75ceuts; For style and durability our Carriages are not sur- one worth $600 to $800. Androscoggin.DANIEL HOLLAND. son’s of cars or break- week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. For Rent. passed in this country, and our loug experience and land, C. W. HOLMES, No. 327 Street. Bay—without change Send parti ulars to WM. H. JER- Congress I.. Special one third additional. unequalled facilities tor manufacturing fine car- Consumptive Cons’ll Cumberland.M.D. LANE. bulk. Notices, The brick House No. 8S Green con- H ing ■itfrS street, us KS, al Estate Ageut, Portland. CHAS. E. GIBBS. Under head $2.00 per riages enable to offer them at prices that cannot 1 of “Amusements,” taining 15 rooms, arranged lor two au 10-w2w* man- But even a of 11;;; lamilies, tail to suit purchasers. For years it Ills been a household medicine—and Agents for Patentees and HUNKY CAUVILL. more marvellous city is that square per three insertions or less$1.00. Mill bawl and soft water np stairs and week; down, gas We shall also n assortment mothers anxious tor th* ot their THOMAS H HEED. Maine all modern conveniences. A tine keep good of Massa- safety children,and ufacturers. ten miles above St. The Advertisements inserted in the garden connected chusetts chest Minneapolis, Paul. with made Carriages, and shall sell them at the all who Butter irom any disease ol the throat, Hancock..JOHN A. BUCK. State has a circulation the premises. This property will be leased for Wanted Immediately! PERKINS & PreS3” (which large lowest possible rates, for just wbat and luugs, cannot afford to be without it. In addi- GERRISH, No. 250 Congress Street. Falls of St. the city of one year or longer at 8100 per annum to a very they are, HIKAM S. BARTLETT. Anthony—separating in of the State) for $1.00 per square responsi- with the manufacturer's name on and ot- tion to the tour ounce so In the mar- MAN to drive Bread at Brook’s Bakery every part ble who tan under let. to each, shall ordinary long Cart, a for party Apply ter that class we now size bot- 72 the same name from for first insertion, and 50 cents per square ot work: Top Buggies rom $185.00 to ket, furnish our mammoth family A Brackett st. Agency for machines. Kennebec.THOMAS S. LANG. Minneapolis—affords GEO. K. DAVIS & be H. BROOKS. Sewing • each insertion. CO„ $250.U0; Sunshades from $110 00 to aud oth- tles, which will, in common with the other size, au2udlw* G. W. JOSHUA water not the best in the subsequent $175.00, CHAPIN & GUAY. power, perhaps Address all communications to aug20dlw Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers. er kinds in proportion. iound at all Drug Stores. EATON, 86 Exchange Street, (Weed.] GEORGE K. MINOT. All are invited but of vast and suffi- to call and examine our stock, W. S. DYER, 158, Middle St over H H. Hay’s. world, extent, amply PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. whether wish to Knox.GEO. W. KIMBALL. Jb. they buy or not. WANTED! under liberal and well-directed A Good. Brick House to C. P. cient, policy Let, KIMBALL A LARKIN. Bakers. Lincoln.BENJAMIN D. METCALF. Mo1 rill’s ten Portland, July 7,1869. d2m Yankee to faith in the growtli Corner, containing finished TINMAN—tu go into the country, in a job and Penobscot.THOMAS B. KINGSBURY. energy, justify rooms. of stable and For BUSINESS CARDS AT Plenty water; good gar- Croup, A custom for a a hand want- W. C. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street- of a no mean At den Possession shop long job; steady CHARLES BUFFAM. city of dimensions. present spot. immediately. Apply on the ed to such a good chance is open. to or Portland & The Balsam will and al- JOHN B. 22 Anderson Street. TIMOTHY FULLER. the in- premises Charles E. Morrill, Ogdensbnrg Railroad. be found invaluable, may Address immediately. LAMB BROS., MASTERTON, city contains probably about 12,000 WM. H. JERRTS, ways be relied upon in the most extreme eases. au5dtf Maine. Sagadahoc.J. P. MORSE. RUFUS SMALL <£ SOX, Clinton, habitants, and by a wire suspension bridge Real Estate Ageat, under Lancaster Hall. Bagiaeer’s Office, I Roots Shoes, and Rubbers. Waldo.T. H. CUSHING. BIDDGFOBD maySdtf Portland, Me., Aug 16,1869. f Wanted! connects with St. a of BE,, J. W. BOUCHER & CO., No. 358 Congress Street, LORENZO GARCEL1 >N. Anthony, city pci haps GOOD Protestant girl to take care of five thousand. for fencing the First Division ot Strong LORING TALBOT. To Let. A children and do some second work. Washington.F. Life & Fire the Portland and from Whooping Cough9 Boots and Insurance PROPOSALS Oguensburg Railroad, aug24tf 70 Park Street. Shoes—Gents Custom Work, PUTNAM ROLFE. the has six two of Agt’s, IT If immediate possession, Store No. 90 Corn- section 3 to section 16 will be received at Inquire Though city banks,) them \\Js' inclusive, The of all who have used it for this ter- Representing some of the oldest and safest Co’s. V mercial street, (Thomas Block) lately occu- the office ot >aid to aDd testimony WALTER BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. Yoik.SAMUEL HANSON. into company, up including rible disease during the last ten that it in- just going operation,) two daily papers, pied by Morris, Sawyer <£ Ricker. September 1st. Specifications of the different sorts years, is, JOSEPH C. for the old N. E. I.ife Co for York variably relieves and cures it. Wanted. ROBERTS. Agent* Apply to N. J. Athenaeum of tence required be seen at this office on aud (one about being started,) two woolen facto- MILLER, building, may Booksellers and Stationers. JOHN B. NEALLKY. Maine. Plum street. ap2dtf alter this the bids will be bv the on FEW good Boarders at No 62 Free St. County date, rod mile lumber and mills I know not ~ au21dtt GEO. H. BURNHAM. ries, flouring sections, and also any portion which they de- A HOYT FOGG & 92 Middle Street. For RUFUS SMALL, Special Agent for New England may BREED, County Commissioner. sire to have constructed by the land proprietors Sore Throat. howmany, machine shops, plow factories, a Life Co. for Maine and New Hampshire. TO along the line. Androscoggin.WM. D. ROAK. LET! WANTED—AGENTS TO SELL and other of Office City Building, Maine. The Directors reserve the to bids from Book-Binders. Cumberland.WILLIAM B. SKILLTN. pail factory temples Mammon, Biddefori), right reject Keep your throat wet with the Balsam—takinglit- parties ot whose responsibility they are not assured, W. and hives of August 24-dlyr Stores 49 & 69 tle and often—and yon will very soon irulrelief. SMALL & No. 62 Street Hancock.JAMES BLAISDEL. industry, with nearly a dozen Exchange St. and all which in their judgment may not accord with SHACKFORD, Exchange the interests ot Kennebec.MABK ROLLINS, Tb. churches to hold them all HENRY HYDE the Company. within pioper (SMITH, Chambers on Second and Third floor, on order ot the Directors. NEWUALL. By Bonnet and Hat Bleachery. Knox.JAMES seventeen where ALSOthe same street. Apply tc JOHN F. GLU-ENE. check, yet only years ago, ANDERSON, Hard CHAMBERLAIN. COUNSELLOR AT LAW W. H. Colds and Coughs H. E. UNDERWOOD, No. Street. Lincoln.DAVID ANDERSON, au!6td P. & O. R. in 310} Congress the now stands was a reser- At office of Nathan _Engineer every county in the State. Can make from Three Penobscot.F. A. HEED. city “military Ro.m Old Hlate Webb, Esq., Yield at once to a 99, House, No. 59 street. steady use of this great remedy to Five Dollars a day. turned over at that ja27dtf Exchange It will succeed in Brush manufacturers. Sagadahoc.EBENEZElt COLBY. vation,” by government S»pt ’<>8dlyr BOSTON, MASS. Choirs are Delighted with it l giving relief when all other reme- For lull paticulars, address— dies have failed. D. WH1TE & 9 Waldo.CHARLES H. WEBB. time for settlement at one dollar and GJLjUEN 16 RIANDFA€TiTBING CO , SON, No. Market Square. twenty- THE HOBART. C, J. SCHUMACHER, To be Let* $86 Washington St., Boston. Ill ass. Washington.AARON five cents per acre ! Of course it was gobbled au24-3t Cabinet Furniture manufacturers. York.ALFRED HULL. Soreness the up with avidity, and very soon thereafter a FRESCO FAINTER. Choral of Throat. Chest and THEO. JOHNSON & CO., No. 13} Union Street. For County Treasurer. Possession Given At Once! Tribute! town was laid out and dwellings rapidly in- Ain** of Tipiiiv Qtnrp nf Mpcers A IT ftplilntfpp. Lungs l WANTED. Androscoggin.ALCANDER F. MERRILL. large store on Commercial street, head Cabinet maker. Cumberland.THOMAS creased. The first white child born within beck & Co., Do not PENNELL, 1HEWidgery’s Wharf, together wiih the Wharf and delay'procuring and immediately H. L. O. EMERSON. taking purchase house suitable lor one or two fami- C. BLAKE, Manufacturer of Coffin and Show- Hancock.C. W. TILDEN. what are now the died two 303 Congre** St„ Portland, 31c., Dock. It hns four Counting rooms, also a large Sale. Coe’s Cough Balsam when troubled with any ot the city limits, years lies; must be central and in a good 10 Has been as a Provision and West above named diflic Ities are TO neighbor- Cases, Cross st, and cor. Temple and Middle sts, jan 12-dtt One door ab ire Brown, occupied Grain, Author ol “Harp of Judah,” “Jubilate,” &c. They all premonitory hood; must have al< modern conveniences. Renuebec,.ALANSON STARKS, since at the age of seventeen years.— India Goods Store. Is lor a Pish Es- symptoms oi and it not Any M. N. Market finely adapted Consumption, arrestei, will cne such a one will state in loca- BRUNS, 19} Square. (Suow Cases. Knox.CHAS. A. DAVIS. iqhliylimunt Will Kn fittn.l nr. f.in n lei,,,] a K„ol soDner having please full built Universally pronounced tj be the best of Church or later sweep yon away into the. o Her father the first home in the CHAS. O. valley tion, size of house and let. and the lowest pi ice S. S. RICH & SON, 138 Exctiauge St. (COFFINS.) Lincoln.BENJAMIN F. GIBBS. city, DAVIS, ness. Music issued daring the last ten years, and shadows from which Done can ever return. they greatly will no other le ters not iced. No and is now the active and energetic editor of Kent low. on tbe ses. excelling the authox’s previous wo.kg. take; fancy price Penobscot.H. J. NICKEBSON. Enquire prem paid. ddress tor two months. May 21-dtf Price 1 Carpenters and Builders. the Farmers' Union—the and $ 50. $13.50 per dozen. Sent post-paid on au24d2mo* HOUSE. Portland, Me. Sagadahoc.HENRY M. BOVEY, ouly agricultural Civil Topographical Engineer. receipt ot price. In Consumption, J. M. DOLLEY, No. 17 Union Street. Waldo.GEORGE MCDONALD paper in the State. and estimates of the OLIVER DlT.snv sz rn Hutxitxu >* uxxjxixxrti a ran lucxaitt, aTHTK sakQBNT. Surveys, cost of railroads st, Washington.ign It was not till about 1S57 that any marked and their constiuciion TO LET! many a care worn suOerer has found relief and LOST AND FOUND. made, superintended. 277 to-day York.JOHN HALL. Plans and of made lor Rail- Washington St, Boston. rejoices that her life has been made and were made at the on specifications Bridges easy pre- of improvements “Falls,” r or by the use of Coe’s Corn, Floor and Groceries. Clerk Courts. oads, Counties Towns. Store No. 62 Commercial CHAS. H. DITMOV & longed Cough Balsam. the side of Street, CO., Picked c_i_t_a Tv a wtvt nr bpdoU'YTtvpxt Minneapolis the river. At that Farms and city lots surveyed. Up Adriit. FEEEMAN & RICKER, SO Portland St, cor. Green, made of all aul7-2taw2w 711 ROW BOAT 16 to the of con- Drawings kinusot machinery. •> bv 50 feet. Well adapted for Flour or Grain Broadway, New York. feet long, painted white, The P. ATWOOD. time, owing illiberallty parties business. A owner can have the same by proving property Androscoggin.DANIEL References by Permission. and ironing me water power on me opposite side Possession GO Com- and paying charges. Enquire ot Clothing Furnishing Goods For Hhfiriffa. Hon. Jacob J. H. given immediately. Enquire McLell&n, Hon. Drummond, mercial NOTICE. au24d6t* PAUL McKENNE Forry Village, Me. H. TEAGUE. ot the certain Lewis street. Amongst the many Testimonials in 0. HAWKES & CO., 292 Cong. st. (Boy's Clothing. Androscoggin.....DANIEL river, enterprising gentlemen Woodbury Davis, Pierce, Esq. mch2dtt McALLISTER & CO. RANDALL, LEWIS & LEWIS, No. 179 Fore Street. Hancock.A. B. SPURLING. purchased the water power arid a ljacent land OlHce 91 Middle (Street, our we possession, have only A. M. SMITH, Cor. Middle and Streets. For Hank JORDANBLAKE, Temple County Attorneys. on the west side, and at once made arrange- teb22tf (Casco Building.) TO LET. room for the following: Androscoggin.A. M. PULSIFER. ments for on a liberal scale and So. 8 Commercial Wharf, Portland, Clothiers and Tailors. improvements W. H. on corner the terrible CLIFFORD, of Pearl and Cumberland sts., New Haves, Ct., Oct E. LEVEEN & 28 though revolution of that period, Are to fill all 17,18C6. CO., No. Market Square. STORESfitt- d up in good style for Apothecary,Dr v Goods prepared orders for Messrs C. G. Ci.ark & Co. Letter from the Noi thweat-lVo. XII. or checked their progress, with returning good Millinery business, with cemeuted cellars and Gentlemen:—I ieel it is a duty and pleasure to JOSEPH LEVY, No. 101 Federal Street. Counsellor at water conveniences. give you the benefit ol my experience in the use oi times progress commenced in and Law, Nets &, M. H. No. Federal Street. St. Paul, Mimn., Aug. 18,1689. earnest, Also, Houses on Pearl st., and Cumberland Ter- Seines, Coe’s Coogh Balsam. From taking a cold, I REDDY, 103* AND SOLICITOR OP Twines, heavy from that time the march ol the PATENTS, race, fitted with all modern conveniences, abund- was taken down witn an attack oi To the Editor the Prett: grand city Both for the Trade congestion of ance of pure hard and soft water. Now ready for oc- and the Fisherman. of the lungs, and continued to fail, under the best Cement Drain Ac. has been onward. Office Comer Brown and mad cal to Pipe, It is an thankless Ojngtess Streets, cupancy. Apply to care, until 1 was given up, by competent Interesting HOUSEKEEPERS. proverbially ungrateful, BROWN’S NEW To the Trade at the Manufactured to the medical to die. There seemed J. W. STOCKWELL Sc 28 & 163 Danforth st It is not three since the BLOCK. au24 J. L. Price; authority, nothing hut CO., labor, that of saying words not deemed flat- years city organiza- FARMER. Fisherman on the same terms and at the same price strangulation and death before me. I was 'old as can ot the Manufacturer or that further medical tion took place. The first Hon. D. Dr. W. R. aug6dlf 47 Dan forth street. they buy any of his attendance and medicine was tering by those whom they most intimately Mayor, Johnson, agents. useless, and 1 was JEggjb resigned to death, when a lilend, Confectionery. is a native of your State. He now had affect. Local pride is no less sensitive than Morrison, who been greatly benefltied by using the Bal- L. BRADFORD, No. 132 Excbango Street. a holds tlie his to the HOTELS. Seines and Nets Made' to Ordei'l sam, brought me bottle. This was alter 1 had done personal pride. “Love me, love my dog” is office, cot.secratuig salary with the doctor and med'eine. I thoug t it helped House. in ail de- wants of disabled Firemen, and his energy to DENTIST, me, and continued taking the medicine, and I con- Dye an old adage, and holds good nearly Also 13 Agent, for the tinued to improve until cough and F. one the and and is OfBce Ffo. 1-9 free Street, my stopped, my attention of housekeepers is called SYMONDS, India St.,(the only in Portland.) of life and being. To secure the city’s development prosperity, lungs healed and got well. 1 used ten bottles. I re- especially partments Second House from H. H. THEto the meri s of the held in esteem his leilow- Hay’s Apothecary Store. Adams Mouse New Haven Hooks! main. gent*, with great respect, will of the fond young mother, you must deservedly high by Your ob’t good MAINE. serv’t, JOHN WELLS, “Hydraulic Clothes Washer *nd Dentists. citizens. Last year the of PORTLAND, The 209 not fail to compliment the beauty of her baby. neighboting city Portland, Me. best in use.’ All order, will receive oar prompt Washington st, New Haven, Ct. Wringer.” DRS. EVANS & STROUT, 8 Clapp Block, Con. St. By All Operations nerformed pertaining to Den- Ttmpb Street, attention. dcldll of St. Anthony bad for Mayor a former citizen tal To reach the heart almost any person you Surgery. Ether administered if desired. au6eodtf A machine for some time in but new in JOSIAH HEALD, No. 105 Middle Street. JOBS use, quite of your former- N.1WVIR, Proprietor. this section oi the We icom- must that in which his heart is closely State, Winthrop Young, Esq., country. conddeutly PIERCE Sc FERNALD. No. 173 Middle Street. praise SHERIDAS & GRIFFITHS. In Short, mend it as the finest and most economical cluibes bound “Where the treasure ly of Calais. Doth cities contain a great many This new first-class business Hotel is now open To Consumers of Coal washer in and it adopted in DR. W. R. JOHNSON, No, 13$, Free Street. up. is”—you use, isreadilj preference from drawn the to the public. All ilie are new and to all oiliers wherever tested comparison. It will S. A. Cor. ani know the rest. people Maine, together by PLASTEitERS, appointments The people know the and it needs no com- by PACKARD, Congress Exchange Sts, article, pay tor itself in a few months in the if and the loca ion, witbin a tew rods of both the Midd e st. consequence of a combination existing among ment trom us. Itis tor sale saving wear, the of action lumbering manufacturing interests at the PLAIN AND O UN AM ENTAL by every Druggist and tear, and to the fabric alone, while t is easi- The truthfulness of principle and IN thirty thousand miners, embracing the whole Dealer In Medicines in the United injury Congress st. cars, is one of the most convenient States. a or aud “Fails.” coal region, to regulate the price oi labor, a similar ly operated by boy girl, when lu'ly under- Druggist and Apothecary. here recognized has been impressed upon my STUCCO &MAST K: WORKERS, in the city. combination of vessel owners and stood will wash clotbes of every description captains in reier THE C. G. CLARK periectly I have When the papers of St. Paul and enee to the of and CO., without the ai l ot the wash board. H. E. corner Cumberland and Sts. mind with peculiar emphasis since Minneap- .VO. 6 SOUTH MB. The Hotel contains forty rooms, conveniently ar- freighting coal, having to pay cash HILL, Myrtle ST., PORTLAND, lor all our we the coal dealers of Sole New More than two-lbirds of the wear of clotbes is oc- olis cease each other's and in suites. The has had coal, Portland, feel Proprietors, Haven, Ct. CHAS. H. MARK, Congress, corner of North St. been a sojourner in this flourishing North- decrying locality, 1&r~ Prompt attention t aid to all kindsol Jobbltg ranged Propiieior experi- tint to pursue ihe course we have in the of casioned by the usual process of washing Them upon past, JOHN A. 143 Street. work for interests in In irnt lire. apr22dtf ence in providing for the public, and confidently ex- selling coal tor future delivery, would be disastrous the washboard, which is entirely obviated by this MONTGOMERY, Exchange western State. So long as you swear by it together mauy respects to the and a not in process, and in one halt the time pects to welcome all his old friends who come to trade, principle recognized any a common to both, and in no just sense adverse are in Flour Dealers—Wholesale. with the same unction with which Jew BRENNAN & HOOPER. other branch of business; therefore, it is hereby These Machines successful operation at the Portland and to make a host of new ones. Falmouth and are considered to will do the State ! Every agreed, that on and after June 10th, all sales ot coal Hotel, invaluable. swears his or a Mussulman the either, they goo service. attent ion will Foe Wool Washing.—It is LATHAM, BUTLER Sc CO., No, 78 Commercial St by beard, by be given to tbe wants ot guests. shall be for cash, with privilege of delivering the Read, / unexnallcd lor wash- Let St. Paul her eutnmercia1 • Read, Read the work -- so are a fellow, push advantages, UPHOLSTERERS July 27. dtf coal within thirty nays. ing wool, doing thoroughly, and with less Prophet, long you good James & williams. trouble than by other methods and herself the “head of Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. and both and prospec- plume upon being HI RAM THE ATTENTION OF THE The machine will be taken to the residence of any your salvation, present NO. 33 FREE STREET, BROOKS, PEOPLE boats JACKSON & EATON. person so desiring it, where a thorough, practical WALTER COREY Sc CO., Arcade No. 18 Free St. tive—here and hereafter—is assured: hut navigation,” though large do, under fa- Cape EVANS & 18 GALLED TO THE test will be made ot its merits. Call ana examiue it f (Formerly in the Row No. 368 Congress Street, Cottage. GREENE, PURRINGTON & CO., cor Franklin and MiddleSta vorable conditions of water, ascend to the JOS. POOR. at the store of in this one though you may ful- MABUFAOTUBEBS OF TIBBETS Sc 152 A St failing point, JAMES H. MITCHELL, 154, Exchange foot of the and let in This beautiful snmmer residence will be BAKER. World's Great Remedy KENDALL & R’DITNEY, fil the law in all other become “Falls,” Minneapolis put Pmrlor SaiU, Lounges, spring Bed*, Mat- JNO. W. OEERING. respects, you opened on June 1st, 1869. It is located oh Aug 6^d2m Market Square, Mo. her best licks on her advan- tresses, Ac. Randall, McAllister & co, Portland, Furniture and House Furnishing no better than a heathen man or a publican; manufacturing SAM’L ROUNDS* Coe’s with her |yAll hinds of repairing neatly done, furniture CAPE ELIZABETH, HAINE. SONS. Dyspepsia Cure. “Ichabod” is inscribed tage?, together unrivalled location in PAUL PRINCE & SON. Kennebunk Camp Meeting. Goods. upon your forehead, boxed and matted. mai8tt&8 of her freedom from and three mi’es from JOHN T. ROGERS & CO. ADAMS & cor. and is desert. point beauty, malaria, Portland. It is unrivalled This preparation is pronounced as Meeting on this old and favorite ground will TARBOX, Exchange & Federal sts “anathemas” your for Its MENRY L PAINE & by Dyspeptics advantages as a summer retioat, CO. the known that will cure that THEcommence on con- HOOPER Sc 130 her both localities conftnanding June 12-eod 2m only remedy surely Monday, Aug. ^3d,aud EATON, No. Exchange Street. It is “whole or no half delightful surroundings,aml DRS. EVA'SS & SPROUT, a fine view ot the sea and and and fatal For it tinue until the hog nothing;” way haroor, affording aggravating malady. years swept following Saturday. H J. 39 Market st tor ou LEAVITT, J. Crockett, Salesmai will find their interests and the every lhcility Baihing and Fishing* in its fearful tide, carrying before it to an un Ample arrangements will be made for the accom- devotion will ensure your standing, you must promoted, The and climate of t n b LIBBY & Market relreshitg invigorating the timely grave, its millions ol sufferers. modation of all who may attend, with board, trans- CO., St., opposite the Post Office Slate may feel of her two fore- renders it a desirable tor tho?e see in the sun more in the stars justly proud IfFiSTISTS, Cape very place who portation ot baggage, «&c., atd at fair prices. LOWELL SC HOYT, No. 11, Preblo Street. brightness, contemplate the tor health or recreation. will tour most cities. Ousebveb. leaving city Grand and There be t ains between Portland more in the lakes more in The subscriber leased this Ho- Excursion daily WOODMAN & WHITNEY, No. 51, Exchange St clearness, beauty, No. 8, Clapp’s Bloch, Congress St., having well-known Party Barge. Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure and Boston, all ot which will stop at the ground, tel, which has been thoroughly renovated, will open and the lollowing Rail Roads will sell tickets at all the climate more in disease less health, pain, Agricultural Heins. (Between Preble and Elm,) it, for the public, to whom he is determined to make their stariors at great'y reduced rates* viz: Eastern, Furniture and ft a pleasant and attractive home. be as- CART. ROBINSON Has Come to the Rescue! Upholstering. in death less tcr.ors, and in the people more They may Boston & Maine, P. S. & P., Portland & Roch- BRENNAN & It is estimated that the has killed POIITIjAND su»ed of a good tabie, comfortable hods, and HOOPER, No. 33 Free street. plague prompt ester aud Grand Trunk from Portland to Bethel and activity and merit than are discovered else- two hundred thousand cattle iu respectful attention and reasonable bills. is now at the intermediate W. P. No. 31 Free Street. and.ten Eng- warranted to satisfaction. .’moored stations. FREEMAN, HfAll operations give Coaches leave Portland on arrival of on the earth’s or are no land. wifi every day For lurther information address either of the com- E. LORD, No. 93 Federal Street. where surface, you Ether administered when desired, Trains and Boats. JR., All CIT Y HOTEL STABLE. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sick Head- mittee as follows: true frieud to the State in which plants grow stronger and ripen better SILAS P. you happen JOSEPH B. ME. ache, Sourness or ADAMS, Biddeiord. when the air circulates ireely around them, Capt. Robinson would inform his friends that he h&s Acidity of HORACE Biddeiord. Groceries. to have cast lot. Jy3d2m FORD, your and the sun is not prevented from an imme- NOTICE. fitted up in splendid style that great summer Stomach, Rising of Food; S. R. LEAVITT, Portland. 1. T. JOHNSON, cor. Oxford and Wilmot Streets. desideratum Aug. 6,1819. d&wtau31 Nor will it do to think too well of other diate influence. Flatulency, Lassitude, with the whitewash Offioe of the American WatohCo. .1 Hat Manufiicturer. localities, not even of the State which gave Gas-tar, mingled ap- Ocean Weariness. plied to the iuterior of a hen-house, at the Waltham, Mast., Nov 1868. House, A B. C. FULLER, No. 368$ Congress Street. you birth or from which you have emigrated, Party Carriage! Insurance rate of one gill to a pailful, it is said will dis- Chamberlain’s Finally terminating in death, are as cured or even the soil holds APPOINTED Beach, surely Royal Co., which your ancestral the lice. WE HAVE and invite? any who desire ihe same to call at the by this potent remedy, as th.‘ patient takes it. Al- Undies’ and Gents’ Ilair Work. perse CITY HOTEL STABLE. but five before the what is bones. You are to not sneer- The Prairie Farmer says a Cape Elizabeth, though years people, the OF LIVERPOOL A . JOHN P. expected speak,if Kentucky Increased facilities for at no- SMITH, No. 100, Exchange Street. leeis more in i nU I'I I Ac SFWTRR. furnishing shortest verdict of the masses? Hear what Lester Sexton, oi at least of the and woman pride having the first tice first class Livery or doable. irgly flippantly, East, par- Re-Opened June 3d, Teams, single Milwaukee, says: Paid up Capital Reserved in Gold green peas than the first spring bonnet. Thursday, June 10, 1889. dtf Manufacturers of Valises ticularly of New England; tell what excellent 64 Trunks, It pays to make a cow comlortable in as Exchange St., This established and ocean long popular FOB SALE! and Carpet Bags. States those of the East are to emigrate from, many respects as possible. Every hour she DEALERS IN lioui wm |>osccsb uusuipasseu anractions Sir. Lester Sexton, a wholesale $7,300,000. and cater to low and suffers from any cause, the milk account suf- j It )r sea side sojourners and visitors for the TTEINISCH Barber's Scissors, constantly for sa* DURAN Sc JOHNSON, 171 Middle A 116 Fed’l Sts prejudices, silly pride — Jacaann ■ ■ Kw nr n TIAOTkTO/W Fire Policies issued and Losses Watches, Chronometers, |- of ’69, adjusted by the and local of those fers correspondingly. It is situated miles from on merchant of 30 years, in Milivau- personal egotism by eight Portland, the jyl9eod3m 49 Exchange st. NATU1NIEL F. DE8R1NG, dcMelodeon Manufacturers A Western writer says il as much atten- head of Cape Elizabeth, a Organ whom are or are not & Nautical combining magnificent kee. one of the most reliable and you surrounded, you tion was paid to improving corn as is given to Spectacles Instruments, ocean view with rare coast scenery and picturesque Agent at Portland, SMALL & KNIGHT, No. 18 Market Square. drives and strolls. To Pleasure-Seekers. perfectly “sound on the goose.” grapes, a hundred million bushels might be Our Agents tor the City and of Port has careful men in the Slate,says under to the annual Selling vicinity The Hotel been newly painted during the past Yacbt May Flower is now ready for Deep July 10 d3m No. 100 MIDDLE STREET. added crop. land, and intend to in their posession at all and with Houses. Perhaps some of your readers may think I keep season, facilities tor Bathing, Fishing, Gun- THESeaFitdiiugor to let by the *1ay or week. For Oyster The Stock Journal advises a big horse for times each a stock of ning and make it one ot the most comtort- date, in of I Yachting, particulars enquire at Sargent & How’s Cigar Wis Jan 1668. H. FREEMAN * CO., No. 101 Federal Street. speak terms exaggeration; very likely farm work, and one that does ab.e and convenient houses on the sea shore. Milwaukee, 24, regular not, tore 146 Exchange st. jy24d2w C. G. ClArk & New Ct. Horses and with in Messrs, Co, Haven, have in the for we have in the without great pushing, trot more than six GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, carriages sate drivers always and wife have used Coe’s foregoing, readiness. Both myself Dyspepsia Paper Hangings&Window Shades miles an hour with a light Cure, ana it has proved pebfectly satisfactory as Northwest as elsewhere, a large sprinkling o* buggy. and Watch Movements as will enable them to The house will be closed tor transient on FOR SALE ! Fire Insusance GKO. T, T.OTHROP No. 97. Kicbanm Strc.t meal is the bulk of sup- company a I have NO hesitation in saving that we Company. Cooked nearly double demand either at wholssale or retail which Sundays. remedy, common-sense who do not ply any FT. Seasoned Pine Deck Plank have received great benefit lrom its use. excellent, people, lor it as far. at rates as AAA BOSTON. uncooked, yet quait quart goes may bs made upon them, and favorable je2tf J. P. CHAMBERLAIN. t» 30,000 feet Spruce Deck Plank. it needlul to exalt their State as York or Very respectfully, Paper Hanger. think own The difference that much of the lood is are offered at our sales In New Boston. 50,000 teet 2 in, 3 in. 4 in. and 5 in < >ak Plank. LESTER SEXTON. is, for American Watch Co. Also Oak Timber, and Lum- C. L. No. 97 Street. above all others in order to promote its pros- undigested unless cooked. E. Ship Knees, Shipping CURTIS, Exchange dc2—dlyB. BOBBINS, Xrcas'r. EAGLE L. and It is easy to equal any fancy bred cow with HOTEL, ber, by TAYLOR, Capital Surplus $5 6,938,898 AARON G. BUTTRICK, cor. Temple* Middle eta perity, bnt are satisfied to let its prosperity mayltidtt 117 Commercial St. a native as a runner, out u me ihu-iiht oi some from its Mechanic Falls, Maine. “A Great result, in measure, many and as a it is an accident. and Blessing (July 1,1868.) Patterns, Models, Artificial Pegs the native is good cow, Melodeons Qnl’nnntlnHrro/l mnrita Hilt. T finv w if limit Organs Not so in thoroughbred stock. iV. H. PEAKES, Proprietor. Barnum’s Bath Rooms, From Rev. L. F. WARD, Avon, Loraine Co., O. GENERAL FIRE POLICIES ISSUED In F. P1NGREE, 192 Fore Street. fear of successful that for any Dr. Kandali says it is not expedient to feed Of the latest Styles and Manu- AT contradiction, improved Tone, The Messrs. Strong & Cleve- valuable ewes unhuiled corn,but says it is not factured by present proprietor having leased this Armstrong, Druggists, Also Perpetual Policies Provisions and Groceries. man here to send back to his old and cherish- fine Hotel for a term of would re- land, O. to to corn for years, Elizabeth Mineral unusually thought pay grind inform the public he is now ready Cape Springs, Issued on first class Brick and Framed C. C. WINSLOW, No. 21 Temple, near Con. Street. ed home truthful reports concern- spectfully Gentlemen; It gives me great pleasure to stat Dwelling perfectly store sheep. He also recommends bran slops _J tor business. To travelers, boarders or par- Houses and Stores, BUXTON & cor. Oxford & Chestnut Streets. Are now lor on FITZ, the and roots to increase the milk of WM. P. HASTINGS, tie-, considering the nice accommodations and mod- > open the Season, that my wife has derived great benefit from the use ing State;—its climate,soil, productions yearliug we of Coe's Cure. She has been lor a num- COST! erate charges, would say without fear of contra- Dyspepsia resources and general facilities for business, ewes. diction, this Hotel stands without a rival. Saturday Afternoon., ber of years greatiy troubled wiib Dyspepsia, accom- Periodicals and Fancy Goods. A writer in the Mark Lane Express, Mechanic Jan. 1869. dtf with violent of constipation, which The cost is about one half the present paid is almost sure to draw down upon bis devoted Falls, 7, all and panied paroxysms price advocates bulls. In his ovn Sunday day, so prostrated her that she was all the while, lor for insurance in hist class offices, FESSENDEN 282 Street. strongly working *r> % 1 BROTHERS, Congress bead the frowns and curses ot a of Monday Forenoon*. months unable to do She took at in large army case he uses bridle, collar, and saddle. Hs THE anything. your Irving Albert Pres't JAMES PRATT, 256 Congress Street, cor of Temple, stance, Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure, and has derived Morse, See’y. Bowker, scribblers and who assume to it is remarkable how soon a bull Tickets 40 or three tickets lor one speculators, says surly V~Single cents, GREAT BENEFIT JROM ITy and is now com- Office 166 Fore Portland. honor* may be taught obedience by a man of good dollar. mayl4tt paratively well. She regards this medicine as a Street, and speak ior the State and to uphold its St Lawrence Paper Twine, common sense, courage and firmness. House, great blessing. Truly yours. C. M. No. 183 Fore Street. are the who and not Dissolution oi Jan F. WARD. JOHN W. HUNGER & SON, RICE, They parties exaggerate, Caliiernia wneat is so dry, that in coming Cor. Middle and India Sts., Copartnership. 23,1868. L, junc28eod6m AGENTS. only make themselves ridiculous, but injure east through and into a humid atmosphere it Near Grand Trank Depot* copartnership heretofore existing be'ween Picture Frames. This THEthe subscribers Is this day dissolved by mutual the State by their foolish efforts to exalt it in- gains greatly in weight by absorption. consent. Mr. Butler settles and continues the busi- is an element of to the shippers. E. H. GILLESPIE, Pioprietor. Clergymen. WM. R. HUDSON, Temple street, near Congress. ordinately above all others, and to disparage quite profit ness at the old stand, 29 1-2 Commercial street. Fire Insurance. all the corn in store in Chicago, of This House has been RALPH the at- Nearly thoroughly renovat- BUTLER, Tbo Rev. ISAAC of all portions of the country that invite the is in a condition Irum ed and furnished and H. C. NEWHALL. AIKEN, Alleghany, Pa., crop 1S08, damaged No. IS ; newly throughout, testifies that it has cured him, atter all other reme- Photographers. for will Chestnut fitted with all tention of capitalists and settlers. Nobody knows, nobody Street, Portland, ihe modern improvements, Portland, Aug. 6, 1869. au7d3w dies had tailed. Manufacturers Ins. Co., heating. MAINE. 1 and will be opened for the accommodation A. S. DAVIS, No. 80, Middle street. confess how many hundred thousand bushels of The is a specially fitting comment is J tlie public on Monday, September 14th. OF BOSTON. foregoing are in course of and rottenness. The Organ the best Beed Instrument now in decay People v sit ng Portland will find in it ev- a of in this larmeis feed no hay to their use, voiced with a rich, mellow and powerful tone. Plumbers. upon couple leading journals—one English ery convenience, pleasant clean a I> issolution, and. Many Xhe great aim has been to rooms, beds, good Druggists* Capital Surplus but them in manutacture an instru- and reasonable rates. Iti- convenient to the R. E. COOPER & No. 109 Federal Street. and the other in a neighboring city—both of work horses, keep high working ment to the and the table, CO., please eye satis!, ear. business cenire and shorts. The oi the city, and is within one min- /I HE firm of MILLIKEN Jfc Any Druggist in the country will tell yon, if you 91 Federal Street. which have “fired at some of the state- order with straw, roots, Also improved Moo,deans, the'la est of which is ute’s DBERING, JAMES MILLER, up” walk of the G. T. Depot, New York, Boston, 1. CO. is this dissolved bv limitation. take the trouble to that every one that #1,000,000. of 12 tons oi can bo produced a newly at anged which does not the in- day enquire, buys t. equivalent hay Swell, put Halifix and Liverpool steamers, The Horse Cars to a bottle ot Coe’s Cure lrom them C. PEAROE & CO., 41 Union St. ( Water Fitting ments contained in “Letters from the North- stiumeut out of tnne. WM. DEERiNG, Dyspepsia speaks Policies issued and Losses adjusted and paid on one acre in roots. all pans of tue city pass its doors. SEIH M. in the most of its medicinal by of Also on hand f'Uno Fortes ot the MILLIKEN, unqualified praise great in columns j a btscr The farmer who stints his fields, is as un- keeps best .Ivies virtues. NATII’L P. west,” published your and t .ne. septlOdtt WM. H. MILLIKEN, BEERING, Agent. Workers Ac dcfleodly WM. P. HASTINGS, Plasterers, ^Stucco on all to their wise and as he who starves his Price list Bent mail. JOSEPH E. BLABON, papers which, subjects relating improvident cr by No. 106 MIDDLE STREET. cases he Portland, July 1,1859. OWEN B. GIBBS. W. No. 21 Union Street. Herod and Pi- working cattle—in both is diminish- Portland, July 9,1869. jy lU-d3m JOHN CROCKER, respective localities, are like Hair Bair Work. ing the ability ot a lailhful sernunt to be use- Work, but like the two ancient gentle- Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure, Restaurant for Ladies and Gents late, which, iul servant to be useful to him. Notice. FIRE INSURANCE men sometimes become like David Willcox & Copartnership P. O. named, The value of manure depends upon the Will also be found invaluable in all cases oi Diar- I. M. 92 Exch. st. opposite new I- visit, and it was not 3 Ear to ear over the head. For D. 11. Satterlee, President. Jectof the Commodore's NOTICE. Foreign Exchange Office, Sale, interest to the anything, or any belonging until twenty-four hours after his arrival that 4 Across bald over 93 NEAT and well selected stock of Goods John Stair Builder. place the crown. EXCHANGE STREET. Dry W. lUunger & Son, Agents, even if Us declines to the was At offered for sale in Rochester. State, but spit upon the mystery explained. soven A New Hampshire. B. F. LIBBY, 17J Union Street, np stairs. great Messrs. John & Co. JOHN V. Line oi Stock new and will be sold at a bar- Office 160 Fore Street, Portland. or of other in a T. Rogers SHERRY, TICKETS by the National nearly good interests, institutions prospects o’clock on Saturday morning, private par- PASSAGEsteamers and if application is made codOm Having stairs. from and to Queenstown LiverJ gain immediately. june28 in with those Tecumseh Commodore Van- bought the Stock and Stand of No. 12 Market Square, up Poet-land, Me. pool. Apply to Stoves, Furnaces A Kitchen Goods. Stales when named comparison lor of tbe Hotel, only place in tlie city where Hair Cutting tirThe Also, Drafts on the Royal Bank of Ireland, C. W. BROWN, of their own. derbilt was married to Miss Crawford, daugh- Messrs• Geo, Oilman & Co.9 is made a speciality. Separate room tor Ladies. J. C. LEIGHTON, 87 Federal Street. leod3m. For sale JOHN C. au21-d2w* Rochester, N. H. the ter of the late Mr. E. Crawford, cotton broker, June by PROCTOR, Keg, Stave, O. B. LITTLEFIELD, No. 3, Washington street. But let them pass while I perform grate- Will continue the Jul?2dtf Agent. Pall, Tub, Barrel, thus des- C. C. TOLilAN, 29 Market sq. under Lancaster ball a word for two lo- of Mobile, Ala. The local paper Iloop and Chair ful labor of speaking good Plan ior Entrance to Evergreen calities which have both been exalted to cribes the happy pair: COAL & WOOD Valuable Real Estate at Auction. Ac. BUSINESS Teas, Coffees, Spices, The whose summers Cemetery. NEW ENGLAND FAIR! MACHINERY ! heaven in of or cast dowu to gallant bridegroom, are At No. 160 point privileges, in b Commercial will receive to license from the of Probate, DEEMING, DUFFETT,* Co. cor Congress * Indij seventy-six, was dressed plain ack, w ar- St, Trustees ot Evergreen Cemetery Judge the referred Foot en- the will offer at Public 3 in. to 5 feet —the other by papers to, in his shirt diamond studs of intense luil- *•“ Pi ios ana Specifications lor Gale-VVay at IN MAINE I PURSUANTundersigned Auction, /CYLINDER STAVE SAWS, from WM. L. WILSON & CO., No 85 Federal street. place, iug June 1st, 16C9. THE of at at the of He is a uoblo Portland, trance to said Cemetery. By vote oi City Council unless previously disposed private sale) V diameter; Wood Working Machinery every as their local prejudices happened to sug- liancy and great value. looking late Residence of William and Richard M. Steam Engints just active in the Trusttes are authorized to pay liity dollars ior description. Portable ami stationery gentleman, erect iu figure, movement, Notice to in Casco, on V\ the sixth ol Tobacco and 4 igars. plan accepitd by them. Exhibitors. Webb, ednesday, day Machinists’ Tools, Turbine Water Wheels, Shafting, gest. in expression, and almost courtly iu ALBANY CITS October at ten o'clock A all the interest be- intelligent Plans must be submitted to Trustees willnn^two next, M, &c, manufactured by the SARGENT * HOW, No. 146, Exchange street. are As may be supposed from the fact of In order to make proper accommodations for to the estate ot the said William and R. M. St. Paul and Minneapolis both “mira- bearing. weeks from date. thorn, longing hair and whiskers aie but or of the fol- Bay Stale Machine Company, his white; J. S. Webb, conjointly severally, consisting of the last twenty years, and if as years,his PALMER,) entries of Neat to wit: cles” not, so well even amid all the earcs H. N. Trustees. all Stock, Horses, Sheep, Swine, and lowing described parcels, Mbm. Ac. he is preserved, Insurance JOSE, } of Wm. and R. Newton’a Lane; Fitchburg; Watches, Jewelry, of his that he Company, FRED The Homestead said M. Webb, at friend Stebbins says of Sau and responsibilities position, A FOX, ) Jj. FAY WHITCOMB. your Francisco, for the Sixth Annual Exhibition ol tho Webb’e Mills, Manufactory, formerly oc- THOMPSON, BYRON AMBROSE street. oe not more than 01 or 02 old.— !0-d2w Poultry, Carriage J. MERRILL, No. 139, Middle the are at looks to years ALBANY. by R. M. Webb,including Water Potrer and July 17-dlyear “a poem by sea,” they least a brace but 10 cupied & H. H. cor Middle S Union sis His bride is comparatively young, being NEW ENGLAND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Horse and Lot at Webb's known J.W, MCDUFFEE, Machinery, Mills, of small poems on the Mississippi, of age. She is of medium height and z or asthe Robins House, Fi-ty acres oi land known as C. W. WINGATE,Nos. 117 and 119 Middle street. upper years Capital and Surplus, Bale at North wearing always a singa- Gray. to be held in Portland, Me., Sept. 7 to in the Lot, Seventy-five acres ol land known EDWARD C. Fox Block whom mutual interests should bind in one. symmetrical figure, 10, 1869, Whimey SWEXT. 77 Middle street, which Is » as ihe John Webb lot, bitty acres known as the larly happy expression of lace, ?[ F. F. NO. Federal street. St. Paul is older than the State—as o'd as the consisting of connection with the Fair of the Maine Stats Agri- Ephraim Edwards lot, Twenty acres of the Stephen FORJiALE. HILL, 97, gentle beauty. She was dressed $453,173.23, O^’uhcr^SiriiiiwV’L8'? ,Mac,‘inery, vail"1,91'"ui- on t JW Halt lot, Twenty acres of the Hay-Mecu/ow lot. Rare Chance tor Business! Territory of Minnesota, about twenty years; travelling costume, and wore a blue (January 1,1869.) ^PJ.ner’>S.fcC^ SSSJS« Wheel, should be made to the Twelve acres known as the James A ninslowplace Shalliug. and Bolting-all tQ Wat?r cultural Society, undersigned, Sale the Stock, and Mex- bonnet, which was not lowered. Fifty acres Mountain lot, owned in common wuh J Tools, Fixtures, good is two thousand miles from the Gulfol W. A. YOUNG, Secretary. At same place, eight will ol . Him rl.s, and Farm and Store for Sale. s^-onddia^Po^T^ to to the Exhibition. B. Winslow. Also the following parcels of land be FOR Harness,{Carriage,Trunk at least two weeks previous Bag establlshine. sita.teu in Salem Massachus- ico course of the river, the political aud ’ John V. I. President. to the estate ot K. M. Webb, exclusively Store at llarrecseke I by of t'1" Pruvn, longing etts. The .tore maintains a A Farm and old gontleman known as the Adami good reputation, is One ot tb, —An eccentrio * '°r SAMUEL L. BOARDMAN, //ousvand lot at Webb’s Mills in Krecporr. commercial centre of the State, having per- to lm 1 centrally located, doing a hrsi-rate cash Landing, [ was Office 166 Fure House, House and Barn an • tot known as the Josupi business; 1 best Karins in town, containini 1 named Savage, who supposed Street, Portland, Inqulic of61'1’ SeImaYA 8r8C,0rlng- carriage, paint, and black-smith shop in the rear. and afford of U. S. Portland. Auderson place. Also one-halt ot the Prince Strom at,out acres; cut S3 tons ol ha; haps 20,000 population, signs, re.atives, attg4w2mo* On the Local Secretary N. E. Fair, Hotel, This is an opportunity seldom met with. The Aliy the of Ins JNUN H. JUVNOEB A EON, piemises. Lot, owned in common with William Duran. Good chance for sej charity Agent,, au9dlaw2w business w .ll he told at a year. and business that ■ August 3,1869. Also the tbt bargain it applied ior by to tbe larm. | thrift, enterprise activity to the Emperor 2teod6m parcel ot land belonging to is navigable Build _ jane following 1. Good re.a ns for dre^singaMheriver ing $000,000 estate of Wm Webb west of tin Sept selling. Store, 1 to cities on the Atlantic of a exclusively lying ior lurther inns lirst rate. Two story nearly new, goqj would do credit town road from Webb’s Mills to East particulars apply to George E. Os- two suilahli 1AIPORTA NT. leading Ray 50 location lor trade. Large story house, steamers ar- Steerc (.•lice. mond. good, Washington st., Salem, Mass., or J. P. nice stable and other hundred years growth. Large R,v. Mr. L-n,v,rsilli,t Water lor two families; building! ofLewiMf ^ Horses for Sale. FLINT, st. Boston, Mass. a ‘ “*® I^^TbeCarriersot the “PnEfflf” arenotallewed SAMUEL S. BROWN, This place la only 3-4tlis ol mile Irom Kcnncbe s and the saintly Invitation of GOLDEN DROPS! Ihe rem- Salem, 1869. rive depart daily, connecting at a salary great to uli cir- Adm’r of the Estate of K. M. Webb. Aug 5, aul2-dlw A can be bad. Conn., or horses. papers or the week, under any I)e;,ot. gowl bargain in Meriuen, good carriage work MERRIAM’Sedy lor Disrrhcea and Bloody Dventery, can singly by JOHN and the rest of Society cumstances. or have reeely WEBB, ot DANIEL CURTIS, on the premise! with Dubuque, St. Louis, TWOApply at the Ottawa House, Cushings Island now be liad at H. H. HAY'S Persons who are, been, Enquire city lug the “Pbess” in this will center atav- Executor ol the Will ot Wm. Webb. KINDS OF BOOK AND JOB or of W. H. JEKR1S, Real Estate Agent, unde r at $2,000. tag 15, 1W». dim L. CUSILLMI. y»liUiu* Drug Store in this manner, PRINTING 1 the and several railroads terminate city. *r by leaving word at this office. Webb’s Mills Casco, Juno 26, im w3w26 ALLneatly and cheaply done at this office. Lancaster Hall. je7-TT*s*W2ulauitt world, Prussian have been and The Parade of the Political Note.. Canip Meeting at The government has decided to ex- completed, or niueteeen miles Knights TeMplar.— N tw England Fair at Partlaad, Me., SPECIAL NOTICES. Methodist gr>ven-tenths to an Senator ecute upon its own responsibility the project brought actnal sub-grade. Die Templars had a splendid day yesterday for September Jlh—10th, IS69. THE PRESS. Hendricks, of Indiana, is stump- The whole distance to Burnham is 33 miles. Kennetnink. of uniting the North sea and the Baltic a their parade. The sky during their march was TBANSPOBTATION ARRANGEMENTS. ing the State of California for the Democrats. by This 13 making excellent progress. canal. doudless and a brisk breeze tempered the The lolluwiug lines of transportation in New The Aqe, says that on Thursday af- heat, Popham Celebration? Harvey Jewell, speaker of the Massachu- tho ® will arti- Saturday Morning, August 28,1869. A Mr. Moorhead ef Mississippi was before ternoon, a son, aged 14, of'J. Q. A. Davidson, while streets, through which the proces- ngland carry and return stock and setts a T>istrict. The 262nd House of is candidate Portland threw his were c es ot the ot the first Representatives, the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce on the of Belfast, pitchfork to the ground lion was to pass, well watered by order exhibitors on condition that freight Anniversary l'oundiug on for the nomination for Governor. before from a load of hav. The hand- sl lall be English Colony the shores of New England es- from the Republican 8th inst., to lay before them show- jumping if the Large crowds of lined prepaid, when and the money ^-First' Page To-Day—Letter information le stuck in the and Mayor. people shipped, the title ot that among FIFTH BAY. ground, the toy fell direct- landed ablishing England to the North-eastern Items; Vanderbilt’s Advices from Wyoming say ing how much would be gained direct traf- the which ■lie route, and tlie spectacle was quite showy by the railroad on pre- Northwest; Agricultural by ly upon tines, penetrated his abdo- companies, ihorescf the Continent, will be celebrated on Sat- to the legislature was a w nl'ition of a Marriage. the DemocrBtic nominees fic with the South. men. It is thought ho will recover, although tud imposing. There slight chango in certificate from the Secretary of 28th, 1h6». (Reported specially for tlie PrcsB.) inlay August are thiee ex-rebel soldiers. tho woumls are very severe. street not 11 ie 1' air, stating that the stock Fourth Page—Mosco's Automaton. Prince Pierre Bonaparto (a son of Prince ggjj the original programme, Deoring or artides have The Steamer ELLA, Capt. Mitchell, will leave the Commit- Another bright, cool, breezy, delicious morn- YORK county. of march: otherwise b ien on and Tiie Now York State Temperanco Lucian and a nephew of the first oeiug included in tho line cxliibition, have not been sold, il!s for straw, etc. New Zealand lailroad; Maine will ran troin Bath to Fort, Popham, returning same County, declaring that the Re- lumber, On the afternoon of the 23th the “Rivals” and 11-2 P. the Central Railroad; Grand The Rockland Free Press il Androscoggin has been heard of the past, by o’clock M., Templars well says that Considerable complaint in grand-daughter great Scotch poet, Rob- played a match game with the Dirigo’s of Bid- runk Railway; Rutlandand •vening. nominees are all thorough temper- of were on hoard the hound for Portland.— Burlington Bail- Is to the publican , eference to the quality the straw, which ert lias written a letter on tho of the former. An ac- Ella, The commemorative services will commence at 11 unjust organization called the Good Burns, of indignant delord, grounds r ed; Androscoggin anoe men. ras, as I am informed, purchased of a good old cident to one of tho the Union Wharf the column was Railroad; Boston, Hart- to are for the harsh Rev. happening Dirigo’s, Upon reaching >*clock A M, at or near Fort Popham. Templars charge that its members some protest against criticism of the ird and Erie The “debased rule” has forced the 1 Japtist brother, and of which bales, at game was called, tho score 70 for the formed in Railroad; Portsmouth, Great the negro her standing the following order: The Committee of tho Maine Historical Society most part supporters of Mr. Ilichborn. east, seemed to have partaken of his affinity Fergus Ferguson upon famous grandfath- Rivals to 1G for the Dirigos. 1 alls aud Conway Northern Charleston News to admit that “In 18(59 the Platoon ot Police under command of Deputy Mar- Railroad; Rail- srill then and there make report of their explora- It j or water. er. It appears in the London Scotsman. rlial and Cheshire says: twelve cotton States will show more true Perry. r ed; Concord Railroad; tions and site of Ailcient Pe- pros- At about 8.30 this morning the people assem- Portland Band. Boston, investigations at the The has contained A will Montreal lodge in this city, which than other section of the world!” 1 iled at the stand for a “love feast,” which was commissioner represent Connecticut Portland and Grand Commander, Chaa. H. McLeilan. oncord and Railroad; Worcester maquid, and of the Shells deposits at Dam- wc believe, perity any Vicinity. Oyster more than six hundred members International Stall. Eastern trlscotta and What then? 1 in occasion of great interest, about 250 testimo- at the great Floral and Horti- a ad Nashua Railroad; Railroad; Ver- New-Castle, at which time also, ad has members scarce more St. Alban No. of Portland. among its voting lies being offered in about one hour and a cultural Exhibition that will he at Ham- V< vr Advertisement* this On*. Commandery, 8, Boston Ircsses will bo made wrlio will vote for The that held Portland No. of Portland. 11 lont aud Massachusetts Railroad; aud by several gentlemen, giving Examiner is the only daily paper ______« Commandery, 2, than a halt-dozen persons j lalf. At about half past ten the children were an account ol the the Third burg from Sept. 2d to Sept. 14th, and to which (Tbeso two Commanderies forming I be escort.) X owell Boston and Maine Railroad; origin, purpose and permanent Mr. Ilichborn, or who approve par- the Democratic ticket of San Fran- ailed to thO where were addressed NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. Past Railroad; re.ult supports stand, they Grand Commanders and visitors ot tlie the su- Hall. who at the O. W. Scott Her the Queen of has con- distinguished Worcester l’orts- enterprise which c.lahli»hcd ty. O G. Esq., presided cisco! The Bulletin, Times, Chronicle, 1 iy Rev. of South Berwick, James Majesty, England, S» ale3—Fairbanks, Brown & Co. in carriages. 1 rovidence and Railroad; premacy of Alta, ■ English title to the and extend- late County Convention, is one of of Rev. J. tributed as a to he for a valu- Dissolution—Lisk Peters. Mechanics Baud of Blddetord. Portland country, Republican and now we have the Her- Vudrews, Esq., Biddeford, Stevens, prize competed ,, louth, Saco and Portland Railroad; members of were all against it, Tbe B. & Co. Maine No. ol Blddetord. OTCr ,w» f‘ «ion of the New World. the prominent the Good Tem- free Baptist, of Biddeford, Rev. O. M. Stevens able and handsome silver vase the sim- Novelty—N. Phelps i Commandery, 1, edJrlThe !a'v* in bearing Rooms Wanted. Bradford No. of Biddelord. a od Rochester Railroad, and tho Portland, Portland Yacht Club and has filled its offices. The ald and the Cad (both Democratic) opposi- , if Falmouth, and Father Ames, an aged lay- | Commandery, 4, has accepted the Inrita- plars, Highest but “For the best as- Dunlap Commandery, No 5, of Bath. I tion and will take uan of Standish. ple significant inscription, •amariscotta and Waldoboro’, and Portland, part in this I. present \Y. C. T., is an equally prominent tion! Lewiston Commandery, No. 6, ot Lewiston. Historical foxtira were sortment VicroitiA 1869. Notices. The Ticket, for the excur,ion member, and both these gentlemen regard the Speaking of John Mitchell’s arrest of Gen. After this six young children baptized of grapes. R, Religions Trinity Commundery, No. 7, of Augusta. • iangor and Machias lines of steamers. $i ,or tho roun(, trlPf it the stand—the ordinance being administered Spiritualists.—At 3 P. M. a discussion. Sub- Skowhegan Band. can be obtained on board the organization of the Third Prrty as an unfor- the Toledo Blade it is time The Mail says the general result of the last ] nternational Steamship Company (Portland, Stamer ELLA. Re- Dix, says Congress o five of them the Rev. J. ject—Resolved, that tbe of and math- Claremont Commandery, No. 9, of Rockland. will bo tor funate and ill-omened by Presiding Elder, study physical freshment. dale on board the Steamer proceeding tor temper- a to this persecution of men session of Parliament seems to be that the ematical sciences is tbe best to tit men tor Do Molay No. 10, ol 1 lastport, Calais and St. John), will carry and put stop loyal by Dolby, and to one by Hev.l A. W. Pottle, of adapted Commandery, Skowhegan. 24-SHto 28. ance. These are instances. this world and tbe next. Children's St. Bernard No. oi Aug only prominent such ex-rebels as “that infamous scab of hu- Dongress street, Portland. House of Commons has gained while the Progressive Ly- Commandery, 11, Eastport. r Rum, free, all freight for the exhibition, live The ceum A. M. same feeling the with tew were 10$ The streets were lined pervades lodge John The services very impressive, more so, has lost in with crowds of peo- s tock It is Tem- manity, Mitchell,” who would have been House of Lords prestige and influ- Second Advent Hall.—Elder W. H. excepted. exception. injustice to the Good lerhaps, than any other,'and formed an cmi- Mitchell, also Wanted Immediately. if he had met his like other reb- and that it will bo that ot Kennebunk, will preach at the Second Advent pie, many accompanying the Templars Tho lines will carry passengers du- plars to as organizations, hung deserts, j fitting conclusion to the children’s meet- ence, long remembered following boy, 17 to 1# of charge upon them, lently -to-morrow at tho usual over the actiye, capable years age, was Hall, 353$ Congress street, entire route. The was a the week oi the Fair at one half the in one who i» responsibility for the Third Party. It els “whose necks were spared by a very ques- i ng which preceded it. on a most serious occasion the Lords showed hours. Seats tree. All procession ing regu- ANwho reeidc* thiacity; wanting to are invited. businer.. No the to form this excellent and and after the ] ir learn tho Apothecary other need ap- original intention tionable sentiment of AFTERNOON SERVICES. no for and allowed them- very striking imposing oue, rates, or one fare for the round viz.: • mercy.” regard consequences, Casco Street Church.—Rev. C. F. Tcnny, of trip, Good recommendation, basis that no ply. required. institution on such a temperance will preach at Casco street Church to-mor- programme had been gone through with, the ] Eastern Boston and Ports- AUvdrtlaer “Can a his The afternoon services commenced at the selves to he carried by mere petulance into a Augusta, Railroad; Maine; Apply at once at the Dally (jfllce. man and friend to the cause should be exclud- leopard change spots?” queries row at the usual hours. 4-dttSN isual hour, with a very marked diminution of were not Knights were escorted to the depots, whence loutli, Saco and Portland; Portland aud Ho- Aug this con- the punster. he answers “if position they prepared to maintain, ed. If kept upon basis, they will “Yes,” himself, more First Universalist Church, Congress Square. lumbers from yesterday, not than three they left for heme. c Portland and Somerset to a means of much but were at once to abandon. Rev. E. C. ot N. will in hester; Kennebec; tinue be good, especially ho don’t like one place he can go to another.” housand on the glad Bolles, Brooklyn, Y., preach persons ground. the First Universalist Church A. Thus ends in c nd Wonderful Invention—A Patent to the offered to-morrow, at 10* tho first annual encampment Kennebec; Androscoggin; European and rising generation. It is pretty much so with t ie so-called Dem- Rev. N. D. Witham prayer, remem- and The News, M. 7$ P. M. this of the 1 forth Maine What is true in Knox is lering with especial earnestness and fervor State, and, judging irom the opinion American; Central; Grand Trunk Wood-Saw. county true in ocratic party to-day; for in almost every State New Jerusalem Temple.—Rev. E. R. hose who, on this last day of the feast, are yet Rawlins is convalescent. Kcyea Order, we doubt notit has not been tho ] and the Damariscotta and to saw a cord of wood per hour. Cumberland. It is well known Secretary will preach in the New Jerusalem Temple, on High only taiiway; Portland, do the here that the the has a different So that if 1 A of 15 of age can work with party platform. inconverted. to-morrow at “In WARRANTEDboy years and street, morning, 10$ o’clock, on means of perfecting them in their drill, but Valdoboro’, and and Ma- ease. and for sale. A mose members a Rev. W. B. of read a Heavy rains have prevailed in Oregon, Portland, Bangor State, County Town Rights prominent of the order in this Democrat don't like the platform of one Bartlett, Saccarappa, what sense was the Lora Jesus Christ made a sacri- months has also cemented old and ( hias lines of steamboats. The International chance to make 95,000 in the next fix with >ortion of the 8th chapter of Romans. it is feared that the wheat will be fice for sin?” and in the evening, at on many friendships city are true to the Republican and re- State, all he has to do is to cross the border crop injured. 7$ o'clock, little capital. The best thing out. Call and see it party, Bro. James Andrews, of address- “Signs that the New Jerusalem is now created new ones. ! will also iuto another. You Biddeford, descending.’* many iteamship Company carry passengers do its work at the the forward of a third candi- pay your money and take , a Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowo is in poor gard bringing 'd the audience, requesting generous collec- Central CHURcn.—Rev. C. C. Parker, D. D of The St. Alban Bidde- ; ,t their regular excursion rates (being areduc- COMMERCIAL HOTEL, choice. Commandery visited date this as at least your ion towards paying the expenses of the meet- health. Gorham, will preach at Central Church, to-morrow ion of nearly one-half.) until Aug 28th. year premature. ford as tho of Bradford The term of the A collection was then taken. morning and atternoon, at tha usual hours. guests Commandery will be pgf*A smart active man wanted to travel. Apply The Sons of following Senators expire ng. Governor Chamberlain is at Gettysburg, at- Arrangements made with responsible Temperance and the oi and were is above. au23snt28» Temple in and to law the vacancies While the collectors were passing through High Street CnuRCH.—Sabbath School at 1$ P. gloriously entertained there by the j arties to transport articles from the depots to Honor 1371, according tending the reunion of army officers. should also be exculpated form the he congregation, the choir, under the lead of M. in the Central Church vestry. At 3 P. M. a meet- Bradfords. returned to tho in the 1 lie ground aud halls, at reasonable rates, pro- will have to be this year in States ot tho American Association at State They city of supplied Bro. Keyes of South Berwick, entertained us The of Brazil is to visit ing Missionary 1 wled the exhibitor gives due notice to the Sec- charge participating, as organizations, in Emperor expected street at which five colored children will 10 P. M. express, and were met at the depot by where only biennial sessions of the Legislature yith a very effective rendering of “New Jeru- Church, etary of the time of his arrival with the Hicbborn movement. England in December or January. sing. Portland tho expected Moreover, leading are held: H. V. M. Richard lalem,” “Delight” and “Complaint.” Commandery, accompanied by ;oods. Miller, Georgia; Allen Mission Chapel.—Come to tlio Allen —i (.mu iiniu a uiaiiiciiu- Rev. W. B. of being Marshall Johnson tilled a mad dog in Portland who escorted the St. Alban Exhibitors take the risk of vuwj James W. Ed- Bartlett, Saccarappa, City corner and Cumber- Band, transportation. Yates, Illinois; Grimes, Iowa; from Rom. 8: “If chil- Mission Suuday School, Locust City Liquor Agency. ation to associate ntroduced, spoke 17, Portsmouth, N. H. Wednesday. rand streets, to-morrow morning at o’clock. All to Masonic Hall. By order of the Board of Managers, themselves with secret or- mund G. Thomas C. then heirs: heirs of God and heirs lOj Ros., Kansas; McCreery, iren, joint are welcome. Sameee Ij. Boaruman, All use or sent persons who may have occasion to from some other do not be- it im.r.n in if Christ—if so be that we suffer with A Kmall force of TJ. S. Soldiers has been ders, reason, xvtuiucKv, re^seuueu, niitine; Him, First Parish.—There will be no services at (he Secretary. hat we be also The Catholic Concert.—Tho Cathedral liquors of auy kind for medicinal or mechani- long to either of these societies, stand aloof Henry Wilson, Massachusetts; Jacob M. How- may glorified together.” to Chesterfield, S. C., to assist tho reveuuo First Parish Church to-morrow. Portland, Aug. 23. aue26dlw The service closed with prayer by Rev. J.H. a mass of cal are w UiLiaiun Vjiia ll., corner oi nnu uamorin presented densely packed humanity purposes, informed that the City Agen- from the ill-advised crusade against the Re- ard, Michigan; Daniel 8. Norton, Minnesota; muy Pillsbury. streets. Sabbath School at 1$ P. M. Frit-nils of the to tho eyo of the spectator last evening. Every l7 is suppnca with articles of excellent quali- Johu M. Aaron AU n <*3 U1CU U11U1UUU 1UI IUUSC are now manufactured in publican party, Thayer, Nebraska; H. Cragin, ujjpui bUIlll'J Elephant ploughs School are invited. SPECIAL NOTICES. cordially availahlo seat was even back of the selected lor vho must leave lor the trains to pass out. Af- for use in Hindostan and sent to the occupied, ty, expressly these purposes. No Mr. Ilieliborn’s friends are accustomed to New Hampshire; Alexander G. Cattell, New England Friends Meeting.—Rev. Albus S. Payson, from :er this Rev. Mr. Free ol Bid- and a row of chairs was also in liquors will be sold at the those H. Boyd, Baptist, East way of tho Isthmus of Suez. Mass., will hold a meeting at the Friends Meeting chancel, placed Sanctioned by the Management. Agency except the Democratic eelio them— Jersey; George Williams, Oregon; Henry exhorted and as by says—and papers leford, eflectively powerfully, Hou?e, on Oak street, to-morrow at each aisle. The feature of the of of the State and can B. Rhode morning, 10$ evening was, purchased Agent, they lie that the time is Anthony, Island; Joseph S. Fowler, lid also Rev. N. DJWitham, and Rev. Mr. Ma- The rice crop of Louisiana is estimated this o’clock All are invited. past when it is of any avail tho selections from the Dedication relied on as and of standard as cer- Waitinan T. son, of Scarboro’. The Presiding Elder closed course, New Fair Reporter pure proof, to to Tennessee; Willey, West Virgin- year at not less than 70,000 barrels. Before St. Lawrence Street CnuRcn.—Sabbath School England appeal party allegiance and to with some own “Weber's Mass in under the direc- tified in the certificates of from the loyalty ia-total, 16. very impressive remarks in his in the St. Lawrence street Church to-morrow at 10$ Mass, G,” BEO. O. OOSSE,....'.Editor, analysis the the war the average was not above 10,000 bar- A. M. at 3 P. M. the Ii. principles from devotion to which the peculiarly happy style. Preaching by pastor, Iicv. tion of Mr. Dennett. From the position we ». O. State Assayer. The price list has been revised, K. Harlow. Usual servico in the at NEiillALL,.Publisher. Your reporter and his wife were favored with rels. evening, and Republican party was formed. This is a mis- (loamy Tompernaco Meeting. P. M. occupied, and from the restlessness of the au- With the approval of the Board of Management ol only sufficient profit will be charged to m invitation from the occupants of the beau- A French was found stark A of the was crazy legislator wo were to lie New England Fair, to be held in Portland on the meet take. It is of a great deal of use to call the public meeting Good Templars tiful house referred to in the Press of Tuesday First Baptist CnuRcn —There will he preach- dience, unable catch the piano pas- current expenses. We think this mode naked in a “I wish con- to-morrow at and ith, 8th, 9th and 10th days of September next, we attention of held on iu the and K. Atkinson and H. railway carriage. my ing morning, 10$ o’clock, evening but such as we heard we were of the cannot fail to receive thoughlul and men to Thursday evening Congrega- Wednesday—Rev. sages, portions jroposc to issne a daily paper with a guaranteed cir- conducting agency patriotic stituents to see me as I was his ex- at 7$ o’clock. Sabbath School at 3 P. M. tional at Cumberland Centro. The Nutter, Esq., of Cape Elizabeth Depot—to din- just am,” much ulation of 5,000 copies or a total of Per Order tiie fact that the 15th amendment to the con- Church, very delighted with. Mr. Dennett kept daily, public approval. ner. With a considerable number of invited St. Luke’s Cathedral.—Sunday service at 10$ 20,000 copies during the holding ot the Fair, for house was filled to and the exercises planation. A. 4 and P. M. the different well to their Committee on Agency. stitution lia» not been ratified and that it is repletion, we sat down to such a cod-fish chowder M.f 7$ part singers up work, containing of all the Liqcoit quests The scientific that went to Alaska to popular distribution, reports were prolonged to a late hour. Our Cumber- is one party Mountfort St. A. M. E. Church.—Services at uteres: lug discussions and together in jeopardy. Without its ratification the work would hardly expect to find at Camp and organ and choristers kept excellent time proceedings, June 17,18f>9. dtfsn land friends It was see the were treated to rose-colored the Mounttort Street Church to-morrow, at the usual pvith a verbatim report of Gov. Joshua L. Cham- always furnish the best of music Meeting a very pleasant sitting. eclipse We were with of the Republiceu is and un- Officer York has hours. Preaching by Rev. John F. Thomas, pastor. together. particularly pleased berlain's Address, to be delivered Sept. 10th. party incomplete for and esteem it alike a to-day been assisted by offi- flamos, visible to tho naked eye, and all sorts of public occasions, duty Sabbath school at close ot the afternoon services. the whose voice was The object ot the publisher is to sow broadcast the Without the amendment it is cers Raseltine, Hill and Hatch, of leading soprano singer, satisfactory. and to the with their Biddeford, interesting phenomena. The Indians of the Seats tree. All are invited. nany teachings and experiences of our ablest men, privilege grace meetings and the force has as well sustained and whose runs and in the been quite efficient as throughout, n every part ot mechanical and agricultural indus- yet power of Southern Rebels in the and were alarmed. St. Paul’s Church, corner Congress and Locust BllANDHETH’S FILLS. presence attendance. In these respects heretofore. I have never seen a Meet- country fearfully trills were tries, arts ana sciences, among the many thousands Camp Stroets, Rev. Mr. Root, Recur.—Services at 10.30 A. exquisitely executed. The leading To the Public. Slates admitted to the Union to more never one vlio will visit our the exhi- already unde the place is a pattern for all other al- ing orderly, better governed, The effect of Mrs. Stowe’s revelations con- M. and 3 P. M. Seats and tho public a: e cor- undoubtedly city during towns, tree, contralto also has a rich flute-like voice, which, bition. Brandretli’s Pills have been known and used all of that work we or governed at all with less display of author- dially invited. by great call reconstruction no in the land has less Lord is to be felt in It is that to advertise ana are al- though village personal Both Elder and cerning Byron beginning in a solo rendered by her, was displayed with desirable parties wishing your grandfathers grandmothers. They ity. Presiding policemen, P. Y. M. C. A.—Prayer meeting at the rooms of wish to at once. and sure to do are In Tennessee reconstruction is ir need of such since it is a increased demand for his ihould engage the space they occupy ways safe, you good. They purely imperiled; gatherings, remarkably quiet and gentlemanly yet firm, have inspired largely poems. the Men’s Christian Ass >ciation Wed- effect. Mr. Kotzschmar showed off the diminish tho de 111 Young every great Term* of | vegetable, and some free from one with both for and anil from 9 Advertising. principle; Kentucky, Mississippi, Virginia and Texas ii the vice oi in temperance. every respect themselves New and cheap editions of Byron for the mil- nesday Saturday evening, 75 to o’clock. overturo think they increase the principle of life. But in tak- fine tones of the organ in the intro- One one E. U. for the rules of the meeting. State Street Church.—Rev. T. M. D. D., square, insertion,.$1.C0 ing out bad humors man the blood, they do make is yet incomplete. There are thousands Starbird, Esq., than whom there is no lion, it is expected, will soon bo announced as Post, the “Star and Mr. Each additional insertion,.50 The Camp Meeting Association this after- of llliaois, Mo., will preach at State street Church ducing Spangled Banner,” tbe body lighter, and thu« set*in to add energy.— more and faithful Halt column, first insertion,. 8.50 of men yet excluded from the box loyal friend of temperance noon effected an in in press. to morrow and Instead ot tho we it the in- Many families have used them tor upwards of ballot or organization accordance morning evening. Libby, presume was, performed Each additional insertion,. 4.25 forty in the the with the of the act of Sabbath School, at 3 o’clock P. M., there will he a years. account of race and color. Until their State, presided. Among speakers requirements incorpora- Gen. Gens. Wise* strumental of tho Mass with great deli- One column, one insertion,.17.00 are the best medicine tor rights the Beauregard, Blacque Bey, meeting in the church in behalf of the work among portion They Colds, tor all Bil- were Rev. Messrs. E. P. of West- tion, passed by Legislature. The Presid- Each additional insertion. 8.50 ious lor Fullness are secured we have no Timing, Lawton and Hon. the freedmen, to he addressed by Rev. Mr. Stone, of touch and e in the Aflectious, about the Head or excuse for Elder is ex President. The remain- Geary, Pickett, Endicott, cacy xpression piano pas- Per square tor whole edition,. 2.50 disbanding and of Bowdoin- ing officio agent of the American Missionary Association, Dr. Heart, and in ail Cutaneous and Contageous Dis- our brook, Benjamin Freeman, officers are as follows: Heister Jesse D. and with a firmness of touch and execu- at forces. The temperance men admit thai ing Clymcr, Bright, Surgeon- Shatter, and others. Five small colored children sages, Copy of Advertisement* should be left eases they are unrivalled, In all cases in which a ham, Hon. Mr. Tallman and Major of Vice Samuel R. the Printer* is medicine known can heretofore would riot Sliorey President, Leavitt, Esq., of General Barnes and Wade Hampton, Jr., will from the school in Wilmington, hi. C., will ho pres- tion in the forta ones which marked a thorough Transcript Office, Exchange, purgative indicated.no yet be they have been justifict street. to them. Two Bath, J. H. Greeley, Esq., of Augusta, Messrs. Portland. ent and give appropriate songs and recitation?. All 113 Exchange compared hundred physicians have in be among the managers at the to of the composer. The testified that are forming an independent organization on ; Enoch of Kenne- masquerade are invited to attend. understanding hoys, All Letters should be addressed to Geo. O. Brandreth’s Pil.g superior to all J. W. F. G. F. N. and E. Secretary, Cousins, Esq., other whatever. Muuger, Rich, Dow, be given in honor of the Press at Greenline band very well and the or O. O. NewhaU. purgatives new have done so with bunkport. Chestnut Street M. E. Church.—The first played indeed, girls Gosss, Argus Office, Transcript issue, yet they might R. Staples, of Portland, and Mr. C. Stack- Maine. Sold by all Drugists. A, Treasurer, Augustus F. Wormwood, Esq., of White Sulphur next quarterly conlereuce of the current year will be held and sang in a manner that showed the Office, Portland, july5deSat-tf as much five as Springs, Tuesday. boys Jy 27-eod&eowlmsN propriety years ago now pole, of Gorbam. The clergymen and one or Kennebunk. at the vestry ot Chestnut street Church at 7$ o’clock Previous to President of their drill. the heat These considerations have Silas P. of Biddc- Grant’s departure this (Saturday) evening. Iicv. J. Colby, Presiding thoroughness Barring their weignt, how- two more confined their remarks to tbo moral Directors, Adams, Esq., will ScUeuck’s Pulmonic Syrup. from was Elder, preside. and the crowd (tho latter ever ford, Henry Nutter, Esq,, of Cape Elizabeth Newport recently, he introduced to evil, however, being Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills will cure Con- great the effort to ignore them, aud the aspects of the question, while others viewed the Pine Street Church—9 o’clock A. Lovo American Peerless Depot, A. P. Wormwood, Esq., of Kcnnebnnk, Miss Ida to whom ho made the follow- M., a good thing in a money point of view), it was sumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, it taken Soap. c mrse of a in its Lewis, Feast. 10$ A.M., It. G. Graham, General Assistant The Best FAMILY majority of the Good subject political relations. The utmost Sylvester of and John according to directions. They are all three to be SOAP in the World ! Templan Littlefield, Esq,, Alfred, little to ot the Baldwin Place Home for Little Wan- a very enjoyable affuir, and may be considered A. of ing speech: “lam happy meet you, (Boston) taken at the same time. cleanse the stomach, in adhering to the Republican harmony prevailed notwithstanding there was Wheeler, Esq., Keunebuukport. derers, will address the Church. 3 X*. They And so pronounced by the most seientlBc party proves Miss as one of the noble women M., preaching a great success. relax the liver and it to then the analy- Lewis, heroic, Rev J. Elder. put work; appetite tical chemists. No Soap ever introduced to the pub- it. some sharp talk about the action of the evening services. by Colby, Presiding becomes good; the food and makes good Repub- of the I that digests lic has carved Us way into so u*e in so short The three age. regret my engagements Congress Street M. E. Church.—There will the to in tiesh; the dis- general lican party, a portion of which was somewhat Portland societies united in a blood; patient begins grow a space ot time as the Peerless, simply for the reason as he a Love Feast at 9 o’clock to-morrow Fiue.—The alarm of fire from Box 45, at 11.45 eased matter in the and the Kumokkd Rejection of tiie iii.i.v before the services at have been* such not to allow me to call on quarterly ripens lungs, that it merit than other known IIu loose and while the facts in prayer meeting public at o’clock Rev. patient possesses greater any disjointed, some the morning Preaching 10$ by Joseph was caused fire discovered outgrows the disease ami gets well. This is the only gams stand this evening. It was one of the most you at your home. Farewell.” Mrs. Grant in the yesterday, by being brand. Treaty.—There are grave reasons lot were rather Colby. Sermon alternoou by the pastor. way to cur o respects imaginary than real. and seasons of the in tho barn of C. F. Pino street. It consumption. JEAr'Ask your Grocer for PEERLESS SOAP, and interesting profitable week, was also introduced to the heroine. Pleasant Woodford’s Williams, To tbesethree medicines Dr J II Schenck of Phil- that Mr. to was Street, Cobner.— take no other. June28-2m»N# doubting Burlingame, whom Mr. Hichborn was and It was a union owes highly complimented emphatically prayer meeting. Preaching to-morrow morning, at 10$ o’clock, by the was only a few days ago that Mr. Williams* adelphia, his unrivalled success in the treat- intrusted the mission of so was The evening service commenced with the The Chicago Post is to note that the and in at Rev. ment of Consumption. The Pslmak high bringing China Gov. Chamberlain, while our friend glad pastor, the evening, 7$ o’clock, by J. was Pulmonary shed burnt, and the fire was attributed to the morbid matter in the nature of into the singing of the 480th hymn* the reading of a Wall street the Colby, P.E. Syrup ripens lungs, Words Wisdom brotherhood of has met with Mr. Rich, of Portland, gavo this most excel- operators, fully appreciating it oft an w icu the nations, portion of the first chapter of incendiaries, hut yesterday, when tho lire was throws by easy expectoration, tor FOB YOUNG Philippians, state of to Brown’s Hill, Cate Elizabeth Depot.—Rev. or MEN, a rebuff from the lent seemed to meet with a full Rev. penury which her recent marriage phlegm matter is ripe a slight cough will ihrow it unexpected quarter of th« advice,—which Prayer by Marcus and the H. B. D. of St. Paul’s M. E. Church discovered in the tho * On the Passion in Youth and Wight, singing Kklgaway, D., barn, stable boy was oft, aud the patient has rest and he lur. t begin to Ruling Early Manhood, it was bad of the 491st with Mr. Vanderbilt will subject her, have de- will preach at 2$ 1’. M. with self help for the and unfortunate.— government whose commission he bears. I response—that every way to im- hymn. found in the barn in a as it Soon heal. Erring Rev. O. M. fit, appeared. Sent in sealed letter tree ol peach motives. We Cousins, of Eliot, spoko clearly termined to make up a purse, and present Saccarappa.—Rev. F. M. Ray will preach at To do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills envelop, charge. Ad- was ited that he be unsuccess anybody’s advise public afterwards it was found we Box anticip might and forcibly on the first clause of Philippians, Saccarappa at 2 o’clock 1*. M. Subject “The Sab- that the boy’s fit, must be freely used toclcanse the stomach and liver dress. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, P, Phila- speakers to he true to their and Mrs. Vanderbilt with a service of silver. delphia, Pa. SNivav22d&w3m fui in his efforts to induce France and convictions, 1: 21. For me to live is Christ.” bath.” beats free. are told, was a crazy one, and the supposition so that the Pulmonic Syrup and the tood will make Eng This is a mark of on true to facts. There is After the close of the philanthropy the part of aus- good blood. land to abandon tiieir equally nothing gained sermon, the chairman Westbrook.—Religious services, under tho now is that while in a like condition of mind barbarous practice o of the Schenck’s Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, re- to any cause the committee announced the time of leav- the Wall street operators which is proverbial pices of the X’ortland Young Men’s Christian Associ- the good by slightest perversion. ation will he litdd at tht First Church he must have set the other fire. The flames moving all obstructions, relax tlie ducts of the gall NEW AIWEKT1SEMENTS. treating Orientals as lawful to whom ing of the trains in the and other no- Congregational prey The friends of morning, with the class to which are bladder, the bile starts ireely, aud the liver is soon temperance are not divided; tices were they beloDg. They In Westbrook, to-morrow morning, at 10$ o’clock. wero soever had the given, and Rev. Mr. Moore closed extinguished with a few of water. the stools will show what the Pills can power to them. ■ pailfulls relieved; do; plunder Al! see to and 'be always providing for the wants of tho Sabbath School, in the afternoon, as usual. they eye eye: whatever slight diver- services of the evening with prayer. deseqr- nothing has ever been invented except calomel (a these difficulties past, it is with the utmos sion of political action there may he at the ing poor. Personal.—Ex-Gov. Ooburn, A. P. Morrill deadly poison which is very dangerous to use unless New Fair? with that will unlock the bladder England surprise that we learn that the What “Indepedence” Means in Canada. Offenbach weais a costume. A Municipal Court. and great care,) gall China, part; coming election, they will ere long bo found “stunning” Judge R. D. Rice are at the Falmouth. and start the secretions ot the liver like Schenck’s —The Portland Press considerable to the treaty that and lose ; shoulder to shoulder in tbo march to Daily pays at Baden Baden writes that at RECORDER KIDDER PRESIDING. Mr. Mandrake Pills. gains everything wictory attention to Canadian correspondent Harding, who is one of tho contractors over affairs, and the other Liver is one ot has intemperance in all its forms. a at a certain hour of Friday.—State vs. Az.l Dunphy. Attempt at Complaiut the most prominent nothing, rejected it. an certain place the day, on the Portland & is a day ventured explanation of the “inde- Ogdensburg Railroad, auses ot Consumption. rape upon Teresa Conly, a child nine years of age. It has been pendence" movement. Said our “you will be struck with the of a son of the Scheuck’s Seaweed Tonic is a stimulant and STREET BRIDGE. JoDg known that the Britjsl The Temperance Movement.—S. a contempora- approach distinguished artist, Chester Har- gentle Allen, is both in Defendant waived an examination and was ordered and the alkali in the which this and ry:—“It quite generally understood, pair of yellow pants, surmounted by a vest of a alterative, Seaweed, French embassies in China were correspondent of Zion’s writes as fol- ding. is made to throw actively Herald, Canada and the United States, that ‘indepen- to recognize in the sum of $1000 for liis appearance preparation ol, assists the stomach sympathetic color, over which is worn a short Mr. E. out the to dissolve the food with the plotting against Mr. and it has lows: dence* is merely a word used to lead such as at the September term of the Court. Com- B. Washbnrne and family will sail gastric juice Burlingame, Superior Pulmonic and it is made into blood are by from their coat of bright blue, the whole accompanied by from Syrup, good are invited from carpenters nn ALDERMEN. way they are “pretty ulary. things moves, that man Dr Schenck. in bis treatment, does not try to so .—Toronto Globe. much At tho stop FROM might he supposed to sympathize in somt This is the issue now before the people. is Offenbach.” Permission was granted to Lorenzo D. Lib- right.” police station last even- a cough, night sweats, chills or lever. Remove the The dominant has This be as to remove a and will of their own accord. No measure with the party expressly committed may regarded conclusive, coming by wooden building on Congress ing the only case was that of a countryman cause, they stop prevailing anti-Chinese sen itself to the one can be cured ot liver “faithful enforcement of the Pro- as it does from one of the ablest in the State street. who had consumption, complaiut, i ment on the papers News. come to tonn, with his horse and ulcerated unless Pacific coast. hibitory Law,” but is not committed to a State Petitions of Misses Owen and Ayers, to erect dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, throat, Dominion >nd one that is friendly neither to to see the of the the liver aud stomach are made healthy. City a on wagon, parade Building: tho corner of A of the York constabulary. woodefU building Fore and Templars, got If a has correspondent New Mail annexation nor ANDUOSCOOQIN COUNTY. person consumption, of course the lungs A has therefore been or- to independence. Cross and of G. to erect a drop too much in and was who temperance party streets; Joseph Bodge finally picked up In some way are diseased, either tubercles, absesses, claims to be conversant with the matter, a The camp at East Livermore will one on ganized and candidate nominated for Gov- meeting Paris street, weie severally referred. hv the in a state of blissful bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or the commence on police unconscious- lungs steles that the recall of ernor. Mr. the is an out- Portland and Ogdensburg R. R.—In our Monday of next week. We The*vofce of which the Portland are a uiassofiniiammation and fast In such TO I Browne and the ap- Hichborn, nominee, Aug. 9th, by ness and decaying. FLUENT’S HALL learn that Messrs. Freeman Andrews >. carefully put away for safe cases what spoken Temperance man, a Universalist in re- statement of the contract been award- & C of ltail road Company were allowed permission to keeping. must be done? It is not only the lungs pointment of Howard to the Chinese mission having that are but it is the ligion, and a strenuous of Lewiston, have contracted to feed the multi- a double track on from It was a very plain drunk. wasting, whole body. The opponent capital ed lay Congress street, suitable as were the for the bridges to be constructed on the P. tude. stomach and liver have lost their power to make to saiety and capacity lor tho purposes occasionedby President’s suspicion punishment. Preble to India, was reconsidered anil amend- ol the & O. R. between the blood out of food. Now the only chance is to take approaching Fair. that what Mr. The action of the recent Con- R., ForeBt City Park and President of Bates a few Pearl street for and American Missionary Burlingame was here was Temperance Cheney College, ed, substituting India, Association.—By Dr. Schenck’s three medicines, which will bring up a Proposals will bs received at Room No. C. U. S. doing vention was the to against protest of some of the foot of Sebago Lake, we should have said days since received word from a granting leave lay a track down Pearl street reference to our Sabbath it will be seen tone to the stomach, the patient will to want Hotel, up to 12 o’clock to being undone Browne in China gentleman, notices, begin M, day. quielly by its older and wiser members, and against the saying that in view of the fact that Bates Col- to Middle. food, it will digest and make good blood; then August 28tb. the contract for the masonry, the woodwork that the above society will meet in State Street easily We have even news of a made ii judgment of a of the is to women on the same Orders to re- the patient begins to gain in flesh, and as soon as the speech large proportion Temper- not lege open young passed—Granting permission ance men having been contracted for. The Church to-morrow blood begins to tbe lungs commenco to -heal Mr. of the State. The movement is evi- ground terms as young men, the President might move a tree in front of Capt. William P. Bak- afternoon at 3 o’clock P. M. grow, Hong Kong by Browne, in which he noi will be broken up, and the patient gets and well. This is dently premature, and caunot fail to divide immediately, and work on the draw one him for one thousand fif- er’s house on Dauforth street; giving notice Tho five colored who will sever- healthy attacked the (perhaps children, sing the only way to cure consupmtion. Fairbanks Scales I only purposes of the Burlin- and weaken our Temperance force. Some of road commenced at teen hundred) dollars to add to the funds of that a suitable outfall for the street, sew- once. It is expected that High al songs on the are inter- When there is no lung disease and liver com- our most earnest Temperance men doubt the er will occasion, particularly only game mission, out declared that the commis the college. ho laid out from Commercial street to- and Schenck’s and within the next two or three weeks contracts and and are plaint dyspepsia, Seaweed Tonic THE policy ot committing tho cause of wards the channel. esting bright, remarkable instanc- Mandrake Pills are STANDARD. sion to it the Chinese Temperance Professors Stanley and Stanton of Bates sufficient, without the Pulmonic given by governmen to the of will be made to build the road from the Pond A was es of tho fact that color Take the Mandrake Pills keeping any political party. have received and declined communication received from the is no bar to intellectu- Syrup. freely in all bil- was not such as The of College, recently ious as are to authorize its proceedin' history the cause iu Maine affords not to Fryeburg. invitations to City Engineer recommending the of al and moral complaints, they perfectly harmless. much accept Professorships in a col- widening ability. Dr Schenck,who has enjoyed nealth in and encouragement for moving in that di- out of the Commercial street from Franklin to India. -Re- uninterrupted Europe America. As Mr. Browne lege State at larger salaries than for many years past, and now 225 rection. Political leaders can seldom be trust- ferred to Committee on New Streets. weighs pounds, lias now arrived in this they are receiving there. The ground of their Reeitdlican State Committee.—Tho Re- was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last country it will he in ed, and the noisiest advocates of moral reform Religious Intelligence. An ordinance the cars to be unload- ueuuuauuu is meir uecp mterest iu tne wel- allowing stage ot pulmonary consumption, his physician hav- are sometimes the to fl«l lllfn dlrtmo nn till. n..*0>n.nn4n.l« .!Jn C publican State Committee will meet at the cumhent upon him (o this exlraordi first sell out for the “ ing pronounced his case and abandoned him explain — The OM fare of Bates. hopeless loaves and fishes of office. The movement is South,” Boston, is to bo torn Commercial street after 4 o’clock in the after- Falmouth Hotel next Tuesday evening at 71-2 to Instate. He was cured by the aforesaid medicines nary speech. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. and since his espccially'iuopportunj at the present time. down. noon at all seasons of the year, was passed to o'clock. recovery many thousands similarly af- flicted have used Dr Schenck’s preparations with the The — We Rev. Win. T. Smith, lato of N. bo euacted. International Beat Knee regret to learn that Rev. A. F. Ben- Rochester, same remakable success. Full directions The Potham celebration takes H., commeDced preaching to the Baptist The Steamer Ella will not touch at the accompany 'd ell done Harvard! place to-day. of the church at is each, making it not absolutely necessary to per- Six seconds aro not son, Baptist Buckfield, church aud at Brunswick on Brief Jottings.—A new car has The at was sent out under society, Sunday passenger islands but will start at iM.Miiiuj' mt im .xiicuTh, miit.ss l>uuems wisn uieir for John colony Popham the siek with the 22d to-day, 8 o’clock for enough Bull to exult over when quite typhoid fever. inst. He was formerly settled at Tops- been on the Portland & Rochester Rail- lungs examined, and .‘or this purp so lie is you charter of 1606. placed Fort Ponliain. reaching Pertlnml n,> l,»r rOnn, profess- The New England ham. at his lowed him on charter, — ionally Principal his own an un- road.—A detention of the Office, Philadelphia, every waters, among so called, dated Nov. and Eight Methodist Camp meetings have early morning train nbout 6 where all letters lor advice 3, 1620, given before The Brunswick that o’clock. Saturday, must be ad- sympathetic, and for this hostile been in within a Telegraph says Henry of about half an hour on K. dressed. He is also at No 32 occasion, peo- tho landing of the at progress circuit of twenty- Carvill the tho P. & R. R. professionally Bond St. If the Pilgrims Plymouth, Republican nominee for Senator New York, every other Tuesday, add at No 35 Han- ple. Harvard crew had done Mass miles around this week from this took It was anything affirms that Sir Ferdinando and Washington country will make a good legislature. place yesterday morning. owiug Dr. over st, Boston, every other Wednesday. Ho giv- more (ban the Gorges Whittier, Surgeon Cbiropedist.—Coins pressed Oxford il — to somo trouble with tho which advice tree, but for a thorough examination with his boys closely his associates “have taken actual of Rev. Dr. Todd, of was offered Mr. S. C. Coffin of sowed a half engine, was in nails Ex- Highest Prize ! would have possession Pittsfield, Brunswick, extracted, growing cured. 1441-2 Kespirometer the price is $5, Office hours at each been a miracle, as two bushel of wheat on halt an acre of and discovered about two miles out of especially the continent in our name and to our 86,000 in gold a year to remain in ground Gorham, street. city lrorn 9 A M to 3 P M. of the former use,” California, to raise seventeen bushels of change At Paris crow wore indisposed. The Amer- expects wheat when it was of Price of the Pulmonic and Seaweed Tonic Exposition. (James the 1st) and “have settled some but he declined. remedied.—Ifho gross receipts Syrup icans already therefrom. If D. each bottle, or a halt dozen. Man- adhered strictly to their own of the Catholic Fair amount to Mr. W. Ayres, of barque Thomas, will $150per $7.50 AI.NO, of our — about style people (English) in places T. L. The 810,000.— drake Pills 25 cts a box. G. C. GOODWIN & CO., and rowed agreeabje Cuyler, comparing Bishop Simpson postmaster at Oak Hill Station has re- call at St. rowing the race in an American to their The leaves are to fall, sure sign of Dominick's Catholic Church, Grey 38 Hanover St, Boston, Wholesale agents. For sale desires in those parts.” To ascertain with With an Metho- signed, and the office has been discontinued, beginning as Mr. Punshon, says average lie will hear of by all druggists. fall sxtf Patent Alarm boat, Blakie, Secretary of the Harvard the time by order of the last days of summer.—The grade of Con- street, something to his advan- when, and tho exact of “those list the would call out ten government. MoneyDrawcrs Club, explained to the locality audience, Bishop from tage. public through the col- are now 1 HANCOCK COUNTY. gress street, India to Franklin is parts” the principal objects of in- Amcns’ to Punshon’s street, _ umns of the Times the before one,” WELLCOME’8 day the race, quiry. The Amorieau says Capt. S. H. Higgins of being raised.—H’its h’awfully jolly, yon know. A Certain Cure for Our columns — An that Rev. Mr. Mur- Bar Cholera, Dysentery, telegraphic contain full particu- exchange suggests Harbar, sold two and three-fourths acres The Yankees ’ad the to The bloody h’impudcnce Diarrhea, &c. Use Mason’s Cholera Mix- lars of the race. Harvard boys ought to invite tbeir ray’s text for his sermon when he gets back of laud, bounded ou the shore near tho steam- Eng- think the ’Arvards would the H’oxfords ture. It instant Liver lish victors to boat landing, one this for whip gives relief. It is a certain another race to be rowed on from the Adirondacks this year should be,— day week, 82,000. Regulator Hlsitc Aid lo City prices. you know.—Fine day yesterday. Thermome- cure. Price SO cents. Destitute of Ed- — Orphnns Soldicri smooth waters and without a coxswain. The Who hath believed onr report?” Prepared only by A5D-— and Seamen# KNOX COUNTY. ter 75°. ward race of __ Mason, Apothecary, Portland. yesterday, when all the concessions — Rev. J. E. 0. of The Rockland The appropriation of 18G9 for aid to Sawyer Boothbaychnrch, Gazette says tho supporters of indigent came from the American Hichborn will New Auction Firm.—It ns Gurer I side, is but an imper- R. ol was one make no separate nominations gives great pleas- _angl7dlnw8w Dyspeptic orphans of soldiers and was Providence, I., formerly Maine, seamen, $20,000- fect test of the for county but will secure as ure to recommend to the tho new auc- relative powers of the two of the preachers at tho at Mar- officers, many public “Every day brings new” to our aud the commissioners desire that all camp meeting votes as can for their something children crews. the they gubernatorial can- tion firm of R. A. Bird & successors to E. is an extraordinary for the LIVER During race itself, as will be seen tha’s didate Co., stock of goods (or custom We have remedy ol this class who aro destitute and Vineyard, recently. upon the regular county ticketo of oth- clothing. THIS[an.l KIDNEYS, when diseased. It is comi>ound- needy maj by tho was M. Patten & Co., at 14 street. The a telegraphic report, it the Ameri- — er as we Exchange complete assortment of new for ed ot several of the best Herbs receive aid from this fund. The Baptist Church in vil- parties, understand. goods tho Keoln, and Bark* FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO, Applications foi cans Norridgewock Senior Mr. is which act on the and KID- that cheerfully made room for their an- OXFORD COUNTY. partner, Bird, already well and early fall trade. Geo W. Rich & known, directly LIVER aid should be made to the lage is without a pastor. Rev. Mr. Co., NEYS, correcting the 118 Milk municipal authori- Nugent, known as a former Collector Digestion, Purifying Blood, St., liostou. tagonists, yielding iu tho final as al- The Oxford Democrat some favorably Deputy aug24eod2w 173 Pore Street. Regulating the Nervous Pain in ties to whom blanks have beeu struggle who for several years was pastor of this says of the fast- System, Curing the ,eadins; ,Tanlw>'« Merchants. furnished. In church, est wo of this Mr. A. B. Side, Shoulders, Back. ways before. mowing have heard of this season, was port. Winslow, tho junior Head, Neck and Limbs,Sink- auM3taw6w11 case any authorities should left last for the Aroostook in ing and Faintnass ot the Weakness of ueglect or or re- spring, County. done Gilead the 11th inst., on tho farm of has been connected with the Down With the Prices.—This seems to Stomach, the partner, Eastern Limbs, Languidness, Yellowness ot the aud fuse to act in behalf of such Sir John — Abraham B. Lary. An acre of stout Eyes orphans, appli- Young, Governor-General of Can- The Burmese consider it a virtue to save grass for over dur- be the motto of the “Peach John Ma- Skin, Jaundice, Pain in the was measured out Jackman Express Company twenty years, Man,” Bones, Dyspepsia, Dry tions may be made diiect to has felt it even by Burbank, on Cough, Sore throat, Night the Board ol ada, necessary to explain that when life, that of the meanest creature. At a Mr. which time he has won for himself loney. His fruit tempted many and his cart Sweats, Irritability, Ner- Lary’s intervale, and Eli T. Richardson ing hosts of vousness, Loss of Memory, Weak Eyes, Guardians, at Augusta. information he talked in his famous of the in into the market and Eben two of was the centre of attraction. Dizziness, Any Quebec speech yearly (east, April, they go Scribner, Mr. Lary’s work- friends by his courtesy, promptness and atten- To-day lie will Dropsy, etc. These difficulties arise trow a bad Liv- from any one regarding tl>« condition of that the md the fish and the men, mowed the same and er. such possibility Canadians might wish buy animals, which are handsomely evenly tion to bnsiness. Wt feel confident that in his open a fresh lot, cheap for cash, and we expect who no in just forty three minutes the watch which valuable remedy lor Scrofulous and orphans, have stated or are to “change their ho meant there for doomed to the and set by all will have a homes, allegiance” sale, table, was carried Mr. new relations ha will ever be found, as hereto- Sunday treat, as his prices aro Syphilitic Diseases,and all Glandular to by Burbank. Enlargements, subject immoral or vicious influences will that they might wish some new form of alli- them free. within tho reach of all. Canker, Humor in the Stomach and Bowels,Costive- FENOBSCOT COUNTY. fore, tho right man in the right place.” he — ness, Rheumatism, etc. It is tree trom Calomel thankfully received We the ance” with The A movement is on foot tho Txeclis and append circu- England. Canadians don’t among Rev. Chas. P. Allen Aloes—has all the good of those the and lady, of the Pino I Mean properties Drugs eularby Board of Guardians: feel satisfied >f to the The New England Fair.—There is Business.—Two hundred crates and none etthe bad. This is a exactly with this explanation. Bohemia, petition Roman Catholic street Methodist church, celebrated nothing Punly Vcirct' Bangor, the best I Could in New bl© Remedy, sate lor all. Executive Department > Council to review and reverse the decree of tho their, “silver wedding,” at their residence in particular to chronicle this morning in regavd Peaches, get York; 40 The By Sold all and ,, .. Aug. I860, asks “if it is Essox street on to barrels Bartlett a cart load of by Druggists Mediclno Dealers. rpTo the ,, Augusta, 1, j Bangor Whig true that a 3ounc.il of Constance John Wednesday evening. the Fair, further than the fencing of the ad- Pears, Melons, Municipal Officers of the against Huss, and Sold several cities fow ■ half Prepared towns Democrats who are frightened at the Ar- PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. ditional of a ton of Dele ware and Concord only by and plantations of the State vliich was pronounced four hundred and fifty grounds tho Poor House farm and Grapes, to of Maine are and 5000 and all others who gus’ mendacity about to start another The was tho Oranges; for sale at L. J. JEREMIAH li TJX feel an interest in the pa- rears ago. Republican County Convention erection of tho polos belonging to the Wes- Perkins’ TON, JR,, welfare of the destitute paper in Portland to hold at Dover, Also ot the orphans the soldiers the — Wednesday, Hon. E. Flint tern Candy and must ho sold Proprietor Great German and of experiment upon An old man in a Union Telegraph Company. There have Store, to-day. Cough Remedy sailors of the recent war religious meeting gave President. John G. of nom- proposition as to how near a Mayo Dover, was paper cau , been a number of new Como on, Macduff ! L. J. Perkins. YARMOUTH, ME. The resolves of the ap- xpression to his joy by shouting, glory, and inated for Senator, N. Hinds of Dover for large entries, including Price 31.00. March Legislature, approved proach the truth and still be angiOS&wtts THE JYO VEIjTT 1,1867, relating to destitute of Democratic?’ imen! and continued it until it to in- County Treasurer and C. A. Packard for a quantity of horses, among them many choico orphans We are began Fresh as a Maiden’s Blush is soldiers and seamen of the late war surprised that the should seem County Commissioner. tho-pure are con- Whig j the services. On which the animals, including the celebrated horse IS THE Oh LY WKIKOrn THAT HAS THE tinued in force the to errupt preacher trotting during present year Jus- credit such a rumor. SAGADAHOC COUNTY. peachy complexion which follows the use of that the aid: “Guard thatold man’s noise.” Tho Leather Stocking. Also a herd of and HjXETJS tice requires disbursement should be stop Jersey Balm. It is the true secret The Bath Times says in the case of a dead Dutch cattle Hagar’s Magnolia Patent Wheels made upon equitable considerations. It is So it is the that ' ierson addressed went to him and spoke a few by James S. Muuroe, of Lexing- Flange Cog- Argus furnishes brains body found in AVoolwich evening of beauty. Fashionable ladies in un- VEGETABLE SICILIAN there.ore incumbent upon the rords in a Wednesday- Mass. society commission to the of low tone and the man at was ton, OS BO lH ENDS OF THE ROLLS- who have this matter in Democracy Maine!” This is news shouting ajuryot iuquest summoned by Coroner derstand this. charge—in order to that * nee became On “ A. J. Potter, of John HAIR meet the of the correspondents of out quiet. being asked, What consisting Gilmore F Fires Last The Balm The on one end a roll are set Be- expectations State, and to papers published M. John A. Night.—The alarm from Box Magnolia changes the rustic coun- cogs »f relatively of the id you say to that old man that Stinson, Stinson, G. H Brook- tween these on the other • nd of the SAME ?ir- subserve the true interests of the above named State hut it is quieted him about 12 o’clock into a roll, give us, credible. We B. F. Trott and N. S. 3G, last night, was occasioned try girl city belle more than a class of our ! 0 ings, Trott. Dr. Buck rapidly any _ tually forming children—to earnestly ask the mu- havo he promptly?” replied: 1 asked him a RENEWEK. long supposed that the brain power of for was called aud testified tliat in his the by the discovery that the fence connecting the other one thing. nicipal authorities of the several C opinion I)OVULE cities, towns, was ollar for foreign and it touched the deceased came to his death Physicians anti GEAll, and Democracy derived from some fountain missions, by some internal house and stable of John on Clergymen. plantations, to give their special atten- Mussey, High Redness, sunburn, tan, freckles, blotches ami the that was ^ disorder, probably heart disease. were GRAY HAIR to thereby nearly dounling purchase (The t° this long since pot instantly!” There and all Testify to its merrits in restoring ot subject. We desire to possess dry. no marks street, was on fire. The flames were extin- effects of the summer sun It importance selling gears In this position is — external of violence. its its growth. An Irish paper that a Romish The jury re- disappear original color and promoting understood.) circumstances of reports turned a verdict where it is and a The old in geuornliy i.anro &c. There was also a Best Hair Dress- Beware of are a stave State pensions in aiil *\a.t'““al proposes to go give more than you used to do, to main- knife, hice linen hand- Wringers merely fastened to at each end o^ornhan marked consequently no alarm was There be- lu"' xdd upon our reputation. and are thus to wrench the are or kerchief, with stencil letters on one given. aug7-eod&wlm liable staves Irom their misapplied, their rights in Jtfl“h'hlren down with the ship. t tin our dignified position. Ye who heretofore only by R. P. HALL & CO., Nash- corner, “Kate ing water near at hand the services of tho en- Manufactured proper position and ruin the tub. justly withheld. It is our Bradley.” Information or en- H. -j aid me a must henceforth me Many la, N. Proprietors. to make iuteMU,ny*a,LUn' shilling, pay quiries should bo addressed to coroner A. J. were not years ago tho writer of this notico and The Cog-wheels, Thumb-screws, "A c are possible, suitable provision’ Boston seems to have suspended business gines required. sale all ntecly1 (i.nt rtv.13 2 i. 5d. The former of 6s. Bath. an For by druggists. galvanized. class fees will be raised to Potter, invalid while tho Island aultood&eowlKs* may for tho of what the SOMERSET physician, visiting or at SSSffitS th®ab“7“ b?Put*nZl yesterday purpose hearing j )s. Ye COUNTY. Buy the “XOVILTV," least take it on ‘“‘“"““‘““1 culture whose dues were 10s., must from this Mrs. Centeb, of Biddeford, whoso suicide of St. Croix lor their and furtherance™ ?,nd ^ cable had to of the boat race, and the The Somerset health, experienced trial with any or alt others, and keep the Heat. he80 will say great t me contribute Reporter says that Hon. Phi- was forwarded to °V,ect3> ,bla“ks be forward, If., and so on in pro- reported Thursday, and was living at noon witnessed and beneficial effects Ellis’ Iron IT. B.PIIBL.PW tL old paradox of of an event before it oc- lander Coburn has returned to many surprising Bitters, Seldeverywhere. towns mumc!Pal officers of hearing p ortion to onr income.” Skowhegan has died. She has of the cities, nmi .'T™! from a AVestern tour yesterday, since beeu for tho rum thore produced many of tho Will enrich blood ami prevent it fromheeom- tire. A|’M. IT Corllnn.lt IT. ». Wea’skan at,0U3 iu ‘he Slate, curred attracted as much attention as if it were very much improved in upon St., earWd ylaf“ health. sometime afflicted with a invalids ug watery and weak, giving a 1 de oiler iv I iu tious to tbe 1u“s- new. spinal disease, which whowere, like ourselves,seeking health, healthy complexion, sept propounded, with ‘a,D9we,r Foreign Note*. 1 estorc the B ’“formation and Norridgewock have affected the brain, and and and obtained appetite, invigorate the system, ami are recommendations as in., l- Jefferson people raised 87000 tj- produced Insanity. She upon inquiry investigation, ot It is Davis was in on the ward the erection a palatable. These ot may this circular ruhored that Whitman of Glasgow 10IU of Steam Saw Mill. took oxalic acid. a He was ■ary bitters are recommended to Dissolution suggest For W. E. S. ■ lull of its medicinal virtues. tVe^"!1 history ,11 persons a sail) Copartnership. towns have not ar iu?r ( 0 August. The Judicial requiring ami valnable tonic to U' %yea.rS Sev?ral Toby Candor” of the Boston Jour- Supreme Court sets Tuesday and and determined to i inpart tone and to the should not he responded1 Such delighted surprised, strength system, not given by Partnership heretoloro under continued. neglect no/) has A Masonic Lodge for womenbas been found- September 21st. KacoVERED.—The wife of Hezekiah Smith otters stimulant in existing the bought the Ball, make It basis of a Tonic and Restorative merely their effects; which, al- THEnamo ol It is not that Sentinel and Times of the J hougli necessary tlio class ana assumes the * 1 In Mr. Charles AV.vman lost a valuable horse Paris Hill, formerly of this they may possess tonic, vegetable properties, LI5K & PETERS, referred Italy. city, whose at- The result of his labors was a glo- annot give to, should have lost management there upon the one this week. He was Medicine. the strength to the blood which the Uni/l,0,’,!’'11!11' of hitched in tho grist tack of we noticed some Ron is this dissolved. The business ol the order to make them first September. Mr. Insanity time liimseif and human- Hitters will give. day firm will properP siihP,„T“Ub|('ct9 th„er’in Longfellowivisited August 7, mill at Norridgewock, but broke and since, rious success ior suffering be settled l>y M. \V. LUk, who alone has State appropriation. <>f the through we are glad to learn has Prepared by Wm. Ellis. Chemist. For sale in authority1 aying over Sunday. On the next day he left was choked to death by the halter. entirely recovoted. Tho celebrated Plantation Bitters was ] ortland to collect and receipt lor outstanding bills. J. Henry W. Longfellow ity. by Grosman & Go., 305 Congress street, M.W. L. writes from Tlle 21-dSin i.iSK. Chamherlan, Edin- r! r Stirling and the North. Baptists of Skowhegan talk ot extend- The time for thus made known to the world. Being an ar- je sn L. J. X)eoj>at Brabtow. burgh, desiring to have his name a call receiving proposals for buldin» PETERS. added to tho ing to Prof. Smith of founded on 1*f#. *K*DERICK Packard The United States Consulate at Altona has Colby University. thoibridge between City and ticle of real merit, row principles, Portland, Aug. 2S, auWdtw r. 7 n 3 ROBIE. testimonial, for as an Fluent Halls has Bair Board of Guardians large amount WALDO COUNTY. wholly upon the Batchelor’s Dye. of Indigent Orphans given hi en abolished and its duties transferred to the 6 been extended to noon and relying vegetable king- Acgtsta, Aug. 1st, 1869. by any subscriber. Baptists of Belfast are about rebuilding, to-day, as will be seen This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; -- their he the dom for its medicinal effects, it worked a ROOMS WA c insulate at Hamburg. meeting house, at an expense of 80000. advertisement in another column. rapid lie only true and perfect Dye; harmless, rellalde.ln- Vri; |> j Mr. Reward in the treatment of 1 no no tidiculous tints; The and party reached By a recent to the revolution physical tantaneous; disap;»oiiiinieut; President will reach and Victoria, The of the vine disease in Portugal report Directors by the debility. emedies the ill effects ol bad dyes; Invigorates and having rooms that can bo Saratoga to-day ancouver s ravages of the Belfast Tiie fire alarm of last Magnolia used as 1,siz- Island, and was engineer & M. H. it is evening was tho forty- AVater.—Superior to the best eaves and boautitul Mark nr brown.— ing apartments the New remain several days. Wednesday, en- h ive been mach has Railroad, the hair salt F1RS0NS during England Fair tertained very great, although good shown that of the 565,000 fifth since and Perfumers, and can have the same by the municipal authorities. yards of excavation January 1st—more than for the imported German Cologne, and sold at half the Sold tiy all Druggists properly advantageously occupied hv leav- I ien done and of the at the 10 Bond st, N. Y ing at the or by the'use of sulphur. filling whole road, 338,000 yard* wholo of last ippllcd Wig Factory, particulars Argus Pro,, offl«, or a the year, price. aug28eoddlw&w Juoe3-sad&wiyr United States Hotel. aug2ikitw ===■ _*!■ — m 8TEAVBR .ToBSBHOORS.FROH BOSTON-28 till) s Petit Mctian Light. 10th Inst, the weather being 3rtl boxes 88 bdls 02 t' MISCELLANEOUS. SALES. butler,In lard, mdse, iron, d thick at the lime, she will probably break op. BTlSCELLAITEOtTS._ _EDUCATIONAL. _AUCTION baskets, 5o bbls. flour, 26 cases dry goods, lobbh _MISCELLANEOUS. NEWS 20 do 46 cases LATEST pork. crates < Vinegar', shoes,243 peache FISHERMEN. K. n. PATTEN & 101) bags saltpetre, 2 horses, 150 to Prince's Ex CNN., Auctioneer* pkgs Ar at Irom press, 100 no to order; for Canada ami country East port 21st, sells S E Nightingale, Mew Fair ! A PACIFIC RAILWAY Harvard Mass. OFFICE 14 EXCHANGE STREET. BY TELEGRAPH TO THE up Bank College, Cambridge, 120 empty bills., 103 bars railroad iron, 67 bdls chair .’ CJneto; 2rd, Empress, do; 23d, Traveler, do; England 16 (the three 1700 codfish.) bbls. oi,> 45 bags wool, 25 bale , bringing qils heretofore I!iro 90 to 1801>-’70. copartnership existing under 'tit PRESS. bides, pkgs order. firm name ot E. M. PATTEN & PORTLAND DAILY DOMESTIC FORTS. Skp- To THE CO, disunited on Thursday, tTHE Academic Year begins Advertisers. this day. Either putty may be |,mud at tl.eir eld Ad- SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 2Jtb, ship Akbar, Crocker, CITY A TKMUER9. 1 he Second Examination for for the to New York Block and HALL! office present, ready rcceire their dues, Money Market. Kong. LOAN mission to tlie will take place on September their debts. Alter tlds Hong GOLD College and month. pay August, 28,18G9. New York, F N Thayer, Towne, 9, lu and 8ei>- Sitnrday Morning, August Aug. 27—Evening.—Money fairly ac Cld 25th, ship Liverpool. 11, begiunuig at 8 A, M., Thursday, their accounts may be found with FREDERIC FOX tive this — Itavld and tember afternoon at 6 7 per cent., chiefly tlie lal Chartered ships Crockett, Lookout, 9. Attendance on the three days is required. st. E. M. ___- ter on stock with wheat at £3. Esq Exchange FATTEN, collaterals. Prime discounts dull am I (or Liverpool assignment of articles exhibited in the Hall S. M. PATTEN. SAVANNAH—Cld 28th, barque UNIVERSITY COURSES ON PHILOSOPHY fm reif.n ,^Xt lian80 and nominal a Daring, Libbey, THEwill be as follows: Aug 16,1869. toau21 ElfBOPE. 1U.)„W04llrm"SSV 10.)]. Tlie Gold room was greatly excited Boston. AND LITERATURE. ^ ARLESTON—Cld sob Room Wo. 1 Hall.) advanced to 134| on by cabl ; OH 23d, Stampede, Stratton, (Large PJ»ce reports $6,500,000. « Modern Literature I"that the blench Providence. and ®0rl)5,e,Sn begins Septem- E. M. PATTEN & CO, having sold their interest Emperor had been struck by paralv Silver, Plated, Glass, Crockery Hardware; Ooui-so °u at tho close oil me 2Glb, C A*hiIos<>i>I]y begins Septcni- in the and Brokerage business, the market revived and closed a port brig Mary Rosevelt, lm Wood’s Cutlery, Carriages, Harnesses, Trunks. Books, Hats, ber 14 Auction,Commission on Hole. Caps, Furs, “Yankee No- to Robert A. pleasure name him to lire l..3g @ l.*3J reported rise in French Keutes. Tin Paints, Chemicals aud divinity school. Bird,esq,with International Boat Race, rates tor Sid. brig H It lor tions.” public as tlieir believing that be will re- The paid carrying were 4, 4L 5, 34, 3 (& : McGilvcry. Boston. THE successor, to-day We leave to announce tliat wc have The year begins September ceive per cent, .and at noon flat. Governments late in tin bt'g Mary I! Dana, Room No. £ (Senate Chamber.) beg accepted 13. Tlie regular from tee public the same generous patronage 0’Nen'1BatbLL1i'SB—15th, coarse is completed id three years. that we have auKtl afternoon were dull but firm. Henry Clowes & Co Fruit, aud Flowering enjoyed for many past years. hirniols »l.n t.n_... __ ti._u_i Flowers, Bread, Honey the ot the C'«n«o| 23d, sch C n Kelley, Reed, Shrubs. agency LAW SCHOOL. A jflillion 4 IjWijLMLNdTON-Cld Spectators. Rooms Nos* 3 ntid 4. The Lectures i It 24tb’ “Cl‘ begin September 13. Tlie regular STA. BIRD & BedinKton> Gregory, Picture course is In two years. CO., s Wto1ds^INS.D_Ar Gallery. Kansas Pacific completed Railway Company Successors to E. M. & MONROE— Passed up Room No. 5. MEDICAL SCHOOL PATTEN CO., Ur KvBi'BHSSW 25th, barque The were dull on tho Iasi Horton, lor Alexandria. For sale ol Oxfords Win Four feouthern State securities Models, Machines, Inventions, Patents. the its The Lectutes of the Winter Termbogin Novem- New by call. u 24th,Ech Mar>' Haskell, Bar- Room Nos* ber 3. assumed a firmer tone late ir bouAIBo3tonKK—Al 6 and 7 (Council Room•) England Auctioneers, CoinmissionMercliants, The Stock market Seven SCHOOL. Bcb New Per Cent Thirty Year DENTAL Lengths. the and prices higher, but the market was gcu- 24tb, Plscalaqua, New Bed- Household and Domestic Manufactures, and Fancy Anti day Humphrey, The term ot lectures begins November 3, Real Estate Brokers, ally dull, brokers being chietiy engaged in discussing foGld Articles, regular race. Ar Gold Loan, Free from Tax. and continues lour months. the international boat The market closed 25th, brigs Tangier, Koso, Boston; Jas Miller, Room No- 8. 14 Exchange Street. steady. The following are 5.30 street quotations:— ueo schs Wool Great MMhn d.rlew Yor,k,: Gilchrist, Gilchrist, do; Butter, Cheese, Grains, Boots, Vegetables, This Loan anounts to LAWRENCE SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL AND Britain. Western Union Telegraph Co, 37; Pacific B Mahoney, $6,500,030. Will give special attention to the ol Real Mail, 80p Plummer, Boston; Sabao, Lamson, Flax. GEOL- disposal Hartford & Erie, 18] @ 19; New York Central, 2024: k; Jas Henry .Oliver. John SCHOOL OF MINING AND PRACTICAL Estate by either or private sale. excitement to ^ew Bangor; Lynrn- Room No. 9. first Land-Grant and public L ~?he day Harlem, 159J; Hudson, 1844; barner, Orcutt, New Haven Mortgage Niukiug FAIR! Will also attend to the ot ovt, inter Heading, 95j; Michigan ; Bagaduce, Brown, OGY. appraisal Merchandise, national boat race lias been Lake Shore & New kork. Side Shows and Sale room. Central,12]; .Michigan Southern, 1064: Ex- &c. banks of tlie Illinois Fund The year begins September 15. The second Thames have been Central. 137; Cleveland & 1074: » John Room No. lO Room.) Bonds, au26-tf li-Satinea with■.uThe Pittsburg, brig Wesley. (Natural History admission will lake on Septem- August 26,1869. spectators an hour this Chicago & North HI LADELP amination/or place since early Western, 83|; do preferred, 95?: HI A—Ar 25th, schs Scud, Morgan. In this room be found interesting ber 15. The 4.V: Hock may collections, secured upon the extension ot the Railway from -AND- morning. city has been almost deserted Chicago Island, 114|; Pittsburg & Fori niliBboro; Virginia. Small, do; Magnet, Smith, trum under the of the'Portland Natural His- will be sent ItOBKRT A, Auctioneer, and Wayne, do supervision Catalogues, giving lull iulormation, KIRIN, business quite neglected. Vehicles of all 83A; Erie, 34; preferred, 54|. (iardmer; Mattie Holmes. Tanley, Baugor; Wm H tory to which the of the Fair aro The balance at Society, Managers near Sheridan, in to a npon application. OFFICE 14 EXCHANGE ST. col- the Sub-Treasury to-day is as fol- Rowe, Whittcmore. Boston. indebted for Kansas, Denver, Colorado, descriptions bearing Harvard and Oxford lows deeply signal liberality. aul9eodA-w4w CHARLES W. ELIOT, President. ors, and :-Currencv, $5,766,000; general, $91,96 *,000. Cld 25th, »ch Active, Coombs, Boston. heavily laden with people crowded all 1 he distauco ol 237 of which 12 miles are com- the gross clearances at the Gold Exchange Bank Ar25tb, ship Cbas H Southard, miles, Valuable Laud on Congress street, roads to tbe course, aud during the Ross, Liverpool; FLUENT HALL. WESTERN leading to-day amounted to $93,820,000. schs Romp, Miller, St John, NB; Conary, entire the roads in the ot Hesperus, and the rest is under It Lincoln Park. day vicinity l’utuey, New York; M CComery, Cornery, do. Musical pleted, construction. is al- opposite Cld Furniture, Sewing Machines, Instruments, Hammersmith, Cheswicb, Barnes, Mortlake, 25th, brig Josephine, sch and ard such other ar- lloMfoii Boot and Linscott, Portland; Carpetings, Paper Hangings; so a Fair Saturday, August 28,1869, at 3 o’clock PM. upon Stock and Maine State Shoe Mortgage ot were with The Market. Sinaloa, Steele, East ticles as Rolling Franchise State Normal on etc., thronged pedestrians. Cambridge. belong in any of these classes. ON the next t > corner of At Delaware Breakwater School, premises, Congress, found themselves almost _ Boston, 27. A C street, railway companies Aug. 24tb, brig Titeomb,1 this first-class bes des now tho very valuable lot of land lecently lie business in Boots and Shoes has Irom Philadelphia lor Room No. 11 (Messengers.) Railway, running through Quincy unable to provide cars sufficient to carry the been active Ivigtut. FARMINGTON, ME. occupied by Judge Williams. Front oDCon'4>ei*8 st, during the and tlie NEW YORK—Ar 15th, schs vast numbers ill waiting at the It is week, shipments to places outside Jane, Haskell, and Headquarters of Superintendent of Halls and Su- the State of 27 treet., depth about 62 feet. The brick and stone depots. ot New England very indeed. Alabama, Gardiner, Calais ; ot and Kansas, the lot will be sold no to state large Heavy Boots Volant. McFarland. perintendent Entries, Entry office. with the land. Ample sup- exaggeration that probably a million arc and as the Machias; FALL TERM will commence upon sought for, cost of making them is in Brave, Foss, Franklin; John S Moulton Thursday, WILL BE HELD of water on Hie same. Lot is w. ll drained. witnessed the race. Tho A Headquarters of the Assistant Superintendent of And iu Nnccessfnl for 437 miles THEAuguNt 46th. ply people Harvard crew advance of the prices at which were sold a tew Crowley, Addison; J Dyer, Operation Terms, OMb. A of they Bagiev, and ltevolu- Hall, at the head ot tho stairs, main entrance, to deposit $200 required ot pur- wou the toss for position, and chose the Middle- week sinoe, there is no that Behi> Jonesport; BOARD OF INSTRUCTION: of probability lower rates !°»’ Highlander, Turner; Eliza whom exhibitors will for location and arrange- west of the Missouri and chaser at time »ile. aujhltd sex the outside ot a will be the Cowell, Kent; Abble S apply Biver, earning already side, semi-circle. Both accepted by dealers. Western merchants Oakes, Ryder, and Baltic ment ot and from whom want Am contributions, Assistants, CHARLES C. boats started at 6 o’clock 14 minutes prime goods, and are making extensive pur- Chiei, Snow, Rockland iu their ROUNDS, Principal. and G 1-2 Cld S several departments, will receive their in- enough to meet all of its and obli- at chases ol men’s calf and and ladies’ an 1 misses’ 25th, brig P Smith. Dodge, Vera Cruz sehs expenses existing assistants: Horses, Carriages, &c., Auction seconds. The tide at the start was sluggish and kip structions. IN A Boots and Shoes. They are leaving serge for tlie Eldrld80’ Galveston ; July Roliston Susan D. Melcber. PORTLAND, 3IAINE, Saturday, at 11 o’clock a. m., on r,. w light southwest breeze prevailed with Boston’ Fourth, Cobb! Exhibitors will to tho of gations, besides Woodbury, fall and winter, and are buying light leather goods. apply Superintendent A. Maiia N. market lot, Market street, 1 shall sell Hone* smooth water. The Harvards were the Ar 26th. Anna Halls for Hall and Table and Passes. Mary Davis, Billings. Every first to There is a serge and morocco, or serge and kid, ship Camp, Drummond, Cardilt 41 space, Sales, C. A. Teacher oi Vocal Music. Carriages, Harnesses, Carte, strokes minute readily. Prices 01 good ol and medi- brig Emily Fisher, Clark, Cow Bay: schs L by 1 new Coucord per against the Oxford's 40. At qualities light Holway For information CondMans of Admis- Wagon. um aie steady', with apparently more firmness, and Bryant, Calais; lclo. Young, Shufee.NS; Gov Cony Exhibitors who m»y wish to dispose of their arti- regarding 1 new built. Bishop’s Creek, three furlongs trom the start, first mortgage of the sion, Course of Aims and Express Wagou, City the as stocks have been for the most part exhausted, Erskiue, Bangor; Magnet, Smith, Jonesport: M l cles will give notice to the of Study, McMods, Expenses, 7th, 8th, and lOtli. 1 Side 0 P Kimball maker. Harvards led half a head- Superintendent Entries, or for to September 9th] Spring Wagon, length; gaining manufacturers arc at work on orders which dealers Varney, Dunham, Bath. and pbtain a card marked “For and “Price.” &c., cata'ogues, apply Apl29. F. O. BAILEY. Auctioneer. way increased their Ar Sale,” Government Land Grant of three Million they lead as they passed wishing tor goods are in 27th, barque Jehu, Palermo the early sending pretty freely. Crowell, Tho Superintendent of the Hall will take C. C. ROUNDS Farmington: or willows. Their pace was The prospect for trade next month is and Cbar- every Acres, subsequently good prices J°bnSt0U’St Pierre: precaution for the sale keeping of articles on exhibi- WARREN JOHNSON, on slackened and the Oxfords but the mauitest an inclination to advance. lottol Bowdenffltou’. Building Leased Lnnd at Auc- pulled up, tion alter their arrival and arrangement at the extending in alternate s etlons on either side of the State Sup*t, Augusta. Harvards were still C°l Hall, three-quarters of uJeugtli J»°es, Jlrong, but tlie Society will not be responsible for dam- Farmington, July 14, 1869. jyl7d2aW4$: wtd tion. ahead at GePo?g°eto™KNCE-Ar25th> any tbe Craven Poiut, of a Ar age that occur. Exhibitors must attend to their track, from the 394th mile post in Kansas to Denver. three-quarters Domestic Markets, 25th, schs Susan Rondout for may Tuesday, August31, »t 1» o’clock M, I “hall mile from the start. Tbe Tnvlor, Lord. removal at the close of the Fair. The Oxfords now went New 26 Pawtucket; Society can- ONsell the Wtioden building on Pearl •(•opposite the on Bedford, Aug. —The Oil market has Enterprise, Phllbrook, not In case make Gorliam with a but tbe Americans Baugor; Aurora! any provision for tlieir The proceeds of the sale of these lands arc to be in- Park, \ o’Bri n. steady drag, rap- been extremely dull the past week, ami the sale Klcb>0 K tor York, on exhibition in I. B. Choate, A. M., Teacher of Classics. Portland Press gap at the a mile and a lower; supeilineto fancy State 5 85@7 00; Willard, Lansil, Bangor this Soap works, half super- NAw Ymt,0b State, will adorn tho walls, while contributions II. Kotzschmar, Prof, ot Piano Music. Daily House Lot on Vine St. at Auction. trom the to fine to choice Western 5 65(^7 10; Southern dull horn the Bonds. start, half alength. The Harvards artists and others in our own State will make Miss D. A. Piano Mu-io. and drooping; common to choice 6 50 (a) 11 ,rom Ripley, and Vocal at 3 o’clock. I shall sell the now with a 75; Cali- Bangor: up a collection for extent and Tuesday, Aug 31, pulled up magnificent burst to fornia dull at G 70 8 75. which, value, has never Miss P. J. Brooks, Preceptress. @ Wheat heavy and 2 (a) 3c seen in The lands embrace some of the finest ot ON valuable lot, with the material thereon. No 5 Hammersmith bridge, a mile and three A° 8Cb E L been this city. portions Mrs. S. P. Choate, Paintinz & quar- lower; sales 123.000 bush.; No. 2 Spring at 1 36 @ 24lb’ Hi«SiDB’ Leland, Drawing. Vfncst; said lot is 17 1-2 feet running back hut in the Miss Lizzie E. ironf, tern, shooting bridge lost tho ground 1 45; White Southern 1 68. Corn scarce ami 1 (a> 2c Pbltodelpliia.BB the of Lowell, Assistant Teacher. 52 tt. This lot is one of the most, desirable lots on NEW BEDFORD—Ar t.i„ r>_ « magnificent Territory Colorado, including a they had gained. the middle mall »WVIIV> • .— ..VC >U|'".'11., 1'IIACU Already enjoying a larger circulation than to Opposite ell. Savannah. *“V ian JUIU 1(1 1111.1 ii^ututMiu Vine st, and will be sold without the least reserve the 1 13 lor and 1 14 PB1CEN OF CUUI1UCIIUU Oxfords spurted aud came un gradually to ^ unsound, @ 110 lor sound. Oats ADMISSION: coal field and This als o holds as on close the busine.-s of :tn estate. Sld 261I1, scb Harriet Baker, (or Jersey Cltv pinery. Company Tuesday, August 31st, an 1 continue eleven tni' but when 1 @ 2o better; sales 08,000 bush.; old Western 63 (fe F. O. Auctioneer. Harvards, opposite Dover the HOLMES’ HOLE—Ar Single Admission, each day, 35 cents. This will weeks. any other daily in the State, and haying i>a- au24dtd BAILEY, 64c; new Southern 62 @ 65c. Beet and un- 250,! schsIB&FL Scott an asset another tract of hosts were found to he too close and quiet Scotl, Rappahannock Biver lor admit the holder to all the Apply for circulars to J. B. Webb, A. rrlnei- together changed. Pork and sales 300 Bath; Hall Rooms, Picture GaUerv M, thi Harvards irregular lower; bbls.; Itoekiand lor New Arctic, inclusive. Tickets not pal, or. gave way, and at two new York. transferable. trons and readers in all of and to Cbeswick, mess 32 25 @32 50; old do 32 00; prime un- Three Millions of Acres in the State of J. A. WATERMAN, parts Maine, Iron Works at Auction anl one half miles, the boats were level. JOHN K. Secretary. Af- changed. Lard a shade firmer; sales 450 mrAR^.Drifiom°lM I.:obert8' I>oak, Philadelphia HOOTER, 18G9. tet tierces; lor Boston; Philanthropist, do Gorham, July, jy3ld«&\v1iu proceeding fifty yards further the Oxfords steam rendered 17} @ 19|c; kettle C«> Whis- Warren, lor Hing- Assistant ol Kansas, considerable extent in other States of 19} 19}c. do lor Superintendent Halls. tlic be sold at Public Auction on THUKS began to gain, though and the key lower; sales 15) bbls. Western at 122. Sugar is ,p'"8ham, Saco; Connecti- temporarily, !‘,:!!UiP.^?iib?'ln’e,’ent, Pendleton, do lor ENOCH and although not pledged as a security for this Loan, WILLI)AY, 9th September next, at 11 o’clock A M, Htrvards again got even with quiet; sales 425 hhds.; Porto Rico 11} Mus- Provincetown; Olio, Bishop, KNIGHT, the them. The Ox- @ 12|c; “«* '°r will issue a on at Merchants'Exchange, Me. all the foals covado 11 @ 12c; 180 boxes Havana at 13c.— Portsmouth; Sunbeam, Bunker, Calais Bridgton Academy. Union, largo Extra Edition Portland, gamed rapidly at Cbeswick, wlieu it be- 12} & lor New York Superintendent of Entries. their possession adds to the B*ai*n4 Personal ot the Com > Iron Com- Molasses quiet; sales 50 hhds. Muscovado ut 49c.— AlbioD, Rockland lor do* Kiaini largely Company’s Property ^a1, t*10 Pace told on Belle, Bowman, lor pany, comprising some GO acres of L'p-lani and fiallerrC'ear awparently Tallow quiet; sales 66,000 lbs. at 12c. Linseed Eastport do; Midnight. SAMUEL. each of the tha who were 11} @ Provldence: Hopk?Js, WASSON, weaitli and credit. We estimate the Fall Term of this Institution will commence day Fair. Flats, situated at tide water at the mouth ot Pie- Harvards, rather wild at this quiet. Freights to Liverpool active and Flour Nal»«. Anderson, Calais lor of tue race. firm; New Volk. or THETUESDAY, August 31, 1869, autl continue sumpseot river, with a water frontage of several part From this point the Oxfords per sail 2s @ 2s 3d; per steamer 12d Superintendent Hails. Wheqt 10} @ Also ar 26th, (and Valnc of the eleven weeks. hundred feet, and a large area ot unimproved fiats, raiidly drew ahead, in a few strokes ob- and per sail 9d. sld) schs Willie Martin, Noyes. Office,—United Stales Hotel until 7th. Company’s property, covered No expense will be spared to present a full atpl 8 days Irom Sept. G. and a good depth ot water at the wharf. tained a lead o! two Wilmington for Boston; Ettort, Nicker’ au827 JOHN WIGHT, A. M., Principal. lengths. The Harvards, Chicago, Aug. 27.—Flour dull; extras ‘or eodtitlscpt2d The Works consist ola Forge about 100 Spring at f?“’11l,2abetbP°rt do; N Berry. New by this mortgage, at *93,000,000 NAPOLEON GRAY, A.B., Assistant. and exhaustive of the and Building roving pluckily, held them therefor half a 5 25 @ 7 00. Wheat quiet; No. 2 dull at 1 Pendleton, teport proceedings 140 Furnaces. a six ton 29; No. 1 tin do lor Miss LAVIN’1A K. GIBBS, by feet, containing Engine, mile when at 1 30 1 in the S« Drew, Machias; they fell astern, and the Oxfords at @ 31; afternoon No. 2 was quiet at R!n™"cIi .Preit?’ net, while the Loan is and Nasmyth and othtr it— hammers, sad nil tto 1 29 seller Corn merely Drawing Painting. a of the various articles 38 strokes per minute shot Bame’s August. quiet and irregular at 87c Willard Fire Insurance Co. Miss Anuie Music. description animals, Tools and machinery for loiging heavy cranks, car bridge, lor No. in the afternoon Tewksbury, tkree and three 2; No. 2 was quiet at 85} @ axles, aud all kinds of Iron Work. fivo-eighths miles, lengths '“P°r.lahd; Coral *6,500,000. Board and Tuition reasonable. and on 86c, seller Sept and 80}e seller August. Oats firm at kIIl Ncw YdS'.nr Ban™"na“ No. 152 New York. manufactures exhibition, with the This property is within one mile of the city, and ahead. Barnes* Reach the Harvards re- Broadway, The Bonds have OF“TexnBooks furnished the at. Alopg 45c, seller this month. Rye No. 2 at 91c.— BOSTON—Ar 26th, by Principal will be sold without reserve. freshed their Mr. steady; brigs J W Spencer Tucker PortlauK Prices. stroke, Loring, with river Barley easier; buyers* option 122; seller 125 Remedies; Whitaker, CASH names of the with all that Per vote ot Stockholders. th Sept. Colton, Elizabethport; Mbs CAPITAL, THOS. H. Secretary. exhibitors, together water, ;reby their boat. The Amer- 1 25}. High Wines active at 118 lor new Nellie C | $1,000,000, Thirty Years to MEAD, J. Prest. retarding @ and 119 lame, Doane, Georgetown; L Crockett, Bun, North 1869. au7cod&w3w M.CHURCHILL, icans then tried to but found the effort lor old. Provisions quiet, and firmer. Mess Pork at Bridgton, July 20, is done and said in connection with the Fair. W. H. Treas. spurt do; Prank Palmer! from STEPHENSON, 33 75. salted ^i??e«Uryp??i; a°.n v?a’Uavis’ May 1, 18G9, and will pay of the be seen at Mer- ineffectual, and the Oxfords getting more of Lardl9@19}c. Dry shoulders la}c; Latham, Philadelphia ; Gen Connor, lor French STATEMENT JULY gp*Plans property may sides short rib sides I, 1SG9. chants the lead won the race lour lengths rough 10fC; 16} @ 17c. Cattle 8’ Mitcbell> WATER VILEE Our full and accurate on the occasion Exchange. Jy28dtd eventually by firm and sales 4 PUaabethpolt; Kow?na, Seven per cent Interest in reports in the last few strokes higher; at 25 @ 5 75 for common to Coik^CkUhi ASSETS. Gold, easiug up and pulling extra Cows and 6 70 lor Cld’ un good shipping. Live Hogs 26th, ship Richard of fresh. The Oxfords arrived at the at 5 Bustaed, Kingman Bic. Cash on hand and in bank. on 1 and Nov and Maine State Fair last year will he surpass- Wood at Auction. ship active and firmer at 8 GO @ 8 lor common and 9 50 (Canada); barque Loch .§ 52,449 semi-annually, May 1, are 0 clock 26 minutes and 9§ Lamar, Mernman S‘St J°lm’lean Bonds and Classical Institute! 47 seconds, making 41 4 (aj 9 75 tor good to extra choice. N B; seh Isaac Rich, Crowell. Mortgages, being The subscriber will sell at at his miles in 22 wSBton ! first liens on in Five from ed in extent and in carful those public auction, minutes 40 l-2secouds. TheAmer- Ar 27th, barque Ocean property Government Taxation, preparation by iu on Cincinnati. Aug. dull at 1 20.— Eaglo,Luce Remerlin.- «, i, of New Fall Term will commence Sopt G. For fur- house South Freeport, cans were well received at 27.—Whiskey Mabel Ball, City York, w'orih the finish, and ra- Mess Pork sold for 33 25 for Bulk Moats— Bartlett, M s ther to the or send c’ty. Adeline P^aleTphii; L^wd, double the sum loaned. 38^,000 the Company paying the tax. THE particulars apply Principal, we shall publish on this more important oc- THURSDAY, September 16, mming, landed at Barnes. The race was a shoulders held at 14c for and for sides. Hamlin. Lansil, Port .Johnson! United tor Catalogue. 16} @ 17}c Gale,d°i hose, States 5-20 bonds, reg 808,500 All the wood on 66 acres of land, about 9000 cords pood one, and excited a of enthusiasm Baccn quiet; shoulders sides 19c. Lard Abby Rondout; Peace, Dawes Machias United Stales oul8eod&w2w J. H. HANSON. degree 15}c; 18} @ Henry A 10-40 16,125 The Principal ot the Loan is made payable casion. Sai l wood i> standing on his tana » Bn h Free- the banks of dull at 19} @ 20c. Newl.irt, WaldihorSr H..me, Bam Ne'v cit tloug the river utterly unknown Budsoii FoS, York y and Co. Bonds 58.900 port, and is composed of hard and soft wood, and but n former races. Tow16’ Rockland;’ William, Fletchrr, \\ iseonsiu Stale in in North Yarmouth Milwaukee, Aug. 27.—Flour dull and unchang- 6,000 Gold, the City of New but each Academy. This an a short distance from the m a shore. Hamilton, Portland; Alabama York, coupon exhihiton must call together im- France. ed. Wheat dull at 1 35 lor No. 1 and 1 29} lor No. 2. Sawyer. Well®. Boxer, 10,000 Fall Term will commence JKKfMlI A II STAPI K8. .Loans un Wednesday, Sept. Oats dull at 51c lor No. 2. Corn nominal. demand secured will be in or and continue South 1863 au23-3t* HEALTH OF THE EMPEROR. Arcada. Oliver, New by Payable Frankfort, London THE1st, eleven weeks, under the charge mense concourse of from all of Freeport, August 23, JohnT Hoboken; 70,000 $l,OOOBondinNew $35 (gold) each 4 year Casco Street Emperor at Toulon to-day Premiums in hands of Seminary, including leading Agriculturists, Manu- ll iug, Feb. 11, at 7 o'cloi k, hcII at Auction a Urge tor the New Orleans, Aug. Agents, Fall Term will East. 27.—Cotton—Middlings (since received). 5s. 10 begin Monday. Sept 6tli.— consignment of Staple and Fancy Goods. nominally 32c. and Molasses dull and un- 41,500 London.£7 Gen. Prim has arrived in Sugar Premiums THEFor further particulars at No 28 High st. Auction sales Goods will be sold Paris. NCW unpaid. 12,065 93 inquire facturers, Merchants and persons interested every evening. changed. ^' Total aug23eod2w* ELIZA C. DUKG1N. the in lots to suit at * hoUmle ^0. Assets. $1,665,075 44 Franklort... 87 fir, 30 krtzs daring day purchaser* ^kDe?,,l»po^°Wlt0n’ Cash advanced on all desert j tions ol goods. Foreign Markets. MajagUCZ; scb G W LIABILITIES. in all departments of mechanical industry. prices. Bawley, Losses unpaid. Tho Agents of tho Loan, before accepting the Consignments not limited. London, Aug. 27—Forenoon.—Consols at 933 R^ity,ri^“morRe?ed' 28,608 50 Bowdonn 1868. dtf WASHINGTON, @ This will afTord a fa- Lebruary 11, 93} for money. M“ry A Harmon, College. gathering peculiarly 25tb’.Scb Net Assets. trust had the condition of the Road, and the coun- Americau securities—United States 5’20*s, 1862, p£keKr|pSSdeTlphTaAr $ t ,637,066 04 DAY is Sld, ship Wni Ross, (new) for St Wednesday, July vorable for THE TREASURY coupons, 84}; do do 1865, 83}; do do 83; do do Ross, John 11NB: CARLISLE Candidates for admission to opportunity Merchants, Importer* tleasnre LOCKS. 1867, sell Concord, Ames, ltockland. NORWOOD, ZOPHAR MILLS, try through which it runs, carefully examined. They COMMENCEMENT14th, College will To Tourists and 8etkers. 10-40’s, 7G}; Erie shares, 22}; Illinois Central shares President. l>e examined in Adams Hall on Washington, Aug. 27.—Tt is learned that Vice President. are to the Loan an endorse- Friday, July 16rb, 95. JOHN C. happy give emphatic at 8 o’clock A also at the ot the Dealers in Agricultnral Implements, Stock- Treasurer Bpinner is not FOREIGN ports. MILES, Se*2retary. M; opening college Cheat* and UritnU Excursion t disposed toward mak- ment as a term on Sent 2d. in locks Frankfort, Aug. 27.—Forenoon.—United States 5tb Thursday, ing any change now in use to secure 5-20's 'nSt* 6cb 8 Im TWOMBLT & SAMUEL A RRI President. Breeders, Manufacturers, Book Publisher*. T. 4 «..• the and 88}. New York.marara Lu8ana> twyer, TUCKER, Agents. S, Waral.ga Spri.g., gold currency in the vaults. FIRST CLASS Brunswick, June 14,1869. jel6taug28 Treasury Liverpool, Arg. 27—Forenoon.—Cotton Sld 3d, sch Geo B No. 30 INVESTMENT, TIA Those in use at present are considered active; Somes, Pray, New York Exehnnge Street Portland. Hotel Railroad Invent- amply f iddling uplands Middling Orleans Keepers, Corporations, sale to risk 13$@13}d; iDSt’ bris Julio IS Has- aug26-3m in every respect 'perfectly sure, and in some essen- against any burglarous operation 13Jd; sales 9,000 bales; sales ot the week kdl, Haskell, MUSIC. that 38,000 N“vSYOTk!7Ul ors dealers in and to might be attempted. of which were lor patent right*, others bales, 9,000 export and C000 lor 19th’ J B Br°wn. tials even Great Iloosir Tunnel Line. stock in ot which B^fnn‘. waH,a1a A'* Hulchinson, FINANCIAL. speculation; port 248,000 bales, N bl Haven, do. IV bales aro American. Corn 31s. Bait?on,n°tKSld bauq^e Walton, OTIOE. Getter than Government Securities. advertise to great advantage. 95,000 Pork 105s. 20th, brig H G Berry, Bahrs, New Miss Alice M. 44 State St., About $1,900 in fractional was re- Lard 77s 6d. York, Manley, Excursion Ticket* via Boston to the Hoosac Tun- currency 18tb A The Bonds will be sold for the at ceived at the bureau from lnst’ br'8B Mary Chase, present Orders should be forwarded at once to Trov. Albanv. and Saratoga ami printing the Bank London, Aug. closed at HAl]r, Portland*” Teacher of the Piano-Forte. nel. Springs return, Note 27—Evening.—Consols 93} at reduced Puces. Alao Round Tick- Company yesterday, and $20,800 to-day. tor money and account. New 96, and Accrued Interest, Greatly Trip .r?i‘™?^,™r'8,Merriwa’ Downes, York, (since ets from Boston to Bouts via Fit* hbarg. Vennoat From present appearances the Charleston, with captain 1 do most cheerfully recommend Miss as PORTLAND PUBLISHING CP., n, farthcoming American securities quiet; United States 5-20’s sick.) both in Currency, Manley and Massachusetts Railroads, to Hoos*4- Tunnel. monthly debt statement will make a fav- barque Arthur lor Cyrus K. Teacher ot the Piano-Forte. very 1862, 84}; do do 1865 old, 83}; do do Erie Kinsman, Bucknam, Babb, Them** over the Hnnauc Mountain, via and orable 1867, 823; Remedios.’ the the to advance the rate. H. KOTZSCHMAR. 100 Portland, Me, Troy appearance, notwithstanding Ihe shares, 23; Illinois Central shares, 94}. Agents reserving right Exchange St, Railroad to TrovRanaalaar amd heavy 19lh in8h’ Aug 10, 18G9.-eodlm* BoKm Saratoga payments of the government the cur- New barque Annie, Park, DEALER Railroad to and Albany.Day Lute ot Msmu- during London, Aug. 27—Evening.—Sugar afloat buoy- YOTk!ardCnaa IN The attention of investors is invited to these well- Saratoga rent month. It is now thought the reduction ant at 28s 3d. Linseed Oil £3110s. Fine Rosin 16s ers on the Hudson River to New York, and Fall Riv- ‘nSt’ 6Ch £"a Huwell’K°b- School lor Will reaeh at least $2,000,000. Gd. erts! Jacksonville!®'1Ub secured Bouds, which we recommend as one of the Boys. er Line to Matas. UebtC the 1st ot September the subscriber, aided by Tickets t-o««| Fithrr Way. The MEWS FROM ARKANSAS. 218,1 barque Jobn 8 Freights. LDeliKioh Harris, Hang, most profitable investments in the market. ON competent assistants, proposes t > open at his T¥ew Route Route offers to the tourist and plea*ur«j traveller, Parties who have reached »K¥ residence, the moat ful Excursion the now here from Fort New fCh Gold aud Government Securities taken in deligh among many Orleans,Aug. 22—Freights.—The lorelgn ’nSt’ Wcbsler Bernard CIOODS, pay- Ns. 4 Mprnce advertised. Smith, Ark., report Indian tribes in that vicin- market is inactive ami quotations nominal. Coast- Smith,'*!loacesterf®’2M fit., ment at their market without commissions. Tickets at the UNION TICKET as and in wise there is a lair demand lor room tor New York. value, a Bearding and Day School for Boys. The course XO TIIE MOUNXAIN8. may heprocured ity very quiet industriously eugnged Will re 49 1-2 at We quote as steam, Cotton to New SPOKEN move September 6tb, to the elegant Pamphlets, with maps giving fail information, ot study will extend from the fundamental English OFFICE, Bickange farming operations The crops in follows:—By Ar 4 generally. York to Boston nml Philadeldliia Flour brauebe* to the full of for busi- W. D. LITTLE 0.. that section of the State are in a most flourish- }c; |c lb; sent on application. preparation boys W’ bar<1U° ,rom ness or .or Ticket Agent*. to New Ytrk 50c; to Boston and Philadelphia 70c *> Northlk^lor^air Francisco Tr“*,t’ entering Co'lege. Special advantages of- Jy20d6w ing condition, cotton promising an unusually fered lor the bbL; Tobacoo to New York $6 ^ bhd. By sail the Xctv Store in Fluent's Block, MORGAN A study ot French and Drawing. By Stage and Steamer l large yield. The Indians on the Fort Smith rates are:—Tobacco to Liverpool 4ns p hhil; Tallow s » Carl- DABNEY, CO., For terms and other information apply by letter to reservation arc said to be well with to do 40s Ko in to the pleased the \y ton; do 4s bbL; Flour to do No. 53 Exchange Place, X. V. subscriber through the Post Office, Portland. International Steamship Co. substitution of military for civil officials to I 3# 3d bbL; other rates nominal. DANIEL P. SMITH, A. M. 'Hie Lake Steamers built tor travel on the chain of conduct tbe business of the with Cor. Refers by permission to the Faculty of Bowdoin government Bonei Meek Congress & 31. K. JESUE a? Lakes between Standlsh and Harrison, will Calais nnd SI. John. them. Lhl« wRIGHT'S Exchange Sts., CO., Coll.; Hon Win L. Putnam; Hon Samuel E Sntipg, Kastport, Sales at the Brokers* Hon Wm W. Thomas, Philip H. Fran- begin regular trips on NEW BANK STATEMENT RFqiTKEII. Board, Aug 23. auglOdA: w3mis No. 19, Pine Street, X. V'. Brown, Esq, A llnlitlix. cis K. Swan, Ecq., Geo E. B. Esq. Oi|jby,Wintlsor Failed States 5-20s, ML. Where he will open a new stick of FALL AND Jackson, The Comptroller of the Currency has re- Patent Squai-e Dish Aug 17-to sepl Monday, AiijfUMt Oth. duly. JOCS. 1201 ^ INTER GOODS, from the markets. MISS SUMMER ARKANUEMF.NT. cently prepared a circular to the cashier* of 1*6. largest JONES, the U»| FINALE MliHlllARf, (at banks, requesting a detailed statement of Bouton and Maine Railroad... 142 LAMELLAuburudale, Mass., 10 miles lrom Boston, on Bos- tor North the items of which their coin and ac- Veruout Central Ut mortgage bond*. 81 The Blind Passengers Naples, Bridgton, Bridgton, THREE TRIPS PER WEEK, specie Water Clairvoyant, tou Jk Albany R.R.1 For 17 Years a leading New Eng- l!:trri*nn, Fryeburg and North will leave count is Tbe information is desired Hairs Manatactanng Company. \\u Wheel. Conway, [ composed. land Seminary, Not excelled in English at the Man Com nan thorough Portland, Portland and Rochester Depot, on for general or elatwtiral and not with PappeTrll manuring v. 935 Befoi*e announce to her friends and patrons or critical classical nor in ON and after Monday, July purpose*, E***trn Removing training, highest accom- 3, to Kanroao.*.. ||5 WOl’LI>that she baa returned to the for a short the steamers ol the line will leave any referenee the conditions of the hanks city in Modern Languages, Pamting and nnd nt Eastern Railroad Star*. a§ period ot time. tr- in Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays Railroad loot ol State In this The is 1M.... I shall sell the Laving changed her former C'ishmentsUPH-. Location, for and Whart. St., respect. statement required from Mm aigaa Caaira* balance ol my present stock at residence to 41 health, beauty, refining Kauroau...... HI} No Parts at, where she can be con- influences, unsurpassed. Next beams 30. 7.15 A. every Monday Wednesday and Frl. the morning of Kept. Wth mat. Fnhaa P»« ittc It R Hiiri. culted year Sept. in., gold.. MU upon Disease?, present and future business, aul7-2in Address CHAS. W. CUSHING. day at 6 o'clock P. M., lor East port 1 el Man ana tart 1300 &c. Hours trom 10 bg Usuiakv.. o’clock A M to 9 o’clock P. M. for above named places, connecting with stages at and St. John. Low Prices. Aug 19-dtt will leave St. John and East on macw inuL Very Gorham tor steamer lauding at Blandish. Returning port Portland ! Steamer will arrive at Naples at 12 M ; at Bridg- same days. EXrrrtMIVT ABOUT TilK BOAT BACK. MARRIEi > Academy ton at 1 P M; at North Bridgton at 11-2 P M: at Connecting at Eastport with Steamer BELLE N# 4 Free Street Block. tor St. and C alais and with — Harrison at 2 P M. BROWN, Andrews, 8 ew 27 The eactSerna-as IB Vout, Aag • ns w>ll 0 'k» uriia. A*.'1'! »< Td«brtf«. bstfb wl Mi. Vsrma h*aa, MB1 lr, KUKKKKKKKK Hu N. O. pa be spared to restore this school to its nection will be made with the 4.50 p m rain into Jane 28-dislw dtf Agtnt. In be In CRAM, lormer L Asjpms, Atf, IT, Joint W. tloahl and ZctiM put ruu- UUHKKKRKKICK high standing. in season to connect boats and even- _ laMralvMl tka rrart Portland, with _i W tatr. KHKKURKRKKUK Especial attention given private classes in French *ka a# Mw •»* aa ran, aad Naw*( Oommission ing trains west. la AagMMB An*. R, Hast Trask iM A. ; KRRBKKKKlUtKKK Merchant, and German. For fUr. her information ad Iress the kad aaa ArvfHb BBBB The above is one of the most beautiful lines ot For the Islands. ••««. etrealat- both at i *' KKRR OFFER. HI. .ERVICES at Stovens Plains or at the My roc. tiinf Juue H RUHR FOR THE Principal Maine, apply travel ever opened to pleasure seekers and every pos- *d *«m* hata ww» akiaim il ll-sau RRRlt office of KKKK sible care will bo taken to win public favor by the af * If RKRK M. P. Frank * " aaraaalnaa <4 ragrai KllKlt Sale, Purchase, and ot Esq., 99 Middle Street. most faithtnl attention to the wants of «,/r a. Tho «learner 4-nxelle will Shipping • passengers. •ary graaral, aa aka> ad ad- 1 >IED RUHR kltltU BBBB Merchandise. augl2 -d 1 w & eod 2 w JjjjjS^ai^^SCr.immence hex trips to ..«B.aaa *k.«k d- Har KKRR KKKlt KK1UIKKRRRKKKK ______gep22digll S. O, CHAD BOURSE, Agent, la heist, IV EUsr HR. FOSTER'S lUtitKKKKKKKUK Westbrook duty Msyk Staslty, ifrd C2 Seminary. auOdtf Vailed Staten lintel. Peak’s and Islands, KUKKKKKKKKK .... Cushing’s ran A auaik -i days,—a minister at tba goaprl and OOOO 3 Good J«*w a 1‘tirndisa KKRKKKKKRKKK Piano-Fortes, t>«4 June URHR Fall Term of tho Westbrook Seminary and 1MONDAY, 14th, ■l>aM ■(. la aarn. Amg. ML aal? < had at Edrard tal RUHR Instant Relief from Pain! RKRK RUHR THEFemale Collegiate institute, will commence on NIXON’S Rlb ti kmaMUi, 4 anrattw 3 days. vj 1 as aged J~L Jli I Aug25tb, and cont nue twelve weeks. Running follows until furtbeT notice: In Mrnaawna, H, Mm. Jam Carheit. irnl Wednesday, Any. au!4d2w G. M. STEVENS, Leave Custom House foot of Pearl tor •» Laa Aag S -A gaallaaian d Una flystrs. KURK KRKU NNNN One Sec’y. PURE Wharf, st, RRRK RKRlt lor.$100. Peak’s and Cushing’s Islands at 9 and 10 1-2 A. M.* auy WlaaU) aaaaiaad a to Mar haa I'kU Ju and 2 and 31-2 P. M. a years. K KURK KKKK One for. 85. Ladles’ Seminary. *to» 1 kaaa. ta wkwk kr Bay a, *1 aaa out ad all Young Leave Island for Portland at In lofwlnn. Aug. IS. Mr. Pur 71 KRRR RRRK Returning, Cushing’s tolaw gaakliiail aamnak ami aa aaa meed br Hunter, aged One for 75. Misses S YMONDS will commence their Fall 9.30 A and 2.30 P M. ynara; *A. Bur < r, d 41 1 RRRK RRRK SSSS. M, jratoaa ad aa hrraaArr." ag* years, < THESession, on Thursday, September 16th. Ivlsnd Inm-lilntr nt TVnL’u Talaml In Aum*a. Aug. 15. Bimi feiradburv, son ol E. F. For and to the Prin- Amber Soan! 5 Catalogues particulars apply 11.15 A.M. and 5.15 P. M. I*i *t.ui I Samuel — v, m|.. aged 7 year,—after a loog and pain- F. Cobb, cipals, personally or by at their residence, 43 1 TUMUUk. full Uiacsc Entire Stock of a Boston mall, 0T‘Ticket8 down and back 25 cents. Children 15 s P 00 Exchange SI. Daniorth st, Portland. aul8tt Soap U prepared Irom the recipe ot a cele- cents. je9dtt Mura or a viu uiuvii aturadi. Jne 21- as* r koh naan nation Melief, tors ot dirt known in this country, without injury ■ this at New Hr aaa aaa «f tbr fuundtn of the *' ■ I.Du. I><. opened day from 5c. St. Louis Flour! On and alter June Alla Cali- Liverpool.AiigC* Br#r to the clothes. All oleaginous and gummy substan- MONDAY, faraia at 8*0 Kraauaco. Siberia..New York.. Liverpool..... Aug 31 Timber Lands ces yield at onro, and from the purity of the material 28th, the Anioaa...New York. 1 to .California.Sept 1!- §» 50c, per yard. Lave just received some NEW WHITE in its composition, no corase or disagreeable odor is Cuba.New York.. 1 U*rw, for Liverpool.Sept WEWHEAT FLOURS, from St. Louis whhh are lett. Directions using accompany each bar. MIT> AMEDICA. Tania.New York. .Liverpool.Sept 2 them that excelsior Hour And Mill l Manufactured only by Steamer Ella I ol York. Dlnrrhcea, excellent, among Property City .New .Antwerp.Sept 3 Less than l-4th its Value. and THE rtlull irts WAK. “ 5 5 Will leave Union Wharf for Cushing's, Peak's Kuxonia.New York. ... 7 .Hamburg Sept THE FALMOUTH J EDWARD NIXON, Little Islands at 9.15 A >t and 2.30P M. la.* don, Aug. ST.—Advice* from Hit* seat of China.....New 8 > Colic, Cramps, § t Chebeague York..Livcn»ooJ|_Sept 6 Wc also have some choice GRAHAM FOR- SALE war in show Britanla.New York. 4 Sf Less than l-4th its Value. very FLOUR Corner of Greenleaf and Everett Streets. RFTURXINQ: 1‘araguay that a battle was immi- .Glasgow.Sept Kites and made at the celebrated Williams’* mills of nent ai d of .New York. 4 S, Stings, “Roger Loaves at 11.43 A. M. and that tbr land and naval forces ol City Brooklyn.. .Liverpool... .Sept P. S. I am also Elect ric Chebeague for Portland the Ci of Providence, from Pure White Wheat, in barrels manufacturing French *ll*e* were in y London.New York. .Liverpool.... Sept 7 and 4.45 P. M. motion. Dysentery, Going, Going. vnd half' barrels. desirous of of all his Laundry Family Soaps. Official Ctmoria.*New York. .Hamburg... .Sept 11 ^ Sprains, Going, subscriber, disposing Leaves Peaks* tor Portland at 12.15 and 5.15 P. M. dirpau ber rec-ived at tbe FIERCE Sc E3T”Orders by mail or otherwise attended with " Brazilian Siberia.New York.. Liverpool.Sept 16 O’BRYON, CO. THEinterest in Timber Lauus and Mills, will sell on Cushing’s 12 30 5 30 War Hi«k A Nervous Xlead- ,, dtt promptness. aul3 dim Department announce that Gen. Portin- Russia...New York. 17 Portland, Aug. 16,1869. favorable terms the following: at at 1 and G o'clock P. M. bo had .Liverpool. ...Sept y* Going, Going, Going. Arrive City commenced hi* march ,asms nor got it, river or its branches, which through Stove Coal for Lopez Cordilleras, and that have he wilt order it for you. loway $8. they or Parmachenu which is embraced with- remained in a state the assortment of Switch- town, Lake, of complete Manufactured tbo Franklin 99 St. Keeps largest Japan For turthrr particulars inquire ot inactivity MARI3STE NEWS. by 5 radical Assoeia-Associa- Exchange and Coils. She also llumau in its limits. BELFAST BONDS. since they appeared in front. tion, No. 28 Winter ed, keeps Hair, 30,000 St., Boston, T.a„. Bands, Coils and Curls. REVOLUTIONARY RUMORS FROM Land in the TUE ARGEN- PORT OF PORTLAND a"d Ma"'- Notice to Coal Dealers. Also 16,000 Acres of These Bonds are freo from Government Tax, and & ° Carncr Congress and Oak Streets, JAMES WILLIAMS, TINE REPUBLIC. fa^Se«omar'i?o?.ro.aJS?^P'rie*'0"Fosle, s Commit*ee on PubiiG will arc recommended as a choice to those seek- Kemcdv J’*9U’y icclebratcd Catarrh Buildings receive 17istf Toivn of Byron, Oxford Co„ security PEULEY'S WHARF. aul9w6m until jnly ing investments, and especially tor trust tmnl.v Liv Bumors were current in Paraguay that a rev- Friday, Aug 27. b_y’ THEproposals SATURDAY, Sept 4, 1869, at won. for live hundred tons broken river Cityot Belfast (independent ol this issue of Bonds) F..I PnrkSI,.ar.«mrrual Sl|., olution was imminent in the Argentine ARRIVED. fifty (5fi0) COAL, well covered with large Spruce timber. Swift prov- 2240 !bs to t he ton. To be of the best varieties run these lands and is Iree from debt, and a credit to of ill kinds inces the of President Steamer New York, Ghishoim, Boston for East- ot and its branches through empty enjoys fully equal Wlierc may be Iound a good assortment against policy Barmien- Something New l Anthracite Coal. BEADTHIS! Kumford Falls. any city in the State. Ac. the port and St John, NB. Entirely into the Androscoggin below ol Coal, Hard and Soft Wood, Edgings, to, who is accused of sacrificing republic to Tube e'ivered and in at such of the ot these Bonds arc at the First Na- au Sch for put public Coupons paid By Lumber of ail kind, on ha.id. j.ltt Talent, (Br) Coffill, Windsor, NS—plaster Secured u tional Brazil. a market. l>y Letters Patent, buildings the city as may be designated, on or be- Bank, Portland, and at the Howard National _ is a remarkable fact that STEAM REFINED Also 1100 Acres Timber and IVood Sch Ella fore Nov 1, 18T9. The coal to be in all respects of Bank, Boston. aug7»I2m Fisli, Willey, Philadelphia. TRIPE is the best article of tood that can he WEST INDIES. W Wheeler, the best quality ot the name, and in the best order, IT Land in Town of Gorham, JT, //., DSc*J ,V Lewis, Philadelphia—coal to and found at this season ot the year. Ladies’ Randall, McAllister & Co. Prepared well .screened, and weighed by such weigher as Underclothing, CURA. Pumpkin, This is the season of the year for people to he dys- Hew Store ! Scb Ann, Abbott, New the city may designate. two mi’es above the Alpine Hruse, on the line ot the Cigar Cbildrea’i York. there is no need to be eat plenty of Infanta Wardr.br>, Aprnaa, the months of Sch And Squash, The dealer is at liberty to offer a* many different peptic; yet so, Grand Trunk Railroad, and the banks of the An- Havana, Aug. 27.—During Gazelle, Winslow. Boston. Steam Refined and discard more Sch J O proposals as lie desires. The reserves the Belknap’s Tripe, droscoggin river. There is a of wood narqnra. dr. ami no vessel of war ot the Uni- Roker, Creamer, Boston. city right no bad dreams. large quantity July August purposes. to reject any or all and to Bolid food and you will have from its Hall- at of Havana. Pronounced by all rvlio bids, require satislactory di- on these lots which, proximity to’tho ERNESTO PONCE ted States has touched the port gt"clal to nave used it sureties in sum It is recommended by all physicians when the and to FOlfculinary to be superior to any other repara- the ot $1,000. road, is steadily increasing in value. Ready-Made Made Order, by received here from Los Tunas is FIofcbeV&^CoJ’amfotberB508101'’ tion tor are out ot gear. Intelligence Pies, &c. Warranted to con- Address proposals to gestive organs just opened a store where he on hand Puddings, I have of Soused the half bbl. keeps to the effect that Col. with a convoy, tain nothing hu* pp re WILLIAM L, plenty Tripe by all brands ot Ci«ar«and Tobnei P. at Bencgasi, pumpkin. PUTNAM, tor Please order. Also 2500 Acres Land in the Towns HAS •, import- Mrs. a Mixer, 40 Centre si. had in KfntlHexSr^^oil”%,e^hyro“!h,-nai,at0Sch & So. the country Trade. ed and domestic, and a call ot all his Mends reached that town Lida Lizzie, Fro hock. nr it. BROS., Waterford, Me Chairman. b«gn safety. Bay Ckaieur ftA_YER au'27eodlw_ of A schooner in the service of the insurgent Sch Paragon, Ilickcy, Eastpoi t. au_5d&w3w* 1‘alentees and Sole Manufacturers. C. W. BELKNAP. of Albany and Sloneham, and the patroage the public in general. 4b.narhlnr Stiickia,, JelOlt Sch Ktenzi, All orders promptly attended at the lowest prices government recently landed a cargo of arms at Richardson, liomasron. Sewer Assessments. Portland, Aug. 11, 1869. aulldti Coun- Bevilla Sch Annie G Webber, Webber, Bristol. Near the village of North Waterford, Oxford in the market. Bay, in the southern part of the east- with Pine ern Scb Coast Guard, Johnson, ty. This land is covered thrifty saplin department. Tbe after Ilarpswell, New HalL runs CASCO ST. SI. First Door from Spanish troops soon England Fair, City personsowing Sewer Assessments are re- © T I timber, standing near Ciookod river, which Congress To Contractors. CLEARED. quested to take notice ot the jy CJE. into Crooked river can wilo n schooner and at last accounts ALL following order through the tract. Logs put Aug 10-dlm Kennebec, Minot, in Board ot and or hauling tour to five tbe arlns' wLicl‘ **ad been Brig Cardenas—Lynch, Barker passed Mayor Aldermen, Aug 23d, be ruu to Saccararpa, by taken inttJS1® & Co. free use of Fluent Hall ten- to wit: be into the Saco. There is a Sevilla rjlHE having been 1869, miles they can put good ibr fbo erection ot mountains, adjacent to the L Cow A with Halls Annual of the Portland willing to contract Brig Warren, Hcrriinan, Bay. m. tho in Build- That all bonds for Sewer Meeting mill with a saw mill on the tract; bay. ;T*0.*other City “Ordered, Assessments privilege, single l PERSONSa brick school house on UImmI, may in- Sch Marcus Hunter, Orr, New aiU1>1° room for that now due and not settled before A d to the canii at Harrison ten mil* to the New York—Nickerson?, coutrikutions iji Sept 15, 1869, bo Leather Company. distance s; Something spest the plans and at the offie ol F. Litchfield & Co. depautnent*1 placed in hands of Solicitor lor Collection, railrovd at South Paris twelve miles. The land is specification* TIIE City and OTICE is given that the annual meeting ti. Fassctt. architect, Casco Bank Block, where all DOniMON OF CANADA. Sch Euroclydon, (Br) Willigar, Parrsboro. aro ]wTehy n°tific. 1869. at three o’clock in the afternoon for the A Iso 435 Shares of Self-Feeding1 Base The Committee reserves the right to-day board thePreUS "r™ e?" 8AMDEI WANSON, Burning September. “Bemiramis,” by Bear ° SAILED—Barques S E Spring, Geo S Hunt, Sarah To choice of officers for said company for the ensuing iston Steam Mill reject any or all tenders. Admiral Xu,!, ,,. Superintendent of Halls. Philadelphia. Company, will to g'V B Hale; brigs Etta M Tucker, Kennebec; sobs Ida rr a ii The successful bidder bo requested officers. The ship was superbly dcooi-.V1?^ fast sailing Schooner an<’ L Howard, and others. Po,,land> AuK- 26, I860. “Georgie Dedring” auaklidJAMES BAILEY, President. the whole stock 821 bonds in two thousand dollars lor the faithful pet it was a most select and Ranger, auEb'7H°tC THEwith part ot her cargo will sail as a.bove capital being represented by enjoyable*,»5 engaged, a FURNACES! ot the contract. The Prince to _codtsept2- For lreight apply to shares. The property of the company consists of formance goes lic now 25, 1869. au20dlw Charlotte^fm-morrow E'l splendid clipper ship Yo-Semitc, loading To Contractors. Steam Saw Mill, capable of manutUeturiug five mil- The sale ol Portland, Aug where a reception awa:ts at E. G. WILLARD, unprecedented this Improved Healer, grand him. New York for San Francisco, is attracting con- Park Street lion feet ot long with a Grammar au21dlwis Commercial Wharf. wiil be received by the undersigned lumber, proportionate since its introduction in is alone siderable at tenth n by her be nny ol model and fin- School, amouut of and laths. About September, 18GS, until August 30th, 1869, lor excavating clapboards, shingles argumentative ot itsworth. Goods ish. She was built at Portsmouth in 1868 under the PROPOSALSMonday, fifteen acreset land in the of Lewiston, well lo Sale of Forfeited PORTLAND. For Sale or to Kent. and laying a thirty-six inch Sewer, a continuance of city While si much is being written about the pern!- superintendence of Cant J S Perry, and made the cated for building and thirty thousanc effects COMMERCIAL. summer Sewer now laid on Fore street. The bottom ot said purposes, clous of furnace heat generally on health,and pas-age irom Liverpool to San Francisco in ,lle 0. 88 State Street, an elegant and commodious acres of timber well located on the Androscog A ,,or Position ol Principal of .VJ Sewer to be nine feet from grade ot street. To be land, while each and all recognize irom actual experience Office, ) s,je ,}i parily owned and commanded bv PVl'ICilTf0^,? “d 131 modern house with every convenience. Posses- river and its fiom which but a smal Collector's Nrfripl* by Hnilionds and Atrauiboute. b>' *«> built in a thorough and workman'ike manner, sub- gin branches, its truthfulness, the daily given by those ta,ie undersign! *1, sion October 1st. For terms &c. apply to has been cut. testimony of Portlaxd & wea SfllSSM.1" given ject lo the approval of the the City fur- quantity ot the timber who are using unbare judges ot the qual- District » Grand Trunk Railway—350 bbl*. flour, 4 cars CHARLES B. Committee, JOHN LYNCH, competent Port bind, August £al*'“ctb’ J cV°may MERRILL 1 JOUN C. PROCTOR) nishing brick and cement.. The Committee reserve Apply11 * to ities of the Henderson confirm the beliel oats, 4* do lumber. 2 do laths, 1 do clapboards, I do LEWIS B. SMl'l BARKER A CO. Heater, de«Ttbed H, Committee the right to reject any or all bids it not or LYNCH, that in its Great ot' the needet following •labs, 1 do board*, 1 do last block*, 2 do |K>st>, 35 bdls AUKIN L. te°- nu27-tf 93 Exchange Street. satistactory. dAwlnt3. Evaporation Water, viototion id th*g~d"»„UeLawsottl DMMte in 1-54 DRESSER, j Bids open 5 P. M. Portland, August 11, 1b61#. effected. THF.torteited luc bavii paper, 23U *.*'• do bags. 81 case* carpet*. 1 itf bdls boxes TO Apply Notice. M. E. CO., dowuIling,ll Copartnership of cam 2 do au27-3t* A well stock Stoves, Furnaces, Regis A. M.,* 2 shingle*, timber, 1 do boards, 108 ___ regulated It o'clock ha and Till ware to Worker, of Tia 7 bills, 2 calk*,2 js suudrla*. MEMORANDA. have till, day formed a under ters, House Furnishing Goods, Brass, Copper, I.end, O S*, Jane .1 copartnership line ot all articles 47 boiea CigarM,8oO <'«“rMo,aM„. a keg. Snip Southard. Blsbnn w FWr^i«:“ Wanted! tbeuame, Arm and ol K. A. B1RI><£ with a lull usually kept i > Sheet Ae. M. gether a Pout l A ND EN n EBEC R AI Lno WE style Iron, Arc., bbls, 1 1 bags Sugar; lb AJK A D—1 far St are* , huil westerly winds and ,r"m ER Albatross, about 60 tons, old ton to solicit for tbe suehastore; alto all Ihc Tools und Fixtures &i “l»K;bb.1 Srii and 4 do 1 do 1000 feet fn.^w najh. in every city and town Co., transaction of the Auction, Commission I Rum; 22 bottli lumber, hay, tubing, 64 oil bbls. the In will or 500 on the .lobbing business lit lim Irea; kr**Jrt«mU')>Jns itasssKC. coming into SCHOONFlat; carry 60,000 lumber casks orders. A and business. and Brokerage Business. carrying such a TEMPLE & STREETS bbl. and I car 23 l»rs springs, 13 6 an qia'rSJumf'fSth?** ?’ GENTLEMEN pleasant profitable COU. FEDERAL Oin; gboitleaUIn. -j ,.a clapboards, hides, Ml* sash! lialou with uutwaid bound lime. Well found iii anchors and rigg It. A. Centrally situafed In the City of Augusta, long e; ; * ,lirrJ|. 46 cases oil boa lo barque and; chains, ing.*— Address \VH. H. GOLDING, 338 Congress street, Bird, A. B. Wutsnow. Brandy; 1-H box Tobacco, cloth,! egg*, hag* waste, 32 do and received arrlt'<1 Sails new. and doing a f away bobstay oilier damage***” mostly Price about $1600. .Portland. »ug27d2t auK 2S-d3t tabl’shed good business. The ownc Portland, He. small bag Natmig-. dr. 3 ba,e* aud 25 tars to in mind a ot 13BA£L WASHBURN •"•jhjjj freight Brig Henry Trowbridge, Leighton, irom n„. Apply J. s. CROCKETT, having change residence and oeciips lot Boston. ot ileserlptioi 1 Collector. St John, NB, went where ab ut three 87 Commercial Sfr kinds of book and job printing PRINTING, ot all kinds iU»- tion, oBers a rare chance at a good bargain. KF—Plumbing and Jobbing .very ,uiWlaw3w*dW mileB /tom Portland dpne.wlth executed. augt-dtt Aug 14,18G9. au23dlw Allneatly and cheaply dong at this office. POSTERpaMh at the Press Offlee. aug21eotl&wlw Address Box lei, Augusta Mi i, promptly “ ses the Signor, what can BW'IAIE. MI8CELLAKBOP8. Helooted Story. gentlemen,” you J REAL | STKAJH L KN. expect irom machinery ?”—which was very • RAILROADS. true. But to show the command I hare you sale at a over the Valuable Farm For Great automoton when at a distance Irom For I will Sacrifice I Nova Scotia. MAINE MOSCO’S AUTOMATON. it, now return to the stage, after Halifax, CENTRAL R. R. simply The abovf* farm, known pressing a in the figure’s and sit- formerly The will spring back, as the Cushman Homestead, is sit* NEW Steamship CARLOTTA, SUMMER ENGLAND l its like before the FAIR ! ARRAN,.*MEN 1 have got a hard and heavy head; ting index-boord connected with uated In New Gloucester, 18 miles < T |W|i "’barf. (tVRKY «1T the wood. I don’t think I ever think; and con l figure, I will enable vou to put its abili- r_ftom Portland, on the main road, JlUjir ft j >14 1* M lor Hal- ties to —__5-3-4 of a mile from Pownai C° Uu ami after 15th know as L ever did, except about nothing; the test.” Depot wiih ilie Nova Sco! 'JSfUBWt* Monday, April soil P. O., and one of the most and desi- r ^ew Glasgow & Pic- at Portland ng figure condition, splendid garden, with a variety of pear, Will visit the New Fa ton, N. S. Train trom Bangor is due at2.15 P. M had me to lots of trades, and it was no its band as many plum and cherry Wil- probably England ir, and re- 9,00 with train tor Boston, put slowlv jerking up right trees, besides a largo bed of Made of Poor Hum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, Meals Extra. In season tooonnoct said I had “No he did noiii’s ot „ at *.10 A. M. use; everybody no head-piece—no, times as was wanted. “Yes” and variety strawberries, (set ont new last, year fuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetned to from l.ewlston and Auburn only, lor les and yielding this season 200 b cur- And we the Atlantie a"p,y ">DRILLINGS EDWIN NOYES, 8apt not even tor going of nor it and xes) raspr>enies. invite them all, together with the citizens of Portland and to vidt our i-lease ta-te, called ‘•'Ionics,” “Appetizers,” Whart,"orrmali°a errands, givin" with his head, by bending a vicinity, Store, noKdtl rams, large grape arbor, from which wss gathered •‘Restorers,** &c., tha* lead the on to drunk- J0HN Nov. t.istw away handbills, even. It’s no use it tor “No,” and this way he would 12 tippler PORTEOUS, Agent. dunnin' shaking busheis ot grapes last year; flower garden, orna- enness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made Aug. 10-tt into for the and to a learn- things my head, only thin" 1 evei tell fortunes ages quite equal mental trees &c. The house is three story, brick, from the native Roofs and Herbs of California, free could remember is or an educated there with two brick 21 rooms. There Corner of from all meal times. Nothin" i ed pig pony. Indeed, story L, containing Union and Middle Alcoholic Stimulants. They are ihe GREAT Boston anil Great Reduction he is also a fine new stable, with seven horse stalls, Streets, BLOOD-PURIBTER and eat hurts me, and seem was no end to the questions could LIFE-GIVING PRINCI- Philadelphia Ot of the West nothing don’t to dc answer, two barns. The workshop and a Through Tirkecs to all parts me were often carriage house, large PLE, perfect Renovator and Invigurator of the any good. makes me not and they very right, which was a are all in cellar And Examine Ibc Finest Block of Steamship Line. Farce claw Nothing laugh other outbuildings complete repair, System, carrying oft all poisonous matter, aud res- only 820.00 la t hicn*o-6r»l me out ol wonder for Francisco used to entire brick cistern in and the puts temper. The only thing J machinery. under the house, cellar, toring hiood to a healthy condition. No person 142.30 to ITlilwnukee. SO leaa water on the Th s can being ever see makes me fee) like laughing is meals, finish up by whirling his arms round like the ihree or four wells of premises. lake these bitters accord ng to direc'ions and Leave each pott every Wednesday & is valued by good judges at $10,000. The remain long tin Saturday from Mains aud then I’ve better to do; wooden sailors do on and he property well. $IOO will be given for an in- 5HffiSSEriia» uy any other Route, got something weather-cocks, owner in poor health. intends to move West, curable oil Points no the on being cases, providing thej bones are not destroy- West,all rail, and the makes me ieel like would keep till the touched a tell at a sacrifice Price Terms only tiling getting professor and will great $5500. ed by mmcral poisons or other means, and the vital From Long Wliarl, Boston, at 3 ! button and For further out of temper is getting out of bed morn- stopped the works, when his arms ot payment easy. paticulais apply in Watches, Rich <,rP\i1ii? beyond the point of repair. grand trunk rail it ay or letter to Diamonds, are out of would remain person by Jewelry Vrl'm Pine Street Wharf, Phila- ings to but when until a chop wood; you sticking straight up, GEORGE R. & wood as do was DAVIS, Co., ilelphia, at 10 A. M. Ticket, al l.owe.i Hale. bed, you may as well chop any- string pulled to let them down, and even Real Estate & Mortgage SILVER Brokers, AND PLATED WAKE ! Insurance one-lialt the ot vesse's. thing else, lor aught I know. The snail gets then they would still on back- aug20-eod2w Portland, Me. rate sailing keep swinging Freight tor the West the Pcnu. R. It. and South Ccntral- Buffalo and Detroit. to his bed as as the swallow, and don’t ward and There were by ^PoMnformmir To,k, quick forward for a bit. lines forwarded tree ot commission. TEUS have most by couueciing op^ get near so tired. some wanted the automaton to do For Sale or To Let. TO BE FOUND IN ANY ONE STORE IN MAINE. been eucc* sstui. SUCH DiSEAS- •ItcVr'ch'.0.™:^ peaple RS are caused Passage, 910. there was a came to oui SHOE and by VITIATED BLOOD, which is Well, conjuror more, hut the Signor said it could n’t be done MANUFACTORY, new, thorough- For **• 1,1 finished and fitted and generally produced by deraugement of the DIGEST- Freight or Passage app’y to b,‘»»CBabd, Agent. town,—a brisk, lively sort*of a that not A ly up tor ladies’ gents’ Wc also keep, and shall offer for sale the ot TABLE IVE OkG ans. chap by machinery. work. months best selected stock AMD POCKET CUTLERY, H. SHACKEL, General Agent like a in serge Machinery all new only four ever oflered in Maine. WHITNKY dr could talk pump a regular stream In due time, as we went aound the Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its P4AIT1P80N, Agta‘1, provin- since. Fnteen Howe Sewing Machines, one Grover W«. Flowers, Eastern lie see roe loafing about, and me an or- back to the & Machine impurities burning through the skin in Agent. give ces, we came again town where Baker’s, and one $450,00 McKay Sewing Pimples, July8-d2w 70 L.az Uosloa. Also for Pacific his Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when vou fin it ob- Wharf, Agent Steamship Co„ for Caldor der to see show, I would ui lived. I was ncluded in the property. The Factory is three sto- We have recently Marked our Prices Down providing go my father against going there Exceedingly Low! structed and sluggish in the cleanse it nia, China and Japan. on the to 45X88. Lot a Whart in gord veins; when platform hold some lor him all. I told Moseo and ried, 90X180,—adjoining it Is foul, and will Mar 22-wi.tn.tdli.m1. things at Signor so; ldidn’t repair, which is includeu in the sale. This valttabla your feelings tell you when. Keep CUNARD LINE. I went up and did what he to show the To secure a of the trade. the blood and all will be told me. It seem want him Mechanical Man there, property is located in the flourishing town ot Rich- large portion healthy, weli. ed to amuse These Bitteis are not a pill, to J- f THE BRITISH A NORTH the people very lor they as I told him they were n’t good of ma- mond, >n the Kennebec river, Me., and is exempt gilded delight the much, judges eye or ph ase the a RRAMERICAN ROY AL MAIL 8TEAM- laughed themselves in that irom taxation for ten years. Free and fancy,but medical preparation, nearly into fits, and said chinery place. But he wouldn’t listen $6,500, of the best between NEW YORK and TRUNK RAILWAY terms in person or letter to Call before composed vegetable lugredients known. 5l-J UNSHIPS GRIND “Did you ever see a so the automaton was easy. Apply by yon Purchase & Onr Prices! VERPOOL, at Cork Harbor. man keep his counte- and done there the GEO. get Thev are an Alterative, Tonic, Seda- -J^HLl calling OF CANADA. R. DAVIS & CO., Diuietic, '*• CUBA. 1. nance like him?” and “It's as if he was first We had about Re il tive, Dfaphoietic, and Gentle F.¥??!5t,Wed?>Aue- Wedy, Sept just night. got ball-way Estate & Mortgage Brokers, Purgative, TA'-'iTKA.Tlmrs 12. 2. cut out of “Ihe Life of all Flesh is the Blood thereof.*’— TARIFA.Thursday, wood.” Now, unless a man sees through his performance, and the Poniard, Maine, 18 « 8. Alteration of Trains. professor American Purify the and the health of JAVA.Wedncsday,” CHINA, Wedy, to he has no call tc had on to the Or Whithobe & Libbey, Watches of all the Different Makers. blood, the whole sys- Thurs. •< something laugh at, got gone stage, while Francisco was Proprietors, Richmond, tem will folio .v. ALEPPO, 19. TRIPOLI, Thur* 9. Me. aog20-2w SCOTIA, Welly, 25. <• 15. laugh—and that’s why I didn’t. answering questions. There is a R. 11. J. WALKER & hUSSIA, Wedy, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. mostly E. HOWARD & of WATCH MCDONALD, Co., 26. 16. Alter it was over the came crowd ef round CO, Roxbury, Mass. NATIONAL CO., Elgin, 111. MALTA,Thursday” | SIBERIA,Thurs conjuror chap people the at such « ™ Proprietors. figure Pleasant Homes tor Low Prices. TREMONT WATCH CO, Melrose, Mass. UNITED STATES WAL'CH N San Francisco and SATES OF PASSAGE to me, and ses: “I never see your but there was CO, Newark J. Sacramento, California, and 31 amLHisn On and alter Monday, Juns living equal times, to-night a wiry old man the nut 21st, for sale, on liberal terms, one ot the most AMERICAN WATCH CO., Waltham, Mass. and 34 Commerce St. a short street By Wednesday steamers, carrying emigrants You must be used to the public not to mind his close to (Commerce, Trains will run asiollows: pressing way up the w ooden effi- IOflereligible houses, in the city, that lately occupi- running fromBleeki-r to Barrowi, N. Y. First Cabin. them more than as if was a Train tor Danville Oorham and any you stone gy, and into its ed by Hon. Geo. Evans, on the Corner of Park and O'-Suld by all Druggists and Dealers. au24-12* Second Cabin. Express Junction, looking eyes. SOI*0'11, Island Pond, with train lor and idol.” Streets, also my homestead, 25 ———————— 1 1 connecting Quebec “Now, sir, will you hands off Spring Gray Street, 1-4 V First Cabin to Montreal keep your containing over 5000 feet of land with fruit Horse-Timing Watches, Seconds, Paris.$145, gold. at 7.10 A M. “I never see the public before,” I says. that if trees, By Thursday and Saturday figure, you please,—do you near me?” a cemented cellar floor, a natural spring of Steamers, Express Train tor st 110 P M, “You didn’t?” ses he. having READ THIS. First Gorham, Signor Moseo says. unfailing w ater, a new cistern of ample capacity, a With a fine assortment of all the celebrated Foreign Manufactures. Cabin.$80, gold.Steerage.$30,.. currency. Note—This Train will only stop at Danville Junc- “No,” I ses. ot Asiatic Cholera in China. Almost “Mother!” the old man bawls out to his suit pleasant parlors with marble chimney pieces every A steamer ot this line leaves Liverpool lor Boston tion, South Paris, Bethel, and Gorham kitchen and room above “Well, look here,” he goes on, “I don’i no dining ground, pieasan case enred with Fain Killer. every Tuesday, bringing freight ana passengers di- Mall Train (stopping at ail for Island wife, taking notice,—only laughing fit to chambers and shaded and in sta'lons) mind a half a crown if attics, by maple trees, Dear Sirs: I ought to have acknowledged long rect. Pond, connecting with night mail tram for Quebec, standing you you’l split,—“mother! come I tell an excellent to J. W. «& II. age me here, ye,—I'm neighborhood. Apply II. the box of Pa n Killer had the to semi Steerage tickets from Liverpool or Montreal and the at 1.35 p M. tell what you was of whet it au20-3ir McDUFFEE, you goodness Queenstown West, a-thinking blowed they have n’t beeu and made a GEO. F. EMERY, No 8 Clapp's Block. us last Its and all ot at lowest rales. the year. coming was mot providential. I parts Europe, Passenger Train at all for Gor- nublic was with laughing a of our Bills ot (slopping stations) screaming figure-head Bill!” believe hundreds of lives were saved, under God, by Through Lading given for Aelfast, Glascow ham at 5.30 P M. yea.” I could n’t see to it. We resorted at once to the Pain Killer, using a.‘ Havre, Antwerp, and other ports on the Continent; anything laugh at, for it Corner In ion and trains will arrive as I makes Middle directed tor cholera. A list was ot all to whom and for Mediteraneau ports. Passenger follows: “Victuals,” answer. was two a week and victuals out of House for Sale* Streets, kept pound my the Pain Killer was and our native assistants For freight and cabin passage apply at the compa- From Montreal, Gerham and at “Come and have some with hi let given, Quebec Lewiston, along me,” pocket, alone the exposure.—Chamber’s assure us that eight out ot every teu to whom it was ny’s office, 103 State st. JAMES ALEXANDER, 9*10 A M, “for I think I can ME. replies, put you in the wa> Jturnal. and a half story woooden House, No 17 PORTLAND, pre-cribcd It has, too, been usefu Agent. From Gorham of Aug2to SeptO recovered very For and Bangor at 2.10 P M. getting them regular.” TWOTate Street, well supplid with water, containing in various other diseases. It has proved an incalcu- Steerage passage apply to LAWRENCE & From and So I did. 10 rooms, calculated lor either one or two families. lable blessing to multitudes of poor people through- RYAN, 10 Broad at., Boston. no^Oeod ly Montreal, Quebec Gorham, at S.tti P M. out all this Price $1,450. Inquire on the premises. region. Our native prca«-hers are nevei From Gorham and South 6.20 P. M. Next day he goes to see father. to Paris, my REMOVALS. au21dlw* willing go out on thrir excursions without a sup^ FA LL RIVER “l’our son has a wonderful sir.” of Pain Killer. It tkem LINE, tW" Cars on all talent, ATLANTIC, p*y gives tavrr in Ihe eyei For New Sleeping night Trains. his ot the people,and access to faiuili s an localities York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,Wash- “Hang talent,” ses my father; “it’s s by and all $2,000 whom otberw sethey would be received ington, the principal points are pity he can’t use it on other tool than > REMO V A L indifferently Iirhe Company not responsible lor baggsge to any buy a two-«iory House, Lot, gaa Believe me, dear sirs, and South and amount In knife ami DK. FRFIV#’ll has removed fixtures, gratefully faithiully y.rnrs West, South-West, nay exceeding 950 value (ami that pfreoc fork!” hi3office and res- i&c. located. of Mutual Insurance J. M, enlese notice Is WILL centrally Inquire JOHNSON, Missionary in China. Via Fall Hirer aad al) given, and tor at the o ”A natural idence to the Corner ot Pearl and Congress streets, Oomp’y, Tauditn, Newport. paid rate gift, sir, for not laughing at JOHN C. PROCTOR, From Rev. R, T« one passenger for every 9500 addition. 1 value. opposite, the Park. Office hours from 8 tu 9 A M, and au?leod2w Jford, Missionary in China, novr Cabin, $5,00; Deck $4,00. Baggage checked anything, such as I never see before out ol from 2 #3 Exebange St. 51 Wall corner New his home in C. J. BRYDUBS. to 3 P M. auBdlin st., William, York. visiting Washington, Pennysvania. through and transferred in N Y free of charge. Managing Director, the reserved seats. The could he Dear Sirs: New York trains B. BA1LB Local Superintendent. question is, ISO 9. During a residence ot some ten vein leave the Old Colony and New- Y, be January, as a in corner Portland, June 18 1869. depended upon always to keep his coun- Hotel missionary Siam an China. I fmnd youi port Railway Depot, of Souih aud Kneeland dtf tenance as he did last REMOVAL! Property for Sale. Insures Against Marine and luland Bisks. Pain Killer a most valuable lemedy for that fearlu streets,daily. (Sundays excepted,)asfollows: at4..tO night?” Navigation the cholera. In P in 40 “1 never see scourge, administeiing the medicine 51, arriving Newport miuutes in advance oi him smile in my fathei wholeI pronts ol the uompany revert to the and are divided the life,” Assured, annually, upon the Preml toui>d it most ft'ectuai to give a teaspoon fml o regular Steamboat Train, which leaves Boston Portland & makes “nor S. and For THEnms terminated during the year; and for which Certificates are at 5 30 P Kennebec R, R. reply; get angered, nor put out Young, Sale llie Chandler issued,bearing interest until redeemed. Pain Killer in a g 11 ot hot water sweetened wuh su- M, connecting at 5ewp«rl with the House, ^“Dividend of 40 per cent, lor 1868. iu lael, I never see him take no! ice of gar-then after about fifteen minutes, begin to give new and magnificent steamers PkowdcNce. Capt. Rummer Irraagemeul, Ittay 3, 1969. any BETHEL, MAINE. a tu'l of B. M. Theie’s no The company has A**et«, over Thirteen million Dollar*, via: tablespoon the same mixture ever v ha 1 houi Simmons, Bristol, Capt. Benj. Brayton.— thing. mistake he can hii Benjamin until relict These steamers keep Fuller, Si‘noted in one best United States and State of New-Vork Bank was obtained. hot aie the tastest and most reliable countenance, which is a locations tor summer resort in Stocks,Cuy, and other Stocks.S7.3S7.434 00 Apply applications Two Trains Daily between Portland tnd good deal more tb»i New Loans secured StockB and to tlie extremities. Ba h the stomach with the boai9 on tho Sound, built expressly lor tpeed, sa'eiy Augusta. announce to the that Eng'and. I will accommodate about 100 by otherwise,. ‘2.214.lot. no pair his countenance’ll ever do for him.” [RESPECTFULLY public Real Bonds and killer rub Ihe limbs and comiort. 1 his line connects with all the South- lit they have removed to guests. Estate, Mortgages.’‘210.00000 clear,and briskly. Ot thos< Leave Portland for Aozusta. mixed “Idon’t know so For Interest and notes and who had the choleia. nnd took the ern Boats and Railroad Lines irom New York much about that”, the cod terms apply to the Proprietor, sundry claims due the Uompany, estimated at...... ‘290 3:10 03 medicine laithtu! going WW3!BFtrain at 7.00 A M Premium Notes and Bills lv in the stated out Wet,i and South, and convenient to the California juror ses’ “lor I’m open to give him twe No. 187 F. S. CHANDLER, Bethel. Receivable. 2 9.Vt'J«i} 33 way above, eight ot ten recover- Leave Portland tor Ball), Augusta, Vfaferville and Commercial Street. Possession Oct Cash in ed. Truly yours, R Steamers. pomia a week and Ins if given 1st. Bank.! ”!! i! "i! i "!! i!!!!"!!!i TELFORD, Bangor, at 12.45 P M. Portland lor Bull and Au- board, lie’il sign auu23'ltf It “To Shippers of this with Where will attacked with diarrhoea, or Freight.” Line, gusta at 5.15 P M. articles with me tor they eontlnue their business of HORSE dysentery, cramr its new and extensive accommodations in twelvemonths.” 39 colic, dun t he use of depot Bos- Train? will SHOEING amt J _ _ 913,000,SSI delay the Pain Killer, Passenger be due at Portland And what is gger Work, Jobbing, tfc. ton, and lar e pier in New lor the daily ha to do?” ses my father, Thankful for TRUSTEES : York, (exclusively at SM AM. and 2.15 PM. pasi favors, they hone their friends D. Beware qf all imitations. business oi the is with tor to he will John Jones, Royal Phelps,y^, R.L. Line), supplied facilities Fare as low this route to ‘‘Nothing, except looked at, and that continue to tavor ilieni with their custom. 9 ii nun mil Taylor, Frcd’kChauncey, and by Lewistoi, Waterville, ■ notei Charles The Pain Killer is gold freight business which cannot be sur- irnrlr /) no nn., si.. ~ — I_! J < Caleb nil passenger woD t hurt I All Denrns, Barstow, Henry K. Bogert, James Low, by druggists. Ken»la Mills, Dexter and Bancor as !>> toe Maine him, suppose.” W.H.H. A. PETUiY DAVIS pass <1. Freight taken at low rates and ior- 30-d2w Moore, P.Pillot, Dennis Geo. S. Stephenson. & SOS, Proprietors, always Cen ralltoud; and tickets furcliat-ed is Boston tor lather to I July Perkins, waidtd with ‘‘Well,” says me,“is it a Henry Coit, Wm. E. Dodge, Jos. Wm.H. Webh July o14wf No. 74 High St., R I. dispatch. Maine Central Stations are tor • on bargain?’ Gailiard, Jr., Providence, New York good pottage *1 don’t care,” I ses. So I the show For Sale. Wm.C.rickersgm, David Lane, C. A. Hand, Sh. Express Train leaves Boston at 1.30 P this line. Passengers troni Bangor, Dex- joined Lews ppard Candy, M; arrive in New York next about 6 Newport. The is an Gurus, James Bryce, B. J. Francis skidd AGENTS WANTED FOR 'IHE BEST goods moruing ter, &c., will purchase 'lickets to Kenoall’i Mills public obstinate lot, tor whei Howland, BOOK OB A M. New York on REMOVAL, Chas.H Russell, Charles P. Robert THE Freight leaving reaches Boston only, and alt«-r taking tbe ears of the Portland and you but Burdett, Benj. Babcock, C. rergusson, PERIOD! the at 9 45 A M. laugh. they won’t; if you set your Lowell Daniel S. Rubt. B. lollowin* day Kennebec Koad, the conductor will Danish And Holbrook, Miller, Miuturn, Jr. Samuel G. Ward, For t>erilis tickets sell or if Ware-Rouse to Let R. Warren tickets, and staterooms, apply at the and make the iare same agaiust laugh log, you’ve got no l The proprietor of the favorite FOREST AVENUE Weston, Paul Spoftord, Gordon W. Burnham, William j£. bunker. the through to Portland or call Women New company’s office at No 3 Old State House, corner oi Boston as via to laugh, not tc Samuel L. Mitchell, James G. De Forest. of York; Maine Centra!. through seeing anything subscribers have removed tbeir ol on and Stale at Old and f 'pHE place on account of the de- W. H. H. Vice-PreBt. the Washing streete.and Colony lirough tickets are sold at Boston over •auah at, will business to ihe store E. HOUSE, Westbrook, pressing MooKE,2d John D. Jones,President. Or, (Tudcr-World of (he Oreat City. U.xilroad tbe East- they laugh like mad,—least- Tf formerly occupied by E. J. D. 3d Newpoit Depot, corner of South and Knee- ern and Bos* on and Maine Lpbna ei from Bi stun or He was called a LET> Warehouse and Elevator on M, St., Address *»t once I as above gcr Port- pretty good hand, but I th.e Central he New Yoik Book Co-, 14i couueciing laml can reach couldn Wharf, occupied them as a ''mm 8 A M. to 5 P. M. Nassau New York. The 3 Old State will certainly bkowbegan th. same dayJ t see much In rvhat he did. 1 knew by grain store. disposed of prior to that lime. tyOfficebonrs 9d1m*eod1lm-w6w st, jy3!fd4w Office, House, be open every by railroad. je24eodtf UP HAM & ADAMS. Sunduv a fermion from 9 inK hVWIi anti tlio I >»•_ where the bullets went to when he made Stages leave Ba'b tor Au- be- This Hotel is at the terminus of the Horse Rail- I— : ot, iruiu 9 to lu A ana irorn 5 to 6.30 P lor Rockland, &c., ially. lieve to ram M, M, zustu tor Belfast Vassal them into a pistol witli a barrel R D8. sa.eot tickets and staterooms. daily. boro lor North and em o v A L ! road leading into Portland; has a large pardi n un- LEA J. B. UDOllES, East Vassalburo an.i China Keidali’s like an ear trumpet. 1 stuffed the & PERRINS’ steamers leave New York includ- daily. Mills gold CAN BB ro- HD AT Rig daily, (Sundays tor Unity daily. At Pishon’s tor Canaan dai- der a stale of a uever trom Pier iS 'orth oi Ferry watches in the ha 1quartern and iron- high cultivation; failing spr ng CELEBRATED ed) Hirer. loot Murrav- V At Slii.uhuuun I... II..A _w.v loaves, it at 5.00 PM. ed out the ladies’ and GREAT SUN-SUN CHOP, their route. gentlemen’s pocket- C. PEARCE & ot water; a fine stable and convenient out-house?, PRIVATE Gko. Shite kick, Passenger and Freight Agent. while he was CO., Worcestershire Sauec. MEDICAL ROOMS L. L. LINCOLN, haudkerchiet, pretending to and JAMES tisK, Jk., 8upt. is beautifully situated, with elegant shade A 9gusts, April 26, 1869. uu\ litt bum them. It’s surprising what little things PEON CAN ED E.XTKACt Wo, 14 Preble Managing Director Narragansett Steamship Co. amuse the trees surrounding it. The house is ot brick an 1 Street, inly 3t-12wt May 15-ulyr public. 1 used to tell ’em so, whe'u PlumberSj f a Letter trom a Next (lie Preble port&ans Signor Mosco had done one of HAVE would make a roost desirable suburban residence. Bnit, bis best tricks, REMOVED TO THEIK NEW STORE ooNNO'SEuaa Medical Gentleman E?§r“PEKUY DaV.S’ Vegetable Pain Killer Norfolk and Baltimore Steamshi can Line. bpt aud he be consulted — they only grinned said, “Loid, how For ^ ttliff, to Lis privately, and wit We clip the trom the of this Line sail from end he 41 terms, &c, enquire of T0EETnE WHEKEthe utmost -onHdencc the folowing Piovidei ce Genet Steamships SACO i PORTSMOUTH R R. does keep his countenance!” and. “What a Union St, under the Falmouth. 8>ot] er at ny affilcted, at *1 ot Central Bos.on. tic* hours daily, and Tom 8 A. M. to 8 P. fl. Advertiser: “At this season ot the tear, whet wharf, Entry nerve he must have to be sure!” With every to n.eet the wants CHAS. SMITH, *4 s.at 3 o’clock p m. tor Norfolk and There was facility ot tlie public WORCESTER, Dr. addresses those who are under tae cholera we to obtain our ‘ONLY suffering cholera, tnorbos, dtsenlery, ard other kin Bl&MSSS Baltimore. the hat-trick. The and the leathers aud nope share of patronage. aulSd2w# On the premises. allilclwu ot irivatc wbetbei Steamships:— SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, tins, Mat, 1851. JiseaBes, arising tro< dred are "(re or 0,1 Kivcn to titling connection or complaints sure to prevail, ye Appold" Capt. Solomon Hoices. things look a deal when are all with Hot Boiliiings * Impure the terrible vice ol seli-abnse. everybod] good they ami Cold Ba'hs, Wait r Closets. his should he “William Lawrence.* Capt. Wm A Halle!t. CeuMsadu Monday, May .16, 18(0. Urinals. Devoting entire time to that particular branch o' liberally supplied witn the Pain Killer thiowii about, but take no room Etc, lor bebago Lake Water. Good Sauce’ e^1 S; “William Kennedy (apt J. c. Parker. Jr. they up or the medical proieasion, he feels warrauteo in fiUAB- Persons Passenger Trains note Puitlard daily BKFER BY For Sale to Let. leaving home, whether it he tor a ex “McClellanCaul. Frank AJ. Howes. scarcely when I’d put ’em lor PERMISSION TO AND APPLICABLE TO ANTEEINO 4 COB* IN ALL Of day’s •0kF“8|^r8iindaya excepted) tot South Ifcrwlck together, ready l! CASKS, Whether long eursion or a to Freighi or warded from use. And ds Hon. JOHN B SSSl I.flJT.Sl or trip Eui ope, should be in a conditior Norfolk io and Purtsmcuih ano at 6.13 8 to tw» rabbits into BROWN. in standing recently contracted, entirely the Petersburg Junction, Boston, aid 46 rolling one, Hen. GEORGE try opinion,the removing to tlirir Richmond, by river or iail; and by ibe Va. Tenn. A. M. and 2.65 and 6.00 P what was thete to F.bHEPLEV, President Portland A nice two story Dwelling a lew Every Variety Irege of disease from the system, and a place bands on it at a moment’s If M. all < House, most palatable as malting per warning Air Line to all unis in Ala- surprise me, knowing Water o. miles out oi OF feet and permanent p Virginia, Tennessee. Leave Boston lor Portland at 7.30 A. 12 llie city. well a* the most ours. Many diseases incident to the bama M., 61., along very well what was become of the sec- Hon. J ACOR summer month- ai d Georgia; ana over the Seaborn d and Roa- ana LUO and 6.00 P 61. McLELL AN, Ex. Mayor, to He would call the attention of the afflicted to the Apply (wholesome Sauce which Will fatal it noke R. R to all point- in North anu South ond rabbit, when I shouldn’t F. C. Chief TYTtsTT fact of his and prove not checked, Carolina; Bhldeiord tor Portland at 7.30 A. < have took on MOODY, Esq., Engineer Fire Dep’t. 8AHD11L BELL, that is made. long-standing well-earnsd reputation immediately tbe Halt, 61., retaining UlsH, ] can be by tf Ohio li. R. to Washington and all 3.20 P. M. vc1) much even il be had rolled J ap29tf furnishing sufficient assurance of oD skill and su promptly cuied by oueor two doses ot the ’em into one, Boot and Shoe Dealer, Put free on placts West rnmtmmmwm .■' board at L ndon or Liverpool, in par- cess. Portsmouth for Portland 10.00 A. 61 and 2.C0 except it was at dinner iiiiihij m « Pain-Killer. On more than one occasion have we rates time. There was the auI8dtl33.3 Congress at. cels of twenty oipes or more; each ca e two dozen Through given to South and W’est. 8.30 and 8.00 <•. 61. bead and the flv* dozen m d zon mall. been relieved of intense FinePasj-enger acco odaiions. On decapitated basket-trick, and large, ddle,or ten (lasilsa so iKe PaDlla. ruffering by the timely use Mondays. Wednesdays and Frldavs the 6 o'clk Parties Fare Berth ana Meals 61. the aud the woman Ayer’s Cherry House tor Sale or to Let. who order through us have the advantage ol the above name l including $15.00; time to P. train to and from Boston will ruii via lastern magic flowers, setting on Pectoral, Every intelligent aDd must preparation.” Sold by all Drug- 4$ hours. For of a supply from cur stock until the arrival ot direct thinking person xno» Norioik, To Baltimore 65 hours. Kail Road, stopping only at Saco, Biddetord, jCenne- notuing, which was called Mecca. 1 see Diseases of the Throat and No 32 Palis *st, suitable for two families, •oat remedies handeJ out for use should gists, Grocers and Medicine dealers. For further Well, Lungs, orders. general have juue30-d4wt information apply to hnnk, South Berwick New- the such as HOUSEcontaining fourteen rooms. Terms liberal. their established weli Junction, Portsmouth looking-glasses and the false let Coughs, Colds, 'Whooping Key James Kei lor & Son’s celebrated Dundee ^arma- efficacy by teBlfcd experience in E. SAMPSON, Agent, buryport, Salem and Lyon. bottoms, may be found at J.LORING’S, Cor Paris and Port- the hands ot a educated alone the of the Cough, Bronchitis, ^ 1 de. Robert iMidd’emass's A'bert Bi regularly physician, whose aug_ld.'?m 5:4 Central Boston. On and legs decapitated Asthma, land sts. au'Bdlw* celebrated studies tit Wnarf, Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays itwlll run head; and, cuit. J. EN WINCHKN- bring it to its liable them. While L"*ARM in Cape Elizabeth, acres, to- dlamte should nov present perfection as the great- protector against adapted to containing85 MESSRS. LEA & PERRINS’. engross the whole time ot those who 2, 1868. dly ap81 Master, will leavt SUMMER milder forms of and to gether with a good One House, Barn & c. irouid _ BACH; ARRANGEMENT, est wonder ot the age.” disease young children, it is Story June 9 2aw3m be competent and soccesslol iu their treat- Atlantic Wharf, foot ot India at the same time the most effectual About six miles from situated on mem and cure. I will remedy that can Portland, Spur- Hie inexperienced general practi- AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Portland, every tell you about it. be for wink River. For particulars of ._Street, E53&5BT,53 On »nd alter Monday, May given incipient consumption, and the dan- inquire tioner, having neither nor time to WEDN t.SDA # at 6 o’clock A. 3d, 1869, 1‘irst ol opportunity mah- M, for Waldoboro, trains will run as loiiuw.s. all, there was a or gerous affections of the throat and As a JOHN C. PROCTER, 93 Exchange st. or hlmsel? with their at auu large box, pedes- lungs. pro- acquainted pathology, commonly touching Bootboay Round Poud, and every ushenger train leave 1'ortlaDd lor vision sudden attacks of augl3 eod3w W. JORDAN on the one stem ilally,(Sundays ex- tal, the to stand and against Croup, it should premises. pursues ey ol treatment, iu most cases mak- SATURDAY at 6 o’clock A. M. for ior figure on, containing Damariscoita, cepted) Alfred ard intu mediate at bo kept on hand in every and indeed as all LYKIYS VALLEY ing an Indiscriminate use oi that at fciaiions, 7.1ft the works which was carried off the family, antiquated and dan- touching Boothbay and Hodgdon’s Mills. A. .VI, 2.00 and 6.15 P. ftl. stage, are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all Geenteel Dwelling House lor Sale. gerons weapon, iha Mercury. Returning—will leave Waldoboro’ FRI- and into the centre ot the Secrets every Leave Alfred fur Portland at 7.30 and 2 P reserved seats. It should be with this A.M, M. provided antidote for them. three Brick Home at the DA Y at 6 o’clock A. M. and Dumariscotta every had a to turn settled story Dwelling Have Sights! Through freight traiot* with passenger car attach- winch, with a handle like a bed Although Consumption is in- ivetr,t,x«, at 7 o’clock A. thought THEcorner of Pine and Winter Sts, containg all the Of THE NATIONAL MONDAY, M, touching at intermedi- e l leave Portland ai 12.15 A M. to wind curable, still great numbers of cases where tne dis- At who have OAPITOL. ate the Boston post key, up the man, and when modern improvements and conveniences. This committed an excess oi any kind’ landings, connecting Boats at Port- Stages connect as follows: ease seemed settled, have been hether it be the most land and with the Boston & Maine Eastern wound up made a noise an completely cured, House is in thorough repair and is first class in ev- solitary vice of youth, or the sting- startling, instructive and entertaining and At Gotham for South Windham. like engine getting and tho restored to sound health bonk in Windham Hill, patient by the For at the office of fig rebuke of misplaced confidence in ruaturer 11HE ol the day. Send tor Circnlais anil see Railroads, arriving Portland in seasons tor pas- and xsorthW up steam, which was the Pectoral. ery respect. particulars inquire years, ludham, West Gorhiu, Steep work down. Cherry So complete is its FRANKLIN SEEK FOB AN ANTIDOTE IN our terms. Address U. S. sengers to take tb- alter noon train lor Boston. Slandhh, running mastery the OCEAN INSURANCE SEASON. PUBLISH lb Gt'O. 411 Tnen the man over the disorders of the aud CO., halls, Baldwin, Denmark, Sebago, Bri.igton, Litell. was brought down off the Lungs Throat, that aul2d3w No. 17 st. The Pains and Aches, and Lassitude and Nervous BROOME ST.,NEW YORK. Through tickets oiu at the offices ol the Bos- Hiram, the most obstinate of them to it. Exchange auIMlif t m Brownfield, Fryeburg, Cmway, Bartlett, stage, carried lour yield When noth- Prostration that may tbllow Impure & Maine and Eastern Railroaus, and on Board Jackson, upright by strong fellows. else could reach under the Pec- Coition, the Limington,Cornish, Porter, Freedom,toid- His ing them, Cherry are the Barometer to the whole Boston boats. ison and feet were tastened to a round toral subside and For Sale or Exchange. eystem. AGENTS Eaton X H., daily. wooden they disappear. Do not wait for the consummation that WANTED FOR freight and passengers taken as low as any oth- stand and is sure to fol- by CeBter« Weafc like children’s Public find _ A house on Back er route. 0 Buxton, Bonny Eaale,* soldiers stand on, in Ringers Rpcalcers great pro- good cottage low; do not wait for for HARRIS, ATWOOD & CO., South which was tection from it. Cove in contain- Unsightly Uloers, Limington, Limington, daily. a worm lor the screw on the Road, Westbrook, Red-Ash Coal I Disabled Limbs, tor Loss of At Center Water top Asthma is relieved and often 11 rooms with ot out- Beauty ap27dtt___Agents. borough lor Limerick, New fiald, ot the When always wholly ing plenty and Complexion. 1 arsonutieid and pedestal. brought down, he was cured it. Two acres of on Ussipee, uaily. by buildings. land, At Allred lor hoisted up on a Bronchitis is are BLovr Spring vale and San lord Corner. pedestal, aud turned round generally cured by taking the _which about 75 engrafted fruit B stay ThwaaMBda SJas Testify t. s hit “WONDERS Shortest in trees. A Route to New York. W~ and round until screwed on. There was a Cherry Pectoral small and frequent doses. nice place for a gentleman doing business GK°- "WD0UHY, CARGO of this celebrated Coal re- hyBahapjy JKxseHeace! OF THE April 26, 1869. So generally are its virtues known that wo n the Will be sold on reasonable terms or ex- justly just WORLD.” great many and and levers con- need city. in Inside Line via tubes, wires, not the certificates of lor a house in the For terms A ceived prmie order, and for sale by men Over one Stoninglon. the publish them here, or do more changed city. &c., ap- Young troubled with emissions In sleep,—a thousand illustrations. The necting figure to the and than assure to W. H. From Boston and box, sticking the public that its qualities are fully ply JERR1S, under Lancaster Hall, oomplaint generally the result of a bad habit in largpgt, best Beilin?, and most attractivo subscrip- Providence BaU- out round which looked maintained. treated tion book btat ion at 8.30 If it, very curious, and, augll-deodtf | youth, scientifically and a perfect oure war- ever published. way o’clock, P, M., You are ranted ox no Send lor s with West besides, showing the But a EVANS & charge made. Circulars, with terms, at once. Address (Sunday excepted) connecting tioiiig parts. — ■ working GREENE, a ■■. !L3i new and Steamers at worse finished man no one FOR Hardly day passes hut we are consulted by one oi UNITLD STATES PUBLISHING CO. elegant Stoning- ever see at a to- SALE. more ton and in New York in time tor Procure Tickets young men srith the above soma ol nugl9-d4wt 411 Broome New York. arriving early by the bacconist’s it the disease, Street, trains South and West and ahead shop-door,which made more Ayer’s Ague Cure, whom are as weak and emaciated as had of all other Lines. BLOCK ol Two though they In case 01 or Safest, Best and Most singulaT his doing what he did. About his New Brick Houses, No S3 and 283 Commercial Street the consumption, and their friends are Fog Siorm, pa.-sengers by paying $1. Reliable Routes I For Tever and by supposed te can Ague, Intermittent Fever, A f S Pine street. First class Houses with all mod- have it. All such cases extra, take the Night Express Train via. Shore neck and the back ot his head the was Chill yield to the proper and omy THROUGH TICKJETS paint Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb ern improvements. Inquire ot correct course of Line, leaving Stoninglon at 11.30 P and wore Head Smith’s Whart. treatment, and in a short time are Dodd’s M, reaching off, showing the bare wood; and the Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, Ac., JOHN C. made to in New York before 6 o’clock A. M. From via and indeed all PROCTER, rqjoice perfect health. PORTLAND, BOSTON, to all Mint. In same with the of his was the affections which arise No. 93 J. W. ‘‘•WEST. SOU iU AND No* I point nose, which _ Exchange Street, July 21, 16C9.jy21d6tv RICHARDSON, Agent, from malarious, marsh, or miasmatio Or ROSSELL W. ap26dtf134 H-WtST.^msh- splintered; and likewise his which WORCESTER, on the prem- Washington St, Boston. "Uh choice ot at hands, poisons. ceB- the ONLY Routes, were and cracked. augidtm- is hereby given, that the subscriber has Nervine UNION TICKET OFFICE, glued Mosco used There are men Signor As Its NOTICEbeen duly appointed and taken upon himselt the many ot the age of thirty who are to this had occurred in name implies, it does Cure, and does not troubled with too No. 49 explain packing, and mii. neither Bare trust of Administrator of the estate ot frequent evacuations from the blad POE BANGOR! 1-2 Excbange that Containing Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Chance a der, often accompanied a Street, he would repair the But it nor for Bargain. CHARLES B. late ot by slight smarting or burn- injuries. Zinc, any other mineral or poisonous substance BLAKE, Portland, and ”• seemed as it it did in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and given ing sensation, weakening the system in a man- U"«*iQ.iA»»a. almost occur iu whatever, it in nowise The Sale in ner the Again. THREE TRIPS PER packin'*, injures any patient. Saco, a two story house ell 18x bonds as the law directs. All de- patient cannot account for. On WEEK. M.r24.U?T- never were number and of its cures 24x30, persons having examining Steamer CITY OF repaid. as to his importance in the ague dis- FOR20, stable situated on North within a the unnary deposits a sediment wil RICHMOND Then, complex- are 24x30, St, mands upon the estate ot said deceased, are ropy lot ten be it would tricts, beyond account, and we believe ew minutes walk of the required and sometimes small E. Deunison, will ion, have been a icto literally Railway S.ation, and wou d to exhibit the same; and all persons indebted to said found, particles of semen or *t- Another ! .✓^Xr^Stt'Wili'am Master, disgra any without a parallel in the of medicine. be bumen will Certificate Railroad Wharl loot ot Slate St.. Farm tor Sale. house liainter. if WOk foH OTVrl n-llltonrnnl. history Apfuo very convenient tor any one doing business in are appear, or the color will be of a 2j2^JHrleave Our pride is gratified the estate called upon to make payment to tliinmilfc- by acknowledgments we Portland, as there are trains almost go- ish hue. again changing to a dark and turbid Ledyard, Conn, April 3,18C9. ■M^^Beyery MONDAY, WEDNESDAY,and and done so receive of the radical cures effected in constantly CALEB BLAKE, Administrator, appear- r ltlDAk at 10 Situated in Falmonth 64 varnished, badly, that it looked obstinats ing and coming between the two cities. in- ance. There are men who thanks tor Evening o’clock or on tbe arrival miles and Taking No 120 Forest. Portland. many die of this d4tticulr*J Accept calling my attention to I»od1’s •f Train from P rtland ou the as if could see cases, where other remedies had wholly failed. to consideration the ot ot the Express from Boston, for Bangor, touch- line 01 ihe you the of mun/ynn expense in Saco anil ignorant which Nervine and grain the wood Tlnopplimotiul u living Portland, 27, 1869. au6-Fr-dlaw3w cause, is the Intigorator. It has done me more at Grand Trunk it is ot Juiy SECOND STAGE ing intermediate lauuings on Penobscot Bay and Bail-road within a tew through the I’ve olten Portland, suggestive a good investment tor a OF SEMINAL WEAMNESfl. go< d than an> other me Heine I ever paint. asked Signor | travelling through miasmatic will be Portland took. I have River. .r idaot .he Depot, m ar to localities, pro- Merchant to secure the above while be can W ___J _1__ I can warrant a perfect cure in such gained twelve poun is in Church, Mosco he Aiv Vil and a flesh, and am •Schoul-huu-ca why didn't his automaton tected by the AGUE CURE HVVAAUAW, w WUU. A cases, cortfsnend- Ieave Pi,St OBlre Ac paint taking daily. tot it at a bargain. The buildinv. were hntit be the full ana healthy restoration of the better It ...1?.e.t“r.,!in.K' Bangor, every MONDAY. lhe bet but For Liver urinary organa. ingly everyway. is an nvaluable remedy. and Farm contains about 30 ucresof excellent ter, he only and “How Complaints, arising from torpidity six years ago tor a permanent residence Persons who cannot WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, morning at t* o’clock land grinned, said, of the [unscriber personally consult the Dr. au!9d8wt Mrs John T. Ueach. free lrom stones or was has a Liver, it Is an excellent or but Via 80 teucliin, at intermediate in Port- eland, very conven- precious green you arn’t remedy, stimulating himself, circumstances have occurred which O. T. Railway. urg, Stonenam. TO THE MONTREAL, having been tttcd City Falls Y.. 6 miles Iroto Saratoga Mosco revisited our 1 LADIES. at and Ballsti n. Signor town with his 1-a Story House lor Reuming alternate flav* in time to connect with Jp^PirOSmir'H' great expens* with a large AT Good .saw-mill, elder, I ATWELL & 00., $1700, DB. HUGHES The Innocents Abroad I "■““■"■“n Rlanei, exhibition last week. His remark- j Advertising Agts, the 11.45 A. M tram for Portland particularly invites all Ladies, who umbelot beautiful State mill. Wagon shop Blacksmith shop and large build- interesting eight room,, in nice all of seed a »nll Room*. * 174 Middle Street, Portland. Advertise- ! I order, tr~. Tickets lot sale at medical adviser, to call at his rooms, No. 14 run the season as follows: ing lot,all lor $4500 or ditideii to suit. skilful feats of were the CONTAININGwhich have been within a week. hrough G. T. Railway Is the ably pretidigitat'on ments papered of — received Preble which quintessence the --- for all the principal papers in ricket office. Street, they wil And arranged for the himself, condensation Leaving Atlantic Wharf, at 7 .w.j us-ii.oiD uiijui| v.»a war* admiration of and Apply to W. H. and concentration ot all Portlano, o’clock, rnnwer large fashionable audien- | Maine, and throughout, the and JERRIS, H. MAX especial accommodation. his powers. No stoicism •ud India dav at 7 Jus above ne, anti bet w two country, j y30ti Real Estate under Lancaster FIELD. can wphstatid Whan, Boston, every o’clock P. exteusive p per-nillU ■ Agent, Hall. EIectic its and ces. To the other attractions of his enter- promptly inserted at the publinlin-*’ low- Portland. July 12, U69. ?*• Renovating Medicine* nre unrival- geniality humor. It is the IK, (Suuaays excepted.) Siream ample and durable. (The I jyU'dlm* most, Kayaderosserae) eat rale*. led m efficacy and superior virtue in re readable, enjoyable, laughable, and popular other ini tainment, the of the -nlating ail book Is Bloou’s prolcssor quick-fingered Orders the For Sale or to l.et. Female Their primed 'or years. S£?,"e*.. wbj.beuppnessomanyi0Cl " *rlts aDli Scythe i‘ through pont-ofllce, or _ Irregularities. action is specific and tllc ,aclori»9 and mills at art has now added what he is on Volumes ui.ls- pleased to term at our oflier, promptly attended to. CTOUSE Boyd st, to sell or Jet; eieht rooms. oertain ot producing relief in a short time. 110,001 Printed in advance and now ready to'n1 IJ Bard and White Pine Timber. for agents. Freight taken as usual* The Marvellous Man. The of convenient and In fli st rate order. Apply to No GADIiSS Will find it Invaluable in all Address tor an agency $1300 lor first performances 0 cases of ob- privilege, reserving surplus water ol this Boyd st, or on the subscriber. on hand and sawed to dimensions, itiuction* after all other remedies AMERICAN PUBLISHING Ct L-BILLINGS, Agent. “• ‘We ,0r a tecou(1 automaton are particularly hut have been tried in CO., Hartford, May 1, 1869-dtl rbwer- derms accoo.mo- clever, ALEX’R EDMOND, vain. It is Augl9-4wf 3“u, it belies its name. It with more cor- pnvely vegetable, containing nothing in might Jy29Jtf No 18 Preble HARD PINE PLANK. the least injurious to the and Rcck _ st, health, may be taken City Falls, Saratoga Co., N. Y. rectness be termed a for it is so State and Sew Pair. with perfect at all figure, rough- England safety times. CAT A dlaw&wlm* BARD PINE FLOORING AND STEP. to aa RBH. Maine ______je22 ly constructed as to bear no more resemblance perBons who have rooms to willi or with- House and Land lor Sale. Bent part of the country, with rail A rent, directions, DRAFXEW,Lady who has suffered lor years from Deaf- Steamship Company to out mca b, will send their names byaddressra Dli. Mrs. Belcher’s humanity than tbe effigies which are car- ALL please to OUSE and Land 88 Daniorth st will be sold at a BOARDS. For Sale by HUGHES ness and Catarrh was cured bv a Wonderful lure H. Ianl.l865d&w. No. 14 Preble simple remedy. NEW ARRANGEMENT. ried our TAYLOR. a bargain or lor other Street. Portland. Her sym aid tor female through streets on the 5th November. *ul2i?tf exchanged prore ty. pailiy gratilude prompt her to send remedy weaknesses, made trom 462 Congress Bt. Enquire 01 STETSON & tee tiee of THISan Indian is cm We cannot help that it Mos- FLETCHER & CO. POPE, reenpts, charge, to any oue similarly al- recipe, irely vegeuble, and cares thinking Signor J une l6-d3m iected Ad trees, Semi-Weekly Line X wiiAour su/yporterj. Manufactuteu and solti co would ’Vhari and corner of E Street. by Mrs. devote a little more to the fin- is hereby that Dock, First, Office au!9-4wt Mrs. M. C. Linns pains given, the subsen- No. 10 State Boston. Press Job LEGGETT, Hoboken, N. J. Belcher, Randolph, Mass. General Agent* ish ol his hers For *ale or Street, let>27dlyr Daily Office, JT On and alter 18tli * wooden Noticehave been Executors oi the Inst. the fine effigy, and to concealing duly appointed the Exchange. -Pj*. o 'c'■? c°> Hoston. Mass. Demae Barns* some Will of Steamer and « Co,21 Park Row New ot tlie cords and levers which the \ Captain’s interest in a small vessel or Lighter Wanted (Jl Wrigo Franconia, will York. by No. 1 Agents. further run ll- lue-like SAMUEL 1 will be sold or exebansed fjr a bouse, or a Printers9 ■■■I notice, as follows: H.ay General tor Maine. motions are too FESSENDEN, late ot Westbrook, cheap Exchange, j^untiiB Ga,ls £EI“- Agent obviously conveyed aiall or a ot wood L or The Farmers’ and v Wharf, Portland, even to the the in the ol farm, piece laud, It applied ter Mechanics’ Manual. \?rii?.»A limbs, illusion would be rendered county Cumberland,deceased,ami have ta- ton For * Edited i.en, i. »'«>THUBM>AY, at 5 P. M„ and ken particulars call on Roofing Slate! Street. by Waring, Jr., author ol leavj 8wceowyiy27fta more upon themselve* that trust bonds as the Exchange complete.” by giving t lay ISattL. 117 Com. St. ‘■Draining'or profit,” Ac., and Agricultural Engin- BWr» ^SVAY end law directs. All demands th. TAILOR, XHUtoDAY.atSP per.-ons having upon eer oi N. Y. Central park. '->00 N ,,li- M*’ So far from estate oi Engravings. being angry at such no- said''eceased, arc required to exhibit the WELCH mit use iterei is h Portable reading For Sale in SLATES l EVER! DESCRIPTION OF published; Edition now ready Steam oignor Jlosco Slime; and all persons indebted to said estate are Brunswick Me. Also Engines, tices, always used to chuckle fur Com ybeare A Howsoi.’s 1.1FE OF ST J^rzi called upon to make to A 2 Columbian and Maine,and Pennsylvania Efssysi ‘rk« s COM DINING the and me on the and want pavmetit , 1-2 story Dwelling Boose with L. Sta- PAUL, n s ,or trsve,e‘' maxim am ot efficiency, darn slap back, to know liANIEL W. Dishop Simps, introduction. The onlv I didn’t FFSSESDKN, ) hie, and Garden. The house fronts on the Unfading Slates. comp ete w,™. li. TREAT 5K« KSTtoS^,ero,ue biilty and with the minimum of why laugh too. I ses, WM. f. S;;:| UK. AOO., Pub s, 654 economy weight and very naturally: FESSENDEN, 5 Executors J DealLCollege Green, and was the reiddence ol the Broadway, N. Y. SUtB Koon* *5'' C»bln ‘•Because I don’t see CHARLES S. D »ie Vermont Black, Red, Purple, Green and Mixed auliHlwt Pa9“S‘ !♦, price. They are widely and favorably known, more anything to laugh at.” Fes-ENDEN, i fl Prof. Wm. Suivtli. For terms apply to HOOK, it JOB JtaSSS .iuue Sla cs, all a» lowest market CARD, Westbrook, I86t‘. prices. PRLWH, Goo s than 675 All warranted “Well,” says he, you are a Hi, aul6dla\v3w» ROBERT BOWKER. Esq forwarded to and from Montteal. Quebec being in use. satisfactory, cure, you are, '▼“The Colombian axe lirst quality Slates for AGENTS WANTED FOR Halnax. St. and the I ever see.” Me. Executed John, and all parts of Maine. Shinp-r. or no sale. ve circulars sent on application. biggest is hereby given that the layl.xJtt___Brunswick. j irst-class with Neatness and Despatoh. are to De>cripti subscriber buildings. requested send their Height to the NOTICEhas been and a* 4 Steals Address But the figure only got worse, and more duly apia.iutcd taken upon him- Shipping Carefully attended to. early as p. „, „D the lla & sell tiro trust of Adm.ni-trator ol the For or Ua“ PortodToriiaio. and the more estate of House for Sale. A. W1LDI R Or ireigbi passage apply to J. C. HOAPLEY & shabby ricketly, that was said CO., Having reiurnishcd our office since the CO., CHARLES KNIGHT, late ot tp20M,w,F,0m 112 Trcnioiit Boston. completely about unLil at whenever the men Falmouth, St, Ureal Eire, with all kinds of New may 15-dCmo Lawkejcs:, Mass. it, last, used in 3 RiCK Material, the ot Honse No 46 reecntlv own- we ore L| New to the automaton to his one County Cumberland, deceased,and give. 1 Spring Street, Presses, etc., prepared on the short- 9-dtt York. carry pedestal, of bonds as ibe law J and the James E. City May directs. All persons having e- -Jtd occupied by late Fernald. FOR SALeT est possible notice to accommodate oar A its arms would off. The al- mands to kVork descriptive ot the Viitnes, and the drop prolessor upon the estate ot said deceased, are requir- Apply friends and the with stone lTutting ed to exlul.it the • public Vlies,the Jt > »l«-r■<■». Nl me> Ben ami Crimea C A ways said it was an unioreseen and same; and-all indebted to & SENTER. X. I — A.'ID — accident, persons { and oi .\cw Vorlt Fqh IS I A ! said estate are called to a*,23tt_LOWELL (porting Powder Shot, City. apologiz'd lor it. But it was an unioreseen upon make payment to If you wish to know how Fortunes are acei FMlTH Adm'r. Mining Powder and Ease, made and lor ent that used to occur BAKBEe, lost in u liow Passage Tickets sale at the regularly every FalmunHi. August 3, 1869. For day; >hrewd Men are ruined in Wall lowest DESIGNING! aul6dlaw3w* Nale. Fishing Tackle and Posters, Programmes, rales, on Poles, how Strai rs early application evening, and lor. And what Street; g are swindled by a» the get apoligized of the New Houses on St. First bow Sharpers: undersigned Laving hod twenty-five was another Notice. Congress J\iini*rers and Merchants aie blackmai e«l; bow years* singular the worse the ( )NEClass. By IV. D. Robinson, 49 st. ance Halls TIIEexperience as a practical mechanic flatter* him- thing, tins Exchange BILL-HEADS, and m day sold my stock in trade at CIKCULAK8, Concert S al u* arc Managed; how -^IJNION TICKET OFFICK '*asi and the more he 372 H. STEPHENSON, 13-eod2m leli that he Is master or hie business, and is ricketty got, the JHAVECongi.sssi, to Kimball & Barker July Hons s and Lott* rids are conduc ed; how prepar- U eVer Persons mayi9dtt_W. gambling 49 1-4 PerllsiJi ed to furnish cleans and execute all hinds or r>eot,le his Stock and Oil Companies and Kxchangc Street, work thought performance “* "'lue*‘*U t0 oiiginate, how the n his liue. and relers n» the work and Cards, Tags, Blanks, Labels, Bol bles re .d this work. designed ex«- W**T Burst, It contains __ W. D. LITTLE a his usual business and r r" ind wel l0 CHARLES A. CROSBY,Secretary; day Kveniaga at 10 o’clock, of Cleansing Ktpairin S0 Gorham a with a two I Which tor neatness and cannot be J of ail al1 the whilst Sept 9-dtl Village, Cottage House dispatch suriassed oti arrival of trail, from tor •lotbing kinds with his usual promptness. tbe TConle g°in,g time’ i * Your or Express Boston, LTstory Ell, containing eleven rooms with out Save Orders trom the Attention ! at ^^Second-hand Clothing tor sale at fair pricot. and Money country solicited, to vhich Mac’ i as port touching Rockland, Castino, Deer dn Hidings stable; large garden wttb fine fruit.— ™“ Ian H—eodtf Invaluable Medicine for the attention will Isle, Sedgwick, Mt. Desert, MiiJbridge and Jones- Strengthening P ouse newly painted; wood lurnace and cistern. I irompt be paid. Sgtlem. 247 r°i'1 f°r Lad,e*’a"JGentS’ port. SSwSgsiRfijs Enquire Cumberland st.,or E. J. leave JACKSON’S, 1lead and be Convinced ! everv Massachusetts Insane sliaip'y with W. .„„i, S null st., Gorham. JOHN Hc?s?®?G,Sm5ms! by Returning,will Machlasport Monday Asylum, Dll. .Ton CURTIS. A. SLOCUM, and TburiMlni i*l •ruing*, at 5 o'clock, nuZii’aZfibS SWEET’S mayBdtf OOD Prints 10 cents Best Press Job Ollicc touching 1 Gorham, Me. per yard. Prints 124 Daily Corner Midd's and Hamjshire sts. at the above-named landings, arriving in Portland VORtEuTK.il,.3IA«S. | J cents per Frenzli Plaids worth 50 cts. orders yard 25, promptly attended to. same night. a e 1 .11 Wool Good Cloaks jy*2U3w* II7ANTED.—There wanted immediately, from theaa»,=K!5iaaf3S wooden For Sale Shawls, $2.50; $4,25. No. 1 BOSS & STUUDIVANT. General fiiteeu to ▼ twelve to ladies, between ike aces figure, begins move h i nj,a Strcngllieiiiiijni Kilter'.# fcSf“Casbmerc Shawls at immense Printers9 Exchange, Agent. V of bargains. 178 to s and very slow, first from right to lelt then the insane. Ladies wno have in left to right. Then Signor lhe curtHlJ I cash trade. Best loea'ion in Boston. Weil fitted Exchange St., J (aught country Mmco -— sasafeandrelia^prepar^^ 120 Middle Co •hoois rcierred, but any hMv ng the *c- Other and Francisco p£,|s'r°“l i, store well stocked, long le*se, low rent. This is st, under Falmouth Hotel. Fletcher Manufacturing _I ncce^ary string opens his 29dtf c uueiaents. and coming vtell Will ge- eyes ve" the. a •haute seldom offered; good reasons for July Farm for Sale. reiommcBded, or diseases oi Skin, Sick selling. nre a ry Gradually, quick, according as the 3m§S$hiUt' TAYLOR <& I 70S. position. Address, st’riu« Paticulars, Co., A Farm consifthig of one Inn* Estnblishrd Salem Lead is Then it « Company, D*. II. fandenf, pulled. would be: Baisc tbe richt KU,6-3t 20 State street, Boston, Mass, OTICE is dred acres, cuts SO Ions ot BEM1S, Snperb hereby given, that the subscriber ha hay.vith Mannlactnbera of Whits w4w:26 Worcester, arm, and salute the kj been a goon wood-lot, a Lead, by new and im- Maas. company”; which the ** depression of duly appointed and taken upon himsel goodorcliardtwo !'?'"<'n/ss'’S| Sdiritsft 11 e wells ot a proved figure would do, rather stiff and but i disorders, Summer Com,./amis. lhe. trust of Administrator ot the estate of water, storv and ia f Shoe & Corset laces, machinery, whereby they arc turning out an rl in W ure tor jerky, Ale'ii:‘Ile ! all finished, barn GO Boot, article Manufactory c*nle J still he di J they are U|i«urpaesed! This FOB SALE —_house by4t_ which tor anti is so- it. That stiffness ircparaihnVm late of purity, body, *» and jerkincss of and weI1 ^bUMER, Portland, iaidLim issnuated near Cumberland brilliancy , Tin are stand and Manufactory No1?0 M proved Remedy, the ot Center no 1 Fore the movements were all like bth K2 County Cumberland, deceased, and ode trom Meeting Home, School Lamp Wicks. Yarns, Braids, &c. quailed in this country, and will be warranted rHEat, Por laud.con*is «t tools, (and they that) ,b« Notural Bonesetter. T N Ea wood Iotcontainlng30acrcsof gl veil bonds,asthclaw directs. House, Grtiiv ing rauchloes, stock was bffi an' D^f"* HWlndham.a Allpersonshavingde- Post oue and pure. Leads ol lower a ad is now odered for sale, to cl«»e what seemed to VM. A. er" in Medicines- I thick growth. cider mill and m ands upon the estate ot veademy, Office,&c.; hall miles iron perlhctly They hare, also. fixtures, up the “ people disposed grumble PEASE 4 'i'" Also carriage chop, said deceased, are & uate ot B. Btake. at. afeoco->1 ll,e!* New ess. required Portland Kennebec Depot. grades. Pipe. Their the late Charles This it the We wau't to see ’em a Aass. roprietors, P> For further at 337 tt exhibit the same; and all Possession *girqn SAMUEL G. They also, Lead little more airy Bedford, particulars inquire persons indebted to said , hen ever TRIPPE, Agent., mannlactnre, J aud so H. A. Mitchell “ 3m C ougrei. .1, tateare to required. long occopied by and will and 1 iold i, Portland es called upon make payment to prices will be warranted as low as those ol other b <»f graceful,” the public »es. Ladies and by J. W. Enquire oi tho subscriber on the premises. 9 sold at a bargain. Enquire PerkinsT^ C* TVE*0’ FREDERICK Adm’r. 1 r«. 66 ■ ■ • * tor wi June FoX, SEWALJL BBANUHAED Kilby Bireet) Ronton. manulactureri, goods ol equal quality. CALEB BlAKE, Commercial St l-d&wtseptl* Portland, J 1869. aull-dia w3 IsioWN, Administrator, ^ uly*20th, w* W * uu« FKANGIS Treat*r, J o. 120 Fore 8t. or P. No. 12 Cumberland, May 14th, l«t'». inajiowtf 17-dSm Man. BONNKY, lirkanVa Office, Post Dates Building, Salem, g a*2i-lw