C^Sfc " " ™ EET Watrrfosd, Beg Leave Daily
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THE WATERFORD NEWS JUNE , : : ¦ SHIPPING 1866 MONEYv . '> 'I- ..' -. ¦ SALES. ; ,>¦-.-;•'¦'•"< vr:;;7* :IK Published ever;/ Friday Evening at 40 King street STEAM COMMUNICATION JAMES WALPOLE '' . (Opposite the Provincial Dank.] WATERFORD SEEAM COMPANY. Between Glasgow BEGS to inform the NoTiilUy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Waterford and ill Vicinity, that he has WATERFORD AND.|LIMBBICK RAILWAY In tbilASDESE STATES C0UBT, Ireland; , Cork, and Waterford, ' '' '¦: ....- ... r - '-f- .linlT>.:>in;r.-j'. :' ' .. RICE THREE P CSCE ; Y EARLY ( IN ADVANCE; 13S . INTENDED ORDER of. SAILING—JULY, 1805. just received a Choice Selection of- " I' Carrying Goods to LIHBRICK, TIPPEBARY, CLOHMK, COUNTIE8 OF WATERFOKD AND:TIPPERABY. STAMPED, -Id.; Y EARLY, S OTICE.—The Waterford Steamship MONEY : ON. DEPOSIT. 17 . 4d. 1 *kAv J.Vf1 for CARRICK -OS-SOIB, KILEEXIIT, and CADDR, at Through BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS In the -) ' - «2tg)dk*f^> Company receive Goods Shipment Rates. , . - THE WATERFORD and LIMERICK RAILWAY Matter of.. m OSBE. 8 O LO; on tho Terms Suitablefor the Season. Also, a Large Variety of Vtbe EtUteof ¦- -4A <VjNffl^v3-on following only :—They reserve HTHE New and Powerful Scre w Stea- COMPANY are open to receive, to , a limited X >TUESDAY, tbe darof tSHSSSSothu right to carry by any, not by particnlar .. "V^. extent Clement William Sadltir, JULY, 1865, before •the ' Hoq- -*• ™ers " SALTEE," JOHK CRAWFORD, DINN E R , D ESSERT , BRE A KFAST, TEA , & TOILET SER VICES. , Honey on temporary Deposit, for which the ¦¦¦ Vessels, with liberty to Tow Ships nnd ctdl-at other Ports, "BSMtrfS^ Ovmtr; orable Judge LOHOFIBLD; 'at t£4 PRINTING «{3|jMv^.Comn]andor , "TUSKAIV'SIBPHBII AHDER- TOGETHER WITH following Rates of Interest will, until further notice, OK and will not bo accountable for injuries or lasses arising from ! Expsrte ¦• landed E»t»W Court; Dublin, * i BJtiJaB> SON, Commander or other First-class Vcs- OF CUT AND PRESSED TABLE GLAS8. be allowed on sums of -£30 and upwards; vis:—' delay, accidents of the Seas,' Rivera Fire ' ' Ene. - •* , A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT Thomas Joseph Eyre, in EIGHT 'LOFIB'f the following , , the Queen s sds, are intended to Sail as under (unless prevented by any 4 per Cent, per Annum, subject to repayment KVEKY DESCRIPTION ones, defective Navigation, or accidents from any 'other cause, An Excellent Lot of GAS MOONS on hands, wliich will be disposed of at Moderate Prices Petitioneri- Lands• and Pr«oiis«s, iTro«Min unforeseen circumstance), with or without Pilots, and wit] 63T after the first Month, on the expiration of a Fortnight's Continued in the name of Vtbe ' UPPBR- not for any loss which might hive been covered by Insurance, luerty to Tow ' BARONT OP> nor for Leakage Vessels, and to render Assistance to Vessels notice, given at any time. WiHiam Ssdleir;heir-at. THIRD,,>antf>CODNTY'' OV FOR , Breakage, Ctytfltion, Quality, or contents of it. Distress:— • ¦ " ALWAYS IW STOCK. any I nrcels or Packages FIGURE SHADES Or S per Cent, if left for Twelve MonthB, subject law 'of aid Clement Wil- WATERFORD, ind IPPA tnd , unleijs specUlly entered and ad va- FROM GLASGOW (Lancefield Quay) to WARE HIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. lorem Freight paid. Goods not removed to bo Stor.-d at the MATCHINGS GOT TO ORDER. tSS" to rovision thereafter on like notice. lum Stdleir, decetsed, . OFPA, »nd COUNTY¦ of'TIP- 1'UULIC HOMES Cork and Waterford—Saltee, Saturday, 8rd Juuc, 12 noon ' ¦ ¦ • • •'¦ ¦:¦ , risk and expense of the Consignees. CHINA HALL 60, QUAY, WATERFORD. The Principal or Interest Trill be paid as desired by Owner; PERARY. , . •>. —by Rail to Grcenock, 6.60 p.m. BET , Eiporte ¦• Lot l—The Townlinrl of Cool- All Goods will bo considered as subject to a general lien, Watcrford and Depositors, PRIVATE Cork-TutVnr, Thursday, 8tU June, 12 noon Thomas Joseph Eyre, namack. Eitst (part' of), ' iii tl» INDIVIDUALS , and held not only for Freight of the same, but for all Arrears —by Rail to Greenock Further Information can be obtained from the under- of t rcight , 6.60 p.m. Petitioner. ¦ County of WaUrford, coatiininff , Storage, or other charges duo by tho Importer, Cork and Waterford—Saltw 12th June 12 noon JUNE FASHIONS. signed, and also from the following- Agents:—A. STE- ¦ : Owner, , Monday, , * 176a 0r. 10p 8tatttt» M«isure, MERCHANTS, AND or Consignees to tho Company. —by Rail to Greenock, 6.60 p.m. PHENS, Duncannon, County Wexford; THOMAS S. HAR- ' belli in fea simDle. producing a nott yearlv rental of £180 WATERFORD AND BRISTOL. Watcrford and Cork—Tuskar, Friday, 16th June, 12 noon I-IAZLETON O'DONNELL & CO YBT, Little George's-street, Waterford ; JOHN G RUBB, 18s. lid. The Ordnance Valuation of this Lot is £14310!. TRADERS IX EVERY WARE Oipsy direct. —by Rail to Grcenock, 6.60 p.m. , Carrick-on-Suir; P. It. BANFIELD, Clonmel ; SAHDEI There , for MANTLES SHAWLS is a large quantity of very valuable Timber on this From Watcrford to Bristol : From Bristol to Watcrford : C>rk and Watefford—Saltee, Tuesday, 20th June, 12 noon HAVING sent their BuiKBa specially to LONDON during tho past week, , , J ELLICO, Cahir; DAVID COLEMAN, Tipperary ; DAVID Lot, * 5 . ' . MILLINERY SILKS, 8TRAW BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACE FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ¦ IXECUTED WITH From Cumberland Basin. —by Rail to Greenock, 5.50 p.m. , , FITZGEKALD & Son, Limerick. (By Order), Lot 2—Townland of Carriclbeg (part of) with its sub-de- Tuewlar, July 4, ... 3 Atln'u Friday, July 7 ... 5 Aftn 'ii Waterford and Cork—Tuskar, Saturday, 24th June 12 noon HOSIERY and GLOVES, they will, on MONDAY, 19th iust , and following days, show a LAKQE DISM.AT nominations Tursday, !) < , T. AINSWORTH, Secretary, • of Carrickbepi Townparls, (P>'t of), Coolna. " It , ... Morn Friilay, „ 14 ...10 •Morn —by Rail to Greenock 6.60 OP TASTE , Tuesday, •' 18 , ... 3 Afta' , p.m. Board Room mnck Road, North and South sides (part of), Carricltbeg n Friday, „ SI ... 5 Aftn'n C jrk and Waterford—Salteo e ' , Waterford Terminus, ' Tuesday, " 25, ... !) Morn ?Friday , „ 28 ... 9 Morn , Wedn sday, 28tb June, 12 noon NEW MANTLES, rn' SILK and CLOTH, muck under present Market Value ; fn27-tf) Hill (part of), and CoolpnmnckTownparks (part of), in tbo . —by Rail to Greenock, 6.60 p.m. ' ¦ 8th Oct.. 1864. County HASTE, From Avonmouth Pier. : . ,; AISO 'of. Waterford, containing 242a 2r. SOp, Statute Measure, held in Fridif, July 14, „ :i AAII 'D FROM CORK TO . HtSKASOLS FEATHERS I GLOVES, DEPOSIT fee simple, arjd producing a nott yearly AND Friday, „ 28. ... Altn n BLACK SILKS, , , LOANS ON CALL OR rental of £30T 10i. 1J ' Waterford & Glasgow...Salte*, Tuesday, 6th June; 2 p.m TOLORED do., STRAW HONNETS, FLOWERS, HABERDASHERY, . 31d. Briton, calling at Tcobr iind Cirmartheo. Glasgow (direct) SIX PER CENT. INTEREST. Toe probable i.::.Tnikar, Tuesday, 13th „ 0 p.m 8HAWLS, CRINOLINES, RI11BONS, | PEBFUMERY. proportion of tbo Ordnance Valuation of PRICKS ASTONISHINGLY LOW, From Watcrford to Uriitol,ijEiifaBriitoI to Wnterford,, - Waterford &. Glang<jw...Salt», Thursday, 16th „ 1 p.m Corrickbcfr,applicable to this Lot, would be about £380. calliuir at TpnbT&Carmarthcn.ranii'cnt Tcnby&Caruinrtlicn. DRESSES, STAYS, LACES, I rpHE DIRECTORS of the Waterford and Kilkenny Qualit Glasgow (direct) .Tuskar, Wed'day, 21st „ 2 p.m HOSIERY Lot 3—Further part of said Townland of Carrickbeg;,with (r*« y of tho Work Considered), Friday, July 7, ... 4 Aftn 'i rursdav July 4 ._ 2 Aftn'n Watcrford 4 Glasgow...Salt» MUSLINS, DRESS CAPS, , | Railway aro prepared to accept TEN DERS for its sabdenominations Friday ,, 14 , Friday, 23rd „ 4 p.m J. of Riverside, Racks Hill Upper, Friar- AT ¦ , ... 0 Morn Tuesday, „ n ... 8J Morn Glasgow (direct) Tuskar A LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES OAMS street Friday, „ », ... 4 AlliiY Tucailav , „ IS ... 1} Aftn'n , Wed'day,28th „ C p.m, , &c. L on MORTGAGE BONDS, at 5 per Cent., pay- (part of), and Coolnamuck Road, North side (part of), Fn.lay, „ 28, ... » Morn Tuesday, „ 25 ... Bj Mum Watcrford <fc Gli»sgow...Sallcc, Saturdiy, 1st July, 9 p.m ^f OPPOSITE THE MARKET-HOUSE. able upon cither One or Two Months' Notice, to be containing 27a lr 301p Statute Measure, held in fee simple, The IJSr-ws Book and Job Printing, cOn the 11th and 2Sth Trains leavo the (or always increased to 0 per Cent whenever and during and producing a nett yearly rental of £82 Ss. 5d. Clifton station FROM WATERFORD TO m- N.B.—WANTED, a YOUTH as an APPRENTICE. MACHINE RULING, Ihc Avonmouth Pier at 1. o'clock. When practicable and Glasgow (direct) Saltcc, Weds'day, 7th Juno 5 p.m. the time the Irish Banks arc allowing 4 per Cent, on The probable proportion of tbe Ordnance Valuation of Car* for the convenience of passengers tho steamers will call at Cork nnd Glasgow Tuskar, Saturday, 10th Deposit Receipts. nclfbeff, applicable to this Lot, would te about £90. «OOK-BINDING ESTABLISHMENT, „ 1 p.m. Lot AND theAAonmouth Pier before procccdiug up the river. Glasgow (direct) Saltee, Saturday, 17th „ 6 p.m. They will also accept Tenders for like Bonds, at 6 4—Further part of said Townland of Carrickbeg,with its sub-denominations of Qaay-lane, Lower Friar-street (part 1ST A'ni. 49 .y 50 King Street, Walerford. 535" On Early Morning Sailings, the Cabin of the Steam- Cork and Glasgow Tuskar, Monday, 19th „ 1 p.ra, SPECIAL NOTICE. THE MISSES FITZHENEY'S per Cent., for Three, or Five Years, and for the ers will be Open to receive Passengers arriving from London Glasgow (direct) Snltte, Saturday, of), and Upper Friar-street (part of), containing 3a Or 101p, 24t h „ 5 p.m. Debenture Stock , bearing interest at 0 per Cent, for Statute by tho Nicbt 5Inil Train. Cork and Glasgow Tuskar, Monday, 20th 1 p.m.