C^Sfc " " ™ EET Watrrfosd, Beg Leave Daily
THE WATERFORD NEWS JUNE , : : ¦ SHIPPING 1866 MONEYv . '> 'I- ..' -. ¦ SALES. ; ,>¦-.-;•'¦'•"< vr:;;7* :IK Published ever;/ Friday Evening at 40 King street STEAM COMMUNICATION JAMES WALPOLE '' . (Opposite the Provincial Dank.] WATERFORD SEEAM COMPANY. Between Glasgow BEGS to inform the NoTiilUy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Waterford and ill Vicinity, that he has WATERFORD AND.|LIMBBICK RAILWAY In tbilASDESE STATES C0UBT, Ireland; , Cork, and Waterford, ' '' '¦: ....- ... r - '-f- .linlT>.:>in;r.-j'. :' ' .. RICE THREE P CSCE ; Y EARLY ( IN ADVANCE; 13S . INTENDED ORDER of. SAILING—JULY, 1805. just received a Choice Selection of- " I' Carrying Goods to LIHBRICK, TIPPEBARY, CLOHMK, COUNTIE8 OF WATERFOKD AND:TIPPERABY. STAMPED, -Id.; Y EARLY, S OTICE.—The Waterford Steamship MONEY : ON. DEPOSIT. 17 . 4d. 1 *kAv J.Vf1 for CARRICK -OS-SOIB, KILEEXIIT, and CADDR, at Through BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS In the -) ' - «2tg)dk*f^> Company receive Goods Shipment Rates. , . - THE WATERFORD and LIMERICK RAILWAY Matter of.. m OSBE. 8 O LO; on tho Terms Suitablefor the Season. Also, a Large Variety of Vtbe EtUteof ¦- -4A <VjNffl^v3-on following only :—They reserve HTHE New and Powerful Scre w Stea- COMPANY are open to receive, to , a limited X >TUESDAY, tbe darof tSHSSSSothu right to carry by any, not by particnlar .. "V^. extent Clement William Sadltir, JULY, 1865, before •the ' Hoq- -*• ™ers " SALTEE," JOHK CRAWFORD, DINN E R , D ESSERT , BRE A KFAST, TEA , & TOILET SER VICES. , Honey on temporary Deposit, for which the ¦¦¦ Vessels, with liberty to Tow Ships nnd ctdl-at other Ports, "BSMtrfS^ Ovmtr; orable Judge LOHOFIBLD; 'at t£4 PRINTING «{3|jMv^.Comn]andor , "TUSKAIV'SIBPHBII AHDER- TOGETHER WITH following Rates of Interest will, until further notice, OK and will not bo accountable for injuries or lasses arising from ! Expsrte ¦• landed E»t»W Court; Dublin, * i BJtiJaB> SON, Commander or other First-class Vcs- OF CUT AND PRESSED TABLE GLAS8.
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