learn to excel Brookhouse Schools , Brookhouse provides co-educational day and boarding on two campuses in Nairobi, offering the British National Curriculum to Kenyan and The School international pupils. The pursuit of academic excellence is at the centre of our educational philosophy and approach.

Philosophy As a member of the Round Square network of schools worldwide, we believe that a school should foster courage, generosity, imagination, principle and resolution so that children emerge empowered with the skills and abilities to be the leaders and guardians of tomorrow’s world. We endeavour to provide the security and guidance necessary for children to achieve their potential in a friendly and supportive but academically rigorous atmosphere.

As such we commit ourselves to the Round Square ethos by considering the six foundation pillars of Round Square as central to our holistic approach to education, augmenting an intrinsic commitment to academic excellence. The six pillars or IDEALS are: Internationalism; Democracy; Environment; Adventure; Leadership and Service.

Brookhouse Schools Interpreting the Round Square pillars as being at the core of our school community, we believe in:

• Clear expectations in relation to academic performance, ethical standards and behaviour, combined with positive reinforcement to develop in children their self- confidence and self-esteem

• Providing the opportunity for children to develop the Round Square Discovery Framework skills necessary to further their education and to function successfully as a global citizen with an international understanding and focus in the 21st Century

• Offering a curriculum that encourages the wider educational development of each child

• Encouraging children of all abilities to set goals which reflect the utmost of their capabilities

• Learning as a continuing process that fosters thinking and doing, exploration and experimentation, to help young people to adapt to an ever-changing environment and lead productive lives

• Maintaining regular and effective communication between parents and the school, as well as parents being active partners in the learning process

• Instilling in students an appreciation of the outdoors and an awareness of the natural environment and the need to conserve it as guardians of our collective future

• Nurturing tolerance, awareness and respect for oneself, others and property

• Fostering within children a desire to take responsibility for self-motivation, self-direction, self-discipline and a positive self-image

• Developing leadership skills rooted in kindness and justice, practised individually and collectively in various leadership positions of consequence in the school

• Teaching children the values of democracy and the importance of active participation in democracy, where freedom of thought and speech are encouraged and appropriate forums are in place for responsible self-expression

• Sensitising children to appreciate the richness of the spiritual and cultural experiences of life

• Preparing children for responsible lives through the expectation of service to others

• Promoting international understanding through exposure to different cultures and beliefs and through teaching children to appreciate, value and respect all cultures, religions and languages

• Encouraging children to learn to see themselves as committed and responsible global citizens, who look beyond gender, class, race, nationality and culture to understand human nature

• Building self-esteem through adventure and meeting challenges, working both individually and within groups, to promote personal growth and self-discovery, leading to the child’s realisation that they can be so much more than they might have imagined. Brookhouse Schools Education has a greater importance today than ever before as parents seek to prepare their children for the challenges of a rapidly changing world. At Brookhouse we are committed to providing the best education for our students to enable them to meet Introduction these challenges. We are proud of our academic record and our wide range of achievements in all areas of school life. However, just as important is our focus on the individual and the encouragement we offer all our students to do their best in Eeverything they undertake. By the time your child leaves Brookhouse, we trust they will have acquired self-confidence, a responsible and caring attitude towards others, the ability to socialise and an enthusiasm for learning. We believe that by teaching our students a code of values and encouraging them to learn to exercise self-discipline in their everyday lives, we are preparing them not just for their immediate future, but for life.

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember Brookhouse is a friendly, happy and caring environment that will provide an excellent and Involve me and I learn enjoyable education for your children. Benjamin Franklin We warmly invite you and your family to visit the school to meet our family - the staff and students.

Brookhouse Schools Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all Aristotle At Brookhouse we follow an adapted form of the British National Curriculum which enjoys an excellent reputation throughout the world. The emphasis is on how to learn, rather than just factual Curriculum knowledge, and a great deal of importance is placed on the students’ ability to work independently and to develop their own thinking.

The British National Curriculum sets out a clear and full entitlement to learning for all students. It Adetermines the content of what should be taught, and sets targets for learning. It gives teachers, pupils, parents and employers a clear understanding of the skills and knowledge that students will gain.

A cycle of assessments are carried out at various points in the learning process, and the results are used to compare our standards internationally. We are pleased that we have consistently gained results which benchmark us against the best schools in the To be educated is not to arrive at a destination, but to world. travel with a different view R. S. Peters

Brookhouse Schools One of the most important aims at Brookhouse is to nurture an environment in which children can stay children longer. By this we mean assisting children to be less influenced by media and social pressures and more influenced by expectations of good A sense of manners, self-discipline and respect.

We hold these more traditional values as crucial in Community helping each child grow and develop with confidence and sensitivity toward others. We believe Brookhouse graduates take more than just Otheir academic success with them as they progress to universities around the world; they take a well grounded and sensible approach to life.

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire W. B. Yeats

Brookhouse Schools At the core of a Brookhouse education is the school's commitment to the Round Square philosophy as we seek to nurture global citizens and future servant leaders of courage and compassion. The The Round Square IDEALS encapsulate inter-related priorities for the holistic development of each child at Brookhouse, with our commitment to - Round Square International understanding Democracy and democratic principle Ethos Environmental stewardship AAdventure and outdoor experience Leadership development Service learning

As such, our embracing of the Round Square ethos is woven into the daily fabric of school life at Brookhouse and provides opportunities for learners to engage with their community and the wider world as responsible 21st century citizens. The school nurtures active engagement in hands-on service learning that allows the children to go beyond their comfort zone and better understand the needs of others.

Equally, the global network of fellow Round Square schools provides a wonderful opportunity for our There is more in you than you think students to travel to regional and international conferences, to participate in international student Kurt Hahn exchanges with schools across the globe, and to experience international service learning projects organised by Round Square. Brookhouse Schools

Education should involve both fun and adventure as well as hard work. At Brookhouse the physical Scope for environment is designed to stimulate a child’s imagination and to stir their sense of curiosity and Adventure adventure. Our dedicated team of teachers expect each child to work to their individual potential. They consider all aspects of the child’s development as important E– academic, social, physical and spiritual.

Adventure is worthwhile in itself Amelia Earhart

Brookhouse Schools Learning in school should be a partnership in the education process between each child, their parents and their teachers. This makes communication a Partnership in vital element of the success of the school.

There are many ways in which Brookhouse keeps Learning parents well informed on all aspects of their children’s progress, including regular written reports, parent teacher conferences and electronic Lbulletin updates.

The important thing is not to stop questioning Albert Einstein

Brookhouse Schools Giving each child the opportunity to develop their creative talents is central to the Brookhouse educational philosophy, and Fine Art, drama and music are given key emphasis within the curricular The Arts and extra-curricular programme. Activities include art exhibitions, drama productions, choir and orchestra performances, individual instrument tuition, creative design, debating, verse-speaking and participation in the annual Model United Nations and the World GScholar’s Cup.

Every child is an artist The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up Pablo Picasso

Brookhouse Schools The pastoral programme at Brookhouse is extremely strong. The school provides a friendly and The Pastoral caring environment for all students. Each child has a number of staff available to provide advice and support. The class teacher or the form tutor is the Philosophy first point of contact.

In addition, senior staff monitor very closely the academic, social and emotional development of the children. These senior staff deal with most parental enquiries because they know the students Tin their care very well.

The comprehensive Global Citizenship programme includes lessons in Critical Thinking, Service Learning, General Studies and Personal Health and Social Education (PHSE) each week. These courses cover a wide range of topics including careers, health matters, current affairs and study skills.

All students are taught the appropriate values of service to others, tolerance, understanding and respect which form the basis of our expectations The reward of a thing well done regarding student behaviour. is to have done it Ralph Waldo Emerson

Brookhouse Schools In the Brookhouse boarding community at the Karen Campus, the emphasis is on making boarding enjoyable within a happy and caring family atmosphere. The accommodation is Boarding purpose-built, with rooms accommodating students @ Mandela House in small groups depending on age. The boarding house has several common rooms for recreation.

The boarding community has a strong system of student support. Each boarder has a mentor who is their “parent away from home”, responsible for Imonitoring all aspects of their life in boarding. The mentors liaise regularly with class teachers.

There is an extensive programme of activities that combine academic, recreational and social pursuits. At weekends there are trips, theatre and movie outings, as well as tournaments and competitions.

The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives Robert Maynard Hutchins

Brookhouse Schools

At Brookhouse there is a wide range of o