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0-Print Template.Xlsx Architecture: Full-Time Tenure-Stream Faculty Appointments 1935-Present (in Graduate Departments) Current Faculty in Undergraduate Departments Year University Year Hired Departed Professor Gender BA Institution BA Country MA Institution MA Country PhD Institution PhD Country Subfield Specialization Carleton University 1989 2014 Kelly J. Crossman male Winnipeg Canada Toronto Canada Edinburgh UK ARCHITECTURE Architectural history Carleton University 1991 present Angela K. Carr female Toronto Canada Toronto Canada Toronto Canada ARCHITECTURE Architectural history Early medieval (Byzantine) art & Carleton University 2005 2017 John Osborne male Carleton Canada Toronto Canada University of London UK MEDIEVAL architecture Carleton University 2008 present Peter Coffman male Toronto; Ryerson Canada York Canada Queen's Canada ARCHITECTURE Architectural history, Medieval Carleton University 2012 present Michael J. Windover male Western Canada Western Canada UBC Canada ARCHITECTURE History of modern architecture and design Concordia University 1970 1996 Ellen James female Penn USA Columbia USA McGill Canada ARCHITECTURE architecture Concordia University 1971 2005 Joan Acland female Carleton Canada Concordia Canada Concordia Canada ARCHITECTURE architecture Concordia University 1979 2012 Jean Belisle male Montreal Canada Montreal Canada Paris France ARCHITECTURE Architecture Concordia University 1980 2017 Catherine Mackenzie female McMaster Canada Toronto Canada Toronto Canada ARCHITECTURE French architectural theory Concordia University 2007 present Cynthia Imogen Hammond female McMaster Canada Concordia Canada Concordia Canada ARCHITECTURE Architecture, gender Concordia University 2014 present Nicola Pezolet female Laval Canada Laval Canada MIT USA ARCHITECTURE Modern architecture McGill University 1965 1966 Peter Fergusson male Michigan USA Harvard USA Harvard USA MEDIEVAL Medieval Architecture McGill University 1970 1971 David Van Zanten male Princeton USA Harvard USA Harvard USA ARCHITECTURE American + European architecture 1800- McGill University 1971 1973 Myra Rosenfeld female Sarah Lawrence USA Columbia USA Harvard USA ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE (Renaissance) Art/architecture 18th-20th C North McGill University 1975 1977 Rhodri Liscombe male Courtauld UK none None London UK ARCHITECTURE America + Britain McGill University 1977 1978 Nicholas Adams male Cornell USA NYU USA NYU USA ARCHITECTURE Architecture McGill University 1989 2005 Hans J. Böker male Germany Germany Germany Germany Saarbrücken Germany ARCHITECTURE Architecture Early Modern art + architecture, visual McGill University 2004 present Angela Vanhaelen female Western Canada UBC Canada UBC Canada EARLY MODERN culture of Dutch Republic McMaster University 1965 1970 Eugene Marseglia female George Washington USA Johns Hopkins USA Johns Hopkins USA EARLY MODERN Renaissance Architecture Canadian Architectural History and Design, Architecture in the Canadian Arctic (Inuit OCAD University 2001 present Marie-Josée Therrien female UQAM Canada Toronto Canada Laval Canada ARCHITECTURE culture), Museum Administration OCAD University 2006 present Eric Nay male Kentucky USA Cornell USA None ARCHITECTURE Architecture Medieval Mediterranean Art and Architecture, Islamic Art and Architecture, OCAD University 2013 present Heather Coffey female Toronto Canada Toronto Canada Indiana USA MEDIEVAL Italian Renaissance Art and Architecture History of Architecture and Design, Design OCAD University 2015 or before present Keith Bresnahan male Calgary Canada UWO Canada York (CA) Canada ARCHITECTURE and Politics, Critical Theory Queen's University 1971 2011 Pierre du Prey male Pennsylvania USA Princeton USA Princeton USA ARCHITECTURE Architectural history Queen's University 2007 present Katherine Romba female Maryland USA NYU USA IFA USA ARCHITECTURE Modern art + architecture Queen's University 2008 present Matthew Reeve male Toronto Canada Cambridge UK Cambridge UK MEDIEVAL Medieval Architecture Université de Montréal 1964 1969 Joerg Garms male Austria Austria Austria Austria Vienne Austria ARCHITECTURE Architecture Université de Montréal 1974 1997 Pierre Granche male École des Beaux-Arts Montreal Canada Université de Vincennes-Paris France None UNKNOWN Architecture; trained as a sculptor Université de Montréal 1993 2007 David Walter Booth male Toronto Canada Toronto Canada Toronto Canada ARCHITECTURE architecture- early modern Université du Québec à Montréal 1978 2006 Raymonde Gauthier male Laval Canada Laval Canada None QUEBEC Quebec Architecture Université du Québec à Montréal 2004 present Louis Martin male Montreal Canada Montreal Canada Princeton USA ARCHITECTURE Architecture Domestic Architecture Quebec 17th -18th Université du Québec à Montréal 2010 present Pierre-Édouard Latouche male McGill Canada McGill Canada Laval Canada ARCHITECTURE c. Université du Québec à Montréal 2011 present Jennifer Carter female McGill Canada Art Inst. Chicago USA McGill Canada MUSEOLOGY Museology + theory, Architecture Université du Québec à Montréal 2012 present Christina Contandriopoulos female Montreal Canada McGill Canada McGill Canada ARCHITECTURE architecture (18th-19th c. European) Université Laval 1960 1998 Roland Sanfaçon male Poitiers? (Lic. Hist.); Sorbonne (Cert.) France Poitiers (Dip. Hist.); Paris France Unkown Unknown MEDIEVAL Medieval Architecture Université Laval 1970 2004 Claude Bergeron male Paris (Lic.) France Princeton USA Princeton USA QUEBEC Quebec architecture/ Canadian Université Laval 1972 1990 Luc Noppen male Laval Canada Laval Canada Toulouse France HERITAGE Architecture, Heritage Université Laval 1992 present Marc Grignon male Laval Canada Laval Canada MIT USA QUEBEC History of architecture (Quebec) Université Laval 2002 2006 Laurent Stalder male ETH Zurich Switzerland Cairo Egypt ETH Zurich Switzerland ARCHITECTURE Architecture Université Laval 2007 present Luc Lévesque male Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Montreal Canada ARCHITECTURE Architecture modernism; painting; architecture; University of British Columbia 1958 1975 Binning, B.C. (Bertram Charles) male Vancouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts Canada None None MODERN drawing University of British Columbia 1969 1975 Kalman, Harold D. male Princeton USA Princeton USA Princeton USA ARCHITECTURE architectural history, conservation University of British Columbia 1976 2015 Windsor-Liscombe, Rhodri male Courtauld UK None University of London UK ARCHITECTURE architectural history Architecture: Full-Time Tenure-Stream Faculty Appointments 1935-Present (in Graduate Departments) Current Faculty in Undergraduate Departments early Ottoman + Islamic art + architecture; medieval Mediterranean art + University of British Columbia 2015 present Salgirli, Saygin male Koc Turkey Sabanci Turkey Binghamton USA ISLAMIC architecture; architectural history University of Guelph 1981 2007 Chandler W. Kirwin male Princeton USA Stanford USA Stanford USA EARLY MODERN 16th-17th c. Italian ptg and architecture University of Guelph 2004 2006 Andrea MacKean female Toronto Canada Toronto Canada Manchester UK ARCHITECTURE Early modern, architecture Italian Renaissance art, architecture, University of Guelph 2007 present Sally Hickson female Carleton Canada Queens Canada Queen's Canada EARLY MODERN gender University of Guelph 2007 present Dominic Marner male Regina Canada Victoria Canada East Anglia UK MEDIEVAL European Medieval art, architecture University of the Fraser Valley 2012 present Geoffrey Carr male Victoria Canada Victoria Canada UBC Canada INDIGENOUS Architecture, First Nations Curator Ancient Art at ROM, Greek art + University of Toronto 1933 1947 Homer A. Thompson male UBC (Classics) Canada UBC Canada Michigan USA ANCIENT architecture University of Toronto 1952 1990 Frederick Elliot Winter male McGill Canada Toronto Canada Toronto Canada ANCIENT Greek architecture, Archaeology modern architecture, American and University of Toronto 1958 1986 H. Allen Brooks male Dartmouth USA Yale USA Northwestern USA ARCHITECTURE European University of Toronto 1963 1964 Osmund R. Overby male St. Olaf (math/philosophy) USA UWashington, Seattle (architecture) USA Yale USA ARCHITECTURE American Architecture, patrimony University of Toronto 1970 1996 Hans-Karl Lücke male Germany Germany Germany Germany Kiel Germany ARCHITECTURE Italian Renaissance architecture 19th-20th c. North American, Canadian University of Toronto 1970 2004 Douglas S. Richardson male Toronto Canada Yale USA Yale USA ARCHITECTURE Architecture University of Toronto 1971 2000 Joseph W. Shaw male Brown USA Wesleyan USA Pennsylvania USA ANCIENT Archaeology/ Greek art + architecture University of Toronto 1979 1996 Michael McCarthy male Cambridge UK Cambridge UK Courtauld UK ARCHITECTURE Architecture 18th-19th c 15th-17th c. Italian architecture, Modern University of Toronto 1991 2003 Alina Payne female McGill Canada Toronto Canada Toronto Canada ARCHITECTURE Architecture Renaissance and Baroque Architecture, University of Toronto 2006 present Christy Anderson female Johns Hopkins USA MIT USA MIT USA ARCHITECTURE esp. British, Italian University of Toronto 2016 present Joseph Clarke male Cincinnati USA Yale USA Yale USA ARCHITECTURE 19th-20th c. architecture, acoustics University of Toronto 2017 present Heba Mostafa female Cairo Egypt Cairo Egypt Cambridge UK ISLAMIC Islamic Architecture, Urbanism, Medieval Medieval Art + Architecture University of Toronto Mississauga 1994 1995 Kathleen Openshaw female Toronto Canada Toronto Canada Toronto Canada MEDIEVAL Mediterranean, Southern Italy University
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