SPB's'indep Endence Fro M SGA Sparks Changes
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' - VOL. CXXV, NO. 3 Pu blished by the stMmm^€&lbyiCollege since 1877 Employee SGA passes j ail ¦ controversial ; ereation B mA IS #*-*-- - ***B *B BH m%\ "H Wk dk ~B gj Q &c£j ri$ues- afte r committee ' - lij difeeciie By KATE RUSSO appointments NEWS EDITOR By,J0N SILBERSTEBV-LOEB By JON SILBERSTEIN-LOEB EDITOR IN CHIEF . EDITOR IN CHIEF The issue of diversity has ' ' After the all-campus barbecue demanded a lot of attention and pro- : -During a "housekeeping" meet- behind Roberts Union Saturday, Sept. voked serious discussion among ing of Presidents' Council Sept. 2, ¦ two controversial a ii: ¦&. two dining service employees got Colby students, faculty and staff. ppointments l *>jntoafistfight. The State of the College Address on were made by Student ¦ - ! The female part-time employee Tuesday,Sept. 10 was no exception. Government Association execu- Who started the altercation has been The issue was a prevalent topic tives. The appointments were fired: for both the speakers', Gretchen passed, without community input, "f '"""here are' policies against every Groggel, president of the Student in order to allow clubs and com- Jdnd of" violence," Director of Dining Government Association and colby mit tees to begin functionin g as {Services Varurt Avasthisaid. "Multiple College President William D. soon as possible. tules were flouted by this employee." Adams. While the meeting has histori- cally been held after students ' . The femaleto empbe loyee, who was not Groggel, who began the Address; y^cheduled working Saturday, started by stating that the constant arrive on campus, this year's meet- * was speaking out of turn to her super- reference to diversity "can make the ing was held two days earlier than ** yisbr and misbehaving, Avasthi said. term at times seem somewhat it was last year. This prohibited ¦ * ' ¦ .."The supervisor asked her not to abstract." But in her role as presi- students from attending the meet- , inter fere with what was going on and dent, she hopes to remove some of BRAD SEYMOUR/THE COLBY ECHO ing, and four hall presidents could then she threw water on him. Then she that abstraction through action. Groggel '03 speaks about SGA not attend. proceeded to punch him," Avasthi Groggel believes that there is more agenda. Director of Student Activities jsaid. diversity at Colby than meets the Lisa.Hallen urged SGA President The male employee continued eye, and she has made it her goal "to be voted on. Adams believes the Gretchen Groggel and Vice • about his business and tried to avoid make all voices heard on campus, Board will approve the requirement . President Jill Gutekunst to hold > the assaulter. He later reported the especially those who go unheard, no Adams also emphasized the role the meeting early. .'incident to. the Office of Security, matter how loud they cry out." of student life and acti vities in the During its first meeting, the jAvas'thi said. / Groggel cited the return of the expansion of diversity on campus. Presidents' Council usually ;! The Office of Security turned the Colby, Bates, Bowdoin Diversity Colby needs "activities which enrich decides on dress code, approves •matter over to Dining Services. Conference to the Colby campus and and complicate social and cult ural the budget and appoints commit- I. "We have disagreements all the tne creation or two tasK My opportuni- tee members and hall presidents. It !tinie in . different areas. People just forces: The GLBTTIQ sense ties on cam- is best to get these issues out of the don't always get along. I'm sure i t will Task Force and the ^f-jgf"- of pus," Adams , way early so that the Council can ;be,.handled properly," Director of Sexual Assault Task . ®m civility is tol- said. begin new business, Hallen said. Security Pete Chenevert said. Force, which will Adams By appointing Elizabeth Parks 1 ¦ ', "During my three.years, I've never examine these issues erance and respect, announced '02, who graduates-'in January, to seen this behavior. It is out of the and make recommen- plans to com- the Academic Affairs Committee norm;' Everyone is aware of the'ind- dations to the adminis- and to express it pile a survey and Peter Brush '03 to be president of Sturtevant, Groggel and dent.and everyone knows the policy," tration. p recisely in the way on social life , BRAD SEYMOUR/THE COLBY ECHO Avasthi said. Adams also spoke which will be Wi lliam D. Adams addresses the diversity and the Strategic Plan. Gutekunst drummed up some about diversity initia- we communicate admi nistered controversy, most of which sur- tives, some of which this fall: The rounded Parks' s appointment. Groggel also touched with others: j ra-a j survey will Community Board, which he hopes President of Diversity Initiatives. The discussion during the on, such as the task allow the will be used to "provide more Yasinski, with the help of Professor Presidents' Council meeting con- forces and the initia- College to opportunities for social interaction of Philosophy Cheshire Calhoun, cerned, an e-mail sent to the entire tion of first-year diver- — William D. Adams find "the on campus not involving alcohol." will be in charge of accountability school by Parks last year when sity training, which Colby College President kind of direc- For clarification he added, "I do not for the various undertakings dealing Brush was running for SGA presi- both said was success- tion we plan to make an alcohol free cam- .with diversity. "This is how we'll dent. In the e-mail Parks called ful. should be moving in," Adams said. pus, I am happy to kill that rumor know we are doing what we said we Brush a number of derogatory Adams noted that the addition of Regarding social life, Adams right now." would do," Adams said. terms. a second diversity requirement was noted that resources were added to Adams appointed Adams ended his address by In the ensuing harassment case passed by the faculty and would be the funds of both the Student Administrative Vice President Arnie brought to the Board of Trustees to Programming Board and the Pugh Yasinski as the Assistant to the Continued on Page 3 Continued on Page 3 s'indep endence fro m Enrollment of United World DAISEYs SPB' College students increases * .Mike Daisey '96 ¦ SGA sparks changes By KATE RUSSO "My goal, frankly, is to have all makes his return to NEWS EDITOR students that graduate at United . campus By JON SILBERSTEIN-LOEB Low Commons, Burnham said. allotment for programming is usu- World College to go on to universi- . EDITOR IN CHIEF The Mary Low Commons leader ally $90,000, Burnham said. Twenty-eight 2002 graduates of ty," Davis said. position has not been filled. SPB This year, all the money will be the 10 United World Colleges are Colby College President William Last spring, the Student accepted applications from all resi- given to SPB. SPB will then budget attending Colby College this year, Adams believes the scholarship pro- Government Association and the dence halls in the hopes of finding the money at its own discretion. bringing the number of UWC stu- gram shows progress in making Student Programming Doard split, the most qualified applicant. SPB will not have a treasurer, dents on enmpus to 112, nn increase Colby a more diverse community. but how SPB will function indepen- We are hoping Burnham said. of one-third from last year. "International students con- dently and how both organizations to fill the position rv " The new SPB represen- The increased enrollment of tribute to.the intellectual life of the will interact is yet to be finalized. with someone tatives do not United World College students in College in distinctive ways, helping The most far-reaching change from Mary Low, ^ structure of receive a top schools in the United States such set the stage for regular, sometimes created by the split concerns but if no one is stipend, but as Colby, Wellcsley, Middlebury, surprising and often profound Commons representation. Under qualified, then SPB will incorp orate Commons lead- Princeton and College of the exchanges across lines of nationality, the new system, each Commons maybe we'll take more students as ers each get Atlantic is largely to the credit of culture, religion, background and will have two leaders, as in the past, someone from $1,000 and the financier Shelby Davis and the experience," he said. Davis-UWC Scholarship Progrnm. Colby is the most aggressive of — but SPI3 programmers will not be Johnson-Chaplin, decision-makers, SPB social and Dnvis picked the five colleges in ,t "- A day In tlie life of elected from each dorm. Instead, an but we are hoping which J believe will cultural chnirs t , * SPB Selection Committee will we won't run into get a stipend of the five institu- recruiting stu- • 'Dr. Ushari review applications and conduct that, However, we help to diversify $1,700. tions based on rec- My goal, dents from UWC Interviews to choose six program- don't want to SPB must cre- ommondntions ££ schools, Adams . Mahmud. ming representatives. penalize people the p rogramming nle its own con- from fnmily nnd •• f rankly,is to snid. ' r ' ' f ' "We nre hoping by doing nn from ^, other stitution now friends who went Denn of * have all students | l | ( we see on ^ ^ . _ npplicntion process, progrnmming Commons, just thnt the SGA to the schools, Admissions and representatives will be going into because they don't camp us. mtWJ constitution no Dnvis was n grnd- that graduate at Financial Aid [the position] rcnlly knowing whnt live in the correct longer applies to unte of Princeton Parker Beverage is they nre gelling Into nnd nre truly Commons , " — Gretchen Groggel '03 them.