Magazine of the Institute of Directors in New Zealand OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2015 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER boardroom BALANCING ACT Does risk now outweigh reward for directors? SMEs – HOW TO PICK UP THE PACE CRACKING THE BUILDING CODE Liz Coutts – the IoD’s first Introducing IoD Corporate business Opportunities for directors Ten points to ensure woman Vice President Member 7000 practices go rural health and safety BOARDROOM | 3 8 Does risk now outweigh reward for directors? 13 Reading the future 14 A spur for growth 18 Conflict and the boardroom 20 Mover and shaker 23 Māori solution to the health and safety challenge 8 Does risk now outweigh reward? 24 Keeping it in the family Katherine Robinson canvases opinions on whether 26 Ten tips for directors on directors’ fees still measure up. the new health and safety regime 28 Unaffordable housing – why this is a business issue 29 Making it official 30 Pitch perfect 30 Funding for growth 31 Perspectives 32 Strengthening the code 34 Property risks and liabilities 36 A new route to professionalism 41 Astute in governance 18 Conflict and the boardroom INSIDE IoD A good discussion engages different viewpoints – 5 CEO Report but what happens when there is too much divergence? 6 Upfront 31 Governance Leadership Centre (GLC) update 42 Branch Events 44 Branch News Institute of Directors in New Zealand (Inc) Mezzanine Floor, 50 Customhouse Quay PO Box 25253, Wellington 6146 14 A spur for growth New Zealand The difference between tel: 04 499 0076 20 Mover and shaker a lifestyle business fax: 04 499 9488 Meet Michelle Teirney – and a business can email:
[email protected] the IoD’s 7000th member.