May 31, 2018, Vol. 60, No. 22
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EUA: terrorismo contra inmigrantes • ¡Pablo vive! 12 Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! Vol. 60, No. 22 May 31, 2018 $1 From Texas to Ireland defend Women’s lives & liberation! U.S. accelerates Ireland: Women win landslide war on migrants vote for reproductive justice By Chris Fry By Kathleen Durkin Claudia Patricia Gómez Gonzáles, an unarmed Joyous celebrations are taking place woman from Guatemala, was shot in the head and throughout Ireland as women cheer a killed on May 23 by Customs Border Police in Rio historic victory in the 35-year struggle Bravo, Texas. She was 20 years old. for their basic human rights and repro- Al Jazeera news noted: “González was an Indige- ductive choice. A long, hard fight by the nous Maya-Mam woman who had graduated from a women’s movement won a landslide vote forensic accounting program in 2016. Her family said on the May 25 referendum that repealed she was going to the U.S. to find work as they did not the anti-abortion Eighth Amendment to have enough money for her to continue her studies.” the Irish Constitution. (May 26) Orla O’Connor, co-director of Together Karina Alvarez, the founder of Laredo Immigrant for Yes, the umbrella group comprising Alliance, told Al Jazeera that Trump’s rhetoric on mi- Dr. Savita Halappanavar, a member of the over 70 organizations and communities Indian community in Ireland, died after grants had emboldened agents in border towns: “He that carried out this struggle, called it being denied an abortion in a medical was describing us the other day as animals and look “a monumental day for women in Ire- emergency in 2012. now, they shoot us like animals.” land.” She said the vote was “a rejection The U.S. has stepped up a campaign of terror of an Ireland that treats women as sec- She especially acknowledged the work against im/migrant workers and refugees fleeing the ond-class citizens,” reported the May 26 of “migrants who did not have a vote and U.S-spawned violence in their home countries. Guardian newspaper. who were disproportionately affected by The current campaign is spearheaded by President Linda Kavanaugh, organizer of the the Eighth [Amendment], as well as the Trump, his arch-racist Attorney General Jeff Ses- Claudia Patricia Gómez Abortion Rights Campaign, a co-lead- many trans and non-binary people af- González, a Maya-Mam sions, his Chief of Staff John Kelly and his bigoted presi- er of Together for Yes, said the votes for fected.” ( woman from Guatemala, dential coterie. The new policies are designed, by intimi- this “definitive mandate” outnumbered The migrant groups that joined this killed by the U.S. Customs dation and terror, to prevent those facing repression and the votes for inserting the amendment in movement included Migrants and Ethnic Border Police in Rio Bravo, murder in their homelands from traveling to the U.S. to 1983. Grassroots, community-led orga- Minorities for Reproductive Justice, the Texas, on May 23. Continued on page 6 nizing was key to the long-awaited victo- Immigrant Council of Ireland, the Irish ry, she stressed. Continued on page 7 Radical Black woman activist — for mayor 9 Thank you, comrade Karl 2 WW PHOTO: BRENDA RYAN Walt Disney’s SCOTUS rules evil kingdom 4 for bosses — again 5 Trump attacks Anti-war poor women 6 soldiers 5 Subscribe to Workers World 4 weeks trial $4 1 year subscription $30 Sign me up for the WWP Supporter Program: Opioid epidemic & socialism 8 Name ________________________________________________ Email _______________________ Phone __________________ Editorial: KOREA 10 Street ________________ City / State / Zip __________________ Workers World Weekly Newspaper 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl, NY, NY 10011 212.627.2994 CUBA 3 FRANCE 11 IRAQ 11 PALESTINE 3, 10-11 Page 2 May 31, 2018 Introductory remarks given at the event “Marx@200: Class Struggle in the MARX@200 Age of Trump,” hosted by Workers World Party, on May 6 in New York City. Karl Marx & the working-class In the U.S. struggle today U.S. accelerates war on migrants ....................... 1 Ireland: Women win vote for reproductive justice....... 1 By Greg Butterfield Karl Marx and the working-class struggle today ........ 2 Minneapolis: Another city votes for Cuba ............... 3 Welcome to this very special celebration of the 200th birth- Poor People’s Campaign: ‘We shall not be moved’ ...... 3 day of Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism, who was From Buffalo, ‘Palestine will be free!’.................... 3 not only a brilliant thinker, but a revolutionary communist. Twenty years ago, the ruling class cheered for the “end of New York City support for Palestine .................... 3 history.” They said Marxism was finally dead and buried. Their Workers challenge Walt Disney’s evil kingdom.......... 4 long nightmare was over. It would all be smooth sailing and big Supreme Court ‘justice’ is theft from workers ........... 5 profits from now on. Anti-war GIs at Midwest conference .................... 5 But here we are in 2018, on the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birth. In the U.S. and much of the world, interest in Marx- Trump attacks low-income women and workers........ 6 ism is greater than it has been in decades! Capitalism’s tempo- The opioid crisis, Part 2................................. 8 Greg Butterfield rary stabilization, based on the destruction of the Soviet Union Oakland, Calif.: Black woman activist runs for mayor .... 9 and the scientific-technological revolution, is coming to an end. WW PHOTO: BRENDA RYAN Today the world working class is bigger than ever be- In 1986 we published the groundbreaking book “High Around the world fore. Imperialist globalization has destroyed the stable, Tech, Low Pay” by Workers World Party founder Sam WW Commentary: Revolt in education ................. 4 high-paying jobs that gave the Western powers a degree Marcy, and 10 years ago a further development of this Europe protests:: ‘Cancel orchestra tour to Israel!’ .........10 of social peace. Capitalism offers no security, no future, analysis for the Internet age, “Low-Wage Capitalism” by France: Energy workers take ‘Robin Hood’ actions ..... 11 for youth in the Western countries or anywhere else. As Fred Goldstein. Both books have been read by Marxists a result, the revolutionary left (and the broader left) is around the world. Against the continued occupation of Iraq.............. 11 growing rapidly, giving new life to Marx’s ideas. In that spirit, today we want to open up a discussion Anti-imperialists in India support Palestine ............ 11 The working class is a dynamic class that is constantly among the new generation of young activists and veter- Editorial changing. It’s different today than it was in Marx’s time, an fighters about who the working class is today, what its in Lenin’s time or during the great class battles of the biggest problems are, and what is the best way to reach it Why we defend Korea .................................10 1930s. It’s different than it was 20 years ago or last year. with a Marxist-Leninist perspective. Noticias en Español It’s becoming more international, more diverse, driven As communists in the U.S., where imperialism grew up by poverty and war across borders in search of work and on the labor of enslaved African people and the theft of Mujeres en peligro: Campaña de terror safety, driven by environmental catastrophe and mass Indigenous lands, we try to keep this statement by Marx, contra trabajadoras/es inmigrantes....................12 incarceration in the fight for its very survival. from the first volume of “Capital,” always in mind: “Labor ¡Pablo vive! ¡Muerte a la economía ‘gig’! ...............12 Yet today’s working class faces the same fundamental in the white skin can never free itself as long as labor in problem of capitalism that Marx exposed long ago: the the Black skin is branded.” contradiction between social labor and private owner- In the era of Donald Trump’s undisguised white su- ship for profit. premacy and the resurgence of neo-fascist movements in Workers World Party has been working for decades the U.S. and Western Europe, the struggle against racism to orient the movement to the changing character of the and for solidarity among all workers is key to advancing working class: more oppressed nationalities, more wom- the struggle for socialism. Workers World en, more LBGTQ people, migrants, prisoners. We put So we say thank you, Comrade Karl, for your contribu- 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl. forward the need for new tactics and new strategies for tions to human liberation, which have stood the test of New York, NY 10011 organizing and fighting back. time. The struggle is long, but victory is certain! Phone: 212.627.2994 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Vol. 60, No. 22 • May 31, 2018 Join us in the fight Closing date: May 29, 2018 Editor: Deirdre Griswold for socialism! Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, LeiLani Dowell, Kris Balderas Hamel, Monica Moorehead, Workers World Party is a revolutionary Marxist- Wages are lower than ever, and youth are saddled with Minnie Bruce Pratt; Web Editor Gary Wilson Leninist party inside the belly of the imperialist beast. seemingly insurmountable student debt, if they even make Production & Design Editors: Coordinator Lal Roohk; We are a multinational, multigenerational and multigen- it to college. Black and Brown youth and trans people are Andy Katz, Cheryl LaBash dered organization that not only aims to abolish capital- gunned down by cops and bigots on a regular basis. Copyediting and Proofreading: Sue Davis, ism, but to build a socialist society because it’s the only WWP fights for socialism because the working class Bob McCubbin, Jeff Sorel way forward! produces all wealth in society, and this wealth should re- Contributing Editors: Abayomi Azikiwe, Capitalism and imperialism threaten the peoples of main in their hands, not be stolen in the form of capital- Greg Butterfield, G.