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Area/State Colby Free Press Monday, April 26, 2010 Page 3 Weather Candidate talks Students taking speech acts to state Corner From “STATE,” Page 1 Holocaust. Poems can be serious of eyes.” economy in Colby or funny, Browne said, but they Others who will be competing vorite.” have be published work. Stu- are Hannah Matchell, Amanda From “ECONOMY,” Page 1 the state Commerce Department, McLaughlin is also competing dents are not allowed to memo- Barnum, Rachel Lamm, Gray is a good example, he said. in serious solo. rize their poems; they have to Henry, Audra Fleming, Kayla Maryland, but we’re losing people In addition to oil and natural “It’s pretty much just any- read it from the book. Hockersmith, Shelby Terrell, to Texas and Florida.” gas, he said, Kansas should attract thing,” she said. Junior Bailey Koerperich will Gunner Gawith, Jake Rose, According to U.S. Census Bu- more wind and biofuel produc- She will do a monologue as compete in informative speaking Madison Gawith, Brady Rose reau estimates, every county in tion. Brownback advocated build- a girl who watches as brother is with a seven-minute speech on a and Brock Wagoner. northwest Kansas has lost popu- ing more power transmission lines murdered by her best friend. She topic of her choice. Koerperich Alternates are Andrea Diz- lation since the 2000 census. so that wind farms can be built in said she wrote the piece herself said she chose the Internet. She mang, Jared Nally, Chace McN- Brownback said he’d like to see rural areas. Kansas is also a top at the beginning of the season talks about avoiding some of the inch, Kate Ostmeyer, Tomi Mill- the state create special economic milo producer, he said, which is a and just changed portions of it negative effects of Facebook, er, Bailey Terrell, Karly Kriss zones for these counties where good feedstock for cellulosic etha- for state.
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