Congressional R.1Dcord-. Sen Ate
1130 CONGRESSIONAL R.1DCORD-. SENATE. JUNE 16,: · By ~Ir. ROGERS : P.etition of certain residents of Lowell, The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceedings Mass., protesting against the tax on sodas, soft drinks, and icc of '!'hur day last, when, on request of Mr. SMoOT and by unani cream; to the Committee on Ways and Means. mous con. ent, the further reading was dispensed with and the . lly Mr. SANDERS of New York: Petition of 1\Iiss l\I. Anna Journal was approved. ' Crandall, of Kendall, N. Y., and 16 other residents of that 1\Ir. SMOOT. Mr. President, I sugge.·t the absence of a village, urging the passage of a law defining intoxicating quorum. liquors as liquors containing one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. and urging the passage of adequate enforcement legislation ·of The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an the eighteenth amenilinent; to the Committee on the Judiciary. swered to their names : · Also, petition of the congregation of Spencer Ripley Methodist Beckham Harding Nel on ' mith, . C. Episcopal Church, of Rochester, N. Y., unanimously protesting Borah Harris New Smoot Calder Harrison Newberry Sterling against any bill to weaken the provisions of the war-prohibition Capper Henderson Norris ' utherland law effective July 1, 1919; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Chamberlain Hitchcock Nugent Swa nson Also, petition .of 110 reside~ts of Batavia, N. Y., urging the Culberson Jones, N. 1\Iex. Overman Thoma Cummins Jones, Wash. Page 'l'rammell repeal of the tax on sodas, soft drinks, and ice cream ; to the Curtis Kenyon Phelan Underwood Coinmittee on Ways and Means.
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