6 0 0 2 r a M 3 6 3 e 1 u 2 s - s 3 I 7 , 9 I 0 I l N S o S Vol II, Issue 3 Mar 2006 II, V Vol I ISSN 0973-2136 RRs.100s.100 MMONTHLYONTHLY RRNI:NI: DDELENG/2005/15153ELENG/2005/15153 NNo:o: DDL(E)-01/5079/05-07L(E)-01/5079/05-07 PPOSITIONING,OSITIONING, NNAVIGATIONAVIGATION ANDAND BBEYONDEYOND DDevelopingeveloping nationalnational SSDIDI pplatformlatform fforor GGreecereece IIndianndian preludeprelude toto BritishBritish ccadastraladastral aandnd revenuerevenue mapsmaps TThehe bbiggestiggest GPSGPS marketmarket inin JJapanapan iiss ccarar nnavigationavigation — HHiroshiiroshi NNishiguchiishiguchi CONTENTS – VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3, MAR 2006 Articles What does our world really look like? RAINER MAUTZ 8 Gagan update ARJUN SINGH 12 Indian prelude to British cadastral and revenue maps B ARUNACHALAM 22 Developing national SDI platform for Greece S ALEXIADOU AND A RAJABIFARD 28 Spatial and dynamic modeling techniques NOVALINE JACOB AND KRISHNAN R 36 National GPS programme for earthquake hazard assessment MANORANJAN MOHANTY 40 Columns My Coordinates EDITORIAL 4 His Coordinates HIROSHI NISHIGUCHI 6 MAHESH CHANDRA 20 News INDUSTRY 14 GPS 16 GIS 18 REMOTE SENSING 20 GALILEO UPDATE 43 Tracking NSDI PS ACHARYA, RN NANDA AND A SINDAL 26 Mark your calendar APRIL TO NOVEMBER 42 cGIT 28A Pocket D, SFS Mayur Vihar Phase III, Delhi 110 096, India. Phones +91 11 22632607, 98107 24567, 98102 33422 Email [information]
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[email protected] Web www.mycoordinates.org This issue has been made possible by the support and good wishes of the following individuals and companies A Rajabifard, Arjun Singh, A Sindal, B Arunachalam, Hiroshi Nishiguchi, Krishnan R, Mahesh Chandra, Manoranjan Mohanty, Novaline Jacob, PS Acharya, Rainer Mautz, RN Nanda, S Alexiadou and; Contex, CSI Wireless, HP, Leica, Navcom, PCI, Topcon, Trimble; and many others.