Holiday season in full swing — pages 4-5

Down to one Kwaj Kid is all airline grown up — page 3 — page 12

(Yomoko Kemem portrays Boo Bear in Thursday’s elementary school presentation of Boo Bear and The Night Before Christmas. Six Little Snowflakes was also on the bill at the evening performance.) Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2004 (Photo by Mig Owens) The Kwajalein Hourglass Letters to the editor Kwaj has to say. at the Hobby Shop. He was part of Commander Thanks for taking the time to help the project from very start to finish, us understand your goals. which also included test firings with dispells rumors Johnson. He went out of his way, with — Ann Hosti the help of Mike Wiltrout at the metal I have lived on Kwajalein two years, shop, to get the metal stands made on and have noticed that sometimes a short deadline. Toby Mann, Sandy rumors and gossip seem to spread Thanks offered Tolwi and Elton David all work at the much faster than facts. I attended the I’m a bit late in writing to this, but Electrical Shop and they all made meeting last night, prior to that all the that doesn’t mean it isn’t heartfelt. I sure everything was wired correctly, info I had was Kwaj gossip. I try hard want to thank the many people who up to code and safely. to discard the gossip and rumors, but helped get the new kilns in place at This was a big project that offers the sometimes it sticks around and nags the Hobby Shop back in October. community on Kwajalein another place at me. I am glad I went last night as I Rusty LaRoche and Marcus John- to express their creativity and produce was very favorably impressed as were son, from the Appliance Shop were great pottery and ceramic pieces. It the people who attended with me. great. La Rouche was the lead man couldn’t have happened without the This forum is a good way for the cooridinating the logistics with other wonderful cooperation and support of community to get to know their lead- shops and Johnson is the main man the people involved. Thanks for the ers and to hear from them what is fact when it comes to troubleshooting the great teamwork guys! and what is fiction. kilns; he has put a lot of his time and Aloha and Mahalo, I look forward to attending more dedication into the project and still Town Halls, and using those meetings is. Jim Hockenberger works full time — Andrea Criste to learn about what the leadership on at the Machine Shop and part time Hobby Shop Coordinator Have an opinion you’d like to Letters to the Editor Marshallese Word of the Day share? Write a commentary for the To submit a letter to the editor: Hourglass. Send your commentary to: Keep letters to less than 300 words, The Hourglass, P.O. Box 23, Local; and keep comments to the issues. or hourglass Letters must be signed. We will edit for AP style and, if you exceed the word limit, space. Limit one letter Classified ads every 30 days.Send your letter to: are due for Tuesday’s paper by noon, The Hourglass, P.O. Box 23, Friday and for Friday’s paper by Local; or hourglass kakiie - rest or vacation noon, Wednesday. Limit ads to 50 words. The Kwajalein Buckminster and Friends by Sabrina Mumma Hourglass Commanding Officer...... COL Beverly Stipe Public Affairs Officer...LuAnne Fantasia Editor...... Nell Drumheller Assistant Editor...... Mig Owens Graphics Designer...... Dan Adler Circulation...... Will O’Connell The Hourglass is named for the insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which liberated the island from the forces of Imperial Japan on Feb 4, 1944. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an autho- rized publication for military personnel, federal employees, contractor workers and their families assigned to USAKA. Contents of the Hourglass are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Govern- ment, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. It is published Tues- days and Fridays in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a network printer by Kwajalein Range Services edito- rial staff, P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555. Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539. Printed circulation: 2,000

The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2004 Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2004 The Kwajalein Hourglass Adios to Aloha Hawaiian based out and during Christmas break,” Groth said. “We didn’t have one over- airline drops contract sold flight last summer on either Con- tinental or Aloha because of the extra for Marshall Island, Pago Pago routes flight Continental added,” By Mig Owens out, heard Friday night, was confirmed Groth said. Assistant Editor in a press release Saturday morning. The effect on Groth’s McCrary attributes the move to an department, which Aloha Airlines announced on Thurs- attempt by Aloha to restructure and employs 24 on Kwa- day that it will discontinue its twice- become profitable again. He also cites jalein and four on weekly flights to the Marshall Islands that the appointment of a new compa- Roi-Namur, is and American Samoa. The airline will ny president Nov. 2 may have been expected to be operate its last flight between Honolu- a contributing factor. minimal. lu, Kwajalein and Majuro on Jan. 10. McCrary expressed “We have According to a press release, “the one open inconsistent traffic pattern failed to generate sufficient revenue to cover

position, which I’ll recommend not fill- operating expenses, making this action concerns about what the announce- ing – and hope for no other effects,” necessary.” ment means for residents and added Groth said. “The only thing that will Reservations will be taken through that effects of the move extend beyond change here is our employee sched- the last day of travel and passengers Kwajalein. ule.” booked on future Aloha flights to and “Majuro is affected too,” McCrary Groth said that passengers with from those destinations will be re-ac- said. “Majuro and Kwajalein are the tickets on Aloha beyond Jan. 10 would commodated. only places commercial airlines fly in need to have their tickets endorsed “In these challenging times when the the Marshall Islands.” over to Continental or request a re- airline industry is feeling the financial We will engage in conversation [with fund, and that the two companies have impact of soaring fuel costs, carriers Aloha] to see if there’s something we a co-chair partnership enabling them are being forced to make difficult busi- can do…don’t know how much lever- to work together in this fashion. ness decisions driven by more tactical age we have,” he said. “We’re dealing Contractors may fly on Air Mobility use of their aircraft resources in mar- with an international airline.” McCrary Command from Kwajalein to Honolulu kets that better serve their customer said that no plans exist for a different and back, but the rates are locked. base and bring proven returns to the airline to take Aloha’s place. With AMC prices at about $600 more bottom line,” said David A. Banmiller, Donna Groth, terminal supervisor, per roundtrip than Continental, Groth Aloha’s president and chief executive considers the move a loss of service does not foresee a switch to use of the officer, via press release. for the community and said that the military carrier. ”We regret having to take this action. announcement was absolutely unex- Aloha began serving the Marshall The airline did its best to be responsive pected. Islands in September 1999. For more to island communities in the remote “Aloha is still flying through the busy than four years, the service was oper- Pacific region but can no longer use times of Christmas and there are three ated via Johnston Atoll using Boeing valuable assets with a consistently oversold flights after the mission,” 737-200 aircraft. negative return,” he added. Groth said. “When we start back for Following the closure of the military The announcement “was completely summer, Continental may add a fourth facility at Johnston in December 2003, unexpected” according to Maj. Jud flight as they’ve done two years run- Aloha began flying Next G