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lE iS ^ rW **V'« ^'•<' V‘*-**lH ■'•t. ■ - V . -:a^'- -■ 'M '■>- ‘W .■ • ' ‘.fci.j U. > 'V ' •■;•■ mr > ■/■ : •S.\ 'i,^■.- i' . '. : ' -'f. ' FA€W TWINTT-FOUB ^ V /V FRIDAY, MAY 18, IMjt Awiafe itally Net Prem Ron I , . I I tti^ Week Biidedi,..,....^ . # !:-'■ -1,.. i . v „ ,, iBs^^stifr Svmitts l^italh The Weetlier ................ ... * .■■■■'■.'■ nmf IX. tm - y FereeMt of P. ■ . Weetker PiiHpii 13,578 deer, xalUtaaIglit,X«ir 'H ioei. atanber e< the A«dlt . Sno^'iM ettr mmar, hot, •eMtae* Cool Madras.. the marvelous traditioiral fashion Wmeea •( ObndatlMi ed ttiiBideir^Mnren teeraiKii efior. M anchcBtet^A City o f VQiage Charm ‘ \ DOOM, n g h la Me.^ L . j N ^ DAYS 9:30 A.M. p l^ is new for summer in the palest pastel. *0 ^:45 P.M.; OPEN - . plaid Bermuda short is fully V0L.LXXXI,N0.195 (TWELVE PAGe A—TV SECTION) THURSDAVS 9:30 A.M. to «>:00 P.M. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 19, m z ^ lined, with extension waistband, front zipper, CENTS* ^ $7.98. Combined with a sieeveless cotton Phonma. Heading Home > ■" chamlrav shirt to be worn in or out, 8-16. *4.98. Rival^ays State News President Marines Join Thai Roundup DeatH Forces Near Laos Fathers Death ' Aids Ted Blamed on Son f\ .. .-X • headquarters BANGKOK, ’ Thailandt*>roiLk*** Americsn troops rushing ^^ HARTFORD (A P )—The • CHICOPEE, M au. (A P )— to Thailand to discourage any fur Atty. Gen. Edward J. McCor (AP) — Monsoon - drenched ther Cbmftiunist advances. highway death of Ivon, W. y . A mack Jr. has asserted he has U.S. Marines prepared today Bt. Gen. James 1- Richardson Clough, 54, Bennington,’ N. documentary proof of inter to join Thai army units in and U.S; Ambassador Kenneth T. H., was hlnmed yesterday on military maneuvers near Young accompanied Harkins on ference from Washington in the flight to Udon, 350 miles north the criminal neglect of his his contest with Edward M. Thailand’s tense border with east of Bangkok. They arranged to son, Donald; Kennedy for the Democratic Communist-menaced Laos. drive to the town of Nong Han,' Coroner Louis W. Schaefer Torrential rains Jashed the rice where the Marines are ramped. said blood samples Indicated that nomination for the U.S. Sen paddies where the bulk of the 1,- Communist radio broadcasts both Clougha were under the in U.S. Shuts ate. 800-man Marine battle group in claimed royal Laotian troops at fluence of alcohol at the time of Kerihedy, youngest brother of northeast Thailand is camped only tacked and drove back pro.Com- the accident. April 8 in South President John P. Kennedy, flatly 30 miles from the Mekong River munlat Pathet la o rebels ttora an Windsor. denied any ..interference by either border with Laos. The Marines area near the royal capital of The younger Clough, driving a All Ports o f hla brothers—the President or plodded through deep .mud this laiang Prabang earlier' this week. car he had purchased only one HOUSE U.S. Attorney General Robert F. morning to clean up their impres But reports froni Laos indicated month before, was speeding, MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER . AMPLE FREE PARKING IN REAR Kennedy. sive array of ahooting iron. a lull In military' acUvlty as at-1 Schaefer said, l% e charge and the dental came Gen. Paul D. Harkins, over-sUI tention focused on dlplorhatlc The coroner said the accident To Texan last night as the rivala met In a commander o f the U.S. force in maneuvers that the United States might have been partly due to Don- double-barreled debate on' televi- ’Thailand, flew to northeast t.aos hopes will bring about a neutral aid *M. Clough’s inexperience in alon a^d later on WHYN-TV In today to inspect the situation, Laos and end the need for U.S. operating a car equipped with BRYAN, Tex. (AP) — A 'X Springfield and the second ap- which Soviet Premier Nikita troops in Thailand. power steering. 'pearance which ran about double Khrushchev warned might explode grand jury will look into th* Prince Souvanna Phouma, self- myaterious death of an Agri- that time followed at the Schine into a shooting match like the Ko styled Laotian neutralist leader, Chart {fes Without Merit Inn here. rean War! headed home from Europe today HARTFORD (AP) —Accusa cultuto Department ag6nt McCormagb ■aid that, he will Harkins, also head of the U.S. to try once again to form a non- who'• had bwn investtgating make <duu-gef'-wlth further docu tions against the Teamsters Union Military Assistance ‘Command in aligned government, which both by a member of the New Lon^n mentary proof aVthe proper time. South Viet Nam, declared that the Billie Sol Estes’ dealinsrs in the United States and the Soviet Local arc -without merit, a Na cotton allotments. McCormack is a neph^ of House American forcey in ’Thailand are Union say they want. tional Labor Relations Board offi FOR Speaker John W. McC^miMk. under Ivold-flre orders. But he Dist. Atty. Bryan Ruos oedered The anti-Oommunlst Vientiane cer said yesterday. Keimedy said he had asked his warned that danger still, lurks government of Premie^ Prince the probe Friday "to clear tha Trial Examiner John F. Funke cloud ccmnectlng this with ' tha brothers not to interfere! and tha^ from prb-CommunlSt forces in recommended that the charges by they "have other interests which Laos whose recent offensive (Continued on Page Eleven) Billie Sol Estea ease — if there Is '^John R. Hamilton, an employe of any connection." take up their time." . the Spicer Fuel Co., bo dismissed. In a news conference in Wash Tha jury will meet at noatky Hamilton complained that the Franklin, Tex., Monday. ington the President said Hiurs- company gave preferred treatment ' day that he had taken no part in 'Shed No Tear8^ to another employe, and that the Meanwhile, Sen.. Ralph Tikrbor- Oia contest here and remarked union refused to back up his griv- cnigh, D-Tex., disclosed In Wasli* that ka would like to comfort his ance. Ington that only flvs mdaflia ago broUMr Ted. " he recelvad suggestlonB o f a move Ted Kennedy said that he had to draft Estea to run for gover nelthW iUd nor advice from Wash. Million Evans Jr. Acquitted nor of Texas. Yarborough slid iw ingtOB but he added of his broth HARTFORD (AP) — Philip discouraged the move. ers ‘*Ot course, I do talk to them Evans Jr., 33, waa a^uitted In Su perior Court yesterday of charges And in Houston, Horace C. Har and PU continue to do so.’’ . ris, officer, in charge of the oitys Ilielr debate Is the' first of a that he conspired to stage a car Illegally, Jury Says accident four years ago. immigration and naturalisation series of three sponsored by a office, laid Friday night that air ORB.BN splinter organization of Demo 6 ' Five other men involved in the- 6 T A M P S J two-car collision have beeh con line and shipping companlea ara crats. 'They are to meet again lat being notified thw will be penal er this month In Boston and in NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP)'fl’y 6offa's lawyers to,dismiss a victed of conspiracy to obtain money by false pretenses.' ised it they give Estea pa*wage out Worcester. —^TeamsteT Union president federal mail fraud indictment of ths country. The two contenders for the sen- based on a- land development deal Evans maintained ail along that Scott Carpenter, right, scheduled to make a round the world orbit filght next Tuesday, tallunirith John Jatnes R. Hoffa wafe^indicted involving alleged misuse of half a he loiew nothing about the acci Glenn during preparations for the space filght at Cape Canaveral. Glenn, who’s holdmg Ute fii^ t In Washin^on, James U Hen- nesy, executive assistant to the ' (Contlnaed on Page Five) by a federal court jury here mjllion dollars of Teamster union dent" until after it happened. plan for Carpenter’s flight, made a three-orbit filght last February. (NASA Photo via AP Photo funds. fax) ' commissioner of Immlgratiim'and Friday on charges of violat - *> ______ naturalization, confirmed lasuanea ing the Taft-Hartley Law and Indicted with Hoffa at Nash Jailed Man Freed ville was Commercial Carriers, o f the notice to all porta in tha collecting some f l million il HARTFORD (AP) — Donald J. nation for relay to transportation Lodge, Sadlak, Inc., a Detroit auto transport firm LAreau, 22. who yesterday waa Space Ride Tuesday legally. charged with setting up the Ten Experts Label flrma. He described the o ^ r os only halfway through a 14-month fairly routine under , the MoCar- The two - count Indictment, nessee firm. Test Fleet Corp., and jail sentence and faced additional which involved payment through throwing lucrative (Cadillac auto, ran-Walter Immigration law, and Seely-Brown Jr time for attempting 4o ascaps, it a said such action la frequently toh* an auto transport firm Incorporat haubng business its way. A t tha free man today. Titov Qreen by .on as a praoohtton wbtts ed In NashvUle, was revealed in time, Conuhercial Carriers had a No legal objections were nUsed ' 8 Call on Pinney Washington by Atty. Gen. Robert labor contract with the Teanisters font investigation are tmder way. when Lareau was sent to jail last Hennessy said he had no indica Kennedy. ’The* attorney general, Union. fall for motor vehlcls theft U.S. Stanidards along .With hla brother President ’Tha indictment charges Hof^a tion that EUtes might ba planning HAOTTORD (AP>—Jokn-'Swte- But, after his unsuccessful es to leavt Ute oounuy.