lE iS ^ rW **V'« ^'•<' V‘*-**lH ■'•t. ■ - V . -:a^'- -■ 'M '■>- ‘W .■ • ' ‘.fci.j U. > 'V ' •■;•■ mr > ■/■ : •S.\ 'i,^■.- i' . '. : ' -'f. ' FA€W TWINTT-FOUB ^ V /V FRIDAY, MAY 18, IMjt Awiafe itally Net Prem Ron I , . I I tti^ Week Biidedi,..,....^ . # !:-'■ -1,.. i . v „ ,, iBs^^stifr Svmitts l^italh The Weetlier ................ ... * .■■■■'■.'■ nmf IX. tm - y FereeMt of P. ■ . Weetker PiiHpii 13,578 deer, xalUtaaIglit,X«ir 'H ioei. atanber e< the A«dlt . Sno^'iM ettr mmar, hot, •eMtae* Cool Madras.. the marvelous traditioiral fashion Wmeea •( ObndatlMi ed ttiiBideir^Mnren teeraiKii efior. M anchcBtet^A City o f VQiage Charm ‘ \ DOOM, n g h la Me.^ L . j N ^ DAYS 9:30 A.M. p l^ is new for summer in the palest pastel. *0 ^:45 P.M.; OPEN - . plaid Bermuda short is fully V0L.LXXXI,N0.195 (TWELVE PAGe A—TV SECTION) THURSDAVS 9:30 A.M. to «>:00 P.M. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 19, m z ^ lined, with extension waistband, front zipper, CENTS* ^ $7.98. Combined with a sieeveless cotton Phonma. Heading Home > ■" chamlrav shirt to be worn in or out, 8-16. *4.98. Rival^ays State News President Marines Join Thai Roundup DeatH Forces Near Laos Fathers Death ' Aids Ted Blamed on Son f\ .. .-X • headquarters BANGKOK, ’ Thailandt*>roiLk*** Americsn troops rushing ^^ HARTFORD (A P )—The • CHICOPEE, M au. (A P )— to Thailand to discourage any fur Atty. Gen. Edward J. McCor (AP) — Monsoon - drenched ther Cbmftiunist advances. highway death of Ivon, W. y . A mack Jr. has asserted he has U.S. Marines prepared today Bt.
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