Bibliografi 2003 Proquest
BIBLIOGRAFI 2003 PROQUEST Accumulation of fumonisins B1 and B2 in freshly harvested Brazilian commercial maize at three locations during two nonconsecutive seasons/Simone M. Camargos, Lucia M. Valente Soares, Eduardo Sawazaki, Denizart Bolonhezi, Jairo L. Castro, Nelson Bortolleto. Mycopathologia. Dordrecht:May 2003. Vol. 155, Iss. 4, p. 219-228 Best types of maize hybrids for the Western High Plains of the USA/F R Guillen-Portal, W K Russell, D D Baltensperger, K M Eskridge, et al. Crop Science. Madison:Nov/Dec 2003. Vol. 43, Iss. 6, p. 2065-2070 Canning Gold: Northern New England's Sweet Corn Industry/ Derek Oden. Agricultural History. Berkeley:Fall 2003. Vol. 77, Iss. 4, p. 617-619 Canopy Structure, Light Interception, and Photosynthesis in Maize/D W Stewart, C Costa, L M Dwyer, D L Smith, et al. Agronomy Journal. Madison:Nov/Dec 2003. Vol. 95, Iss. 6, p. 1465-1474 Chaco corn import /Constance Holden. Science. Washington:Oct 24, 2003. Vol. 302, Iss. 5645, p. 561 Characterization of the stimulating effect of low-dose stressors in maize and bean seedlings/Peter Nyitrai, Karoly Boka, Laszlo Gaspar, Eva Sarvari, et al. Journal of Plant Physiology. Stuttgart:Oct 2003. v. 160, Iss. 10, p. 1175-83 Comparing methods for integrating exotic germplasm into European forage maize breeding programs1/Domagoj Simic, Thomas Presterl, Gunter Seitz, Hartwig H Geiger. Crop Science. Madison:Nov/Dec 2003. Vol. 43, Iss. 6, p. 1952-1959 Bibliografi Hasil Penelitian Pertanian : Komoditas Jagung 1 Comparison of Broiler Performance When Fed Diets Containing Grain from Yield Gard1 Rootworm (MON863), YieldGard Plus (MON810 W MON863), Nontransgenic Control, or Commercial Reference Corn Hybrids/M L Taylor, Y Hyun, G F Hartnell, S G Riordan, et al.
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