ELSA MALTA LAW REVIEW 2 ELSA MALTA LAW REVIEW Sixth Edition ELSA MALTA European Law Students' Association Malta The European Law Smdents'Assodacion ELSA MALTALR AW RE VIEW .\!:\LT.\ 3 Published in 2016 by European Law Students Association Malta Student's House, University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq, Msida MSD 2080, Malta www.elsa.org.mt Typesetting and Cover Design by James Debono Printed by Progress Press Company Limited, Mriehel, Malta ISSN 2305-1949 ELSA Malta Law Review @ Correspondence should be addressed to: Editor-in-Chief - ELSA Malta law Review E-mail:
[email protected] All contributions published in the ELSA Malta law Review are licensed by an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 (MALTA) Creative Commons Licence. Readers are allowed to copy, distribute, and transmit the articles contained in this Edition, but not forcommercial purposes. This is subject to the terms and conditions therein. Lead sponsor Deloitte 1, 4 ABOUT The ELSA Malta Law Review is a student-edited and peer-reviewed law journal published by the European Law Students' Association Malta. The Review is published annually and is independent fromthe University of Malta. The ELSA Malta Law Review is an open access journal which means that all content is freelyavailable without charge to the user or his/her institution. The ELSA Malta Law Review is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals and also part of the Social Science Research Network's Partners in Publishing programme. http://www.elsa.org.mt/elsamaltalawreview / ELSA Malta Law Review- Edition VI 2016 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Liza-Marie Cassar Editors Chantelle Cauchi Michelle Grech Nicole Sciberras Debona Luca Zahra 5 FOREWORD I am deeply honoured to introduce the sixth edition of the ELSA Malta Law Review.