BLACK HISTORY365 Courtesy of the AT&T Alabama African American History Calendar
BLACK HISTORY365 Courtesy of the AT&T Alabama African American History Calendar JANUARY volt in Louisiana, 1811. Rights Movement, was born in 22 Susan Rice confirmed as U.S. Am- Atlanta, Georgia, 1929. bassador to the U.N., the first 1 President Abraham Lincoln issues 9 Earl Gilbert Graves, Sr., publisher, African American female to hold Emancipation Proclamation, 1863. entrepreneur, philanthropist, and 16 Marcelite Jordan Harris, the first that position, 2009. founder of Black Enterprise maga- African American female general in 2 Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander, zine was born in Brooklyn, New the United States Air Force, was 23 Roots the television miniseries the first African American woman York, 1935. born in Houston, Texas, 1943. based on Alex Haley’s book Roots: to receive a Ph.D. in the United The Saga of an American Family, States, was born in Philadelphia, 1898. 10 George Washington Carver, agri- 17 Three-time heavyweight boxing began airing on ABC, 1977. cultural scientist, inventor, and champion Muhammad Ali was 3 William Tucker, the first recorded educator born in 1864. born in Louisville, Kentucky, 1942. 24 Jackie Robinson is first African African American born in the American elected to Baseball Hall American colonies, was born in 11 Reuben V. Anderson, first African 18 Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, pioneer of Fame, 1962. Jamestown, Virginia, 1624. American to be appointed to heart surgeon, was born in Mississippi Supreme Court, 1985. Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, 1856. 25 Black Entertainment Television be- 4 Grace Bumbry, opera singer, was gan broadcasting, 1980. born in St. Louis, Missouri, 1937. 12 U.S. Supreme Court rules that Afri- 19 John Harold Johnson, publisher can Americans have the right to (Ebony and Jet magazines), author, 26 Angela Yvonne Davis, political ac- 5 Alvin Ailey, Jr., hall of fame choreo- study law at state institutions, 1948.
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