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AREAS with HIGHEST HUMANITRIAN VULNERABILITY Optdecemberareas 2018 with HIGHEST HUMANITRIAN VULNERABILITY December 2018 OPT AREAS WITH HIGHEST HUMANITRIAN VULNERABILITY oPtDECEMBERAREAS 2018 WITH HIGHEST HUMANITRIAN VULNERABILITY December 2018 AREA C ¹º» Area C is the over 60 per cent of the West Bank where Israel retains near ¹º» exclusive control, including over law enforcement, access and movement, and planning and construction. The restrictive planning regime applied by Israel Jenin in Area C makes it virtually impossible for Palestinians to obtain building "J permits, impeding the development of adequate housing, infrastructure and livelihoods. ¹º» EAST JERUSALEM Around 320,000 Palestinians and 212,000 Israeli settlers currently reside in Tulkarm Tub"Jas ¹º»"J East Jerusalem, which was annexed to Israel in contravention of international º» law. Many Palestinians in East Jerusalem are at risk of forcible displacement ¹ from demolitions, settler evictions and revocation of residency. Israeli measures, including the Barrier and the permit regime, have increasingly cut Nablus off East Jerusalem from the rest of the oPt. "J Qalq¹º»iliya "J AREAS BEHIND THE BARRIER Most of the Barrier’s route runs inside the West Bank. Where the Barrier is complete, currently 65 per cent of the route, Palestinian farmers must obtain special permits or ‘prior coordination’ to reach their land via a few authorized n "J a d gates, while those residing in the closed area between the Barrier and the r Salfit o J ‘Green Line’ face reduced access to services. The construction of the Barrier r e followed a wave of Palestinian attacks inside Israel and has the stated aim of v i preventing such attacks. R H2 ‘H2’ is the 20 per cent of Hebron city that remains under direct Israeli control. It is home to approximately 33,000 Palestinians and a few hundred Israeli Ramallah No Man's "J settlers. Policies and practices implemented by the Israeli authorities, citing Land Allenby Bridge A ¹º» security concerns, have reduced a once thriving area to a ‘ghost town’. The Jericho living conditions of many Palestinians who remain in some parts of H2 have "J been gradually undermined, including with regard to basic services and sources of livelihood. East Jerusalem "J ¹º» ne Li GAZA STRIP e tic e) "J is in rm L Nearly 2 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip are facing a longstanding A en 49 re Bethlehem humanitarian crisis. This is driven by a protracted Israeli blockade, imposed 19 (G citing security concerns, an intensification of the internal Palestinian political divide, and three major escalations of hostilities in less than ten years. Combined, these factors have devastated public infrastructure, disrupted the delivery of basic services and undermined already vulnerable living conditions. Access to D areas within 200-300 meters from the perimeter fence surrounding Gaza and to Special Case sea areas beyond 6 nautical miles from the coast are largely prohibited. A (H2) Hebron "J Erez (Beit Hanoun) Beit Lahiy"Ja ¹º» Beit "JHanun Jab"Jalya Gaz"Ja City ¹º» ¹º» e c ¹º» ¹º» n e F te re c n a ¹º» Crossing Point o e C Deir al Balah / S d ¹º» Green ine hecpoint "J re i n W a Constrcted arrier le b e u n o n Proected Under Constrction arrier D a a West d r r r o ristice reen ine Khan Yunis e Bank J "J t i ast ersae a I S R A E L d e S e n eron a e M a n e a S r Salah r d Area ehind arrier e a t Ad Din Access Restricted Ar eas e d Rafah G a z a D Gate ¹º»e"J Oso Area M S trip ¹º» Nogo area Rafah º» Oso Area (Al 'Awda)¹ E I s r a e l Kerem Shalom igh ris area g y No ans and E G Y P T ¹º» (Karm abu Salem) p t 2.
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