(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,510,152 B1 (*) Notice R
USOO651O152B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,510,152 B1 Gerszberg et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 21, 2003 (54) COAXIAL CABLE/TWISTED PAIR FED, 5,880,446 A 3/1999 Mori .......................... 235/380 INTEGRATED RESIDENCE GATEWAY 5,940,387 A * 8/1999 Humpleman ................ 370/352 CONTROLLED, SET TOP BOX 5,978,780 A 11/1999 Watson ........................ 705/40 5.991,800 A * 11/1999 Burke et al. ................ 709/218 5.999.207 A 12/1999 Rodriguez et al. ............ 348/14 (75) Inventors: SES inton.sty 6,026,158. A 2/2000 Bayless et al. ............. 379/355 Martin, Y. plinger, 6,034,689 A * 3/2000 White et al. ................ 345/357 Morristown, Philip Andrew Treventi, 6,049,831. A 4/2000 Gardell et al. .............. 709/236 Murray Hill; Hopeton S. Walker, 6,137,839 A * 10/2000 Mannering et al. ......... 375/260 Haledon, all of NJ (US) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73) Assignee: AT&T Corp., Middletown, NJ (US) David Iler, “Telephony Over Cable, Communications Engi (*)* ) Notice:Notice RSubject t Neildisclai TGI. the E."t f thi neeringLee Goldbers, and Design”, MCNA/DOCSIS 12/98, http://www.cednagazine.com. MAC Clear a Path For the Cable-Modem Invasion, Electronic Design”, Dec. 7, 1997, U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. http://www.penton.com/ed/PageS/magpages/dec0197/ comtech/1201ct1.htm. (21) Appl. No.: 09/224,281 Ralph W. Brown, “Pegasus Set-top Terminal', 3/97, http:// (22) Filed: Dec. 31, 1998 www.pathfinder.com/corp/tech/brown?pegasuS/pegasuSSet topnctapaper.html, Time Warner Cable. Related U.S.
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