Manchester Growth Slows During '70S 5

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Manchester Growth Slows During '70S 5 24 — THE HERALD, Thurs., Feb. 4. 1982 ‘ S ; " Parents urge | Maid testifies Mu Ivey gives I school funds about insulin his views ->■•• ar'l ;c -./ ^4 -.i'. ... page 3 ... page 9 ... page 5 f Snow tonight; Manchester, Conn. colder Saturday Fri., Feb. 5, 1982 .V' -. See page 2 25 Cents Manchester growth slows during '70s 5 By Paul Hendrie Herald Reporter Manchester Were there any such thing as an average Manchester resident, she would be white, married pnd 32.6 years old. at a glance A comparison of government 1980 cen­ sus data, just released, and 1970 census • Total population; 49,761. data shows that Manchester continued to • Population gain since 1970; 1,- grow during the l970s, but at a much 767, or 3.7 percent. slower rate than beforO. • Median age; 32.6, up from 30.6 The data also show that Manchester • Women outnumbered men 26,- grew older in the past decade, women 317 to 23,444. continued to outnumber men and non­ • Of people 15 and older, 10,297 whites remained a small minority. were single, 22,968 were married, Marriage was less popular in 1980 than in 690 were separated, 3,392 were 1970. widowed and 2,612 were divorced. Manchester’s population during the • Median housing value; $63,800. 1970s grew from 47,994 to 49,761. That’s a • Average household size; 2.64. growth rate of 3.7 percent. In com­ • Numberof households; 18,459. parison, the town’s population jumped by • Number of families; 13,502. Herald photo by Tarquinlo 13 percent in the 1960s. • There were 48,097 whites, 1,012 F 'The median age for the town in 1980 blacks and 652-other minorities. As the snow melts ... was 32.6, compared to a 1970 median age of 30.6. Srtow on the-slbpes In East Cemetery disappeared down to fOrm a pond In a lower area. Some of the The median age increased as the during the few warmer days this week, but flowed headstories are barely visible above the water. children of the 60s became the adults *" • ■'■n't and'yoiing adults of the 70s. In 1970, the The total married population In 1980 largest population concentration fell was 22,968, or 55 percent of all residents between the ages of 5 and 24, with 16,500 older than 14. Speqjal education In 1980, there were 5,261 single males people. Ten years later, the largest pop­ E ulation concentration was between the older than 14, or 28.4 percent. That figure ages of 15 and 34, with 17,024. in 1970 was 25 percent. In 1980, there There were 5,608 people between the were 5,036 single females, or 23.5 percent of the female population older than 14. a ages of 35 and 44 in 1980 and 4,914 people between the ages of 45 and 54. The 1970 That figure in 1970 was 21.2 percent. 4 4 ' Bentli^y may keep one class figures, in comparison, showed 5,027 peo­ In 1980, there were 1,518 males either ple 35 to 44 years old and 6,550 people 45 divorced or widowed, accounting for 8 to 54. percent of the males older than 14., That By Nancy Thompeidn “ time out” rooms, where disruptive students The Board of Education pianning com ­ The percentage of the town’s popula­ percentage in 1970 was 4.7 percent. Herald Reporter can be isolated from the rest of the class. mittee recommended last week that Bentley tion older than 65 jumped significantly In 1980, there were 4,486 females either There are currently seven or eight students School be closed in June. The fuii board is during the 1970s. In 1970, there were 4,862 divorced or widowed, accounting for 20 A special education program may remain in the program, Kennedy said. In the past, as scheduled to vote on the closing Monday. residents older than 65, accounting for percent of the female population older In Bentley School next year even If the school noany as 15 students have attended the Kennedy said the special education classes 10.1 percent of the population. In 1980, than 14. That figure in 1970 was 15.8 per­ Is closed, an official sild Thursday. program and as few as five, he said. could be moved to another school if there were 6,563 residents oider than 65, cent. C an a low tar cigarette MERIT Landslide. James P. Kennedy, superintendent of The program could operate without necessary. The final decision on whether to accounting for 13.1 percent of the popula-^ The average size of a Manchester schools, said at a public hearing on the classrooms in the rest of the building because keep the program there wiil depend on how tion. household in 1980 was 2.64 people. There provide the taste incentive to In addition, extensive proposed 19S2-83 budget, that the administra­ the students in the program are not the rest of the building is used, he said. The 1980 median age for males was w ere 18,459 households and 13,502 tion will recommend k eyin g the special mainstreamed into regular classes, Kennedy The Manchester Sheltered Workshop hai 31.2 years old and for females was 34 families. education classes in the building at least said. already written to the Board of Directors, years old. The median value of owner occupied, switch smokers from higher unmarked'pack tests confirm another year. requesting use of the building if it is closed as “ They’re (the students) there because they As was the case in the 1970 census, non-condominium housing was $63,800. “ The facilities are the best we have for the a school. haven’t been able to cope with women outnumbered men. In 1980, there Because ethnic breakdowns were in­ tar brands? program,’- Kennedy said this morning. “ We “ Obviously we can't make a final decision that MERIT delivers a winning mainstreaming,” Kennedy said. “They’re were 26,317 females and 23,444 males. complete on the 1970 census, com­ don’t think we have to move it.” until the town decides on the ultimate use of there because the option is residential This compares to 25,074 females and 22,- parisons are difficult. The special e<^catlon facilities are located the building,” Kennedy said. But, on the 1980 census, Manchester Research consistently combination of taste and low placement.” 920 males in 1970, on the lower level of a wing o f the school in One of the arguments used by parents who The percentage of females in the pop­ remained a predominently white com­ proves that MERIT can, rooms BpeclaUy deigned for the program. Kennedy estimated that the schools will were opposed to closing Bentley was the un­ ulation was nearly identical in each munity, with a minority population of tar when compared with The q>ecial education rooms are linked to have to pay |7,0(X) in utilities to retain use of ique nature of the special education facilities, decade. In 1970, 52.2 percent of town about 3 percent. the social worker’s office and to one another. the special education facilities, if the rest of which are the only ones of their kind in the residents were female. In 1980, 52.9 per­ There were 48,097 whites in town, com ­ MERIT Taste higher tar leaders. They plso include special features, such as the building is closed as an academic facility. district. cent were female. pared to 1,012 blacks, when the 1980 cen­ A smaller percentage of town sus was taken. There were also 38 Spaiks Switch. residents were married in 1980 than in American Indians, 19 Japanese, 36 Con£rmed:The over­ Intennediate-Range Missiles 1970. Chinese, 57 Filipinos, 35 Koreans, 40 Asian Indians, 28 Vietnamese, 2 ^VIB T UMIWH Reagan spurns Soviet plan In 1980, 11,477 males — or 61.9 percent Nationwide survey reveals whelming majority o f smokers of males older than 14 — were married. Hawaiians, 1 Guamanian, 4 Samoans and In 1970, 70.3 percent of the males older 392 others. over 90% of MERIT smokers reported MERIT taste equal Wa s h in g t o n (UPI) — President Reagan, spur­ 20 missiles. than 14 were married. The census recorded 523 people in town ning the Soviet plan for a phased, two-thirds cut in “ Such a treaty would be a major contribution to. In 1980,11,491 women — or 53.6 percent as having Spanish origin. Of these, 210 who switched from higher tar intermediate-range nuclear weapons in Ehirope, is security, stability, and peace,” Reagan said. of the females older than 14 — were were Puerto Rican, 48 were Mexican and to—or better than—leading sticking by bis call for total removal of the mis­ Reagan was to return to domestic concerns married. In 1970, that figure was 63 per­ 50 were Cuban. TTiere were 215 other siles. today, having scheduled a meeting on federalism cent. Spanish. are glad they did. In fact, higher tar brands. with a group of la^akdk^. The president can be “ I call on President (Leonid) Brezhnev to join us expected in ,the coming days to return to his 94% d o n ’t even miss their in this important first step to reduce the nuclear proposal for turning over many federal programs to C o n firm e d : W h en tar t |S S r 20| shadow that hangs over the peoples of the world,” state ctmtrol. Reagan said in a statement released TTiursday by fSovfefo are n p o it»d to have He has scheduled a trip to the Midwest to do just Collapse of Skytrain former brands.
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    Demonstrators move from the quad across the Dustbowl in anticipationof Board of Trustees meeting. Kevin R. Sharp Heights boston college's The independentstudent weekly Volume LIX Issue 14 Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167 December4,1978 Tuitionat $3980, On-Camous Costs Pass $6000 Trustees Approve $335 Tuition Hike for 1979 by Patrick Carom increasing the costs to the students. increasing the number of budgeted the actual number of tuitions the bined with the fact that Campanella Early Friday evening the univer- The increases wereannounced by tuitions to 8431 - as both UGBC university receives. did not increase the Bud Comm's sity announced that the Board of the university at around 5:00 p.m. and the BudCom had The fact that Campanella's tuition hike figure at $335, means Trustees had approved a tuition on Friday, before the trustees had recommended - the university will revised budget only calls for 8300 that to balance the budget Cam- $335 increase of per student for adjourned. continue to budget for 8300 tuitions, tuitions while the Bud Comm's panella must now find about 1979-80, bringing the cost of Campanellasaid Saturday morn- even though that number is less than budget accounted for 8431, corn- continued onpage 7 BC's tuition next year to $3980. ing that in additionto the increases The Trustees also approved a which had already been announced, $100 increase in all housing fees, a all university fees - including lab $150 hike in the meal plan, a $10 fees, course fees and applicationfees 1,000Demonstrate Against Hike increase in the Health fee, and a $3 - will be increased by about 9%, increase in the Rec-Plex fee.
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