Morphological Process of Words on Food and Beverage in J.CO Donuts & Coffee


Fitri Rahmawati Astiandani English Literature, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Surabaya [email protected]

Abstrak Pemilihan nama makanan dan minuman pada daftar menu menjadi bagian penting dari strategi pemasaran. Satu-satunya tujuan adalah untuk menarik lebih banyak konsumen. Oleh karena itu, beberapa bisnis kuliner seperti restoran, kafe, atau kedai makanan menyediakan daftar menu yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan dengan cara yang unik, baik dengan menggabungkan kata-kata atau membentuk kata baru. Dalam hal ini, proses morfologi berperan penting dalam membentuk kata majemuk. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menjabarkan proses pembentukan kata majemuk serta mengklasifikasikan tipe dan makna semantik pada makanan dan minuman di J.CO Donuts & Coffee. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan teori dari Delahunty dan Garvey (2010) serta Lieber (2009) dalam menganalisis data. Dalam memperoleh analisis data, beberapa proses analisis dilakukan, yaitu: (1) menggambarkan proses pembentukan masing-masing nama, (2) mengklasifikasikan nama berdasarkan kelasnya dalam kategori majemuk, dan (3) menemukan makna masing-masing nama kemudian mengkategorikannya sesuai dengan tipe dan makna semantik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makanan dan minuman dibentuk dari kata benda majemuk, kata sifat majemuk, dan majemuk neoklasik dengan tiga klasifikasi yaitu morfem ganda, kata majemuk ganda, dan tanpa morfem ganda dan majemuk ganda. Dalam jenis dan makna semantik, ditemukan majemuk endosentris dengan makna transparan dan majemuk eksosentris dengan makna opak (tidak jelas). Kata Kunci: proses morfologi, kata majemuk, majemuk endosentris dan eksosentris, makna transparan dan opak, nama makanan dan minuman

Abstract Opting for food and beverage names on the menu list becomes a significant part of the marketing strategy. The only aim is to attract more consumers. Therefore, several culinary businesses such as restaurants, cafes, or food stall provide menu lists written in English and in a unique way either by combining words or forming a new word. In this case, morphological process plays a significant role in forming compound words. The purpose of the study is to describe the process of forming the compound words as well as classify the semantic types and meanings on food and beverage names in J.CO Donuts & Coffee. This study applies a descriptive qualitative method and theories from Delahunty and Garvey (2010) and Lieber (2009) in analyzing the data. In gaining the data analysis, several processes of analysis are done, they are (1) describing the formation of each , (2) classifying the names based on its classes in compound category, (3) finding the meaning of each name then categorize it according to the semantic types and meaning. The result shows that food and beverage are formed from compound nouns, compound adjectives, and neo-classical compounds with three classifications namely double morpheme, double compound words, and without double morpheme and double compound. In semantic types and meanings, there are found endocentric compound with transparent meaning and exocentric compound with opaque meaning. Keywords: morphological process, compound words, endocentric and exocentric compound, transparent and opaque meaning, food and beverage names


LITERA KULTURA Volume 08 Nomor 01Tahun 2020

meanings of compound words on culinary terms. The INTRODUCTION results indicate that there are quite a lot of compound words Nowadays, the use of English in Indonesia both that categorized into attributive, noun compound, and spoken and written is quite frequent to be found. This is transparent meaning used on culinary terms in Masterchef indicated by a large number of English terms used in U.S Season 7 (Noumianty, 2016). almost all sectors in Indonesia. One of them is in the food With reference to the previous study, this study and beverage sector. Food and beverage are closely examines the research related to the morphological process interrelated to human life since they include in human of compound words used on food and beverage names in basic needs (Oelofse, 2014). Due to the globalization era, J.CO Donuts & Coffee with research questions: (1) How is lots of cafes and restaurants create English unique names the formation of compound words used in food and of their food and beverage such as butterscotch, holland beverage names in J.CO Donuts & Coffee? (2) What are the bitterballen, and maui fruit punch. It is because in the semantic types of compound words that occur to the food modern age, opting for food and beverage names in the and beverage names in J.CO Donuts & Coffee? menu list becomes a significant part of the marketing In order to answer those two research questions, strategy. Therefore, several culinary businesses such as this study used some theories as parameters to analyze the restaurants, cafes, or food stall provide menu lists written data. The theories are summarized as follows. in English and in a unique way to attract consumers. Compound Words Moreover, there are various ways to create a unique name either by combining words or forming a new word According to Lieber (2009), compounds are words The matter pertaining to the food and beverage that are comprised of two (or more) bases, roots, or stems. It unique name in English is closely related to the study of can be written in open form (e.g. high school), hyphenated forming words named word-formation. According to Plag, form (e.g. dress-up), or in closed form (e.g. scholarship). (2003), word-formation can be defined as the study of how Generally, free bases are used to compose compounds in new complex words are built based on other words or English. For instance, book store is formed by two nouns, morphemes. Each word has a meaning indeed, but it can be icy cold is created from two adjectives, greenhouse is grammatically simple and complex. Besides, one of the formed by an adjective and a noun, and sky blue is created word-formations which is closely related to the internal from a noun and an adjective. structure of words is compounding. The internal structure Basically, the term head refers to the most that occurs in compounding can be clearly represented significant part of complex linguistic structures. In through the illustration of the morphological process which compounds, the head is one word that controls other words later can be connected to the types of compounds based on while modifier is another word that modifies the head. the classes in compound. Those types are compound Semantically, this means that the set of entities possibly nouns, compound verbs, compound adjectives, compound denoted by the compound (i.e. all film societies) is a subset adverbs, and neo-classical compounds (Delahunty & of the entities denoted by the head (i.e. all societies) (Plag, Garvey, 2010). Furthermore, Lieber (2009) classified the 2003). Concerning their head, compounds have a very compound into two types based on its semantic important systematic property: their head usually appears on relationship namely endocentric and exocentric compound. the right-hand side (the so-called right-hand head rule). The Endocentric is similar to headed compound while compound as a whole inherits most of its semantic and exocentric is the same as headless compound. syntactic information from its head. Below is a further The form of words can be connected with its explanation related to compound words. meaning as Ullman stated in Noumianty (2016) that every A. Morpheme compound consists of words that are arbitrary and opaque, Bauer (1983) stated that a morpheme may be without any connection between sound and sense, and implied as to the minimal unit of grammatical analysis. others which are at least to some degree motivated and Basically, morpheme can be divided into two types, namely transparent. In this case, transparent words and opaque free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is a words are the types of meanings mentioned in Lieber morpheme that can stand independently by itself as a single (2009). word such as in chair, nut, and big. Furthermore, bound Several studies of compound words process have morpheme is a morpheme that cannot stand alone and is been held in the prior research. The first is the research normally attached to free morpheme such as in re-, -ist, -ed, done by Djordjevic et al in 2013 which investigated the -s, un-, -al. These forms are called affixes, the term for the process of compounding in Arundhati Roy’s ‘The God of formative types that can be used only when added to Small Things’. The results of the study show that there are another morpheme (Crystal, 2008). Affixes consist of three many theoretically productive categories of compounds kinds, namely , infixes, and suffixes. Prefixes are used in this novel such as endocentric compounds positioned at the beginning of the word (e.g. un-, mis-), (Djordjevic, Laban, Moc, Kovincic, & Przulj, 2013). The infixes are incorporated within another word second research has been done by Denise Sheilla Noumianty in 2016 which examines the types and

Morphological Process of Compound Words on Food and Beverage Names in J.CO Donuts & Coffee

(e.g. fuckin in unfuckinbelieveable), while suffixes have to is a kind of mill, and a truck driver which is a kind of be added to the end of the word (e.g. –less, -ist). In driver. English, all affixes are included in bound morphemes On the other hand, in exocentric compounds, the (Yule, 2010). referent of the compound as an entire is not the referent of Functionally, bound morpheme can be divisible the head or it can be said that the components do not have a into two categories. The first is derivational morpheme head-modifier semantic relationship. In addition, the which is used to produce new words or change the meaning of this construction is opaque since it is impossible grammatical category of a word (e.g. the addition of –ness to find out the meaning from the sum of the meanings of its changes the adjective good to the noun goodness). The constituent. For example, the meaning of a pickpocket is not second one is inflectional morpheme which is used to a type of pocket, but rather to a sort of person (who picks indicate aspects of the grammatical function of a word, pockets). whether a word is singular or plural, past tense or not, and E. Meaning of Compounds comparative or possessive form (e.g –s in two sisters indicates the existence of plural form). The compound words cannot be separated from their meaning since they relevant in such a way that a new B. Compound Structure meaning comes out which is dissimilar from the meanings The word structure can be represented in the form of the words in separation. According to Noumianty quoted of morphological process. For example, the compound in Ullmann, every compound consists of words which are windmill has the structures wind (N) + mill (N). In this arbitrary and opaque, without any relation in the midst of case, the compound windmill is created from two free sound and sense, and others which are at least to several morphemes from noun category. A windmill here is a kind degree of motivated and transparent (Noumianty, 2016). of mill that is activated by wind. Compounds need not be From the above explanation, the meaning of compounds is limited to two bases indeed. It can be formed from more divided into two categories, namely transparent meaning morphemes. As a result, a very complex compound can be and opaque meaning. Transparent meaning defines that the created. As with derived words, it is probable to display meaning is predictable from the constituents or explicitly the internal structure of complex compounds using the expressed such as seaweed which means a kind of weed morphological process. that grows in the sea. Meanwhile, opaque meaning cannot be predicted from their constituents. For instance, C. Classes in Compound butterfingers is neither a kind of fingers nor a kind of Delahunty & Garvey (2010) divided the limitation butter, but rather be a clumsy person, especially a person of the individual types of compound into five parts. The who fails to hold a catch. From semantic point of view, first is called compound nouns which mean the compound exocentric compounds are considered as an opaque with noun as a head. For example, a laser printer is formed meaning because their meaning often cannot be from two nouns that have a meaning as a kind of printer. transparently guessed from its constituent parts like idioms. The second is compound verbs where the compound with Meanwhile, endocentric compounds are considered as a verb as a head such as in outgrow, overcome, and undergo. transparent meaning since their constituents are predictable. The third is called compound adjectives that have a meaning the compound with adjective as a head. The METHOD example is in knee-deep (deep to the height of one’s knee) This study applies the descriptive qualitative and dog-lean (lean as a dog). The fourth is compound method as the research method. This type is employed since adverbs where the compound with adverb as a head such the main data is not numeric but in the form of words or as in uptightly and cross-modally. The last is neo-classical sentences. Moreover, the data will not use statistical compounds which mean the compound with lexeme of analysis as well as this study does not prove any hypothesis. or Greek origin. For instance, biochemistry and This is in line with Miles, Huberman, & Saldana (2014) photograph which are not explained as the result of which stated that the qualitative data are in the form of affixation. handwritten, audio or video recordings, and documents. The D. Type of Compounds object of this study is in the form of words or phrases, to be exact is the text (food and beverage names) written in Semantically, Lieber (2009) categorized English. Moreover, the data for this study are food and compounds into two types, those are endocentric (headed) beverage names in J.CO Donuts & Coffee. The researcher compound and exocentric (headless) compound. Several collected the names of food and beverage names in J.CO characteristics of endocentric compounds are the referent Donuts & Coffee from the official website of J.CO Donuts of the compound is always similar to the referent of its & Coffee itself which contain the information about the head and there is a tendency for the semantic relation menu names. between the head and modifier to be one modification. The This study used documentation techniques to examples of endocentric compounds are a windmill which 3

LITERA KULTURA Volume 08 Nomor 01Tahun 2020

collect the data. There are some steps of how the data are since the right side of the words that is chocolate, dominates collected. the caviar and also indicates a predictable meaning from its 1) Visiting the official website of J.CO Donuts & constituents. Coffee. Datum 2 2) Selecting and listing the data on J.CO Donuts & Coffee website. Forest glam (N) Forest (N) + Glam (N) 3) Classifying the data obtained based on the classes in Datum 2 is the first exocentric compound with compound and semantic types. double morpheme. The morphological process above 4) Analyzing and classifying the meaning of the data and denotes that it is a compound noun which shaped from two its category. similar elements, forest (N) and glam (N). The word forest According to Miles, Huberman, Saldaña (2014), has the meaning of “a large area of trees growing closely three points are involved in data analysis technique; namely together” (Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary digital) and data condensation, data display, as well as drawing and glam is “an extravagantly showy glamour” (Merriam- verification conclusions. The first process was data Webster Dictionary digital). After those words joined reduction. There are approximately 72 food and beverage together, then it becomes forest glam which can be names that have been displayed in the official website of considered has a meaning as a kind of donut that has dark J.CO Donuts & Coffee. Those names were listed and color as in forest but still looks glamour. Based on the inserted in one document. Then, food and beverage names types, this word is classified as exocentric compound with which have similar type are put in the same table. Last, an opaque meaning since neither component being regarded each data is elaborated. as the head dominates the whole word. Both components have an equal status where the meaning of the word is not RESULTS AND DISCUSSION easily predicted in the case of donut. Food and beverage names in J.CO Donuts & Datum 3 Coffee are formed two or more morphemes which describe Blue berrymore (N) Blue (Adj) + Berrymore (N) their characteristics. This chapter displays the analysis of In addition, compound noun with double compound the morphological process as well as the semantic types words is in datum 3. The morphological process of this and meaning of the data. compound noun is blue as adjective and berrymore as a Compound Nouns noun so that it is called compound noun which is Table 1. Compound Nouns on Food Names specifically categorized in adjective-noun compound. The word berrymore clearly consists of two free morphemes No. Food Names Classification which can stand independently by themselves, those are 1. Caviar Chocolate Double morpheme berry and more. Therefore, there is double compound word 2. Forest Glam Double morpheme within blue berrymore, first is in the word berrymore and 3. Blue Berrymore Double compound words second is within the compound blue berrymore. 4. Mr. Green Tea Without double morpheme and double Datum 3 includes in endocentric compound with compound transparent meaning. Based on Cambridge Learner’s Datum 1 Dictionary digital, the word blue means “being the same Caviar chocolate (N) Caviar (N) + Chocolate (N) color as the sky when there are no clouds” and berry has a Datum 1 is considered as a compound noun with meaning of “a small, round fruit on some plants and trees”. double morpheme. It contains of two free morphemes with Then, the word more has a meaning of “a greater quantity, the same identity that is a noun. This compound noun amount, or degree” (Dictionary digital). The combination consists of caviar as the first free morpheme and chocolate between berry and more creates a new word that is not yet as the second free morpheme. Thus, it includes in noun- listed in the English dictionary that is berrymore which noun compound category. Both of them are called free means lots of berries. Meanwhile, the meaning of blue morpheme since they cannot be divided any further into a berrymore is a donut made from lots of berries that colored smaller piece which has meaning. blue. This compound is considered as endocentric Moreover, datum 1 is classified as endocentric compound with transparent meaning since it has berrymore compound with transparent meaning. Based on Cambridge as a head and blue as the modifier as well as the expected Learner’s Dictionary digital the meaning of caviar is “the meaning which is clearly seen from those two words. eggs of a large fish, eaten as a food and usually very Datum 4 expensive” while chocolate is “a sweet, brown food that is usually sold in a block”. Thus, the new meaning of caviar Mr. Green Tea (N) Mr. (N) + Green (Adj) + Tea (N) chocolate is a kind of donut with chocolate that is shaped Moreover, the only one compound noun without likes caviar. This compound is called an endocentric double morpheme and double compound of food name is in compound with a right-headed and transparent meaning datum 4. The morphological process of datum 4 is mr. as a

Morphological Process of Compound Words on Food and Beverage Names in J.CO Donuts & Coffee

noun, green as an adjective, and tea as a noun so that it is 6. It is a compound noun by combining two words with called compound noun. Those three elements are included three morphemes. Basically, there are two compound word in free morphemes since they can stand independently by processes happen in this beverage name. The first is within themselves. the word hazelnut and the second is within hazelnut latte. Endocentric compound with transparent meaning Hazelnut is the first compound word which built from two displays in datum 4. Based on Cambridge Learner’s free morphemes with the same category those are hazel (N) Dictionary digital, the word mr. means “a title used before and nut (N). Then, the second compound word process the family name or full name of a man who has no other happens between hazelnut and latte, one of which has two title, or when talking to man who holds a particular official morphemes. The latte itself is also included in free position”, green has a meaning of “being the same color as morpheme since it does not have to be attached to other grass”, and tea has a meaning of “(a drink made by pouring elements in creating specific meaning. hot water onto) dried and cut leaves and sometimes Datum 6 includes in endocentric compound with flowers, especially the leaves of the tea plant”. As the transparent meaning is in. According to Cambridge unity, green tea means “the light-colored tea drunk Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the meaning of hazelnut is especially in China and Japan” (Cambridge Advanced “the nut of the hazel tree which has a hard brown shell”. Learner’s Dictionary 3rd ed). Therefore, it can be Besides, latte is “espresso mixed with hot or steamed milk” considered that this compound has a meaning as a kind of (Merriam-Webster Dictionary digital). Thus, the new donut that has green tea as the dominant flavor. It is meaning of it is a kind of espresso mixed with hot or categorized as endocentric compound with right-headed steamed milk and hazelnut syrup. Moreover, the endocentric seen from the word green tea as a head and with a compound with transparent meaning is the categorization of transparent meaning due to its predicted meaning. this compound since this compound has expectable meaning Table 2. Compound Nouns on Beverage Names examining from each element. In this case, the right-headed is appeared for the first word hazelnut shows the connection No. Beverage Names Classification with the head latte. 1. Avocado Frappe Double morpheme 2. Hazelnut Latte Double compound words Datum 7 3. White Chocolate Without double morpheme and double White chocolate espresso frappe (N) White (Adj) + Espresso Frappe compound Chocolate (N) + Espresso (N) + Frappe (N) Datum 5 Then, the only one of the longest compound without Avocado frappe (N) Avocado (N) + Frappe (N) double morpheme and double compound is in datum 7. This Besides, datum 5 is a beverage that is classified as beverage name consists of four free morphemes with the a compound noun with double morpheme. This compound noun as a head so that it is called compound noun. The first is formed by combining two free morphemes namely morpheme includes in adjective category while the last three avocado and frappe. Both avocado and frappe are in noun morphemes are considered as noun category. category so that it can be classified as noun-noun It is also categorized as endocentric compound with compound. transparent meaning. According to Cambridge Learner’s Datum 5 is also classified as an endocentric Dictionary digital, the meaning of white is “being the color compound with transparent meaning. Based on Cambridge of snow or milk” and chocolate means “a sweet, brown food Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, avocado has a meaning as that is usually sold in a block”. Besides, espresso is “strong “a dark green, oval fruit that is pale green inside and is not coffee, or a cup of this, made by forcing hot water through sweet” and frappe is “a partly frozen drink made of milk or crushed coffee beans and served without milk” while frappe fruit juice, or a strongly alcoholic drink served with ice”. is “a partly frozen drink made of milk or fruit juice, or a Examining from the combination, it forms a new meaning strongly alcoholic drink served with ice” (Cambridge as a type of coffee made with a mixture of milk (optional) Learner’s Dictionary digital). Hence, the new meaning from and avocado juice that served with ice. Hence, this those combinations is a type of coffee made with a mixture compound tends to be categorized into an endocentric of milk (optional), white chocolate, and espresso that served compound with a right-headed for the word frappe takes with ice. This compound tends to be categorized into an control of the noun compound. Avocado frappe has endocentric with transparent meaning for its foreseeable transparent meaning considering the foreseeable meaning meaning seeing from each element. It can be seen from the in each element. right-headed compound that is frappe which dominates the compound noun. Datum 6 Hazelnut latte (N) Hazelnut (N) + Latte (N) Furthermore, the beverage name that includes in compound noun with double compound words is in datum 5

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Compound Adjectives determined from each element. Table 3. Compound Adjectives on Food Names Datum 10 No. Food Names Classification Cheezy rich (Adj) Cheezy (Adj) + Rich (Adj) 1. Red Velvet Double morpheme In addition, datum 10 involves in a compound 2. Glazzy Double morpheme adjective with double compound words. This compound is 3. Cheezy Rich Double compound words formed by combining two words with three morphemes. Datum 8 Fundamentally, there are two compound word processes that occur in this food name, the first is within the word cheezy Red velvet (Adj) Red (Adj) + Velvet (Adj) and the second is within cheezy rich. Cheezy is a compound Datum 8 is categorized as compound adjectives word which formed from two different morpheme with double morpheme. There are two morphemes found in categories those are cheese (N) as free morpheme and -y this compound word. The first is red which is a free (suffix) as bound morpheme with derivational category. It is morpheme and has an identity as an adjective and the called derivational bound morpheme since it generates new second is velvet that is also a free morpheme with the same word and changes the grammatical category of a word. In identity. These two morphemes are considered to be able to this case, the word cheese is a derivation word as it changes stand independently as a word since they have already been from noun into adjective. Then, the second compound word listed in English dictionary. Then, the combination of process happens between cheezy and rich, one of which has lexeme (red + velvet) generates a new compound word and two morphemes. The word rich itself is also included in free becomes red velvet. morpheme since it can stand alone as a word. It is categorized as endocentric with transparent Endocentric compound with transparent meaning meaning. Based on Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary also presents in datum 10. According to Cambridge digital the word red means “of the color of fresh blood” Learner’s Dictionary digital, the meaning of cheese is “a and velvet means “something that has a beautiful soft, food made from milk that can be either firm or soft and is smooth quality or appearance, usually something dark or usually yellow or white in color” while the derivational deep”. Thus, the new meaning of red velvet is a kind of suffix –y is “added to nouns to form adjectives meaning like donut sandwich with red color and soft-smooth texture. It is the stated thing”. Moreover, rich means that “it contains a considered as endocentric compound with transparent large amount of oil, butter, eggs or cream” (Cambridge meaning since the word red roles as the modifier and velvet Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 3rd ed). Seeing from the roles as the head. As a result, it shows predictable meaning combination, it creates a new meaning as a kind of donut seeing from each element. that full of cheese. This compound adjective tends to be Datum 9 categorized into an endocentric compound with transparent Glazzy (Adj) Glaze (N) + -y (Suffix) meaning due to its predictable meaning. The endocentric The first compound adjective in exocentric compound can be examined from the left-headed where the compound with double morpheme is in datum 9. The word left side of the words, that is cheezy, takes control of the glazzy here has double morpheme which comes from adjective compound. different types. The first morpheme is glaze which is a root Neo-classical Compound of glazzy and classifies as free morpheme since it can stand Table 4. Neo-classical Compound on Food Names alone and has a meaning. The second morpheme is –y which is a bound morpheme with derivational category. It No. Food Names Classification is called derivational bound morpheme because it produces 1. Oreology Double morpheme new word and changes the grammatical category of a Datum 11 word. In this case, the word glaze is a derivation word Oreology (Neoclassical) Oreo (N) + -logy (Greek) since it changes from noun into adjective. The only one of neo-classical compound with According to Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary double morpheme is displayed in datum 11. This unique digital, the word glaze has a meaning of “a smooth glossy compound obviously consists of two morphemes as the units or lustrous surface” while the derivational suffix –y is in developing the formation. The first is oreo as a noun free “added to nouns to form adjectives meaning like the stated morpheme and –logy as a bound morpheme from Greek. thing”. The combination between glaze and -y creates a Thus, it is called neo-classical compound as it shapes from new word that is not yet listed in the English dictionary Greek origin that is not proved in the original languages. that is glazzy “having the appearance of a glaze”. In donut Endocentric compound with transparent meaning case, the meaning of glazzy is a type of donut that has a displays in datum 11. Based on Merriam-Webster smooth and shiny look. Therefore, it is classified as an Dictionary digital, oreo has a meaning as “trademark for a exocentric compound with an opaque meaning since it is a chocolate cookie with a white cream filling”. Then, -logy is headless compound and the meaning cannot be easily “a subject of study” (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

Morphological Process of Compound Words on Food and Beverage Names in J.CO Donuts & Coffee

Digital). The combination of those two morphemes meaning. generates a new word, oreology, whose new meaning as a After examining the data obtained, there are found kind of donut that full of chocolate cookie with a white 23 data which is considered as endocentric compound with a cream like oreo. Therefore, this compound is considered as transparent meaning. Almost three-quarters of the data endocentric compound with left-headed and transparent includes in endocentric compound. This occurrence proves meaning since the left side of the words, that is oreo, the statement of Hadiati (2011)that endocentric is more dominates the –logy and the predictable meaning seen from productive than exocentric. Besides, all food and beverage each constituent. Basically, suffix –logy is usually attached in endocentric compound are categorized as having to another bound morpheme from Latin or Greek such as transparent meaning. It is in line with the statement in bio- and astro- but this one is combined with free Noumianty (2016) that the referent of the endocentric morpheme with oreo as a head. compound is always the same as the referent of its head which means that the compound has predictable meaning. The Formation of Food and Beverage Names in J.CO In order to determine the semantic types, head is a Donuts & Coffee constituent that plays a significant role. In this case, the There are found 3 out of 5 types of classes in compound words used in food and beverage names in J.CO compound namely compound nouns, compound adjectives, Donuts & Coffee are mostly right-headed. This matter is and neo-classical compounds. Then, they are also similar to the statement of Bauer in Delahunty & Garvey categorized into three classifications based on their (2010) that in English, heads of compounds are typically the characteristics namely double morpheme, double rightmost constituent. Only a small fraction is included in compound words, and compound without double left-headed category. morpheme and double compound. In addition, the small amount of data in exocentric After analyzing the data, there are found more than compound is all classified as having opaque meaning. As half of the data is considered as compound noun. It is stated by Hadiati (2011), the meaning of exocentric similar to the Noumianty (2016) which states that there are compound is opaque since it is impossible to find out the quite a lot of compound words that are categorized into meaning of exocentric compound from the sum of the compound noun. Besides, there are only found 4 out of 9 meaning of its constituent. Furthermore, all data in types of compound nouns according to Delahunty & exocentric compound have no head or it can be said Garvey (2010) namely noun-noun, adjective-noun, adverb- headless. It is similar to the statement of Carstairs-McCarthy noun, and phrase compound. The compound with noun- (2002) that headless compound is not determined by any noun type is the most commonly appear. This result is in element inside them (have no internal ‘centre’). line with the statement from Plag (2003) which states that noun-noun compounds are the most general type of CONCLUSION compound in English. After analyzing the data, there are several points Furthermore, compound adjective is used in that can be concluded in the study. First, this study reveals forming four food names. In this case, there are found 2 out that food and beverage names in J.CO Donuts & Coffee are of 12 types of compound adjectives based on Delahunty & formed through compound nouns, compound adjectives, and Garvey (2010) namely noun-adjective and adjective- neo-classical compound. In this case, compound nouns and adjective. In this compound, there is a combination double morpheme category are the most commonly appear. between noun and derivational suffix –y. This pattern is not The study also displays the two kinds of semantic types and yet listed in the theory of Delahunty & Garvey (2010). meanings of the compound words used in food and beverage Then, for neo-classical compounds, there is only names in J.CO Donuts & Coffee. The first is food and one datum in this research. It uses the combination of beverage names with an endocentric compound which tends Greek lexemes put at the end of the words. This occurrence to be categorized as having a transparent meaning. One of can be considered as FCF (final combining forms) as in the them is caviar chocolate whose predictable meaning seeing research of Djordjevic et al (2013). It also proves the from each element which means donut with chocolate that is statement of Plag (2003) that neo-classical formations as shaped likes caviar. The second is food names with an forms in which lexemes of Latin or Greek origin. This exocentric compound that tend to be considered as having characteristic is used to determine whether it is neo- an opaque meaning such as in forest glam. classical compounds or not. Suggestion Semantic Types and Meanings of Food and Beverage This study is investigated within the field of Names in J.CO Donuts & Coffee morphology. Even though it is essentially covered by morphology, the study of compound word process can be There are endocentric and exocentric compound in completed by using other fields of linguistic such as terms of semantic types. Moreover, both two types are semantic, phonology or even syntax. The results and closely connected to transparent meaning and opaque discussion of the study are expected to provide more 7

LITERA KULTURA Volume 08 Nomor 01Tahun 2020

information and knowledge as well as an assist for the next researcher. Related to this subject, there are many possible objects which can be investigated by using similar theories as this study. The analysis of further study can be done through objects such as smartphone name, name of tourist destination, name of advertisement in billboard and so on. Furthermore, this study is still far from being perfect so that hopefully, there is a further study which has a better quality. It is possible for the next researcher to create more effective and better in the result and also discussion. Lastly, this study hopes that the analysis can give more knowledge for the reader related to the structure and meaning of the existing name in this world.

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