Champhai District : Champhai

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Champhai District : Champhai E - BOOK CHAMPHAI DISTRICT : CHAMPHAI 03831 234402 [email protected] CONTENT Department Page ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & VETERINARY 1 - 3 CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER 4 - 10 DISTRICT HOSPITAL 11 - 19 DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY 20 - 64 HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT 65 - 70 SUB-DIVISIONAL HORTICULTURE OFFICE 71 - 81 IRRIGATION & WATER RESOURCES DEPARMENT 82 - 92 POWER PROJECT DIVISION 93 - 94 PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT 95 - 119 SAMAGRA SHIKSHA 120 - 122 URBAN DEVELOPMENT & PROVERTY ALLEVIATION 123 - 131 DEPARTMENT ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & VETERINARY DEPARMENT CHAMPHAI DISTRICT : CHAMPHAI 1 ACHIEVEMENT OF DISTRICT A.H & VETY. DEPARTMENT, CHAMPHAI DURING THE YEAR 2019-2020 A. RKVY : (a) RKVY hnuaiah Backyard Poultry Unit 1 atan Rs 3.2 lakhs pek a ni. (b) Smart Mini Poultry Unit 2 atan Rs 1.144 lakhs pek chhuah a ni . B. RURAL BACKYARD DEVELOPMENT SCHEME : He Scheme hnuaiah hian Vawkvulh tanpuina dawngtu mi 20 kan nei a, mi pakhat ah Rs 21,000/- zel, a vaiin Rs 4.2 lakhs sem a ni. C. CONSTRUCTION OF LIVE ANIMAL MARKET AT RUANTLANG : Construction of Live Animal Market at Ruantlang hi NABARD kaltlangin RIDF loan Rs 246.50 lakhs leh State Matching share atangin Rs 14.35 lakhs hmuh a ni a, hemi hmang hian A.H & Vety. Department, Ruantlang ramchhungah sak mek a ni. 50 % construction works hi zawh tawh anga ngaih a ni. D. DISEASE DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY : D.I Lab. hi A.H & Vety. Complex, Champhai ah sak niin, Dt. 17th December, 2019 khan he laboratory hi hawn a ni. E. VACCINATION : A.H & Vety. Department hnuaiah hian kan ranvulh te a tam thei ang ber vaccine pek an ni a, Ran ke leh ka na hri (Foot & Mouth Disease) hridanna ran 12479 pek an ni a, Vawkpul (Swine Fever) hridanna ran 7824 pek an ni bawk. F. PRRS & ASF : Kan thenawm ram Myanmar a Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome(PRRS) leh African Swine Fever (ASF) a len avangin Champhai District Magistrate thupek angin Vawk lakluh District dang leh ram dang atanga lakluh khap a ni a. Hemi dan bawhchhiatna avang hian Vawk 80 man a ni a, heng zinga PRRS Positive te chu Court thupek angin tihhlum an ni a, a negative ho pawh hi court thupek anga tihral an ni. G. Kum 2019 – 2020 chhung hian Ran enkawl = 12741 nos., Ran zai = 660 nos., Vaccine hrang hrang pek zat = 1818 nos. a ni. H. Sawrkara Revenue chhunluh zat Rs 1,24,810.00 (Cheng Nuaikhat singhnih zariat sawm) a ni. 2 3 CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER CHAMPHAI DISTRICT : CHAMPHAI 4 DISTRICT FACILITY STATUS UNDER CHAMPHAI DISTRICT Total Population in district 2020-2020 = 138343 Sl.No Name of Facility No of Facility 1 District Hospital 1 2 Community Health Center 0 3 Primary Health Center 4 4 Sub Center 29 5 Sub Center Clinic 13 6 Accredited Hopital 2 Status of Manpower @ DH/PHC/CHC/SUB-CENTRE AND CLINIC Sl.No Name of Post No of Staff 1 No of Doctors @ District Hospital 17 2 No of MBBS Doctors in PHC/CHC 4 3 No of Ayush Doctor @ PHC/CHC 0 4 No of Staff Nurse in the district 44 5 No of Health Worker in the district 67 ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER CENTRAL FLAGSHIP SCHEME AND STATE FLAGSHIP PROGRAMME: Contents: 1. Reproductive & Child Health (RCH) A. Janani Shishu Suraksha Yajona (JSY) Achievement under RCH No of Mother Per package Expenditure No of ASHA Expenditure Given Given 1460 700 1022000 1650 758700 B. JANANI SHISHU SURAKSHA KARYAKRAM (JSSK) Achievement under RCH Indicator Drugs Diet Lab Home to Institution Referral Institution to Home Mother 899 568 568 632 632 35 Given Expenditure 314131 113845 112830 89385 89385 32250 5 Indicator Drugs Lab Home to Institution to Referral Institution Home Sick Infant 142 20 47 47 14 Expenduture 35177 3700 12400 12400 11100 2. School Health RBSK Rastrya Bal Swastya Karyakram (RBSK) Achievements under Champhai District No of Screening Achievemets Total No Health Screening 6 weeks to 3 Years 5708 Total No of Health Screening 3 Yrs to 6 Yrs 4396 Total No of Health Screening 6 Yrs to 18 Yrs 24391 Total No of Anganwadin Visit 275 Total No of School Visit 287 Birth Defects Found 5 Clef lift and Pallete 3 Club Foot 1 Conginital Cataract 1 Conginital Heart Disease 18 Total No of Albendazole Tablet Received 48957 Total No of Albendazole given 44076 Percentage 97.14% 3. Immunization Immunization Programme April 2019-March 2020 Indicator Achievements Fully Immunized Male 1128 Fully Immunized Female 1039 Below 1 Year 2419 Total 2167 Percentage 89.5% Achievements 3000 2000 1000 0 Achievements 6 4. Tobacco District Tobacco Control Cell Achivements under champhai district: INDICATOR Achivements Squad Drive 61 Offenders 23 Sensitization Training conducted 21 Participants during training 2815 IEC Developed/Installed 24 School Awareness programme 41 Paticipants at School 2814 Meeting with Govt Dept held 28 Meeting With NGO 11 Tobacco cessation clinic New Client 328 Counselling Given 2704 Pharmacotherapy Client 638 Achivements 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Achivements 5. Mental Health District Mental Health Programme Achievement under champhai district Indicator Achievements No of OPD 2416 IPD 32 Refered 12 7 No of Awareness 31 No of Participants 2038 No of Free Clinic 49 No of Patients in FC 2959 Achievements 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Achievements 0 6. Communicabel a& Non Communicable Diseases National Programme for Communicable Disease and Non Communicable Diseases Achievements under champhai district Year Indicators Achievements 2019-2020 Total No of Screen for HTN 13451 &DM No of Newly Diagnosed Hypertension 13451 patients put on treatment Diabetes 1384 No of patients underwent 271 physiotherapy No of Screen for Oral 1170 Cancer No of Screen For Breast 772 Cancer 8 No of Screen for Cervix 184 Cancer 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 Indicators 0 Achievements 7. Malaria 2019 Vector Borne Disease Control Programme Achievements INDICATOR Achievements RDK 8956 Slide 10528 Total 19484 Postive 17 PF 10 PV 7 Mass Blood Collection 3062 No of Places done 42 Achievements 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 Achievements 0 9 8. National Programme for Elimination of Tuberculosis 2019-2020 TB Programme Achievements Indicators Total No of Case Total No of Cases 163 Cured 79 Completed 70 On going treatments 5 Defaulted/Died during Treatment 9 Total No of Case 200 150 100 50 0 Total No of Case 10 DISTRICT HOSPITAL CHAMPHAI DISTRICT : CHAMPHAI 11 12 6. Dialysis Unit and High Dependency Unit (HDU) was inaugurated by our Hon’ble Minister Dr. R. Lalthangliana, Health & Family Welfare Department on 23rd November 2019. These Unit serves as a key centre for patients with kidney problem without the need of being refered to other places to perfom dialysis. 7. Truama Centre, a centre to provide specialized medical services and resources to patients suffering from Truamatic injuries was under construction which was funded by CSS. Once this centre is made available it would serve as an utilitarian centre for the community. 8. During Covid-19 pandemic, District Hospital, Champhai is well prepared to face any kind of incident. Isolation ward with 5 bedded was identified at District Hospital. Besides this isolation ward, Dedicated Covid Health Center (DCHC), which can accommodate 40 beds was identified at Nursing School Building. All Covid-19 patients within Champhai District are admitted at this DCHC, treatments are given by Hospital Medical Treatment Team. 9. As District Hospital, Champhai is identified as District Sample Collection Center, total number of Swap Sample collected for RTPCR-1,457, RAT-872, and Antigent-1 are tested so far. Truelab Rt Micro PCR Laboratory is planning to install at this Hospital, one separate building is identified for the installation of this laboratory. The preparation of room and installation of this laboratory could be completed within a few days. 13 14 15 16 17 . 18 Trauma Center 19 DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY CHAMPHAI DISTRICT : CHAMPHAI 20 I ACHIEVEMENT REPORT Year z 2019 -2020 Name of Block : Khawzawl RD Block Name of Scheme : SPMRM Name of Work : Agriculture link Road at Bellei zau Name of Village : Vankal Amount Sanctioned : CGF- 4.00 lakh , NREGA - 8.00 lakh, Total -12.00 lakh Description / Write up on success stories : The construction of Agriculture link road at Bellei zau became an important step towards development of agriculture where 78 % of the population of the village involved in agriculture and allied sectors. With the construction of this road, the farmers could easily access their farm land which are located miles away from the village. The farmer could caffy their agricultural produces with vehicles from their farm land to the village or the nearest market. Before During After .ffi :,:,I G " :?r;.,s 21 ,^, ACHIEVEMENT REPORT Year t 2019 -2020 Name of Block : Khawzawl Name of Scheme : SPMRM Name of Work : Construction of Retaining wall near Vanlalruata in Name of Village : Tualpui Amount Sanctioned : CGF- 1.67 lakh , NREGA - 5.00 lakh, Total -6.67 lakh Description / Write up on success stories : The prevalence of landslide and mudslide during rainy season caused problems to the villagers. In order to solve such a problems, and with a view to provide the felt needs of the villagers, retaining wall have been constructed near Vanlalruata's house. The retaining wall made land more stable and retained loose soils thereby preventing possible huge natural calamities. It is not only helpful and useful for preventing further landslides, but also provides stability to village internal roads and nearby households. Before During After 22 I -\ ACHIEVEMENT REPORT Year z 2019-2020 Name of Block : Khawzawl Name of Scheme : SPMRM Name of Work : Construction of PCC Flooring Rothanga in to Lalrama's house. Name of Village : Neihdawn Amount Sanctioned : CGF- 2.05 lakh , NREGA - 2.00 lakh, Total - 4.05 lakh Description / Write up on success stories : Lack of reliable village internal road have an adverse effect on the daily life of the villagers.
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