UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA Edmond, Oklahoma Dr. Joe C. Jackson College of Graduate Studies All The World's My Stage A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE FACULTY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN CREATIVE WRITING By Linda Kim Treadway Edmond, Oklahoma 2015 All The World's My Stage A THESIS APPROVED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH April 23, 2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Above all, I would like to thank God, my creator, for ordering my steps, never forsaking me, teaching me the true meaning of love, and providing redemption through his son Jesus Christ, my rock and my salvation; A heartfelt thank you to my sister, Cindy Treadway, for her unfailing love, support, and encouragement in pursuing my dreams; I love you sis; Thank you to all the teachers during my primary school years, who encouraged and helped me develop basic writing skills, sparked my imagination, and always made the learning process fun; Thank you to Stacey Paugh, my English professor at Oklahoma City Community College for reminding me of my lifelong love of writing during a time when I was lost and searching for my life's purpose; Thank you to all my creative writing and literature professors at University of Central Oklahoma: Jeri Van Cook, Dr. James Daro, Dr. Adam Davies, Dr. Kit Givan, Dr. Kurt Hochenauer, Dr. Gladys Lewis, Dr. David Macey, Jr., Dr. Allen Rice, Dr. Susan Spencer, Dr. John Springer, Dr. Constance Squires, Dr. Linda Steele, Dr. Wayne Stein, and Dr. Pamela Washington, for providing professional guidance, encouraging me to grow as a person and writer, and inspiring me to take my life's journey to the next level; I will always be grateful for your advice, support, and friendship; Finally, I'd like to thank all my critique partners, who at times made me laugh, cry, and travelled with me to unexplored worlds of the human mind; you know who you are.
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