Pala's roots go deep into the land of . In these areas so full of tradition, silences and solitude, in , Salvatore Pala began this extraordinary adventure in 1950: an adventure which he continues today, even after handing the reins over to his sons Enrico and Mario.

Today Salvatore Pala is a source of precious advice, the guardian of the winery's historical heritage and structure, which has also been achieved thanks to the dynamism of Enrico and Mario, who have been at the head of the business since 1995, transforming the winery and vineyards into a modern concern that is a point of reference for Sardinia's winegrowing industry.

Pala, which has gradually passed from bulk quantities, destined above all to other bottling companies, is now a modern concern that stands out for the sheer quality of its products. Its wines are the fruit of vineyards that are cultivated in line with traditions but always with a modern outlook; respect for man and the environment are the basis for a modern, functional winegrowing concern with the best equipment and the ability to respect the characteristics of the wine, the grapes, and the soils in which they grow. Care for the finished product also means care in terms of distribution, which is reserved to wine enthusiasts and experts who are able to appreciate the quality and characteristics of Pala wines, selecting them for their tables, in restaurants, or in wine shops. For a special evening with friends or even just because, according to Pala, wine is for living. Vine, wine, life!

Sardinia , 's second-largest island. "The largest island in the world, the land of a thousand towers (the nuraghi) and of silver springs; the sunset isle, older than the ancient," is how it was defined by Erastothene, Ancient Greek philosopher and writer, who was charmed by this far-off paradise, lost in the Mediterranean.

Sardinia is an island of conquest and landing place. It is a place where age-old peoples and traditions have originated. A sunny, solitary land where the historical air merges with the winds blowing over a nature that remain unspoilt.

Sardinia is a most particular island; behind the splendid emerald and turquoise reflections of its sea and its sands, which can be pink, pure white or even golden, there are hidden areas where time seems to stand still or to pass more slowly. Different landscapes that change continually, giving travellers the impression that they are in a micro-continent.

It is sufficient to travel over the island from north to south to realise - even if only in part - the extraordinary nature of the Sardinian landscapes. Abandoning the main roads for a while means discovering many little treasures, and one of these is Serdiana, the small village that is home to Pala.

A mere eighteen kilometres separate Serdiana from , to the north east; but in spite of this closeness, the city seems a long way away from this unspoilt, relaxed corner of Sardinia. The beautifully preserved centre of the village with the church of San Salvatore and bell tower is well worth a visit. Nearby, surrounded by vineyards and olive groves is the small church of Santa Maria di Sibiola, a splendid example of Romanesque architecture and one of the most important in Sardinia.

The typical rolling hills of this area of the island make way on one side for the Sette Fratelli mountain park. These seven peaks, the highest of which is Serpeddì (1080 metres) form a circle around Serdiana inland and on the other side, towards the sea. Another example of the beauty and variety of the countryside is "Su Stani Saliu" (the salt pond) in the area of Serdiana, winter kingdom of flamingos, egrets, herons and other splendid water animals, which find peace and shelter in this corner of the countryside, surrounded by the tamarisks and vineyards.

The climate, on the island of eternal spring, is characterised by mild winters, where the spectacle of snowy peaks just above Serdiana is especially rare. Spring and autumn are rainy seasons, although rainfall is not always heavy, while summer is hot and dry with humidity being mitigated by the winds blowing in from the nearby sea. This all creates the ideal microclimate for wine growing.


The vineyards of Azienda Agricola Pala are divided into five areas by the firm. Their distance from the winery varies from 200 metres to ten or so kilometres. The type of grapes grown in each vineyard varies according to the microclimate and type of soil.

Is Crabilis Is Crabilis is the name of a limestone-sandy hill completely covered in vines. The name translated from Sardinian means an ancient goat shelter, even if Neolithic times, it was probably the site of a village, as shown by some tools found here. Crabilis gives its name to our Vermentino, which is the most widely grown grape on this 25-hectare area. The limestone and clay soils are rich in texture at the base and gradual become looser and more sandy - although always with a high gravel content - towards the top, which overlooks a large part of the valley and surrounding countryside since it is located some 220 metres above sea level. The white grape varieties Vermentino and are mainly grown in the south-east and north-east sectors of the hill. The red varieties, Carignano, Monica and Cannonau are grown in the south- and north-west-facing areas as well as on the top. Is Crabilis is the vineyard farthest from the winery; it is approximately ten kilometres away in the municipality of .

Tanca S'Arai In ancient times, "tanche" were large fenced sections of land used for agricultural and livestock-breeding purposes. The agricultural origins are revealed by the name S'Arai which, translated from Sardinian, means plough. It is an area of land covering fifteen hectares, approximately two kilometres from the winery in the municipality of Serdiana, on a hill some 220 metres above sea level. It is south facing and the soil type is clay at the base becoming sandy at the top. This area is where Bovale, Cannonau, Vermentino, Nuragus and Nasco varieties are grown. In summer, from the top of S'Arai, it is possible to glimpse the green hill of Is Crabilis surrounded by golden fields of wheat.

S'Acquasassa Water from the stones is the literal translation of the name of this eight-hectare vineyard. It is located just a short distance from Tanca S'Arai, facing north west to south east, in a semicircle around a hill and overlooked by centuries- old olive groves and a row of cypress trees. The soil here is clay and gravel - ideal for Malvasia di Cagliari, and Chardonnay - but it is also home to our oldest vineyard growing Monica as well as a vineyard for the new Cannonau and Nuragus vines.

Costa Is Arangius A slope once used to grow oranges in ancient times, which probably gave the name to this five-hectare vineyard meaning "the orange tree coast". The vineyard is east facing and just a short distance from Tanca S'Arai, but at a slightly lower altitude, around 180 metres. This prevalently clay soil is home to the Monica variety.

Benatzu Coloru Soil/coloured sand would seem to be the translation of the name of this piece of land, covering some ten hectares where eight hectares of Vermentino, Cannonau, Bovale and Monica vines are grown. This too is on a hill at an altitude of 180 metres, facing south west and with limestone, clay soil. This is our youngest vineyard and the one closest to our winery at a distance of just two hundred metres.

Cotte Maccione - the olive grove Serdiana is part of the micro-region of Parteolla, a name originating from Partes de Olia, or in other words, the olive tree area, which shows the importance of this area to olive growing in ancient times. Our olives are grown at Cotte Maccione, the court of Maccione, a five-hectare piece of land that is practically adjacent to the village of Serdiana. This is where Tonda di Cagliari and Pitz'e Carroga olive trees - the oldest varieties in the Cagliari area - are grown. Many of the olive trees are more than one hundred years old and all are grown using the system of tall trunks with vase-shaped foliage.


Vermentino di Sardegna VVVermentin ooo The Vermentino vine is well-known and grown more or less intensely in all coastal areas of the Mediterranean, from Spain to Liguria and the islands off these coasts, Corsica and Sardinia. It is also grown in small areas on the island of di Madeira and in some places in southern France. Its origins are certainly Spanish and it seems that it was brought from Spain to Corsica some time in the 14th century and from there to Liguria. Its ideal habitat is Sardinia, even if its SSSardegn aaa appearance on the island is very recent and can be dated back to the final decades of the last century, with the first vines being planted in Gallura, on the northernmost tip of the island. From Gallura, Vermentino has spread to all of Sardinia's main wine-growing areas and mainly to the provinces of Sassari and Cagliari. Traditionally, vines are trained using the alberello sardo system with 3-4 renewal spurs.

Cannonau di Sardegna According to some experts, the Cannonau vine has been grown since the period of the nuraghi (Neolithic) and this has been shown by Cannonau grape seeds found inside a nuraghe and dated back to 1200 B.C. Others maintain that it is a modification of the Canonazo of Seville, the Granaxa of Aragon or even of the Alicante brought to Sardinia by the Jesuits. It is certainly the island's most famous wine and it is grown practically all over the island. In spite of the fact that this vine is so widespread, the actual amount of Cannonau wine produced is quite limited on account of the widely used practice of short pruning on vines trained using the alberello system; this drastically cuts production, which is reduced to as little as 30-40 quintals per hectare. Traditionally vines are trained using the alberello or low espalier systems.

Monica di Sardegna The Monica red variety is one of the oldest vines in Sardinia. Its origins are disputed: one of the most probable theories is that it arrived in Sardinia in the 11th century, when the Camaldolite monks began to cultivate the lands around their monasteries, giving the grape its name. It is used on its own to produce the DOC wine of the same name, Monica di Sardegna. The vines are trained using the classic latin alberello system.

Carignano di Sardegna This vine, introduced into Spain in the 12th century, spread through southern France and northern Africa, but the most credible opinion as to its origins is that they date back to the Phoenicians who, in ancient times, grew this wine in their colonies in Sardinia. It is typically produced in the south of the island, where the vine has flourished, thanks to its particular resistance to the salty winds from the sea. The vines are trained using the traditional alberello or low espalier systems.

Bovale Sardo The ideal habitat for the Bovale Sardo vine is the central-southern part of the island. This variety was brought to the island by the Aragonese and, although destroyed by the phylloxera epidemic in the latter half of the 19th century, thanks to its ability to adapt, it has regained its natural levels of productivity. It has always been used for mixed vintages thanks to its particular concentration and today it is quite a rare vine. For some years now, our company has been proceeding with a project to recuperate and valorise this vine, which is best trained using the traditional alberello sardo method.

Nuragus di Cagliari The origins of the Nuragus variety go back to the dawn of time and it is most certainly one of the first vines to have been brought to Sardinia, most probably by the Phoenician sailors who founded the city of Nora, the ruins of which are located on the southern borders of the Campidano plain. This theory is based both on the name (the prefix "nur" derives from Phoenician), and on the area in which the vine is grown, which is limited to the plains behind the Phoenicians' landing point. Its high production capacity has given it numerous names: "vitis abundans", "Axina de pòberus", "Axina de margiani", and "Axina scacciadèppidus" (poor man's grape or debt-beater). One of the most accredited theories is that it is a native variety. his vine is trained using the traditional alberello or low espalier systems.

Nasco di Cagliari The Nasco white grape has been grown in Sardinia since time immemorial. Acerbi called it "nuscu", and Moris referred to it as vitis amabilis or nascu . This latter name became widely used in the vernacular and it was also recorded by Cettolini, together with other synonyms in dialect, including resu and ogu de arrana . Both Mameli and Acerbi state that the name of this vine is derived from the Latin muscus or musky, due to the unmistakable scent of the wine if aged for a few years and of which the term in dialect, "nascu" would seem to be derived. If this theory is taken as being correct, then it may be thought that Nasco was already present on the island during Roman times or that it was at least introduced by the Romans. Even the fact that its spread was limited to the inland areas around the port of Karalis leads us to presume that it arrived on the island in ancient times, via this landing place, in the same way as some other vines that are characteristic of Sardinia. It is found exclusively in the Campidano plain area above Cagliari and in particular, in the districts of Quartu, Maracalagonis, , Selargius, Sinnai, , and Serdiana.

Malvasia di Cagliari The origins of the Malvasia sarda vine date back to the Byzantine period and it certainly arrived in Sardinia via the ports of Karalis and Bosa; in fact, it is mostly found in the Campidano plain above Cagliari and the hills of Planargia. All experts in Sardinian wines agree that there is a marked difference between the Malvasia made in the Cagliari area and that made in Bosa - a difference that is certainly not totally attributable to the different pedoclimatic conditions - which goes to confirm the existence of two different clones of a single variety that arrived in the two different areas of Sardinia. The vines are trained using the traditional low espalier or alberello systems.

“S’arai” Rosso Isola dei Nuraghi IGT

Uve - Cannonau, Carignano, Barbera sarda, Bovale. Vigne e metodo di coltivazione - Vigneti di Tanca S’Arai (Serdiana); alberello tradizionale e spalliera bassa. Età della vigna - Varia: da 10/15 a 25/30 anni a seconda del vitigno. Resa - 70/80 quintali/ettaro . Terreni e Giacitura - Di media collina, argillosi calcarei di collina ricchi di scheletro 150/180 m s.l.m. varia da 10/15 a 25/30 a seconda del vitigno. Vinificazione, Maturazione, Affinamento - Ogni vitigno viene vinificato separatamente, dopo la pigiadiraspatura segue la macerazione a temperatura controllata, con l’innesto di lieviti selezionati, che dura tra gli 8 e i 10 giorni a seconda del vitigno. Terminata la fase di macerazione la fermentazione prosegue in tini in acciaio inox a temperatura controllata intorno ai 20°. A fermentazione ultimata si procede a delle leggere chiarifiche dopo le quali il vino viene lasciato riposare alcuni giorni per poi poter procedere all’assemblaggio dei prodotti ottenuti in percentuali variabili di anno in anno. Dopo l’assemblaggio l’affinamento prosegue per circa un mese in vasca di cemento sotterranea per poi continuare in barriques nuove di rovere francese da 225 litri per circa 8/10 mesi, successivamente il vino verrà posto in bottiglia per completare l’affinamento in circa 3/4 mesi. Degustazione: Colore Rubino intenso e consistente con lievi riflessi granata, molto limpido. Profumo intenso e persistente con note preponderanti di frutta matura e leggermente ammandorlate. Sapore asciutto e morbido di buona struttura, caldo e avvolgente. Abbinamenti e modo di servizio Cacciagione da piuma, carni arrosto e brasate, formaggi stagionati ma non piccanti. Servire a 18°/20° stappando un ora prima della mescita o in caraffa.

Grapes - Cannonau, Carignano, Barbera sarda, Bovale. Vineyards and method of cultivation - Vineyard of Tanca S’Arai (Serdiana); low espalier, traditional sapling. Age of vineyard - Ranging from 10/15 until 25/30 years, depending on the vineyard. Crop production - 70/80 quintals to the hectare. Soil Type - Of medium calcium clay hills rich in texture, 150/180 m. above sea level. Vinification, Refinement - Every vineyard becomes vinified separately, after the pressing of the grapes follows the maceration at controlled temperature with the addition of selected yeasts, that lasts form 8 –10 days according to the vineyard. The maceration terminated, the fermentation follows in vats of stainless steel at a controlled temperature of about 22/24° C. After the fermentation follows a light clarification. The wine is then allowed to rest for a few days before it is possible to assemble the product obtained in variable percentages form year to year. After the assembly follows the refinement for about one month in underground cement baths. It is then ready to continue in French oak barrels (barriques) of 225 litres for approximately 8/10 months. After which period it is bottled and left for a few more months before being put into commerce. Tasting - Deep ruby red colour and consisting of light very clear burgundy reflections. Intense persistent perfume with preponderous notes of mature fruit with light almond taste. Dry taste and soft with a good structure, hot and embracing. Suggestions for use - Gamebirds roast and braised meats, seasoned cheeses but not too spicy. Serve at 18/20° C. uncorking one hour before decanting.

Import: Lahvino – Italiensk Vinimport, DK-8800 Viborg, Tlf. 87257707,

“Entemari” Bianco Isola dei Nuraghi IGT

Uve - Vermentino Chardonnay Malvasia Sarda. Vigne e metodo di Coltivazione - Vigneto Is Crabilis (Ussana) e Acquasassa (Serdiana), alberello e spalliera bassa. Età della Vigna - Da 10 a 15 anni a seconda del vitigno. Resa - 45/50 quintali/ettaro. Terreni e Giacitura - Media collina, argillosi calcarei ricchi di scheletro ca. 165m s.l.m. Vinificazione, maturazione, affinamento - Le uve previa pigiatura soffice vengono lasciate a macerare con l’innesto di lieviti selezionati per alcune ore, successivamente alla svinatura il mosto prosegue la fermentazione, previa pulizia, in tini di acciaio inox e in barriques di rovere francese. Al termine della fermentazione il vino subisce una leggera chiarifica e prosegue il suo affinamento in inox fino al mese di febbraio, dopo tale periodo viene imbottigliato e affinato per alcuni mesi in bottiglia prima di essere immesso in commercio. Degustazione - Colore paglierino vivace e consistente con striature verdognole, brillante. Profumo intenso e persistente, fine ed elegante con note fruttate di mela acerba e vegetali. Sapore secco, di notevole struttura e spessore e persistenza. Di piacevole morbidezza, pieno ed equilibrato. Abbinamenti e modo di servizio - Antipasti magri, minestre asciutte con salse non molto saporose, risotti e pesci grigliati o in salse leggere. Servire a 11 –13° C. stappando la bottiglia al momento della mescita.

Grapes – Vermentino, Chardonnay, Malvasia Sarda. Vineyards and method of cultivation - Vineyard “Is Crabilis” (Ussana) and “Acquasassa” (Serdiana), low espalier, traditional sapling. Age od vineyard - From 10 to 15 years depending on the grape type. Crop Production - 45/50 quintals to the hectare. Soil Type - Medium hill of calcium clay rich in texture, 150/180 m. above sea level Vinification, Refinement - The grapes by way of pressing softly are left to macerate with the addiction of selected yeasts for a few hours. In succession at the separation of the grapeskins form the juice, the fermentation is left to settle in vats of stainless steel and French oak barrels of 225 litres (barriques). At the end of fermentation the wine undergoes a light clarification and it’s refinement follows in stainless steel until the month of February. After this period it is bottled and left for a few more months before being put into commerce. Tasting - Bright straw colour with consistent greenish brilliant streak, intense perfume and persistent fine elegance with fruity note of green apple and vegetables. Dry taste of a notable structure and depth and persistence. A pleasing softness, full and balanced. Suggestions for use - Light fatless starters, soups with sauces which are not too highly seasoned, risotto and grilled fish or in a light sauce. Serve at 11/13° C. uncorking the bottle at the moment of decanting.

Import: Lahvino – Italiensk Vinimport, DK-8800 Viborg, Tlf. 87257707,

“Assoluto” Passito Bianco Isola dei Nuraghi IGT

Uve - Nasco, Vermentino. Vigne e metodo di coltivazione - Vigneti di Tanca S’Arai (Serdiana); Is Crabilis (Ussana) alberello tradizionale e spalliera bassa. Età della vigna - Varia: da 10/15 a 25/30 anni a seconda del vitigno. Resa - 35/40 quintali/ettaro. Terreni e Giacitura - Di media collina, argillosi calcarei di collina ricchi di scheletro 150/180 m s.l.m. Vinificazione, Maturazione, Affinamento - Le uve vengono fatte passire naturalmente in vigna mediante il taglio del capo a frutto che rimane sulla pianta per quindici giorni. Dopo tale periodo le uve vengono vendemmiate Segue la vinificazione a temperatura controllata delle uve diraspate, con l’innesto di lieviti selezionati. Terminata la fase di macerazione la fermentazione prosegue in tini in acciaio inox a temperatura controllata intorno ai 20°. A fermentazione ultimata si procede a delle leggere chiarifiche dopo le quali il vino viene lasciato riposare alcuni giorni L’affinamento prosegue per sei mesi in acciaio inox,successivamente il vino verrà posto in bottiglia per completare l’affinamento in circa sei mesi. Degustazione - Profumo ampio ed intenso, con evidenti note del frutto maturo, frutta secca e miele. Sapore morbido e concentrato, decisamente dolce ma equilibrato, con finale piacevole di ammandorlato; buona persistenza gusto olfattiva. Abbinamenti e modo di servizio - Pasticceria secca a base di mandorle o noci, formaggi erborinati e un po piccanti. Servire a 10-12° C. stappando la bottiglia al momento della mescita.

Grapes - Nasco, Vermentino. Vineyards and method of cultivation - Vineyard of Tanca S’Arai (Serdiana); Is Crabilis (Ussana) low espalier, traditional sapling. Age of vineyard - Ranging from 10/15 until 25/30 years, depending on the vineyard. Crop production - 35/40 quintals to the hectare. Soil Type - Of medium calcium clay hills rich in texture, 150/180 m. above sea level. Vinification, Refinement - The grapes are dried naturally at the vineyard on the plant for 15 days. After the gathering of the grapes follows the vinification at controlled temperature with the addition of selected yeasts. Maturation over, fermentation follows in small vats of stainless steel at a controlled temperature of around 20°. A light clarification follows the termination of fermentation after which the wine is left to rest for a few days. The refinement follows for six months in stainless steel and is then placed in bottles for another six months to complete the process of refinement. Tasting - Golden colour of an antique brilliance. A full and intense aroma with evident notes of mature fruit, dried fruit and honey. A soft concentrated taste, decidedly sweet but balanced with a pleasant almond tasting finale; a good olfactory persistence. Suggestions for use - Pastries with an almond or walnut base. Herby cheeses which are mildly piquant. Serve at 10-12° C. uncorking the bottle at the moment of decanting.

Import: Lahvino – Italiensk Vinimport, DK-8800 Viborg, Tlf. 87257707,

“Essentija” Bovale Rosso Isola dei Nuraghi IGT

Uve: Bovale 100% Vigne e metodo di coltivazione: vigneti di Tanca S’Arai e Benatzu Coloru (Serdiana); alberello tradizionale e spalliera bassa Età della vigna: da 10/15 a 30/40 anni a seconda dell’appezzamento Resa: 70 Terreni e Giacitura: di media collina, argillosi calcarei di collina ricchi di scheletro o sabbiosi, 150/180 m s.l.m. Vinificazione, Maturazione, Affinamento: dopo la pigiadiraspatura segue la macerazione a temperatura controllata, con l’innesto di lieviti selezionati, che dura tra gli 8 e i 10 giorni. Terminata la fase di macerazione la fermentazione prosegue in tini in acciaio inox a temperatura controllata intorno ai 22/24°. A fermentazione ultimata si procede a delle leggere chiarifiche dopo le quali il vino viene lasciato riposare alcuni giorni. Dopo di che l’affinamento prosegue per circa quattro mesi in vasca di cemento sotterranea per poi continuare in barriques nuove di rovere francese da 225 litri per circa tre mesi e di nuovo due mesi in acciaio inox. Successivamente il vino verrà posto in bottiglia per completare l’affinamento in circa 3/4 mesi. Degustazione: colore Rubino intenso e consistente con lievi riflessi granata, molto limpido. Profumo intenso e persistente con note preponderanti di frutta matura, su tutte prevale la prugna. Sapore asciutto e morbido di buona struttura, caldo e avvolgente. Abbinamenti e modo di servizio: cacciagione da piuma, carni arrosto e brasate, formaggi stagionati ma non piccanti. Servire a 18°/20° stappando un ora prima della mescita o in caraffa.

Grapes: Bovale 100% Vineyards and method of cultivation: vineyard of Tanca S’Arai and vineyard of Benatzu Coloru (Serdiana); low espalier, traditional sapling Age of vineyard: ranging from 10/15 until 30/40 years, depending on the vineyard. Crop production: 70quintals to the hectare Soil Type: of medium calcium clay hills rich in texture,150/180 m. above sea level. Vinification, Refinement: after the pressing of the grapes follows the maceration at controlled temperature with the addiction of selected yeasts, that lasts form 8 –10 day. The maceration terminated, the fermentation follows in vats of stainless steel at a controlled temperature of about 22/24° C. After the fermentation follows a light clarification. The wine is then allowed to rest for a few days. The refinement follows for about four month in underground cement baths. It is then ready to continue in French oak barrels (barriques) of 225 litres for approximately three months, and again three months in stainless steel vats. After which period it is bottled and left for a few more months before being put into commerce. Tasting: deep ruby red colour and consisting of light very clear burgundy reflections. Intense persistent perfume with preponderous notes of mature fruit. Dry taste and soft with a good structure, hot and embracing. Suggestions for use: gamebirds roast and braised meats, seasoned cheeses but not too spicy. Serve at 18/20° C. uncorking one hour before decanting.

Import: Lahvino – Italiensk Vinimport, DK-8800 Viborg, Tlf. 87257707,

“Triente” Cannonau di Sardegna DOC

Uve - Cannonau di Sardegna DOC 95%, altri vitigni autoctoni 5%. Vigne e metodo di coltivazione - Località “Is Crabilis” (Serdiana) e “Acquasassa” (Ussana), spalliera bassa e alberello tradizionale. Età della vigna - 10 anni. Resa - 80 quintali/ettaro . Terreni e Giacitura - argilloso calcarei di media collina, ricchi di scheletro, 150/180 m s.l.m. Vinificazione, maturazione, affinamento - le uve previa pigiadiraspatura macerano con l’innesto di lieviti selezionati per circa 6/7 giorni. Terminata la macerazione la fermentazione prosegue a temperatura controllata. Al termine della fermentazione il prodotto prosegue l’affinamento in cemento e inox per circa sei mesi dopo di che verrà imbottigliato per passare altri 2/3 mesi in bottiglia. Degustazione - Colore rosso rubino intenso con unghia violacea, molto limpido. Profumo intenso fresco ed immediato con nuances di frutta rossa matura e note vegetali. Sapore asciutto e morbido di buona struttura e persistenza gusto olfattiva. Abbinamenti e modo di servizio - Antipasti di salumi, primi piatti dai condimenti saporosi, carni bianche e rosse non eccessivamente grasse, formaggi di media stagionatura. Servire a 16-18 gradi stappando la bottiglia almeno 30 minuti prima della mescita.

Grapes - Cannonau di Sardegna DOC 95%, 5% other Sardinian grapes. Vineyards and method of cultivation - Vineyard “Is Crabilis” (Serdiana) and “Acquasassa” (Ussana), low espalier, traditional sapling. Age of vineyard - 10 years. Crop production - 80 quintals to the hectare. Soil type - Medium hills of calcified clay, rich in texture. 150/180 m. above sea level. Vinification, refinement - The grapes, once pressed, macerate with the insertion of selected yeasts for about 6/7 days. The maceration ended, the fermentation follows at a controlled temperature. At the termination of the fermentation the product follows on in cement and stainless steel for about 8 months. After which it is allowed to rest bottled for another 2/3 months. Tasting - Intense ruby red colour with violet threads, very clear. A very intense perfume, fresh and with connations of mature red fruits and vegetables. Dry taste and smooth with good structure and persistent olfactory taste. Suggestion for use - Starters of mixed sausages, salamis etc. and plates of spicey food, white meats and red, and cheeses of medium seasoning. Serve at 16/18° C. uncorking the bottle at least 30 min. before decanting.

Import: Lahvino – Italiensk Vinimport, DK-8800 Viborg, Tlf. 87257707,

“Crabilis” Vermentino di Sardegna DOC

Uve - Vermentino di Sardegna DOC 100%. Vigne e metodo di coltivazione - Località “Is Crabilis”, spalliera bassa. Età della vigna - 15 anni. Resa - 80/90 quintali/ettaro. Terreni e giacitura - Argilloso calcarei ricchi di scheletro, di media collina, 150/180 m s.l.m. Vinificazione, maturazione e affinamento - Il mosto ottenuto dalla pigiatura soffice delle uve dopo una prima pulizia e l’innesto di lieviti selezionati, fermenta in tini inox alla temperatura costante di 15 °, terminate le fermentazioni, dopo leggera chiarifica, viene fatto riposare per alcuni mesi in tini inox, per poi procedere all’imbottigliamento. Degustazione - Colore paglierino con riflessi verdognoli, brillante. Profumo intenso e persistente con profumi floreali e vegetali, note di tiglio e balsamiche. Sapore con netta predominanza delle note vegetali, caldo e pieno di buon spessore ed equilibrato; con lunga persistenza gustativa. Abbinamenti e modo di servizio - Piatti marinari in genere, pesci dalla carne delicata anche conditi con salse leggere, minestre asciutte e in brodo dai condimenti non eccessivamente saporosi. Servire a 10-12 ° C. stappando la bottiglia al momento della mescita.

Grapes - Vermentino di Sardegna DOC 100%. Vineyard and method of cultivation - Vineyard “Is Crabilis”, low espalier. Age of vineyards - 15 years. Crop production - 80/90 quintals to the hectare. Soil type - Calcium clay rich in texture of medium hill. 150/180 m. above sea level. Vinification, refinement - The must obtained from the soft pressing of the grapes and after a first cleaning and the addition of selected yeasts, is left to ferment in stainless steel vats at a constant temperature of 15 ° C.. The fermentation ended, after a light clarification it is allowed to rest for a few months in the vats. After which it is possible to proceed with the bottling. Tasting - Straw coloured with brilliant greenish reflections. An intense persistent floral and vegetable perfume with note of thyme and balsamic. It’s taste is predominately vegetable notes hot and full with good depth and balance, with a long persistent aftertaste. Suggestions for use - Seafood dishes in general, fish with delicate flesh and even seasoned with a light sauce, soups and broths which are not overly seasoned. Serve at 10/12 ° C. uncorking at the moment of decanting.

Import: Lahvino – Italiensk Vinimport, DK-8800 Viborg, Tlf. 87257707,

“Elima” Monica di Sardegna DOC

Uve - Monica di Sardegna DOC 90%, altri vitigni autoctoni 10%. Vigne e metodo di coltivazione - Località “Su staini saliu” (Serdiana), alberello tradizionale. Età della vigna - 25 / 30 anni. Resa - 70/80 quintali/ettaro. Terreni e Giacitura - Argilloso calcarei poveri di scheletro. Vinificazione, maturazione, affinamento - Le uve previa pigiadiraspatura seguono una macerazione, con l’innesto di lieviti selezionati, a temperatura controllata di 20° C della durata di cinque giorni minimo. Dopo la svinatura la fermentazione prosegue, sempre a temperatura controllata in tini in acciaio inox. Terminata la fermentazione, dopo leggere chiarifichi, l’affinamento prosegue per circa 6 mesi in vasche di cemento sotterranee e in bottiglia per 2/3mesi. Degustazione - Colore rubino intenso con unghia leggermente violacea, molto limpido. Profumo intenso e persistente con discreta concentrazione di note vegetali e speziate dalle quali emerge una leggera nuance di liquirizia. Sapore asciutto e morbido, piacevolmente fresco, equilibrato e armonico di buona persistenza gusto olfattiva. Abbinamenti e modo di servizio - Antipasti magri, minestre asciutte e in brodo anche con salse saporose, carni bianche in tegame e grigliate, formaggi caprini e pecorini di media stagionatura.

Grapes - Monica di Sardegna DOC 90%, 10% other Sardinian grapes. Vineyards and method of cultivation -Vineyards of “Su staini saliu” (Serdiana), traditional sapling. Age of vineyard - 25/30 years. Crop production - 70/80 quintals to the hectare. Soil type - Calcified clay, poor in texture. Vinification, refinement - The grapes, after pressing, are macerated with the addition of selected yeasts at a controlled temperature of 22/24° C. lasting a minimum of five days. The fermentation follows on after maceration, always at controlled temperature in vats of stainless steel. The fermentation is terminated after which it undergoes a light clarification. The refinement follows on for about six months in underground cement baths and the bottled for 2/3 months. Tasting - Intense ruby red colour with light violet streaks, very clear. Intense perfume with a discreet concentration of vegetable note and from that emerges a light nuance of liquorice. Dry and smooth taste, pleasingly fresh, balanced and harmonious with a good persistent olfactory taste. Suggestions for use - Non fatty starters, soups or broths with tasty sauces, white meats in casseroles and grills. Goats cheeses and sheep cheeses of medium seasoning.

Import: Lahvino – Italiensk Vinimport, DK-8800 Viborg, Tlf. 87257707,

“Salnico” Nuragus di Cagliari DOC

Uve - Nuragus di Cagliari DOC 100%. Vigne e metodo di coltivazione - Località “Acquasassa” (Serdiana) e “Is Crabilis” (Ussana); spalliera bassa e alberello tradizionale. Età della vigna - 20/25 anni. Resa - 90/100 quintali/ettaro . Terreni e giacitura - Argillosi calcarei poveri di scheletro in media collina. Vinificazione, maturazione, affinamento - Il mosto ottenuto dalla pigiatura soffice delle uve, dopo una prima pulizia e l’innesto di lieviti selezionati, fermenta in tini inox alla temperatura costante di 15°, terminate le fermentazioni, dopo leggera chiarifica viene fatto riposare per alcuni mesi in tini inox, per poi procedere all’imbottigliamento. Degustazione - Colore paglierino chiaro con unghia e riflessi verdolini. Profumo delicatamente fruttato, di buona intensità e persistenza. Note fresche vegetali. Sapore secco e fresco di buona intensità e acidità. Media persistenza gusto olfattiva. Abbinamenti e modo di servizio - Antipasti magri di pesce, minestre con conchigliacei, pesce bollito e primi dai condimenti leggeri. Servire a 10-12° C stappando la bottiglia al momento della mescita.

Grapes - Nuragus di Cagliari DOC 100%. Vineyards and method of cultivation - Vineyard “Acquasassa” (Serdiana) and “Is Crabilis” (Ussana); low espalier, traditional sapling. Age of vineyard - 20/25 years. Crop product