Pure Appl. Chem., Vol. 78, No. 10, pp. 1897–1970, 2006. doi:10.1351/pac200678101897 © 2006 IUPAC INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE AND STRUCTURE REPRESENTATION DIVISION* GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF STEREOCHEMICAL CONFIGURATION (IUPAC Recommendations 2006) Prepared for publication by JONATHAN BRECHER CambridgeSoft Corporation, 100 CambridgePark Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140, USA *Developed by the Task Group for Graphical Representation Standards for Chemical Structure Diagrams: Chairman: W. Town (UK); Members: J. Brecher (USA), K. N. Degtyarenko (UK), H. Gottlieb (USA), R. M. Hartshorn (New Zealand), G. P. Moss (UK), P. Murray-Rust (UK), J. Nyitrai (Hungary), W. Powell (USA), A. Smith (USA), S. Stein (USA), K. Taylor (USA), A. Williams (USA), A. Yerin (Russia); Corresponding Members: S. Conway (UK), H. Cooke (USA), P. Giles (USA), M. Griffiths (USA), B. Košata (Czech Republic), B. Ramsay (USA). Comments and suggestions for future revisions of these recommendations may be sent to Jonathan Brecher (
[email protected]) or to the Secretary of the Division. Membership of the Division Committee when this report was approved: President: A. D. McNaught (UK); Vice President: G. P. Moss (UK); Secretary: W. H. Powell (USA); Titular Members: T. Damhus (Denmark), R. M. Hartshorn (New Zealand), H. D. Kaesz (USA), J. Kahovec (Czech Republic), J. Nyitrai (Hungary), A. Williams (USA), A. Yerin (Russia); Associate Members: J. Brecher (USA), S. Heller (USA), M. Hess (Germany), A. J. Lawson (Germany), G. J. Leigh (UK), M. Toussant (USA); National Representatives: R. Hoyos de Rossi (Argentina), L. F. Lindoy (Australia), R. de Barros Faria (Brazil), J. He (China), P. Righi (Italy), C. S.