MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection 1

MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection (Acc. #58)

(The items in this file have been transcribed as written. The spelling is creative. Do not correct .) (This file contains many, many items in fragile condition.)

1 Five Years’ in the Canadas, by Edward Allen Talbot, 1824

2 Bills and Receipts 2.01 Receipt from K. Chisholm & Co., Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. . May 29, 1872. 2.02 Blotter with Ad for Plymouth Twine. 2.03 Advertising flyer from Stoutenburg and Smith. 2.04 Receipt from McBean and Co., Georgetown. Mammoth House. Dry Goods. 2.04.01 Dated January 20, 1918. 2.04.02 Undated. 2.05 Receipt from T.B. Crothers, Georgetown, July 03,1915. Groceries. 2.06 Receipt from McKay Bros., Georgetown. General Grocers 2.06.01 May 06 1908. 2.06.02 April 12, 1917. 2.07 Receipt from Adams and Co., Georgetown. Dry Goods. 2.07.01 June 11, 1908. 2.07.02 June 16, 1908. 2.07.03 July 24, 1908. 2.07.04 Undated. 2.08 Receipt from H.W. Kennedy, Georgetown. Groceries. 2.08.01 May 09, 1908. 2.08.02 September 21, 1908. 2.08.03 December 19, 1908. 2.09 Receipt from The Gurney Scale Co., Hamilton, November 01, 1909 2.10 Receipt from Barnhills, Norval. Dry Goods, Groceries, etc 2.10.01 January 25, 1915. 2.10.02 July 23, 1915. 2.10.03 January 11, 1916. 2.10.04 March 08, 1917. 2.10.05 January 08, 1918. 2.10.06 January 14, 1918. 2 MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection

2.11 Receipt from L.Grant and Company, Georgetown, 1872. Importers of General Dry Goods, Manufacturers of Millinery, Mantles and Clothing 2.12 Receipt from Frank Hustler, Norval, January 13, 1916. General Hardware, Tinsmithing, Etc 2.13 Receipt from W.C. Anthony, Georgetown, May 28,1910. Manufacturer of and Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Tinsmithing, Plumbing Hot Air and Hot Water Furnace Work. 2.14 Receipt from McLeod,Anderson & Co., Georgetown, 1910. Mammoth House. importers of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ... Undated. 2.15 Receipt from Hunter and Fraser, Georgetown, December 30, 1907. Horse Shoeing & General Blacksmithing. 2.16 Five Dollar Postal Note, Norval Station, July 24,1915. 2.17 Duplicate order form from New England Nurseries of Rochester, N.Y., July 14, 1894. Cherry and Plum Trees. 2.18 Duplicate order form from New England Nurseries of Rochester, N.Y., July 7, 1895. George Grimshaw, General Agent, Centre St., Brampton. Pear and Plum Trees. 2.19 Invoice. Swan Bros. Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Provision Merchants. May 06, 1893. 2.20 Receipt. Received from B. Young $75.00 on roof job. Signed M.C. Auttray (?). April 27, 1910. 2.21 Bill. Cain's Garage, Georgetown, . September 14, 1964.

3 Peel Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company 3.01 Booklet. 1876-1976, One Hundred Years of History with the Peel Mutual Fire Insurance Company. 3.02 Blank Form. Engine License. "to use such Engine for Threshing all kinds of grain in and about premises insured by the above-named Insurance Company, and such use shall not in any way affect or vitiate the policy of insurance, providing the following conditions are strictly complied with ..." (Fragile.) 3.03 Various Correspondence and Receipts, Undated. 3.03.01 Policy from the County of Peel Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Blank form. Circa 1880. List of names and policy numbers of policy holders circa 1880 written on reverse. 3.03.02 Alexanders Account. List of names: James Lindsey, C. Curran, MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection 3

John Caldwell. T. Copland, Geo. J.H. Bracken. 3.03.03 Receipt. Joseph Orth re Mr. Galbraiths fire. 3.03.04 Motion. Moved by J.Jackson, seconded by A. Frank that the account of A.F. Campbell be paid for Printing. 3.03.05 Motion. Moved by N.Watson, seconded by Kerny (?) that Mr. Graham receive ... $1.00 which was improperly called for & paid to Arthur Wiggin. 3.03.06 Receipt. Received for the W. Hunter fire claim the sum of $6.00. A. Frank. 3.03.07 Receipt. Received from J.S. Lesley the sum of $5.20 for fire inspection. T.S. Mason 3.03.08 Invoice. J.S. Leslie re Thompson fire claim 3.03.09 Motion. Moved by J. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Wilson that the account of the committee appointed to investigate Mr. Duffy fire claim be paid amounting to $13.80. Signed, T. S. Mason. 3.03.10 Invoice. Due to I. Wilson and N.V. Watson the sum of two dollars each for examining Mr. Smith fire claim. Signed, Isaac Wilson. 3.03.11 Motion. Moved by J.Jackson, seconded by Mr. Franks that the following accounts be paid to Mr. Watson and Mr. Sleightholm for investigating Mr. Graftons fire claim the amount $4.40; and also A.F. Campbells account for Printing, the sum of $23.50; also the account of Mr. Watson and Corbet for investigating Mr. Copperthorns approved loss the sum of $41.50. Signed, Wm. Kersey, President Pro Tem. 3.03.12 Receipt. "...Two hundred Dollars in full for los of mear and colt kiled by lighting. W. Crawford." 3.03.13 Order to pay. Wilson and Corbett for investigating Kernaghans fire ... F. Sleightholm, Chairman. 3.03.14 Account. Newlove. Isaac. Little. Anderson. Hillock. Grasby. Crawford. Watson. Faster. 3.03.15 Account of Mr. Uppon. Oliver. Wat. Irvin. McGraw. Orr. Whithead. Switsor. Franks. Brown. Armour.Crofferd. Thornton. Jackson. Alexander. Cesar. Shannon. Dean. Natress. Lawrie. Robinson. Bland. 3.03.16 Account of Mr. Upins. Goodison. Baldock. Rogers. Orr. Christopher. McGreggor. Grahma. Mathews. Prier. Reesor. Bonham. Duck. Wilson. Leslie. 4 MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection

3.03.17 Invoice. Expenses due to Mr. Near re inspecting the fire at Mr. Archy Galbrath; inspecting Mr. Millers Claim of Cow. 3.03.18 Motion. "Moved by D. Graham, seconded by J.H. Taylor that the Secretary receive the sum of fifty cent each pollicy and that he levering ( ?) assesments and attending to all the books meetings and corispondence and all other duties in connection with the Company. " 3.03.19 Invoice. Expenses due to A. Frank, J.S. Lesley and T. S. Mason for inspecting W. Hunters fire; also inspecting Sniders fire. 3.03.20 Account of J. Cooney, Edmonton. Dolson. Heny, Shanohan. 3.03.21 Account. Julian. Smith. Harrison, Gregg. Splan. Pike. McVean. O'Donnell. Cole. Kersey. Gordon. 3.03.22 Canada Post Card. Addressed to J.S. Leslie. "Churchville, June 9th. Dear Sir, Meet me in Brampton on Wednesday 11th. F. Bransby." 3.03.23 List of applications presented by L. Cheyne. Moore, Brown, Longry, Stirrat, Walsh, Conner, May, Mason. 3.03.24 Account. Upshaw, Shaw, Hammerson, Cantelon, Graham, Irvin, Robertson, Steen, Oughtred, Cordingly, Hammond, Petch, Hannah, Blakley, Church, Shook, Duncan, McCraney, Scoulam, Husband, McCanley, Bredin 3.03.25 Account. Dolson, Neal, Sweeney, Stinson, Baker, Wilson, Procter. 3.03.26 Account. Cavan, Pollard, Ward, Cook, Conover, Redmond, Earl, Thomas, Graham, Wilson, O'Hara, Rogers, Flick, Beatty, Rutledge, Cook, Clifton, Johnston, May, Mason. 3.03.27 Account. Wright, Noble, Beer, Mercer, Martin, Orth, Lyons, McMaster, Brooks, Lasby. 3.03.28 Account. Tomlinson, Longhouse, Burton, Wilson, Natrus. 3.03.29 Account. Gardner, Neeland, Laffind, Miller, Irwin, McClure, Anderson, Fullerton, Pearson, Orr, Dennison, Oliphant, Manly, Walker, Adamson, Cook, Miller, Garth, Robertson. 3.03.30 List of applications presented by ? Alexander. Nelson, Sullivan, Kinney, Milton, Millwood, Baxter, McDevit, Davis, Judge, Ward, Mimson, Bowls. 3.03.31 Account of J. Cooney, Edmonton. Bell, Campbell, Clark, Marshall, Hall, Anthony, Curry, Hutchenson. 3.03.32 Account. McCullough, McMurchie, Brownridge, Teeter, Watson, MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection 5

Brown. 3.03.33 Account of J. Cooney, Edmonton. Robinson, Reilly, Cootes, Marshall, Lyons, Sitzer, McKinney, Wilkinson. 3.03.34 Account. Horan, Ceaser, Perdue, McBride, Petch, Graham, Alexander, Ceaser, Rossney. 3.03.35 Account of Mr. Upons. Beaty, Mains, Urinel, Laver, Corgne, Peck, Hicke, Stevens, Reed, Bonham, Cain, Patch. 3.03.36 Account of J. Cooney, Edmonton. Armstrong, Hutchinson, Wilkinson, Giffen, McKinney, Wilson, Jewett, McKane, Hale, McDougall. 3.03.37 Account of Mr. Upsons. Waite, Cordingly, Glendening, Conover, Coyne, Speck. Blecker, Jafrie, Mane. Wilson, Ward, Scoot, Wardlaw, Jackson, Daley, Ervin, Greagrie. 3.03.38 Account. Croford, Watson, McKennie, Nattres, Uppen, Cook, Duglas, Anderson, Muller, Steen, Wilson, Trunkes, Joffary, McPherson, Kirkwood, Cooney, Campbell, Ovens, Clarrage, Lawson, Cheney, Wilson, Bramsby, Euens, McEwen, Moor, Monsie, Alexander, Giffin, Smith, Duglas. 3.03.39 Memo. "Guthrie to get notes of Peter H. Laird & Bros., Duncan McArthur, Joseph Trimble.” 3.03.40 Account. Standfield, Johnston, Armstrong, Orth, Gardhouse, Jackson. Mary A. Lackey. 3.03.41 Account. Button, Orth, Koake, Agar, Brennan, McCosh, Madill. Devins, Sheard. 3.03.42 Account of J. Cooney, Edmonton. Campbell, McPherson, McCullough, Giffen. 3.03.43 Account. Orr, Oliver, Irvine, Switzer, Whitehead, McCraw, Baptist Church, Watt. 3.03.44 Account. Watson, Wigons, Crafferd, Snider, Bean, Gray, Nix, Franks, Wilson, McKee, Linsey, Taylor, Midelbrooks, Wardlaw, Grame, Sage, McNeven, McGreagor. Nattres, Camerosn, Taylor, Far, Cheney, May, Dalton. (Torn.)

3.04 Various Correspondence and Receipts, Dated . 3.04.01 Notice. "Office of Peel Farmers' Ins. Co.'y, Brampton, April 6, 1878. Mr. H. Clarridge, Sir: You will please notice that first call on your Premium Note under Policy No. 365 is made for $2.10 to cover loss of $1800 sustained by Mr. A.F. Cranston, Lot 20, Con. 6 MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection

1, Albion, April 1st, 1878. Please remit in enclosed blanks without delay. Your Obedient Servant, John S. Leslie, Treasurer P.F.M. Ins. Company." 3.04.02 Canada Post Card, addressed to Mr. John S. Leslie. 'Brampton, June 6th, 1879. Dear Sir, You are requested by the sec'y and some of the directors to meet me at Cheltenham on Monday the 9th instant at 10 o'clock to inspect the loss of John Lyons, Lot 24. If you cannot meet me at that time let me know by telegraph before 8 o'clock on Monday A.M. and name another time for meeting. P.S. I am writing to Mr. Lyons that we will be there on Monday. Yours ?, S.M. Kenney, Ag't." 3.04.03 Invoice. To Luther Cheyne Esq., Sec. From Hunter, Rose & Co., Printers, Publishers, Bookbinders, Electrotypers, Stereotypers, Etc., 25 Wellington Street West, , March 18, 1881. Set of Insurance Books. $12.00. 3.04.04 Letter. July 02, 1881. "Dear Friend, I have had a second invoice sent by Hunter Rose & Co in reference to Insurance Book. You had better remit them the amount $12. I herewith enclose their account. All well hope yours are the same. Good hay weather. I suppose you are hard at it. We are almost half done. Yours truly, L. Cheyne. I wrote them today. " 3.04.05 Assessment notice. Peter McLellan, Ospringe. 1882. 3.04.06 Letter. July 5, 1882. Woodbridge. From John Nattress to L. Cheyne. "Dear Sir, Enclosed you will find three applications for insurance together with the sum of five 21/100 dollars to pay over to Treasurer being $4.16 on applications and $1.05 received from Mr. Robt. King for Carpenter's Risk for one month on $1,050.00 of Policy No. 1278. You did not send me any blanks for Carpenter's Risks and I had to give Mr. King a receipt in my own name in the following form: Rec'd from Mr. Robert King on Policy No. 1278 the sum of one 5/100 dollars for Carpenter's Risk on Barn No. 1 and contents therein, for one month from this date being 10 cents per $100 in accordance with resolution of the Directors of the Peel Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Co. (June 30th 1882). J.N. Send Blanks if you have them. If not submit the above to board of Directors for approval. I do not think I shall be able to get over to Brampton on Saturday as our Court meets on Monday next. You MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection 7

will therefore oblige by presenting application. Yours truly, " (Fragile. Right-hand edge creased, torn.) 3.04.07 Receipt, August 01, 1882. Alex Armour for sign for P.F.I. Co'y. Wm. Guest. 3.04.08 Letter. From, Office of the Inspector of Insurance, Ontario, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Canada, August 09, 1882. To, L. Cheyne, Esq., Secretary, Peel Farmers Mutual Fire Insurce. Coy., Brampton. "Sir, In reply to your enquiry of the 8th inst. I have the honour to state that the sum now due by your Company is $47 27/100. The Statutory assessment is levied as provided by 40 Vic. Chap. 20 "upon the amount of business taken by each company during the preceding year". The business taken by you company during 1881 is returned in your statement for 1881 as $598.321, which at the rate struck this year 0.000.79 per $. (42 Vic Chap 25) amounts as above to $47.27/100. I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, J. Howard Hunter, Inspector" 3.04.09 Receipt for $47.27. August 29, 1882. (See 3.04.08) 3.04.10 Invoice. A.F. Campbell, Publisher of the "Conservator," Dr. 500 postal cards. August 26, 1882. (Fragile.) 3.04.11 Notice. J.S. Leslie, Esq. "Please pay L. Cheyne, secretary, the sum of one hundred dollars in account of policies issued. Thomas Holtby, President". October 07, 1882. 3.04.12 Receipt. November, 1882. A. Armour. 3.04.13 Invoice. A.F. Campbell. 2400 circulars (note) 2 sets; 2400 envelopes 6 & 7 with address printed thereon. November 10, 1882. 3.04.14 Motion. "Moved by J. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Mason that the President and Messrs. Bessie and Leslie be a committee to investigate Mr. W. Thompson fire claim. Moved by J. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Kersey that the accounts of A.F. Campbell amounting to $22 be paid. Also Mr. Armours account of $25 for striking the rate for the two last fires be paid. Also to Mr. Guest $2.25 for painting sign out at the door of the office be paid. " November 11, 1882. 3.04.15 Receipt. "Rece'd from the Treasurer of P.M.F.I. Co. the sum Eleven Hundred and Twenty Seven Dollars and 50/100 being in full of loss by Fire which took place on January twentieth 1882. 8 MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection

Joseph Tills (?, possibly Little). November 18, 1882. 3.04.16 Receipt. "... the sum of five hundard dollars in part payment for lose by fire of the 9th October last. Donald Smith" December 02, 1882. 3.04.17 Receipt. "... for investigating Mr. Sniders fire and ... for investigating Mr. Littles loss. L. Cheyne." December 23, 1882. 3.04.18 Receipt. "...four hundard dollars in full of my loss by fire on the 9 October last. Donald Smith." December 23, 1882. 3.04.19 Receipt. Rent on office for 1882. Alex Armour. December 23, 1882. 3.04.20 Receipt. "Received frome the Peel Mutel insurence co the sum of 35 dollars in for the years of 1881. J.S. Leslie." December 26, 1882. 3.04.21 Assessment notice. Nelson Standish, Georgetown. 1883. 3.04.22 Assessment notice. Harriet Harris, Caledon. 1883. 3.04.23 Letter. "Sirs, Yours letter to hand & have enclosed form and money $4.55. Send my note by return of mail without fail as your agent wished to see it before renewing. J.R. Upham will call in a few days. So please attend to at once and oblige. Yours truly, Arthur Conors, Sheridan. Please address Credit P.O. instead of Sheridan." February 13, 1883. 3.04.24 Account. Fraser, Rutledge, Sharp, Martin, Robson, Campbell, Olliff, Merry, Coyne, Mountain, Petch, Taylor, Fuller, Little, Brady, Coony. July, 1883. 3.04.25 Account of Mr. Uppin. Mellans, Stephen, Hamilton, Hall, McClure, Clark, Mellafine, Whitehead. Beynon. Orr. Cordingly, Husband. Cheney. 3.04.26 Invoice. Alexander Armour, Insurance and Land Agent, Conveyancer, etc., Brampton. "To auditing books for 1883. $10.00.” 3.04.27 Notice of Assignment of Policy. "Take notice that all the right, title and interest of Thomas Walsh and John Walsh, both of the Township of Chinguacousy in the County of Peel, Farmers, in and to Policy Number 2578 of the County of Peel Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company has been assigned to Mr. Alexander Broddy of the Town of Brampton, in the said County, by deed bearing date the Sixth day of October, A.D. 1883. Dated the 30th day of November, 1883. Alexander Broddy per MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection 9

H.P. Milligan his Solicitor and Agent. " 3.04.28 Receipt. $585.64. Brampton, February 08, 1884. "Received from The Peel Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Company the sum of Five hudnred & eight-five 64/100 Dollars in full of the insurance under Policy 2578, Thos & Jno Walsh & assigned to me by assignment endorsed thereon upon the contents of the barn therein referred to less the claim of A. Heflar thereon amounting to $294.36 & also the amount of the Premium Note given therefor and I hereby agree to indemnify the said Company from any claim or demand thereon by the assured or either of them or by any other person through or for them or otherwise as to the said sum so received by me. A Broddy. " 3.04.29 Receipt. Brampton Times. Advertizing [sic]. January, 1884. 3.04.30 Receipt. Wm. Kersey. For inspecting engines. $1.00. January 19, 1884. 3.04.31 Promissory Note. John S. Leslie. $700.00. To Thos. Holtby. February 08, 1884. 3.04.32 Cancelled cheque.The Merchants Bank of Canada. Joseph Orr, in full of loss by fire. June 13, 1884 3.04.33 Cancelled cheque. Merchants Bank of Canada. Johnston Golding, in full for fire. June 14, 1884. 3.04.34 Promissory Note. Pay to the order of Frances Bransby. $700.00. July 11, 1884. 3.04.35 Cancelled cheque. Central Bank of Canada. William Crawford. October 25, 1884. Frances Bransby. November 01, 1884. Wm. Kersey. November 15, 1884 Wm. Steen. November 22, 1884. Royal Grafton. November 22, 1884. December 06,1884, to Francis Bramsby, for $1,030.00 December 06,1884, to Edward Hillock, for $650.00. December 13, 1884, to Alex Armour, for $70.00. December 13, 1884, to Geo. Corbet, for $4.60. December 13, 1884, to Tobias Mason, for $21.30. December 13, 1884, to Wm. Steen, for $23.90. December 15, 1884, to J.H. Taylor, for $18.90. December 13, 1884, to David [Grame] Graham, for $22.00. 10 MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection January 16, 1885, to Eli Crawford, for $14.00. January 17, 1885, to N.V. Watson, for $15.00. January 17, 1885, to Wm. Kersey, for $16.80 January 17, 1885, to Geo. Corbet, for $22.00. January 17, 1885, to A. Frank, for $26.00. J. Wilson. January 17, 1885. Edward Hillock. January 17, 1885. Joseph Orr. January 17, 1885 James Jackson. January 17, 1885. Robert Evens. January 31, 1885. Ralf Crafford (Endorsed, Ralph Crawford). February 28, 1885.

3.04.36 Promissory Note. To Central Bank of Canada. $500.00. January 31, 1885. 3.04.37 Note. "To F. Bransby. Dated 18 Nov 82 for 1 year for $1000 - Interest half yearly @ 6 per cent p ann" 3.04.38 Receipt. "$703. Sturtown, 26 Dec. 1882. Rec frome J.S. Leslie Tres. P.M.F. Co'y the sum of Seven hundurd and three dollars in full for los by fife on the 28 oct last. William Thompson. " 3.04.39 Account. July, 1883. John Huffman, Robt. Kirkwood, George Powell, Jas. Scott, Peter Laird & Sons, T. & W. Early, R. McEachern, Duncan Smith, A. Devereaux, N. Standish, R. Graham, W.S. Quarrie, J. Nixon, W.J. Noble. 3.04.40 Account. October 06, 1883. Crafford, Ward, Corket, Duncan, Alexander, Bowles, Horan, Shelley Chambers, McDonald, Shealds, Little, Wilson, Donley, Maybee, Franks, Paster, McClarne, Kersy, Hunter, Guther, Fraser, Damson, Wright, Jackson, Midelbrook, Grame, Taylor, Lellan, McLellin, Doyle, Walker, Cheney, Steel, Tindle, Justeron 3.04.41 Account. Charles Cordingly. 1883 3.04.42 Account. September 06, 1883. Hamilton, Peynon, Whielock, McCaffrey, Husband, mcClure, Clink, Hall Hamilton, Hepburn, Neelands, Cordingly, Orr. 3.04.43 Receipt. "from J.S. Leslie, Fifty five dollars in a/c. L. Cheyne" January 31, 1885. 3.04.44 Receipt. "..L. Cheyne one dollar and fifty two cents being amount paid in error on Policy 2183 for year 1884. John A. Clark." MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection 11

August 17, 1885. 3.04.45 Promissory Note. April 23, 1884. To Jonathan Kersey. 3.04.46 Receipt. January 19, 1884. "To Alex Armour Dr, To Office rent for year 1883, $20.00." 3.04.47 Receipt. January 19, 1884. L. Cheyne. "..balance due on policies for past year." 3.04.48 Receipt. January 19, 1884. L. Cheyne. "Postage & stationary for 1883, $12.70" 3.04.49 Receipt. January 19, 1884. Fred Smith. "Posting bills of annual meeting." 3.04.50 Receipt. January 19, 1884. A. Armour. "Index book and copying." 3.04.51 Receipt. February 02, 1884. A. Wiggins per D. Graham. "Return of assessment" 3.04.52 Invoice. March 15, 1884. From A. F. Campbell, Publisher of the "Conservator," Dr. For printing. 3.04.53 Receipt. May 03, 1884. From Robert Evans. 3.04.54 Receipt. "Brampton, May 3rd, 1884. Received from John S. Leslie Treasurer of the Peel Farmers Mutual Frie Insurance Co. the sum of Eight hundred dollars ($800) being the amount in full of my claim against the said Company for loss on dwelling house as contained in Policy No. 1537. Thomas Kersey" 3.04.55 Receipt. May 31, 1884. Johnston Golden. "as part of his loss by fire last July." 3.04.56 Receipt. May 03, 1884. Isaac Wilson for Ernest Sanderson. "in full for loss of hogs by lightning last August." 3.04.57 Receipt. October 18, 1884. Geo. Corkett. "for inspection Gaperlhorn Suposed fire" (can't be sure this is what it says.) 3.04.58 Promissory Note. "Brampton, June 11, 1884. $1,000.00. Six months after ante for value received we promise to pay Trances Bransby or order the sum of one Thousand dollars at six per cent. Thos. Holtby, President, John S. Leslie, Treasurer. 3.04.59 Receipt. June 14, 1884. Johnston Golden. "Three hundred and Eighty Dollars in full for his los by fire." 3.04.60 Receipt. June 14, 1884. Johnston Golden. "interest for his loss by fire." 3.04.61 Receipt. June 18,1884. Joseph Orr. ""Three hundred dollars been my Amount in full". 12 MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection

3.04.62 Letter. Albion, June 25, 1884. To Luther Cheyne, Esq., Brampton, Ont. "Dear Sir, I enclose you 3 applications, with $1.65 cash. 2 are new and 1, Munsie, is a renewal. Yours truly, Robt. Evans." 3.04.63 Letter. "Albion, July 8th, 1884. Luther Cheyne, Esq. Sec. P.F.M.Fr. Ins.Co. Sir, Please pay Robt. Evans an order, whose receipt you will obtain, the sum of one thousand dollars due me from the Peel Farmers Mutual Fire Insruance Co, for fire loss which occurred on April 18th, 1884. John Duffy". 3.04.64 Receipt on reverse of 3.04.63. "Brampton, July 14, 1884. Received from the Peel Farmers Mutual Fire Isnruance Co for John Duffy the sum of Nine hundred and eight-four dollars being amount of Insurance due him less account $5.00 and Premium Note $11.00 which remains subject to assessment until expiration of Policy remainder and will then be due and payable to Duffy. Robert. Evans. " 3.04.65 Receipt. "Brampton, July 08, 1884. Received from The Peel Mutual Fire Ins. Coy the sum of Two hundred & ninety four 36/100 Dollars. In full of judg't, interest and costs in Heflar vs Walsh under order dated 30th November 1883. Murphy Heming & Justin, Sol'rs for Primary Creditor, Albert Heflar. 3.04.66 Letter. August 13, 1884. From the Office of the Inspector of Insurance acknowledging receipt of $71.49 "being amount of Statutory Assessment for current year." Signed J. Howard Hunter, Inspector 3.04.67 Receipt. September 06, 1884. L. Cheyne. "Sixty Dollars in account of Policies filled." 3.04.68 Receipt. Carpenter's Risk. "This is to Certify taht Mr. W. Fraser Chairman of B. Committee of Union Church & old one, has taken out a Carpenter's Risk ...for which he has paid to said Company the sum of Two 50/100 Dollars per months for 5 months. Brampton September 06, 1884." 3.04.69 Receipt. October 18, 1884. F. Sleightholm. "Four 40/100 Dollars for Inspection Graftons fire Loss." 3.04.70 Receipt. November 22, 1884. Royal Grafton. "Two thousand one hundred two 50/100 Dollars in full for his loss by fire last August 16th less $57.50 the amount of his Premium Note.” 3.04.71 Receipt. December 06, 1884. E. Hillock. "Six hundred and Fifty MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection 13

Dollars in part payment of his loss by fire last September." 3.04.72 Invoice. January 16, 1885. From Campbell & Panton, Publishers, The Canadian Chamption. Advertising 3.04.73 Invoice. January 17, 1885. Postage for year 1884. $13.45. 3.04.74 Receipt. January 24, 1885. "Received from J.S. Leslie the sum of Twenty Dollars, Rent of office for 1884. A. Armour." 3.04.75 Canada Post Card. To J.S. Leslie from L. Cheyne. "Brampton, January 27, 1885. Dr Sir, you had better come down on Saturday and make arrangements for Kenneghans claim. I have written him." 3.04.76 Cancelled cheque. Central Bank of Canada. January 31, 1885. To Mical Kenaghan or order, Six hundred Seventy two 75/100 Dollars, in full for his loss by fire last October." Endorsed on reverse "M. Kenaghan, his mark, X. " 3.04.77 Invoice. February 13, 1885. W.J. Watson, Publisher and Proprietor of "The Milton Sun and Halton News". Advertising annual meeting. 3.04.78 Invoice. February 28, 1885. A.F. Campbell, Publisher of the "Conservator". Printing forms and advertising annual meeting 3.04.79 Invoice. February 28, 1885. A.F. Campbell. Printing posters for annual meeting. "In making out bill against you last year this item was overlooked by me and has not yet been paid." 3.04.80 Receipt. February 28, 1885. "Received from J.S. Leslie $5.00 on account of damage sustained by Walton and to be paid by me to him. Joseph Orr for Wm. Walton." 3.04.81 Receipt. March 02, 1885. "Rec'd of T. Holtby, Esq. the sum of Five Dollars for the use of Concert Hall for annual meeting of Peel F.M. Ins. Coy in January last. Alex Armour, Treasurer, Brampton." 3.04.82 Receipt. March 14, 1885. "Received from J.S. Leslie Two Hundred and Seven dollars being balance due on Policies for year 1884. (Written on letterhead of "Luther Cheyne, Flour and Grist Mill. Lumber, Shingles, Lath and Coal Business. Office at the Mill, Main Street, Brampton." 3.04.83 Receipt. April 25, 1885. E. Hillock. "four hundred and seven dollars in full for his loss by fire on 10th September last in all $1,457.00". 3.04.84 Promissory Note. April 25, 1885. "promise to pay to John Peter 14 MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection

Leslie or berer the sum of One hundard and eighty one dollars with intrest at Six Per cent per annun for value received." 3.04.85 Receipt. May 30, 1885. L. Cheyne. "Sixty Two dollars on a/c of Policies." 3.04.86 Invoice. June 01, 1885. Office of the Inspector of Insurance, Ontario. Statutory Assessment, $75.85. 3.04.87 Invoice. July 01, 1885. L. Cheyne. "8 days wr [sic] posting up, Register Cash Book, preparing Lists, etc. $12.00". 3.04.88 Invoice. July 04, 1885. A.F. Campbell. "Post Cards furnished & printed. Advt. of change of office to Mill." 3.04.89 Receipt. July 10, 1885. Treasury Department, Ontario. "$75.85 on account of Statutory Assessment." 3.04.90 Letter. August 07, 1885. L. Cheyne, Secretary to J.S. Leslie, Esq. "Dear Sir, The next meeting of the Board will be held on Saturday the 15 inst at 10 am, and as it is important that the financial business should be closed at as early a date as possible or pervious to our meeting Mr. Holtby desires me to write you to that effect. We have had 2 fines." 3.04.91 Receipt. August 15, 1885. L. Cheyne. "Fifty dollars on a/c of Policies filled." 3.04.92 Assessment Notice. November 01, 1885. H. Clarridge. 3.04.93 Receipt. January 28, 1886. Stephen Smither. "Premium Note for $15.00 and in Cash $2.00 for the insurance of $750.00 upon Property described in His Application for 4 years, from the 28th day of January, 1886 upon the understanding that it is insured until notified to the contrary. If Application be not accepted, the money will be refunded. J. Cooney, Edmonton, Inspector. " 3.04.94 Canada Post Card. November 11, 1889. S. Smither, Alloa, Ont. From D. Kirkwood, Treasurer. Receipt of Assessment. 3.04.95 Canada Post Card. "Insurance Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting ... will be held in the Concert Hall, Brampton, on Saturday, the 17th of January, 1885...". (2 copies.) 3.04.96 Receipt. Chinguacousy, October 30, 1879. Richard Hamilton received $384 for fire loss. 3.04.97 Summons To Garnishee and Primary Debtor, After Judgment. No. 272 1883. Between James Edwards, Primary Creditor, and John Walsh, Primary Debtor, and Peel Farmers Mutual Ins. Co., MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection 15

Garnishee. Amount unsatisfied $39.78. 3.04.98 Cancelled cheque. Issued on the Merchants Bank of Canada, Brampton, July 14, 1884, to Robert Evans, for $984.00. “Payment in full of Duffy's loss by fire." Signed by Thomas Holtby. 3.04.99 Letter. To John Leslie. "The Grange, May 19, 1886. Dear Sir, We had a meeting of the P.F.I. Company on Saturday and also on Monday last. I asked for your ac(count) on Saturday but did not get and again on Monday. I asked for it again on Monday when the secretary replyed that he did not know where it was and if we had it it was so bungled up that he did not believe that we could make it out. I insisted on getting it and at last it was found but not untill all but 2 of the commity were gone but myself and another. Then it was decided as the commity was not present that the Board should deal with the case. It was then moved and seconded that they would pay you $73.74 whereupon I objected to the Board taking action on the matter that it was the business of the Insurance Commity and I asked the Board to have it layed over untill the next meeting and I would write to you to that purpose. The majority of the Board then present was not in favour of paying for the time that you spent trying to get a settlement with Armour. I would like to see you at the next meeting an if you can make it convenient to come up to my place and give me a right understanding of the matter I will assist you to the best of my ability to get the full amount of your account. Please reply, Yours truly, A. Frank." 3.04.100 Canada Post Card. To John S. Leslie. "The Grange, June 17, 1886. Dear Sir, The Peel Fire Insurance Company will hold their next meeting on Saturday 19th Inst. at 10 o'clock A.M. Try and be there if possible. Truly yours, A. Frank. "

3.05 Annual Report, 1881. "The annual meeting of the above Company was held in Clark's Hall on Saturday, 22nd January."

3.06 Insurance Policies 3.06.01 December 11, 1880. Thomas Mitchell, West half, Lot 24, Concession Eight, Esquesing. Dwelling house $700; Barn, Stable and Sheds $500. 16 MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection

3.06.02 September 17, 1881. Thomas Mitchell, West half, Lot 24, Concession Eight, Esquesing. Ordinary Contents, of Dwelling $300; Ordinary Contents Therein, of out Buildings $800. 3.06.03 William Brown November 11, 1882. William Brown, West half, Lot 12, Concession Five, Esquesing. Dwelling House, No. 2, Ordinary Contents $300; Barn, Stable, and Shed, Ordinary Contents Therein $900; Ordinary Contents of sheep pen $100; Contents of Driving House $300. Mailing envelope addressed "William Brown, Esq. Scotch Block". 3.06.04 October 06, 1883. John Wright, West half, Lot 9, Concession Eight, Esquesing. On crops etc. $400. 3.06.05 John Leslie January 17, 1885. John S. Leslie, East half, Lot 13, Concession Ten, Esquesing. Dwelling House $1,000; Barn, Shed and Stable $1,000. Mailing envelope addressed "John S. Leslie, Esq. Georgetown".

3.07 Notice of Assessment. 3.07.01 John Kellam, Highfield, 1882. 3.07.02 Nathaniel Steen, 1883. 3.07.03 John Murphy, Caldwell, 1884. 3.07.04 Charles Kirkpatrick, Limehouse, 1885 3.07.05 Robert P. Armstrong, 1885. 3.07.06 W.H. Smith, 1885.

4 Hudson's Bay Co. Land Department 4.01 Letter. October 13, 1881. Enclosing "your Agreement duly signed for S. 8.12. 23 W. " 4.02 Articles of Agreement. For Sale of Land between The Hudson's Bay Co. and John S. Leslie, Georgetown, Ontario. "in the Province of Manitoba, being, Section Eight (8), in the Twelfth Township (12), and the Twenty Third Range (23), West of the first principal Meridian, containing Six Hundred and Forty Acres (64)." $3,360.00. 4.03 Notice of payment due. 4.03.01 September 11, 1882. $625.00. 4.03.02 February 13, 1883. $596.40. 4.03.03 September 22, 1884. $567.00. MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection 17

4.04 Receipts. 4.04.01 September 29, 1881. $420.00. 4.04.02 September 29, 1883. $625.80. 4.04.03 October 29, 1883. $596.40. 4.04.04 October 04, 1884. $567.00. 4.04.05 October 05, 1885. $537.60. 4.04.06 October 06, 1886. $505.20. 4.04.07 October 04, 1887. $482.01. 4.04.08 October 12, 1888. $449.40.

4.05 Letter. October 24, 1882. To John S. Leslie. "Dear Sir, Went to station this morning & found Mr. Murphy who soon found the plough and said they had the shipping bill of it since the 7th of last June. They had the check for the custom duty all right but would not let me have the plow without making affidavit that I was the owner. So the best can be done is for J.S. to send Power of Attorney to S. McQuarrie here who will release the plow and forward it to Brandon. So you may make your mind easy as the plow is all right and he will get it before long. Went to the Hudson Bay Cos. office and found they had received your money all right but had neglected to send receipt which you will find enclosed. The weather here is as fine as when I left Ont & Winnipeg is booming. No more at present. Yours truly, Allen Frazer."

4.06 Letter. February 21, 1889. To John S. Leslie. "...the final deed in your favor for Sec. 8. Tp. 12 Rge. 23 West is now lying in this office..."

4.07 Map. Manitoba and the North-West Territory. Farming And Stock- Raising Lands For Sale, by the Hudson's Bay Company. March 31, 1881.

4.08 Property Tax Receipt. Municipality of Woodworth. Bradwardine. Sec. 8 Tp. 12 Range 23 W. 4.08.01 October 28, 1884. $36.10. 4.08.02 December 11, 1885. $29.35. 4.08.03 December 31, 1891. $29.35.

4.09 Tax Notice. Municiaplity of Woodworth. 4.09.01 1885. 18 MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection

4.09.02 1891.

5 Property Tax Records 5.01 Assessment Notice. Municipality of Township of Chinguacousy. Lot 18 W 1/2, Conc. 6. 5.01.01 1909 5.01.02 1910 5.01.03 1911 5.01.04 1912 5.01.05 1919 5.01.06 1923 5.01.07 1924 5.01.08 1926 5.01.09 1927 5.01.10 1928 5.01.11 1929 5.01.12 1930 5.01.13 1932 5.01.14 1934 5.01.15 1936 5.01.16 1939 5.01.17 1940

5.02 Receipt. Chinguacousy. Received from John S. Leslie, for TAXES. 5.02.01 1880 5.02.02 1882. ... as follows: County Rate $6.00; Township Rate $5.14; Credit Valley Railroad Rate $6.17; Hamilton and North Western Rate $4.44; General School Rate $1.29; Trustees S.S. Rate $7.25; Dogs $1.00. Total $31.29. Charles Haines, Collector. 5.02.03 1883 5.02.04 1884 5.02.05 1891 5.02.06 1892 (Fragile.)

5.03 Financial Statement. Township of Esquesing, 1913. 5.04 Receipt. 1883. Municipality of Esquesing, County of Halton. Mr. John S. Leslie, Con. 11, Lot 18. Taxes $25.92. Received Payment, Thomas Leslie, Collector. MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection 19

5.05 Assessment Notice. Circa 1893. Municipality of Esquesing. John S. Leslie, Georgetown, Farmer. Age 66. Conc. 11, E 1/2 Lot 18. C.P. Preston, Hornby, Assessor.

6 Deeds & Wills 6.01 Glen Williams Cemetery deed. November 08, 1877. John Leslie, Senior. True Copy of Deed of Burial Lot 1N. 6.02 Deed of Land. November 19, 1901. John Evans, Executor of Allan Glassey, late of the Village of Georgetown, Grantor, and Mary Jane Whalley, wife of George P. Whalley, of the Village of Georgetown, Grantee. "Two Fifths of an Acre, being composed of Village Lots Numbers Three and Four on the North Easterly side of John Street , South of the Grand Trunk Railway, and in that Block bounded by John, McNab and Emery Streets and the lands of the Grand Trunk Railway Company, according to a Plan of Survey made by Charles Kennedy, P.L.S. ...." (Fragile.) 6.03 Probate of the last Will & Testament of James Lyons, late of the Township of Esquesing, Yeoman, deceased. Granted to Robert Reid, of the Township of Esquesing, in the County of Halton, Yeoman; John Standish Leslie of the Township of Chinguacousy, in the County of Peel, Yeoman and Joseph Alexander, of theTownship of Esquesing in the County of Halton, Minister of the Gospel. Surrogate Court of Halton, No. 832. Registered on April 05, 1880, in the County of Halton, Number 3094. (Probate certificate in fragile condition.)

6.04 Order on Passing Accounts. In the Estate of James Lyons. April 18, 1893. 6.05 Account. April 25, 1893. Written calculation of valuation of Estate of James Lyons.

6.06 Probate of the last Will & Testament of George Leslie, late of theTownship of Chingucousy, Yeoman, deceased. Granted to John S. Leslie, of the Township of Chinguacousy, in the County of Peel, Farmer; Joseph Leslie, of the same place, Farmer and John Humphries of the Township of Esquesing, in the County of Halton, Farmer. Surrogate Court of Peel, No. 1169. Registered on December 03, 1897, in the County of Wellington, Number 1344. (Fragile)

20 MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection

6.07 Probate of the last Will & Testament of Benjamin Watkins, late of the Township of Esquesing, in the County of Halton, Farmer, deceased. Granted to John Watkins, of the Township of Chinguacousy, Farmer and Thomas Phillips Watkins, of the Township of Esquesing, Farmer. Surrogate Court of Halton. Registered December 15, 1898. True Copy.

7 Legal Papers 7.01 Insurance policy. April 30, 1874. The Agricultural Mutual Assurance Association of Canada. Policy holder, John S. Leslie. $800 insurance on the farm buildings and contents situtated on Lot 20, Conc 6 West, Chinguacousy.

7.02 Draft Agreement. January 15, 1875. Between John S. Leslie and Williams Adams. " ...Williams Adams of the town of Brampton agrees to build a house on lot 18 con 6 W Chinguacousey for the party of the first part according to plans. Stone wals of seller to be six feet six inches. the celler to be plaster under and over. Brick wall to be Sixteen feet high house to be nine inch wall to be plastered on breek wall before being straped and lathed. house lathed and plasterd two cote work. the roof to be plastered for Shingles. the Stile of mason work to be similar to William Hunters. the wood shed to be 18 by 22 and 9 feet high. for which the party of the first part promises to pay the party of the second part the sum of three hundard and forty six dollars. some of the money to be paid as the work presecdes. the said house to be comensed about the first of June 1875, left redy for roof about the first of July, the carpenter to have tile 15 August, the masons to finish by the 15 October or the first of November at furtherst or in default forftte fifty dollars of his money. bill of Brecks white 28.00, read Breck 310.00, Lime for Breck and Stonework 260 bush., sement, plaster 3 barles; white lime 20 bush., Lath 8,000, Lime to plaster 80 bush." (Typed as written except for the puncuation which was added to make it easier to read.)

7.03 Letter. April 27, 1876. To John S. Leslie. From Wm. Laidlaw, Laidlaw & Patterson, Barristers, Etc., 10 King Street West, Hamilton. "Dear Sir I have received your letter of 24 inst. I cannot give an accurate MG1 C1 - Marion Young Collection 21

statement of the application of the price of the McPherson farm without reference to the papers in my Milton office but I will furnish them if required. //Mr. McCall has complained to me that some property included in the sale to him has been taken from him and I think he has just and reasonable grounds for complaint.//The Hop yard was included in the sale and Mr. McCall is properly entitled to the stakes and wire. They are part of the hop yard in the same sense as fences are part of the farm. //The hay car, fork and pulleys were fastened for use and Mr. McCall was entitled to them in the same sense as he is entitled to the pump in the well. //He complains also that lumber was taken away from the barn which had been used as flooring for the scaffolds, and the parties who took it will be responsible to him for its value.//Mr. McCall has been very much aggrieved at the manner in which his property has been taken away, not so much for its intrinsic value as the manner of taking. //I infer from your letter that this property has been taken away under a misapprehension as to its ownership and I would strongly recommend a frank admission to be make to him and I am sure that he will be very easily settled with. He has always been disposed to be very friendly to Mr. McPh