County of Peel
OF THE COUNTY OF PEEL, FOR 1873 - 4 .. BY JOHN LYNCH, BRAMPTON. ['lIlNTl!lP &1' TlIlI: 811AMPTOl( I'ROGlIESS CHROMA.TIC PRINTING llOUilB. 1874. General agent fortheCoullty of Peel tor BELL' 51 AND WEBER g'GO;8 Celebra.ted. Piano - fonen, 'Whieh arc acknowledged, by competent judges to ex cel the best imported in struments in "durability and elegance of finis];, while in delicate eyenne" of touch and pu~tyoftone, they are admitted j,o bo superior to all others. ALSO AGENT FOR THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED .' , SE'WTING- N£A.OH][NES~ THE WHEELER & WILSON Silent Motion Sewing Machine. This Machine makes the Lock Stitch without either Shuttle, Take-up 01' Tension on the under-thread, using the Celebrated Rotating Hook, whicJJ carries the Loop (l.yound the spooL It was awarded ~WQ: G.14 Be4ml~ lit YielllD\~ ~iJ .ilXD THE ),1"". \I~ 1m Ii Ti tl! , I'M) Ii V ,*,')l D )11 G: !lit a, A\)1; )Ill ,8\ D _;P, (i, • I~ '-'ell '""d, '".er' "'~ 'I'" '" "4'< ~ \,. -.-- ~ = ""'. ~' '<'" ALSO THE OSBORN GOLD MEDAL SHUTTLE MACHINE'. SUPERIOR TO Al'I~ OTHER SnUTTI.E MACHDIE IN THE MAnDT, A full stock of Organs, Organettes, Jllelodeons, Piano-fortes, and,Sewing Machines, cons~ntly on hRlld at his large Show-room; Que0n Street, one ~oor westef Main Street, BramRton. _A_ CAI:"'L SOI... ICITED. il# of tl_ 777 • 777. BAZAAR. 777~ DODD &, SLACK, MAIN STREET, BRAMPTOl\l', D EALER~ IN F!N~Y GOOD~I Berlin Finge?'i?lg and Fleecy Wo ols, hnll,:es' Under-clothing, Infant's Clothing, ChildTen's Braided Suits, Toilet .Mats, Ladies' Setts Stamped fO?- Braiding and ErnliTodie1'!J .
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