County of Peel
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OF THE COUNTY OF PEEL, FOR 1873 - 4 .. BY JOHN LYNCH, BRAMPTON. ['lIlNTl!lP &1' TlIlI: 811AMPTOl( I'ROGlIESS CHROMA.TIC PRINTING llOUilB. 1874. General agent fortheCoullty of Peel tor BELL' 51 AND WEBER g'GO;8 Celebra.ted. Piano - fonen, 'Whieh arc acknowledged, by competent judges to ex cel the best imported in struments in "durability and elegance of finis];, while in delicate eyenne" of touch and pu~tyoftone, they are admitted j,o bo superior to all others. ALSO AGENT FOR THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED .' , SE'WTING- N£A.OH][NES~ THE WHEELER & WILSON Silent Motion Sewing Machine. This Machine makes the Lock Stitch without either Shuttle, Take-up 01' Tension on the under-thread, using the Celebrated Rotating Hook, whicJJ carries the Loop (l.yound the spooL It was awarded ~WQ: G.14 Be4ml~ lit YielllD\~ ~iJ .ilXD THE ),1"". \I~ 1m Ii Ti tl! , I'M) Ii V ,*,')l D )11 G: !lit a, A\)1; )Ill ,8\ D _;P, (i, • I~ '-'ell '""d, '".er' "'~ 'I'" '" "4'< ~ \,. -.-- ~ = ""'. ~' '<'" ALSO THE OSBORN GOLD MEDAL SHUTTLE MACHINE'. SUPERIOR TO Al'I~ OTHER SnUTTI.E MACHDIE IN THE MAnDT, A full stock of Organs, Organettes, Jllelodeons, Piano-fortes, and,Sewing Machines, cons~ntly on hRlld at his large Show-room; Que0n Street, one ~oor westef Main Street, BramRton. _A_ CAI:"'L SOI... ICITED. il# of tl_ 777 • 777. BAZAAR. 777~ DODD &, SLACK, MAIN STREET, BRAMPTOl\l', D EALER~ IN F!N~Y GOOD~I Berlin Finge?'i?lg and Fleecy Wo ols, hnll,:es' Under-clothing, Infant's Clothing, ChildTen's Braided Suits, Toilet .Mats, Ladies' Setts Stamped fO?- Braiding and ErnliTodie1'!J . 'Tags in Eunt1} lJ ati:etYt . J~ lht"ln'l~. lnk 8tand8. -V\Triting D e sks, vVork Boxe~. srJ...--"ArrIO"N:"ER y ~ )fTTST('AT, BOXRS. FiDrHN'G LACEfl. 'iVOP. KEf' 1':HBlWDIERY A:-I D JN~Jm'J'lU0 . F.\'r/lJSlI ,1NJ) IN ALL THE NBIVBST S7'YLNS '\re call I'articulnr nttention to our Braid anrl Embrodicry Stamping, ,11 Liquid Stamps We are enabled to execute orders on short notice. PATTERNS IN COLOURS. Sole Agent for the BOi1K ~RYBTAL IPBC'TA-GLB 1<'01' th" County of P ~c l . R asing received a liberal support for the Ja~t Ii ,',. · .. · 8 r ~. WP ho»~ hv Rtrict attention to husiness to still increase it . '. DOBlt ~ ..S~4~~7J Office of Dominion Telegraph Company, connecting with all parts' in t.he United States. -. E . R. TYE, Manager. oF THI ~ ~OUNTY OF PEEL, FOR 1873 - 4, BY JOHN LYNCH, BRAMPTON. , '. , HKti.MP' 0 ", , l'alllfTIIID i.T Till: BRAYI'TOIf I'ROGllliSS CHRO)lA'l'IC PRIIf'l'IIIfG HO Uil a , , , 1874. D. S. LESLIE &CO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES, CROCEER'Y BOOTS & SHO~S, &c. In our GROCEHY S'l'OCK will be found a large selection of Call and SCI'. and be satisfied that LESLII~'S is the place to Lm your Groceries, Boots and Shocs. D. S. LESLIE & CO", Dealers in everything good and cheap. , ~ ~ .'. I j,. .. MATTUSW BAS1il\ ELLIOTT & lJOLB 1~ AGENT 1'011 THE ~tnt\'al ~ladt~lt\itll~ Western, 'the Agricultural M-p.tual . MEADOWVAJ,E. J»r All Orders d01Je on the 'shortest Al'IT' OORE DISTRICT MUTUAL notice, and at the most FIRE I:N'SUR.1.?tCE (fO,AI'S RE,iJSQX.1.BLE PRICES! , T. ELLIOTT. , H. DO"81"11, ' II ALSO AGEN1' FOR THE ---------- ~ ,~'ARMEHr:; and l\(ECHANICS' LOAN J. PERRY, AND SAVING SOCIETY. Money at low rate" of iuterest on B U I L D E R (arm property. aId on t-erms to suit lJorrowel's: AND CorwYJJClnw', (JolI~clor qf Debt;, &c: . .teo CONTR:1:\CTO R BRAJJfPTON. INI)EX. Albion ........................ 34-51 Jud~cial Officers ................. 128 Alloa .............................. 57 Kilmltnagh ........................ 10,1- Alton ............................... 57 J~ililits of the Couniy ............. 3 Beltountaine ...................... 58 Loekton ............................ 10;; Bolton ............................ 58 Mackville .... : ............ ~\ .....105 Boston .............................. 83 Malton ........................... 10;; Brampton .......... ..1.1 ... ........ 84 Mayfield ........................... 106 Britannia ......................... (ll Meadowvale .................... 10G Burnhamiliorpc .................. til Melville ............................ 10.7 Caldwell ........................... 61 .Mono mlls ........................ 107 Caledon ............................ G2 Mount Charles ................... 108 Caledon Town~hip .......... .40-62 Monnt Hurst ..................... 108 Campbell's Cross ................ 69 Mount Wolfe ..................... 10~f Castlcmorc ........................ 70 Municipal Councillors for 1874 129 Cataract ........................... 70 . Port Credit .......................JillL Centerville ........................ 72 P?RiqffiC!c"l in thr: County ...... 12~· Charleston ... :.:.';': ~ ................ 72 RIChvIew ....... : ........ : ....... ; .. 110 Cheltenham ..................... 73 Rocksidc .............. : .......... 111 Chinguacousy ................ 27-73 Salmouville ...................... 111 Churchville ........................ 96 Sandhill ........................... 111 Clairville ........................... 91 Sheri~an ............... :~r ......... 112 Claude ............................ !J7 SleswlCk ................. "' .. , ..... 113 Qoleraiue ........................... 97 Sligo ...................... : ........ 112 Columbia ........................ 99 Spri'lgbrook ...................... 113 Ooobvillc ......................... 98 Springfield ................t(.: ..... 118 Derry Wes~ ...................... 100 Stanley :;ni!ls .................... 114- mxie ........................... 100 Street~vill(: ... v. ................... 114, H1dm~ntol) ...................... 100 Summerville ...................... 117 First Settlement of the County.3 Tormore ......... :: ................ 117 Fraser's Corners ............... ] 01 Toront.o Town~hip ....... 14·24-117 Gore of Toronto ........... .47-101 Tullamore ..... ; .... : ............. 12li Grahanisvillc / .... , ..........y ... 104.Yictoria ,.......................... 126 Hllttohvilll' .. ; ........ : ......... 1 01"Yc~tervelt s Cornell..... " ...... 126 INI)EX TO ADVERTISE1VIENTS. Page, Ambrosse & Bannister .................. , ............... Outside front Cover Barbe!' Brothers..................................................... ...... 132 Beynon & Fletcher ............... ;' ......................................... 140 Burnett, Henry............................................................ 137 Chromatic Printing House ..................................... Back Cover, J ... ·P ............................................................. , .. 140 Crowther & Tilt ." .................................................... 140 Cummins, J. P ............................................................ 140 Dodd & Slack ................. , .................................. Facing Title East, Matthew ................................................... Back of Title ~Jlliott & Dolby ................................................. Back of Title Frank, A., & Sons ........................................................ ]4] Holding, James ........................................................... 141 .Haggert, Bros............................................................. ] 36 .Hunter, Wm. D ............................................................ 140 IIutton, J. I' ....................................................... : ........ 133 ~::~~:: ~::::::::::::::: :::~:::: :::::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::::: :::::: :::: ..... : iij~ Leslie, D. S., & Co ............................................ Back of' Title Morphy & Fleming ........................................................ 140· Perry, J ....................... : ................................. Back of Title' Phillips & Bryant ....................................... Inside Front Cover Progress, The ...................................................... Back Covel' Scott, D. L ................................................................ 140 8cott, J. & G. M .......................................................... 135 Treadg01d, M ............................................. InsideFruut Covel' Watson, D. C ................................................... ; ......... 14] Wilson, Thomas ........................................................ ,... 134 Wilson, W .... .... .. ................ ....... ........ .. .... .. ..... .. ........ 139 Woods, John E ............................................................ 138 Woods, P. L ............................................................... 141 THE BRAMPTON PROGRESS~ The only Coniervative paper iii the Countyr Only One Dollar per year m advance. DIRECTORY OF THE COUNTY OF ,PEEL. :187'3-4. LIMITS OF THE COUNTY. The County of Peel compl'ises the townships of Toronto, Toronto Gore, Chingu~cousy, Caledon and Albion, with the incorporated villages of Brampton, Inthe Township of Chinguacousy, Streetsville, in Toronto, and Bolton, in Albion. Although in extent one of the smallest counties of Ontario, it is not inferior to many in natural advantn,ges. It lies on the north shore of Lake Ontario, with n,n excellent hn,rhor, Port Credit"in the ccntreof, its front. From Port Credit runs Hurontario Street in a north' west crly direction through the centre of the Townships of Toronto, Chin gun,cousy and Caledon; to the north-west part of Caledon, nen,r the vilbge of Orangeville, and thence to the town of Collingwood on Lake Huron. With Lake Ontario in the front, the County is bounded 011 the East by the County of York, on the north by the Oounties of Simcoe n,nd Wellington, and on the west by the Oounties of Welling ton and Halton. l!'IRST SETTLEnIENT.