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Barc Newsletter Barc Newsletter BARC NEWSLETTER BARC NEWSLETTER C O N T E N T S Editorial Note ii The President Visits BARC 1 BARC Celebrates Founder’s Day l mçbmLççHçkçÀ çÆoJçmç 2013: [ç@ jlçvç kçáÀcççj çÆmçvnç, DçO³ç#ç, HçjcççCçá GÀpçç& Dçç³ççíiç SJçb 3 mççÆ®çJç, Yççjlç mçjkçÀçj, HçjcççCçá GÀpçç& çÆJçYççiç kçÀç mçbyççíOçvç l Founder’s Day 2013 Address by Dr. Ratan Kumar Sinha, Chairman, Atomic Energy 11 Commission & Secretary to Government of India l mçbmLççHçkçÀ çÆoJçmç 2013: ÞççÇ. MçíKçj yçmçá, çÆvçoíMçkçÀ, YççYçç HçjcççCçá DçvçámçbOççvç kçíbÀê kçÀç mçbyççíOçvç 18 l Founder’s Day 2013 Address by Shri Sekhar Basu, Director, BARC 26 l 25th DAE All India Essay Writing Contest 30 l Industrial Safety Awards: 2012 32 l Release of the Founder’s Day Special Issue of BARC Newsletter 34 l Founder’s Day Guest Lecture 35 l DAE (Excellence in Science, Engineering & Technology) Awards 2012 37 Brief Communications l Development and Deployment of Freeze-dried EDTMP Kit for the Formulation of 45 177Lu-EDTMP for Administration in Human Cancer Patients l Innovative technique of glass beads preparation in microwave oven 47 Research Articles l Novel Features of Multiferroic Materials: BiFeO3 – A Case Study 48 Dimple P. Dutta and A. K. Tyagi Chemistry Division l Understanding The Biological Effects of Thorium and Developing Efficient Strategies 55 for Its Decorporation and Mitigation Amit Kumar, Manjoor Ali and Badri N. Pandey Radiation Biology & Health Sciences Division l Pulsed Quasi-monochromatic x-ray source for radiography and x-ray absorption spectroscopy 61 S. Chaurasia, Surinder M. Sharma High Pressure & Synchrotron Radiation Physics Division, Physics Group Technology Development Articles l Management of Intermediate Level Radioactive Liquid Waste (ILW) at WIP, Trombay 70 Anand Gangadharan, Nilay Jasu, S. Wadhwa, G. Benny, Neelima Singh Tomar, C.P. Kaushik, K.M. Singh and P.K. Wattal Waste Management Division, Nuclear Recycle Group l Development of Secondary Sensor System based on Eddy Current Technology for 75 In-line Inspection Tool Debmalya Mukherjee, Surya Giriraj Manral, Salek Chand Ramrane, Yugdeep Chandra, Sangeeta Dhage, Sushil K. Bahuguna, Shilpi Saha, Shanta K. Lahiri and Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay Control Instrumentation Division and Arbind Kumar Atomic Fuels Division News & Events l DAE BRNS Symposium on Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry (CTTC-2013): A Report 82 l Report on DAE-BRNS 2nd National Workshop on Materials Chemistry focused on Catalytic 84 Materials (NWMC-2013: CAT-MAT) Annual Index 2013 86 BARC Scientists Honoured 91 ISSUE NO. 335 NOV-DEC 2013 i BARC NEWSLETTER Editorial Committee From the Editor’s Desk Chairman Welcome to the last issue of this year. This issue carries Dr. S.K. Apte, two major events. The first is the visit of the President of India Director, Bio-Science Group to BARC on November, 15, 2013. During his visit, Shri Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated five advanced facilities set up by BARC Edited by and also dedicated to the Nation the most popular variety of Dr. K. Bhanumurthy BARC-developed mutant groundnut, TAG 24 (Trombay - Akola Head, SIRD - Groundnut). He addressed the august gathering of Senior Scientists from DAE and gave away the Homi Bhabha Prizes to Associate Editors for this issue the graduating officers of the BARC Training School. Dr. C. Srinivas, PsDD The Second major event is the coverage of Founder’s Day Dr. K.T. Shenoy, ChED 2013. A report of all the programmes held on 30th October, 2013, has been published under the caption ”BARC Celebrates Members Founder’s Day”. Dr. S.K. Apte, Bio-Science Group Apart from these two events, the issue carries five articles, Dr. R.C. Hubli, MPD two Brief Communications and also the annual index of all the Dr. D.N. Badodkar, DRHR articles published in 2013. Dr. K.T. Shenoy, ChED Dr. K. Bhanumurthy, SIRD We would like to thank all our colleagues at BARC who Dr. A.P. Tiwari, RCnD have contributed to the seven issues of the BARC Newsletter Dr. S.M. Yusuf, SSPD in 2013. In addition, I would like to thank all the reviewers for Dr. A.K. Tyagi, ChD spending their valuable time. We hope to receive the same Mr. G. Venugopala Rao, APPD response from you in the coming year too. Dr. C. Srinivas, PsDD Wishing you all a very happy and productive new year! Dr. G. Rami Reddy, RSD Dr. S. Kannan, FCD Dr. A.K. Nayak, RED Dr. S.K. Sandur, RB&HSD Dr. S.C. Deokattey, SIRD Dr. K. Bhanumurthy On behalf of the Editorial Committee ii ISSUE NO. 335 NOV-DEC 2013 BARC NEWSLETTER The President Visits BARC BARC NEWSLETTER The President Visits BARC The Graduation Function of the BARC Training (emergency core cooling; natural circulation) and School is an annual event organized by the HRDD performance of the refuelling system incorporated for the successful completion of the training in the design of the Advanced Heavy Water Reactor programme by the Graduating Officers. Toppers (AHWR), a technology demonstrator for thorium from various disciplines are also conferred the utilization. Homi Bhabha Prizes. The Hon’ble President of 2. The hot commissioning of the Waste India, Shri. Pranab Mukherjee, was the Chief Guest Immobilization Plant at Kalpakkam. This large at the function this year, held on November 15, comprehensive facility, co-located with reprocessing 2013 at the Central Complex Auditorium, BARC, plant of BARC at Kalpakkam, facilitates the Trombay. Shri K. Sankaranarayanan, Governor management of all types of radioactive wastes of Maharashtra, presided over the function. Shri generated during reprocessing of spent fuel. Prithviraj Chavan, Chief Minister of Maharashtra graced the function. The President awarded the Besides vitrification of high level liquid waste, this Homi Bhabha prizes to the top ranking Officers facility also addresses handling and management in each discipline. Dr. R.K. Sinha, Chairman, AEC of intermediate level waste, separation of residual delivered the welcome address. On this occasion uranium from high level liquid waste, management the President also inaugurated (by remote control) of organic waste etc. the five following advanced facilities that have been 3. The Actinide Separation Demonstration Facility recently set up by BARC. Shri. Sekhar Basu, Director, at Tarapur, addresses the challenging technology of BARC, briefly described the facilities and requested separating long-lived minor actinides from high level the President to inaugurate them. liquid waste generated during reprocessing. This 1. The integrated facility for Proving Advanced cross-cutting technology referred as “Partitioning Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (PARTH), built jointly by of High Level Liquid Waste” would not only lead to BARC and NPCIL at Tarapur. This will demonstrate the substantial reduction in the radio-toxicity of long effectiveness of the various advanced safety systems lived high level wastes, but also reduce the volume The Honourable President of India addressing the gathering ISSUE NO. 335 NOV-DEC 2013 1 The President Visits BARC BARC NEWSLETTER Dr. R.K. Sinha, Chairman AEC, presenting a memento of a 3D printed model of Cirus and Dhruva Research Reactors to the President to nearly one tenth of its present level for ultimate recently demonstrated, in collaboration with BHEL disposal in a geological repository. (Ranipet), at the Electron Beam Centre, BARC. The acidic oxides of nitrogen and sulphur present in the 4. The Experimental Accelerator-Driven sub- flue gases, when exposed to a beam of electrons, critical System (Ex-ADS) at Trombay, BARC, is are converted (by radiolytic reactions) in to non- the key first step in the Indian ADS roadmap. polluting ammonium salts (nitrate and sulphate), A sub-critical reactor operated with a stream which are also useful as fertilisers. An indigenous of non-fission neutrons can resolve the main DC electron accelerator (1 MeV) developed by BARC global concerns about nuclear power and also has been used for this purpose. transmute nuclear waste. This experimental facility will verify and validate various reactor In addition to the above, the President also physics parameters through computations. India dedicated to the Nation the most popular variety becomes one of the very few countries in the of BARC-developed mutant groundnut, TAG 24 world to have such an experimental low power (Trombay - Akola - Groundnut). To date, BARC ADS facility. has developed 41 improved crop mutant varieties, especially of pulses and oil seeds, which have been 5. Radiation-aided chemical removal of pollutants in released for commercial cultivation. flue gases arising from burning fossil fuel has been 2 ISSUE NO. 335 NOV-DEC 2013 BARC NEWSLETTER BARC Celebrates Founder’s Day BARC NEWSLETTER èȡȡǑ Ǖȡ\ÈǗ ȨǕ ȡǓ Û¡ȡ \Ú¢ȡǕaȡ][ ȪfȲ Ǔ ȡǕaȡǒ[ ȡȡ ȲȪ վֆ ֚֍֞ժշ֧ ֟֔ձ ֟֗᳒֡ֆվ֊֊ շ֫ ֒֫շ ᳰֈ֑֑֞֟֫֊֟ չֿ֑֞ շ֡ ս ն֒֌֒֠ᭃօᲂ ֆև֞ ֑֫վ֊֞֎᳍ ֐ᱶց֧֊ᱶ֚ չ֟ֆ֟֗֟։֑ᲂ ն֒ռ֒օ֎᳍ ֟֗֟֊֑֞֐շ ᭍֑֔֠֒ᱶ֚ᲂ շ֧ ֛֑ ըչ֧֎ָ֑֞֞վ֞ձչֿ֞֎֞ֈ ֟֗᳒֡ֆ շ֞ ᭭ֆ֒ ᮓ֐֘ ֊ը֘֞շᳱվ֞ֆ֛֠֨ᳰշթ֑֢֚֟֊ցշ֞֗֞֟օ֟᭔֑շᮧռ֞֔ ᳰֈ֚ե֎֒֐ᱶ֘֡ᱨ֛֫վ֞ձչֿ֞ըվ֏֞֒ֆշᳱ֚֎֧֚ ֎ַ֠լվ֞ᭅի᭜֌֞ֈշթ֑֢֚֟֊ցշ֞֟֊֐֞ᭅօձ֗եշ֐֠֘ᳲ֊չ թ֚ֈ֧֘շ֧֊֞֟֏շᳱ֑֟֗᳒֡ֆի᭜֌֞ֈ֊ᭃ֐ֆ֞շ֧ ֟֗շ֚֞շ֧ ᭜֗ᳯ֒ֆ֟֗շ֚֞շ֧ ֐֞չᭅ֌֒ձշ֎ַ֞֐֞թ֔᭭ց֫֊ֿ֛֨ֈ֢֚֒֠ ֢֟֊ցշ֐֠֘ᳲ֊չշᳱը֟ո֒֠ռ֒օ֐ᱶ֛֨յ֒թ֚շ֞֏֑֠ ս֛֐֛֠֊֧֎֞ֈշ֐֠֘ᳲ֊չ֛֫֊֞է֌֧֟ᭃֆֿ֛֨ ᮧ᭎֑֞ֆ֗ᳯ᳧֒վ֊֟ᮧ֑֚֞֟և֑ᲂֈ֧֑֟֗ᲂ ն֒ Ჯ֊ᲂ ըվ֛֐ ֑֛֞դ ֌֒փ֛֩֫֐֠վ֛֞եչ֠֒֏֞֏֞շ֧ ֐֡տ֧ը֌շ֑֛֢֚֫֟ռֆշ֒ֆ֧ᱟձᮧ᳖֚ֆ֛֞֨ᳰշ֚ ᱶվ᭠֐ᳰֈ֚֗շ֧է֚֗֒֌֒ձշᳰֈ֑֚֚֗֠֐֛֞֒֫ ᭭֗ֈ֧֘֠ն֒էեֆ᳦֑֒֒֞֠᮰֫ֆᲂ֧֑֢֧֚֒֟֊֑֐շᳱ֚᭡֔֞թ֗ ֊ֆ֡ձշᮢᱟձ֛ᱹֿ֛֐֚֞֒֠֡ֈ֠պᭅ֌֒ե֌֒֞շ֧էե֘շ֧ ᱨ֌֐ᱶ ֐ᱶ֚֡։֛֞֒֫֊֧շ֧ շ֞֒օ֛֐֞֒֞֊֞֟֏շᳱ֑֟֗᳒֡ֆի᭜֌֞ֈ֧֛ ֐թ֚ᳰֈ֊շᳱ֘֡ᱧըֆ֛֐֧֞֒թ֚֐֛֞֊᳘᭭֗ֈ᳥֞᳇֣֞֒֞ ֔չ֞ֆ֞֒ ֎ָֆ֞վ֞ ֛֒֞ ֿ֛֨ ֛֐֧֞֒ֈ֧֘շ֧ ֊֞֟֏շᳱ֑֛ ֈ֘շ֌֢֗ᭅ֔չ֞ձչձ֣֗ᭃշ֧֍֔ᲂշ֧ ᱨ֌֐ᱶ֛֐֞֒֠ ֟֎վ֔֠ ֚ե֑եᮢᲂ֧֚իᲬֆ֐ ֗֞ᳶ֙շ ի᭜֌֞ֈ֊֟֌ս֧֔֗֙ᭅ ֑֞ֈշ֒է֌֊֧֟ᮧ֑ ᮧ᳙֞ ᱟը ֟վ֚֐ᱶ
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