Goolidge May Meet Mex Ruler in Border Parley
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J -,'V ‘V'r,-- ■■ -,J, : ■?•. -. j.Li-, . ■^■+ ■ THE - WEATHER !NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Fereeast br V. S. Weather Bureau, \ Ifeur Ha'ten QF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of December, 1926, 'tdondy, warmer tonight. Tuesday Hght. ra ^ or snow, warmer. Ccdder 4 , 9 5 7 ^^dnesday. ) •’ Classified Adrertlslng on page 6 MANCHES1!ER, c o n n , MONDAY, JANUARY 17,1927. State Uibtary PRlCiS THREE CENTS, VOL. XLI., NO. 91. CORU. ___ EXPORTS, IMPORTS DRA.W WETS LOSING, CLOSER TO A BALANCE’ 'FAMED SCOPES Big Prize *%ovMyt Washington, Jan. 17.— Amer GOOLIDGE MAY MEET MEX ica’s foreign trade in 1926 to to Young*s Mother taled $9,242,953,000, an in TRIAL A HOAX, SAYS T A U IN crease of $106,500,000 , the 0 r ' ' . I Commerce Department announc ed today. The favorable balance Waited on Table to Keep Boy in School, Now He SPEECH HERE of trade was $177,869,000, the TEACHER SAYS RULER IN BORDER PARLEY smallest since 1910. Gets $25,000 to End Her Hardships. Exports were $4,810,411,000, a decrease of $99,400,000. Im Brother of Former President ports were $4,432,541,000, an Didn’t Teach Class at All on increase of $205,952,000. Toronto, Jan. 17.— "My good-^ young to think of gtrls. He hasn’t TELLS OF GRAFT Listens to Proposal Made Gold exports were $115,- ness, isn’t it lovely,” declared Mrs. any sweetheart that I knpw of and Declares Congress is Dry Day Named in Indictment I don’t want him to think seriously 707,t)00; imports $213,472.- Jane Young, widowed mother of 17- 000. of marrying for qnlte a while.” year-old George Young, who pad- Mrs. Young explained that when INRUNNINGOF by Leaders in the Senate er Now Than It Ever Was; For Attack on Fimdamen- died his way to victory and a $25,- she was left alone with George 000 prize In the Catalina chEtnnel when her husband died she made Raps Press of U. S. tahsm. swim In California, spurred on by her living by cooking and waiting SEVERAL FACE ACTION AMERICAN, ENGLISH his desire to end the hardship of on a table. She said she wasn’t “ a SOLDKHOME FOR SENATE CONTEMPT Tension Over Nicaragua his parent. bit ashamed of it.” Horace D, Taft, brother of for It was for love of his mother that When George was sixteen his Washington, Jan. 17.— ^With mer President WilUam Taft, said CHlIRCHES RAIDED Washingon, Jan. 17.— One of the youthful George risked his amateur mother suffered an Injury and he in an hour after the Supreme Lessens as State Depart last night at the South Methodist greatest legal hoaxes in the history standing to Invest his scanty funds was forced to quit school and go to Noroton Refuge Conducted Court had decided today that a In a motorcycle to carry him from work. church that he didn’t think the of American jurisprudence has come Senate committee has power to proibition amendment was the Canada to Callfqmia for a try at a ('The story of Young’s winning ment Amends Attitnde; to an end with the decision of the small fortune. of the Catalina channel Contest will In Interest of Board Is compel testimony of witnesses wise way to handle the liquor under penalty of contempt. Sen question. What the wise way was, U. S. Destroyer Hastings to Tennessee Supreme Court granting When the motorcycle caught fire be found on the sports after George got beyond Chicago, Boy’s Own Story. ator James .A,. Reed, served no Kellogg Gets Borah's Ad the speaker did not explain. John Thomas Scopes a new trial In Charge of Auditors In tice in the Senate that he would Mr. Taft was brought here on he continued the trip by train, on Los Angeles, Jan. 17.— ^Let Foochow to Protect Mis the world famous anti-evolution foot and by “ hitches.” George tell it. report several contempt cases the observation of the ninth anni for action. He referred to vice At His Home— New versary of fhe passing of the Vol case. George has always been a good George Is the 17-year-old youth Startling Report The story of the hoax may he son, light-hearted but never frivo- from. Toronto who is richer today Thomas F. Cunningham of stead Act and the Eighteenth Philadelphia; Samuel Insull, Amendment. He is the leader of sionaries There. told today because the court, while lous,” said Mrs. Young today, by $25,000 for having negotiated Election Solution Looms; has always been industrious and 22 miles throngh the chilly waters the Illinois utilities magnate; the law enforcement body in Con holding the anti-evolution law con New Haven, Jan. 17— That mem States Atorney Robert E. Crowe necticut and has stood for enforce studied hard in school.” of the Paclflc ocean from Avalon, stitutional, recommended that the bers of the Board of Governors of and others. ‘Diaz Warned By Depart ment of the dry laws since they London, Jan. 17.— Chinese mobs Mrs. Young said her son liked Catalina island, to the mainland, case against Scopes be nolle-pross- particularly to eat porterhouse to win the epic swim sponsored by Fitch’s Soldiers’ Home, Noroton were enacted. have attacked American and Eng Heights, “ could and did combine to Wets Losing Power ed because he left the state. The steak and drink tea. He is a strong William Wrlgley. ment. lish churches and residences in cater, she said. George— George Young— Is the effect their own purposes and pro Instead of becoming stronger in authorities have agreed. “ Has George a sweetheart?’' mote their personal Interests Congress and throughout the coun Foochow, according to dispatches youth who made his way to Cali- The truth of that famous, case Is “ Goodness gracious!’' Mrs. C A I M TO GUARD try, the wets are gradually losing received here today. through the conduct of the board that Scopes was convicted of a mis Young replied. “ He is much too (Contlnued on page 5) affairs” is a charge made by Grlf- Washington, Jan. 17.— The ex- power, he said. Congress now is The United States destroyet demeanor which he never com dryer than it ever was, according fenhageu & Associates, Ltd.,, .of tremo tenseness that has marked Plllsbury is reported to have left mltted. The writer has the word of Chicago, in a report of an exhaus BORDER BY FUERS to his statement, three-fourths of Scopes himself to this effect. the Mexlcan-Nlcaraguan situation the House and the Senate being Shanghai for Foochow to protect tive Investigation into affairs at the “ Sldrts Clear.” CHAPLIN, ILL, MAY Home made to the State Commis since American warships and ffi.!- dry. Americans there. | The youthful teacher, who be SUBPOENA POWER Mr. Taft’s talk was based on an sion on State Institutions and re rines were concentrated In Carib Reports No Attack i came the center of a tremendous leased by the Commission here to article by Walter Llppman in Har New York, Jan. 17.— The board bean waters appeared lessening to- conflict between fundamentalism day. Former members of the board Plans to Use Juarez Air Base per’s magazine. Lippman, he said, of foreign missions of the Metho BE IN BED 10 DAYS ; day. and science, never violated Tennes OF SENATE UPHELD declared, when they were in office, is one of the leaders of the wets dist Episcopal church today receiv see’s anti-evolution law as found Both in Washington and in in this country and his article, “ The affairs of the Home are none to Stop Anns From U. S* ed a cablegram from Bishop Brown by the jury. He didn’t teach the Latin-America strongly backed though strong, was open to a lot in Foochow stating that there had of the taxpayers’ Business,” accord children of Dayton, Tenn., any ing to the report, which shows that movements are about to And a so of criticism. ^ * been looting in the city but there \ “ theories that deny the story of the Breakdown Suffered Satur “ The Eighteenth Amendment had been, no attack upon the Meth Mai Daugherty Loses as Sn- in the year ending Ju~e 30, last, For Rebels. lution of the difficulties that trill divine creation of man as taught the sum of $175,177,26 was spent can never be repealed,” Mr. Taft odist mission, which Is outside of in the bible.” He said so himself restore military peace in Nicara said. “ It is impossible for it to care for 158 persons living there, the city limits. Yet he was indicted and convicted day Serious, According to preme Court Rules Call gua, and political peace in Wash would necessitate calling a consti Foreign Settlements Barred a reduction In cost of $8,162 in a Mexico City, Jan. .17.— Evidence by a jury of farmers while the year. ington. ' tutional convention in which two- Shanghai, Jan. 17.— Notwith whole world watched his case. that the Calles ^vernment believes * thirds of the states would partici 915,000-To Paint Home standing the improvement of the The bald, bare truth is that His Physician. For Books Valid. that- the rebellion of religious zeal Not the least Interesting of the pate. As there is not now a two- situation in the vicinity of Shang Among items in the report is one Scopes missed the lesson, which ots In northern and central Mexico suggestions for solution of the thirds majority on the question, hai, as a result of General Sun might have violated the law.