Goolidge May Meet Mex Ruler in Border Parley
J -,'V ‘V'r,-- ■■ -,J, : ■?•. -. j.Li-, . ■^■+ ■ THE - WEATHER !NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Fereeast br V. S. Weather Bureau, \ Ifeur Ha'ten QF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of December, 1926, 'tdondy, warmer tonight. Tuesday Hght. ra ^ or snow, warmer. Ccdder 4 , 9 5 7 ^^dnesday. ) •’ Classified Adrertlslng on page 6 MANCHES1!ER, c o n n , MONDAY, JANUARY 17,1927. State Uibtary PRlCiS THREE CENTS, VOL. XLI., NO. 91. CORU. ___ EXPORTS, IMPORTS DRA.W WETS LOSING, CLOSER TO A BALANCE’ 'FAMED SCOPES Big Prize *%ovMyt Washington, Jan. 17.— Amer GOOLIDGE MAY MEET MEX ica’s foreign trade in 1926 to to Young*s Mother taled $9,242,953,000, an in TRIAL A HOAX, SAYS T A U IN crease of $106,500,000 , the 0 r ' ' . I Commerce Department announc ed today. The favorable balance Waited on Table to Keep Boy in School, Now He SPEECH HERE of trade was $177,869,000, the TEACHER SAYS RULER IN BORDER PARLEY smallest since 1910. Gets $25,000 to End Her Hardships. Exports were $4,810,411,000, a decrease of $99,400,000. Im Brother of Former President ports were $4,432,541,000, an Didn’t Teach Class at All on increase of $205,952,000. Toronto, Jan. 17.— "My good-^ young to think of gtrls. He hasn’t TELLS OF GRAFT Listens to Proposal Made Gold exports were $115,- ness, isn’t it lovely,” declared Mrs. any sweetheart that I knpw of and Declares Congress is Dry Day Named in Indictment I don’t want him to think seriously 707,t)00; imports $213,472.- Jane Young, widowed mother of 17- 000.
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