Sunday Church Services
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THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAM), SEPTE3IBER 9, 1917. 11 reports. This timely book rives also other social details of visits of our country's guests. WELL-KNOW- N MEN BEND ENERGIES TO First Aid for the Trenches, by Pomervllle Hastings, Captain. 60 cents. Illustrated. HELP CRUSH ASPIRATIONS OF AUTOCRATS George C-- Harvey. New York City. "Relatively few wounds are fatal. If they do not kill outright." Dr. Charles McCarthy, Formerly in Charge of Legislative Reference Library at Madison, Wis., Now la First Such is the message that meets ob- servation in the preface of this little Aide to Herbert Hoover in Work of Food Conservation. book of 45 pages. The instructions presented are most valuable to all units of an Army, and are the work of a 'lne iteDinn or KumIi, by lute F Mar-cosso- n. practical medical officer who has side- tl.25. Illustrated. John Lana stepped technically, and left only what Company. New York City. ''Success Grows Of Sirugqlcs To even can readily When, Oui the most indifferent ' : the recent big Slav upheaval understand. We are told about shock y . ,1 feegan in Petrograd, Mr. Marcosson was wounds, broken bones, unconscious- ?sfLEg. " In London, England. Ever a close stu- Overcome Difficulties'! ness, burns, suffocation. moving of .4 injured persons, health in the trenches, dent of Russia, and possessed as an etc. American newspaper man with an in- news, stinct for he hurried to Petro- Food for the Pick, by Solomon Stroose. M. grad to find the people there con- D., and Maude A. Perry. A. B. W. fused and struggling- in the throes of ' B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. freedom. U Dr. Strouse is associate attending phy- Mily-uko- ff (( sician at the Michael Reese Hospital, Leaders like Kerensky, Lvoff. Post-Oradua- te 'T and others talked over the sit- professor of medicine at the uation with our author, and he pur- School, Chicago, and Maude a .ftte A. Perry is dietitian at the Michael sued also an Independent investigation as to of new na- Reese Hospital, Chicago. the birth the Russian The chapters show the work of ex- II II tion. Out of these experiences Mr. perts, and much experience, and the "ML Marcosson has written a book of color, long-fe- lt 1 ' book is one that fulfills a action and dramatic fire. He shows ' 'I ' '"M' $ "-- want. It will help in many a sick ViL his newspaper training in his graphic J&' room; 270 pages. 11 ti- - descriptions, although he is poetic in " JS . x. ff placing much conversation into the ar vtr jS,, mouths of famous personages of the Ranny, by Howard Brubaker. SI. 40. Illus- Russian revolution. He thinks that trated. Harper Brothers, New York City. the recent Russian revolt is the most Har- Ranny's real name is Randolph ',':V'V . ',L v ;'f-- " i i.'-- j remarkable popular upheaval since the rington Dukes, and he is first intro- French Revolution. duced in this healthy, merry novel of "Emancipation was only possible the eternal boy, at eight years of age. through the great war. Whatever hap- The scrapes he and his chums get into, pens in Russia and no man can fore- the pranks they play, the pleasant pic- see the end the revolution kindled an tures of happy, innocent American unquenchable beacon on the mountain family life all make up a boy's novel top of the century. Russia is mistress' that is sure to please young America. 4Di"Kajde&az.' of her destiny." new Difficulties in the. path of the 1 Songs nf TTkntina, translated by Florence vr . democracy are pointed out, ' i '1 fjt liarA 'J .vrr. .Vi W Russian Randal Liveaay. E. A. Duttoa fc Co., New 'rffwB freely. York City. In the early hours of the Russian Quite a pleasant, literary curiosity. revolution, when regiment after regi- race, ment marched to the Duma, one of the The Ukrainians, a pure Slav are ' Preobraz-hensky- s: part of the Russian people. Their regiments was the famous poems and songs, here recorded, are The men and their officers (for all of them beautiful, wild and barbaric It is were not shot), giants all, were drawn up in particularly agreeable to meet with ranks, four deep, down the whole length of such a complete collection of Russian the huge Catherine Hall. Rodzlanko stepped verse. forth to welcome them. On his appearance the commanding officers voice rang out, "Preobrazhenaky, attention!" and the whole Bottoms TJp, by George Jean Nathan. Philip regiment stood at salute. Goodman Co., New York City. The President of the Duma addressed As a satirist Mr. Nathan is the one them: particular rose in a whole garden of you coming to help lovely flowers. His new collection of , r--a M ' I I want to thank for the laugh-make- r. jar"" , members of the Imperial Duma to estaDllsn stories is a. true HV order and to safeguard the honor and glory P?' your fight- 'f of country. Your comrades are NEW BOOKS RECEIVED. ing in the trenches for the might and majesty of Russia, and I am proud that my "Carmen's Messenger, by Harold Blndloss, on has been serving since tne Deglnning ot S1.35; a dashing novel of the tropics, with the war In your gallant ranks. But, in events hinging on the great war. "Ann'e's order that you should be able to advance the House of Dreams," by L. M. Montgomery. cause and Interests which have been under-- $1.40; a pleasant love story, depicting prin- 'taken by the Duma, you must remain a disci- cipally a romantic house; "And Take It," by plined force. You know as well as I do that George Matthew Adams, II: crisp, lively, soldiers are helpless without their officers. sledge-hamm- er essays on getting along In I ask you to remain faithful to your offi- the world. (Stokes at CO., New York.) cers and to have confidence in them. Just as Look-O- ut by B. M. y f "The Man," Bower. - ' In quietly i -- 'i i we have confidence them. Return $1.35; a romantic novel of California, de- vr i. - a i to your barracks and come here at the first picting the life of a look-o- ut man at the i call when you may be required. reserve on a mountain top; the "We are ready." answered the Preobraa-faensk- y forest station way." plot is new. "Amarilly in Love," by Belle Guards. "Show us the unraveling the astonishing; plot that nia, and In picturing Intimately the K. M&niatea. 1.25: a lively novel for girls, The time that followed was one of follows: ' family life of the types presented. a novel that gives you the first aid to Herbert Hoover In place of meat and milk because of lta which meaning of the feeling. (Little, Brown & Co., Boston.) food confusion. In the by Charles THE work of conservation is excessive protein and that it does not new-foun- d liberty was not understood. "The Tyranny of Weakness," The Interlopers, by Griffing tl.BO. d, Charles McCarthy. He is on exhaust the soil. Council of Work- Bancroft. Hymns and Prayers for the TIm of the Army Neville Buck. $1.35; a attrac- The members' of the Illustrated. The Bancroft Co., New York and Navy. 10 cents. Houghton, Mifflin tive story of two lovers, a Southern man duty in Washington. Dr. McCarthy we men's and Soldiers' Delegates interfered City. Co.. Boston. Is England Theodore Holtfodt Is the Minister of governing ac- and a girl who a New Puritan. was In charge of the Legislative Ref- Norway, one atwith the Duma in its We are led to expect much from Soldiers and sailors and all those who (W. J. Watt ac Co., New York.) erence Library at Madison, Wis., when National Defense of of the tivities. this novel, and are not disappointed. are in military and naval training "Alexis." by Stuart Maclean, $1.50; a novel called to this public duty. He expects three Scandinavian countries which Out of this Interference came a very dra- Our camps be glad that pictures romance and mualc. "Kxceas have kept out of war. matic episode. A group of soldiers went author comes of a literary fam will to know that such Condemnation," by Robert E. Cushman, VI; to return to Madison when there is no to a meeting of striking workmen who were ily, for he is a son of Hubert Howe a conveniently arranged little volume a new book of marked importance, giving longer need of his services in Wash- Boris A. Bakhmetieff Is the new Rus- vociferously clamoring for an eight-ho- ur day Bancroft, the historian of Western as this is, one that can easily be placed Information aa to additional condemnation ington. sian Ambassador to the United States. and an Increase of 100 per cent in wages. in one's pocket, is on the market. In city improvements when land is con- I you eight-hou- r America. buildings pub- B I,.' "Why are demanding the The little book is a of demned for public and other son-in-la- w spokesman soldiers, Certainly our collection & Co., New York.) Andre Tardieu, head of the perma- Francis Bowers Sayre, of day?" asked the of the author has bold vision hymns, prayers, readings from the lic uses. D. Appleton nent Mission in very one of whom wore the Cross of St. and training for the wonderful circum- "White Nights and Other Russian Impres- French the United the President, has sailed for France to George, which Is the Russian Victoria Cross.