Illegal Encroachment of Arterial Roads Rampant in Dronagiri

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Illegal Encroachment of Arterial Roads Rampant in Dronagiri The Dynamic Daily Newspaper of Navi Mumbai Friday, 4 December 2020 Pages 8 • Price 2 VOL. 14 • ISSUE 150 RNI No. MAHEN/2007/21778 POSTAL REGN. No. NMB/154/2020-22/VASHI MDG POST OFFICE Scientific collection of Illegal encroachment e-wastes from next week Raigad’s Guardian By Pranab Jyoti Bhuyan employees will later Minister to inaugurate Navi Mumbai collect and dispose of Covid 19 Hospital in of arterial roads he city of Navi those wastes,” he said. Uran TMumbai will see Presently in the ju- Covid-19 Hospital in scientific collection risdiction of NMMC Uran at CIDCO training rampant in Dronagiri of e-wastes from next there is no provisions centre near Bokadvira By Pranab Jyoti Bhuyan week. Two private to separately collect the will be inaugurated by Navi Mumbai agencies have agreed e-wastes such as elec- the Guardian Minister of he residents of Dron- to collect and dispose tronic gadgets, used bat- Raigad Aditi Tatkare on agiri are upset as of such wastes from the teries, mobile phones, Friday, December 4 at T city without taking any phone chargers, electric 11.30 am. some real estate devel- opers have encroached NMMC stops collecting on the arterial roads for wastes from society storing their construc- that do not segregate tion materials. The Navi Mumbai According to the resi- Municipal Corporation dents, both the motorists (NMMC) has stopped as well as the pedestri- collecting wastes from ans are facing troubles those housing societies because of this menace. which are not segregat- However, the officials of ing the dry wastes from buildings is going on crushed stones among the wet ones. So far, the the City and Industrial Development Corpora- across Dronagiri. Sev- others, either on the pave- civic body has taken this eral developers do not ments or on the road- fee from the civic body, cables, TV sets, stereos action against six hous- tion (CIDCO) are turn- ing a blind eye to it for have sufficient space in- sides. Due to these con- a senior officer said. among others. ing societies across the side their plots for stor- struction materials, the Babasaheb Rajale, “Such wastes are city… reasons unknown. ing construction materi- motorists do not get suf- deputy municipal com- filled with toxic mate- (More on page 8) Dattatray Gite, a res- ident of Dronagri said, als. Therefore, they store missioner of NMMC rials such as cadmium, Navi Mumbai sees dip “Construction of new materials such as bricks, CONTINUED ON page... 6 (solid waste manage- lead, beryllium, arsenic, in Covid 19 cases ment) said, “Since these mercury among others. The Navi Mumbai agencies have agreed to Therefore, those should Municipal Corporation’s Greens urge Aditi Tatkare to resolve do the task in a scien- be collected and pro- efforts in keeping the tific way without taking cessed separately and Covid-19 virus in control Uran’s garbage dumping menace fee from us, we have fi- scientifically and hence has yielded results. As per nalized the deal. While we have taken this ini- the data from the NMMC the first agency will tiative. This will also on November 2, before Raigad’s Guardian Minister will be visiting Uran on Friday collect wastes from the help us in scoring more the start of Diwali, 1624 city zone 1, the second in the upcoming Swa- patients were undergo- Navi Mumbai s Raigad District agency will take care of chh Survekshan,” Ra- ing treatment at various zone 1.” jale said. hospitals. However, one Guardian Minister A “According to the NMMC has also de- month after, there was a visits Uran on Friday, an agreement, these agen- dip and only 1,490 pa- SOS has been mailed to cided to create aware- tients tested positive for her by activists urging cies will place dustbins ness among the city covid-19 her to save the people at different places where residents so that they the residents will dump (More on page 3) from the 13 year old CONTINUED ON page... 2 menace that the people their e-wastes. Their Online training on at Bori Pakhadi, Uran, POCSO Act, 2012 held The Maharashtra cy- are undergoing due to ber cell conducted an on- the reckless and illegal line training programme dumping of garbage in on POCSO Act, 2012 in the residential area and which over 270 police on the mangroves and against the wall to have organisation NatConnect personnel from across wetland. the State of Maharashtra “The local people this problem resolved,” Foundation. participated… and we, environmental said B N Kumar, Direc- NatConnect, Shri Ek- tor of international award (More on page 2) activists, have been liter- CONTINUED ON page... 6 ally banging our heads winning not-for-profit 2 Friday, 4 December 2020 Maharashtra cyber cell conducts Three people arrested for looting shops online training on POCSO Act, 2012 Amongst the three, two were women; Over 270 police personnel from across the state participated police succeed in seizing stolen goods By Abhitash D.Singh cial process. Information Technology Navi Mumbai The training was Act, 2000. Navi Mumbai Engineering Hardware lice Rajendra Awhad he Maharashtra cy- conducted in partner- This training was urbhe MIDC po- and Industrial Materials conducted a technical Tber cell conducted ship with the Kailash the first of many capac- Tlice have arrested shop in Khairane MIDC investigation into the an online training pro- Satyarthi Child Founda- ity building measures two women and a rick- on October 24 and stole case. Accordingly, the gramme on POCSO Act, tion (KSCF), a civil so- being undertaken by shaw driver for breaking goods worth about Rs 2 police searched the three 2012 in which over 270 ciety organization estab- the proposed Tactical into a hardware shop at lakh. and arrested them. After police personnel from lished by Nobel Peace Response against Cy- Khairane MIDC and After the case was further interrogation, the across the State of Ma- Laureate Shri Kailash ber Child Exploitation stealing goods worth registered, Assistant police also arrested the harashtra participated. Satyarthi. The two hour (TRACE) Unit, being about Rs 2 lakh. The Inspector of Police, person who had bought The vulnerability of session covered all the set up under Maharash- stolen goods have been Deepak Domb, Pawan the stolen goods from children to sexual abuse sections of POCSO Act, tra Cyber. This new unit seized. Police have also Nandre and his team, them and seized goods in their homes, com- and how the law and its shall scale up Maharash- seized the rickshaw under the guidance of worth around Rs 2 lakh munities and online procedures can be im- tra Cyber Police’s efforts used by the thieves in Senior Inspector of Po- from him. has increased multifold plemented in a practical to combat the growing the case. after the COVID-19 manner while ensuring threat of child pornog- Among the arrested pandemic. It is learnt the best interest of the raphy and other forms are Gaurabai Kamble CHANGE OF NAME (50), Parvatibai Kam- that Childline received child. of online child sexual I have changed my name from ble (56), rickshaw SANDESH DARRYL more than 92,000 com- The training session exploitation, with the to as per driver Suryapal Yadav MATHIAS SANDESH SUNNY MATHIAS plaints of abuse and explained the impor- aim of ensuring a safe affidavit dated 3rd November 2020. violence in the first 11 tance of the Act and its online environment for (36) and Kishan Singh days of the lockdown, implementation, through the children across Ma- Chun Singh Manda- and USA’s CyberTipline real-life examples of the harashtra. wat (28), all resident of CHANGE OF NAME Mankhurd. reported that India ac- trauma experienced by This project is being I have changed my name from LEENA JOSEPH counts for the largest victims and the positive piloted in partnership Both Gaurabai and to LEENA SOYMON PANACHIPURATHU as per number of complaints impact of child-friendly with the India Child Pro- Parvatibai along with Maharashtra Government Gazette Reg No. M-2060019 against child pornogra- police procedures on the tection Fund (ICPF) and Suryapal Yadav’s rick- phy in the world. As a child. It also discussed the Kailash Satyarthi shaw would roam late part of proactive polic- various case studies and Children’s Foundation. at night to target a shop CHANGE OF NAME ing, the nodal agency of court judgements re- The entire train- for burglary. After they I have changed my name from SOYMON THOMAS the State “Maharashtra lated to the POCSO Act ing was done under the finalised their target to SOYMON THOMAS PANACHIPURATHU as per Cyber” organised an in order to make Law guidance of Special In- both Gaurabai and Par- Maharashtra Government Gazette Reg No. M-2060146 online training for the Enforcement Officers spector General of Police vatibai with the help of police personnel from aware of the various Yashasvi Yadav, Deputy an iron spear, would lift Maharashtra on the Pro- lacunas which might Inspector General of Po- the shutters of the shop tection of Children from surface during investi- lice Harish Baijal, Dep- and steal the valuables Sexual Offences (POC- gation. uty superintendent of and flee in the rickshaw. SO) Act, 2012. The training was Police Vijay Khaire and In the same manner, the POCSO Act is a well-received and Police various other officers. trio had looted Huteb comprehensive law to Personnel raised perti- provide for the protec- nent questions based on tion of children from their on field experiences the offences of sexual while investigating such assault, sexual harass- cases. The training also ment and pornography, focussed on the various while safeguarding the aspects of child pornog- interests of the child at raphy and implementa- every stage of the judi- tion of POCSO Act and SCIENTIFIC COLLEC- can dispose of it on their TION OF E-WASTES..
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    CENSUS OF INDIA .1991 DISTRICT CENSUS ijANDB!OOK PARBHANI, Compiled by THE MAHARASHTRA CENSUS DIRECTORATE PRINTED IN INDIA BY THE MANAGER, GOVT. CENTRAL PRESS, MUMBAI 400004 AND PUBLISHED BY THE DIRECTOR, GOVERNMENT PRINTING AND STATIONERY, MAHARASHTRA STATE, MUMBAI 400004. 1995 Price: Rs. 100 I '-",'• III I - -' \'; ,.:.\.. I :"(tI\ , . '~J>.-./" '~ :. #' ~$ . "&'( f '; I .Jf ~ " I -I ~ ~ J !! t .. ~ ." , <II J: ... .... 0 ... 'I .! ' \~~' ~ I 'I;, , MOTIF The temple of Aundha-Nagnath located at Aundha is a very famous holy place, which is associ­ ated with the name of Nagnath i.e., Bhagwan Shankaranand considered as one of the twelve 'Joytirlingas' in India. The templeFas constructed at the time of Yadavas of Devgiri, probably in the 13th century and hence has considerable historical importance. The temple of N agnath covers an area of 669.60 m 2 (7200 sq. feet). The height of the temple is about 60 feet. It is a solid work in masonry and on its wall are engraved hundreds of images of human beings and various types of animals like elephants, horses and bulls in splen'did design. These figures look lifelike. The name ofNamdeo, the saint­ poet, is linked with this temple in a legend, which tells that the Lord, for the sake of his devotee, moved the front entrance of the temple in the direction of N amdeo. Samadhis of N amdeo and that of his guru Visoba Kechar are to be seen in the 'gabhara' and outside the temple. People believe that N agnath ~s capable of show­ ering blessings on them, and fulfils the desire for a child for childless couples.
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