
arXiv:1901.05312v1 [math.RA] 15 Jan 2019 4] 5] [51]. [50], [44], (1.1) where oac,Tioac-ua,Pdvn(odnir,Pri,Pado Perrin, (Cordonnier), Padovan Tribonacci-Lucas, bonacci, h eeaie rbncisdno n rsn oeproperties some present and Tribonacci generalized the fw set we if for n hssqec a ensuidb ayatos e o xml [6 example for see authors, many by studied been has sequence This h sequence The h eeaie rbncisequence Tribonacci generalized The Abstract. Keywords. Classification. Subject 2010 fw set we If nfc,tegnrlzdTioac eunei h generalization the is sequence Tribonacci generalized the fact, In 1 = V 0 V , r , 2 = , 1 3 V , s r ... , 2 = = h eein oma1-iesoa alyDcsnagba nth In . Cayley-Dickson 16-dimensional a form The r rirr neesand arbitrary are when t rbncinmes eein,Tioac sedenions. Tribonacci sedenions, , Tribonacci s { and 1 = = V n t } V and 1 = t n n ≥ 0 6= = 0 Y¨uksel Soykan, a eetne ongtv usrpsb defining by subscripts negative to extended be can V rV . nGnrlzdTioac Sedenions Tribonacci Generalized On 0 hrfr,rcrec 11 od o l all for holds (1.1) recurrence Therefore, n 3 = − V V 1 0 − V , + 0 = n ogla ¨ln cvtUniversity, B¨ulent Ecevit Zonguldak -al yuksel e-mail: 1 sV = 1 = V , n eateto Mathematics, of Department inci − [email protected] − 70,Znudk Turkey Zonguldak, 67100, 1 { r n cec Faculty, Science and Art 2 s t V , V 1 = V + ,s t s, r, n okumus niOuusadEknTa¸sdemir Erkan Okumu¸s and Inci ˙ 2 − ( .Introduction 1. tV V ( then 3 = V , n 0 n − V , 2 − r elnumbers. real are 1) then 1 = 3 1 V , V , − [email protected] [email protected] 13,1B3 74,05A15. 17A45, 11B83, 11B39, 1 2 r t ; V { ,s t s, r, − V 0 n ( n = } { − ) V stewl-nw rbnciLcssequence. Tribonacci-Lucas well-known the is 2) } ,V a, n n a-ern aaaa hr re Jacobsthal third Narayana, van-Perrin, } + ≥ 1 stewl-nw rbncisqec and sequence Tribonacci well-known the is 0 fti sedenion. this of 1 t = o shortly (or V − ,V b, ( ftewl-nw eune ieTri- like sequences well-known the of n − 2 ,[0,[9,2][2,[3] 3] [41], [39], 37], [ [19],[22],[32], [10], ], 3) = ,n c, n. { V n } ≥ n ≥ 3 0 swr,w introduce we work, is sdfie sfollows: as defined is ) 2 YUKSEL¨ SOYKAN, INCI˙ OKUMUS¸AND ERKAN TAS¸DEMIR and third order Jacobsthal-Lucas. In literature, for example, the following names and notations are used for the special case of r, s and t.

Sequences (Numbers) Notation Tribonacci T = V (0, 1, 1;1, 1, 1) { n} { n } Tribonacci-Lucas K = V (3, 1, 3;1, 1, 1) { n} { n } Padovan (Cordonnier) P = V (1, 1, 1;0, 1, 1) { n} { n } Pell-Padovan V (1, 1, 1;0, 2, 1) { n } Jacobsthal-Padovan V (1, 1, 1;0, 1, 2) { n } Perrin R = V (3, 0, 2;0, 1, 1) { n} { n } Pell-Perrin V (3, 0, 2;0, 2, 1) { n } Jacobsthal-Perrin V (3, 0, 2;0, 1, 2) { n } Padovan-Perrin S = V (0, 0, 1;0, 1, 1) { n} { n } Narayana N = V (0, 1, 1;1, 0, 1) { n} { n } third order Jacobsthal J = V (0, 1, 1;1, 1, 2) { n} { n } third order Jacobsthal-Lucas j = V (2, 1, 5;1, 1, 2) { n} { n }

The first few values of the sequences with non-negative indices are shown below.

n 0123456 7 8 9 10 ...

Tn 011 2 4 7 13 24 44 81 149 ...

Kn 3 1 3 7 11 21 39 71 131 241 443 ...

Pn 1112234 5 7 9 12 ...

Rn 3023 2 5 5 7 10 12 17 ...

Sn 00101112 2 3 4 ...

Nn 0111 2 3 4 6 9 13 19 ...

Jn 0 1 1 2 5 9 18 37 73 146 293 ...

jn 2 1 5 10 17 37 74 145 293 586 1169 ...

The first few values of the sequences with negative indices are shown below.

n 01 2 3 4 5 6 789 10 ...

T− 0 0 1 1 0 2 3 1 4 8 5 ... n − − − K− 3 1 1 5 5 1 11 15 3 23 41 ... n − − − − − − P− 10 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 ... n − − R− 3 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 5 7 6 ... n − − − − − ON GENERALIZED TRIBONACCI SEDENIONS 3

As V is a third order recurrance sequence (difference equation), it’s characteristic equation is x3 rx2 { n} − − sx t =0, whose roots are − r α = α(r,s,t)= + A + B 3 r β = β(r,s,t)= + ωA + ω2B 3 r γ = γ(r,s,t)= + ω2A + ωB 3 where r3 rs t 1/3 r3 rs t 1/3 A = + + + √∆ , B = + + √∆ 27 6 2 27 6 2 −     r3t r2s2 rst s3 t2 1+ i√3 ∆ = ∆(r,s,t)= + + , ω = − = exp(2πi/3) 27 − 108 6 − 27 4 2 Note that we have the following identities

α + β + γ = r,

αβ + αγ + βγ = s, − αβγ = t.

From now on, we assume that ∆(r,s,t) > 0, so that the Equ. (1.1) has one real (α) and two non-real solutions with the latter being conjugate complex. So, in this case, it is well known that generalized Tribonacci numbers can be expressed, for all integers n, using Binet’s formula P αn Qβn Rγn (1.2) V = + + n (α β)(α γ) (β α)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) − − − − − − where

P = V (β + γ)V + βγV ,Q = V (α + γ)V + αγV , R = V (α + β)V + αβV . 2 − 1 0 2 − 1 0 2 − 1 0 Note that the Binet form of a sequence satisfying (1.1) for non-negative integers is valid for all integers n, for a proof of this result see [27].This result of Howard and Saidak [27] is even true in the case of higher-order recurrence relations. We can give Binet’s formula of the generalized Tribonacci numbers for the negative subscripts: for n =1, 2, 3, ... we have α2 rα s P α1−n β2 rβ s Qβ1−n γ2 rγ s Rγ1−n V− = − − + − − + − − . n t (α β)(α γ) t (β α)(β γ) t (γ α)(γ β) − − − − − − In this paper, we intruduce and study the generalized Tribonacci sedenions in the next section and give some properties of them. Before giving it’s definition, we present some information on Cayley-Dickson . The process of extending the field R of reals to C is known as Cayley–Dickson process (construction). It can be carried further to higher using a doubling procedure, yielding the H, O and sedenions S which (as a real vector ) are of 4, 8, and 16, respectively. This doubling 4 YUKSEL¨ SOYKAN, INCI˙ OKUMUS¸AND ERKAN TAS¸DEMIR process can be extended beyond the sedenions to form what are known as the 2n-ions (see for example [28], [35], [4]). However, just as applying the construction to reals loses the property of ordering, more properties familiar from real and complex numbers vanish with increasing dimension. The quaternions are only a skew field, i.e. for some x, y we have x y = y x for two quaternions, the of octonions fails (in · 6 · addition to not being commutative) to be associative: for some x,y,z we have (x.y).z = x.(y.z). 6 Real numbers, complex numbers, quaternions and octonions are all normed algebras over R. However, by Hurwitz’s theorem, they are the only ones. The next step in the Cayley–Dickson precess, the sedenions, in fact fails to have this structure. S is not a because it has zero divisors; this means that two non-zero sedenions can be multiplied to obtain zero: an example is (e + e )(e e )=0 3 10 6 − 15 and the other example is (e e )(e + e )=0, for details see [13]. 2 − 14 3 15 In the following, we explain this doubling process.

The Cayley-Dickson algebras are a sequence A0, A1, ... of non-associative R-algebras with . The term “conjugation” is used to refer to the involution because it generalizes the usual conjugation on the complex numbers. See [4] for a full explanation of the basic properties of Cayley-Dickson algebras, We

define Cayley-Dickson algebras inductively. We begin by defining A0 to be R. Given An−1, the algebra An

is defined additively to be A − A − . Conjugation, multiplication and addition in A are defined by n 1 × n 1 n (a,b) = (a, b), − (a,b)(c, d) = (ac db, da + bc), − (a,b) + (c, d) = (a + c,b + d), respectively. Note that A has dimension 2n as an R . If we set, as usual, x = Re(xx) for n − k k x A then xx = xx = x 2 . p ∈ n k k Now, assume that B = e S : i =0, 1, 2, ..., 15 is the for S, where e is the identity (or unit) 16 { i ∈ } 0 and e ,e , ..., e are called imaginaries. Then a sedenion S S can be written as 1 2 15 ∈ 15 15 S = aiei = a0 + aiei i=0 i=1 X X 15 where a0,a1, ..., a15 are all real numbers. a0 is called the real part of S and i=1 aiei is called its imaginary part. P Addition of sedenions is defined as componentwise and multiplication is defined as follows: if S ,S S 1 2 ∈ then we have

15 15 15 (1.3) S1S2 = aiei biei = aibj (eiej). i=0 ! i=0 ! i,j=0 X X X The operations requiring for the multiplication in (1.3) are quite a lot. The computation of a sedenion multiplication using the naive method requires 240 additions and 256 , while an algorithm ON GENERALIZED TRIBONACCI SEDENIONS 5 which is given in [8] can compute the same result in only 298 additions and 122 multiplications, see [8] for details. Moreover, efficient algorithms for the multiplication of quaternions, octonions and trigintaduonions with reduced of real multiplications is already exist in literature, see [33], [7] and [9], respectively. Recently, a lot of attention has been centred by theoretical physicists on the Cayley-Dickson algebras O (octonions) and S (sedenions) because of their increasing usefulness in formulating many of the new theories of elementary particles. In particular, the octonions O (see for example [2] and [36]) has been found to be involved in so many unexpected areas (such as Clifford algebras, quantum theory, topology, etc.) and sedenions appear in many areas of science like electromagnetic theory and linear gravity.

2. Generalized Tribonacci Sedenions and It’s Generating Function and Binet Formula

In this section, we define generalized Tribonacci sedenions and give generating functions and Binet formulas for them. First, we give some information about sequences, sequences and sedenion sequences from literature. Horadam [25] introduced nth Fibonacci and nth Lucas quaternions as

3 Qn = Fn + Fn+1e1 + Fn+2e2 + Fn+3e3 = Fn+ses s=0 X and 3 Rn = Ln + Ln+1e1 + Ln+2e2 + Ln+3e3 = Ln+ses s=0 X respectively, where Fn and Ln are the nth Fibonacci and Lucas numbers respectively. He also defined generalized Fibonacci quaternion as

3 Pn = Hn + Hn+1e1 + Hn+2e2 + Hn+3e3 = Hn+ses s=0 X

where Hn is the nth generalized Fibonacci number (which is now called Horadam number) by the recursive

relation H1 = p, H2 = p + q, Hn = Hn−1 + Hn−2 (p and q are arbitrary integers). Many other generalization of Fibonacci quaternions has been given, see for example Halici and Karata¸s[24], and Polatlı [38]. See also Tasci [47] for k-Jacobsthal and k-Jacobsthal-Lucas Quaternions. Cerda-Morales [14] defined and studied the generalized Tribonacci quaternion sequence that includes the previously introduced Tribonacci, Padovan, Narayana and third order Jacobsthal quaternion sequences. She defined generalized Tribonacci quaternion as

3 Qv,n = Vn + Vn+1e1 + Vn+2e2 + Vn+3e3 = Vn+ses s=0 X

where Vn is the nth generalized Tribonacci number defined by the third-order recurrance relations

Vn = rVn−1 + sVn−2 + tVn−3, 6 YUKSEL¨ SOYKAN, INCI˙ OKUMUS¸AND ERKAN TAS¸DEMIR here V0 = a, V1 = b, V2 = c are arbitrary integers and r,s,t are real numbers. See also [1], [46] for Tribonacci quaternions, [16] for third order Jacobsthal quaternions, [17] for dual third order Jacobsthal quaternions and [48] for Padovan and Pell-Padovan quaternions. Various families of octonion number sequences (such as Fibonacci octonion, Pell octonion, Jacobsthal octonion; and third order Jacobsthal octonion) have been defined and studied by a number of authors in many different ways. For example, Ke¸cilioglu and Akku¸s[31] introduced the Fibonacci and Lucas octonions as 7 Qn = Fn+ses s=0 X and 7 Rn = Ln+ses s=0 X respectively, where Fn and Ln are the nth Fibonacci and Lucas numbers respectively. In [21], C¸imen and Ipek˙ introduced Jacobsthal octonions and Jacobsthal-Lucas octonions. In [15], Cerda-Morales introduced third order Jacobsthal octonions and also in [18], she defined and studied tribonacci-type octonions. See also Ipek˙ and C¸imen [29] and Karata¸sand Halici [30] for Horadam type octonions. Furthermore, we refer to Szynal-Liana and Wlock [45] for Pell quaternions and Pell octonions and Catarino [11] for Modified Pell and Modified k-Pell Quaternions and Octonions. A number of authors have been defined and studied sedenion number sequences (such as second order sedenions: Fibonacci sedenion, k-Pell and k-Pell–Lucas sedenions, Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal-Lucas sede- nions). For example, Bilgici, Toke¸ser and Unal¨ [5] introduced the Fibonacci and Lucas sedenions as

15 Fn = Fn+ses s=0 X and b 15 Ln = Ln+ses s=0 X respectively, where Fn and Ln are the nth Fibonaccib and Lucas numbers respectively. In [12], Catarino introduced k-Pell and k-Pell–Lucas sedenions. In [20], C¸imen and Ipek˙ introduced Jacobsthal and Jacobsthal- Lucas sedenions. In [43], Soykan introduced the nth Tribonacci sedenion as

15 15 Tn = Tn+ses = Tn + Tn+ses. s=0 s=1 X X (see also preprint version [42] of it). b G¨ul [23] introduced the k-Fibonacci and k-Lucas trigintaduonions as

31 T Fk,n = Fk,n+ses s=0 X and 31 TLk,n = Lk,n+ses s=0 X ON GENERALIZED TRIBONACCI SEDENIONS 7 respectively, where Fk,n and Lk,n are the nth k-Fibonacci and k-Lucas numbers respectively. We now define the generalized Tribonacci sedenion over the sedenion algebra S. The nth generalized Tribonacci sedenion is

15 15 (2.1) Vn = Vn+ses = Vn + Vn+ses s=0 s=1 X X b

where Vn is the nth generalized Tribonacci number defined by Eq.(1.1). For all non negative integer n, it can be easily shown that the following iterative relation holds:

(2.2) Vn = rVn−1 + sVn−2 + tVn−3.

b b b b The sequence V ≥ can be defined for negative values of n by using the recurrence (2.2) to extend { n}n 0 the sequence backwards, or equivalently, by using the recurrence b

s r 1 V− = V V + V . n − t −(n−1) − t −(n−2) t −(n−3) b b b b Thus, the recurrence (2.2) holds for all integer n.

The conjugate of Vn is defined by

b 15 V = V V e = V V e V e ... V e . n n − n+s s n − n+1 1 − n+2 2 − − n+15 15 s=1 X b The of nth generalized Tribonacci sedenion is

2 2 2 2 2 Vn = N (Vn)= VnVn = VnVn = Vn + Vn+1 + ... + Vn+15.

b b b b b b Now, we will state Binet’s formula for the generalized Tribonacci sedenion. From now on, we fixed the following notations.

15 15 15 s s s α = α es, β = β es, γ = γ es. s=0 s=0 s=0 X X X b b b Theorem 2.1. For any non-negative integer n, the nth generalized Tribonacci sedenion is

P ααn Qββn Rγγn (2.3) V = + + n (α β)(α γ) (β α)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) − − − b − − − b b b where P,Q and R are as in Eq.(1.2). 8 YUKSEL¨ SOYKAN, INCI˙ OKUMUS¸AND ERKAN TAS¸DEMIR

Proof. Repeated use of (1.2) in (2.1) enable us to write:

15 P αn Qβn Rγn V = V e = + + n n+s s (α β)(α γ) (β α)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) s=0 X − − − − − − b P αn+1 Qβn+1 Rγn+1 + + + e (α β)(α γ) (β α)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) 1  − − − − − −  P αn+2 Qβn+2 Rγn+2 + + + e (α β)(α γ) (β α)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) 2  − − − − − −  . . P αn+15 Qβn+15 Rγn+15 + + + e (α β)(α γ) (β α)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) 15  − − − − − −  P ααn Qββn Rγγn = + + . (α β)(α γ) (β α)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) − − − b − − − We can give Binet’s formulab of the generalized Tribonacci sedenionb for the negative subscripts: for n =1, 2, 3, ... we have α2 rα s P αα1−n β2 rβ s Qββ1−n γ2 rγ s Rγγ1−n V− = − − + − − + − − . n t (α β)(α γ) t (β α)(β γ) t (γ α)(γ β) − − − b − − − The nextb theorem gives us an alternatifb proof of the Binet’s formula for the generalized Tribonaccib sedenion.

For this, we need the quadratik approximation of V ≥ : { n}n 0 Lemma 2.2. [18]For all integer n, we have

n+2 2 P α = α Vn+2 + α(sVn+1 + tVn)+ tVn+1,

n+2 2 Qβ = β Vn+2 + β(sVn+1 + tVn)+ tVn+1,

n+2 2 Rγ = γ Vn+2 + γ(sVn+1 + tVn)+ tVn+1, where P,Q and R are as in Eq.(1.2).

Alternative Proof of Theorem 2.1: Note that

2 α Vn+2 + α(sVn+1 + tVn)+ tVn+1

2 = α (bVn+2 + Vn+3b e1 + ...b+ Vn+17b e15)

+α((sVn+1 + tVn) + (sVn+2 + tVn+1)e1 + ... + (sVn+16 + tVn+15)e15)

+t(Vn+1 + Vn+2e1 + ... + Vn+16e15)

2 2 = α Vn+2 + α(sVn+1 + tVn)+ tVn+1 + (α Vn+3 + α(sVn+2 + tVn+1)+ tVn+2)e1

2 +(α Vn+4 + α(sVn+3 + tVn+2)+ tVn+3)e2 . .

2 +(α Vn+17 + α(sVn+16 + tVn+15)+ tVn+16)e15. ON GENERALIZED TRIBONACCI SEDENIONS 9

n+2 2 From the identity P α = α Vn+2 + α(sVn+1 + tVn)+ tVn+1 for n-th generalized Tribonacci number Vn, we have

2 n+2 (2.4) α Vn+2 + α(sVn+1 + tVn)+ tVn+1 = P αα .

Similarly, we obtain b b b b b

2 n+2 (2.5) β Vn+2 + β(sVn+1 + tVn)+ tVn+1 = Qββ and b b b b b

2 n+2 (2.6) γ Vn+2 + γ(sVn+1 + tVn)+ tVn+1 = Rγγ .

Substracting (2.5) from (2.4), web have b b b b

P ααn+2 Qββn+2 (2.7) (α + β)V + (sV + tV )= − . n+2 n+1 n α β − b b Similarly, substracting (2.6) from (2.4),b we obtainb b

P ααn+2 Rγγn+2 (2.8) (α + γ)V + (sV + tV )= − . n+2 n+1 n α γ − b b Finally, substracting (2.8) from (2.7),b we getb b

1 P ααn+2 Qββn+2 P ααn+2 Rγγn+2 V = − − n+2 β γ α β − α γ − − − ! b b b b b P ααn+2 Qββn+2 Rγγn+2 = + (α β)(α γ) − (α β)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) − − − b − − − P ααb n+2 Qββn+2 Rbγγn+2 = + + . (α β)(α γ) (β α)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) − − − − − − b b b So this proves (2.3).

Next, we present generating function of Vn.

b Theorem 2.3. The generating functions for the generalized Tribonacci sedenion is

∞ 2 V + (V rV )x + tV− x (2.9) g(x)= V xn = 0 1 − 0 1 . n 1 rx sx2 tx3 n=0 X b −b −b − b b ∞ n Proof. Define g(x)= n=0 Vnx . Note that P b 2 3 4 5 n g(x) = V0+ V1x+ V2x + V3x + V4x + V5x + ...+ Vnx + ... rxg(x) = rV x+ rV x2+ rV x3+ rV x4+ rV x5 + ...+ rV xn + ... b b 0 b 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 bn−1 sx2g(x) = sV x2+ sV x3+ sV x4+ sV x5 + ...+ sV xn + ... b b0 b1 b2 b3 bn−2 tx3g(x) = tV x3+ tV x4+ tV x5 + ...+ tV xn + ... b b0 b1 b2 bn−3 b b b b 10 YUKSEL¨ SOYKAN, INCI˙ OKUMUS¸AND ERKAN TAS¸DEMIR

Using above table and the recurans Vn = rVn−1 + sVn−2 + tVn−3 we have

(1 rx sx2 tx3)g(x) = g(xb) rxgb(x) sxb2g(x) txb 3g(x) − − − − − − = V + (V rV )x + (V rV sV )x2 + (V rV sV tV )x3 + 0 1 − 0 2 − 1 − 0 3 − 2 − 1 − 0 4 n (V rV sV tV )x + ... + (V rV − sV − tV − +)x + ... b 4 − b 3 − b 2 − 1b b bn − n b1 − bn 2 −b n 3b 2 = Vb0 + (V1b rV0b)x +b (V2 rV1 sVb0)x . b b b − − −

It follows that b b b b b b V + (V rV )x + (V rV sV )x2 g(x)= 0 1 − 0 2 − 1 − 0 . 1 rx sx2 tx3 b b −b − b − b b Since V rV sV = tV− , the generating function for the Tribonacci sedenion is 2 − 1 − 0 1 2 b b b b V0 + (V1 rV0)x + tV−1x g(x)= − . 1 rx sx2 tx3 b −b −b − b In the following theorem we present another form of Binet formula for the generalized Tribonacci sedenion using generating function.

Theorem 2.4. For any integer n, the nth generalized Tribonacci sedenion is

2 n 2 n ((α rα)V + αV + tV− )α ((β rβ)V + βV + tV− )β V = − 0 1 1 + − 0 1 1 n (α γ) (α β) (β γ) (β α) − − − − 2 b b b n b b b b ((γ rγ)V + γV + tV− )γ + − 0 1 1 . (γ α) (γ β) −b b− b Proof. We can use generating function. Since

1 rx sx2 tx3 = (1 αx)(1 βx)(1 γx) − − − − − −

we can write the generating function of Vn as

2 2 V + (V rV )x + tV− x V + (V rV )x + tV− x g(x) = 0 1 − 0 b 1 = 0 1 − 0 1 1 rx sx2 tx3 (1 αx)(1 βx)(1 γx) − − − − − − b D b b E b F b b b b = + + (1 αx) (1 βx) (1 γx) − − − D(1 βx)(1 γx)+ E(1 αx)(1 γx)+ F (1 αx)(1 βx) = − − − − − − (1 αx)(1 βx)(1 γx) − − − (D + E + F ) + ( Dβ Dγ Eα Eγ F α Fβ)x + (Dβγ + Eαγ + F αβ)x2 = − − − − − − (1 αx)(1 βx)(1 γx) − − − We need to find D, E and F , so the following system of equations should be solved:

D + E + F = V0

Dβ Dγ Eα Eγ F α Fβ = Vb1 rV0 − − − − − − −

Dβγ + Eαγ + F αβ = tbV−1 b


We find that

2 2 tV− + αV + α V rαV (α rα)V + αV + tV− D = 1 1 0 − 0 = − 0 1 1 α2 αβ αγ + βγ (α γ) (α β) − − − − b b 2 b b 2 b b b tV− + βV + β V rβV (β rβ)V + βV + tV− E = 1 1 0 − 0 = − 0 1 1 β2 αβ + αγ βγ (β γ) (β α) − − − − b b 2 b 2 b b b tV− + γV + γ V rγV (γ rγ)V + γV + tV− F = 1 1 0 − 0 = − 0 1 1 γ2 + αβ αγ βγ (γ α) (γ β) b b − b− b −b −b b and

2 ∞ 2 ∞ (α rα)V + αV + tV− (β rβ)V + βV + tV− g(x) = − 0 1 1 αnxn + − 0 1 1 βnxn (α γ) (α β) (β γ) (β α) n=0 n=0 −b −b b X −b −b b X 2 ∞ (γ rγ)V + γV + tV− + − 0 1 1 γnxn (γ α) (γ β) n=0 −b −b b X 2 n 2 n ((α rα)V0 + αV1 + tV−1)α ((β rβ)V0 + βV1 + tV−1)β ∞ − + − (α γ) (α β) (β γ) (β α) n =  − − − −  x . b b((γ2 brγ)V + γV + tV )bγn b b n=0 0 1 −1 X  + −   (γ α) (γ β)   −b b− b  Thus Binet formula of Tribonacci sedenion is

2 n 2 n ((α rα)V + αV + tV− )α ((β rβ)V + βV + tV− )β V = − 0 1 1 + − 0 1 1 n (α γ) (α β) (β γ) (β α) − − − − 2 b b b n b b b b ((γ rγ)V + γV + tV− )γ + − 0 1 1 . (γ α) (γ β) −b b− b If we compare Theorem 2.1 and Theorem 2.4 and use the definition of Vn, we have the following Remark showing relations between T , T , T and α, β, γ. We obtain (b) after solving the system of the equations in −1 0 1 b (a). b b b b b b Remark 2.5. We have the following identities:


2 ((α rα)V + αV + tV− ) = P α − 0 1 1 2 ((β rβ)Vb0 + βVb1 + tVb−1) = Qβ − b 2 ((γ rγ)Vb0 + γVb1 + tVb−1) = Rγb − (b): b b b b 15 Pβγ(γ β)α + Qαγ(α γ)β + Rαβ(β α)γ V− e = V− = − − − 1+s s 1 t (γ β) (α γ) (α β) s=0 − − − X b b b 15 b P (β γ)α + Q(γ α)β + R(α β)γ V e = V = − − − s s 0 (β γ) (α γ) (α β) s=0 X − − b − 15 b b b αE + βE + γE V e = V = 1 2 3 1+s s 1 (γ β) (α γ) (α β) s=0 X − b− − b b b 12 YUKSEL¨ SOYKAN, INCI˙ OKUMUS¸AND ERKAN TAS¸DEMIR

where E = P (β γ) ( r + β + γ) , E = Q (γ α) ( r + α + γ) , E = R (α β) ( r + α + β) . 1 − − 2 − − 3 − −

Using above Remark we can find V2 as follows:

15 b αc1 + βc2 + γc3 V e = V = rV + sV + tV− = 2+s s 2 1 0 1 (β γ) (α γ) (α β) s=0 X − b− − b b b b b b where

c = P (β γ) s rβ rγ + βγ + r2 , 1 − − − c = Q (γ α) s rα rγ + αγ + r2 , 2 − − − c = R (α β) s rα rβ + αβ + r2 . 3 − − −  Now, we present the formula which gives the summation of the first n generalized Tribonacci numbers.

Lemma 2.6 ([14]). For every integer n 0, we have ≥

n V + (1 r)V + tV + (r + s 1)V + (r 1)V V (2.10) V = n+2 − n+1 n − 0 − 1 − 2 i ε i=0 r,s,t X where ε = ε = r + s + t 1. r,s,t −

Next, we present the formula which gives the summation of the first n generalized Tribonacci sedenion.

Theorem 2.7. The summation formula for the generalized Tribonacci sedenion is

n Vn+2 + (1 r)Vn+1 + tVn + ϕ (2.11) V = − r,s,t i ε i=0 r,s,t X b b b b where ε = ε = r + s + t 1, µ = µ = (r + s 1)V + (r 1)V V and ϕ = ϕ = µ + e (µ εV )+ r,s,t − r,s,t − 0 − 1 − 2 r,s,t 1 − 0 e (µ ε(V + V )+ .... + e (µ ε(V + V + ... + V )). 2 − 0 1 15 − 0 1 14

Proof. Using (2.1) we obtain

n n n n n Vi = Vi + e1 Vi+1 + e2 Vi+2 + ... + e15 Vi+15 i=0 i=0 i=0 i=0 i=0 X X X X X b = (V0 + ... + Vn)+ e1(V1 + ... + Vn+1)

+e2(V2 + ... + Vn+2)+ ... + e15(V15 + ... + Vn+15). ON GENERALIZED TRIBONACCI SEDENIONS 13

Using (2.10) and the notation µ = (r + s 1)V + (r 1)V V , it can be written that r,s,t − 0 − 1 − 2

n ε V = (V + (1 r)V + tV + µ ) r,s,t i n+2 − n+1 n r,s,t i=0 X b +e (V + (1 r)V + tV + µ εV ) 1 n+3 − n+2 n+1 − 0 +e (V + (1 r)V + tV + µ ε(V + V )) 2 n+4 − n+3 n+2 − 0 1 . .

+e (V + (1 r)V + tV + µ ε(V + V + ... + V )) 15 n+17 − n+16 n+15 − 0 1 14 = V + (1 r)V + tV + ϕ n+2 − n+1 n r,s,t b b b where ϕ = ϕ = µ + e (µ εV )+ e (µ ε(V + V )+ .... + e (µ ε(V + V + ... + V )). It now follows r,s,t 1 − 0 2 − 0 1 15 − 0 1 14 that n Vn+2 + (1 r)Vn+1 + tVn + ϕ V = − r,s,t i ε i=0 r,s,t X b b b b and this completes the proof. The formula (2.12) of next Theorem gives the norm of the generalized Tribonacci sedenion.

Theorem 2.8. The norm of generalized Tribonacci sedenion is given by

2 (β α)2P 2αα2n + (α γ)2Q2ββ2n + (α β)2R2γγ2n 2M (2.12) Vn = − − − − ψ2

e e e b where

ψ = ψ(α,β,γ) = (α β)(α γ)(β γ), − − − α = 1+ α2 + α4 + ... + α30,

2 4 30 βe = 1+ β + β + ... + β , 2 4 30 (2.13) eγ = 1+ γ + γ + ... + γ ,

2 3 15 αβe = 1+ αβ + (αβ) + (αβ) + ... + (αβ) , 2 3 15 αγf = 1+ αγ + (αγ) + (αγ) + ... + (αγ) ,

2 3 15 βγf = 1+ βγ + (βγ) + (βγ) + ... + (βγ) , n n n fM = (α γ)(β γ)PQαβ(αβ) + (α β)(β γ)PQαγ(αγ) + (α β)(α γ)PQβγ(βγ) . − − − − − −

2 f 15 2 f f Proof. We know that Vn = s=0 Vn+s. Using Binet formula of Vn we have

P b n ψV = (β γ)P αn + (γ α)Qβ + (α β)Rγn n − − − 14 YUKSEL¨ SOYKAN, INCI˙ OKUMUS¸AND ERKAN TAS¸DEMIR where ψ is as in (2.13). It follows that

ψ2V 2 = (β γ)2P 2α2n + (γ α)2Q2β2n n − − +(α β)2R2γ2n + 2(β γ)(γ α)PQ(αβ)n − − − +2(β γ)(α β)P R(αγ)n + 2(γ α)(α β)QR(βγ)n − − − − and

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ψ Vn = ψ (Vn + Vn+1 + Vn+2 + ... + Vn+15)

2 2 2n 2 2 2n b = (β γ) P αα + (γ α) Q ββ − − 2 2 2n n +(α β) R γγ + 2(β γ)(γe α)PQαβ(αβ) − e − − n n +2(β γ)(α β)P Rαγ(αγ) + 2(γ α)(fα β)QRβγ(βγ) − e− − − where α, β, γ, αβ, αγ and βγ are as in (2.13). f f

Now, we present the quadratic approximation of Vn. e e e f f f Theorem 2.9. For all integer n 0, we have b ≥ n+2 2 P αα = α Vn+2 + α(sVn+1 + tVn)+ tVn+1,

n+2 2 Qbββ = β Vbn+2 + β(sVbn+1 + tVbn)+ tVbn+1, n+2 2 Rbγγ = γ Vbn+2 + γ(sVbn+1 + tVbn)+ tVbn+1, where P,Q and R are as in (1.2).b b b b b

Proof. Using Binet’s formula of Vn, we obtain P ααn(α3 + (s + βγ)α + t) αV + (s + βγb)V + tV = n+2 n+1 n (α β)(α γ) − − b b b Qb ββn(αβ2 + (s + βγ)β + t) + (β α)(β γ) b − − Rγγn(αγ2 + (s + βγ)γ + t) + . (γ α)(γ β) − − b Since αβ2 + (s + βγ)β + t = 0, αγ2 + (s + βγ)γ + t = 0 and

α (α β) (α γ)= α3 α2β α2γ + αβγ = α3 (αβ + αγ)α + t = α3 + (s + βγ)α + t − − − − − it follows that

n+1 (2.14) αVn+2 + (s + βγ)Vn+1 + tVn = P αα .

Multiplying (2.14) by α and using againb αβγ = t, web obtainb b

n+2 2 2 P αα = α Vn+2 + α(s + βγ)Vn+1 + αtVn = α Vn+2 + α(sVn+1 + tVn)+ tVn+1.

If we change theb role of α withb β and γ, we obtainb theb desiredb result. b b b ON GENERALIZED TRIBONACCI SEDENIONS 15

3. Some Identities For Special Cases of The Generalized Tribonacci Sedenion

In this section, we give identities about Tribonacci and Tribonacci-Lucas sedenions.

Theorem 3.1. For n 1, the following identities hold: ≥

(a): K =3T 2T T − , here T = V (0, 1, 1;1, 1, 1) and K = V (3, 1, 3;1, 1, 1). n n+1 − n − n 1 n n (b): V + V =2V bn nb n b b P α (α + 1) αn Qβ (β + 1) βn Rγ (γ + 1) γn (c): V + V = + + , bn+1 b n (α β)(α γ) (β α)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) − − − − − − n bP αα b Qββ b Rγγ (d): b n Vb = (1 + α)n + (1 + β)n + (1 + γ)n, i i (α β)(α γ) (β α)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) i=0 − − − − − −  b P b b b Proof. Since K =3T 2T T − , (a) follows. The others can be established easily. n n+1 − n − n 1

Theorem 3.2. For n 0, m 3, we have ≥ ≥

(a): Km+n = Kn−1Tm+2 + (Tm+1 + Tm)Kn−2 + Kn−3Tm+1, (b): K = K T + (K + K )T + K T . b m+n m+2b n−1 b m+1 b m n−2 m+1b n−3 b b b b Proof. (a) can be proved by strong induction on n and (b) can be proved by strong induction on m.

Similar formula can be given for the other Fibonacci sequences (for example, for Pm+n and Rm+n).

b b Theorem 3.3 ([26]). Consider the sequences Jn which is called generalized Tribonacci-Lucas sequence, and Vn given by

J = V (3, r, r2 +2s; r,s,t) . n { n } and V = V (V , V , V ; r,s,t) . Then, for all integers n and m we have n { n 0 1 2 }

m m V = J V t J− V + t V − . n+2m m n+m − m n n m

Using above theorem, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.4. For all integers n and m, the followings are true:

(a): T = K T K− T + T − n+2m m n+m − m n n m (b): K = K K K− K + K − . n+2m m n+m − m n n m


(a): Take V = V (0, 1, 1;1, 1, 1) = T and J = V (3, 1, 3;1, 1, 1) = K . n { n } { n} n { n } { n} (b): Take V = V (3, 1, 3;1, 1, 1) = K and J = V (3, 1, 3;1, 1, 1) = K . n { n } { n} n { n } { n} 16 YUKSEL¨ SOYKAN, INCI˙ OKUMUS¸AND ERKAN TAS¸DEMIR

4. Matrices and Related with Tribonacci and Tribonacci-Lucas Sedenions

Let X and Y be any sequences generated by (1.1). Define the 4 4 D , for all integers { n} { n} × n n, by

Xn Yn Yn+1 Yn+2

X2 Y2 Y3 Y4 D = . n X1 Y1 Y2 Y3

X0 Y0 Y1 Y2

Theorem . 4.1 Dn =0 for all integers n.

Proof. This is a special case of a result in [34].

Theorem 4.2. The followings are true.

(a): 44T = 10K 6K 8K . n n+2 − n+1 − n (b): K = T +4T T . nb − n+2b n+1b − n b

Proof. Takingb Xb = Tb , Y b = K and applying Theorem 4.1 and expanding D along the top { n} { n} { n} { n} n row gives 44T = 10K 6K 8K and now (a) follows. Taking X = K , Y = T and n n+2 − n+1 − n { n} { n} { n} { n} applying Theorem 4.1 and expanding D along the top row gives K = T +4T T and now (b) n n − n+2 n+1 − n follows. Note that similar formulas can be given for the other Tribonacci sequences (for example, taking X { n} = P , Y = R and vice versa). { n} { n} { n} Consider the sequence U which is defined by the third-order recurrence relation { n}

Un = Un−1 + Un−2 + Un−3,U0 = U1 =0,U2 =1.

Note that some authors call U as a Tribonacci sequence instead of T . The numbers U can be { n} { n} n expressed using Binet’s formula αn βn γn U = + + n (α β)(α γ) (β α)(β γ) (γ α)(γ β) − − − − − − and the negative numbers U−n (n =1, 2, 3, ...) satisfies the recurrence relation

Un+1 Un+2 2 U− = = U U U . n n+1 − n+2 n Un Un+1

The method is very useful method in order to obtain some identities for special sequences. We define the matrix M of order 3 as: r s t M =  1 0 0     0 1 0      ON GENERALIZED TRIBONACCI SEDENIONS 17

such that det M = t. Note that

Un+2 sUn+1 + tUn tUn+1 n   (4.1) M = Un+1 sUn + tUn−1 tUn .    Un sUn−1 + tUn−2 tUn−1     

For a proof of (4.1), see [3]. Matrix formulation of Vn can be given as

n Vn+2 r s t V2       (4.2) Vn+1 = 1 0 0 V1        Vn   0 1 0   V0              The matrix M was defined and used in [40]. For matrix formulation (4.2), see [49] and [52].

Now we define the matrice MV as

V4 V3 + V2 V3

MV =  V V + V V  . b3 b2 b1 b2    V2 V1 + V0 V1   b b b b    b b b b This matrice MV can be called generalized Tribonacci sedenion matrix. As special cases, Tribonacci and Tribonacci-Lucas sedenion matricies are

T4 T3 + T2 T3 K4 K3 + K2 K3

MT =  T T + T T  and MK =  K K + K K  b3 b2 b1 b2 b3 b2 b1 b2      T2 T1 + T0 T1   K2 K1 + K0 K1   b b b b   b b b b      respectively. b b b b b b b b

Theorem 4.3. For n 0, the following holds: ≥

n r s t Vn+4 sVn+3 + tVn+2 tVn+3

(4.3) MV  1 0 0  =  V sV + tV tV  bn+3 bn+2 bn+1 bn+2      0 1 0   Vn+2 sVn+1 + tVn tVn+1     b b b b      Proof. We prove by mathematical induction onb n. If n =b 0 thenb the resultb is clear. Now, we assume it is true for n = k, that is

Vk+4 sVk+3 + tVk+2 tVk+3 k MV M =  V sV + tV tV  . bk+3 bk+2 bk+1 bk+2    Vk+2 sVk+1 + tVk tVk+1   b b b b    b b b b 18 YUKSEL¨ SOYKAN, INCI˙ OKUMUS¸AND ERKAN TAS¸DEMIR

If we use (2.2), then for k 0, we have V = rV + sV + tV . Then by induction hypothesis, we ≥ k+3 k+2 k+1 k obtain b b b b

k+1 k MV M = (MV M )M

Vk+4 sVk+3 + tVk+2 tVk+3 r s t =  V sV + tV tV   1 0 0  bk+3 bk+2 bk+1 bk+2      Vk+2 sVk+1 + tVk tVk+1   0 1 0   b b b b        rbVk+4 + sbVk+3 + tbVk+2 bsVk+4 + tVk+3 tVk+4 =  rV + sV + tV sV + tV tV  bk+3 bk+2 bk+1 bk+3 bk+2 bk+3    rVk+2 + sVk+1 + tVk sVk+2 + tVk+1 tVk+2   b b b b b b    Vk+5b sVk+4b + tVk+3b tVkb+4 b b =  V sV + tV tV  . bk+4 bk+3 bk+2 bk+3    Vk+3 sVk+2 + tVk+1 tVk+2   b b b b    Thus, (4.3) holds for all non-negative integersb bn. b b

Corollary 4.4. For n 0, the following holds: ≥

Vn+2 = V2Un+2 + (V1 + V0)Un+1 + V1Un.

b b b b b Proof. The proof can be seen by the coefficient (4.1) of the matrix MV and (4.3). Note that we have similar results if we replace the matrix M with the matrices N and O defined by

r 1 0 0 1 0 N =  s 0 1  and O =  0 0 1  .      t 0 0   r s t          References

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