
Split Quaternions and Spacelike Constant Slope Surfaces in Minkowski 3-

Murat Babaarslan and Yusuf Yayli

Abstract. A spacelike surface in the Minkowski 3-space is called a constant slope surface if its position vector makes a constant with the normal at each on the surface. These surfaces completely classified in [J. Math. Anal. Appl. 385 (1) (2012) 208-220]. In this study, we give some relations between split quaternions and spacelike constant slope surfaces in Minkowski 3-space. We show that spacelike constant slope surfaces can be reparametrized by using matrices corresponding to unit timelike quaternions with the spacelike vector parts and homothetic motions. Subsequently we give some examples to illustrate our main results. Subject Classification (2010). Primary 53A05; Secondary 53A17, 53A35. Key words: Spacelike constant slope surface, split quaternion, homothetic motion.

1. Introduction

Quaternions were discovered by Sir as an extension to the complex in 1843. The most important property of quaternions is that every unit quaternion represents a rotation and this plays a special role in the study of in three- dimensional . Also quaternions are an efficient way understanding many aspects of and . Many physical laws in classical, relativistic and quantum can be written nicely using them. Today they are used especially in the area of , , animations, aerospace applications, flight simulators, navigation systems and to solve optimization problems involving the estimation of transformations. Ozdemir and Ergin [9] showed that a unit timelike quaternion represents a rotation in Minkowski 3-space. Also they expressed Lorentzian rotation generated with a timelike quaternion. Tosun et al. [10] investigated some properties of one-parameter homothetic motion in Minkowski 3-space. Furthermore, they expressed the relations between velocity and acceleration vectors of a point in moving space with respect to fixed and moving space. Kula and Yayli [6] showed that the of split quaternions of H has a 4 that allows as to identify it with semi-Euclidean space E2 . They demonstrated that a pair q and p of unit split quaternions in H determines a rotation Rqp :HH.  Moreover 4 they proved that Rqp is a product of rotations in a pair of orthogonal planes in E2 . In last few years, the study of the of surfaces in 3-dimensional spaces, in particular of product type MR2  was developed by a large number of mathematicians. For


instance, constant angle surfaces: A constant angle surface in E3 is a surface whose tangent planes make a constant angle with a fixed vector of ambient space. These surfaces are the generalizations of the concept of helix. These kinds of surfaces are models to describe some phenomena in physics of interfaces in liquid crystals and of layered fluids. Constant angle surfaces were studied in different ambient spaces, e.g. SR2  and HR2  [2, 3]. Moreover these surfaces were studied in Minkowski 3- space and classified in [6].

Another paper in this direction is [4], where Fu and Yang studied spacelike constant slope surfaces in Minkowski 3-space and classified these surfaces in the same space. They showed that 3 M  E1 is a spacelike constant slope surface lying in the timelike cone if and only if it can be parametrized by

xuvu ,  sinh  cosh 1 ufv ()sinh   1  ufvfv ()   (), (1)

where,  is a positive constant angle function, 1 u coth ln u and f is a unit speed spacelike on  . 3 Also, M  E1 is a spacelike constant slope surface lying in the spacelike cone if and only if it can be parametrized by

xuvu ,  cosh  cosh 2 ugv ()sinh   2  ugvgv ()   (), (2)

where,  is a positive constant angle function, 2 u tanh ln u and g is a unit speed 2 spacelike curve on S1 . In our previous paper [1], we showed a new method to construct constant slope surfaces with quaternions in Euclidean 3-space. In light of recent studies, the purpose of this paper is to give some relations between split quaternions and spacelike constant slope surfaces lying in the timelike cone in Minkowski 3-space. We will show that spacelike constant slope surfaces lying in the timelike cone can be reparametrized by using rotation matrices corresponding to unit timelike quaternions with the spacelike vector parts and homothetic motions. Subsequently we will give some examples to illustrate our main results.

2. Basic Notations, Definitions and Formulas

In this section, we give some basic concepts and formulas on split quaternions and semi- Euclidean spaces. A split quaternion p is an expression of the form


p p11  p 2i  p 3 j  p 4 k , where p1,, p 2 p 3 and p4 are real and i,, j k are split quaternion units which satisfy the non-commutative rules i21, jk 2  2  1, ij  jikjk ,  kj i and ki  ik  j. Let us denote the algebra of split quaternions by H and its natural by 1,i , j , k . An element of H is called a split quaternion.

For a split quaternion p p11  p 2i  p 3 j  p 4 k , the conjugate p of p is defined by

p p11  p 2i  p 3 j  p 4 k .

Scalar and vector parts of a split quaternion p are denoted by Sp  p1 and

Vp p2i  p 3 j  p 4 k, respectively. The split quaternion product of two quaternions

p p1,,, p 2 p 3 p 4  and q q1,,, q 2 q 3 q 4  is defined as

p q p1 q 1 VVVVVVp,, q  p 1 q  q 1 p  p  q (3) where

VVp, q  p2 q 2  p 3 q 3  p 4 q 4 and i j k

VVp q ppp234  pqpq 43  34i+ pq 42  pq 24 j + pqpq 23  32  k .

q2 q 3 q 4

If S p  0, then p is called as a pure split quaternion.

Definition 1. En with the metric v n n u, v ui v i   u i v i , u , v R , 0  v  n i1 i  v  1

n is called semi-Euclidean space and denoted by Ev , where v is called the index of the metric. If n n n v  0, semi-Euclidean space Ev is reduced to E . For n  2, E1 is called Minkowski n - space; if n  4, it is the simplest example of a relativistic space time [8].

n Definition 2. Let Ev be a semi-Euclidean space furnished with a metric tensor ,. A vector n w  Ev is called - spacelike if w, w  0 or w  0, - timelike if w, w  0,


- null if w, w  0 and w  0.

n n The of a vector w  Ev is w,. w Two vector w1 and w2 in Ev are said to be orthogonal if w1, w 2  0 [8]. We can define pseudo- and pseudo-hyperbolic space as follows: v n  SEn1v,..., v  n  v 2  v 2  1  , v1 n v i  i  i1 i  v  1  and v n  HEn1v,..., v  n  v 2  v 2   1  . v1 1 n v i  i  i1 i  v  1  n1 n  1 n Also, for v 1 and v1  0, HH 0 is called a hyperbolic space of E1 . 2 2 2 2 We can easily check that pp   p1  p 2  p 3  p 4 . Therefore we identify H with 4  semi-Euclidean space E2 . Let G p H pp  1 be the multiplicative of timelike unit split quaternions. The Lie algebra g of G is the imaginary part of H, that is

g Im H  p2i  p 3 j  p 4 k p 2 , p 3 , p 4  R . The Lie bracket of g is simply the of split quaternion product. Note that the commutation relation of g is given by [i , j ] 2 k , [j , k ]  2 i , [k , i ] 2 j . 3 The Lie algebra g is naturally identified with E1 . Besides, the G is identified with 3 H1 of constant curvature 1 (see [5]). Thus we can define timelike, spacelike and lightlike quaternions as follows:

Definition 3. We say that a split quaternion p is spacelike, timelike or lightlike, if 2 2 2 2 IIp0, p  0 or I p  0, respectively, where Ip  p1  p 2  p 3  p 4 [9].

Definition 4. The norm of p p1,,, p 2 p 3 p 4  is defined as

2 2 2 2 Np  p1  p 2  p 3  p 4 .

If N p 1, then p is called a unit split quaternion and p0  p/ N p is a unit split quaternion for

N p  0. Also spacelike and timelike quaternions have multiplicative inverses having the

1  1 1 property p p p  p 1 and they are constructed by p p/. I p Lightlike quaternions have no inverses [9].


The vector part of any spacelike quaternions is spacelike but the vector part of any timelike quaternion can be spacelike or timelike. Polar forms of the split quaternions are as below: (i) Every spacelike quaternion can be written in the form

p N p sinh  v cosh  , 3 where v is a unit spacelike vector in E1 .

(ii) Every timelike quaternion with the spacelike vector part can be written in the form

p N p cosh  v sinh  , 3 where v is a unit spacelike vector in E1 . (iii) Every timelike quaternion with the timelike vector part can be written in the form

p N p cos  v sin  ,

3 where v is a unit timelike vector in E1 [6, 9]. Unit timelike quaternions are used to perform rotations in the Minkowski 3-space:

If p p1,,, p 2 p 3 p 4  is a unit timelike quaternion, using the transformation law 3 pVV  p1  R , the corresponding can be found as  qi  ij q  j j1 pppp2 2  2  2 2 pp  2 pp  2 pp  2 pp  1234 14 23 13 24   2  2  2  2    Rp 2 pp23 2 pp 41 pppp 1234 2 pp 34 2 pp 21  , (4) 2pp 2 pp 2 pp  2 pp pppp2  2  2  2  24 31 21 34 1234  where q Sq,.V q  We can see that all rows of this matrix are orthogonal in the Lorentzian mean. Therefore the unit timelike quaternion p p1,,, p 2 p 3 p 4  is equivalent to 3 3 orthogonal rotational matrix Rp given by Eq. (4). The matrix represents a rotation in Minkowski

3-space under the condition that detRp  1. This is possible with unit timelike quaternions. Also causal character of vector part of the unit timelike quaternion p is important. If the vector part of p is timelike or spacelike then the rotation angle is hyperbolical or spherical, respectively [9]. In Minkowski 3-space, one-parameter homothetic motion of a body is generated by the transformation XCX  hA        0  , 1   0 1   1  t 1 where ASOAA1(3),    and the signature matrix  is the diagonal matrix ij  j  whose


1 t diagonal entries are 1 1,  2   3  1. Hence     . X and X 0 are real matrices of 3 1 type and h is a homothetic scale. A, h and C are differentiable functions of C class of a parameter t. X and X 0 correspond to the position vectors of the same point with respect to the rectangular coordinate frames of the fixed space R and the moving space R0 , respectively. At the initial time t t0 , we assume that coordinate systems in R and R0 are coincident [10].

3. Split Quaternions and Spacelike Constant Slope Surfaces Lying in the Timelike Cone

In this section, we study unit timelike quaternions with the spacelike vector parts and spacelike constant slope surfaces lying in the timelike cone. Firstly, we obtain the following equation for later use. A unit timelike quaternion with the spacelike vector part  3 Q u, v cosh1 u /2  sinh  1  u /2 f v defines a 2-dimensional surface on H1 , where

1 u coth ln u ,  is a positive constant angle function, f f1 ,, f 2  f 3  and f is a unit 3 speed spacelike curve on H2. Thus, using the transformation law QQRVV  1    ,  ri  ij r j j1 the corresponding rotation matrix can be found as

21 2  1 2 2 2 2  1 2  1  cosh sinh f123  f   f   2sinh f 1213  f   sinh f   2sinh f 1312  f   sinh  f   2 2 2 2         R2sinh21 f f   sinh f  cosh 2 1  sinh 2 1  f  2 f  2  f  2  2sinh 2 1 f  f   sinh  f   , Q 21213 2 2 123 2 2311       2 1    21   2 1 2 1  2  2  2  2sinhf1 f 3 sinh 1 f 2  2sinh f2 f 3sinh 1 f 1 cosh  sinh   f 1  f 2  f 3   2 2 2 2  (5) where r Sr,.V r  We now give the relation between unit timelike quaternions with the spacelike vector parts and spacelike constant slope surfaces lying in the timelike cone.

3 3 Theorem 5. Let x: M  E1 be a spacelike surface immersed in Minkowski 3-space E1 and x lies in the timelike cone. Then the constant slope surface M can be reparametrized by

x u,,,, v  Q1 u v Q 2  u v where Q1 u, v cosh 1 u  sinh  1  u f v is a unit timelike quaternion with the spacelike 3 vector part, Q2  u, v  u sinh f v is a surface and a pure split quaternion in E1 and f is a unit speed spacelike curve on H2.


Proof. Since Q1 u, v cosh 1 u  sinh  1  u f v and Q2  u, v  u sinh f v , we obtain

QuvQuv1 , 2 ,  cosh 1 u  sinh  1  ufvu     sinh  fv 

usinh cosh 1 u  sinh  1  u f v f v (6)

usinh cosh 1 u f v  u sinh  sinh  1  u f v f v . Using Eq. (3), we have f f f ,. f  f   f Since f is a unit speed spacelike curve on H2 , we have f f  f  f  (7) If we substitute Eq. (7) into Eq. (6), we get

QuvQuvu1(,) 2 (,) sinhcosh  1 ufv    sinh  1  ufvfv      . Therefore applying Eq. (1), we conclude

Q1 u,,, v Q 2  u v  x u v This completes the proof. From Theorem 5, we can see that the spacelike constant slope surface M lying in the 3 timelike cone is the split quaternion product of 2-dimensional surfaces Q1  u, v on H1 and 3 Q2  u, v in E1 .

Let us consider the relations among rotation matrices RQ , homothetic motions and spacelike constant slope surfaces lying in the timelike cone. We have the following results of Theorem 5.

Corollary 6. Let RQ be the rotation matrix corresponding to the unit timelike quaternion with the spacelike vector part Q u,. v Then the spacelike constant slope surface M can be written as

x u,,. v  RQ Q2  u v

 Corollary 7. For the homothetic motion Q u, v  u sinh Q1  u , v , the constant slope surface M can be reparametrized by x u,,. v  Q  u v f v Therefore, we have

x u, v  u sinh RQ f v (8) We can give the following remarks regarding Theorem 5 and Corollary 7.

Remark 8. Theorem 5 says that both the points and the position vectors on the surface Q2  u, v are rotated by Q1  u, v through the hyperbolic angle 1 u about the spacelike axis Sp f v.


Remark 9. Corollary 7 says that the position vector of the curve f v is rotated by Q  u, v through the hyperbolic angle 1 u about the spacelike axis Sp f v and extended through the homothetic scale u sinh .

4. Split Quaternions and Spacelike Constant Slope Surfaces Lying in the Spacelike Cone

In this section, as in Section 3, we study unit timelike quaternions with the spacelike vector parts and spacelike constant slope surfaces lying in the spacelike cone. Similarly, we obtain the following equation for later use. A unit timelike quaternion with the spacelike vector part 3 Q u, v cosh2 u / 2  sinh  2  u / 2 g v defines a 2-dimensional surface on H1 , where

2 u tanh ln u ,  is a positive constant angle function, g  g1 ,, g 2 g 3  and g is a unit 3 speed spacelike curve on S2. Thus, using the transformation law QQRVV  1    , 1  ri  ij r j j1 the corresponding rotation matrix can be found as

22 2  2 2 2 2 2  2 2  2  cosh sinhg123  g   g   2sinh g 1223  g   sinh g   2sinh g 1322  g   sinh  g   2 2 2 2         R2sinh22 g g   sinh g  cosh 2 2  sinh 2 2  g  2  g  2  g  2  2sinh 2 2 g  g   sinh  g   , Q 21223 2 2 123 2 2321       2 2    22   2 2 2 2  2  2  2  2sinhg1 g 3 sinh 2 g 2  2sinh g2 g 3sinh 2 g 1 cosh  sinh   g 1  g 2  g 3   2 2 2 2  (9) where r Sr,.V r  Now we give the relation between unit timelike quaternions with the spacelike vector parts and the spacelike constant slope surfaces lying in the spacelike cone.

3 3 Theorem 10. Let x: M  E1 be a spacelike surface immersed in Minkowski 3-space E1 and x lies in the spacelike cone. Then the constant slope surface M can be reparametrized by

x u,,,, v  Q1 u v Q 2  u v where Q1 u, v cosh 2 u  sinh  2  u g v is a unit timelike quaternion with spacelike vector 3 part, Q2  u, v  u cosh g v is a surface and a pure split quaternion in E1 and g is a unit 2 speed spacelike curve on S1 .

Proof. Since Q1 u, v cosh 2 u  sinh  2  u g v and Q2  u, v  u cosh g v , we obtain


QuvQuv1 , 2 ,  cosh 2 u  sinh  2  ugvu     cosh  gv 

ucosh cosh 2 u  sinh  2  u g v g v (10)

ucosh cosh 2 u g v  u cosh  sinh  2  u g v g v . By using Eq. (3), we have g g g ,. g  g   g

2 Since g is a unit speed spacelike curve on S1 , we have g g  g  g  (11) Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (10) gives

QuvQuvu1(,) 2 (,) coshcosh  2 ugv    sinh  2  ugvgv      . Therefore applying Eq. (2) we conclude

Q1 u,,, v Q 2  u v  x u v This completes the proof. Similarly, from Theorem 10, we can see that the spacelike constant slope surface M lying in the spacelike cone is the split quaternion product of 2-dimensional surfaces Q1  u, v on

3 3 H1 and Q2  u, v in E1 .

Let us consider the relations among rotation matrices RQ , homothetic motions and spacelike constant slope surfaces lying in the spacelike cone. We have the following results of Theorem 10.

Corollary 11. Let RQ be the rotation matrix corresponding to the unit timelike quaternion with spacelike vector part Q u,. v Then the spacelike constant slope surface M can be written as

x u,,. v  RQ Q2  u v

 Corollary 12. For the homothetic motion Q u, v  u cosh Q1  u , v , the constant slope surface M can be reparametrized by x u,,. v  Q  u v g v Therefore, we have

x u, v  u cosh RQ g v (12) We can give the following remarks regarding Theorem 10 and Corollary 12.

Remark 13. Theorem 10 says that both the points and the position vectors on the surface

Q2  u, v are rotated by Q1  u, v through the hyperbolic angle 2 u about the spacelike axis Sp g v.


Remark 14. Corollary 12 says that the position vector of the curve g v is rotated by Q  u, v through the hyperbolic angle 2 u about the spacelike axis Sp g v and extended through the homothetic scale u cosh .

5. Examples and Their Pictures

We now illustrate some examples of spacelike constant slope surfaces and draw their picture by using Mathematica computer program.

Example 15. Let us consider a unit spacelike curve on H2 defined by f v  cosh v ,0,sinh v . Taking   7 and coth 7 1, the homothetic motion is equal to Q  u, v  u sinh7coshln  u   sinhln u sinh v ,0,  sinhln u cosh v . By using Eq. (8), we have the following spacelike constant slope surface:

lnu   ln u   ln u   cosh2 sinh 2 cosh2v  sinh ln u cosh v  sinh 2 sinh2 v        coshv 2   2   2    x u, v  u sinh7  sinh ln u cosh v cosh ln u sinh ln u sinh v 0     2lnu  2  ln u  2  ln u  sinhv  sinh  sinh2v sinh ln u sinh v cosh    sin   cosh2 v  2   2   2   and then usinh7cosh ln u cosh v    x u, v   u sinh7sinh ln u  . usinh7cosh ln u sinh v 

Hence, we can draw the picture of x u, v  u sinh RQ f v as follows:


Figure 1. Spacelike constant slope surface x u, v  u sinh RQ f v , f v  cosh v ,0,sinh v ,   7.

2 Example 16. Let us consider a unit spacelike curve on S1 defined by g v  0,cos v ,sin v . Taking   7 and tanh 7 1, the homothetic motion is equal to Q  u, v  u cosh 7 cosh ln u  0,sinh ln u sin v ,  sinh ln u cos v . By using Eq. (12), we have the following spacelike constant slope surface:

  cosh lnu  sinh ln u cos v  sinh ln u sin v   0  2lnu  2  ln u  2  ln u    x u, v  u cosh7  sinh ln u cos v cosh   sinh   cos2 v sinh   sin2 v  cos v  2   2   2   sinv  2lnu  2  ln u  2  ln u   sinh lnu sin v sinh  sin2 v cosh    sin   cos2 v  2   2   2   and then ucosh7sinh ln u    x u, v  u cosh7cosh ln u cos v  . ucosh7cosh ln u sin v 

Hence, we can draw the picture of x u, v  u cosh RQ g v as follows:


Figure 2. Spacelike constant slope surface x u, v  u cosh RQ g v ,

g v  0,cos v ,sin v ,   7.


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Murat Babaarslan Department of Mathematics Bozok University 66100, Yozgat Turkey e-mail: [email protected]

Yusuf Yayli Department of Mathematics Ankara University 06100, Ankara Turkey e-mail: [email protected]