AND/JOHt/TIAGO ANDREMP'PINES) ANGELO/SARA/DAD ARCHIPPUS ARTURO 80 FN 28 38 Travel Experiences In L. finer. 85 FS 12 522 Finally Found Real Happiness 2 Heaven On Earth (Text) 81 FNENC 522 Fran Mm Minstrels 79 FNENC 289 God Opens Door In Closed Country 83 HH 4 533 How To Improve You- Puppet Shows 85 FS 12 523 Answered Heartcryl „(*» 13 What Manner Of Man Is This? ANDRE 4 ESTHER 2 Our Heavenly Home (Text) ANGELO/SARAH ASAPH 4 CLAUDIA 85 FS 12 153 Wl-tnesslng In Kenya NOBUWD * 3*163 2 Happy End Of The World (Text) ARCHIPPUS/DAO 85FSI2 269 Underwater Dei ly^ >64 81 FNENC 608 Child Scalded By Hot Water! 81 FNENC 743 Cutting The Cord Of Compromise 79 FNENC 283 Refuting Lies Of Timothy 4 Deb. 2 Heaven On Earth (Text) ANDRE 4GAIA 2 Inside The Heavenly City (Text) ANN |67 ASAPH I JULIA 81 FNENC 840 Blessings Upon Arrival ANDREtVMIRACLE S)£N 2 Magic River of Life (Text) ARCHIPUS/SHARON • LN 41 11 The Heavenly Wcman SSGNI66 82 FN 53 174 More From Poland 78 FNENC 137 High Nutritional Foods 85 FS 13 137 Liberated i Delivered thru Truth 2 Pearly Gates of Heaven (Text) ANDRE 4 IRENE 0 91171 2 Pleasures Of Paradise (Text) 85 FS 15 27 Chinese Fruit ANN LANDERS ASAPH 4 MICHAEL 83 FN 63 81 The Mall! A Shepherding Ministry ANDREW/SHAWNEE 0 (31175 2 ThB Comet Ccmes (Text) 85 FS 15 84 Letter from a Proud Grandmother 82 FNENC 966 Love Isn't Love Til I Ye,. 0 0 76 81 FNENC 763 Tips On Using Puppets SO KD 2 25 Kldz Korner (Skit) 2 A Heavenly Picnic (Text) MORE 1 MARIA 0*' 77 2 Home Sweet Home (Text) AFB-URUG. IHC 80 ASHER 4 AM./SSA 82 FNENC 1014 We've Got Sooo Muchll! • , ANDY 8S6N' 2 The Great Escape (Text) 84 FN 92 5 Argentina/Uruguay IHC News 35GTJ181 84 GN152 10 Report Fran China 84 FS 10 28 By Faith! Wr 2 What Everybody Needs (Text) 84 FN 92 10 Listener's Reaction 85 FS 17 36 Reachln'Em Thru Teaching. " "' ' ** ^"^ ***' *< ^ 31183 85 FS 12 162 S. India NAFM-1984 B 2 Visions Of Paradise (Text) 84 FN 98 4 MCV Listeners' Reactions ANNA! JAhMM f 31185 ASHER4/ AN3E 2 Why Worry? (Text) 84 FN 99 31 MCV Listeners' Reactions 0 31188 81 FNENC 723 Passln' Through Tba Churches ANDRE HOPPER 85 FS 17 409 Joshua's Healing! (Coma) ) 15 Heart Ful I Of Hvn Poster Tract 84 FN104 17 MCV Fills My Empty Heart 83 FN 57 23 Greater Vlctorles(Heort Disease) 35 31189 81 FNENC 725 ''Good Shepherds'' Couple Apology 81 FNENC 624 Happy Birthday 2 The Heavenly City (Text) 84 FN106 13 Club Members Reactions ANNA WATTS 85 GM190 83 FN 65 109 Soul Saving Slide Show 2 Heaven On Earth (Text) 84 FN112 20 What They Say About MCV ANSEL S5GN191 272 China (Communist) ANDRE/DAD 83 LN 33 2 Miraculous Heal Ing 84 FN113 29 What They Say About MCV 83 HH 3 78 FNENC 174 New Member Of MIM's Heme J5GM192 2 Our Heavenly Home (Text) 81 FNENC 605 Babies Wear Only New Shoes? 83 HH 309 Hong Kong 7 Courses 83 FN 56 44 Sometimes I Wonder »y 85 31193 2 Magic River Of Life (Text) 85 FN120 7 Reactions To Meaningful Meetings 82 FNENC 912 Re: Lazarus', Others' Resurrect. ANNE 83 HH 312 Hong Kong 83 FN 63 199 Tropical Teens 85 GN19* 2 Pearly Gates Of Heaven (Text) 85 FS 12 678 Lying Vanities (Herpes) 83 HH 327 Hong Kong 7 Courses 83 FN 63 200 A Note On Faithfulness 95 31195 2 Pleasures Of Paradise (Text) AR3. REAPERS ANDRE/SAERIEL 83 HH 331 Hong Kong 35 KTL 223 Missionary Mall Ministry 84 FN 96 2 Wonderful Reaping Fruit 85 LN 5! 2 70-Yr-0ld Japanese Man ANNE (FRANCE) 83 HH 335 Taiwan 84 FS 10 224 Winning Disciples In India 84 FN107 15 New Labour Leaders Thru MCV 80 FNENC 329 Love At First Sight! 83 HH 349 Taiwan—7 Courses ANSEL (NL-IND0.) 84 FN103 14 Reapers' News ANDREA jfOLOS 4 LOIS 84 FS 11 8 China Field Report 82 FN 53 72 TG I Made The Right Decision! 85 FS 15 39 C. Rlcon Prodigal Returns ANNELIESE 19 FNENC 269 Letter To Edltor 85 FS 12 89 From Behind the Bamboo Ctrtalnl ARGENTINA IHC 82 FNENC 1303 Miracle Baby! 14 FS 8 131 Thou Preparest A Table Before Me 85 FS 12 473 Summary of Life 4 Witness—China ANSELAW) 84 FN 85 12 MCV Mai I Responses ANDREA/FIONA 85 FS 13 109 Confession of Oir Fal lures In HK 8! FNENC 566 A Visit With My Parents 84 FN103 23 Teens Reaching Teens ANTHONY 1 JOY _ »OL0S!USA> ARIEL (PHILIP.) 84 FS 10 171 Dearest Ones S3BOR 2 118 Early Disciples' Forsaking All ANGEL/DANIEL 83 FS 7 118 Hearts Of Immigrations Changed 83 FS 7 266 News Disciple Is So Thankful! ASHER 4 HCSEA 83 FN 60 15 Information For China Pioneers 83 FN 56 45 Health-f ul I Recipes ANDREAS ANTIPAS/HASAR KLL0S NORWAY ARMNO0 (PHIL.) 84 FS II 474 Tips On Food Buying 1 Cocking 85 FS 15 161 Child's mart problem Healed! 83 FN 63 264 Songs That 0u" Mother Forgot ANGELA 81 FNENC 527 Modern-Oay Gamaliel! ASHER 4 LYDIA 80 FNENC 416 Mountains 81 LN 11 29 Modern-Oay Gamaliel 82 FN 54 65 Oir India Story ANDREJ 4 MARIJA ANT0IN. (INDIA) 84 FS 10 243 Remember To Check 83 FS 7 284 FF-Exploslon In India KLLOSdNDON.) 82 FN 53 149 Fol low The Maharlshl To Her City 84 FS 8 186 New Faoes—Bombay Babes' Ranch 82 FN 55 67 Now 1 Understand What Love Means 85 FS 13 218 Rajiv God's Man for India? 84 FS 8 295 Cast Thyself (Thyroid Problem) ARWNDO/CHARITY 82 FN 53 167 Another Push Into Yugoslavia 84 FS 9 216 From WS Staffer Who Forsook Al I 85 GTD 476 Useful Legal Forms ANTDINE/tXMIN. 82 FNENC 1271 HJ. To Set The Captives Freel 84 FS 9 220 WS—Servants Of Al I! KLLOS/DAD ASHER (INDIA) 83 FS 7 110 Translating Is Heavenl 85 FS 17 252 Ventures of Faith 18 FNENC 130 Appendicitis: Prevent It! 83 FN 65 229 India Babes Ranch 84 FS 10 325 FFIng In India! ARMENDRIA S5GN166 11 Effects of TM 83 FS 7 258 MWJ4 Members Now TRFers 85 FS 17 141 Given The Desire of My Heart! 83 FS 7 326 How I Stopped Biting My Nails ANDREJ QUIXOTE A0LA (CF JAY) 85 GN167 14 God's Posters: Reaction 84 FN109 6 I Received A New Life 85 GN189 16 Many Prophets 4 Righteous Msn 85 FS 17 404 He Saved My Life—I Owe My Life! 84 FS 8 17 Locked Lk Yu-Rcpe-It's Nyu Hopel 85 FS 13 105 The Hardness 4 Wal Is Broken Do* 85 GN191 13 I See Your Love 85 FS 12 148 Pioneer Adventures In Yugoslavia ANGELA D'AMDRE «U0S/H0SANNA ASKR T'GIVING APHRAH/TJAD 83 BOR 2 145 Eirope's Early Explosions 78 FNENC 40 March On 83 LN 30 6 Living Proof (Kidneys) ARMY/CELESTE ANDREJ/OAO 80 FNENC 487 Throwl ng Away Passports? 78 FNENC 105 Pioneering Closed Society: Iran 85 GN169 13 The Little Child Is Bern! 82 FNENC 1288 Vol. TRF For RH Countries ANGELA Y'SBLOCO KILOS/KEREN T. 81 FNENC 596 Earthquakes In Diverse PIaoesI APCLL0S 79 FNENC 251 Chi Idren's Corner 81 FNENC 626 Responses To 'Problem Cases' I 81 FNENC 644 We Got The Pic 0' The Lit ANDRES 4 BLANCA 81 FNENC 645 A Miner Digs The Words! ARTEMAS 83 FN 57 118 Standing There Looking At Jesus 81 FNENC 677 8! FNENC 516 Jeremiah Tartan (Scotland) 84 FS 11 135 Tapenesslng Tlpsl ANGELA/DAD Still Striking Gold WL0S/P8M 83 FN 63 8 Lessons Learned In India 81 FNENC 702 83 FN 64 209 Six-Year-Old's Tltte Blessed 85 GNI7I 7 Another Wonderful Wsek Gleaned Gold Galore 84 FS 3 154 The World With Slides 4 Drama 83 FS 7 81 High Hurdles At The Asia Games ACRES (CHILE) 82 FNENC 885 Herpes 83 HH 3 98 Pakistan 82 V0L13 360 ARTEMAS/ELISAB. 84 FN 81 6 Chile Student Stood Up ANGELO Info On Herpes WLLOS/SPRING 83 HH 3 385 Getting Things Done In The East 83 GNIOO 26 80 FNENC 464 Why I Share M/ Wl fe 80 FNENC 443 Drug Addict Cones To The Light! Reaction To TJavId Prophecies" 83 FN 60 150 News From Hemes In India 84 FS 10 237 Lessons—Bombay Babes' Ranch ANDRES/JEAfCTTE 84 FS 10 450 84 FN 93 12 In The Spirit...Bangladesh 85 FS 14 70 Angelo's Confession Herpes: Accept Or Rebuke? 84 FN112 7 Provisioning In India 84 FS 10 240 Sharing With Babes 80 FNENC 447 Bone Disease Healed 84 FS 11 350 Thrill Of Music Project 85 FS 13 148 Sorry, That's Not the Family! 84 GN144 55 ARTHUR 4 BECKY ANGELO 4 SARAH The New Jewish Temple «A3 LIT-PIC ANDREW 84 GN153 2 79 FNENC 272 Caravanlng With Children 85 FS 15 145 Hit Ma Over the Head Faith 81 FNENC 681 Angelo 4 Sarah's Testimony Never Give Up The Fight 81 FNENC 538 An Angell Miracle Van! New House 84 GN153 2 80 FNENC 309 Word Tapes!—Use'm! 85 GTD 425 Babes Chart 82 FN 53 5 Chinese Wonderful Mjslc 83 FN 63 258 Lessons Fran Being In Bonds Biblical Examples: Flesh Enemlel 82 FNENC 897 Escape From A Holocaust 85 FS 12 94 TG for a Chance for China! 85 FS 17 142 t Pays to Put God First! 80 FNENC 424 A Caravanlng Faml ly Tel Is How! 84 FS 8 121 Keep On Believing 83 FN 62 103 Arabic LlT-Plc AShER T./ISAAC 85 FS 14 61 Finding the Missing Spoke! 85GTD 357 80 FNENC 490 Tips On Visiting Mobile Style! 85 FS 17 194 Now I Can Affirm I Love My Fanl Condensing The Lord's Letters 83 FN 64 136 Arabic Llt-PIc Appeal 83 FN 65 175 To Oir Favourite Couple 85 GTD 470 83 FN 62 112 Ccmbo Miracles 85 LN 51 3 Student Saved Thru Music Rental Contracts B FN 65 82 Now Or Maybe Never! ANDREW 4 JEWEL 83 FN 65 298 New Life To Newloves 84 FN 91 22 Arab Countries Need You ASHER/AMWA/DAO APCLLOS 4 DAD 83 FS 7 26 Amazing Miracles Going East! 83 HH 3 284 Chinese Culture 4 Customs ANGELO (ITALY) 84 FN110 14 Which I Have Never Tasted 85 GN171 10 Word For China/China Explodesl 85 FS 15 18 RS In China 83 BOR 1 3 83 FS 7 156 Jeeps Go East! 82 FNENC 1154 A Simpler Life Of Love! Intro To Book of Remembrance 85 FS 12 12 Free Offerl—EndtlnB Booklet! 85 GN17I II China Bride Responds 83BCR 1 111 83 FS 7 322 High School? Amenl 85 FS 14 119 God Wl 11 MBnd A Broken Heart Chronolog Of A Lifetime 85GN183 II Arabic Libraries ANDREW 4 JOANNA 83 FN 65 397 U Can Underst. The Future TrL 84 FN 91 14 Eastern Promises ASHER/LYDIA/DAO 82 FN 55 46 Lessons Throuh Inflltr. Chirches 83 FS 7 369 84 LN 42 12 Miracles Going East ANGELO/ABEL The Lover Of Al I Lovers Tract *ACELY(MEXICO) 84 GN157 13 The Kings of The East 83 FN 63 157 Five Year Old Forsakes All! 84 FNI03 30 82 FN 54 274 All Things Are Possible Giving To God (Compl latlon) 85 FN114 28 Sisters Serving Jesusl 84 FS 8 21 Through USA Yields 6 Disciples! 84 GN152 13 A True Space Story (Tract) ARTHUR NEWLOVE 82 FN 54 284 More Prison Testimonies ASHNAH (USA) 84 GN152 15 Like To Know Yoir Future?(Tract) 82 FN 54 290 Loving witness To Our Lawyer WAN/GENTLENESS 78 FNENC 58 Letter From Kl ng Arthur 83 FN 65 259 Vision Gives Life ANDREW 4 MARY 84 GNI53 6 Bom Again! (Tract) 82 FNENC 1155 Angelo's Prison Testimony " FNENC 256 Don't Be Duped By Drugsl 78 VOL 4 3639 To Work And Back! 80 FNENC 469 Fruitful But Dangerous Ministry 84 GN153 6 Heavenly Ccnmunlcatlcn (Tract) I 78 VOL 4 3639 The Odd Couplel 82 FNENC 1159 Testimonies Fran Cataocmb Church 81 FNENC 642 llluminatl ASHOK (KENYA) 84 GN153 Spirit of Love (Tract) 79 FNENC 234 Real Pay-Off—Whole New Life 82 FNENC 1174 The Great Escape! 83 FN 63 130 Ashok's Personal Testimony ANDREW (INDIA) 84 GN153 Healing In His Wings (Tract) 81 FNENC 572 Love Letter From "King Arthur"! "RCHI/CINAMMDN 85 FS 12 533 Changed Lives In India 84 GN153 83 LN 36 11 Racing Car Designer AN3EL0/DA0 Whose Fool Are You? (Tract) 79 FNENC 289 Fruits Of Chi Idren Becoming One 81 FNENC 573 Converted Van Happy Home For 71 84 GN154 Victory In Great Trlb. (Text) 82 FNENC 1122 Hemes Don't Invite You Inside 84 GN157 ASTRCfLASH/DAO New Heaven 4 New Earth (Text) ARTHuR(J0NATH.) 84 GNI58 ARCHIE (INDIA) 83 BOR 1 20 Dad's Astroflash Here's The Future! (Text) 85 FS 14 53 Our Pleas for Forgiveness 84 GN159 81 FNENC 720 Happy Helping Others Heavenly Life of Love (Text) 85 FS 14 56 Now I've Come Home to You! 351 BOOK AURORA

AURORA 82 FNENC 1117 Bodice Front/TJack Alterations BARNABUS/FAITH BELTE 4 HEIDI 82 FNENC 1118 Sleeve 4 Trouser Alterations 82 FlfNC 1322 Freed Frcm Lying! 85 GN195 26 Idento-Olscs: More Cn Mark 84 FS 8 251 Kute Kldz 85 FS 17 248 His Love Brought Us l sW FE 85 FS 15 7 MWM In the Caribbean ' ! 64 Faith In Our Worth! 82 FNENC 1118 Skirt Alterations ,FS" 7 247 Peter's Sweet Sample of Ur Love 82 FNENC 1130 Sunglasses: Buying Tips! BARMY 4 SARAH BELTE/HEIDI ., j BILL 4 MARIA AUST. VS/OAD 83 FN 56 188 4 Children In 27 Months 82 FNENC 1184 Martin Luther 83 FN 63 79 The Breadline 80 FNENC 411 The Rewards Of Pioneer!,, 81 FNENC 657 Fleecing New Disciples 4 RUTH 82 FNENC 1187 16 Health Emergencies/What To Do I** T,thed Caravan 82 FNENC 1189 Joke About Irish Bishop BART f". nr 58* °" BILL FAITH EELTE/MffllA 82 FNENC 1193 Vitamins 4 Minerals AVAK4RACHEL 84 FN 97 18 Thankful Parents 83 FN 62 4 Paul Swedish Kidnapped 81 FNENC 746 Taiwan's "Island Secret" 81 FNENC 852 Hawaii Rejects Massage 82 FNENC 1202 Mall Forwarding Services ^"^o 12 Club Msnbers In Tahiti 82 FNENC 1203 The Pebbles BART 4 ALICIA BEN BIRSITTA(FIN'D) AVAK/M) *Ts 232KuteKldz 85 FS 12 606 At 40, Life for Ms Just Began! 82 FNENC 1204 Personal Communications 80 FNENC 463 Boat Trip Portugal To USA 82 FNENC 1289 To Pledge My Love 1 La 81 FNENC 849 DTD Sales Of Tapes, IK Becks 82 FNENC 1205 Secret Compartments 84 FN 77 32 My Step To Adulthood 82 FNENC 1206 The Bank Secrecy Act Of 1970 BART 4 ANNA BITHIA M. 84 FS 9 40 Like Going To Heaven " 51 3 Tahltlan Members Win Souls 82 FNENC 1206 Roan Bugs 78 FNENC 127 Sprouting Seeds 83 FN 63 85 Witnessing Aide—Dayl Ight Screen 84 FS 9 40 Like Going To Heaven! 82 FNENC 1205 Alternatives To Banks 84 FS 11 250 Victorious Results Of FSB9 78 FNENC 128 Recipes Using Sprouts 84 FS 11 202 Baby-God's Insurance Poo. 82 FNENC 1209 Check Your Driving Habits 85 FS 14 85 Humility Is Love BART OH 81 FNENC 565 Recipe To Live Byl 84 FS 11 213 Such Honest RevelatlonslJ *f*f 2o6 French Lit Pic 105 Fran India 82 FNENC 1210 Economy In The Kitchen 81 FNENC 844 Incredible Edible Egg 80 FN 24 117 Ivan Ivanovltch! 84 GN153 3 Reaction to GN 149 82 FNENC 1211 Using The Bathroom 8! FN 41 113 Fellowship Revolution, The 84 GN153 15 Reactions to WNDs, "Dyl* 4 AC Communications Prep/Epsom 82 FNENC 1211 Yesterday's Ideas For Today 94GNI60 81 KD 10 2 Psalm 23 Colourbock 85 FS 13 63 The Trap of Foolishness.; f^Sr 583 Supper-Time Wcrd Reading BOAZ S DORCAS 83 FN 59 111 Slide Shows In Bangladesh 82 FNENC 1212 Carpets 82 FN 46 91 Exodus, The 82 FNENC 1213 Electrical Blackout BSE 82 FN 48 183 Mlsslss. Holocaust Dream!, The BEN 4 MIRJAM *FSI2 211 Combining Provisioning w/FFIng 82 FNENC 1214 Electrical Plugs 82 FNENC 1231 Changing The World In China 82 KD 21 10 The Lord's Prayer FJGAZ SKIDRON 82 FN 53 51 A Child Shall Lead Then., 82 FNENC 1215 Fuses 82 GN 12 2 Marrying Chinese 80 FNENC 450 Miracle Visas! 82 FN 55 163 Pioneer Lessons On Housfoa 82 FNENC 1216 Bicycles BARTOH (USA) 81 FNENC 811 A Kid Power Explosion In S.A. 82 FNENC 998 News From A Missionary Fai J3FN65 101 How I Learned To Love Lltnesslng 82 FNENC 1217 Save Heat 4 Money B1H 82 FN 54 224 Bart Oh 48 Fol lowing Up New Converts 82 FNENC 999 Excursion For Little Pla 82 FN 55 32 FNENC 1289 Quote From David Livingstone 85 FS 12 111 To Help You In a Teaching Job 3 4 Puppet Ministry 82 FNENC 1207 Home Improvement Tips— |nc 82 LN 23 32 HH 1 272 Table Top Sets 85FS12 112 Resumes 4 Getting a Job B3U/WIN (ARS.) 5 Pioneer Move Yields Great Fruit BART YCKE/WD 82 FNENC 1243 Fanlly witnessing In Ire 83 FN 59 85 FS 14 6 Conditions In China 35 FS 17 379 Fruit of "Shtlcklng"l 82 HH ! 274 Excerpts: 'Bock Of Movie Photos 84 GN158 14 1981-92 EndtlfiB Chart:Fr.ML 1808 82 FNENC 1250 Fledgl Ing Leaves The N 82 KD 17 3 Getting Good Exercise 85 FS 14 6 Winning China 82 FNENC 1318 Training Children On The ( BOAZ 4 SAMEL 82 KD 18 15 Simple Spanish SARTHOLOHEMftBA) BiHMIN (THAI) 84 FN 99 9 China Needs You Bin 83 FN 59 67 After 12 Years 4 Five Kid! B4FN1I3 11 Radio Disciple Benjamin's Story 82 KD 19 12 Slimple Spanish 83 BCR 2 121 Early Disciples' Forsaking All 83 FN 61 36 Ploneerlij East Indonesia 85 FS 12 116 Family Life In China 82 KD 19 14 The Magnificent Machine 83 FN 63 163 Strlngbean Or King, My F BOAZ/TJAO 32 KD 20 13 Do We Need Two Eyes? 85 FS 15 19 When Thou Goest Thru the Border BARZAUl BDUAMIN/DAO 82 FNENC 1121 Natal Astrological Charts? 83 HH 2 88 Tropical Health Care Tip: 81 FNENC 583 Witnessing Ad In Newspaper 82 KD 21 28 Far-Out Facts From Bible Days 83 FN 64 207 Witness To Madame Picasso 82 FNENC 1122 Blood Transfusions Okay? B1R/B1H 83 LN 35 7 12 Years 4 5 Klds?l 82 KD 23 40 Working W/ Paper Mache-Natlvlty 83 LN 35 II Otr Chinese Angel 82 KD 23 45 Games 85 FS 12 123 Our First Days In China BARZILLAI(JAM.) fERIAH 4 BASAN BOB (USA) 85 FS 12 200 Trusting In the Fronts 31 LN 16 11 Missionaries Use Music 82 KD 23 54 Why Do Wa Laugh? 83 FN 63 140 We've Cone This Far By Faith 83 BOR 2 119 Early Disciples' Forsaking All 82GN 14 51 Philip 4 Atlanta Cares (USA) 82 KD 23 56 What Do Angels Do? BEN 4 PRISCILLA 82 KD 23 58 Word—Building 79 FNENC 228 Beware of Hitchhiking BASAN BOB DAVIS 85 FS 14 96 Frcm Here to Eternlt 32 KD 23 62 The Shepherd (Reading) BERIAH 4 BETH 81 03 146 Revolutionaries For Jesus 83 FS 7 246 Minstrel Fol low-Up News 82 K0 23 63 Finger Poems For Christmas B. I! FNENC 927 The Wl Id Wind Story BEN 4 REBECCA 82 KD 24 21 Fast Feet 85 FS 12 92 It's Now China's Dayl BATHSHEBA 12 FNENC 967 Angel Heals Camper 85 FS 12 494 IHC Yields Indigenous ( 82LN22 6 Unwritten Letter To Apostle Paul 85 FS 12 113 Largs Families In China? MFS II 51 India Calling! 79 FNENC 238 Count St. Germain (Re: El Ixlr) 81 FNENC 818 PR-Ltrs. S Church Goln' Pays Off 82 LN 27 14 A True Story About Ira D. Sankey 85 FS 12 114 Adjusting to a Drop-In Situation 80 FN 28 109 Max/C.Amer. Campground Listings 85 FS 17 238 To Otr KI ng 4 Queen BEN 4 RUTH 32 WNE 537 Areas of Malaria Risk SERIAH WIRE 80 FN 28 167 History 4 The People—S. America 85 LN 50 6 Spirit of Fear Overcome 82 FNENC 1329 Rescuing A Lost Sheep Of 32 WNE 674 Destruction Of Jerusalem EVE U FNENC 220 Tape Care Tips 80 FN 28 169 Advice For Newcomers To L.Amer. 83 FN 57 86 Saying Of Helen Keller 83 FN 63 147 Mixed Up Couple—Love=The Answer 84 FN 83 27 Chinese Praises 81 FNENC 576 Simple Survival 1 80 FN 28 174 Health I nformatlon—L. America BATHSHEBA-INDIA 83 FN 57 111 More On William Branhan SI LN 13 13 Simple Survival 80 FN 28 176 Shipping To 4 From Latin America 84 FS 8 186 New Faces—Bombay Babes' Ranch BEN 4 RUTH D. 83 FN 65 367 How To Find Your Ring Size BANS-REAPERS t« I 181 Buying 4 Using Micro Recorders 80 FN 28 178 American Express Offices 84 LN 44 2 No Better Way Than God's 83 FN 59 28 13 Memorable Years 83 HH 2 21 Secret Life Of The Unborn Child 84FN1I0 I Bangladesh Reaping News Km I 182 Tape Care Tips 80 FN 28 186 Life 4 Travel In Latin America 2 26 The Miracle Of May Lanke's Love B VCL 9 8572 1981 Wild Wind Report 80 FN 28 204 Household Spanish In 60 Minutes 83 HH BEATRIZ 4 SOFIA 2 58 Pipe Cleaner Figures OnrH a PTJTGY BEN 4 RUTH/DAD 84 FN 78 2 Doctor 4 Family Join 80 FN 28 245 Important Signs—Spanish 83 HH 81 FNENC 561 The Shepherdesses I 2 140 Teaching Tools You Can Make 82 FN 53 270 Love Letters Fran MOV 81 FNENC 598 Teen Lit Shiner! 80 FN 28 246 Fabulous Mexico (Excerpts Fran:) 83 HH 83 HH 2 236 Teach Your Infant To Swim 82 LN 21 5 Disappearing Hurricane BECKY IBNWKEIKOPE) 80 FNENC 353 Words Of Comfort 4 Cheer BEN 4 SARAH 81 FNENC 759 Orphan Adopts God's Chi Idren 83 * 3 267 The Chinese-Book Review 85 FS 15 127 In Indlal—Our Dream Ccme True! 82 FNENC 1180 Kidnap 4 Escapel 80 FNENC 373 One Pot, One Burner Meals! 84 FN 9! 14 South Combo, India 83 HH 3 39» Tropical Travel ler 85 FS 15 66 Reaching Many with His Love 80 FNENC 373 Cosy Hole Cocklngl 3 404 The Traveller's Health Guide BANI ALI 84 FN 99 8 South India: Reception W (THAILAND) 80 FNENC 397 Reaching The Oeafl-Oeaf Ministry 83 HH 4 138 How To Photograph People 82 FNENC 1289 Tribute To Otr King! 84 FS 10 56 Oir Call To The Field! 82 FNENC 962 I 'm Hooked On Love 80 FNENC 433 Make Bread On A Campf Ire! 83 HH BECKY 4 ANA 4 212 Protect Your Processed Films 82 FNENC 1340 God Guarantees 84 FS 10 67 Lord Prepared A Plaoe For 80 FNENC 439 Inforaat. 4 Tourists In U.S.S.R. 83 HH 84 FS 10 313 Dearest Dad 4 Maria 4 213 Shooting In Spite Of The Weather 83 FN 60 17 Provisioning Miracles At MCV 84 FS 10 489 SI Ides—Duping Them Cheap! BETEL 80 FNENC 439 Info On Russian Tourist Visas 83 HH 4 216 Autoflash What's What B3 FN 65 286 A Laugh For The Day 85 FS 17 293 The IHC Meeting 85 FS 17 226 Happy To Be Homel 80 FNENC 443 Exercises After Delivery! 83* BECKY 4 LILY 4 217 Mstrlc Conversion Table 85 FS 17 293 South India NAFM Notes! 80 FNENC 454 Spanish For Witnessing 83 HH 84 FS 10 329 FFIng Yields Souls, Support 4 217 Conversion Filters: Colour Film BANI GYPSY 85 FS 17 294 The Famllycare Meeting "EIHhX 80 FNENC 454 Diarrhea 83 HH 4 218 Single Use Developers:35mm Films 85 FS 12 363 Feed My Lambs: Beginner Teacher 85FS15 21 My First Trip to China 80 FNENC 457 Keeping Out Of Trouble 83 HH BECKY (ABIGAIL) BEN 4 SARAH'S 83 HH 4 218 Using Batteries 80 FNENC 467 Packing To Save Moneyl-Franmars 85 FS 14 54 Fruits Meet For Repentance 84 FN 91 18 Love From India 33 HH 4 218 Neutral Density Filters BARAK 4 EVE BETH LIBERTY 81 FN 45 97 World Electricity Chart B FNENC 963 Escorting Without Agencies 33 HH 4 219 Negative Developers 79 FNENC 215 Tenderly Gather Than In 81 FNENC 571 Penny Pinchers Household Hints! BECKY N'LUV-USA BEN (ANDREW) 83 * 4 403 Escorting Without Agencies 83 HH 4 Z21 Copying Old Photographs 81 FNENC 576 Food 4 Household Supplies 83 FN 65 240 My Life Story 85 FS 14 72 Brought Back To The Word 4 33 HH 4 221 Copying With Filters BARBARA (USA) 81 FNENC 589 Plugged Washbasins 4 Sinks 83 HH 4 221 Copying Art Work 83 BOR 2 121 Early Disciples' Forsaking All 85 FS 14 73 My Inrolvement In Tr. MsdltaW STHANY 81 FNENC 590 Family Circus Cartoon BECKY NEMLOVE 80 83 HH 4 222 Black 4 White Roll Films FNENC 302 Taking Jesus To The Disco 81 FNENC 615 Counterdoses For The Home! 78 FNENC 42 Latest News On Angelo BEN (HOLLAND) 84 FS 8 70 10-Yr-0ld Visits King S Quean! 83 HH 4 223 Fl Iter Recommendations Fcr B/W BARNABAS (USA) 81 FNENC 615 Household Tips: Out, Spot, Out! 78 FNENC 101 One Of My Spirit Helpers 83 BOR 2 123 Early Disciples' Forsaking 83 HH 4 223 Enlargement Guide: Instant Film 83 BOR 2 124 Early Disciples' Forsaking All 81 FNENC 616 List Of Poisonous Plantsl 4 225 Temperature Conversion Table 78 FNENC 116 My Forever Love KTH-EHEM (HO 83 HH 81 KD 16 16 Simple Spanish 4 226 Tips For Smart Camera Buyers BARNABAS(JAPAN) 78 FNENC 191 ILY Because You First Loved Me BEN O0RA2DN M FN 61 197 Typing For Jesus In Chinese 83 HH 82 FNENC 934 Homa Soapmaklng 4 241 Printing Fault Finding 83 FN 67 83 Japan Field Report 65 FS 12 216 Catacombers from Tape Minis' 83 HH 82 FNENC 935 Spot Removing Tips 4 434 Miscellaneous Supporter Ideas BELEN , EEV 83 HH ?9 82 FNENC 935 Penny Pinchers Household Hints 4 444 Photographic Modelling 85 FS 17 250 Lellanl's Birth Testimony BENP.AE0A FNENC 219 Plea For "Real Fathers" 83 HH BARNABAS/HEAVEN 82 FNENC 936 Tips On Snow 4 Cold Camping 83 HH 4 545 Auto ABC's—Changing A Flat 83 FN 65 115 Invading The Japanese Churches 81 FNENC 644 Sound Off 82 FNENC 936 Van Bench/Bed BELL 83 HH 4 546 In Buying A Used Car *ZY 4 SALOME 82 FNENC 978 Quotations Fr. Benjamin Frank! In 85 FS 17 139 1st Impressions of Ftoyal Home 78 FNENC 141 Old Timers - G'parents/Parents 83 KD 26 13 Hearing 82 FNENC 991 How To Hitch 352 353 CHINESE L-P/DAD kSMH^I BOOK/DAD CWRITWAITHY) 83 FN 74 23 Brasll Highlights 85 FS 13 170 How to Mate Marriage Work 83 KD 32 . 14 Word-BuiIdlng BROTHER SUN CAL./MERRYHEART 22 Reaching The Top 84 FNI12 85 FS 14 14 Not An Hair of Your Head Perishl 83 KD 34 14 Keep You- Balance 82 FNEJC 1303 Seven F's Of FFIng Females! 30 Queen's Training of Musicians 84 FS 8 38 Heal Ing: (Clogged Tsar| 85 FS 12 85 FS 17 153 Shepherdess' Rest 4 Ref 111 Ing 83 WNE 829 World Church Membership 193 My Boot Trip Eastl 83 FN 67 112 The Bomb Dream (No.378) 85 FS 12 85FSI7 161 Partaking of Maria's Wlsdoml 83 WNE 871 Height 4 Weight Standards 396 Guidelines to Good Memory 85 FS 12 33 Song Translating Victories! CALEB4LAM3 85 FS 12 83 WNE 905 World Temperatures 4 Humidities 85 FS 17 221 Taken Apart To Come Together 82 GN 10 24 Taiwan - Pioneer Fl«u 85 FS 13 65 Foolishness CHARITY/DAO 84 FS 8 362 Metric Body Measurement Chart 85 FS 17 415 Know You- Enemy! (Herpes) 84 FN 99 12 Reaching The East Witt 85 FS 13 66 Leaving the Old, Starting New 29 85 GN196 Letter Fr. Lover:Faithy(Chority> 84 FS 8 365 New Twists On Hair Jf" 85 FS 13 67 Joy of Sitting by You" Window 84 FS 8 365 R-R-Ruffles BROTHER SUNftJSA) CALEB 4 SHILOH m HO«B At Last! 85 FS 13 67 Arrival to Shangri-la! 84 FS 8 367 Hairstyles 4 Manicures ti To And From Dad! CHARD 83 FN 61 202 Saved From Darkness At Last 8! FNENC 851 Extra Gift To Mission 85 FS 13 68 Clothlng/Shoes/Footweor In Home 84 FS 8 243 Provisioning 84 FS 8 381 Sums- (Rice Recipes) Z A warning To Parents! 85 FS 17 386 Sing Of The Mercies Of The Lord S^BlrSofMu^ConVlda" 85 FS 13 68 Effects of FSMs 8, 9 4 10 84 FS 10 533 Mate A Soft Butterfly Blouse CALEB4 SONNET **£ 85 FS 13 69 Food Here I n the Home CHEBAR 84 GN109 218 Excerpts "Your Child's Teetti" BRUCE 82 FN 55 183 Lessons Learned Going ; U Comments On The Caribbean 85 FS 13 70 The Schedulel «SS To Dad From Carlos 4 Rosa 83 FN 57 124 Prodigal Daughter Returns 84 GN152 5 Judson, Adonlram 83 FN 56 127 Fund Raising In The USA 82 FN 55 189 Schools In Indle-Gol* 85 FS 13 71 Security 4 Safety In the Home 2 The Ca-lbbean Basin Today 84 GN152 5 Karens „R£N= 85 FS 13 71 Devotions! f9I^W in Floods Of GreatWaters CHEERFUL 84 GN152 5 Burma: History From China BRUNO/MARIA CALEB MT. MAN 85 FS 13 72 'Confinement' within the Home % Jcrd Working Greater Victories 84 LN 46 4 Japanese Mother Visits Family 84 GN152 5 Burma, Socialist Republic 85 FS 13 154 Confirmation of Tighten Family! 81 FNENC 749 Buddhist Saved/Healed ( 2 85 FS 13 73 Sunday Fellowshlps 84 KD 38 8 What Are Germs? 237 Shaken, Pu-ged, Cleansed 85 FS 13 73 David's Window 11FS ' 12 The Latin Connection 85 FS 13 CHEERFUL SERVUS 84 KD 40 8 The Red River BRUNT CALEB W/FRANCES 74 Vldeosl 84 FS 10 333 FFIng Fol low-Up SfSH ,« u To Rebuke The Disunity, IJN1 85 FS 13 84 LN 39 13 Modern Day Jonah 84 FS 8 219 Making FFIng Pay—Freelance ES 84 FS 8 101 Little Things? LH 75 Dinner Dancing! (4FS" 85 FS 17 135 St. Augustine: Facts S Quotes 228 rjrean About Dad 4 Uruguay! 85 FS 13 75 Openness 4 Honesty 1 n the Home II FS" (54 The Effect of Politics In Peru 85 FS 13 CHEFE/ANA(OX.) 85 FS 17 234 The Art Of Wearing Perfume BOWER FULLER CALEB W/J3HN F 76 The 'Saving' Spirit of David 85 FS 12 629 Chepe Returns! lifS" 85 FS 13 85 FS 17 256 Re:Preventlng Long Hair Snarls 83 BK 10 188 City Of The Future 83 FS 7 183 Slide Ad Frcm TheFtilllj 2 The Love Of David 77 Cooperation In the Home B5GN1&4 85 FS 13 85 GTO 320 Computers 2 Socialist inter'I World Order 77 Deep Love for David & Maria SGN184 85 FS 13 CHERAN 85 GTD 498 MBtrlc Body Measu-ement Chart CALEB (EST n Ohio: Where Sin Doth Abound 78 Prayer for David! BURMA IHC as an" 85 FS 13 83 FN 64 212 Movie: The Missionary 78 FNENC 91 Letter Of Apology 22 Rise Of Right In U.S. 79 Traln-As-You-Gol 85 GTD 499 World Temperatures 1 Hunldltles 85FS15 6 Burma's Colling! 85 FS 13 83 HH 4 526 GP Printing Tips 79 The Chlldrenl 85 GTD 50t Weights 4 Measures 85 FS 13 CHILD 80 P.S. on Peeling Garlic 85 GTD 502 Conversions—Weights 4 Measu-es BURMA PIONEERS OftflSAON/SEN 85 FS 13 84 FN 80 15 New Sponsor Fcr ONK CALEB YOKE MFS 10 513 when It's Time To Travel 80 Memories of ou- Beloved Queen 85 GTD 503 Conversions—Decimal/Thermometer 85 FS 17 48 Cal I Of Burma-For You? 85 FS 13 84 FS 10 328 An ES Adventure 81 How Inspirational 1st Went Selahl 85 GTD 504 Time Zones 63 FN 60 43 Missionaries Turned 85 FS 13 84 FS 10 68 Going For God-MM 178 Romantic Relationships in WS! 85 HH 5 24 Simple Exercising Fun BYRON UIOS/KJSA/DAD 85 FS 14 CHILE COMBO 68 Every Thought to Obedience 85 HH 5 71 Bible Handbook 81 FNENC 795 "Coming To Australia" Commentary 85 FS 17 83 FS 7 310 What Going Cento Means To Me 85 HTL 118 Winning Ways With Children CALEB/DAD 85 GN173 169 Apology 4 Prayer For A Change MFS 8 119 He Is Faithful 4 Just To Forgive 84 FN 86 28 Pre-Teen Summer Camp 85 HTL 155 Influence A Group Or Meeting BYRON/DAD 80 FNENC 372 Witnessing While Sick 85 GTD 16 God Knew His Jew: Sans TM Mantra 252 Lr Own Letraset by Photocopying 84 FN 94 26 New Disciples Mop Up 85 HTL 159 Confronting Difficult Persons 80 FNENC 446 Donations Fcr Al I Prayer Letters 85 GTO 312 Sample Visual Aids Charts 85 HTL 192 Effective Writing CALEB/MATTHEW 85 GTD CHILE FAMILY 85 FS 15 67 Your Words Give Faith! 433 DM Memory Chert by Days of Month 85 KD 47 8 Seeds 4 Bulbs 80 FNENC 460 Americans Going Abroad 85 GTD 85 FS 15 102 Chi le Ea-fhquake Photos! 80 Guidelines To Good Memory I 85 KD 47 10 How Does A Plant Grow? 85 KD 47 12 Flowers, Fruits 4 Vegetables CALEB/REB/ESTH. CHILE IHC 18 RENC 28 Takl ng Heaven To Others 31 I'm So Happy You're Closer Now 85 KD 47 20 An Egg Turns Into A Chick! C 4 M 82 FNENC 944 God's Supply In Calcutta CEPHAS 4PETRA 84 FN 75 10 Chile MCV Club Members 85 FS 14 34 Learning a Trade!—FF Lessons! MLE 84 GN153 14 Catherine the Great 84 FN 79 8)FN 56 157 Healed (Blocked Fal Icplan Tubes) 26 MCV Transmits Faith BOOK/DAD CANCICN 85 FS 12 258 United In His Love 84 FN 86 7 Reactions From Visited Bc'ers 82 FNENC 1254 Singapore-Past, Present 1 Future C. (BURMA) 80 FNENC 447 Four In An Airplane 85 GN184 1 Mark Of Beast Is Here! 84 FN 90 19FNEN0 267 They're Still FFIng In Tenerlfe! 84 FN 77 14 First Disciple In Burma 84 FN 90 9 IHC Progress Report BRANRO CANDACE CEPHAS (USA) 34 FN 94 25 Latest MCV Reactions 85 GN180 11 Exoam: Portuguese Joel (Brasll) C. (FISH) 85 FS 12 659 A Ll fe Changed tfWJS4 ASHMAH 85 FS 13 220 An Angel Just fcr Mel 84 FNI02 19 Latest MCV Reactions 82LN 29 2 Prisoner Thankful For Kelp 85 GN180 11 Excom: Aarao (Brasll) 78 FNENC 28 Love's Magic 84 FN111 14 Latest MDV Reactions 85 GNI80 11 Exocm; Jose Fe (Brasll) CARLOS 4 MAGGIE CEPHAS/DAD 84 FS 8 160 React. To 'Diligent In Business' 81 FNENC 852 Raised Giving To 15< 85 GN180 11 Excom: Naun (Brasll) C. (TIRKEY) CtSSMRA 85 GN171 7 Del Iverance From TM 85 FN116 31 MCV Radio Reactions 85 GN180 II Excom: Abraham (Brasll) B5 FS 17 352 They Had Never Told MB Howl EFtec 1299 ESIng Tips—How To Hock'm m 4 399 ESIng Tlpsl How To Hook'ml 85GN1B0 II Excom: Andre 4 Nice (Brasll) CARL0S4R0SY CH. 4 M.(MALAY) CHILE NRO 85 GN180 11 Excom: Ahlas (Brasll) C. CHAUNXER 84 FN100 30 Many Ways To Witness 81 FNENC 527 City Yields 4 New Disciples 85 FS 12 169 Effects of Chi le Persecution! 81 FNENC 788 A Child's Christmas Carol WFERINEOUN.) 85 FS 15 98 Positive Effects Chi le Persec. BRAZIL CARLOS (ARGEN) FS 17 370 Into The Green Pastires Of David CHARIS YOUNG 85 GN180 9 Watch Your Kids 85 FS 17 275 Co-op Prov. Team Shares Fruits! CA IHC 84 FN109 22 What I Needed 83 FN 57 135 Mystical Woman SOW JOHN 84 FN 89 21 Effects Of Meaningful Meetings CHILE/WD LN 28 8 Visiting The Chu-ches BRAZIL IhC 84 FN 92 22 MCV Club Reactions CARLOS (FISH) CHARIS/DW 82 FNENC 1021 2B Or Not 2B Responses Continued 84 FS 10 334 Tropical Fruit 84 FN 95 32 MCV Club Reactions 78 FNENC 171 Search For God/Prayer/4 / 81 FNENC 503 Carole King Album Okay? 84 FN 99 24 MS-A Marvellous Dimension SuWM"RIE/M3- CHINA FAMILY BRAZIL NO 84 FN1I0 27 It Flows From Their Hearts CAHLOS (VENEZ.) ' FNENC 815 It's Gertie Be God's Love CHARITY 81 FNENC 523 A Look Into China KFNFJC 887 Winning Jap. Children Thru Club 84 GNI52 12 Prophecies Received For Dad 84 FN112 31 Don't Tate Your Program Off 84 FS 8 179 That Ye Bear Mjch Fruit 80 FNENC 318 standing Up For Jesus In school 82 FNENC 889 souls Won Within China 35 FN115 25 Central America Responses 81 FNENC 813 Faithfully Feeding Parents 82 LN 22 4 Souls Won Within China BRISA (CHILE) CARLOS T.(P.R.) SWVrHIL/JOHN 82 FNENC 1316 Years Of Training Bear Fruit 84 FN 78 9 China - Steps Of Faith 84 FS 10 284 Brlsa's Personal Testimony CANOs 82 FNENC 1123 Life Begins At 401 " FNENC 742 Stirring Up The Churches 83 FN 63 187 L.American HI School Finds Home 84 FS 8 322 Teaching Tips In China 85 FS 15 36 Fol lowl ng Footsteps 83 LN 34 2 Training Bears Good Fruit 85 FS 12 117 Still Thrilled to be Hsrel BRITISH PRESS 85 FS 15 37 Fresh Produce for Exportation! CAHLOS T./DA0 llESTE 85 FS 12 286 Changing a Breech Position * FS 8 210 They' II Be Otr Friends Forever 81 WNE 294 Comic Of Free Love 80 FNENC 484 MWM: Mobile With Meaning CHINA MINSTRELS CA NRO CHARITY (USA) 83 FS 7 137 China Minstrel I Ing News! BRO. SUN/DAD 85 FS 12 329 Train Up a Child! CARLOS T/ROSA SLESTEK.GER.) 83 FN 65 338 Teen Testimonies B FS 7 270 Ou- Fl Ight From E. Germany 81 FNENC 515 Donating To System Causes 81 FNENC 539 Shipping Your Car? CHINESE CM CAASI 4 BETH 81 FNENC 707 Argentina Travelogue CHARITY DM 83 FN 57 90 Disciple In China Says "Come"! BRONWYN(AUSTOL) 83 FN 56 182 Heavenly Traces 83 FN 58 10 Christmas Special From MCV! ' *!ESTE/bAD 82 FN 55 39 Dally Might Class 8 84 FNI02 7 Babes Ranch - India 83 FN 67 25 Give Unto Them Beauty For / GN183 13 From One Of Your Little Birdies 83 GNIOO 33 Letter Re: DM CHINESE JOHN CAASI A. (USA) 84FN110 30 Catching Reaper Fever 84 FS II 82 Oir Friend Fights Backl 84 LN 42 11 Rebel Finds His Cause BROTH.SUWTHAI) 82 FN 54 226 Caasl Athens uSLlA 84 GN123 15 Letter Fran TV Station Manager 85 FS 12 336 Children's Tims at the NAF 85 FS 17 345 Changed Lives In Thailand CARLOS TRANS. 85 FS 14 32 Delegate In China! CHINESE L-PArAD CAASI/SHEBA/2EPH0 77 FNENC 5 FFers Drinking Tips 35 FS 14 32 Endtime classes—A Real Key! 82 FNENC 1011 Chinese Lit—What A Way The WWWs BROTHER IN BONDS 79 FNENC 484 Help The Kids Get The Pictirel 78 FNENC 77 Brlgltta: Fruit Of FFIng *HAS 85 FS 15 63 Law Conferenos with A's Angels! s 85 GN190 12 Fruit Of Love: Photo 81 LN 19 3 A Letter Fran Prison 30 FN 28 49 Latin America's Surprises! ' FNENC 174 To David GNlyu I* n ui 1 u, 82 FNENC 1145 A Letter Fran Prison CA3B0N/ISA9ELLE 80 FN 28 67 Profiles—Argentina $ FN 53 200 Brazil: A Mjsical Explosion 85 FS 12 642 Caring for Three Ful Itime Fish! 81 FNENC 851 Tithing Testimony 80 FN 28 69 Prof 1 les—Venezuel a "> FN 53 205 Behind The Scenes At MCS 3 80 FN 28 70 Prof I les—Panama 2 FNENC 939 Videos Shown To M*. Coosa CHINESE LIT-PIC COMPILED

CHINESE LIT-PIC 81 FN 45 247 News Briefs By You-W.Amerlea 82 FNENC 1220 Are You Lifting S Loving 75 VOL 3 3199 Witnessing! 1 My Birthday Tribute to Maria! 80 FN 27 112 Ideas 4 Views By You! 82 GN 2 18 Interview W/A Transl atcr-Maachah 81 FN 45 254 News Briefs By You-Pac/SEAsia 75 VCL 3 3213 Daniel 7! 53 SK 282 More Heavenly Jewels! 80 FN 27 113 Ideas 4 Views By You! 83 FN 61 112 words Of David Into Chinese 81 FNENC 502 What The Faml ly Says About M*l! CHRYSOLYTE 75 VOL 3 3219 Daniel 8! 109 Currents!—No.2 80 FN 28 21 News Briefs By Youl-N S S.Amer. 85 FS U 111 Relating to the Chinese 81 FNENC 503 What Faml |y Says About The Pubs 78 FNENC 169 Apple Recipes 75 VOL 3 3226 Daniel 91 204 Swimming Pool Care 4 Maintenance 80 FN 28 26 News Briefs By Youl-L.Amer/Spaln 80 FN 28 81 More Prof I les—Chi le 81 FNENC 511 Su-vlval S Camping Tlpsl 75 VOL 3 3233 Daniel 10, 11 4 121 70 Answers to Your Questions!—No.9 CHINESE TCC 80 FN 28 89 More Prof I les—Honduras 81 FNENC 540 Su-vlval, Health 4 Travel Tips CHUCK (USA) 75 VCL 7 6606 MD-blllty! 196 Home Security Guidelines! 79 FNENC 264 The Letters Into Chinese 16 81 FNENC 54! Survival Jewels 83 BCR 2 126 Early Disciples' Forsaking All 76 VOL 1 1 BJ* 209 Grandpa Jewels! 80 FN 28 90 More Prof I les—Ecuador Dad's Wee Word Of I.... BBKt6 81 FNENC 543 Friends Old 4 New 76 VOL 3 3260 V From Here To Eternity! 80 FN 30 28 News Briefs By Youl-Pac/SEAsia CHLCE Our Shepherd, Moses Davldl ijaof 81 FNENC 546 Knew Disciples (8/80-9/80) CINDEE 76 VOL 3 3586 14 More Sure word of Prophecy! 80 FN 30 33 News Briefs By Youl-L.Amer/Spaln 85 FS 15 112 Another Reaction to 'Time's Up!' Four Horsanen of the Apocal,^, 81 FNENC 555 What The Family Says About M-'s! 79 VOL 7 6287 More On "Handicapped?" 76 VOL 4 3834 26 Signs of the Times! 80 FN 30 40 News Briefs By Youl-Europe Little Jewels! "* 33 iff 81 FNENC 574 Survival, Caravan 4 Health Tips! 76 VOL 4 3860 53 Rise 4 Reign of the Antlchristl 80 FN 30 44 News Briefs By Youl-N.Amerlca Seventh Seal!, The SiBCf 81 FNENC 582 A Good Laugh To Save The Day! CHRIS 4 NAOIA CINTHIA (SWISS) 80 FN 30 48 Ideas 4 Views By Youl 76 VOL 4 3892 K>' LI'I Jewels! 103 Atom War! 83 FN 61 127 The Making Of Your Songbook' \ 53 iff 80 FN 32 23 News Briefs By Youl-N.Amerlca 81 FNENC 591 Notes From MWM Minstrels! 83 FN 65 229 India Babes Ranch 76 VOL 4 3915 Jewels Galore! 128 More Thoughts on the Atom War! »8)F 80 FN 32 27 News Briefs By Youl-NA/Eur/Asla 81 FNENC 603 He Wl 11 Take Care Of His Own! 76 VCL 4 3923 More Precious Pearlsl 137 Second Coming of Jesus Chrlstl CHRIS (USA) CLAIRE 33 iff 80 FN 32 33 News Briefs By Youl-Paclflc 81 FNENC 605 Childcare Tips By Youl 76 VOL 4 3931 Seven Vials! 158 Marriage Supper of the Lamb! 83 BCR 2 123 Early Disciples' Forsaking All 33 BOF 81 FNENC 606 Chi Idcare Tips 4 News By Youl 82 FN 55 287 A Drean Cone True 76 VCL 6 5712 172 Wrath of Go